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Oct 19, 2012, 8:07:35 PM10/19/12
Viernes, 12 de Octubre, año 2012 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo,
Guayaquil, Ecuador - Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)


Les deseamos a todas nuestras familias felices días festivos este fin
de semana feriado al haber cumplido 192 años de Independencia nuestra
Gran ciudad eterna de Guayaquil 2012.

Pedimos a nuestro Padre celestial por su Hijo Jesucristo que los
bendiga grande y ricamente con la presencia gloriosa de su Espíritu
Santo, para que los guarde en todo momento y los colme con ricas
bendiciones de sus dones asombrosos, para que escapen de muchos males
y sean infinitamente enriquecidos en sus corazones, almas, cuerpos y
espíritu humano eterno.

Ya que, nuestro Padre celestial los tiene siempre presentes delante de
su Altar del perdón (o el Asiento de la Misericordia del Tabernáculo
de Reunión celestial) en el reino angelical, para que sus oraciones y
peticiones así como ruegos y adoraciones a su nombre santísimo por
medio de su Hijo Jesucristo, entonces sean siempre oídas para que sean
contestadas inmediatamente.

Visto que, en el reino de los cielos nuestro Padre celestial tiene su
Altar Santísimo del perdón eterno, y éste Altar glorioso y siempre
presente en nuestros corazones, se encuentra en el Lugar Santo de los
Santos, en donde nuestro Señor Jesucristo fue inmolado como el Cordero
que quita el pecado del mundo, para entonces fundar el mundo y sus

Y éste mismo Altar del perdón de nuestro Padre celestial y de su Hijo
Jesucristo como el Cordero con la sangre purificadora y sumo sacerdote
de nuestras vidas en la tierra y en el cielo existe y en nuestros
corazones también, para que nuestro Padre celestial siempre oiga
nuestras oraciones, peticiones, ruegos, mediaciones y adoraciones a su
nombre infinitamente bendito.

Y sobre éste Altar del perdón nuestro Padre celestial por amor a su
Hijo Jesucristo nos perdona nuestros pecados cada vez que nos
arrepentimos de todos ellos, para que así no exista ninguna tiniebla
que obstruya el camino del Espíritu Santo que viene a cada hora como
lluvia lleno de milagros, maravillas y de grandes prodigios para
enriquecer nuestras vidas grandemente.

Porque nuestro Padre celestial ha declarado eternamente y para siempre
que si nosotros no perdonamos a aquellos que nos ofenden, entonces Él
tampoco nos perdonara nuestras ofensas.

Por lo tanto, el camino de bendiciones que desciende a cada hora sobre
nuestras vidas con ricas bendiciones de milagros, maravillas y de
riquezas indescriptibles para nuestros corazones, almas, cuerpos y
espíritu humano no puedan llegar a su destino final, sino que se
quedan por el camino obstruidos por nuestra falta de perdón en contra
de aquellos que nos ofenden.

Y peor aún, el que no perdona al que lo ofendió hace unos cinco
minutos atrás, por ejemplo, entonces no puede entrar a la vida eterna
jamás ni mucho menos ver a nuestro Padre celestial que está sentado en
su Trono Glorioso del reino celestial.

Además, los que no entran al reino de los cielos, entonces se quedan
afuera de él con su falta de perdón para descender al lugar eterno del
infierno—para sufrir infinitamente entre las llamas eternas por no
haber sido perdonado de sus pecados, faltas y delitos ante el Altar
del perdón de nuestro Padre celestial y de su Hijo Jesucristo.

Por ello, tener un corazón que siempre perdona la ofensa de cualquiera
que lo ofenda en cualquier hora del día, entonces para nuestro Padre
celestial es un corazón que late dentro del pecho de su hijo y de su
hija para así alegrar grandemente su corazón santísimo delante de sus
huestes angelicales en la tierra y en el cielo.

Y es ese el que asciende al cielo justificado con un corazón que todo
lo perdona siempre como hijo o como hija de Dios, para alegrar el
corazón de nuestro Padre celestial y la de cada uno de sus ángeles
santísimos, para gloria y honra de su nombre eternamente bendito.

Por ese motivo, nuestro Padre celestial busca a cada hora en nuestros
corazones a su Hijo Jesucristo ministrando siempre ante su Altar del
perdón, para que cada vez que nos arrepintamos de nuestros pecados
entonces Él nos escuche instantáneamente, para enviar a su Espíritu
Santo con sus dones milagrosos y así solucionar nuestros problemas,
dificultades y hasta sanar nuestras enfermedades, también.

Y si hasta este momento no has reconocido en tu corazón el Altar del
perdón de nuestro Padre celestial y de su Hijo Jesucristo, entonces
reconócelo ya para que su Espíritu Santo haga grandes obras desde tu
corazón para enriquecer tu vida, librándote de muchos males y así
llenándote de grandes bendiciones para que toques las vidas de muchos
también, siempre.

