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Refer Candidates for "oracle Cloud Service" positions at "Dallas, TX" and get rewards as referral bonus

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Pramod Macherla

Oct 29, 2014, 5:16:27 PM10/29/14
Hello Dear Recruiter,

Greetings of the day.

Here is an exciting offer from "REPHRLLAS.COM"
Refer Candidates for "oracle Cloud Service" positions at "Dallas, TX" and get rewards as referral bonus, If your referred one's hired.

Job Description:-

Job Title :- Oracle Cloud Sevice
Location :- Dallas, TX
Visa Status :- H1 ok
Reward Bonus in Rs. :- 1,00,000

I hope you will participate in this program and win rewards.
All the Best

Intrested one's can share profiles to ""

Warm Regards,
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