Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part M - Daryl Kabatoff
October 14th 2023 2:19 pm 228,487 words (266 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard posts continued:
Nuremberg Code Heroes:
The CIA conducted torture research and funded the development of the brutal psychiatric drugs at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, most everyone died. Jesus preserved my life so I could inform you of the horror of the drugs, nobody cares. They either laugh at or ignore the victims of psychiatric horror and now see themselves as absolute heroes because after taking the bullshit Covid gene-altering snake-venom jabs they mention the Nuremberg Code. They took their bullshit Covid jabs by choice and this is after they laughed at or ignored those who had the brutal psychiatric drugs forced upon them. Or they did not take the bullshit Covid jabs and now see themselves as super-heroes as they ignore the victims of psychiatric horror and continue to rant about the Nuremberg Code.
Many of these heroes and super-heroes are Catholics who cannot tolerate criticisms of their churches and gleefully employed predominantly Hindu psychiatrists to torture me and other Christians who questioned why they are pushing pagan fertility rites in place of God's Commandments, and who questioned why the churches are censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism. Many of the heroes and super-heroes just see themselves as Protestants but they are truly Catholics as they uphold the Catholic fertility rites and get their trees to blink. The heroes and super-heroes have super-vision and can see past the pedophilia of the priests and ministers and still give them money, either weekly, or just in December when they go to church to see the blinkin’ trees.
Americans are not rich enough to pay reparations to psychiatric torture victims, nor wise enough to blush. They do not have the ability to show the slightest bit of compassion to the victims of psychiatric horror, yet are able to rant on and on about the Nuremberg Code. They can’t even find it in their vocabulary to acknowledge that psychiatric abuse is taking place. Similarly more than 99.9% of their social posts ignore the existence of witches.
Charles is Coming:
In Canada Trudeau rebates the Carbon Tax back mainly to the largest families, to the families that consume the most carbon... to the large Islamic families with the four wives and four homes. Both the Carbon Tax and the bullshit Covid crisis are being used to funnel money into the pockets of Islamists. Trudeau is an Islamist and Obama is an Islamist (Obama tells Biden what to do and say), and if you attempt to stop either of them and deport the Islamists from North America, then Charles (the Anti-Christ) will come with his massive United Nations Islamic army and defend his people. Indeed, Charles is already landing his UN aircraft in both Canada and the USA in quantities and his Islamic soldiers are also arriving daily over the American and Canadian southern borders.
The Americans and the Canadians tolerate the invasion of the United Nations troops because Charles heads this army and his mom annually showed off some real nice blinkin' fertility tree idols. Supposedly anybody who poses with the pagan fertility tree idols is to be highly respected and honoured. Americans even elected and re-elected a homosexual Indonesian Islamist, who is also a pedophile and a cannibal, because he posed for photos with the blinkin' fertility tree idols, Americans saw the photos of their beloved trees and assumed that Obama shared their values. Both the Americans and the Canadians allow the invasion of the Islamic troops because they are waiting for "Christmas" (the use of God's Name in vain, it is not His Mass). God proclaims in Scripture that He is ENRAGED when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols, He wants nothing to do with your pagan holiday, with your tolerance of evil, with you merging your pagan fertility rites in with your Christian worship.
I spoke up in 1988 and criticized your churches for pushing pagan fertility rites and censoring Scripture that condemns turning trees into decorated idols, and for censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism. I said it was no surprise that your priests and ministers ram their penises up your children's arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy churches. I was arrested and given to a Hindu psychiatrist who said that I think too much about children, penises and cannibals, yet it is the Hindus who reach their spiritual bliss via orgasm. People laughed and laughed, called me a pedophile and assaulted me further. I begged in vain for assistance to flee the country, instead they flew to tropical resorts and posed for photos while standing next to the pagan idols there. Then they posted the photos on Facebook, where the witches shop for your children. The witches cruise Facebook looking for a child that is attractive to him or her, they place an order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and eaten.