Les deseamos felices días feriados en estos días a todas nuestras
familias guayaquileñas, dentro y fuera del país, y que nuestro Padre
celestial los siga bendiciendo a cada hora sobre su Altar del perdón
eterno por medio de su Hijo Jesucristo y por los dones maravillosos de
su Espíritu Santo. ¡Amén!


Our heavenly Father descended over Mount Sinai’s summit with His
blessed Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ) as His “Most Holy
Offering” from heaven thus to begin Israel’s deliverance from the
Egyptian bondage—a terrible bondage that was taking Abram’s children
into an eternal destruction where they will never know their living
savior’s everlasting love for their living souls into all eternity.
This was the greatest act of love that our heavenly Father could
possibly manifest not only to Israel but also to the nations, so they
may know Him through the blessed and glorious life of His blessed Son,
our Lord Jesus Christ, slain since Creation day for a new world to
enter into existence between Him and every man, woman and child.

This manifestation of love that our heavenly Father had descended
within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai was to save
the world immediately from sin, so He may not only show Israel where
His blessed Son had shed his atoning-blood initially to deliver from
sin, death and hell, but also to start a new life immediately. And
this new life from heaven above had to start without delay within the
Promised Land, promised initially to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob so their
children may not only become saved from Satan’s terrible lies from
paradise of eternal destruction but also become born again for the
Holy Spirit’s glories of His blessed name and eternal Ten

Our heavenly Father needed to impart upon every man, woman and child
born from the Holy Spirit within the twelve tribes of Israel the power
to become His ministers of righteousness, so they may serve Him as
Gods and priests for the glory of His blessed name and eternal
commandments that needed to be glorified within the nations, as well,
forever. And Moses was the first man to become not only born from the
Holy Spirit at Mount Sinai’s summit because he believed within his
heart for justice to confess with his lips for salvation the glorious
presence of our heavenly Father’s blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach, who manifested himself not only as light but also as the
God of Israel.

For it was our heavenly Father’s perfect will that every one within
Israel, starting with Moses and Aaron, for example, may come to know
and accept as their personal savior His blessed Son Jesus Christ, so
they may become born again into his eternal holiness by the power of
the Holy Spirit. It is here from where our heavenly Father’s perfect
abundant holiness that had descended from heaven with Him and His
angelic hosts could at last become part of Israel forever, so they may
not only escape the wilds of Satan within Egypt’s slavery but also
crossed the Red sea in dry ground to stand at Mount Sinai’s foot for
new glories.

Providing that at Mount Sinai’s foot our heavenly needed to manifest
to Israel the sacrificial-rock where His blessed Son had been injured
in heaven thus to execute His greatest sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-
blood to save them and the nations from sin, curses and hell,
furthermore start a new life that will never know the end in heaven,
forever. Therefore, it was at Mount Sinai’s summit where our heavenly
Father not only began to shed of His perfect righteousness from the
glorious presence of His Son’s eternal sacrifice that started within
the Holy of Holiest in heaven but also imparted of the Holy Spirit of
His perfect righteousness to every one that believed in Him through
His Son’s sacrificed-life.

That is to say, also that Moses was able to become very holy before
our heavenly Father’s glorious presence because he not only had seen
Jesus Christ speaking to him from within the midst of the burning bush
but also believed in him within his heart for justice, so Israel may
get to know his name to invoke him for salvation. It is here where our
heavenly Father was fulfilling His promise of salvation to Abraham and
his children as He manifested to him earlier that he needed to become
holy as He is holy and perfect as He is perfect by the Holy Spirit’s
new birth, so they may learn His ways thus to love, serve, and live
for Him forever saved.

That is to say that the One that first called Abraham to be born from
the Holy Spirit was our heavenly Father, and not man as many people
think, and Abraham obeyed His called immediately by been born again
from the Holy Spirit so he may be served with his allies by
Melchizedek the bread and wine of the Lord’s Table. That is why that
later Abraham could have a son through his wife Sarah that had her
womb dead because of old age to have children, nevertheless the Holy
Spirit entered her barren-womb by God’s promise to give birth to Isaac—
for this is the one that carried the seed of holiness and perfection
for Israel’s holiness, richness, and salvation into eternity.

Therefore, it was Moses’ faith within his heart to believe for justice
that cause the Holy Spirit for ancient Israel to know our Lord Jesus
Christ’s anointed name as the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the
God of Jacob, or as the Great I Am, so they may confess his powerful
name finally to escape Egypt’s eternal slavery. This was the power of
righteousness and love at work at Mount Sinai’s summit from our
heavenly Father through the glorious presence of His blessed Son, our
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, so Israel may confess with their lips the
name that would finally deliver them from the chains and shackles of
the darkness of sin and hell’s eternal torments.

