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Oct 30, 2012, 2:01:51 AM10/30/12
Sábado, 27 de Octubre, año 2012 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo,
Guayaquil, Ecuador - Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

Deseamos expresar nuestro amor, oraciones y condolencias a las
familias de las victimas que sufrieron el dolor de ver a sus amados y
amistades desaparecer de pronto, sin saber aún: ¿Cómo? ¿Ni por qué? El
techo del supermercado localizado en la provincia argentina de
Neuquen, a más de 1.100 kilómetros al suroeste de Buenos Aires,
simplemente de pronto se desplomó sobre mucha gente que transitaba por
el lugar y deja, lamentablemente, muertos, desaparecidos y heridos
bajo los escombros y el polvo de la confusión y el desorden total.
Nosotros le pedimos a nuestro Padre celestial, en el nombre sagrado de
su Hijo amado, nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo, que tenga
compasión de sus familiares: porque ellos sufren el dolor de la
desaparición repentina de sus amados y amistades, para que les deje
sentir en sus corazones que los suyos se encuentran en la gloria
celestial del reino angelical. Porque para esto nuestro Padre
celestial envió a su Hijo amado al mundo, para rescatar lo que se
había perdido en el paraíso por culpa de la desobediencia de un sólo
hombre, Adam y su esposa Eva.
Puesto que fueron ellos los que comieron del fruto prohibido, para no
solamente desobedecer el Espíritu Santo de la palabra infalible de
nuestro Padre celestial y de la sangre santísima del holocausto
continuo de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, la cual inicialmente ya había
sido derramada sobre el Altar santísimo del Tabernáculo glorioso del
cielo, sino que también mueren para separarse de Dios. Y es por eso
que cada uno de los retoños de Adam muere en la tierra, porque nuestro
Padre celestial le declaró abiertamente no solamente a Adán y Eva,
sino también a sus hijos e hijas, diciéndoles: del polvo saliste en el
día de tu creación, pues al polvo volverás por culpa del pecado.
Y, desde entonces acá, todo hombre, mujer, niño y niña muere para
regresar al polvo de donde nuestro Padre celestial junto con su
Espíritu Santo los tomó uno a uno para que naciesen en su imagen y
vivan eternamente y para siempre conforme a su semejanza celestial en
su nuevo reino angelical, ¡La Nueva Jerusalén santa y gloriosa del
cielo! Pero aunque el hombre y la mujer mueren para regresar al polvo,
de donde nuestro Padre celestial con su Espíritu Santo en su día
glorioso les dio vida en su imagen y así vivan perpetuamente conforme
a su semejanza celestial, entonces nuestro Señor Jesucristo también
murió desde mucho antes que ellos muriesen para posteriormente
rescatarlos del infierno, y esta vez para la eternidad.
Por esta razón, nuestro Señor Jesucristo declaró abiertamente no
solamente a sus apóstoles y discípulos de aquellos días sino también
de todos los tiempos, de que sólo Él es el camino, la verdad y la
vida; y nadie puede regresar al cielo para vivir eternamente con
nuestro Padre celestial y sus huestes angelicales, a no ser que
vengan a él primero. Y todo aquel que viene a Él arrepentido, no le
hecha afuera por ningún pecado, sino que lo recibe con los mismos
brazos abiertos que siempre se abrieron inicialmente para recibir a
Israel, sobre el Monte Sinaí, escapando del cautiverio Egipto y así
los llevó con sus brazos extendidos día y noche hasta entrar
triunfantemente a la tierra prometida de Israel.
Por eso, los desaparecidos por el techo del supermercado que colapso
sobre ellos, ya se encuentran ante la presencia gloriosa de nuestro
Padre celestial, gracias a la obra salvadora de nuestro Señor
Jesucristo, para que ya no vivan más para ellos mismos, como siempre
lo hacían en la tierra, sino que vivan ahora para nuestro Padre
celestial y sus nuevas glorias infinitas. Y porque nuestro Señor
Jesucristo vive resucitado desde el tercer día del polvo de la tierra
y de su infierno, venciendo así a Satanás, al ángel de la muerte y a
todo mal del más allá, entonces todo hombre, mujer, niño y niña de
todas las naciones puede vivir libre del peligro eterno, porque
nuestro Señor Jesucristo ya vive por nosotros en el cielo.
Y en el cielo, nuestro Señor Jesucristo es no solamente el Hijo de
Dios y sumo sacerdote de nuestro Padre celestial y de su Espíritu
Santo delante de las huestes angelicales, sino que él también es el
único supremo sacrificio celestial de sangre santísima llena de
nuestra única vida eterna de cada uno de nosotros. Por ello, nuestra
vida eterna misma clama por nosotros desde el cuerpo santísimo del
Cordero Santo, nuestro Señor Jesucristo, inmolando inicialmente en el
Lugar Santo de los Santos del cielo, y luego sobre el monte santo de
Jerusalén crucificado sobre los árboles cruzados y secos de Adán y Eva
para salvación de cada uno de sus hijos e hijas por toda la tierra.
Por ende, nuestro Señor Jesucristo sigue siendo nuestro sumo sacerdote
y Cordero santísimo con la sangre redentora de todos nosotros en todas
las naciones, para ser lavados y purificados de todo mal del más allá
y así poder ingresar inmediatamente a la vida eterna del reino
angelical, sangre bendita: La cual no deja de clamar a Dios nunca por
nuestro bienestar y salvación. Por ello, podemos seguir confiando a
ojos cerrados en nuestro Señor Jesucristo como nuestro salvador y
dador de la vida eterna de nuestras almas vivientes, porque él jamás
dejara de ser nuestro sumo sacerdote y Cordero de Dios con la sangre
reparadora de nuestras vidas en la tierra en estos días y en el nuevo
reino angelical para la eternidad.
Que nuestro Padre celestial continúe bendiciendo grandemente con las
inagotables riquezas de su Espíritu Santo a cada una de todas las
familias argentinas dentro y fuera de sus tierras, en el nombre
santísimo y todopoderoso de su Hijo amado, ¡nuestro Señor Jesucristo!,
se lo pedimos a hora y siempre. ¡Amén!