It is so vitally important for you compassionless God-damned turds to post photos of your children posing with the pagan idols, that you would even do so if one of your children was playing with his penis in the photograph. Good for you, I sure hope you win!!!
Laugh and Sing:
Maybe continue either ignoring or laughing at the victims of psychiatric horror, or alternate, some days ignore the victims of psychiatric horror and other days laugh at the victims of psychiatric horror. Cover your fertility tree idols with copious quantities of tinfoil and tell the victims of psychiatric horror that they are wearing tinfoil hats and that they should take a pill. Laugh at the victims of psychiatric horror when they say that the psychiatric drugs is making their hair fall out, making their skin hard and dry, making their jaw lock open, making their lips and tongue turn into hard leather, making them completely nauseas, making their brains pound in utter pain, making them deathly sick and unable to achieve an erection.
Laugh at the victims of psychiatric horror when they beg for assistance to flee the country and then fly off to a tropical resort where you pose with the pagan fertility tree idols there. Then post photographs of your children posing with the pagan idols on Facebook, where the witches shop for children. The witches cruise Facebook and see a child that is attractive to him or her, they place an order and the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and eaten. Post that photo of your children posing with the trees on Facebook, even if one of your children is playing with his penis in the photo.
Read the Bible and see that God is ENRAGED when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols, so go to church and see the trees that blink and give them money. See that the churches cap their roofs with Egyptian penises (they call these Egyptian penises "steeples"), and they also cap the very top of their blinkin' trees with a glittering golden miniature Egyptian penis as well, so give them money and then turn your own home into a blinkin' temple of fertility. Bow to the fertility tree idols and place some presents at the base of the blinkin' trees and giggle with utter glee. Then take an injection that removes your fertility and is sure to take your life. Then continue laughing at the victims of psychiatric horror while you start referring to the Nuremberg Code. Alternate, some days laugh at the victims of psychiatric horror, other days ignore the victims of psychiatric horror, other days just sit back and read the Nuremberg Code and feel sorry for yourselves for willingly taking an injection that results in the loss of your fertility and your lives.
Tell the victims of psychiatric horror that it is too bad that the drugs forced upon them results in them being unable to get an erection as it is their own damn fault for daring to criticize your Catholic fertility rituals. Phone the police on them and have them returned to psychiatric horror when you hear them quote unpleasant Scripture that conflicts with your Catholic beliefs, then sit back and necrotize from your bullshit Covid death jabs. Your girls and women have their vaginas necrotizing (rotting), they stink like death before they die. Your boys and men are now infertile and their sperm is toxic. And so off you go to church to see the fertility trees that blink, and give the priests and ministers who teach you these fertility rituals some more money. Laugh and sing Jingle Bells, jingle all the way.
J6 Prisoners Preferred:
Not an ounce of compassion for the victims of psychiatric horror, not even a mention of their existence. Decades of reports of American service men being stripped of their rights and brutally tortured to death with the psychiatric drugs all ignored. Now you reserve seats for and use your universities to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists. You defend your J6 prisoners instead because they are all Catholics just like you, when you adopt the Catholic fertility rites then you become Catholics. You want your J6 prisoners released so they may join with their families and turn their homes into blinkin' temples of fertility. Nobody wants a victim of psychiatric horror released as nobody wants to hear that person say that your "Christmas" is the use of God's Name in vain, it is not Christ's Mass but is instead a pagan mass commemorating the return of the sun from the south, by December 25th the sun is visibly returning from the south. And nobody wants a victim of psychiatric horror released as nobody wants to hear that person say that the churches are censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism and that many of the missing children have been eaten. Most so-called Christians are not tortured to death in psychiatric facilities as they defend Catholic fertility rites rather than The Word of God. God proclaims in Scripture that He is ENRAGED when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols, quoting any Scripture that condemns your fertility tree idols is simply not tolerated.