For Israel was suffering constantly the terrible darkness of sin and
the eternal torments of hell within Egypt’s slavery, because they did
not know the glorious salvation that our Lord Jesus Christ had already
performed within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai’s
eternal rock, so by the power of his shed atoning-blood they may
become saved. This was a salvation that will deliver them from the
power of sin and hell’s torments within the Egyptian bondage,
moreover, this glorious salvation will stay with them faithfully to
lead them to cross the Red sea in dry ground and walls of waters until
they stand at Mount Sinai’s foot to receive the blessing finally to
cross the desert into Canaan.

For Israel needed to be blessed moreover empowered with the Holy
Spirit of righteousness to step into the Sinai’s desert to defeat
nations that did not know Jesus Christ with the glorious power of the
blessed name and the tablets of the commandments, so they may conquer
the Promise Land forever with our heavenly Father’s sacred Lamb with
the atoning-blood, Jesus Christ! For Israel’s power and authority to
conquer the desert thus to enter victoriously into the Promised Land,
indeed it was our heavenly Father’s Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood
shed since Creation day within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over
Mount Sinai’s eternal rock, so they may become His legitimate children
on earth saved for heaven with holiness into eternity.

This also meant that the Israelites would not only receive blessings
of holiness and sanctities from our heavenly Father’s Chosen Lamb
slain since Creation day in heaven and over Mount Sinai thus to
conquer the Promised Land for their children, but also they were to
stay with him faithfully every day of their lives until eventually
ascend to heaven forever saved. In other words, the Israelites were
called by our heavenly Father just as He had personally called Moses
to be faithful to His Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood within
Egypt’s captivity, moreover be faithful to him trough the Red sea and
the desert to conquer enemy nations, so they may live in the Promised
Land until call to enter heaven saved.

Meaning also that the Israelites were called by our heavenly Father
just as He had called Moses to be faithful unconditionally to His
Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, who
had confessed before them that he is the God of their salvation, so
righteousness would be their daily blessing through the desert and the
Promised Land forever into eternity. Otherwise, the enemy, that is,
Satan with his fallen angels, cronies and wicked devils from
everywhere, would come against them with terrible powers of darkness
so they may not only make them sin so they may become sick and die to
descend low to the eternal regions of the underworld of darkness, but
also be lost forever in hell’s eternal fire.

That is to say, also that as Israel left Egypt they were supposed to
stay always faithful to the One that confessed to them to be the God
of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob over Mount Sinai’s
summit and the eternal rock, so righteousness will always be their
constant protection wherever they may go on earth. Meaning also that
the Israelites were called by our heavenly Father to be faithful to
the One that had manifested himself over Mount Sinai before Moses and
Israel to be the God of Abraham’s righteousness, the God of Isaac’s
righteousness, and the God of Jacob’s righteousness, so he may also
become their personal righteousness on earth to be forever righteous
in heaven.

Moreover, our heavenly Father needed Israel always to be faithful to
His precious Chosen Lamb, our Lord Jesus Christ, who had shed his
atoning-blood since Creation day because they were Abraham’s children,
and, therefore, they needed to live under His Son’s permanent
protection of holiness and special sanctities, so Satan may never be
able to take control of their destiny. Because, Satan’s knows very
well that as long as Israel cannot stay close and faithful to our
heavenly Father’s Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood that confessed
officially over Mount Sinai’s summit to be the God of Israel’s
Patriarchs, then he can always blind them to the point that he can do
anything that he may wish until they are destroyed finally forever.

That is to say, also that Satan can come against them with terrible
and hidden lies, so they may easily or erroneously believe a lie thus
not only to destroy their lives on earth in the most horrible way
possible always concealed under its usual darkness but also cause them
to lose their eternal soul to the flames in hell forever. Because,
Satan also knows very well that if can get people that they even
trust, for example, to make them believe a lie within their hearts so
they may commit a terrible sin that our heavenly Father will never be
able to forgive due to its terrible eternal consequences, then His
holy promises to Abraham could be defeated and destroyed forever.

