Have you ever wondered why some prayers are answered while others are not? Are some people just born lucky or was it fate? Is there a God who answers the prayers of the faithful but turns a deaf ear to the unworthy? Or is there something to the concept of the law of attraction that might allow people to better control their destiny with conscious effort? The answers to these questions, like many things we encounter in life, lies somewhere in the middle, allowing us to understand how all sides of the argument can be right simultaneously.
There are many proponents of the power of prayer, and I am not here to claim prayer has no power to perform miracles. Certainly there are millions of anecdotal stories standing as testaments to the use of prayer for solving amazing problems, and even curing “incurable” diseases. These stories are often used as “proof” that God both exists and actively listens to and answers prayers. But there are at least as many unanswered prayers as there have been answered prayers, and because so many painful things happen in peoples’ everyday lives, many formerly God-fearing people have developed a level of apathy against religion and prayer as a whole. This conundrum is indeed one of the largest antagonists against religion in modern day society, and contributes to why such a large number of formerly religious people become disenfranchised with religious practice and stop attending their faith’s services. So one of the many sub-questions I was interested in determining through my research was the nature of God, and a rectification (at least in my mind) concerning the power of prayer. I will not discuss the nature of God in this short post, yet let me say briefly the nature of God is intimately involved in the manner by which prayers function and thereby may or may not be answered.
For those who are not familiar with the law of attraction, I would encourage you to do a little background research, either on-line or in books. The law of attraction can explain well why some prayers are answered when others are not, and also could help the savvy individual to increase their chances of realizing a higher probability of successful outcome concerning their prayer requests.
The law of attraction in extreme summation is similar to “like-attracts-like.” In other words, if you think positively then good things are more likely to happen to you. Similarly, if you assert, either in your mind, aloud, or in writing, that something already is the way you want it to be, then you begin a pattern of change in your life so that you can eventually realize those desired requests. To understand why this phenomenon occurs would require an in-depth discussion of the nature of reality and God, so let’s simply suffice here to consider that this might be true. If so, then how could one optimize their prayers to set the conditions for a successful outcome?
Quite simply, one should add into their prayers these elements of the law of attraction necessary to act as assistors for a positive outcome. In other words, when you pray, pray with conviction: believe that your prayer will be heard and will be answered, and give thanks for the requested issue as if the prayer had already been answered/received. Don’t beg or allow desperation to enter into your prayers. There is no conviction in desperation. Desperation implies someone has no hope. You must know that your prayer will work; that there is always hope. This mindset requires a position of power, control, optimism and assertiveness. Unfortunately, many people only pray as a last resort and thereby find themselves in the point of desperation. As such, their prayer is destined for almost certain failure because of their lack of conviction (probably also attributed to because of their lack of practice in praying). Thus, pray often and pray with optimistic conviction.
To further aid your prayers, avoid use of words that state “negatives” and “negations” because they confuse the power of affirmations within your prayers. In other words avoid the use of “no,” “not,” “none,” etc. Here’s an example. Do not pray, “Lord, don’t let bad things happen to me.” Instead pray, “Lord, keep me safe.” The prayers have essentially the same meaning to English speakers, but the word construction makes the second prayer powerful through the law of attraction while the former is impotent, and potentially even counterproductive. Some highly credible sources have even claimed “negative” words are not recognized in prayer so the first prayer would instead be interpreted without its negative word as “Lord, let bad things happen to me.” Egads, that was not the intended request, so make a conscious effort to avoid the use of negative words in order to maintain positive control over the intended outcomes of prayer and thereby increase the chance of success for your prayers.
Wade, author of The Hidden Truth: A logical path through compelling evidence to discover the nature of reality and the meaning of life, at