On the morning of the third day, our heavenly Father descended over
Mount Sinai with His supreme celestial sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-
blood thus to offer His Son’s sacrificed-life over His Altar for
forgiveness to atone for Israel’s sins, so they may walkout from
Egypt’s slavery at last to the land that He had personally chosen for
them to inherit forever. On this glorious morning, Mount Sinai’s
summit became our heavenly Father’s Altar of forgiveness, repentance,
healing for Israel for His Plan of Salvation that He had personally
started with Abram and his friends at Salem’s gate, so Israel may
become liberated at last from the power of darkness that was holding
them into captivity for more than four-hundred years.

Here our heavenly Father was able not only to forgive Israel’s sins
graciously for neglecting His Plan of Salvation that He started with
Abram and his allies by eating the bread and wine from His Supper
Table that was indeed Melchizedek’s (Jesus Christ) sacred-flesh,
unbroken-bones and atoning-blood served to everyone, but also gave
them a way out to life, peace and everlasting happiness. And over His
ancient Altar for forgiveness our heavenly Father remembered His
promises and eternal mercies manifested to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,
so He may restore Israel before Him with blessings of incredible
richness that no nation has ever experienced since the world was
found, so they may all become His children on earth doing His will all
the time.

Therefore, it was necessary for our heavenly Father to descend over
Mount Sinai with His celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood
shed within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai, so in
due time Israel will also shed his blood over Jerusalem’s holy hill
for the nations of the world to become saved from Satan’s lies, sin,
death and hell. Inasmuch as, the promises of life that our heavenly
Father had promised to Abram and his friends at His Super Table, then
they would come to fulfill in due time for them too, so they may
become His children forever saved by the power of the atoning-blood
shed in heaven at His Altar, of forgiveness and repentance from evil.

In truth, without His celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood
within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai, our
heavenly Father can never do anything for any one in heaven for the
angels and on earth for humankind, beginning with Israel, for example,
so love, truth and justice may prevail above all things forever into
all eternity. Because, the sacrificial blood must be shed and honored
ultimately within His divine heart and the heart of every man, woman
and child on earth, so He may not only forgive sin but also heal the
living souls of His children thus to grant without measure the
fullness of the blessing from the Holy Spirit of His blessed name and
glorified Ten Commandments.

