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AG Barr Smacks Down Obnoxious Democrat Pestering Him Over Obamacare

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Deplorable Redneck

Apr 17, 2019, 11:50:04 AM4/17/19
During a hearing today Attorney General Bill Barr smacked down
an obnoxious Democrat who was badgering him about an Obamacare
case working its way through the courts.

The Congressman kept repeating over and over his belief that
should the DOJ prevail in the Obamacare case millions would

Barr finally had enough and replied ““I’m just saying that if
you think it’s such an outrageous position, you have nothing to
worry about. Let the courts do their job.”

Partial transcript:

CARTWRIGHT: “Number one, have you conducted or viewed an
analysis to evaluate the effects of DOJ’s litigation position to
overturn the ACA, the effects on consumer costs and coverage?
Have you done that analysis or have you reviewed one?”

BARR: “Well, when we’re faced with a legal question, we try to
base our answer on the law.”

CARTWRIGHT: “On the law. So the answer is no. Here’s the thing.
I can’t imagine that you would take that kind of a dramatic,
drastic action without even trying to evaluate the consequences
for the American consumers, the people using the health care,
the people for whom these premiums are paid. But let’s start the
process — “

BARR: “You mean in the event that the law is struck down?”

CARTWRIGHT: “If you’re successful in this lawsuit that you’re
supporting and the entire patient protection and Affordable Care
Act is struck down, millions of Americans who currently receive
health insurance coverage under the law are at risk of losing
that coverage. Am I correct in that?”

BARR: “I think the President has made clear that he favors not
only preexisting conditions, but would like action on a broad
health plan. So he is proposing a substitute for ObamaCare.”

CARTWRIGHT: “The one that’s going to come after the next
election, you mean?”

BARR: “The one that will come down if and when —“

CARTWRIGHT: “Well, let me be the one to inform you, should the
law be struck down, millions of people who get their coverage
through the ACA marketplace would lose their coverage, and tens
of millions more would see their premiums skyrocket. In
addition, if you’re successful, 12 million people nationally and
750,000 people in my home state of Pennsylvania who have
coverage under the Medicaid expansion would also likely lose
their coverage. Am I correct in that, sir?”

BARR: “Do you think it’s likely we are going to prevail?”

CARTWRIGHT: “If you prevail — well, you’re devoting scarce
resources of your department toward that effort, are you not,
Attorney General?”

BARR: “We’re in litigation. We have to take a position.”

CARTWRIGHT: “The answer is yes.”

BARR: “We take position in litigation.”

CARTWRRIGHT: “If you succeed, that many people will lose their
coverage nationally from Medicaid, and 750,000 from Pennsylvania
alone, right?”

BARR: “I’m just saying that if you think it’s such an outrageous
position, you have nothing to worry about. Let the courts do
their job.”

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