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First cars of Generation X, what were they?

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Mar 4, 1994, 2:17:16 AM3/4/94

After seeing the post about the Honda Civic being the Beetle of
Generation X (though I could say the same about the Ford Escort or Toyota
Corolla around here)--I wanted to ask all you X-ers out there:

What was the first car you drove?


What is the first car you purchased yourself?

Here are my answers:

I learned to drive on a 1979 Datsun 210 Sedan that belonged to my sister
and I "inherited" I drove it around for a couple of years and then my
younger sister crashed it avoiding a deer. It was a good little car.

The first car I bought was a 1976 Plymouth Scamp (its a 2-door Valiant)
It looked sporty, had the indestructable slant-6. I paid $750 for it
in 1987 and sold it later that year for $450

By the way, the whole line of cars looks like this

1979 Datsun 210 (passed on to sister who wrecked it)
1983 Toyota Tercel (barrowed from another sister, I wrecked that one)
1976 Plymouth Scamp (used for one summer and sold)
1982 Datsun 720 Series pickup (used for 3 years, was falling apart)
1985 Ford LTD (hand-me-down from older sister, little brother rolled it)
1982 Toyota Corolla (very low mileage, I love this thing!)

I've been driving since 1984 and that list does not count the in-between
cars that I barrowed.

* Noel J. Tominack ( |
* University of Maryland Baltimore County | "Yeah, Whatever"
* All opinions are mine mine mine! | 671223
* ________________________________________|

Jym Dyer

Mar 4, 1994, 4:08:34 AM3/4/94
=o= Schwinn Varsity, followed by a "Paris Sport" 10-speed.

=o= This was followed by a regrettable run of vehicles with
more than two wheels: 1966 Mustang convertable, 1970 Nova,
1985 Subaru, and 1989 Honda Civic.

=o= Then I got sensible again and got a 1989 Specialized.
Two Wheels Good,

/ .-. .-. \
/ | | | | \ HAVE
\ `-' `-' _/ YOU
/\ .--. / | SEEN
\ | / / / / ME?
/ | `--' /\ \
/`-------' \ \

Wendi Dunlap

Mar 4, 1994, 5:48:12 AM3/4/94

>What was the first car you drove?

Early '70s Oldsmobile Cutlass or some such monstrosity. It was a BOAT.
And I had to take my driving test in it. Parallel parking in a car the
size of an aircraft carrier... AUUUUGGGH!

>What is the first car you purchased yourself?

1970 Mazda 1800 four door sedan. These are rare cars. They test marketed
them in Seattle, but didn't sell them elsewhere in the US. I bought mine
in January '87 for $550. It had 83,000 miles on the odometer. It was in
wonderful shape. Of course, I drove it into the ground by driving to and
from Minnesota and using it to deliver pizza, but it still lasted me for
more than 5 years before dying. It was utterly reliable. It never broke
down except for the day it died.


I bought another one! I saw it parked on a side street for a few weeks,
and managed to buy it for $100. This one had only $79,000 miles, but
wasn't in quite as good shape as the first one. Still, for $100, I can't
complain. I've been driving it for 1 1/2 years and the only problem we
had was when the fuel pump died, and then we just replaced it with the
one from my old car. :)

1970 Mazda 1800s are wonderful cars. Wish there were more of 'em around. :)

Wendi A. Dunlap | * Seattle, Washington
words,music,art | Sysop of Slumberland BBS, (206) 547-2629, 3/12/24/96
I'm listening to: "When I Write The Book" -- Rockpile

The Twonkster

Mar 4, 1994, 8:04:32 AM3/4/94
In article <>, (NOEL TOMINACK,

ACS 24-HOUR LAB) says:
>What was the first car you drove?
1989 Ford Festiva. I didn't go for my licence till I was 19, and the Army
forced me to. I was one of a few people in PSU to have a Kansas licence, and
some bars refused me service. I learned from a friend of mine who hit my right
leg every time I screwed up a left turn. It was a stick, too, so that was
fun. I stalled 3 times during the test. I passed. Don't ask me..;-)

>What is the first car you purchased yourself?
1982 Ford Fairmont Futura 2-door, in-line 6, auto, air, tape deck. Drove that
baby 30,000 miles myself in the 1 1/2 years that it lived under my ownership.
Road trips between Fort Riley, KS and Philadelphia are fun!
Matt Gourley, S.C.W. I "History is a nightmare from which I am I trying to awake." -Joyce, _Ulysses_
Chelsea Clinton Cabal I "I've been a miner for a Heart of Gold"
Legion of Dynamic Discord I -Neil Young, _Heart of Gold_

Mar 4, 1994, 9:10:17 AM3/4/94
In article <> (NOEL TOMINACK, ACS 24-HOUR LAB) writes:

> After seeing the post about the Honda Civic being the Beetle of
>Generation X (though I could say the same about the Ford Escort or Toyota
>Corolla around here)--I wanted to ask all you X-ers out there:
>What was the first car you drove?

That would have to be an '83 Chevy Citation owned by my uncle. He was
giving me driving lessons before I got into Driver's Ed.

>What is the first car you purchased yourself?

I bought a '91 Acura Integra GS after college. I'm still paying for it.
Up the wazoo.

In between, I drove a Ford Crown Victoria in high school. It had a
surprising amount of pickup. And, before my sister wrecked it, I drove
around a '88 Grand Am.


* * "'I'm not going nowhere' means you *
* W: (708) 467-1480 * you are going somewhere! It's a *
* H: (708) ###-#### * double negative, you MORON!" *
* C: (708) $$$-$$$$ * -The Kids in the Hall *

Lyle Beaudoin

Mar 4, 1994, 9:27:30 AM3/4/94

> After seeing the post about the Honda Civic being the Beetle of
>Generation X (though I could say the same about the Ford Escort or Toyota
>Corolla around here)--I wanted to ask all you X-ers out there:

>What was the first car you drove?

I remember Driver Training quite well. I was stuck in a brown Chevette with
power nothing, an automatic that couldn't make seventy KPH up what we laughingly
call "hills" here on the prairies with two brake pedals. One for me, one for
the trainer.

Having learned to drive in something that can be picked up by two men after
a beer or two, I promptly started driving a monster. Dad's 1979 Ford F150
Supercab. I was invincible in this beast. I alternated between this truck and
my mother's 1986 Pontiac Parisienne. The truck sort of became mine when my
father was too weak to walk, and became really mine after he died. But, not
being able to afford to feed this behemoth (yes, I have to use synonyms like
that, I was hit by a '79 LTD in this truck, on ice, and the truck didn't budge),I sold it and got...Dave.

Dave is a 1986 Ford Escort GT, and Dave can do anything. In contrast to most
cars, Dave seems to get better in inclement weather. The only time I've ever
seen the tachometer work is one morning after it spent the night outside last
winter. It was -40, and I hadn't plugged the block heater in. The tach hasn't
even twitched since. It makes for interesting driving, learning to drive a
standard in a car without a tachometer.

But alas, cars with 190 000 km on them get sick now and again, so it looks like
any spare cash (what's that?)I earn this summer will be sunk into Dave.
"The passion for science and the passion | These aren't opinions so much
for music are driven by the same desire: | as just mindless ramblings. The
to realize beauty in one's world" | U of A doesn't mind those at all.
-Heinz Pagels |

Shannon Russell

Mar 4, 1994, 9:43:01 AM3/4/94
In article <>,

>What was the first car you drove?
I learned to drive in my Dad's 1979 Ford Ranger truck, and I drove my Mom's
van a lot. I got to like big engines and lots of enertia.

>What is the first car you purchased yourself?
I'm still paying for it. I never had the money saved up to outright buy a
clunker, and it seems loans for used cars are really hard to get, so I
sold my soul to Ford for a 4-door 1991 Escort with the graduate purchase
program. If the world doesn't explode, it might be mine next year.

Shannon Russell


Mar 4, 1994, 10:28:04 AM3/4/94
>What was the first car you drove?


>What is the first car you purchased yourself?

My first parentally-purchased car: a 1980 Dodge Ram, white, with no windows --
I use a wheelchair, and since it had to be equipped with life-gate and
hand-controls we decided to get a commercial van, which was cheaper, and then
customize the interior. I put in wood paneling, shag carpet, sound system -- it
would have been quite the sexmobile if I'd actually had the gonads to ask
someone out in high school. Now, for all the crap that gets dumped on American
cars (most of it deserved), this van lasted me 10 years, 80,000 miles, and one
or two road trips a year to San Francisco and/or Vegas.

