On 10/27/2018 9:15 AM, Ant wrote:
> On 5/18/2018 10:16 PM, Ray Quinn wrote:
>> On 5/18/2018 22:14, Ray Quinn wrote:
>>> Does anyone monitor this newsgroup?
>> WOW! It really works.
> I just got here to talk about that crazy WS game #3 overnight! I guess
> this place is dead! :(
Still dead. :(
Life's so loco! ..!.. *isms, sins, hates, (d)evil, z, tiredness, my
body, illnesses (e.g., COVID-19 & SARS-CoV-2), deaths (RIP), heat,
interruptions, issues, conflicts, obstacles, stresses, fires,
out(r)ages, dramas, unlucky #4, 2020, greeds, bugs (e.g., crashes &
female mosquitoes), etc. D: Note: A fixed width font (Courier,
Monospace, etc.) is required to see this signature correctly.
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