In article <c734a497-4df9-46bc-8487-> wrote:
> On Wednesday, January 15, 2020 at 12:40:58 PM UTC-5, Lee wrote in
> > Wind, Solar To Dominate New US Power Capacity This Year
> > Jan 14, 2020
> >
> >
> > Wind and solar power will dominate the electricity
> > generation additions across the United States in
> > 2020,
You half-assed left wing morons never ever think things through.
I can kill 50-75% of your solar capacity with a cessna, 200
pounds of fine carbon powder (Ordinary ground charcoal), and
vegetable or used motor oil.
One pass two miles upwind with a high-pressure mist from an
ordinary paint sprayer and you're fucked until you clean it off.
Solar power is vulnerable to any one of a hundred nefarious
exploits cooked up in a garage.