My first self-purchased car: a 1988 Chevy Astro, already equipped (I bought it
off a disabled friend of mine who moved to Australia). It's nice, but I still
miss ol' Whitey -- don't we all have a special spot in our souls for our first


Christine M Dorsey

Mar 4, 1994, 10:59:39 AM3/4/94

In article <>,
> After seeing the post about the Honda Civic being the Beetle of
>Generation X (though I could say the same about the Ford Escort or Toyota
>Corolla around here)--I wanted to ask all you X-ers out there:
>What was the first car you drove?

There was the station wagon, the blue car, and the red car. i learned to drive
on all three.

>What is the first car you purchased yourself?

Well my brother and I kinda bought a car together (he shelled out the $75 and I
drove it and payed for gas). It was a chevy caprice vintage style. We called
it The Brown Beast. I loved this car. One week after we bought it the reverse
completely died and I spent a year and a half only parking in spots that I
could pull out of again. Every day after school I would pull into our driveway
and then I/we would push the car backward into the turnaround. This was
especially fun during the winter months when there was significant snowfall on
the ground. there was nothing better than driving a peice of shit car in the
middle of White Suburbia Cleveland (the average house was going for 300-400k
when I was in high school), needless to say we got quite a few stairs.

haven't bought a car since.

Reality, What a beutiful choice!

John Stein

Mar 4, 1994, 11:08:38 AM3/4/94
1973 Oldsmobile Delta 88
4 doors, 10 MPG, Heavy Metal
This IS your father's Oldsmobile


>In article <>


>> After seeing the post about the Honda Civic
>being the Beetle of
>>Generation X (though I could say the same about the
>Ford Escort or Toyota
>>Corolla around here)--I wanted to ask all you X-ers
>out there:
>>What was the first car you drove?

>That would have to be an '83 Chevy Citation owned by my
>uncle. He was giving me driving lessons before I got
>into Driver's Ed.

>>What is the first car you purchased yourself?

>I bought a '91 Acura Integra GS after college. I'm
>still paying for it. Up the wazoo.

>In between, I drove a Ford Crown Victoria in high
>school. It had a surprising amount of pickup. And,
>before my sister wrecked it, I drove around a '88
>Grand Am.

>**************** * *

>"'I'm not going nowhere' means you * * W: (708)
>467-1480 * you are going somewhere! It's a
>* * H: (708) ###-#### * double
>negative, you MORON!" * * C: (708) $$$-$$$$
> * -The Kids in the Hall *

John M Stein 212-250-5091


Mar 4, 1994, 12:46:32 PM3/4/94
I've read about ten posts in this thread and no one has yet mentioned....

The Chevy Chevette!!!!!!!!!

Year: 1980
Color: White
Nickname: The Vette
Cheap accessory purchased to make it look cooler: ZZ Top keychain
Most memorable experience: Uncontrollable 180 spin from slick road to hay

NandO BBS System

Mar 4, 1994, 1:43:20 PM3/4/94
In article <>,

Wendi Dunlap <> wrote:
>>What was the first car you drove?

My first car was a 1980 Buick Regal *Limited* with a cracked blue vinyl
top and a white paint job with a growing patch of rust originating in the
trunk (my dad asked me to get him some fertilizer, which spilled in the
trunk, causing a chemical reaction that was detrimental to my car). It
had a 2.3L 6-cylinder and vintage (i.e. late 70s) wire wheel covers. The
interior--white _high-grade_ vinyl seats complemented by a drooping white
ceiling which dropped brown residue on me and my passengers--rotten
padding. The driver's seat was ripped but I dutifully repaired it
with--you guessed it, silver duct tape.

One day, it just wouldn't "go." My dad drove 100 miles to have a look at
it, then told me to sell it for scrap. Two guys came over (one older,
one younger) and I could have sworn I was in an episode of "Sanford and
Son." They gave me $25 and five minutes to strip anything of value from
the car--they said they were going to remove the gas tank and crush it.
I knew I would miss the electric seats (up-down, front-back, and
everything in between)--this was a luxury car at its inception. I also
would never forget the time it broke down on me on a rural North Carolina
highway. After passing motorists ignored my friend and I for 6 hours, we
got desperate and wrote "WE NEED HELP!" in toothpaste on the rear
windshield. Oh. . .and the smell of burning oil and antifreeze. . .

If anyone is still reading this--I'm trying to collect stories and
anecdotes from pizza deliverers, possibly to compile in a book (or at
least a notebook). If you have anything interesting (as a customer or
deliverer) please e-mail me. Anyone who responded to my earlier
posting about pizza delivery--I forgot to save those messages. If you
could find the time to re-hash your stories, please e-mail them to me
privately (or post).

Chad Dickerson

Mar 4, 1994, 4:05:39 PM3/4/94

> After seeing the post about the Honda Civic being the Beetle of
>Generation X (though I could say the same about the Ford Escort or Toyota
>Corolla around here)--I wanted to ask all you X-ers out there:

>What was the first car you drove?

My mom's Buick Regal. Yuck.


>What is the first car you purchased yourself?

A 1976 Ford Pinto. It sucked. I liked my 1974 MGB much better, even
though it was broken down half the time. It was fun to drive. I haven't
actually owned a vehicle since then, although I have driven Toyos a
number of times. I prefer small cars cuz they don't drive like boats.

who hates driving

Mark Louis Pearlstein

Mar 4, 1994, 5:29:07 PM3/4/94
In article <>, (NOEL TOMINACK, ACS 24-HOUR LAB) writes:
|> After seeing the post about the Honda Civic being the Beetle of
|> Generation X (though I could say the same about the Ford Escort or Toyota
|> Corolla around here)--I wanted to ask all you X-ers out there:
|> What was the first car you drove?
The first car I ever drove was my fathers 87 Dodge colt 4-door sedan. He had his licence
revoked for 120 for rufusing to take a breathalizer test. (He wasn't driving, why should he)
It was cool I was sixteen + 1/2 and had wheels.

My first owned vehicle was a hand-me-down from my older sister.
It was a 1976 Dodge Aspen, an indestructible car. It was mostly Dodge with a Valiant hood
on it. The car was a heap, a bucket of bolts, like the Millenium Falcon. Anyway it was
good to have. The car eventually couldn't pass inspection so I took the plates off and
my nasty neighbor lady called the cops and they very happily towed it away. I waved and
thanked the cops for disposing of my vehicle for me.

My present vehicle is my mothers 87 Dodge Colt 4-door sedan (my parents had twin cars.)
but it has been dead in one of the campus parking lots since I arrived at school.
A one way ticket to school. I need to scrape together enough cash to get it running so
I can go home for Spring Break 8->

|> What is the first car you purchased yourself?

Can't say, I've never purchased one.

The differences between the generations is that each new gen. has less fear of the unknown
and is more likely to challenge the establishment. ---me---

Angeli Primlani

Mar 4, 1994, 6:05:13 PM3/4/94
>What was the first car you drove?

I learned to drive on a wonderful little white 1977 Buick Skylark called
"Precious" which was falling apart by little bits and finally died a sad
death. I drove this little thing for years and it got it's name because
it wouldn't start unless you pumped the gas and said, "Come on Precious,

>and >
>What is the first car you purchased yourself?

The Green machine, a 1984 Toyota Corolla station wagon which I plowed
sadly into the back of somebody's bumper on 15-501. She didn't want the
police to be called and I think she was drunk so she, well, was sort of
hit and ran.

My most frightening car was the Indiana-Double-O-Death-Star, a 1974 Ford
Galixie 500 Station Wagon, dirt brown with tearing upholstery and *no
alignment*. (or as someone quipped) it's aligment was "Chaotic Neutral"

Sara Hively

Mar 4, 1994, 10:15:51 AM3/4/94

>What was the first car you drove?

"The White Volvo" - my dad bought himself a New Car so he could have
something decent for driving his clients all over town (dad is a real estate
agent) and my sister and I learned to drive at about the same time. We
still love that car, although it doesn't glitter like it used to. It has a
sunroof and excellent speakers and is still so easy to drive, especially
in the summer in Minneapolis with all the windows open. It has been
replaced in my father and stepmother's affections by The Grey Volvo, but
when my sister and I are visiting, we go for the white one every time.

>What is the first car you purchased yourself?