For this is reason that every one should come to our heavenly Father
to stand at His Altar of forgiveness and repentance from sin and evil
that came down from heaven over Mount Sinai so the Holy Spirit may
subdue darkness within everyone’s life for love, peace, prosperity and
everlasting happiness to continue to increase forever into all
eternity. These days, our heavenly Father’s Altar for forgiveness and
repentance from sin and wickedness continuous to work wonders within
the heart of every man, woman and child that wants to be blessed from
heaven above and from the earth below likewise, because all things
belong to our heavenly Father and they are given to us abundantly
through His Son Jesus Christ.

For this is the only way possible that truly Satan with the darkness
of his deadly lies pronounced against Adam and Eve can be defeated on
earth these days and in heaven forever, so people from everywhere may
escape the power of sin, poverty, sickness and deceases, furthermore
escape the terrible torments of hell and the lake of fire, as well.
Additionally, for our heavenly Father to start liberating Israel from
Egypt’s darkness and Satan’s presence and his devils within the
Egyptian Pharaoh’s heart, then He had to establish himself first over
Mount Sinai’s summit with the full power and authorities of His Son’s
supreme celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood thus to say to Satan:
You are a liar, and let my people go!

Moreover, our heavenly Father had to do it this way with His Son’s
atoning-blood spilling over the Mount Sinai’s injured rock living-
water, because without the shedding of the atoning-blood over His
Altar, of forgiveness and repentance for Israel and the nations, then
He just could not do anything for anyone anywhere in heaven and one
earth much less release Israel from Egypt. And here is why that our
heavenly Father had Moses pasturing his flock of sheep around Mount
Sinai, so he may see it in his heart the burning light of His Altar
for forgiveness and repentance for Israel and the nations thus he may
feel compel to approach it to speak to Him through His Son, our ever-
present the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach.

Undeniably, here is where our heavenly Father had His blessed Son, our
Lord Jesus Christ, manifested to Moses that he is the God of Abraham,
the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, so Israel may believe in him
and his glorious name for salvation from Egypt’s bondage but also from
Satan’s terrible lies, curses and threats of death. It is here where
our Lord Jesus Christ is providing for the first time the power of the
Holy Spirit of faith to believe in his anointed name for Moses to
become saved from lies, darkness and the certain death in captivity
with all of Israel, too, so Israel by hearing his personal testimony
about Jesus Christ being the God of their forefathers then they may
receive faith.

For only in Jesus Christ, Israel could escape Satan and Egypt’s
eternal slavery to start a new life in a land chosen by our heavenly
Father, so His Son may be born there by the Holy Spirit from one of
their virgin daughter with the plenteousness of eternal life dressed
with everyone’s sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood to live
forever blessed in eternity. Certainly, it was by our Lord Jesus
Christ’s initial confession that he is the God of Israel’s patriarchs,
then he released immediately through faith the perfection and holiness
that Israel needed to escape Satan’s shackles and chains of an eternal
slavery that the end of its course it was hell waiting to embrace them
with its flames into eternity.

That is to say, also that it was our Lord Jesus Christ’s perfection
and unending-holiness confessed to Moses as God’s Righteousness for
Abraham, as God’s Righteousness for Isaac, and as God’s Righteousness
for Jacob that made the difference between death and life for Israel
to escape the Egyptians and their captivity that was taking then into
a sure death in hell. Moreover, by Israel believing in our heavenly
Father’s blessed Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, then they were also
believing in him as His high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-
blood that was sacrificed within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and
over Mount Sinai’s injured rock, so eternal life may flow from him
into the entire world, beginning with Israel.

For this is the only way that our heavenly Father was going to
liberate Israel from Egypt and, simultaneously, spread eternal life
everywhere from His Son’s sacrificed life since Creation day, so the
sinful life that had descended with Adam and Eve to spread into the
nations with their children then it may be replaced with the real life
from heaven above, Jesus Christ! That is why that our Lord Jesus
Christ is not only important for Israel to survive in this world
filled with lies, hidden curses and deceptions everywhere but also the
nations may escape Satan’s wilds by been born from the Holy Spirit
that descended with our heavenly Father’s Altar of forgiveness and
repentance from sin and evil at Mount Sinai’s summit.