So I imagine you will get your J6 Catholic prisoners released this winter so they may join with their families in turning trees into decorated idols (so they may embrace Catholic fertility rituals). You will then start to decorate your trees not just with tinfoil, blinkin' lights and with a sparkling golden or silver Egyptian penis on the very top of the tree, but with copious quantities of sparkling J6 ornaments as well. After a few years it will be tradition to turn your trees into filthy God-damned blinkin' pagan fertility idols with sparkling J6 decorations, and those who do not join with you in this pagan filth you will mock, laugh at, slander, libel, assault and shun from your churches and communities, you will have them arrested for daring to question your traditions and tortured to death in psychiatric facilities. Then you will sing Jingle Bells, jingle all the way.
Then you will run into somebody that you shunned and expelled from your church, you will see the person walking on the other side of the street and you will stop and point and say, “Hey, there is that feller who criticized my blinkin’ J6 decorated evergreen tree idol and said that it was capped with an Egyptian penis, or some damn thing like that, he should take a pill.” You will phone the police and have the person arrested and delivered to a Hindu psychiatrist who will inform the individual that he thinks too much about the sparkling J6 decorations before ordering that a needle be stuck in his ass.
Then you will re-elect the homosexual Indonesian Islamist, who is also a pedophile and a cannibal, because he posed for photos while standing next to the pagan fertility tree idols. You either voted for him or you tolerated him because he posed with your beloved pagan idols, when you saw the photos you assumed he shared your values. Good for you people, I sure hope you win.
Proud Men:
You are the men who either ignored or laughed at the victims of psychiatric horror. You are the men who turned trees into decorated idols and who tithed to the churches who taught you to do so. You are the men who phoned the police on me when I said that your churches are censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism. You are the men who cap the very top of your blinkin' tree with a miniature glittering Egyptian obelisk (penis). You are the men who make decorative fertility wreaths out of decorated fertility evergreen tree branches, then who place these pagan symbols of fertility upon the graves of your war dead, you use your dead soldiers to push your pagan beliefs upon others. You are the men who make statues of soldiers and place them next to or directly upon Egyptian penises, and then who bow to these penises when you place your fertility tree wreaths (pagan idols) at the bases of the dinks (pagan idols). You are the men who reserve seats at your universities to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists. In Canada you are the men who allow the newly trained Hindu, Sikh and Islamist psychiatrists to "work" (torture Canadians to death) without becoming Canadian citizens. You are the men who laugh at me and assault me further when I begged for assistance to flee the years of brutal horrid psychiatric torture. You are the men who ignore the victims of psychiatric horror or who laugh at them and assault them further, then you fly to tropical resorts to pose for photographs while standing next to the pagan idols there. You are the men who posted the photos of your children posing with the pagan idols on Facebook, even when one of the children was playing with his penis in the photograph. The witches cruise Facebook looking for a child that is attractive to him or her, they place an order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and eaten. You are the men, for some reason you are proud. Good for you, I sure hope you win!!!
CIA Funded Psychiatric Facilities:
God proclaims in Scripture that He is ENRAGED when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. You are kept ignorant of these Scriptures as the churches censor them, and the churches have people arrested and tortured to death in psychiatric facilities if you dare to point out that they are also censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism. We live in a corrupt church-state, the churches use all the other institutions to assist them to teach you to turn trees into decorated idols and to censor knowledge of the cannibals who rule over you. You in turn are totally compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror. You care little now that it is revealed that the CIA assassinated President Kennedy, you also care little that the CIA funded the development of the psychiatric drugs and funded torture research at Canadian and other western universities. Most every Canadian who was tortured with psychiatric drugs at the University of Saskatchewan died. Many were stripped of their rights and brutally tortured because they quoted Scripture that wasn't approved by your churches. You folks are utterly and totally compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror, you will do anything in order to stop people from criticizing your pagan fertility rites. You have Egyptian penises capping the roofs of your filthy God-damned churches, and many of you also cap the very tops of your blinkin' trees with an Egyptian penis as well. Mock those who indicate that Scripture condemns your fertility tree idols, if they continue to speak up in your churches then laugh at them and shun them, and if they continue to squeak and indicate that your priests and ministers are censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, assault them then phone the police on them and have them delivered to the CIA funded psychiatric facilities. I begged in vain for assistance to flee the years of brutal horrid torture and all you pagan pricks could do for me is laugh at me and assault me further.