And this is Satan’s constant struggle against our heavenly Father and
His Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood over Mount Sinai that
eventually he will put Israel down until it is totally inundated and
suffocated with terrible lies, so they may not only die as a nation
but also our heavenly Father with His blessed Jesus Christ could be
defeated at last. For the every struggle of the spirit of error and
Satan with his fallen angels everywhere within his cronies’ hearts is
to attack until Israel is so much inundated with lies, curses and
darkness that can no longer breathe life but only lies until it drops
dead in a hole on earth somewhere to burn in hell’s eternal flames of

For the flames in hell crave every second of their horrible existence
to embrace not only any sinner that hates our heavenly Father’s Chosen
Lamb with the atoning-blood shedding over the mountaintop but also
every descendant from Abraham’s children, so they may never raise to
eternal life as our heavenly Father has dreamed that someday this will
eventually take place. However, the Holy Spirit that brought our Lord
Jesus Christ over Mount Sinai’s summit by our heavenly Father’s will
thus to liberate Israel from Egypt’s captivity with its eternal
holiness and light has never stopped descending from its holy Altar in
heaven to defeat every Satanic lie, curse and work against Israel and
the nations that love Him and His blessed Son Jesus Christ.

Straightforwardly, every man’s heart, soul, mind, body and human
spirit is a battleground between the Holy Spirit and Satan’s spirit of
error so not only every sinner will fail to believe that our heavenly
Father’s Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood has already paid the price
of their salvation over Mount Sinai and over Jerusalem’s holy hill,
but also the whole of Israel. Nevertheless, our heavenly Father has
never been defeated by Satan’s lies, in the contrary Satan has already
been defeated because every one within Israel and the nations has
faith within his heart that leads by the power of the Holy Spirit away
from the sprit of error to believe the truth that saves forever, and
this is our heavenly Jesus Christ!

That is why that our Lord Jesus Christ manifested to the Israelites by
assuring that he alone is the way, truth and life back into heaven to
see our heavenly Father in person, so they may return to the place
where they were initially born in His image to live according to His
likeness forever blessed with endless happiness forever into eterniy.
Therefore, everywhere people are having dreams and visions coming down
directly into their hearts, souls, minds and human spirit so they may
understand just as Moses initially understood over Mount Sinai’s
summit that they have to believe within their hearts for justice to
confess with their lips for salvation that Jesus Christ is Lord—the
Lord that erases sins for deliverance.

For it is our heavenly Father’s will these days that you may believe
within your heart for justice to confess with your lips for salvation
that our Lord Jesus Christ is not only His Son but also he is His
Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood to become Lord of your salvation in
this world and in the next one in heaven. For our Lord Jesus Christ is
our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, Lord of our heavenly Father’s
Righteousness before the angels in heaven and before every man, woman
and child within Israel and the nations, so they may live in perfect
holiness these days, holiness that truly saves—thus, irreversibly you
need Jesus Christ’s holiness to escape hell today to enter heaven
everlastingly saved.

Right now, without this perfect holiness that descended with our
heavenly Father and His blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, over
Mount Sinai with great light, fire and lightings everywhere in the sky
it has never left the earth yet, because, it needs to enter into your
heart for our heavenly Father’s new glories to be conquered by you for
heaven. This means that the Holy Spirit has touched your heart since
the day you opened your eyes to the Sun light of this earth, and he
will continue to touch your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit
until you are born again into the rightful Spirit that you were born
initially in heaven from our heavenly Father, so you may become

Because, for any one to live in perfect holiness that has descended
with our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ then you are born
again into perfect holiness, and this is only possible these days as
it was during Abraham’s days to be born from the Holy Spirit’s
perfection and holiness to be as perfect and holy as God is forever.
For our heavenly Father needs you, for the glory of His blessed name
and eternal commandments, to become alive within the Holy Spirit of
His perfect holiness that can only descend into your life as from His
tree of life, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, so you will never again
suffer Satan’s cruel attacks against you, your loved ones, and
friends, too.

In truth, these days you are dead to the Holy Spirit of our heavenly
Father’s blessed name and glorious commandments because you were born
in the rebellious spirit of Adam and Eve to be influenced always by
the spirit of error that comes against you from Satan with great
deception thus to cause you to believe a life and destroy you forever.
However, our heavenly Father loves you so much that you will never be
able to know how much He really loves you unless you are born into the
Holy Spirit that descends upon earth from Him so to bless His image
everywhere and, like this, help you to live according to His likeness
these days and in heaven forever into eternity.

That is why that our heavenly Father’s holiness to your life is vital
just as it was initially to His holy angels in heaven and to Israel
over Mount Sinai so by the power of the atoning-blood released them
from Egypt, then these days it comes to you thus to bless you as you
have never been blessed before from heaven above. This glorious
holiness from our heavenly Father that is our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach
needs to be in you just as it was initially in every one’s within
ancient Israel so they may not only escape Egypt but also cross the
Red sea in dry ground thus to reach Mount Sinai’s foot to drink from
the injured rock living water.

