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Soulmates Since Childhood?

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Brenda K.

Jan 29, 2003, 6:39:30 PM1/29/03
>Subject: Soulmates Since Childhood?
>From: (Mavalon)
>Date: 1/29/2003 6:10 PM Eastern Standard Time
>Message-id: <>
>I have been lurking for a couple of months now and finally would like
>to share. I think I have met my soulmate. More accurately, I believe
>that I'm coming to the realization that a certain person who has been
>in my life for a very long time may be my soulmate. We met for the
>first time when we were five years old...the first day of
>kindergarten. We were drawn to each other the very second we met.
>Throughout our childhood, we were inseperable. We rode bikes, pushed
>each other on swings, built treehouses, swam...did everything
>together. We were sweethearts. Everyone we grew up with believed we
>would marry. Highschool came and we grew apart, though we always
>remained friends. Throughout the next 15 years circumstances and
>timing kept us apart, though we kept occasional contact.
>He is now married to another woman, and I am about to become married
>(to a wonderful man who I dearly love).
>I recently saw my "possible soulmate", and after doing alot of reading
>here on exactly what a soulmate is I am 95% sure he is it. It was at
>a party where a whole bunch of old friends got together. There was
>this incredible energy between us. We were completely drawn to each
>other the entire night. When I looked at him it was as though his
>eyes were sparkling and there was this warm, comfortable feeling while
>we sat together and talked. It was a feeling of "coming home" like
>has been described in other posts here. And when we hugged goodbye
>toward the end of the evening, it was such an incredible feeling that
>I can't even put it into words.
>Looking back now at similiar gatherings (Xmas, New Year etc) over the
>past few years, I realize that the second he or I walked into the
>room, our eyes would immediately lock. He is the first person I
>see...and all I can see is the sparkles, the recognition, the warmth,
>and the energy and excitement. It's as though we were expecting the
>other the walk in the second that we did.
>I guess I am somewhat confused and seeking other opinions. I am
>unsure if what I am feeling is truly the soulmate connection, or if it
>is cold feet, or if it's saying goodbye to my childhood in preparation
>for the next stage of my life. I love my fiance and do not doubt my
>love for him, and I know that I want to marry him, but there's that
>tiny part of me that wonders.
>If my childhood friend truly is my soulmate...why would it take all
>these years to realize it, and then when I finally do, it's at a time
>when we've both entered into lifelong committments with other people?
>And if he truly is my soulmate, I believe our paths will eventually
>cross when the timing is right whether it's in this life or the next.
>I truly believe that a magical bond exists between us...which leads me
>to my next question. I have no idea if he has come to the soulmate
>realization so how can I tell if he has? For other soulmates out
>there...did it come up in conversation ever? If so who brought it up?
> Or is it something that never has to be just know?
>Please help.

Only you can answer the question about having cold feet but it truly sounds
like you love your fiance.

I have two beliefs about soulmates. Neither is complicated 'cause if it were I
wouldn't be able to understand it. LOL

First is that we can have more than one soulmate. I've met several in my life.
Two were romantic relationships that did not work out. But I still believe both
were indeed soulmates.

Second is that a soulmate does not have to be a romantic link. I have two
soulmates that are very close and dear friends. And sometimes we speak almost
as one voice. Those are relationships I treasure.

It could be that this friend is your soulmate, but that doesn't mean he was
destined to be your life mate.

Good luck with whatever course you take.



Jan 29, 2003, 10:50:29 PM1/29/03
"Brenda K." wrote:

Brenda, I am glad I read your reply first,
because you took almost every thought
that I had and expressed them with such

If I may add a couple more thoughts.....

It is lovely when our spouse turns out
to be our soulmate as well, but it is not
necessary for a wonderful marriage.
Nor is it necessary for two soulmates
to enjoy a spiritual relationship that
surpasses the boundaries of body,
gender and sex. This fact becomes
evident when the two soulmates are
brother and sister!

Feeling the love of a soulmate is often
a romantic experience.... even when it
does not involve any romance!

As Brenda said, Good luck with whatever
course you take.


White Tiger

Jan 30, 2003, 2:59:14 AM1/30/03
You just know.....however he may be yours but you may not be you
get the same feelings for your fiance, does he for his wife? Past happiness
and feeling of supreme comfort with someone like a childhood friend could be
mistaken for your love soulmate, in my opinion a soulmate can be a true
friend and nothing more but could also be the love of your life, in your
situation I'd want to at least ask him how he feels, directly. Never wonder
when you can find out, you'll drive yourself nuts.