So you embraced pagan fertility rites and then lost your fertility to the jabs. You laughed at me when I begged for assistance to flee the country, now all I can do is laugh at you as you twitch and convulse and necrotize from your bullshit Covid jabs. Your sperm is now toxic, your girls and women have their vaginas necrotizing, they stink like death before they die. And still your greatest desire is to return to church and see the fertility idols blink!!! They blink on and off, on and off, on and off, it is really quite a show. All I can do is cry out to God against the Americans, and against the Canadians and laugh at your calamity (Proverbs 1:24-26).
Laugh Some More:
Regain your fertility by turning an evergreen tree into a decorated fertility idol. Cover it with copious quantities of tinfoil and get it to blink. God proclaims in Scripture that it ENRAGES Him when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols, but what doth He know?!!! Americans voted for a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who is also a pedophile and a cannibal, when they saw photos of him posing with the pagan fertility idols they assumed he shared their values. It may help to tithe to churches that teach you to turn trees into decorated idols, especially when there is an Egyptian penis on the roof. Similarly make sure to cap your blinkin' tree with a glittering Egyptian penis as well. How could it hurt?
I criticized the churches in 1988 for teaching pagan fertility rites in place of God's Commandments and for censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism and was stripped of my rights and repeatedly tortured by predominantly Hindu psychiatrists. People laughed at me and assaulted me further when I begged for assistance to flee the country. Not a single God-damned one of them had so much compassion for me that they would buy me so much as a cookie. They laughed and laughed and laughed and then took injections that removed their fertility and their lives.
Keep Laughing:
God allows them to do all these things because you turn trees into decorated idols. God proclaims in Scripture that He is ENRAGED when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. You maintain your pagan idolatry by having people arrested and tortured in psychiatric facilities when they dare to make effective criticisms against it. You cover your filthy idols with copious quantities of tinfoil and then laugh and tell the victims of psychiatric horror that they are wearing tinfoil hats and that they should shut up and take a pill. Then you place pagan symbols of fertility (decorative wreaths made from the branches of your pagan fertility idols) upon the graves of your war dead, you use your dead soldiers to push your pagan idolatry upon others. You place statues of soldiers next to or directly on top of Egyptian penises (pagan symbols of fertility) then bow to these penises when you bend over and place your pagan fertility wreaths at the base of these dinks. You figure it is ok to place statues of soldiers next to or directly on top of Egyptian penises because you also, in all your wisdom, cap the roofs of your churches with Egyptian penises as well. Then you reserve seats at your universities so that you may train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists and Trudeau allows them to "work" (torture Canadians to death) in Canada without they becoming Canadian citizens. You minimize psychiatric torture by saying that your neighbor’s nephew takes lithium salts and it helps him at school, and never stop to think that psychiatrists treat their victims differently, sometimes extremely brutally. Then you ignore decades of reports of American service men being stripped of their rights and brutally tortured in psychiatric facilities, and you make copious quantities of postings on social media expressing your outrage at every single possible other issue. You ignore the CIA funding the development of the horrid drugs and their funding of torture research at the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, and you fly to Saskatoon with your $20,000 shotguns and catch connecting flights up north so you may hunt and fish. Then you elect and re-elected a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who is also a pedophile and a cannibal to the presidency of the United States of America because he posed with the pagan idols, you saw the photos of this witch posing with the pagan idols and assumed he shared your values. I begged in vain for assistance to flee the brutal horrid torture and all you Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshipping pricks could do for me is slander and libel me, rob me and assault me further, and laugh and laugh and laugh.
I Sure Hope You Win!!!
You have blinkin' fertility trees that you spend billions on annually, they should have prevented your illness and infertility. We live in a corrupt church-state that owns and uses every and all institutions to help them teach you to turn trees into decorated idols, more recently this corrupt church shifted its focus and used every and all institutions to help teach you to take the bullshit Covid death jab. The priests and ministers parroted their own news media and parroted their own politicians and demanded you take the death jab. Now as you are twitching and convulsing and necrotizing, your greatest desire is to return to church and see the trees that blink.
