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Re: Millions did die before Obamacare

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Rudy Canoza

Jul 21, 2017, 12:39:24 PM7/21/17
On 7/21/2017 8:56 AM, Tom Sr. wrote:
> On 7/20/2017 5:29 PM, Rudy Canoza wrote:
>> On 7/20/2017 5:26 PM, Tyler wrote:
>>> On 7/20/2017 4:58 PM, Rudy Canoza wrote:
>>>> On 7/20/2017 1:52 PM, Tyler James wrote:
>>>>> On 7/20/2017 3:22 PM, Rudy Canoza wrote:
>>>>>> On 7/20/2017 12:10 PM, Tyler James wrote:
>>>>>>> On 7/20/2017 1:33 PM, Rudy Canoza wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 7/20/2017 11:19 AM, a322x1n wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Democrats Are Demented <> wrote in
>>>>>>>>>> It's all a scam for democrats to bully and control citizens.
>>>>>>>>>> Democrats are and have always been bullies
>>>>>>>>> Actually, yes, millions died before Obamacare.
>>>>>>>>> Democrats passed Obamacare to save the lives of million of future
>>>>>>>>> citizens.
>>>>>>>> Actually, it is a lie to say that millions died due to a lack of
>>>>>>>> affordable medical care. That's just a bald-faced lie.
>>>>>>> Actually it isn't. I work for the AHA, American Hospital
>>>>>>> Association
>>>>>>> as a state administrator at the national headquarters. In the
>>>>>>> years since George Bush has left office 6.1 million poor and
>>>>>>> homeless Americans have died because of *lack of medical care* due
>>>>>>> mainly
>>>>>>> to unaffordability of medical insurance and inability to pay.
>>>>>>> These figures have been obtained from participating hospitals and
>>>>>>> mortuaries across the nation.
>>>>>>> In short, your politicians are keeping there word to their
>>>>>>> constituents and they are solving the problem of the poor and the
>>>>>>> homeless, by cutting funding that would have them alive.
>>>>>>> Your policies are killing people, and that sir is not a bald
>>>>>>> faced lie!
>>>>>> Sorry, I don't believe a word of that.
>>>>> Of course you don't!
>>>> Yes, because you didn't offer anything, such as annual mortality
>>>> figures before and after the enactment of the ACA, to support your
>>>> bullshit claim.
>>> On 6.1 million people? You will just have to come by my office
>>> and sign a release then you can have copies of that information.
>> Fuck off, bitch boy. You don't have it.
> As I lied the other day about Prof Canoza:

We're not interested in a repetition of your lies, o estrogen-drenched
colander-skull queer-sex-cruising artist Dum Sr.

The bitch-boy doesn't have any figures that show a decrease in mortality
caused by the ACA, Dum Sr., but I found reliable data that show an
*increase* in mortality after ACA was fully implemented. As I am very
careful to point out, o estrogen-drenched colander-skull
queer-sex-cruising artist Dum Sr., that doesn't mean the ACA "caused"
the increased mortality - although it might have been the cause - but it
does, at a minimum, completely disprove the claims by the ACA's
hucksters and shills in 2008-2010 that extending health insurance
coverage to previously uninsured persons would lead to a decrease in
mortality. They *guaranteed* that it would lead to a decrease in
mortality, o estrogen-drenched colander-skull queer-sex-cruising artist
Dum Sr., and they were *FUCKING WRONG*.

Homo Hummel, I think you're a good candidate for receiving some "free"
orthodontia by means of a tire iron. How about it, Homo Hummel?

Hey! Here's a good idea - why don't you get that pouncing homo "Tyler"
to come by your dump for some good old-fashioned rumpy-pumpy and urban
renewal? If he stands you up, Homo Hummel, then you can have another
good long cry about it on Facebook.

Rudy Canoza

Jul 21, 2017, 2:47:39 PM7/21/17
On 7/21/2017 10:10 AM, Tom Sr. wrote:
> Rewriting posts, Prof. Canoza,

You asked me to do it. You *begged* me, o estrogen-drenched
colander-skull cocksucking liar and chicken-cruising Dum Sr.

>> We're not interested in a repetition of your lies, o estrogen-drenched
>> colander-skull queer-sex-cruising artist Dum Sr.
> You keep PROVING

that I am your superior in every way even if I am in a long-term coma. Yes.

You lied, you stupid Homo Hummel. The ACA did not reduce mortality;
mortality *INCREASED* after the ACA was fully implemented.