I have yet to buy a car, at age 26. The summer I got married, my husband's
father gave us an enormous Ford pickup truck in that amazing deep blue color
which guzzled gas like nothing I've experienced before or since and which
self-destructed a few months later in Wisconsin as we were driving to visit
friends in Chicago (one of whom is getting a Phd in linguistics there, I
might add) - that loud knocking noise developed under the hood, I pulled off
at a little gas station with a 12' pink elephant wearing huge sunglasses
standing next to the lot. The station attendants bought the car for $200.00
and drove us to the bus station - we got a bumper sticker featuring the pink
elephant, and we've gotten gas at that station once or twice since then.
I sometime use Mom's car, which is a '81 Toyota Corolla. The paint
is starting to wear off the body, and the catalytic converter causes it to
backfire regularly. She has part of her collection of rocks from Lake
Superior wedged between the window and the dashboard.

Brandi Weed

Mar 4, 1994, 7:06:23 PM3/4/94
In article <>,
> After seeing the post about the Honda Civic being the Beetle of
>Generation X (though I could say the same about the Ford Escort or Toyota
>Corolla around here)--I wanted to ask all you X-ers out there:
>What was the first car you drove?

A 1983 Volvo 250 DL. My parents', given to them by my maternal grandma when
my wealthy aunt bought her a nicer car (a Mercedes-- which my parents just
inhereted when my aunt bought Grandma a Caddy for her last birthday...).

>What is the first car you purchased yourself?

A 1954 Chrysler New Yorker. Drove it for 4-5 years until the electrial system
blew (it was the original wiring!). I had naively hoped that after college
I would have the income to restore it. Boy, was I wrong. Now I drive
that Volvo everywhere, and will probably have to sell the Chrysler before
it turns into a rustheap. Too bad-- it was a fun car.

Brandi Weed "I've got a good mind to join the club and beat you over the head with it."
--Groucho Marx

Mar 4, 1994, 9:56:11 PM3/4/94
In article <2l7hdl$>
The first car I had was an AMC Pacer. I totaled it in six months. Thank


>Shannon Russell

Jonathan Dale

Mar 4, 1994, 10:59:44 PM3/4/94
I drive an '84 Toyota Tercel SR5 stationwagon ("Minke"). It has 220,000 miles
and is running fine now (though I _did_ just put a transmission in, okay).
Four-wheel drive and it just chews through the snow like you wouldn't believe
(not a feature I was looking for when I bought it in Santa Cruz, Ca). It's
tan, and has an inflatable globe, two graduation-type tassels, and a squid-
lure hanging from the rear-view mirror.

The first car I drove was also a toyota stationwagon, a dark maroon Corona.
It had a bad experience with a big american car, and is no more. Sigh.

What can I say? Not cool, but good mileage, small turning circle, and plenty
of space. My current car made it from Santa Cruz to Seattle several times
and more recently Seattle to Los Angeles to Boston to Woods Hole. I don't
know if I'll still have it in the 5+ years it takes before I finish up here,
though. Maybe there's another station wagon in my future... :) (But the
new ones aren't 4-wheel drive; I need that little bit of macho posturing if
I'm going to drive a mom-car :) ).

--Jonathan Dale


Mar 4, 1994, 11:01:20 PM3/4/94
First Car = Chevette, 2DR, 4 speed, White (shared it with sis.)
Took my drivers test, failed once, in my dad's Olds 88 (blech)
First Car Bought = 1982 Fiat (Fix it again Tony)
Now = HONDA CIVIC (and slightly proud now that I've learned my car is
the car of choice for my slightly proud gen) Red, 2DR, Hatchback
My girlfriend and I put 14K on it three summers ago when we went
from Wash, DC to LA to Canada and back. What a summer.

It's not easy being - Green

Ken Varnum

Mar 4, 1994, 11:56:34 PM3/4/94
The car I learned to drive on was Mom's 1978 Buick Estate Wagon--you
know, the full-size General Motors boat, the same one that didn't change
design substantially from the mid-70s until, well, now. I had my
grandparent's Buick Century for a year or two, but went abroad for a year
and my folks sold it. The first car I actually owned on my own is the
one I have now, a Toyota Corolla. Funny thing, though, was that it took
me quite a few months of parallel parking my little Corolla before I
could do it as smoothly as I could that old Buick wagon, even though it
was close to the size of my apartment....

General Motors.... The ones who put ick into Buick
Ken Varnum
School of Information and Library Studies University of Michigan
Center for Russian and East European Studies Ann Arbor, MI, USA

Zachary B Snyder

Mar 5, 1994, 1:20:42 AM3/5/94

Sorry kids, my 1st was a Bitchin' Camaro with a 350.
can I still play?


The Concord Group

Mar 5, 1994, 1:56:25 AM3/5/94

: What was the first car you drove?

1974 Red Volvo Stationwagon (or is that station wagon?) Manual
trans that was not forgiving, learned to shift gears in Apple Computer
parking lots on weekends. Drove for a few months

: What is the first car you purchased yourself?

1974 Dodge Dart Sport Coupe. White with the "California" optional
exterior (meaning pinstripes and little outlines of surfers) 225 slant
six, 4 speed auto, 2 door, measure 0 to 60 via a calander. Called "the
land barge" Dodge took a block of steel and carved away everything that
did not have "Dodgeness" in it. Solid as a rock. Only accident I had
was after the water pump broke and ALL the coolent leaked out (it was
totally dry) I was driving it (a very forgiving car) to the side of the
road to park, hit a '84 Mustang right in the front fender. That fender
was completely totaled on the other car and all I had to do was clean a
little green paint that was on my bumper. Licence number 782 LYW. It's
been four years, why do I remember that?!!? Paid $750 for it, drove for
6 years (including all of college).

- Ray
Slant 6, runs on kerosene and molassas for oil.

Jonathan Priluck

Mar 5, 1994, 2:35:12 AM3/5/94
In article <2l8er9$> (Angeli Primlani) writes:
>>What was the first car you drove?

The first car I drove was one of those hideous little box-like
K-cars that were so popular back in the early eighties. After that it was
My mothers Swinger, a very cool shade of green with one of those
indesrtuctable slant-six engines. Then I inherited my Grandfathers old Ford
COuntry Squire station wagon. What a monster. My freinds called it "The
Flaggon" which was short for "fucking large wagon". It was an apt
description, this was a very cool vehicle, with a big 400 cubic inch engine
and enough room to pack in half the Brookline High School rugby team.

I was a certified motorhead and the wagon only lasted about 8
months, I destroyed the transmission doing reverse slams. The next car I
actually paid for. I bought a 1969 Plymouth Satellite, rebuilt the engine,
used to take it to the race track on weekends and sold it about a year later
for the real thing..... a Roadrunner, also'69 and CONVERTIBLE. The car was
a junker when I bought it and I did a complete restoration, I shudder to
think how much time money and effrt I put into that car. But when I was
done (almost a year) it was a beauty, midnight black paint job, automatic
top, totally rebuilt engine (with the NOS nitrous cheater system, 383 magnum
for those who care) and about 375 horsepower. I still miss that car. I
know the current owner, he only drives it on weekends and to shows. But he
apinted it Hemi-orange (Yuck, only chargers look good in hemi-orange).

When I was 22 I gave up hot rods and never went back. But the itch is still
there. I like the F-150 pick-up I bought and it has served me well for
seven years, no complaints. But sometimes I just miss the power. you know
what I mean.

The iNventor

* Jonathan Aerospace Materials Corp., 41 Naples Road, Brookline MA 02146 *
* Tel (617) 731-3637, Internet: *
* Developers and future manufacturers of Lattice Block Materials ... *
* the world's strongest and lightest materials. *

Kyle Sterling Knight

Mar 5, 1994, 5:56:46 AM3/5/94
First Car: Toyota Tercel 4wd station wagon-- Tan with stickers on
the side designed to look like immitation wood. The only problem with
the wood stickers was (aside from the fact that they looked bad) that they
made do it yourself auto body work a little tuff.

I had a little spin out in it driving back from a rather bad day of skiing
at mad river glen in VT, in which i had less than an hour earlier torn my
anterior cruciate ligament in my left knee (although I did not know it
at the time, just thought it was a sprain). I finished the run after my fall
and the guy I was with and I decided to call it a day, even though we were
actually now starting to get some snow. We had to climb back over and down the
other side ofthe mountain to get back to school.

No problem gettingg up-as i was driving a 4wd-laugh. Big problem getting down
Snow was thick. It was icy and i was pumping the breaks to get more traction
- and then--- there were none. The peddle was on the floor and we kept rolling
-spun out, hit the guard rail, turned around 180 degrees and started rolling
down the opposite lane backwards, and picking up speed, with no place to stop,
just a big dropoff on the right and the rocks from which the road was cut
on the left. We got up to about 40 mph, backwards and all over the road for
at least 400 yards until the hand of god or fate or dumb luck leveled the road
out a bit and gave us a snow bank to back into. The guy i was with was freaked
out by the whole thing. The first thing he said when we wer finally sitting
still in that snowbank was "We almost died." For me it was more of a delayed
response. I am glad i was the driver because i had something to do to keep
me from thinking death and impact .

