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Eco-feminism and Animal Rights

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J. B.

Aug 27, 2010, 11:27:20 AM8/27/10
Women – caretakers of the earth and its animals. Men – rapists of the
soil, dominators of women, children, and animals. Eco-feminism is the
social movement that links the oppression of women and abuse of nature
as being connected. Man is seen as the one who has caused harm to the
planet while woman has nurtured all life – both animals and plants –
who share our planet. The examples are many. Men plundering natural
resources; women toiling in gardens while guarding the precious soil
that feeds their families. Men wielding power over all those who are
weaker (women, children, animals). Women giving birth, caring for the
home and garden, loving and protecting animals.

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Ecofeminism sees the oppression of women and nature as
interconnected. More recently, eco-feminist theorists have extended
their analyses to consider the interconnections between sexism, the
domination of nature (including animals), and also racism and social
inequalities. Consequently it is now better understood as a movement
working against the interconnected oppressions of gender, race, class
and nature.

Once regarded as chattels, owned by men, women have had a long road
coming into their own – gaining the right to vote, the right to be
heard, the right to break through the “glass ceiling.” In many ways,
women have been treated the way that animals have been treated - as
owned pieces of property that do the bidding of men. Ecofeminists
believe that it is male ownership of land that has led to both the
exploitation of the earth and people. Men are the ones who instituted
slavery, who participated in genocides, who raped the land of its
natural resources, and whose greed is far more compelling than
stewardship of the earth.

Ecofeminism is a social and political movement that underlines the
common ground between environmentalism and feminism. Women, the
caretakers of both the family and Mother Earth, are the ones whose
beliefs and ways are most likely to lead to the continuation of the

Dr. Wangari Muta Maathai, a famous Ecofeminist and the first
environmentalist to win the Nobel Peace Prize (2004) is associated
with the Green Belt Movement which preserves our valuable green areas
in communities. Serving on the National Council of Women, Maathai
developed the idea in Africa of planting trees to preserve the
environment. She helped women plant more than 30 million trees in

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Sep 21, 2010, 11:36:17 AM9/21/10

"J. B." <> wrote in message

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Historically correct, but what about the advances women have made in the
20th Century and now in the 21st Century?

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