Furthermore, here our heavenly Father told Moses and Israel never to
forget what happened at Mount Sinai’s summit with His burning Altar of
forgiveness and repentance from sin and wickedness that liberated them
from Satan’s captivity that was taken them bound to head and foot into
the lowest regions of hell to die forever cursed in the midst of
eternal flames. So, the way, truth and life that Moses knew very well
from Mount Sinai’s summit and manifested to all of Israel to follow
and obey diligently his words as God’s Righteousness and perfection to
escape Satan’s wilds and eternal captivity, they are here with us
today, too, so we may escape Satan to ascend to eternal life in heaven
eternally saved.

Timely, before our heavenly Father created heaven and earth, then He
had already immolated His blessed Son Jesus Christ within the Holy of
Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai’s summit, so, in due time, He
may descend to earth with His great salvation-work ready to save
Israel from slavery later to create new earth with glorious skies for
humankind. And our heavenly Father was going to enter into the earth
by standing victoriously over the ancient rock thus to liberate with
power and authority Abraham’s children from the Egyptian bondage and
the terrible darkness of death, moreover grant the entire world the
best of His divine life, love, glory, and this is His supreme
celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood, Jesus Christ!

Truthfully, our heavenly Father if He had to do it again to descend
over Mount Sinai’s summit with His Altar of forgiveness and repentance
from sin and wickedness, then He will do it again—but this time over
Jerusalem’s holy hill so Israel and the nations may see how much He
has always loved them with His righteous heart. However, our heavenly
Father does not have to do it all again as He initially did it over
Mount Sinai’s summit, because His blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach did it for Him already, and not only did he do it for our
heavenly Father but also showed everyone from everywhere how much our
heavenly Father loves them since ever.

Meaning that we must accept within our hearts for justice to confess
with our lips for salvation the glories of His blessed Son Jesus
Christ born by the Holy Spirit from David’s virgin daughter, lived a
sacred life to the letter of the Law, and died crucified with our sins
to resurrect on the third day with everyone’s divine body to reenter
paradise anyday now. Therefore, it was the power and authority that
emanates daily from our heavenly Father’s supreme celestial-sacrifice
of His Son’s atoning-blood within the Holy of Holiest, in heaven and
over Mount Sinai’s summit that Israel defeat Egypt’s eternal slavery
thus to start into a new life that needed first to overcome the Red
sea’s great deep finally to stand liberated at Mount Sinai’s foot.

And these days, our heavenly Father needs you to stand with your loved
ones and friends, too, at the foot of Jerusalem’s holy hill so His
supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood may wash you
clean with the Holy Spirit’s perfection and righteousness from all sin
and terrible wickedness of blasphemies that you may have committed
against our heavenly Father. That is correct: our heavenly Father’s
Altar for forgiveness and repentance from sin and the wickedness of
your life is ready to receive your prayers and sorrows, so you may be
forgiven thus to have all you wickedness that are written in the books
in heaven erased by the power of the atoning-blood that saves you from
death and hell, too, forever.

However, after Israel being liberated from Egypt’s eternal slavery by
the power and authority of our heavenly Father’s supreme celestial
sacrifice from heaven, then: They had to thank, honor and glorify
Jesus Christ in person as God’s continuous sacrifice of Righteousness
of their forefathers by drinking abundantly from His living water
finally to conquer the Sinai’s desert and the Promised Land forever.
Indeed, this was a ritual of thanks to Jesus Christ’s love, faith and
Righteousness that Israel needed to do at Mount Sinai’s foot, because
it was time for the world to know that our heavenly Father’s supreme
celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood still exists over the
Altar of everyone’s forgiveness thus to gain power against enemy
nations to conquer the Promised Land.

Because, our heavenly Father’s supreme celestial sacrifice of His
Son’s atoning-blood within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over
Mount Sinai’s summit later to manifest at Jerusalem’s holy hill for
the nations, truly it is to grant power and authority immediately to
every one that desires to be liberated from Satan’s lies, curses, and
terrible threats of death in hell. Nowadays, this is the power that
our heavenly Father has granted each one of us to possess since we
need still to be liberated from Satan’s lies, curses, hidden evils,
and the death in hell that will never end for our living souls if we
ever fail to have our Lord Jesus Christ’s Righteousness thus to run
away from it immediately.