But AAA pulled the car out of the snow and hauled it 30 miles (the rents got
me AAA plus as a going awway present. After minor repair the brakes worked

As for the dent on the front fender, a rubber mallet, a can of tan spray
paint made it look ok. And I was able to find a role of immitiation wood
stick on shelf paper that almost matched the original wood side paneling.


Mar 5, 1994, 11:52:50 AM3/5/94
Mine was a 71, 72, 73 Cutlass Supreme. 71 car, 72 hood, and a 73 front
grill. Paid $500 dollars for it. Caused me to close at Wendy's more
nights than I care to remember.

Kathleen Hubbard

Mar 5, 1994, 12:06:53 PM3/5/94
Zachary B wrote:
>Sorry kids, my 1st was a Bitchin' Camaro with a 350.
>can I still play?

So was mine.


--Kathleen :)

Kathleen A. Hubbard | member: GenerationX, 02.10.66 Cohort,
Department of Linguistics | Linguistic Society of America, Queens
U.C. Berkeley | of Disappointment, Icky Man Recovery,
One Foot Out The Door | Early A.M. Linguists Basketball League

Lynda Farley

Mar 5, 1994, 1:15:26 PM3/5/94

First Car: 1977 Ford Thunderbird....HUGE. Could fit
"Baby" eight people comfortably. Wonderful road trip
car. One of 5 cars totalled by my brother.

First Car Bought: 1984 Ford Tempo
"Critter" Possibly the biggest lemon of a car ever made.
Cost more to maintain than the monthly payments.
Up and died on me driving from Durham to Winston-
Salem, the day tornadoes destroyed a K-mart in
Durham, the day after my dad announced he was
marrying his secretary (before his divorce was
finalized) and one month before my fateful engagement
to "Mr. Wrong"----Damn I hate that car!!!!!!!!

Now: 1991 Toyota Corolla
"Homar" Fire engine red. Wonderful little
(_Homarus americanus_) car that I have put +30,000 miles on
in less than 3 years.

-a big fan of Toyota. Will never buy a car she cannot af-FORD
to maintain again!!

Lynda Farley (
Boston University Marine Program

"...That is one of the great secrets of life -- to cure the soul
by means of the senses, and the senses by means of the soul."

-Oscar Wilde, _The Picture of Dorian Gray_

Jennifer Basil

Mar 5, 1994, 1:55:06 PM3/5/94
Kathleen Hubbard ( wrote:

: Zachary B wrote:
: >
: >Sorry kids, my 1st was a Bitchin' Camaro with a 350.
: >can I still play?

I had a very groovy, metallic gold, 1977 Celica hatchback (called
the "Celtica" in honor of my traffic induced Irish temper!). The
drivers's seat was frozen in the furthest back position, so I had
to basiclly control the car with my fingertips and toes...made for
space shuttle-like navigating! The saddest day of my life was when some
flaming idiot boomer in a Volvo slammed into it...destroyed it. It
would have gone on forever otherwise. *snif*

*sentimental look*

Jennifer Basil (

"O sun, that wakenest all to bliss or pain,
O moon, that layest all to sleep again,
Shine sweetly; twice my love hath smiled on me."
...Tennyson, "Gareth and Lynette", _Idylls of the King_

Mar 5, 1994, 3:25:13 PM3/5/94

What was the first car that you drove?

The first was a Chevy pickup truck which got stolen that
summer (sniff). We drove it around the Merrillville High parking lot
at 5 m.p.h.

In driver's ed, we had a neat blue compact - the instructor
complained to me that he saw mailboxes in his dreams and the other
students buckled up when it was my turn to drive...

I helped buy a 1980 Phoenix - piece of junk!

We sold the Phoenix in '88 to make the down payment for a new car for
my parents - a Buick Century. I moved up to the citation, which at least
had an FM radio with which I could folllow the yuppification of American
culture. When repair bills started to average $200/month, it was on to...

a blue Mercury Tracer (1989) It's small, cramped, gets wonderful gas
mileage, and gets me around without breaking down too often. I bought it
used in 1990, and the rental car company took good care of it...

Sean 'Captain Napalm' Conner

Mar 5, 1994, 5:12:42 PM3/5/94
In article <> (NOEL TOMINACK, ACS 24-HOUR LAB) writes:
> After seeing the post about the Honda Civic being the Beetle of
>Generation X (though I could say the same about the Ford Escort or Toyota
>Corolla around here)--I wanted to ask all you X-ers out there:
>What was the first car you drove?
First car? I think I was 14 or 15 when my Dad (on a visit to see him)
decided to give me a driving lesson in his car. I think is may have been a
Subaru (although it's been awhile).

It was on a back dirt country road in Virginia. I paniced when driving
the winding road and I ended up sliding into a ditch, the passenger side of
the car at the bottom, the driver side still (more or less) on the road.

Dad was not pleased.

And the tow truck driver must have thought my Dad was crazy for having
driven off into a ditch.

Oh, you mean the first car I drove regularly? An '81 Toyota Tercel
Hatchback, white in color.


>What is the first car you purchased yourself?

Still have yet to purchace my own car. My Mom helped with the purchase of
said '81 Toyota Tercel (this was in '88) and I'm still driving it, much to
the surprise of my Mom.

-spc (It was white at one time. It will be again one day, when I wash it)

Matt Martinez

Mar 5, 1994, 5:43:47 PM3/5/94
The first car I drove on a full time basis was a restored 1971 VW Karmann
Ghia.It ran pretty well If you drove it on long trips and turned the engine
off the starter would cut out and not start until it cooled down.

The first car I bought myself was a 1981 VW rabbit diesel with 100,000 miles
on it.The car ran like a top,albeit an underpowered one.It took me across
the country twice.

I bought the car in '87 for $1500 and sold it 3 years later for $800.
Before I moved I to see it drive around town all the time.The paint and
interior still looked good.

John Hayes

Mar 5, 1994, 7:24:49 PM3/5/94

: What was the first car you drove?

The *Beast*- A 1979 Dodge fullsize pickup. This think would go just about
anywhere. Also known as the merge-master. Quite an intimidating vehicle.

: What is the first car you purchased yourself?

The *ToyBox*- A 1991 jeep wrangler softtop. Lots of fun to drive, as long
as you don't mind the wind noise at high speeds. The only drawback- you
can't really lock a softtop/convertible so it gets broken into often. I've
just finished replacing yet another plastic component (center console) with
an indestructible steel version that will hopefully withstand breakin
attempts better.

Then again, mebbe I should just move to a nicer neighborhood...

John Hayes <> .408.298.3824
What others have never thought of doing, we have done without thinking...

Esther Diamondstone

Mar 5, 1994, 11:00:40 PM3/5/94
In article <> (NOEL TOMINACK, ACS 24-HOUR LAB) writes:
> After seeing the post about the Honda Civic being the Beetle of
>Generation X (though I could say the same about the Ford Escort or Toyota
>Corolla around here)--I wanted to ask all you X-ers out there:
>What was the first car you drove? and What is the first car you purchased yourself?

I learned to drive in a 1974 Mercury Monterey known as "the U.S.S. Enormous."
It was puke green and got 9 miles to the gallon on the highway. When I bought
my first car, an '86 Omni, I was astounded that it got 31 miles to the gallon,
and I was so thrilled that I could pull into a parking space crookedly and
still be inside all the lines that I parked on a slant for about six months


Daniel B Case

Mar 6, 1994, 5:01:00 PM3/6/94
>In article <>
>> After seeing the post about the Honda Civic being the Beetle of
>>Generation X (though I could say the same about the Ford Escort or Toyota
>>Corolla around here)--I wanted to ask all you X-ers out there:
>>What was the first car you drove?

Dad's '83 Buick Century, which I ran into the ground eventually by using it
for a couple of years of driving around for work, driving from NJ to Syracuse
and back, to Dad's house in MD and back, and not taking it in for tuneups
during this time. But the electrical system was still a piece of crap anyway,
after about 50,000 miles. During the last years I had it ('89-90) it was
legally my brother's but I drove it all the time. Finally, in summer 1990, the
exhaust pipe corroded off for the second time and that was it.