Your churches are run by witches, they are cannibals, they actually eat people. They censor Scriptural references to cannibalism and censor Scripture condemning turning trees into decorated idols. The witches poison and kill people, that is what witches do. The witches employed predominantly Hindu psychiatrists to torture me for years in an effort to make me shut up about them teaching you to engage in fertility tree whoreship, and to make me shut up about their censorship of Scriptural references to cannibalism.
In 1988 I said that it was no surprise that your priests and ministers were ramming their penises up your children's arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy churches. Next thing I knew I was begging in vain for assistance to flee the years of brutal horrid torture and all people could do for me is slander and libel me, mock me and laugh at me, call me a pedophile and assault me further. Rather than raise a finger in my defense, they laughed at me, stuck miniature sparkling silver or glittering golden Egyptian penises on the very top of their blinkin' tinfoil-covered trees, said I was wearing a tinfoil hat and that I should take a pill, and then they took injections that removed their fertility and their lives.
I begged in vain for assistance to flee the country and they laughed at me and flew to tropical resorts and posed with the phallic-capped blinkin' pagan idols there. It was so vitally important for them to post photos of their children posing with the pagan idols on Facebook, that they would even do so if one of their children was playing with his penis in the photograph. They posted the photos of their children posing with the pagan idols on Facebook, where the witches shopped for the children. The witches would cruise Facebook and see a child that was attractive to him or her, then they would place an order, and the child would then be abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and eaten. Portions of the child are eaten before the child is killed. Then they would go to church and hear assurances that their dead and missing children were already up in heaven, watching over and protecting the surviving family members, and since that message sounded so very nice, the parents would hand over yet more cash to the cannibals.
Then the Americans elected and re-elected a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who is also a pedophile and a cannibal to the presidency of the United States of America because he posed for photos with the blinkin' fertility tree idols, when the Americans saw the festive photographs they assumed that "Obama" shared their values. People’s love of the pagan idolatry destroys nations, they have great compassion for their pagan rituals and are totally compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror. Now all I can do is laugh at your calamity (Proverbs 1:24-26) and beg God to honour His assorted promises in Scripture and terminate your lives and the lives of you ignorant children. Jingle Bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way, oh what fun it is to embrace pagan fertility rites that are in opposition to God's first three Commandments and then laugh at and assault further the victims of psychiatric horror.
They Laughed at the Victims of Psychiatric Horror:
The CIA funded the development of psychiatric drugs and funded torture research at the University of Saskatchewan and at other western universities. Many people in Saskatoon died from the horrid drugs. Not an issue. Decades of reports of American service men stripped of their rights and brutally tortured in psychiatric facilities. Not an issue. Instead the issue is a group of alternative prisoners, the J6 prisoners who are all Catholics. They want to return to their families so they may turn their homes into blinkin' temples of fertility. When they get released and turn their homes into blinkin' temples of fertility (with copious quantities of tinfoil on their blinkin' trees) they will laugh at the victims of psychiatric horror who criticize their pagan traditions and tell them they are wearing tinfoil hats, and that they should shut up and take a pill. They elected and re-elected a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who is also a pedophile and a cannibal because they assumed he shared their values when the posed with their pagan idols. Those Americans who did not vote for the homosexual Indonesian Islamist who is also a pedophile and a cannibal, tolerated his presidency because he posed with their pagan idols.
Their love of pagan fertility rites destroyed their nations and they remain compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror, many of whom lost their freedom because they criticized the pagan idolatry taught by the corrupt churches. All they could do is laugh at the victims of psychiatric horror, they are those people who appear in pain and rarely smile, they are the people who shuffle their feet rather than walk. They laughed at the victims of psychiatric horror and told them to shut their God-damned mouths and to take another pill.