Sean xx
"Mavalon" <> wrote in message


Jan 30, 2003, 10:10:16 AM1/30/03
yaya <> wrote in message news:<>...

Hmmpt! <pouting> You two didn't leave me anything to say!

Oh well. What they said. Seems like I should re-post the FAQ for
soulmates. I'll need to dig it up, but it covers much of what both
Brenda K and Yahya have said.



Jan 31, 2003, 1:00:44 PM1/31/03
to (Mavalon) wrote in message news:<>...

Wise of you to consider this carefully. What you're looking at here can be,
for some people, a recipe for disaster. You see, if you're not completely
certain about who you love and what you want out of life, and yet you go ahead
with something permanent like marriage, then that uncertainty will grow as you
continue through life. And even if you made the best choice possible, as your
uncertainty grows, you'll feel less happy with it. This leads to all kinds of
ugliness down the road. This is one of the ways in which those who used to be
'so in love' with their spouses end up having affairs. It has the potential
to leave you miserable, your husband miserable, and the other guy miserable too.
Just be careful.

> If my childhood friend truly is my soulmate...why would it take all
> these years to realize it, and then when I finally do, it's at a time
> when we've both entered into lifelong committments with other people?

That's a very good question. The answer is that this type of thing happens
all the time. This is life's way of testing you, to see what you really want.
If there is an eternal connection between the two of you, do you care about that
enough to break off your marriage? Or, whether he's your soulmate or not, is
your fiance really what you want out of life? Are you sure?
I'll point out that the fact that you were uncertain enough to bring this up
on a newsgroup suggests that there's more to this than cold feet, but in the
end, I don't know anything about your life. Only you can choose what you want,
only you can read whatever signs the universe is giving you, and only you have
the power to find happiness.

What you need to do, now, is make a decision. Leave the question of whether
he's your soulmate out of it. Do you love him, secretly, in your heart of
hearts, even if you've never admitted it before? Or do you have no such
feelings for him, just a sentimental desire to have something more, a more
eternal connection than what you now have? Be very careful here, because if
what you really want IS a deeper connection, than that means you don't have
such a connection now, and then the man you're marrying isn't right for you
I'm not trying to tell you that you aren't in love with your fiance. On the
contrary, I think you owe it to him to be completely sure that you're going to
be happy with him for the rest of your life.

> And if he truly is my soulmate, I believe our paths will eventually
> cross when the timing is right whether it's in this life or the next.

Do you want to stake your life's happiness on that? I know I wouldn't, and
I believe in destiny. The thing is, fate only takes you so far. You have to
take it from there.

> I truly believe that a magical bond exists between us...which leads me
> to my next question. I have no idea if he has come to the soulmate
> realization so how can I tell if he has? For other soulmates out
> there...did it come up in conversation ever? If so who brought it up?
> Or is it something that never has to be just know?
> Please help.

In my own experience, it comes up in conversation when you bring it up. Not
before. And yes, it has to be spoken... none of us are so perfect that we can
read minds. We need language to communicate, and communication is the most
important thing in any relationship.
If you want to talk to him about it, just ask him. Be direct.

You asked me to help, milady, and this is the best help that I can give. I
only wish that I had more to offer you.
May you find what you are looking for.

--"Hope fades, and passion fades, but love remains eternal."

Richard Lamb

Jan 31, 2003, 1:03:32 PM1/31/03
Destiny takes you to the door,
but you have to step through yourself...


Brenda K.

Jan 31, 2003, 6:42:45 PM1/31/03
Well HELLO stranger! :)
Where the heck have you been!?


>Subject: Re: Soulmates Since Childhood?
>From: Richard Lamb
>Date: 1/31/2003 1:03 PM Eastern Standard Time
>Message-id: <>

>Destiny takes you to the door,
>but you have to step through yourself...

Richard Lamb

Feb 1, 2003, 7:25:17 AM2/1/03
Just lurking.

I've been working pretty steadily on getting the plane finished.
About all the building part is done.

Started covering it a couple of weeks back.
Everything but the wings are covered, and getting prepped for paint.
Fabric covering for light planes is kinda neat stuff.
Even my Mom came by to watch.

If I can get some paint on it and get all the pieces back together,
it might be ready to hop by the end of the month(???)

There is a monster big airshow in Florida starting April 2.
If she's presentable by then, I'd really like to go.
This is the 100th aniversary of powered flight.
Outta be a really big shoe! (Ed Sullivan?)

I started this project three years ago - today.