I got my license, however, in Mom's '84 Jeep Grand Wagoneer (one of the last
ones still made by AMC/Renault). That died prematurely-my brother took it out
one night before he had gotten his license (a Sunday night, yet) and was sided
by a limo going the other way through a downtown 4-way intersection that ran
the light. We had to pay to replace the traffic light that was totalled. The
limo driver got hurt and was fired (besides running the light, he was taking
a friend out in a company car-not business). My brother was OK, but had to put
off getting his license for a little while. My mom got...a 1987 Jeep grand
Wagoneer, which she still has, although my stepbrother screwed up the odometer
in a vain attempt to cover up his unauthorized use of it.

>>What is the first car you purchased yourself?

I handled the details of acquiring my Accord myself, however it was a graduation
gift. So in that sense I have not paid for a car out of my own pocket yet.

Daniel Case State University of New York at Buffalo
Prodigy: WDNS15D | GEnie: DCASE.10
Ceci n'est pas une pipe

Daniel B Case

Mar 6, 1994, 5:20:00 PM3/6/94
In article <2lbuil$>, (Donald R. McGregor) writes...
>What was the first car you broke 100 MPH in?

Almost did it in the Accord while racing some people in a Lexus ES 250 (yes, a
glorified Camry) on I-95 in Maryland during one particularly busy post-Fourth of
July weekend rush (yes, it was an interesting experience with all the traffic
except us and the Lexus in the rightmost lanes). I might have done it four years
ago driving back to Syracuse after spring break in a rented Mercury Topaz, if I
hadn't gotten the 82-in-a-55 south of Cortland on I-81 that made me realize I
needed a radar detector...boy, those things (the Topaz/Tempos) have pickup!

>First car you crashed?

Mom's first Jeep, previously mentioned. Was looking for a left-hand turn, didn't
realize the light ahead was red and traffic had backed up. $400 to my Mom's car,
$900 to the other guy.

Ian Williams

Mar 6, 1994, 1:06:38 AM3/6/94
[first cars you ever had question]

1. 1967 Volkswagen Bug - If you learn to drive in a Beetle, you can drive
*anything* from then on. Nickname: Herpes, the Love Bug - which I believe
is a rare triple entendre! The accelerator cable broke on the highway in
North Carolina, so I attached some speaker wire to the choke, threaded it
through the bumper, and attached it to a pencil in the front seat. To
accelerate, all I had to do was write on my lap. Girls dug this.

2. 1971 VW Karmann Ghia Convertible - Most amazing car in the world; the
poor man's Porsche, so stylish. It is what every Miata wants to be. Mine
was stolen from the garage where it was being renovated, and I'm still

3. 1968 Volvo 4-door - Simply amazing. The key broke off in the ignition,
and I installed a new ignition on the other side of the steering wheel
that operated with my gym locker key! This car made honorable mention in USA
Today's 1992 Worst Looking Car contest. Seriously!

4. 1984 Diesel VW Rabbit - Bought it with the advance from 13th-GEN, and
brought my driving oeuvre into the post-Nixon years. Will be cruising into
a town near you soon!


* The above does not represent OIT, UNC-CH, laUNChpad, or its other users. *

Scott Terek

Mar 6, 1994, 7:52:23 PM3/6/94
Donald R. McGregor ( wrote:
: What was the first car you broke 100 MPH in?

I can't prove that I ever have. I'm sure I did in the '78 Grand Prix,
but the speedometer only went to 85. The road between my parents' house
and school was three hours of perfect flatness and straightness. Of
course, that same road was where I got my first speeding ticket.

: First car you crashed?

I haven't yet (knocks on wood). After tempting the Fates like that, I'd
better be *really* careful driving to work tomorrow.

Scott Terek | Walt Disney Feature Animation
| 1420 Flower Street | Glendale, CA 91221


Mar 6, 1994, 8:51:06 PM3/6/94
>What was the first car you broke 100 MPH in?

My Datsun 720 Series pickup was timed at 92 MPH for its top speed. The
first car I put over 100 was a 1978 Ford LTD that my parents bought, it
had *no* handling at that speed!

>First car you crashed?
Minor: A Toyota Celica cut across the road in front of me and my right
front corner got him. I was driving my first car, a 1979 Datsun 210

Major: a 1983 Toyota Tercel. I cut across the road and got broadsided
by a Nissan D21 "Hardbody" pickup. No injuries but the passenger door
was now about 2 feet in.

* Noel J. Tominack ( |
* University of Maryland Baltimore County |
* All opinions are mine mine mine! |
* ________________________________________|

Jonathan Priluck

Mar 6, 1994, 8:51:49 PM3/6/94
In article <> (Scott Terek) writes:
>Donald R. McGregor ( wrote:
>: What was the first car you broke 100 MPH in?

1972 Ford LTD country sqire station wagon. Top speed about 110

1969 Plymouth Road Runner - over 140 MPH (best geuss about 145)

>: First car you crashed?

So far so good :^)

Grizzly Adams

Mar 7, 1994, 1:16:11 AM3/7/94
In <2lbuil$> (Donald R. McGregor) writes:

>In article <2lapr9$> (WARREN...@DELPHI.COM) writes:
>:> What was the first car that you drove?

'64 Plymouth valiant

What was the first car you ever owned?

'66 Plymouth belvedere station wagon aka the battleship colorado
- bought it from my folks for $1 (and the cost of a new engine)

What car do you own now?

see above.

>What was the first car you broke 100 MPH in?

see above - on a very straight road.

>First car you crashed?

see above - spun out on ice, $400 in damage to replace and repaint a door,
$1400 to a toyota thingy to fix a bent panel and a scratch down one side. God
I love real cars made out of metal and not plastic shit.

------------------------------ Eric H. Anderson -------------------------------
BROW...@IASTATE.EDU | Science II room 339 | I sincerly hope that all
| Iowa State Univ. | my opinions are my own,
| Ames, IA 50011 | and not theirs.

Donald R. McGregor

Mar 6, 1994, 1:52:05 AM3/6/94
:> What was the first car that you drove?

Dodge Dart (Swinger!)

What was the first car you broke 100 MPH in?

Ford pickup with a V-8 that was about two feet off the ground.
It was an interesting study in air cushion dynamics.

First car you crashed?

An old Chevy pickup that had the front wheel fall of at 50 MPH.
The bozo that changed the flat that morning didn't tighten down
the lug nuts. (What's that thumping noise? WHAM!)

Don McGregor | Yeah, whatever. |


Mar 7, 1994, 1:10:02 PM3/7/94
First Car Driven: 1966 Chevrolet Suburban (aka The Gumby-mobile)

Other Cars Driven: 1972 Chevrolet Suburban
1980 Triumph Spitfire
1976 Opel
19?? Dunebuggy (Volkswagon in disguise)
1982 Toyota Tercel
197? Toyota Corolla
198? Toyota Pickup
1984 Chevrolet Cavalier

[Note: these were all driven during high
school and college depending on what was
left over and running on a given day]

First Car Bought: 1986 Pontiac Fiero - it was so neat because
everything worked (and still does), unlike
the Opel (no turn signals), the 72 Suburban
(no speedometer), Tercel (no second gear),
Triumph (British - temperamental). The
Opel finally died just short of 300,000 miles
- the result of living in California and
commuting daily.
(Eugenia Horne) | The correct spelling.

Leslie Devlin

Mar 6, 1994, 9:36:07 PM3/6/94
JAMES E. GALL <> wrote:
>I've read about ten posts in this thread and no one has yet mentioned....
>The Chevy Chevette!!!!!!!!!

A friend of mine had a Chevette once. It ate a quarter tank of gas
going up 101 between Sausalito and the rainbow tunnels (for those
not familiar with the Bay Area, a moderately but not excessively
steep stretch of freeway about 2-3 miles long.)

-Leslie, whose current car would probably do the same thing :)
Leslie Devlin * * *
Texas: Where the men are men and the women are elected officials

NandO BBS System

Mar 7, 1994, 1:54:30 PM3/7/94
In article <2l7k24$>,
Paprcutman <> wrote:
>>What was the first car you drove?

>>What is the first car you purchased yourself?

First car I drove was handed-down 86 Honda Accord Hatchback...dull gray,
black A/C, no heater (my grandfather later installed one
and the knob was near the foot so i used to accidentally kick it off
whenever i got in the car), no radio (until my kindly grandfather also
installed a tape deck which periodically ate tapes)...when passenger door
closed the speaker fell in the rattled, it sputtered, the
muffler was corroded.....120+ thousand miles on it when sold...

god, i miss my little buddy....

Tim Delaney

Mar 7, 1994, 4:28:59 PM3/7/94

Year/Make/Model 72 Ford LTD. The 72 LTD, rats and cockroaches will
survive the nuclear holocast just fine.