Nevertheless, thanks be to our heavenly Father that He executed His
supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood within the Holy
of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai, so, today we may enjoy the
glories of His celestial-sacrifice manifested over Jerusalem’s holy
hill thus to empower each one of us with especial powers and
authorities to return to heaven completely justified. For it takes
power of perfection and eternal holiness to escape Satan’s lies,
curses, and the daily threats of an eternal hell beyond, yet,
graciously in Jesus Christ we have more than enough perfection,
justification, and holiness to reenter paradise completely liberated
from Satan’s sins and terrible lies of eternal darkness thus to love,
serve, and glorify our heavenly Father today and into eternity.

This is the ancient celestial-sacrifice of our heavenly Father that
never changes as the ages go by in heaven and on earth, because it is
power of perfection, holiness and eternal sanctity to His heart and
the heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit of every man, woman and
child these days and in eternity forever. Truly, our heavenly Father
needs to have every one on earth, beginning within Israel, to learn to
love, serve and glorify Him through the glorious life of His blessed
Son Jesus Christ, because he is not only His legitimate Son but also
he is His high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood thus to
erase sins forever into eternity.

And just as our heavenly Father had to descend within His SHEKINAH
(celestial cloud) thus to stand victorious over Mount Sinai’s summit
to call Israel, beginning with Moses first, with the fire of His
celestial sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood shed since Creation
day, so today we may learn to see Him through this glorious light of
fire of His living Altar. For His Altar of repentance has never
stopped shining its glorious liberating fire that first called Moses
to get Israel’s attention, so they may storm out from Egypt’s eternal
slavery thus to cross the Red sea in dry ground with walls of waters
on both sides to stand under His burning Altar at Mount Sinai and see
His glory on earth today, Jesus Christ!

For it is our heavenly Father’s will that every man, woman and child
may see His glory beginning on earth, and this is only possible today
as we stand under His burning Altar for repentance at Mount Sinai’s
foot or at Jerusalem’s holy hill for forgiveness and cleansing of our
wickedness thus to start on our way back home to heaven. For in heaven
our hearts, souls, minds, bodies and human spirit are the happiest
because we are compatible to the glories of the angelic world, since
we were initially born by the power of the Holy Spirit in our heavenly
Father’s image to live according to His likeness on earth and in
heaven forever blessed into all eternity.

Moreover, our heavenly Father has prepared glorious places for us to
live in as we step into paradise because we have followed the burning
light into His holy presence that emanated from His supreme celestial-
sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood shed since Creation day that
Moses saw first as he tended his sheep by Mount Sinai, so we may never
abandon Him again. In heaven, we have glorious mansions to live in
because we have approached our heavenly Father through His glorious
Altar of forgiveness and repentance, so He may hear our cry for
forgiveness thus to heal our hearts, souls, minds, bodies and human
spirit by the amazing power of the Holy Spirit that emanates daily
from His blessed Son Jesus Christ.

For it is our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach always emanating the burning
light of the supreme celestial-sacrifice within the Holy of Holiest
from heaven above that embraces us immediately as we may call His
anointed name to caress our hearts, souls, minds, bodies and human
spirit, so Satan’s lies may flee from us thus to allow abundantly
love, peace and happiness into our lives. This means that our heavenly
Father wants to bless us immediately each time we call upon His
blessed Son Jesus Christ, so He may saturate our entire beings with
power from the Holy Spirit of His blessed name and glorified
commandments thus to enrich us with things in heaven and earth until
we are completely satisfied just as He is always heavenly satisfied.

Inasmuch as, our heavenly Father will meet our needs around the clock
through His glorious ancient sacrificed life of His blessed Son Jesus
Christ over His Altar of forgiveness within the Holy of Holiest in
heaven, so Satan will never be able to counter offer His faithful
promises to us thus to make us believe a lie that kills. Because, what
our heavenly Father did for Adam and Eve in paradise by commanding
them to eat from all the trees, including the tree of life that is His
supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood shed since
Creation day, then, He did it again over Mount Sinai for Israel to eat
from it too thus to exchange slavery for His fruitful and glorious

And our heavenly Father called Moses first to eat from the fruit of
life that is His blessed Son Jesus Christ burning over His Altar of
forgiveness and reconciliation at Mount Sinai, because He wanted every
one within Israel also to eat what Moses had eaten earlier, so their
eyes may see the way out into a new glorious land (the New celestial
Jerusalem). Furthermore, to eat from the fruit of life that really is
our Lord Jesus Christ burning over His glorious Altar of forgiveness
and repentance for everyone on earth, then this means these days, too,
we must eat from him to be born from the Holy Spirit just as Moses had
to do it to enter the Promised Land with Israel forever saved, too.