Hospital Care:
Hurry, bring a decorated evergreen tree to her hospital room, it is a fertility idol, it could remove her blood clots and add years to her life. Likely she is facing the blood clots now due to her not decorating large enough trees, or by failing to decorate them to great enough degrees. Get them lights to blink a little faster. Maybe pull your pants down and ejaculate upon the fertility tree idol. Do not forget to cap your blinkin' tree with a sparkling Egyptian obelisk (a representation of a penis). When she dies, make sure to go to church and hear assurances that she is up in heaven with Jesus. The priests and ministers advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy churches, and taught you to turn trees into decorated idols, and taught you to cap the idols with Egyptian penises. You obviously did not listen and now she has blood clots!!! Maybe find some psychiatric torture victim, somebody who was tortured because he or she criticized the pagan idolatry taught by your church and by their schools and by their media and by their entertainment industry, and by their politicians (the church owns it all) and assault them further, maybe that will help. Be of good cheer, always remember to laugh at the victims of psychiatric horror, cover your trees with copious quantities of tinfoil and then tell them that they are wearing tinfoil hats and that they should take another pill. (Proverbs 1:24-26)
Successful Psyop:
No trains, no planes, no automobiles, no oil, no gas, no gas stoves, but you will still have evergreen trees that blink. The evergreen tree was whoreshipped for millennia as symbols of fertility due to them remaining green throughout the year. The corrupt church works overtime to teach you to abide by Catholic fertility rites, they use all institutions to help them teach you to turn trees into decorated idols. Their psyop is so successful that you laugh at and assault those people who warn you to flee the idolatry. Drape copious quantities of tinfoil on your blinkin' trees and tell those who attempt to warn you to flee this idolatry that they are wearing tinfoil hats and that they should take a pill.
So the Americans discovered that Disney is a Satanic institution involved in child trafficking, but Americans still love Disney because their cartoon characters pose beside the blinkin' idols. Same deal for Obama, he is an Indonesian Islamist, pedophile and cannibal, he gets elected and re-elected to the presidency of the USA because Americans assumed he shared their values when he posed with the pagan idols. Those Americans who did not vote for "Obama" tolerate the cannibal because he posed with their highly esteemed blinkin' idols.
God allows the loss of your nations because you are engaged in pagan idolatry. He cares little which particular group of pagans occupies and rules over any nation. You defend your blinkin' evergreen trees with brutal horrid psychiatric torture, and then laugh at the victims of psychiatric horror. You ignore decades of reports of American service men stripped of their rights and brutally tortured in American psychiatric facilities and now rally behind the J6 prisoners who are all Catholics, they want to return to their families and turn their homes into blinkin' temples of fertility. The left and the right are united in turning trees into decorated idols. The jabbed and the unjabbed are united in turning trees into decorated idols. Everybody is united with the sodomites in turning trees into decorated idols. Even the atheists adopt the Catholic fertility rites and turn trees into decorated idols, when you adopt Catholic fertility rites, then you become a Catholic. Christians are united with atheists, sodomites and cannibals in their war against God and His Commandments. Even the vast majority of the victims of psychiatric horror engage in the pagan practice. Hitler was a Catholic who turned trees into decorated idols, everybody is united with Hitler and turns trees into decorated idols.
God proclaims in Scripture that it ENRAGES Him when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. Different aspects of your winter fertility festival are in opposition to God's First Three Commandments. Then you lie to your own children about the pagan nature of the affair and violate God’s Ninth Commandments as well. You made up your minds, you have me repeatedly arrested and brutally tortured with psychiatric drugs for daring to speak out against your pagan fertility rites and think it is funny. Now suddenly you consider yourselves Nuremberg heroes, speaking out in defense of the Nuremberg Code, and you do it without mentioning psychiatry. The only time you Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers mention psychiatry is when you hear my criticisms of your blinkin’ fertility tree idols and tell me to shut my mouth and take another pill. Good for you, I sure hope you win!!!
