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Equipment questions.. looking for the voice of experience

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2008年3月28日 凌晨1:40:082008/3/28
FINS: I am reading sites that advise against open-heel fins for


I have tried full-foot and open-heel fins in the past and I must
admit, I preferred the open-heel type, myself. I have found many
sites that advise against these fins, but none of them give a reason

MASK: I purchased a slimline mask with an ultra-dry snorkel (called
the Edge Kona Dry Combo). This mask has no purge valve, so I assume
you just push air out your nose to clear water from the mask. My
question is, how important is a purge valve (as most sites seem to
recommend one) in a mask?

Also, I was going to use Vaseline or chapstick on my moustache to
create a better seal, but this silicone mask recommends against any
petrolium products, advising they will damage the silicone.. any

KNIFE: I was planning on getting a smal titanium knife. Any

VEST: I have been looking at a variety of vests, similar to the yellow
"SEA ELITE" or "SOFT TOUCH" snorkel vests with crotch strap, or maybe
the frint-zip snorkel jacket-type vest with pockets such as this one: All of these vests can be used uninflated
and have a blow-hose on the shoulder to add buoyancy to the user's
liking. It seems like a good bet for safety. Is a vest really even
necessary? Will it make our day in the water more enjoyable? Will we
get laughed off the boat?

CAMERA: I was planning to use my 6mp digital Exilim camera in a
waterproof camera bag, such as the "Aquapac Waterproof Mini Camera
Case" at Here is a link:

Has anyone had any experience with these inexpensive dry bags? Does
the bag give "good enough" optics? Would I be better off buying an
expensive housing for my camera or a specialty underwater camera?
Suggestions? Experiences?

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