Color You could kindof see some blue.

Nickname Tuna Boat.

Cheap Accessory Mud flaps, this *was* Montana.

Most Memorable Breaking down on the Golden Gate Bridge. People slowed to
Experience 75 mph, just to be on the safe side as we pushed it off the
bridge (not over the edge, just to the other end...).

Finally, a patrol car stopped and offered us a ride. We
were blazing down the fast lane at 85+ when he ran out of
gas, cut 3 lanes of traffic, and came to a stop on the

Interestingly, there was another patrol car on the
shoulder just behind us whose brakes had failed. Well,
you guessed it. We went tooling down the shoulder with
the brakeless patrol car pushing us, using our brakes to
slow him down when we needed to. Just crashing and
banging through Marin County.

The truely thrilling part happened when we slammed bumpers
and the patrolman's shotgun fell into my travelling
companion's lap. Yeeaaooowww!!!

When we were finally dropped off, I knew why the pope
kisses the ground after flying.

David S. Broudy

Mar 7, 1994, 7:34:21 PM3/7/94
Our drivers' ed cars were a fleet of chevettes, fitted with governors
so they couldn't go more than 15mph on the little autopia racetrack
they set up in the parking lot. Ugh. All I learned, other than how to
drive, was that in 1978 General Motors couldn't make a good car to
save its life... and then my first car was, yes, a Honda Civic.

"I wouldn't normally do this kind of thing"

David S. Broudy

Mar 7, 1994, 7:56:56 PM3/7/94
In article <2l87r3$> ( ) writes:

> > After seeing the post about the Honda Civic being the Beetle of
> >Generation X (though I could say the same about the Ford Escort or Toyota
> >Corolla around here)--I wanted to ask all you X-ers out there:

> >What was the first car you drove?

Other than driver's ed Chevette, mom's 1977 Toyota Corona "luxury
edition" (whee. it had an AM radio, power steering and a
I-wannabe-an-amurrican-car column shift. What splendor, what
decadence, what high school embarassment). It looked like a shrunken
Chevy Nova but was faster than the Chevettes.

> >and
> >What is the first car you purchased yourself?

A 1982 Honda Civic 1500GL, a great car that I still kick myself for
trading in on a fucking BMW 318i, which was the second-worst car ever
made. The absolutely worst car ever made was a 1987 Audi that ate its
engine one day. Since a rebuild would have cost more than the car was
worth, I towed it back to the bank and dumped it on them, and bought
a 1964 Rambler Ambassador. It's ugly and needs paint, but it runs
great... I still have it although now it just sits n gets dusty. I
have a 1985 Toyota Camry LE now, a dull boxy thing but it was cheap
and it's in great shape... No more Teutonic Plague naziwagens...
still paying off the stupid Audi.

Janice Christopher

Mar 8, 1994, 12:37:52 PM3/8/94
In article <2lgigo$>, David S. Broudy <> wrote:
>In article <2l87r3$>
> ( ) writes:
>> > After seeing the post about the Honda Civic being the Beetle of
>> >Generation X (though I could say the same about the Ford Escort or Toyota
>> >Corolla around here)--I wanted to ask all you X-ers out there:
>> >What was the first car you drove?
A '79 Jeep Cherokee, copper-colored, a.k.a. "The Tank." An absolutely
indestructible vehicle that could climb up the side of a mountain in
first gear with the 4WD in. The current Jeeps just aren't the same --
not enough weight to make them really effective on ice.

>> >and
>> >What is the first car you purchased yourself?

A '79 Toyota Corolla, white, affectionately named 'Zaphod.' It has a
Misfits bumper-sticker and cheap K-mart seat covers, and has trekked
across the country a number of times, from Wyoming to California and
back, from Wyoming to Buffalo NY a couple of times, and now back &
forth to Texas . . . I'll bet I've got the only Corolla in Austin
with a block heater. ;) We prefer colder weather, both of us.


Sheilagh M.B.E. O'Hare

Mar 8, 1994, 2:56:08 PM3/8/94
In article <>,

JAMES E. GALL <> wrote:
>Cheap accessory purchased to make it look cooler: ZZ Top keychain

My current car is Suzette, the little bitty civic, who might be able to
park tail to the curb, if only the cops owuldnt get mean and ticket me..:)
but, the cool thing is that she has added dials and switches: an oil
gage, for pressure; a vacuum gage, to tell me I'm getting good milage; an
AC switch, so that it will work; a switch for the engine fan, which will
turn on if it gets too hot, even if I didnt switch it; and a switch to
go from radio to tape deck. . .dad loves adding things like this on, even
tho there's no room to tack on a tachometer (grrr).

first car, a blue honda accord, crashed into head on by a drunk little
bitch on highway 183..front ended up being 2ft from my bleeding face,
yet the hood didnt go thru the windshield, nor did the 'shield shatter.
in fact, the hood stayed latched, crumpled as it was. pretty sturdy, for
a little japanese go-cart.


David S. Broudy

Mar 8, 1994, 4:22:44 PM3/8/94
In article <2lil8o$> (Sheilagh M.B.E. O'Hare) writes:

> first car, a blue honda accord, crashed into head on by a drunk little
> bitch on highway 183..front ended up being 2ft from my bleeding face,
> yet the hood didnt go thru the windshield, nor did the 'shield shatter.
> in fact, the hood stayed latched, crumpled as it was. pretty sturdy, for
> a little japanese go-cart.

eeek. one of my best college friends died in a blue accord... shiver.
hit a tree doing about 70mph on crown valley pkwy in Laguna...
Luckily she died immediately.

Don B Christie

Mar 7, 1994, 5:07:44 PM3/7/94
Scott Terek ( wrote:
: >What was the first car you drove?

I turned 16 in '83 so naturally my first cars were a 68 polaris and a 75
Newport. Combined (proven) seating capacity of 32 people.

: >What is the first car you purchased yourself?

A 68 Polaris. I bought it for the hood. At bike races we could fit about
8 lawn chairs on the hood for a great view of the race. As well we could
fit about five bike in the boot.


Mar 8, 1994, 8:54:57 PM3/8/94
The first car I ever drove and owned was a '73 AMC Hornet Hatchback inherited
from my folks. Nickname: "The Brown Hornet" - even the hubs were brown.
Equipped with a rattling 360 V8 and crunchy 4-speed, it screamed... after it
warmed up. The thing never broke down on me, even after two years of abuse in
Maine weather and over 200,000 miles. I nudged it to 120 mph a couple times,
but almost perished in the process. It never rusted... good steel. I actually
learned to like the Hornet's looks after a while. Lots of character. I
proudly drove it to the prom.

Number two: '83 Jeep Cherokee. Last of the old-style, AMC-built beasts. Yet
it gave me a winter of go anywhere fun. I coaxed it to 85 once, but things get
scary in a Jeep at that speed. Never crashed it, but I did accidentally
perform two 360's on an iced over back-road at night. The car approaching from
the other direction was probably surprised when I passed it going backwards.
An eternity later (2 seconds) I ended up twenty feet up a steep embankment
having just squeezed between a telephone pole and a tree. More luck than I
deserved. Wished I had it in 4WD. The most ergonomically disastrous and
frustrating car I ever drove... and one of the most fun.

Present car: '88 Volkswagen Fox. Fun car, if a bit smaller than I'm used to.
It has great handling and good instruments, but not enough kick. Nevertheless,
I did push it to 116mph on the interstate... not bad for 81 hp. I no longer
drive it to its full potential since I got my first ticket, but when I get my
Corrado VR6, watch out! Well, enough rambling...


another brown car (metallic brown this time, if that's a genuine paint name),

Emily Way

Mar 9, 1994, 2:35:45 PM3/9/94

> I helped buy a 1980 Phoenix - piece of junk!

I'd have learned to drive in my parents' 1980 Phoenix (named Phoelix) if
it hadn't nearly killed them. Most (if not all) of the 1980 X-cars were
recalled for brake failure. My parents found out about the brake failure
the hard way, before the recall, and replaced the Phoenix with an '83
Corolla, which was one of the first cars I drove. (The other was Gromit,
my beloved '83 Civic, which they bought to replace their '72 Olds Cutlass
Supreme station wagon, which got about 8 miles to the gallon and was the
size of Kansas. Or were they replacing my mom's '67 Cougar? I don't
remember.) Anyway, the first car I reached 100mph in was Gromit, going
downhill on a rural highway. Scared the shit out of the friend who was
in the car with me, especially since poor little Gromit started shaking.
I didn't make Gromit do that again. He liked going about 85mph, though.
The first car I totaled was a friend's '81 Cutlass sedan. I was driving
because he'd had his licensed revoked for speeding. He couldn't give me
directions to save his life. <gesturing to the right> "Turn here." <I
turn on my right blinker.> "No, turn *left*." <I turn on my left blinker
and start to turn left, just as the woman in the Dodge Daytona behind me
is zipping around me on the left to pass.> <boom> Sigh.