Unrepentant Turds That Do Not Know How To Blush:
God proclaims in Scripture that He is ENRAGED when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. The decorated evergreen tree fertility idol is too important of a tradition to abandon. Billions upon billions of dollars are spent annually by The Church (together with their other institutions) to teach you to turn trees into decorated idols. Then people spend billions of dollars annually turning their homes, shopping malls and entire cities into blinkin' temples of fertility. Then you folks spent millions of dollars having just me brutally tortured for years, and you had other individuals brutally tortured as well at the cost of over a million dollars each. Then you hear me beg for assistance to flee the brutal horrid torture and you laugh at me, assault me further, and say I am wearing a tinfoil hat and that I should take another pill. Then I beg God for your lives. You folks are unrepentant and you don't know how to blush.
Perhaps now that you have vowed to cease turning evergreen trees into fertility idols, I'm sure you will continue to tithe to churches that are phallic-capped and have sun shaped windows, churches that teach you to abide by the fertility tree rituals, they will teach the sheep to cap their blinkin' tree with an Egyptian penis, but although you know better now, you still attend and support that church. They will publish books proclaiming that their missionaries did away with cannibalism in the South Seas and in Africa, while censoring Scriptural references to the act, and while ignoring instances of cannibalism by Freemasons and other witches in the west. Cannibals teach you to turn trees into decorated idols, and you defend your winter fertility traditions with brutal horrid psychiatric torture. It is taboo to criticize your pagan winter fertility festivities, and it is taboo for you to address the issue of psychiatric horror. I begged in vain for assistance and said I was being tortured by Hindu psychiatrists, you folks laughed at me or laughed it off, and now you reserve seats for and train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists at your universities, and under Trudeau allow them to "work" in Canada without becoming Canadian citizens. Jobs in Canada are offered to African and Asian based Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists without the jobs being first offered to the Canadian people. And now The City of Saskatoon employs non-Canadians.
In 1988 I said that it was no surprise that your priests and ministers were ramming their penises up your children's arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy churches, and that they were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, I was arrested, driven past the front gates of the University of Saskatchewan which are built out of four Egyptian obelisks (penises), and given to Hindu psychiatrist who said that I think too much about children, penises and cannibals, but it is the Hindus that gain their spiritual bliss via orgasm. I criticized the pedophilia in your churches and you folks defend yourselves by calling me a pedophile for the last 35 years. Now you know better, you say, but still you are unable to blush. You embraced the pagan idols to the tune of billions of dollars annually and as a result you lost your fertility and you lost your nations to members of alternative fertility cults. You people destroyed my life and destroyed the country that I live in.
Pagan Fertility Rites:
People abide by the teachings of the Catholic Church and turn trees into decorated idols. Many consider themselves Protestants but their church was co-opted by the Catholics and now push the Catholic fertility rites together with the other Catholic churches. Many consider themselves atheists yet they too abide by the teachings of the Catholic church and get their trees to blink. You have seen that many of the churches are capped with Egyptian obelisks, which are representations of penises, and often they cap the top of their blinkin’ trees with miniature Egyptian obelisks as well. Annually your pope places a decorated evergreen tree idol next to the stolen Egyptian obelisk in the center of Vatican Square, suitable as both are pagan symbols of fertility. The ancient Egyptians whoreshipped the penis as a symbol of fertility due to the role the penis has in reproduction, while the evergreen tree is whoreshipped as a symbol of fertility due to remaining green and fertile throughout the year. The priests of fish god Dagon turned trees into decorated idols while dressing up in fish outfits complete with fish head hats, as they viewed the fish as being another symbol of fertility just like their decorated evergreen trees, for many fish lay great multitudes of eggs or bear great multitudes of young.
Of course this corrupt church keeps you ignorant of passages in God’s Word that condemns the act of turning trees into decorated idols, and also avoids discussing Scriptural passages condemning the obelisks (penises). This corrupt church also censors Scriptural references to cannibalism, which is another pagan fertility rite, the witches consume children and the homeless thinking that they would maintain their youth and fertility as a result of the act (Habakkuk 3:14).