Otherwise, we are living in constant rebellion against our heavenly
Father and His glorious supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son Jesus
Christ’s atoning-blood over the eternal Altar of repentance in heaven
and over Jerusalem’s holy hill, because we are not been born from the
Holy Spirit to leave behind the spirit of error that offends Him and
His eternal new angelic Kingdom. For it was a lawful call from our
heavenly Father to Adam and Eve to eat from the fruit of life
initially, our Lord Jesus Christ, so they may be born rightfully from
the Holy Spirit that pleases love, truth, and justice forever in
heaven, so their children may live a pleasant life before the angelic
hosts and our heavenly Father into eternity.

For all the things that our heavenly Father has created in heaven and
that He has planned for the future: men and angels as well can only
receive them legitimately if they are born from the Holy Spirit of the
blessed name and of the glorified commandments, so new glorious days
may come into existence on earth and in heaven forever. For there are
eternal days that are coming on earth for men and in heaven for the
angels that can only be lived and enjoyed to the full if one has been
born again from the Holy Spirit before our heavenly Father, and not
from the spirit of error that comes from Satan and his wicked fallen
angels, for example.

For our Lord Jesus Christ has promised to his followers everywhere
around the world, beginning within Israel, that he will prepare many
especial places for them that love our heavenly Father through the
glorious life that he has personally lived within Israel, so they may
enjoy forever these glorious places in heaven with their loved ones
and friends, too. Therefore, for any one these days to be born from
the Holy Spirit that comes directly from our heavenly Father’s supreme
celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood over the eternal Altar
of forgiveness in heaven, then that one must humble today before His
divine Altar, in the name of His Son Jesus Christ, for forgiveness,
reconciliation, and instant rebirth from the Holy Spirit.

Because, it is well known in heaven with the angels and on earth by
the Church of Jesus Christ, for example, that if one invokes anytime
the name of His Son before our heavenly Father that is in heaven, then
that person is immediately born from the Holy Spirit to become as
Jesus Christ himself with divine privileges forever into eternity.
Meaning that that one that is born from the Holy Spirit because he has
invoked the name of our Lord Jesus Christ in our heavenly Father’s
holy presence, then he has received by default the Holy Spirit’s gifts
that are powerful on earth with men and in heaven with the angels, so
new glories of eternal joys can be conquered instantly anywhere at

This is reason also that our heavenly Father manifested to Abram that
he needed to find perfection and holiness in his life soon, because He
is perfect and holy, and since He is perfect and holy then he must
also be like Him, that is, if he wanted to enter into His perfect and
holy presence in heaven forever saved into eternity. And the only way
for any one, in this case Abraham, to become perfect and holy as our
heavenly Father is forever into eternity, then that one has to believe
in His supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood that He
personally started within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount
Sinai’s summit, and this is our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach.

In other words, our heavenly Father granted Abraham a lawful command
to obey diligently that meant if he wanted to be His servant to enter
heaven while he is still living his life on earth, then he needed to
invoke His Son’s anointed name to become born from the Holy Spirit, so
he may become perfect and holy as He is forever. And this is a divine
rule of law that every man, woman and child within Israel must obey
diligently that is if they want to be our heavenly Father’s legitimate
servant thus to enter heaven not with the spirit of error but with the
Holy Spirit that pleases perfection and holiness of love, truth and
justice forever into eternity before Him and His angels.

That is why that our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach is recognized in the old
world, before Israel became a nation, for example, as King of Salem,
Melchizedek (our heavenly Father’s perfect and abundant
Righteousness), so he may serve the bread and the wine from the Lord’s
Table to everyone that wants to become perfect and holy to return to
eternal life today. For our Lord Jesus Christ is the one that is
always ministering to this day the bread and wine before our heavenly
Father as His perfect and holy celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-
blood that erases sin forever, and acts as priest and mediator for
every man, woman and child on earth before our heavenly Father that is
in heaven to erase daily sin instantly.