Emily (who does not want to be at work today)
Emily Way "Try and treat your mid-twenties the way women around the world have learned to treat PMS: take a lot of hot
baths and try to avoid making life-altering decisions."

Leslie Devlin

Mar 10, 1994, 1:08:32 PM3/10/94
<> wrote:
>The first car I ever drove and owned was a '73 AMC Hornet Hatchback inherited
>from my folks. Nickname: "The Brown Hornet" - even the hubs were brown.
>Equipped with a rattling 360 V8 and crunchy 4-speed, it screamed... after it
>warmed up. The thing never broke down on me, even after two years of abuse in
>Maine weather and over 200,000 miles. I nudged it to 120 mph a couple times,
>but almost perished in the process. It never rusted... good steel. I actually
>learned to like the Hornet's looks after a while. Lots of character. I
>proudly drove it to the prom.

I had a friend in high school who had a Hornet. I'm not sure what model
year it was, but it couldn't have been 73 becasuse it was a piece of crap.
It had three -- count 'em, three -- gears and was this awful pukey
yellow. One afternoon we were at the 7-11 picking up Slurpees, and
Jon was distracted when his Slurpee fell over on his foot and he
accidentally slammed into the back of a Buick. The Buick owner came
out of the 7-11 and started bawling Jon out for the teeny tiny
dent on the Buick; meanwhile, the front end of the Hornet was
crumpled and peeling a strip of rubber off the left front tire.

Jon's next car was a Suzuki Samurai. There was one particularly
steep curve on the way to his girlfriend's house where the Samurai
routinely tipped over sideways, and he and whoever was riding in
the passenger seat would have to hop out and tip it upright again.

-Leslie, glad she never took car shopping advice from Jon
**Leslie Devlin * ***
Pomegranate Peel * Gen. 690607 * Santa Cruz Committee for Pacifist Linguistics
Greater Internet Ladies' Knitting Circle and Terrorist Society

Susan Clark

Mar 10, 1994, 1:38:37 PM3/10/94
My first car was a 1979 Pontiac Firebird, dark red. Sort of the ultimate
late high-school dream. It didn't have a very big engine, but it
*looked* cool.
{It finally bit the big one in 1990--sold it to a friend of
my fathe, who restored it and gave it to his 16 year old son. Bad idea--
the thing was totaled in less than a year.
I now drive a 1989 Nissan Sentra with a 4-speed and no other
options but the tape deck and the air conditioning. Uses half the
gas the Pontiac did, and you can actually parallel park the thing!


Chris Launey

Mar 10, 1994, 2:33:54 PM3/10/94
The first car I ever owned I bought from my parents. It was a 1978
Oldsmobile Delta 88. Yellowish tan, flaky AC, some only-one-side-works-and-
it's-full-of-static speakers (front only, of course) driven by a Clarion
stereo, the kind with the good old push-buttons for stations presets and just
one button to control the tape--then you pushed it in halfway, it fast-
forwarded, when you pushed it in all the way, it ejected. The car could fit
about 14 people in it, and at the height of the Gulf War gas crunch it took
$45 to fill up the tank with gas. My friends called it the Antichrist.
It died, sadly, after I went off to school. My brother was driving it and some guy creamed the driver's side and bent the car. Oh, well.
The first car I broke 100 in was my friend's 1972 Gran Torino Station Wagon
(the Dragon Wagon) before I had my license.

And now I drive a Mitsubishi Galant (dubbed the Blur), thanks to the wacky
world of summer employment. And even though it's an awesome little car (it
gets good mileage, and it goes hella fast), sometimes I miss the Antichrist.
Not much, but I miss it nonetheless.

-- | Salt, tequila, lime. Repeat as necessary.
I'm a ChemE, and I'm | "Forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit."
okay; I work all night, | "I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with
and I work all day. | the saints. The sinners are much more fun."

Robert W. Hall

Mar 11, 1994, 12:56:19 PM3/11/94
My first car:
A maroon '84 Ford Escort 4-dr Hatchback, 5spd, Diesel (only 2 years old
at the time, from my folks). Great steering, rather sluggish
acceleration, but a neat car to drive (on long trips, cruising comfortably
at 65-70mph and getting 55-60 MPG is pretty sweet. I drove for two
years in HS and when I graduated from HS at about my 18th b-day, I got car 2,
(my folks still drive the Escort daily with over 100K on the odometer)

My second car:
A dark gray '86 Mustang LX 4-cyl, 4spd manual sedan. Great car, reasonable
on gas, comfortable, (2 years old, 16,000 miles when I got it), and I still
have it though my folks use it more than I do now -- lousy in snow, though..

(I can do great foreward-and-reverse 360 donuts in icy lots with it...)

My third car:
A red '88 Mustang GT 5.0, 5-speed, power everything. My folks got it
for my 20th birthday when it was 2 years old with 20,000 miles. I drive
it mostly in the summer, fall, and spring. Pure Rolling Entertainment,
I love this car... Fast, smooth, handles great on winding Ohio backroads,
fast, etc...

My fourth (sort of) car:
An '88 Ford Bronco II XLT Eddie Bauer (gold/bronze)-- 2.9 V-6, 5-speed.
My folks bought this for themselves in Nov '91, but this past winter I
have had it at school and used it extensively so we sort of 'share it'
between ourselves. The ride is a little to floaty for my tastes, but
it is great in snow...

My fifth car:
To be announced...
Since I am graduating with my MS in CS soon, and probably entering a Ph.D.
program in EECS in a cold climate, my folks have been hinting about a
car for graduation to replace the '86 Mustang LX...

Possibly a '93-94 Probe GT, '89+ Taurus SHO, '93 Camaro Z-28 (though
I wonder about the snow-worthy ness of this one), or '94 Mustang GT.

Though they may just buy themselves an Explorer and give me the Bronco..


Where am I? In the Village. Whose side are you on? That would be telling.
We want .. information. You won't get it! By hook or by crook, we will.
Who are you? The new number two. Who is number one? You are number six.
I am not a number! I am a free man! [insane laughter]

A little randomness and chaos helps liven ones day.

Carpe Diem.
-----------------------------Robert W. Hall-------------------------------
H.S.-88 A.S.-90 B.S.-92 M.S.-94 Ph.D.-9X
'88 Mustang GT------------------------------------------'88 Bronco II XLT-

David S. Broudy

Mar 11, 1994, 5:02:15 PM3/11/94
In article <2lqbc3$> (Robert W. Hall) writes:

> Possibly a '93-94 Probe GT, '89+ Taurus SHO, '93 Camaro Z-28 (though
> I wonder about the snow-worthy ness of this one), or '94 Mustang GT.
> Though they may just buy themselves an Explorer and give me the Bronco..
> Rob

Yes, but have you actually *bought* a car with your *own* money? Or
do mommy and daddy hand you a replacement every few years...

CybJen Groupie (tm)

Mar 11, 1994, 7:29:16 PM3/11/94
In article <2lqpp7$>, David S. Broudy <> wrote:

>> Possibly a '93-94 Probe GT, '89+ Taurus SHO, '93 Camaro Z-28 (though
>> I wonder about the snow-worthy ness of this one), or '94 Mustang GT.

>> Though they may just buy themselves an Explorer and give me the Bronco..

>> Rob

>Yes, but have you actually *bought* a car with your *own* money? Or
>do mommy and daddy hand you a replacement every few years...

...Like you wouldn't accept it if your parental units did the same thing... More power to the guy.

"Your god is dead,
And no-one cares!
If there is a Hell,
I'll see you there!" --NiN

Robert W. Hall

Mar 11, 1994, 8:18:28 PM3/11/94
In article <2lqpp7$>, (David S. Broudy) writes:
|> In article <2lqbc3$>
|> (Robert W. Hall) writes:
|> > Possibly a '93-94 Probe GT, '89+ Taurus SHO, '93 Camaro Z-28 (though
|> > I wonder about the snow-worthy ness of this one), or '94 Mustang GT.
|> >
|> > Though they may just buy themselves an Explorer and give me the Bronco..
|> >
|> > Rob
|> Yes, but have you actually *bought* a car with your *own* money? Or
|> do mommy and daddy hand you a replacement every few years...

