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Whining Multiculturalists Get Facebook To Take Down Promiscuous Democrat Wigger Savannah Spurlock Page Post Capability

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Aug 10, 2019, 4:50:02 PM8/10/19
Deer Leftists,

Her family KNOWS she is / was a niggar fucking whore.
Her CHILDREN KNOW she is / was a niggar fucking whore.
Her neighbors KNOW she is / was a niggar fucking whore.
The local bartenders KNOW she is / was a niggar fucking whore.
The CITY where she lives / lived KNOWS she is / was a niggar
fucking whore.
The COUNTY WELFARE DEPARTMENT where she lives / lived KNOWS she
is / was a niggar fucking whore.
The ENTIRE COUNTRY where she lives / lived KNOWS she is / was a
niggar fucking whore.
EVERYBODY KNOWS she is / was a niggar fucking whore.


Fucking niggars is what got the stupid white bitch killed.

Savannah Spurlock is missing. The last time the 22-year-old
missing mother of four was seen was in Lexington, Kentucky on
Jan. 4. Her case is currently national news and law enforcement
and her family is searching tirelessly for her so they may
reunite with their loved one and reunite a loving mother with
her children.

Lots of rumors and drama have surrounded this case, which isn’t
a surprise sadly in the social media age. People want to focus
on what they see as the negative aspects of the case instead of
focusing on a young mother being missing and possibly
endangered. Savannah has a Facebook page with many public posts,
where hateful trolls and the judgmental public are allowed to
spew racist, violent comments about a missing and endangered
woman who’s family is already going through enough. People have
even scammed the family, pretending to have the missing woman
and demanding a ransom.

After taking an interest in the case and reading the comments on
Savannah’s page in disgust, I reached out to Savannahs aunt,
Lisa, who runs the “Missing Savannah Spurlock” page on Facebook.
I offered her my help in trying to get this situation handled,
and am starting by creating this petition and encouraging people
to reach out to Facebook so they can have a chance to deal with
it appropriately before we explore other options.

Lisa sent me her communications with Facebook customer service
and they said they are unable to do anything for anyone unless
they are deceased or have a medical incapacity. This is despite
Savannah’s mother Ellen’s written permission to remove the
content and several pleas to Facebook personally. It is not
right that something can not be done for a missing person who is
being subject to racist vitriol, and all sorts of toxicity while
she isn’t there to defend herself. Missing people are victims
too. The families of the missing are as well. They MUST be

Help us protect Savannah by signing this petition so Facebook
knows that leaving these public posts up for people to leave
vicious comments is psychologically traumatizing to a family
that has already been traumatized. Think of Savannah’s children.
One day they will be old enough to be able to see these
comments. Innocent children don’t deserve to have their lives
affected by slander and hatred when they’re missing their mommy
and waiting for her to come home.

Facebook needs to start thinking about adding a special category
in addition to deceased and medically incapacitated person so
that a missing persons dignity and rights are protected when
they are unable to defend themselves against slander. If
Facebook won’t remove public posts and comments at the request
of the family, they need to temporarily disable the profile or
the comments.

Please keep Savannah, her children and her family in your
thoughts. Please let Facebook know this CANNOT be allowed to
continue by signing the petition to have her Facebook turned
over to the hands of her mother, Ellen Thoma Spurlock, so she
can deactivate comments and continue to search for her daughter.

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