Meaning also that is the perfection and holiness within our Lord Jesus
Christ’s supreme celestial-sacrifice in heaven, birth on earth from
David’s virgin daughter, life lived sacredly, performed miracles of
compassion to heal, restore, save people from Satan’s lies,
deceptions, and death finally to die crucified on Adam and Eve’s cross
thus to raise on the third day with everyone’s eternal life. For our
Lord Jesus Christ is the one that our heavenly Father has chosen since
eternity to create all things but also forgive, restore, save people
from Satan’s lies, curses, deceases, and death in a terrible
tormenting hell, so they may not only live for themselves only anymore
but this time to new glories of His blessed name and commandments into

For in the beginning our heavenly Father created all things with the
glorious beaming light that Moses saw at Mount Sinai’s summit
manifesting himself as the liberating life of the world that has
descended for mankind to inherit through faith, so they may come to
love, know, and serve the Living God through the new life of the Holy
Spirit’s rebirth into eternity. On this day, our heavenly Father was
not only descending over Mount Sinai’s summit to establish Himself as
God of the earth and heaven but also as savior of Israel and the
nations through the amazing powers and authority emanating constantly
from His supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood shed
since Creation day for humankind to reenter heaven liberated from sin

And it was over Mount Sinai that our heavenly Father not only
manifested to Israel and the world His supreme celestial-sacrifice of
His Son’s atoning-blood shed since Creation day but also manifested to
everyone everywhere to this day that He has the book of life to write
or erase the names of those that love or are indifferent to Him.
Truthfully, our heavenly Father did not descend with His Altar of
forgiveness before Him emanating white smoke over the mountaintop and
lighting bolts through the skies to show his ancient glories but,
instead to install into everyone’s heart, beginning with Moses, the
importance to have His Altar of forgiveness, repentance and
restoration, so prayers could be heard in heaven always loud and

Meaning also that it is our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach’s early salvation
work within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai’s
summit finally manifested to the full of our heavenly Father’s glories
over Jerusalem’s holy hill that still filters our prayers, petitions,
requests, intercessions through faith, so our heavenly Father can
answer them immediately with love, power, and abundant grace.
Therefore, as we obey our heavenly Father’s call to receive His Altar
of forgiveness, repentance, and restoration into our hearts, just as
Moses had to do it to save Israel from Egypt’s eternal slavery, then,
we will be born from the Holy Spirit instantly to have our Lord Jesus
Christ faithfully as our high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood

Moreover, as our Lord Jesus Christ works within our hearts as our
heavenly Father’s priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood over His
Altar for forgiveness so perfection and righteousness may flow through
our living souls constantly, then we will know it because we can feel
his presence and the wonderful work that he will do within our lives
from day-to-day into eternity. On this day, you can very well live
with our heavenly Father’s Altar of forgiveness beaming power of
perfection and holiness throughout your entire being, because our Lord
Jesus Christ will be ministering before our heavenly Father in heaven
as your high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood, so blessings will
always enrich your life wherever you may live on earth.

Exactly, it is our heavenly Father’s deepest desire to bless you
beyond all understanding nowadays and forever in heaven, but you must
come through His Altar of forgiveness and repentance from sin so the
power of the atoning-blood may wash you clean from wickedness, lies
and filthy actions since He needs you to shine in His Son’s perfection
and holiness today. Nonetheless, you must come to Him these days, and
without delay, because what He needs to do within your heart it must
be done now before it is too late for the days are always evil when He
is not the center of your heart with His Son’s atoning-blood spilling
over His Altar of forgiveness and repentance from sin and wickedness.

Truly, these days our heavenly Father needs to bring powerful
blessings into your life, and He will only be able to do this within
your heart if you receive Jesus Christ as your personal savior by
kneeling before His ancient Altar of forgiveness, so He may forgive
your sins and bless you with love, peace, affection, and endless
richness into eternity. Our heavenly Father’s Altar for forgiveness
and repentance from sin and evil is ready to enter into your heart if
you can only say: Jesus Christ forgive my sins, I repent, and do all
the things that my heavenly Father needs within me by the powerful
gifts of the Holy Spirit, so He may be glorified at last forever
within me.