Snide, snide....

I save my money from the jobs I have had and from my TA. My parents have
worked very hard all of their lives to achieve a certain level of financial
stability in their 'Senior Years', so if they want to spend money on their
youngest son, so be it, that is their perogative and I love them for their
hard-working, self-reliant, Republican-capitalist sense of values...

Rob 'not spoiled, just happy and hard-working'

Peter Dubuque

Mar 12, 1994, 2:15:30 AM3/12/94
to (CybJen Groupie (tm)) writes:

>In article <2lqpp7$>, David S. Broudy <> wrote:

>>> Possibly a '93-94 Probe GT, '89+ Taurus SHO, '93 Camaro Z-28 (though
>>> I wonder about the snow-worthy ness of this one), or '94 Mustang GT.
>>> Though they may just buy themselves an Explorer and give me the Bronco..

>>> Rob

>>Yes, but have you actually *bought* a car with your *own* money? Or
>>do mommy and daddy hand you a replacement every few years...

> ...Like you wouldn't accept it if your parental units did the same thing... More power to the guy.

> Jedi

Damn right. Pride is often a luxury. Especially when someone hands you
something worth thousands of dollars, with few/no strings attached.

>"Your god is dead,
>And no-one cares!
>If there is a Hell,
>I'll see you there!" --NiN

I was wondering how long it would be before Trent's latest musings made
it onto a.s.g-x...

Peter F. Dubuque
Everyone has some redeeming quality...their mortality, if nothing else.

Dave Mooney

Mar 14, 1994, 9:51:50 AM3/14/94
In <>, (Peter Dubuque) writes:
> (CybJen Groupie (tm)) writes:
>> In article <2lqpp7$>, David S. Broudy <> wrote:
>>> Yes, but have you actually *bought* a car with your *own* money? Or
>>> do mommy and daddy hand you a replacement every few years...
>> ...Like you wouldn't accept it if your parental units did the same thing...
>> More power to the guy.

Well, I've turned down two offers of vehicles from miscellaneous relatives.
True, both cars were so old that maintenance costs on them would be more than
the cars were worth, but I don't have to talk about that part...

>> "Your god is dead,
>> And no-one cares!
>> If there is a Hell,
>> I'll see you there!" --NiN
> I was wondering how long it would be before Trent's latest musings made
> it onto a.s.g-x...

"FEMINISM KILLS KIDS." "Does anyone here have advice on how to kill a cat?"
Oh -- you mean the *other* Trent...


Dave Mooney
"Forgive me Father, for I have not sinned enough" -- Jane Siberry

Peter Dubuque

Mar 14, 1994, 8:51:22 PM3/14/94

Well DUH... :)

Here's another quote from Mr. Reznor, from the 4/94 issue of Alternative
Press, which I think should go in the FAQ if we ever get one, since it
strikes me as the same thing that goes on here, in a way:

"It's a great feeling to be somewhere and you don't know anybody, but
everybody in the audience knows every word to every song, and they relate
to it, and there's something positive happening, even though the message
might be 'EVERYTHING SUCKS,' but goddammit, it feels good to fuckin' yell
about it."

Guy K Mcarthur

Mar 14, 1994, 10:09:27 PM3/14/94
1969 Mustang Coupe w/ 302 c.u. V8 && my own money.


Mar 16, 1994, 12:15:56 AM3/16/94

1982 Ford Escort, 4-door, Metallic blue, std transmission, $400
Ha. I love it.
J. Erich "...each little excerpt a feature of expertice..." -PWEI ****VIVAT
Langsdorf \ / LangsdorfJE96%CS36 * / \
=%> F-22 _\_(O)_/_ * `= . ='
TAB '96--------\_\_v_/_/--------busy .sigs should be outlawed >;) * \ /
CS-36 (Stupid disclaimer: Don't think I speak for USAFA!) ***GRENDEL

Wendi Dunlap

Mar 17, 1994, 7:01:42 PM3/17/94
Wouldn't you just know it; as soon as I post in here about a car that had
been utterly reliable for 1 1/2 years since I bought it, the damn thing
dies on me. (We don't exactly know what's wrong yet. It's only running on
two cylinders, so we're kind of hoping it just needs a tune-up.)

Then, I lose my keys. They've been gone for more than a week now, so I
think there is no hope. My car keys, my scooter key...

It will only cost me about $22 to have Honda pull the ignition and get the
number for the new scooter key, so that's not too bad.

But to replace my Mazda ignition key (I only have a spare door key) will
cost me at least $186 for a new ignition, which is more than the damn car
cost me in the first place. :( I don't even want to know how much a
locksmith would charge.

And before you ask why I didn't get a spare ignition key, I'll tell you.
I took the damn key into Ernst to have a copy made, and they spent 1/2
hour working on it before they told me "We can't make a copy of this key"
for technical reasons. (I think the person cutting the key didn't
know what she was doing, but... <sigh>)

(I asked my boyfriend to help me search for the keys and he said "Maybe
you should call the 'Psychic Hotline.'" :)

So I guess we are going to have to hot wire the car until we know if it's
worth putting a new ignition in or not.

I know that bragging about my car would only bring me trouble... >;)

At least I still have the trunk key, so I can get to my roller skates!
Wendi A. Dunlap | * Seattle, Washington
words,music,art | Sysop of Slumberland BBS, (206) 547-2629, 3/12/24/96
I'm listening to: "Solar Sister" (live concert recording) -- The Posies

James E. Lee

Mar 18, 1994, 4:46:22 AM3/18/94
Wendi Dunlap ( wrote:
: Wouldn't you just know it; as soon as I post in here about a car that had

: been utterly reliable for 1 1/2 years since I bought it, the damn thing
: dies on me. (We don't exactly know what's wrong yet. It's only running on
: two cylinders, so we're kind of hoping it just needs a tune-up.)

I'm sorry to hear that Wendy... Doesn't it seem as though that kind of fate
works, even though we try to tell ourselves it's just not logical?

: Then, I lose my keys. They've been gone for more than a week now, so I

: think there is no hope. My car keys, my scooter key...

: It will only cost me about $22 to have Honda pull the ignition and get the
: number for the new scooter key, so that's not too bad.

: But to replace my Mazda ignition key (I only have a spare door key) will
: cost me at least $186 for a new ignition, which is more than the damn car
: cost me in the first place. :( I don't even want to know how much a
: locksmith would charge.

: And before you ask why I didn't get a spare ignition key, I'll tell you.
: I took the damn key into Ernst to have a copy made, and they spent 1/2
: hour working on it before they told me "We can't make a copy of this key"
: for technical reasons. (I think the person cutting the key didn't
: know what she was doing, but... <sigh>)

Technically, it sounds like they suck! :) (Who or what is Ernst,
anyway?) But why don't you try a Mazda dealer? They may be able to help you,
and if you ever get another ignition key, the dealer should be able to
duplicate it -- my Honda dealer did one for me for free; I'm told it's
kind of something you can expect. Honda owners: try it!

: --

: Wendi A. Dunlap | * Seattle, Washington
: words,music,art | Sysop of Slumberland BBS, (206) 547-2629, 3/12/24/96
: I'm listening to: "Solar Sister" (live concert recording) -- The Posies

J a m e s E. L e e

Wendi Dunlap

Mar 19, 1994, 8:01:18 PM3/19/94
to (James E. Lee) writes:

> Technically, it sounds like they suck! :) (Who or what is Ernst,
>anyway?) But why don't you try a Mazda dealer? They may be able to help you,
>and if you ever get another ignition key, the dealer should be able to
>duplicate it -- my Honda dealer did one for me for free; I'm told it's
>kind of something you can expect. Honda owners: try it!

Ernst is a local hardware/gardening/homewares store. They send everyone
copns when they move into a new place here, offering to make them free
keys. (I think the Post Office must sell them the addresses or something.)

I did try a Mazda dealer -- they couldn't help. My car's a 1970 model,
probably too old to do much of anything with. Probably we will take the
ignition out of the parts car I have.

Wendi A. Dunlap | * Seattle, Washington

Mail to me will *bounce* for a few hours on 3/21 because Connected is
moving. Please resend any mail to me that bounces that day. Thanks!

Wendi Dunlap

Mar 19, 1994, 9:57:14 PM3/19/94
to (Wendi Dunlap) writes:

>Ernst is a local hardware/gardening/homewares store. They send everyone
>copns when they move into a new place here, offering to make them free

|____________ you know, I really thought I was typing "coupons"
here... I have no idea why it didnt turn out that way. :)

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