Looks like it's going to get finished after all!

Hugs to all,


Brenda K.

Feb 1, 2003, 10:18:48 AM2/1/03
That's wonderful, Richard, to be able to finish a dream. I hope you get to make
the airshow.

Watching the skies over your area this morning. How very sad and heartbreaking
to watch the shuttle fall apart.


>Subject: Re: Soulmates Since Childhood?
>From: Richard Lamb

>Date: 2/1/2003 7:25 AM Eastern Standard Time
>Message-id: <>

>Just lurking.
>I've been working pretty steadily on getting the plane finished.
>About all the building part is done.
>Started covering it a couple of weeks back.
>Everything but the wings are covered, and getting prepped for paint.
>Fabric covering for light planes is kinda neat stuff.
>Even my Mom came by to watch.
>If I can get some paint on it and get all the pieces back together,
>it might be ready to hop by the end of the month(???)
>There is a monster big airshow in Florida starting April 2.
>If she's presentable by then, I'd really like to go.
>This is the 100th aniversary of powered flight.
>Outta be a really big shoe! (Ed Sullivan?)
>I started this project three years ago - today.
>Looks like it's going to get finished after all!
>Hugs to all,

Richard Lamb

Feb 1, 2003, 2:13:14 PM2/1/03

"Brenda K." wrote:
> That's wonderful, Richard, to be able to finish a dream. I hope you get to make
> the airshow.
> Watching the skies over your area this morning. How very sad and heartbreaking
> to watch the shuttle fall apart.
> BRenda

As safe as it has been, it is still space flight.

Godspeed Columbia and crew

"Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun-split clouds - and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of - wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there
I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air.
Up, up the long delirious, burning blue,
I've topped the windswept heights with easy grace
Where never lark, or even eagle flew -
And, while with silent lifting mind I've trod
The high untrespassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand and touched the face of God."

Pilot Officer Gillespie Magee
No 412 squadron, RCAF
Killed 11 December 1941

Jim Ledford

Feb 1, 2003, 2:33:20 PM2/1/03
Richard Lamb wrote:
> Just lurking.
> I've been working pretty steadily on getting the plane finished.
> About all the building part is done.
> Started covering it a couple of weeks back.
> Everything but the wings are covered, and getting prepped for paint.
> Fabric covering for light planes is kinda neat stuff.
> Even my Mom came by to watch.
> If I can get some paint on it and get all the pieces back together,
> it might be ready to hop by the end of the month(???)
> There is a monster big airshow in Florida starting April 2.
> If she's presentable by then, I'd really like to go.
> This is the 100th aniversary of powered flight.
> Outta be a really big shoe! (Ed Sullivan?)
> I started this project three years ago - today.
> Looks like it's going to get finished after all!
> Hugs to all,
> --Richard

Hi Richard,

your airplane building and the satisfaction you've got from that
is the same as my rebuilding of my Ford F600 dump truck. All
beside myself with to much pride when I'm pulling out of the
rock quarry with 7 or 8 tons of rock to haul to the job site.

Best wishes for you always Man,


Brenda K.

Feb 1, 2003, 3:09:48 PM2/1/03
Thank you, Richard
For sharing the poem



Feb 4, 2003, 5:19:32 AM2/4/03
to (Mavalon) wrote in message news:<>...

Hello Mavalon,

I can only say that all the other people who gave you advice in this
thread, they know what they are talking about, and I agree with their

So I can hardly add anything new here!

I can imagine you share beautiful memories with that soulmate, after
all, you grew up together, had a good time, so it's obvious you feel
great and comfortable when you are with him. Just don't forget the one
you love and think about the things that made you decide wanting to
marry him.

Is it possible for you to be really good friends? You don't have to
have a romantic relationship with your soulmate, friendship can go
really deep too. I think you have to talk about it, with your
soulmate, your soon-to-be-husband and your inner self.

I wish you good luck and keep us informed, okay?
Regards / Groeten


Feb 18, 2003, 2:23:53 PM2/18/03
> Wise of you to consider this carefully. What you're looking at here can be,
> for some people, a recipe for disaster. You see, if you're not completely
> certain about who you love and what you want out of life, and yet you go ahead
> with something permanent like marriage, then that uncertainty will grow as you
> continue through life. And even if you made the best choice possible, as your
> uncertainty grows, you'll feel less happy with it. This leads to all kinds of
> ugliness down the road. This is one of the ways in which those who used to be
> 'so in love' with their spouses end up having affairs. It has the potential
> to leave you miserable, your husband miserable, and the other guy miserable too.
> Just be careful.