Moreover, if you drink these days the living water that our heavenly
Father gives you to drink through the glorious life of His blessed
Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, then you will be drinking true water
from heaven above that will never cause you to thirst again, because
it will continue to flow from your belly as an inexhaustible river of
life. This means that you will live fore ever and ever because you
have drunk the living water that our heavenly Father and His blessed
Son with the Holy Spirit always drink, and you will be as God himself
filled with the glories, richness and happiness of eternal life—just
as our heavenly Father gave you birth into His image initially in

For it is our heavenly Father’s perfect will to become as God himself
so you may serve Him always as His priest around His supreme celestial-
sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood shed since Creation day within
the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over the mountaintop, so new glories
can be conquered by you within the New Jerusalem from heaven above.
And these glories can only be conquered by you through the precious
love, holiness and perfection that can only exist through prayer-and-
faith in His supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ’s
atoning-blood shed at His Altar before His angelic hosts later to be
open to Israel over Mount Sinai’s summit and Jerusalem’s holy hill for
the nations to receive salvation holiness instantaneously.

For our Lord Jesus Christ’s perfect holiness forgives sin by the
amazing power of grace of the shed atoning-blood, moreover heals the
hearts, minds, souls, bodies and human spirit of every man, woman and
child, so they may enrich from the Holy Spirit to become these days
all over the entire earth as His legitimate children heavenly bound
forever. Therefore, you cannot make the mistake of others by turning
your back on our heavenly Father’s holiness that is our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach that not only is His blessed Son but also he is His priest
and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood that atones for the sins of the
world forever, so everyone can have a new start in eternal life

For it is holiness that not only erases your sins from your entire
being but also it writes your name in the book of life so you will
never have to die to descend to the grave much less into hell but,
instead you will ascend into heaven to live eternal life with a
glorified body that has never sinned before. This is the sacred-body
that was born not from a barren-womb as within Sarah’s, for instant,
but from a very holy one, and this is David’s daughter that received
within her virgin womb our heavenly Father’s Holy Spirit filled with
love, power and grace for everyone on earth thus to receive a new
glorify body to return to paradise forever saved.

Certainly, this is our Lord Jesus Christ that was born from David’s
virgin daughter with a sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood
filled with eternal life, love, and incredible richness for each one
of us that have believed within our hearts for justice to confess with
our lips for salvation his all-powerful name, Jesus Christ of
Nazareth! This means that our heavenly Father once He made our Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach Israel’s eternal holiness manifested gloriously over
Mount Sinai’s summit and, lastly, over Jerusalem’s holy hill for
Israel to live eternally blessed above the nations furthermore
enriched as never before, then no one can change His will for them in
this life and in the next one to come.

For it is our heavenly Father’s perfect will for them these days that
they may believe in His Son’s (our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach) perfect
holiness so they may not only become born again from the Holy Spirit
but they can live away from Satan’s terrible darkness of lies, curses,
and deception that always take them into an early grave on earth. This
also means that our heavenly Father is going to do with Israel and the
nations what He had set out to do since the first day He personally
spoke to Abraham about the wonderful promises that He had in stored
within His heart for him and his children for generations to come on
earth and in heaven forever.

Currently, this is the holy offering that our heavenly Father expects
from everyone within Israel and the nations to present to Him
reverently, and this is that His Son Jesus Christ is Lord, priest,
Lamb with the atoning-blood, and savior of their living souls in this
world and from the one in heaven above, so they may become His
legitimate children everlastingly. And these are our heavenly Father’s
legitimate children from Israel and the nations, that Satan can no
longer manipulate much less deceive with his lies and deceptions,
because they have been born from the Holy Spirit to become alive into
the person that He gave birth initially in heaven in His image to live
according to His likeness forever into eternity.

For it is our heavenly Father’s perfect will these days that no one of
them shall ever perish in their sins to pay with their living eternal
souls in the grave, hell or the lake of fire but, instead, He wants to
see them saved by the power of faith in the atoning-blood of His
blessed Son Jesus Christ. And this is the glorious atoning-blood of
His sacred Chosen Lamb that was shed initially within the Holy of
Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai’s eternal rock before a
countless host of angelic witnesses, so they may have the right to
eternal life in abundance today on earth and in heaven above forever
into all eternity to come.

Now, those that reject our heavenly Father’s holiness that is His
blessed Son with the atoning-blood to save everyone that believes in
him within his heart for justice to confess with his lips for
salvation Jesus Christ, then, their names are not written in the book
of life thus they live in constant danger to die forever lost in hell.
And in hell no one is holy much less can ever receive mercy, love or
salvation by believing within his heart for justice to confess for
salvation our Lord Jesus Christ’s anointed name, therefore they have
no privileges of anything much less the right to eat and drink from
the bread and wine of our heavenly Father’s daily Dining-table.