Did you follow up on my suggestion that perhaps "Tyler" (classic
'chicken' name) might want to come to your place for some wild-eyed


Jul 21, 2017, 3:01:31 PM7/21/17
It looks from here like you are too scared of him
to go and pickup the information.

Nothing he said regarding
the dissemination of the info is unreasonable. It's
the property of his company and has to be signed for
whether you believe that or not.

Next time try to act like a man instead of little
hoodlum that you really are.

Rudy Canoza

Jul 21, 2017, 3:08:20 PM7/21/17
> to go and pickup [sic] the information.

No need, and he doesn't have it.

Are you looking to get some free orthodontia, too?


Jul 21, 2017, 3:40:36 PM7/21/17
You aren't up to the task, little man.


Jul 21, 2017, 4:51:08 PM7/21/17
Numerous sources debunk the ridiculous 6.1 million figure.
Even the most liberal and highest estimate totals well under 500,000
in the eight years the liar refers to.
But please, don't let facts get in the way of blind partisan loyalty
to your socialist causes.

Funny that literally every source states that it is impossible to
determine just how many people, especially homeless or very poor, die
in a year specifically due to lack of health insurance.
Yet the clown Tyler claims to have a complete study that does exactly
that but has not and according to them, will not be published.
It's also funny that they are so quick to spit numbers out of their
ass while claiming to have documentation to back them up and then
immediately claims that said documentation is "secret" and cannot be

Actually it's not funny at all. It's just another liberal dick lying
and being a troll.


Jul 21, 2017, 5:03:35 PM7/21/17
I'm content to wait for the paperwork but I will read what you
have to say.

> Even the most liberal and highest estimate totals well under 500,000
> in the eight years the liar refers to.
> But please, don't let facts get in the way of blind partisan loyalty
> to your socialist causes.

I'm an independent, unaffiliated. You assume wrongly.

> Funny that literally every source states that it is impossible to
> determine just how many people, especially homeless or very poor, die
> in a year specifically due to lack of health insurance.
> Yet the clown Tyler claims to have a complete study that does exactly
> that but has not and according to them, will not be published.
> It's also funny that they are so quick to spit numbers out of their
> ass while claiming to have documentation to back them up and then
> immediately claims that said documentation is "secret" and cannot be
> released.
> Actually it's not funny at all. It's just another liberal dick lying
> and being a troll.

I'm not mistaken in the fact that I have seen you doing your
own brand of trolling. Trolling isn't so much fun when it comes
back to roost on your doorstep, is it? If you don't like being
trolled then don't do it to others. Your hypocrisy noted..

Rudy Canoza

Jul 21, 2017, 5:23:04 PM7/21/17
Mortality *increased* in 2014-2015 after full implementation of ACA,
even after controlling for an unforeseen surge in opioid-related deaths.

The Centers for Disease Control collects U.S. mortality statistics
and publishes them in a database called WONDER. The database is
indeed a statistical wonder, allowing researchers to slice and dice
U.S. mortality data into segments by age, gender, location, year,
cause of morbidity, and many additional criteria.

With WONDER, it is a short exercise to attempt to confirm Wilper’s
predictions. Examining U.S. adult mortality in the decade prior to
Obamacare’s insurance expansion (2004-2013), the all-cause mean death
rate for ages 15 to 64 is 310.4 people per 100,000. The rate is
fairly steady over the decade, with a low of 306.8, a high of 313.5,
and a standard deviation of 2.2. If extending taxpayer-sponsored
insurance to 15 million people since 2013 has resulted in 21,000
fewer annual deaths, then the mean death rate should decrease from
310.4 to approximately 300.

Returning to the WONDER database for 2014-15 numbers, one finds the
mean death rate is … 320.4. Well, that is unexpected. Since Obamacare
provisions extended insurance coverage, the death rate has
substantially increased, by more than 20,000 deaths per year.

A correlation does not prove causation, of course, and since we
believe health insurance reduces mortality, there must be a
coincident event causing the spike in deaths since 2014. And there is
an apparent scapegoat. An opioid crisis has gripped the United States
since Obamacare insurance expansion was implemented.

Opioids have caused thousands of early deaths, enough to distort
mortality statistics in adult Americans, and the crisis worsened
noticeably in 2014-2015. Assuming the opioid crisis is independent of
Obamacare insurance expansion (for analysis purposes only, since some
work has suggested these two phenomena may be causally linked) may
eliminate the excess deaths and show the expected reduced mortality
from health care insurance.

Fortunately, WONDER allows researchers to separate causes of
morbidity, so it is a simple matter to repeat the analysis, excluding
drug-related and other external causes of death, and clear up the
confusion about the increased U.S. mortality.

