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Wiccans are Transphobic

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Oct 3, 2016, 5:20:15 PM10/3/16
Does Wicca discriminate against transgendered persuns?

Wicca is a pseudo-religion, more of a role-playing game than anything,
that was invented in the 19th century as an alternative to Atheism,
which was also gaining in popularity as the power of Christianity began
to decline.

Dabbling in the occult, long forbidden by the Church, was becoming more
popular, and the original Wiccans imagined they were re-creating an
ancient pagan religion that had been exterminated by the patriarchal
Church. No evidence exists that any Wiccan rituals bear any resemblance
to the pagan rituals of the pre-church era, which were largely
unrecorded. Wiccans like to believe that the innocent women burned
at the stake during the Inquisition and Salem witch trials were really
"witches," and try to make a connection to them so as to feel
persecuted, which they thrive on though no one today really cares
about them.

Since the Church was male-dominated, and its god was male, Wiccans
thought there should be a female goddeess and created one, thus
restoring the natural balance.

Okay, but then this male/female god/goddess creation of Wicca would seem
to exclude transgenders, pangenders, agenders, etc. This is exactly the
sort of "binary" gender assignment that has the LBGTPHTPHHH community
in such a huff these days. Like Christianity where you are forced to
worship a single male god, in Wicca you are forced to worship a male and
a female god, with no gods for people in between those genders. Thus,
Wicca is transphobic.

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