Therefore, for those lost in hell because they can never erase their
sins will be tormented day and night into eternity with the knowledge
that they could have been saved by the Holy Spirit of the atoning-
blood from God’s Chosen Lamb shed since Creation day to have their
names written in the book of life, but failed erroneously to do so.
Inasmuch as, for those that have their names written in the book of
life in heaven these days because they have accepted Jesus Christ as
their personal priest, Lamb, mediator, and savior of their living
souls, then they have special privileges to enjoy while they are still
living their daily lives on earth with their loved ones and friends.

However, those that have rejected our heavenly Father’s perfect
holiness manifested on earth through His blessed Son Jesus Christ
either over Mount Sinai’s summit or Jerusalem’s holy hill, then they
have not their names written in the book of life and their every day
life is in constant danger to die deceived by Satan’s hidden lies,
curses, and deceptions. Thus, it is our heavenly Father’s ancient
holiness that is our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach that grants you to sit at
His Dining-table to take bread and wine, so you may quench your thirst
and satisfy your hunger on earth today and in heaven forever, since we
have already the right to eat from the trees of paradise, including
the tree of life.

Meaning that we are blessed in the heavens, on earth, and even under
the earth, too, because we have believed within our hearts for justice
to confess always with our lips the salvation that has been bought
with the eternal price of His Son’s atoning-blood shed since Creation
day, so you may live forever blessed everywhere on earth and into
eternity. Therefore, our heavenly Father’s perfect holiness manifested
in His blessed Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, within the Holy of Holiest
in heaven, over Mount Sinai and finally over Jerusalem’s holy hill, is
what really makes our heavenly Father to love you much more than what
you will ever imagine within your heart these days and in heaven

Really, our heavenly Father will love you much more than all His holy
angels because as He sees you, He will no longer see or feel your sins
but, instead He sees and feels His blessed Son Jesus Christ’s perfect
holiness throughout your heart, soul, body and human spirit, given
that now you are a different a sinless person for eternity.
Truthfully, our Lord Jesus Christ’s holiness will never depart or
abandon you to Satan’s attacks and hidden lies but, instead it will
remain faithful to you, and this will be just as faithful as our Lord
Jesus Christ is to our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit of the
blessed name and glorified commandments on earth and in heaven forever
into eternity.

Our Lord Jesus Christ’s holiness will always go ahead of you wherever
you may go on earth, because it is our heavenly Father’s will that you
will be loved, protected, and cared to the point that your needs will
be met so you will never lack anything in this life, and the same is
true in heaven forever into eternity. In other words, our heavenly
Father wants to bless you through His blessed Son Jesus Christ’s
holiness on this earth and before the people that know may you, so
they will finally understand that He is the God that loves you beyond
all human understanding, and that everything that it is His in heaven
and on earth belongs to you, too, forever.

Moreover, this is something that our heavenly Father needs to do with
every man, woman and child on this earth these days, because He needs
to be glorified with His blessed Son’s perfect holiness living within
your heart, so all darkness may be at last defeated forever within you
and the lives of others, as well, so Satan may be further humiliated.
For Satan is humiliated each time our heavenly Father’s holiness
manifested through the glorious life of His blessed Son, our Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach, through prayer lights up in you, so the Holy Spirit
of His blessed name and eternal commandments may be glorified even
further thus to enrich you as you have never been enriched before with
miracles one after another.

Undeniably, our heavenly Father has granted you His personal holiness
through His blessed Chosen Lamb by the power of the atoning-blood
initially shed within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount
Sinai’s injured rock, so later: our Lord Jesus Christ may be
manifested before the nations at Jerusalem’s holy hill for love,
grace, forgiveness, and eternal reconciliation with heaven. Sincerely,
our heavenly Father has given you birth by the Holy Spirit into His
image to live according to His likeness moreover enriched you mightily
with His perfect holiness that comes to you these days through prayer
and faith in His supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-
blood shed since Creation day over Mount Sinai and over Jerusalem’s
holy hill for salvation.

Definitely, this glorious and powerful holiness is available to you
and to your loved ones, including friends from everywhere, as you
believe within your heart for justice to be fulfilled on earth and in
heaven to confess with your lips for salvation before the angels our
Lord Jesus Christ’s name, so your personal celestial life may return
and stay with you at last. This holiness is granted to you nowadays
because you were born from our heavenly Father by the Holy Spirit in
His image to live according to His likeness forever into eternity, so
you may not only be one more of His faithful angels in heaven but also
as godlike as His blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, Israel’s
God and savior forever.

Regrettably, if you are not born again to become the person that our
heavenly Father gave birth in heaven through the Holy Spirit so you
may become His image to live according to His likeness, then in the
last day you will not ascend to heaven because the sinful body that
you have received from Adam is cursed to enter hell anyday. However,
if you are born again from the Holy Spirit these days through prayer
in our Lord Jesus Christ who is your mediator, Chosen Lamb with
atoning-blood shed at Jerusalem’s holy hill as it was shed initially
within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai, then your
sins are forgiven to ascend into heaven with a glorified body.