> That's a very good question. The answer is that this type of thing happens

> all the time. This is life's way of testing you, to see what you really want.
> If there is an eternal connection between the two of you, do you care about that
> enough to break off your marriage? Or, whether he's your soulmate or not, is
> your fiance really what you want out of life? Are you sure?
> I'll point out that the fact that you were uncertain enough to bring this up
> on a newsgroup suggests that there's more to this than cold feet, but in the
> end, I don't know anything about your life. Only you can choose what you want,
> only you can read whatever signs the universe is giving you, and only you have
> the power to find happiness.
> What you need to do, now, is make a decision. Leave the question of whether
> he's your soulmate out of it. Do you love him, secretly, in your heart of
> hearts, even if you've never admitted it before? Or do you have no such
> feelings for him, just a sentimental desire to have something more, a more
> eternal connection than what you now have? Be very careful here, because if
> what you really want IS a deeper connection, than that means you don't have
> such a connection now, and then the man you're marrying isn't right for you
> either.
> I'm not trying to tell you that you aren't in love with your fiance. On the
> contrary, I think you owe it to him to be completely sure that you're going to
> be happy with him for the rest of your life.

> Do you want to stake your life's happiness on that? I know I wouldn't, and
> I believe in destiny. The thing is, fate only takes you so far. You have to
> take it from there.

> In my own experience, it comes up in conversation when you bring it up. Not
> before. And yes, it has to be spoken... none of us are so perfect that we can
> read minds. We need language to communicate, and communication is the most
> important thing in any relationship.
> If you want to talk to him about it, just ask him. Be direct.
> You asked me to help, milady, and this is the best help that I can give. I
> only wish that I had more to offer you.
> May you find what you are looking for.
> --"Hope fades, and passion fades, but love remains eternal."
> --Darksbane


Thank you so much for your thoughtful reply. You have
put forward a number of relevaent questions that I must ask myself. I
must now take some time to answer these questions honestly. Once again
thank-you, and I may be back after my journey.


Mar 26, 2003, 12:12:46 AM3/26/03
the answer "is he my soulmate" can't really be answered for certain. it's
possible that because you grew up together you have these feelings, or it's
possible you've known each other somewhere apart from on earth (my
definition of soul mates). one test I use is can you feel him when he's not
around. I believe, though can't be entirely sure that I have a soulmate
living in the same village who I don't see. We went to the same school,
from nursery (kindergarten) until the first year of college/6th form. we
hardly knew each other, strangely we never conversed in school, I don't
remember him hardly but I remember EVERYONE else in the class. there were a
few meetings and acts of extreme kindness but that was it until we were just
about to leave school where a friend of ours brought us together, we
socialized a couple of times with other friends but never really got much of
a chance to talk one to one and he kept inviting me out but i refused for
reasons nothing to do with him and we lost contact.

however despite hardly ever spending time together still to this day I can
feel him around, I dream about him etc. it comes and goes, but I spent 3
years living with 1 guy but NEVER feel him around me.

also other things that make me think he's one of my soulmates, is one I got
a message from the spirit world when I was having a spiritual experience "
xxxxxx is your soul mate, phone him" plus many more. plus he touched my
soul in a way NO ONE ever has, in just one night with a few words he's
touched me more than anyone has been able to do in my whole life. plus this
bloke appeared on one significant date in my life recently.

anyway, sorry i've gone on a bit and been vague, it's late and i'm tired.
there's no sure way to tell if he's your soul mate, and even if he is it
doesn't mean you've got to spend this life together, perhaps your souls are
torn between two options, spending this lifetime together or growing and
spending time apart so when you go back to the spirit world it'll be all the
better. considering the fact you went to the same school i would class this
as an attempt to be together, although the younger one could have followed
the older one here.

basically stick with what feels right, and don't trust your head too much,
if it's just your head saying should i not marry my husband etc. then go
ahead but if it's your heart then maybe you should consider seeking out
other options. the feelings you describe certainly seem concordant with
what i believe soul mates to be like, but again if both your souls are
wanting to be together right now you would be. maybe you just have to go
ahead and marry this bloke and who knows what happens in the future

good luck and enjoy whatever comes your way

"Mavalon" <> wrote in message

> If my childhood friend truly is my soulmate...why would it take all
> these years to realize it, and then when I finally do, it's at a time
> when we've both entered into lifelong committments with other people?

> And if he truly is my soulmate, I believe our paths will eventually
> cross when the timing is right whether it's in this life or the next.

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