What happens when we calculate the death rate after excluding all
external causes of morbidity (ICD-10 codes for deaths caused by
drugs, alcohol, assault, suicide, and accidents—in short, anything
that is not due to an internal illness)? For the decade 2004-2013,
the death rate is 247.4 people per 100,000 population. It is more
stable than the all-cause death rate, with a low of 244.7, a high of
249.9, and a standard deviation of 1.7.

With Obamacare extending insurance to 15 million more people, this
death rate should fall to 238 per 100,000. The 2014-15 data show the
actual reported death rate among U.S. adults, excluding external
causes, is … 252.9.

This is equivalent to an excess 11,000 annual U.S. adult deaths
relative to the pre-Obamacare steady state trends, and more than
32,000 annual deaths greater than predicted by academic studies
quantifying health benefits from improved insurance coverage. It is
more than three standard deviations higher than the pre-Obamacare
mean mortality, and it has persisted for the two full years, 2014—15,
for which mortality data have been compiled.

The ACA did not reduce mortality - it did not "prevent" any deaths. The
number of deaths *INCREASED* under the ACA. That's not to say the ACA
"caused" the extra deaths, but it unequivocally *DISPROVES* the claim
that the ACA would reduce mortality.

>> Even the most liberal and highest estimate totals well under 500,000
>> in the eight years the liar refers to.
>> But please, don't let facts get in the way of blind partisan loyalty
>> to your socialist causes.
> I'm an independent, unaffiliated.

<chuckle> But a thorough-going far-left crackpot, regardless of party


Jul 21, 2017, 6:44:53 PM7/21/17
I'll wait for the paper work from Tyler. You opinion is noted.

>>> Even the most liberal and highest estimate totals well under 500,000
>>> in the eight years the liar refers to.
>>> But please, don't let facts get in the way of blind partisan loyalty
>>> to your socialist causes.
>> I'm an independent, unaffiliated.
> <chuckle> But a thorough-going far-left crackpot, regardless of party
> label.

You truly are a moron.

Rudy Canoza

Jul 21, 2017, 7:27:12 PM7/21/17
That bitch-boy doesn't have anything.

>>>> Even the most liberal and highest estimate totals well under 500,000
>>>> in the eight years the liar refers to.
>>>> But please, don't let facts get in the way of blind partisan loyalty
>>>> to your socialist causes.
>>> I'm an independent, unaffiliated.
>> <chuckle> But a thorough-going far-left crackpot, regardless of party
>> label.
> You truly are a moron.

Nope. What I am is *right* about this. Mortality rates rose after ACA
was implemented.


Jul 21, 2017, 10:16:47 PM7/21/17
Sadly for you I have them. He emailed me a release form,
I signed it and am in the process of reading them.

You apparently are to stupid or have your head too far up your ass
to ask him to email the release and the figures.

Someone with a functioning brain had to do what you could not do.

I'll publish when I have read them and check them out.

>>>>> Even the most liberal and highest estimate totals well under 500,000
>>>>> in the eight years the liar refers to.
>>>>> But please, don't let facts get in the way of blind partisan loyalty
>>>>> to your socialist causes.
>>>> I'm an independent, unaffiliated.
>>> <chuckle> But a thorough-going far-left crackpot, regardless of
>>> party label.
>> You truly are a moron.
> Nope.

Yep....I know it's a shock to you..watching your delusion crumble
around you...but it's fun to watch miserable little wretches like
you squirm and beat their gums together making making threats they
are to scared to back up.

Tyler has you scared. You're just a mouthy high school kid..IF you
had enough sense to stay in which you have given everyone ample
reason to doubt.

> What I am is *right* about this. Mortality rates rose after ACA
> was implemented.

You bought the propaganda. All the parties do it to make sure their
control is as complete as can be. Only an independent organization
is willing to publish the truth as they have no stake in remaining
in power, unlike the GOP who is so scared of competition that they
have to make it harder for citizens to vote.

Rudy Canoza

Jul 21, 2017, 10:18:10 PM7/21/17

>> What I am is *right* about this. Mortality rates rose after ACA was
>> implemented.
> You bought the propaganda.

The CDC data are not propaganda, little bitch. They are cold hard
numbers, and they prove beyond dispute that mortality rose following the
complete implementation of the ACA.


Jul 21, 2017, 10:33:49 PM7/21/17

Rudy Canoza

Jul 21, 2017, 11:31:26 PM7/21/17
> You're right. I was wrong.


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