You will ascend into heaven with our heavenly Father and His blessed
Son Jesus Christ just as Moses did in His days saturated with the Holy
Spirit to speak to our savior face-to-face, so he may see all the
things that exist in heaven for forty days and forty nights. And when
the people of Israel decided to ascend to the mountaintop just as
Moses had earlier to see the Lord Jesus Christ, our heavenly Father
told Moses to secure the place so no one from the children of Abraham,
including animals, will not wonder up to the mountaintop, so He may
not turn against them to kill them.

Because, for anyone that may want to ascend to Mount Sinai’s summit or
Jerusalem’s holy hill, then that one must be born from the Holy Spirit
so he may become holy as He is holy, and perfect as He is perfect to
be saved and worthy to see the Lord face-to-face for blessings,
miracles, and great healing to receive every day forever. For you need
to be perfectly holy before our heavenly Father that is a very holy
and perfect God that loves us beyond all human understanding,
furthermore that He is always willing to bless our prayers so our
faith may increase to reach always blessings, miracles, healing and
great things from heaven above, and from the earth bellow, too.

Indeed, our heavenly Father has blessed you mightily in the high
heavens through our Lord Jesus Christ, because He can only love you as
you will never be loved by anyone through the glorious sacrificed life
of His blessed Son, so these days you may wash clean from sin thus to
enjoy a sinless-life worthy to enter eternal life anyday now. And your
personal holiness with eternal perfection descends each day directly
from our heavenly Father’s supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s
atoning-blood over His Altar within the Holy of Holiest in heaven, so
you may live your life enriched with all the things that you may wish
to possess for you and for your loved ones, including your friends
from everywhere, too.
As always as you read Genesis 1:2, for example, then you are seeing
the moment as our heavenly Father conducted His supreme celestial-
sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ’s perfect and holy sacrificed-life
that comes to us each day and without ceasing filled with forgiveness,
healing, blessings, and salvation as the Holy Spirit enters into our
lives thus to subdue darkness at last. Meaning also that we are born
to live on this earth under our heavenly Father’s continuous celestial-
sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ slain since Creation day within the
Holy of Holiest in heaven to manifest over Mount Sinai’s summit and
finally over Jerusalem’s holy hill thus to enrich you with His Holy
Spirit of eternal life with endless holiness, perfection and

Therefore, if in these days you live in poverty then this means that
you are living each day far away from our heavenly Father’s continuous
celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s sacrificed-life that is been shed
from heaven by the power and authority of the Holy Spirit thus to
enrich your life and destroy Satan’s wretchedness from you, your loved
ones, and friends, too. Thus, the Holy Spirit of perfection and
endless holiness from our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ’s
sacrificed-life over the Holy of Holiest’s Altar that descended
initially over Mount Sinai’s summit, it has not stopped descending to
this day over the earth because God’s Spirit needs to attain new
glories from you for our heavenly Father’s blessed name and glorified

That is correct: Our heavenly Father needs you to live a glorious life
liberated from Satan’s powerful lies and terrible curses that hurts
you through hidden pains and incredible infirmities, so you may die
soon in some earth’s grave that will lead your living soul deep into
hell never to know life and holiness to perfection again forever into
all eternity. Truly, this glorious life that our heavenly Father has
given you since the day you were born from Him in heaven through the
Holy Spirit is a sinless-life that can only exist in this world with
His Chosen Lamb and the atoning-blood next to you, so your sins,
errors, faults, can be quickly atone to live a joyful and godly life

For our heavenly Father’s Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood shed
initially within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai’s
injured rock later to be shed at Jerusalem’s holy hill for the nations
has amazing forgiving powers, healing, rebirth, reconciliation,
restoration, and blessings filled with daily miracles worthy of
eternal life already on earth bound to heaven forever saved. That is
why that our heavenly Father is always looking into you thus to see if
you are willing to receive the glorious holiness that He personally
descended within the Holy of Holiest over Mount Sinai’s injured rock
and later became visible at Jerusalem’s holy hill, so you may become
today holy as He is holy, and perfect as He is perfect.

Because, our heavenly Father’s call for Abraham to be holy as He is
holy and perfect as He is perfect still is true these days to any one
within Israel and the nations, and this means you, too, including your
loved ones and friends from everywhere, so you may be born again from
His Holy Spirit into salvation holiness and perfection. For it was
initially the Holy Spirit that entered into David’s virgin daughter
thus to impregnate her so nine months later a holy baby may be born
into the world with the sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones, and atoning-
blood filled with eternal life for every man, woman and child, so
everyone from everywhere may be born from the Holy Spirit into perfect
holiness, too.

