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Story: I Am Not Stupid You Know

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The Guv'nor

Apr 7, 2004, 11:40:04 AM4/7/04
In all honesty, she did have a point. It's not that I meant to be
patronising, I like to think of it more as being protective. But Gina didn't
see it that way. Independent, successful, respected by her colleagues and
her friends, Gina was certainly no doormat. If she was, it would not be
"Welcome" that was written on it - it would be "Watch Your Step"

If she was doing anything, I would tend to watch over her. When I say,
watch, I should really say, "interfere".

"Careful darling, you might hurt yourself" I would say and try to step in to
help. She'd glare at me and reply, "I know, I am not stupid you know"

For example, one day she was driving me to work, my car had broken down and
she offered me a lift. She was not used to this particular route and I
warned her, "be careful, there are a lot of mad drivers on this road."

"I know, I am not stupid you know" came the reply.

The casual observer will probably agree with Gina. I was patronising. But it
wasn't like that. I became the man of the family at a young age, the only
male in a house of females. Anyone looked at my sister and I would challenge
him to a fight. If I saw mum or even my older sister carrying anything, I
would rush to their aid.

So, if I saw Gina struggling to take a saucepan of boiling water to the
sink, I would rush over and say, "Let me do that, it's heavy and dangerous"

"I know, I am not stupid you know" would follow as sure as night follows

I tried to explain things to her, tried to make her see where I was coming
from, but it was no good. As far as she could see she didn't need any help
from me or anyone else for that matter.

I knew she was right, but I couldn't stop myself. It was a habit that
although wasn't quite a lifetime - sometimes sure felt like it.

After a while, "I know, I am not stupid you know" began to irritate me. I
wanted to yell out to her, "Yes, I am a patronising prat, but I am because I
love you, why can't you see that?"

And you know something? One day I did just that. In fact, I went a bit

You know how sometimes things well up inside you? Things you are bursting to
say, all bottled up and when you do finally let it all out, you can't seem
to stop and go further than intended? That's what happened.

"All I am trying to do is help. I may be making a pigs ear out of helping,
but I am doing my best, and if I hear 'I know,I am not stupid you know' one
more time, I am going to ruddy well take you over my knee and smack your
bottom till you don't know if you are Arthur or Martha."

"Oh bugger" I thought to myself. "I have really done it now" I waited for
her response. Nothing. She just looked at me, then carried on what she was
doing. I felt ignored.

Then it happened. Last Friday we had a new home theatre system delivered
and I was setting it all up. I am not too good at that sort of thing and
there were cords everywhere. I had been crawling behind and under things,
lifting and shifting and trying to figure out what the hell the instruction
manual was all about.

Into the room came Gina. "Be careful, there are cords and screwdrivers all
over the place" I warned.

"I know,I am not stupid you know" she replied.

In my mind a few things came into play. (1) I had warned her what would
happen (2) I may seem easy going but I have my limits.Those limits were
crossed not only by her reaction, but finally figuring out that Figure 3 in
the instruction manual was really Figure bloody 4.
(3) If I back down now, what will she think of me? Male pride again I

In a flash, my brain sent out two urgent messages. "Do it!" and "You don't
have to hurt her, just show her you are upset"

I got up from the floor - eventually, went to my toolbox and picked up an
extendable wooden ruler.

"You've asked for this" I said, tapping the ruler against my palm.

"Don't you even think about it" she yelled at me and backed away.

I moved towards her and when I had picked myself up after tripping over a
loose cord, I recommenced my journey towards what could either be triumph or

"What do you think you are doing? What's come over you" she shouted at me. I
ignored her and grabbed her arm

"Look, this is ridiculous, I am warning you, let me go" It made no
difference to me.

I hadn't planned it very well. Attempting to navigate a room full of
rearranged furniture and a floor littered with cardboard boxes was not the
best environment in which to try to be masterful.

However, I did get her over my knee. She was still protesting of course, but
I had gone too far to stop now. Up went her skirt, and down came everything
that was meant to come down in circumstances like this.

I didn't hurt her - well, maybe just a little. No marks though, and to be
honest the screams and moans that came out of one end, were far too
melodramatic for what was actually happening at the other.

When I had finished spanking her, I helped her up. I pulled her towards me
and hugged her - tightly.

"I did tell you that I would put you over my knee. You should have expected
it" I said, with what I hoped was a sort of assertive tenderness.

She pulled away and looked at me.

By heck, I hadn't seen that look on her face since we were 18 and she told
me. "You know, mum and dad wont be home for ages and ages".

She stroked my cheek and coyly said....."Yes I know. I am not stupid you

Well, I'll be buggered:)

New Perspectives R.O.D.
Realistic Online Discipline For Adults
I've had enough of watching scenes
Of schizophrenic, ego-centric, paranoiac, prima-donnas
All I want is the truth now
Just gimme some truth..John Lennon

Apr 7, 2004, 1:07:44 PM4/7/04
<<"All I am trying to do is help. I may be making a pigs ear out of
helping, but I am doing my best, and if I hear 'I know,I am not stupid
you know' one more time, I am going to ruddy well take you over my knee
and smack your bottom till you don't know if you are Arthur or

I just love the voice in this :-) ! Guess some people aren't as stupid
as one may think :-) . Fun plot, MIke!


Get REAL at alt.spanking.reality.moderated!


Apr 7, 2004, 8:57:54 PM4/7/04
This is a cute one, Mike. The interaction is great and I can just see that
room full of pitfalls. Very funny!



Apr 8, 2004, 9:20:05 AM4/8/04

What a sweet ending, Guv', LOVED it! Fabulous writing...<smooches>

SG ;)

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