The description of Neurocluster Brain Model was updated and expanded. New additions are: how does the holotropic breathwork work, what is Kundalini awakening, what is intuition, what is subconscious, what are the highest spiritual states, etc.
Also added the detailed analysis and underlying mechanisms of the Holy Spirit:
A brief summary of Neurocluster Brain Model is following.
When a man sees new unknown object for the first time then finite number of neurons in the brain (cluster of neurons) stores information about object's model (how the object looks, how the object moves, how the object behaves, etc). Information about that object is saved not in the whole brain, but only in the finite "piece of the brain" - the evidence for that are experimental data about brain damage - if the brain is damaged in some local area then brain loses information only about some classes of objects, but not about all objects. The model of the object is stored inside the "piece of the brain" (cluster of neurons) and this neurocluster acts not only as passive "data file" but also under special conditions this neurocluster can act as "executable file" which can simulate the behavior of stored object for the main personality - this is the underlying mechanism of how religious adepts communicate with spirits/angels/Gods/etc and also the underlying mechanism of other religious and occult phenomena.