Sincerely, we must do this prayer now before our heavenly Father by
not just asking Him to forgive us our sins but also to forgive those
that have offended us, so He may be glorified within our lives and of
others for the healing process to begin for blessings to enter into
our lives with the powerful gifts from the Holy Spirit. For every man,
woman and child that lives on this earth these days, truly is living
without the knowledge that there are powerful blessings from the Holy
Spirit’s gifts that belong to us since the day we were born from our
heavenly Father’s image to live according to His likeness, and our God
wants to fill us with these blessings today.

Because, every day that you live on this earth without enjoying the
wonderful blessings from the gifts of the Holy Spirit that He has
personally granted you to possess within your entire life until you
ascend into heaven blessed and saved forever by the power of His Son’s
atoning-blood, then He is not glorified within you as He should. That
is why that our heavenly Father descended over Mount Sinai’s summit
with His ancient holocaust of His Son Jesus Christ’s life sacrificed
initially over the injured rock, so He may not only liberate Israel
from slavery but also grant you amazing powers through the Holy Spirit
to live a glorious life before His holy presence on earth and in
heaven forever.

That is to say, also that our heavenly Father has more desire to bless
your life than you will ever may want to bless your entire life and of
your loved ones, including your friends from everywhere, because what
our heavenly Father has done for Israel then He did it for the nations
to become blessed, enriched and saved forever. Meaning also that these
days you can very well approach our heavenly Father’s Altar of
forgiveness and of repentance from sin and wicked deeds at Mount
Sinai’s summit, and He will listen to your prayers just as He listened
to Moses’ prayers to liberate Israel from the Egyptian bondage and
thereafter live a life filled with love, peace, prosperity and endless

Surely, our heavenly Father will listen to your prayers today because
as you are approaching Him, then His Altar of forgiveness and
repentance from sin and wickedness will accept our Lord Jesus Christ’s
prayers and rituals as your high priest and Lamb with the atoning-
blood to wash you clean from sin, sickness, deceases, and the curse of
death in hell, too. Moreover, as all these wonderful things are taking
place for you in heaven then on earth you will fill blessings from the
Holy Spirit, because anything that our Lord Jesus Christ does for you
before our heavenly Father with his prayers and usual rituals before
the Altar of the Mercy Seat and eternal compassion, then you feel as
becoming a new person.

This means that you have become the person that our heavenly Father
dreamed from you to become as you were born by the Holy Spirit in His
image to live according to His likeness everlastingly, so you may not
only be as one of His heavenly angels but, instead you will be as His
blessed Son Jesus Christ perfect in eternal holiness. In truth, our
heavenly Father wants to bless you so much that you will gloriously be
filled with miracles and marvelous work on earth before your brothers
and sisters, and in heaven before His glorious faithful angels, so you
may live a life of power always producing new glories to His name and
fantastic commandments.

That is why that you need to have our heavenly Father’s Altar of
forgiveness and repentance from sin and wickedness installed in your
heart today, so our Lord Jesus Christ will minister before Him for
your prayer, petitions, requests and intercession for your loved ones
and friends to be heard always loud and clear in heaven by Him and His
faithful angels. Certainly, with our Lord Jesus Christ living within
your heart then you will have our heavenly Father’s Altar of
forgiveness and repentance always working in your favor, so whatever
it may happen in your life or need that you may have thus to solve
problems, difficulties, heal infirmities, and even rise from the dead—
you will immediately be assisted with powerful miracles from

And nothing that Satan may bring against you, your loved ones, and
even your friends (from near or far away) can harm you, for our
heavenly Father’s Altar for forgiveness and repentance will always be
working in your favor to be victorious against all adversities, so you
may glorify our heavenly Father within your life today and forever
into eternity. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto
the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou
shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead.
See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal
Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of
JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?

Do the following and ASK HIM to GIVE YOU, RIGHT NOW, the POWER of the
of YOUR SOUL and LIFE) and HE will listen to you AND DO IT:

That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in
your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it
is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture
says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there
is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or
great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly
blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of
the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from
sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful
new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to
GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday. Be baptized in
water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship,
fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers
as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in
your prayers for me and my love ones, for your prayers are very
important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your
prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed
His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers
to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The
Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels
hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I most add
that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in
HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of

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