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ACCEPTABLE ERROR,,You know you lie. Something in you knows that all this is based on lie: people do tell lies to each other repeatedly and even pay for being told the selfsame lies over and over again. They are been told that they are free. They overspend on being trashed away while becoming part of the Hydra: a dead organism that is default mind, the mind of the world.

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Academic Zodiac RTRRT

Nov 8, 2014, 2:28:46 PM11/8/14

You know you lie. Something in you knows that all this is based on lie:
people do tell lies to each other repeatedly and even pay for being told
the selfsame lies over and over again. They are been told that they are
free. They overspend on being trashed away while becoming part of the
Hydra: a dead organism that is default mind, the mind of the world.

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