For this is how our heavenly Father needs you to become holy as He is
holy and perfect as He is perfect through the Holy Spirit’s rebirth by
escaping the spirit of error that is cursing you daily through your
sinful flesh, broken-bones, and stricken life into hell forever lost
moreover never to enter heaven unless you receive Jesus Christ’s
divine body today. Meaning that as our heavenly Father told Abraham
that he needed to be perfect as He is perfect and holy as He is holy,
then this meant that he with his children need to be born from the
Holy Spirit immediately, so they not only live a peaceful life on
earth but also have power to return to heaven forever saved.

Because, for anyone that wants eternal life in heaven then that one
needs to be holy as He is holy and perfect as He is perfect, and this
is only possible through the Holy Spirit’s new birth that our heavenly
Father has already granted to those that believe in His supreme
celestial-sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood shed since
Creation day. In other words, what our heavenly Father was manifesting
to Abraham it was that if he wanted to love, serve and live for Him,
then he with his children into the billions from Israel and the
nations needed to be holy as He is holy and perfect as He is perfect,
and this is only possible through the Holy Spirit’s rebirth.

That is correct. Our heavenly Father manifested to Israel by saying to
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that if you want to love, serve and live for
me on earth soon to return to heaven forever saved, then you have to
be born again from the Holy Spirit so you can be perfect and holy as I
am to enter eternal life anyday now. And the same is true these days
for every man, woman and child, that is to say that you need to be
holy as our heavenly Father is holy and perfect as He is perfect to
live a holy life on earth worthy until the last day to ascend to
heaven’s eternal life filled with blessings and endless glories into

Otherwise, there is a horrible hell under the earth waiting for your
sinful soul, wicked-flesh, broken-bones and ill blood to descend into
its eternal flames to torment you day and night for ever and ever
without ever having an opportunity to accept within your heart for
justice to confess your salvation with your lips: our Lord Jesus
Christ’s blessed name! Now, since our heavenly Father knows that you
will sin every day of your entire life even until the last day bound
to the grave to enter hell forever lost, then He provided you the
perfect holiness, grace, power to have your sins forgiven through
prayer in Jesus Christ thus to enter heaven with holiness declaring
openly that you are forever sinless.

Therefore, the holiness that our heavenly Father descended with within
the Holy of Holiest from heaven over Mount Sinai’s summit and later
over Jerusalem’s holy hill for the nations, it is here for you today
to make you holy as He is holy, and perfect as He is perfect to live a
victorious life these days to enter heaven forever saved anyday. This
means that once you are born from the Holy Spirit then you are not
only accepting our heavenly Father’s perfect holiness, but also you
may live your full life on earth with your loved ones and friends from
everywhere, just as if you were already living in heaven your divine
life thus to enjoy miracles each day into eternity.

And within this world of eternal holiness and incredible perfection
then you are living your true life and not the life of lies that Satan
managed not only Adam and Eve to accept within their hearts for
injustice to confess with their lips lies, curses and death to their
children, nevertheless by conversion through Jesus Christ you will be
restore to heaven immediately. Certainly, you may live your glorious
life, a life that has already defeated Satan’s lies from paradise
against Adam and his children, so you may not only live a plentiful
life these days on earth with your loved ones and friends but also
glorified our heavenly Father’s Holy Spirit of the blessed name and
commandments in the life of others, as well.

In this glorious life of perfection and endless holiness Satan can
never accuse you of sin much less condemn you for anything that might
come against you or your loved ones from your enemies but, instead
Satan will only see truth, holiness and perfection that reigns in you
supremely thanks to our heavenly Father and His blessed Son Jesus
Christ’s plentiful atoning-blood. And as Satan with his cronies sees
that you are holy as our heavenly Father is holy by the power of the
Holy Spirit, furthermore sees that you are perfect as His blessed Son
Jesus Christ’s unblemished life, then Satan with his fallen angels
will stay away from you for blessings to enter into your life without

This is a glorious life that our heavenly Father has granted you
nowadays through our Lord Jesus Christ’s perfect holiness shed since
Creation day within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount
Sinai’s injured rock thus to touch you as you have never been touched
before at Jerusalem’s holy hill, so you may live enriched each day
into eternity. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto
the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou
shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead.
See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal
Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of
JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?

Do the following and ASK HIM to GIVE YOU, RIGHT NOW, the POWER of the
of YOUR SOUL and LIFE) and HE will listen to you AND DO IT:

That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in
your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it
is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture
says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there
is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or
great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly
blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of
the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from
sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful
new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to
GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday. Be baptized in
water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship,
fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers
as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in
your prayers for me and my love ones, for your prayers are very
important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your
prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed
His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers
to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The
Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels
hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I most add
that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in
HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of

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