The corrupt church censors Scriptural references to cannibalism, and also published books proclaiming that their missionaries civilized the world and converted the cannibals in the South Seas and in Africa to Christianity. They published these books proclaiming they overcame the cannibals, and did so without them citing Scripture that reveals the existence of cannibals, and did so without mentioning the existence of cannibals in the western nations, and without mentioning the horrific numbers of missing children. This corrupt church used your wealth to purchase other institutions to assist them to teach you to turn trees into decorated idols, and also used these other institutions to help censor the existence of cannibals.
They programmed the sheep to mock any other sheep that dared to question why the church was pushing the pagan fertility rites. If that wayward member of the church continued to push the issue and continue to question why the church was pushing the use of the pagan idols, then he or she would be laughed at, expelled from the church and shunned. If that church member also questioned why the church was censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, then the member would not only be expelled and shunned, but efforts would be made to have that person arrested under the Mental Health Act and tortured to death in psychiatric facilities, which the church owns.
Cannibals run the corrupt church, it is cannibals who teach you to turn trees into decorated idols, then more recently these cannibals told their flocks to take the bullshit Covid injections. The cannibals parroted their media and parroted their politicians (the Catholic Church owns it all) and told their sheep to take the death jabs. The sheep abide by the word of cannibals rather than by the Word of God.
Those people who were stripped of their rights and tortured in psychiatric facilities died early deaths. The psychiatric treatment is applied to people unequally, it is those people who criticized the pagan fertility rites taught by the church that receive the most horrid of the treatments. They all begged for help to get out of the cycle of psychiatric abuse and were ignored, laughed at and assaulted further. Most Christians appear to be pleased with this, they do not appreciate having their pagan winter festival criticized. Different aspects of this pagan winter festival are in violation with God’s First Three Commandments. They collectively spend billions of dollars annually getting their trees to blink and are utterly compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror. And that is why you assholes are going to burn.
Abiding By The Teachings of Cannibals:
Decades of reports of American service men and others stripped of their rights and tortured to death in psychiatric facilities and all ignored. Americans (and other westerners) allow their soldiers to be tortured to death and then honour their veterans by placing statues of them next to or on top of Egyptian penises. Then they make decorative wreaths out of the branches of their beloved evergreen trees, bend down and place these pagan fertility idols at the base of the Egyptian penises... they place their pagan fertility idols at the base of additional pagan fertility idols. Then they decorate the graves of their war dead with additional fertility tree wreaths.
When you adopt Catholic fertility rites then you become Catholics. You honour your war dead by decorating their graves with Catholic fertility tree idols, you push your filthy God-damned pagan idolatry upon your dead soldiers, you use your dead soldiers as tools to push your filthy God-damned pagan idolatry upon others.
You ignore those who have been stripped of their rights and brutally tortured for daring to criticize your pagan idolatry and now defend your J6 prisoners instead, who are all a bunch of Catholics. The J6 prisoners want to return to their families and turn their homes into blinkin' temples of fertility.
God proclaims in Scripture that He is ENRAGED when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. Americans then elected and re-elected a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who is also a pedophile and a cannibal to the presidency of the United States of America because they saw photographs of him posing with the pagan idols. When the Americans saw the photos of "Obama" posing with the pagan idols they assumed he shared their values. Those that did not vote for him tolerated him, because he posed with their beloved pagan idols. The Americans and others do not defend the victims of psychiatric horror as many of them are written off as being crazy as they criticized the churches for pushing your beloved pagan idolatry.
Americans, Canadians and other westerners are at war against God and now get to lose their nation to members of alternative fertility cults, and they deserve it. They collectively spend billions of dollars annually turning their churches, schools, courts of law, hospitals, homes, shopping malls and entire cities into blinkin' temples of fertility, they cover their trees with copious quantities of tinfoil and then laugh at the victims of psychiatric horror, tell them they are wearing tinfoil hats, that they are off their meds, and that they should shut up and take another pill.
I begged in vain for assistance to flee the country and people laughed at me and flew to tropical resorts and posed with the pagan idols there. They posted photos of their children posing with the idols on Facebook where the witches shop for your children. The witches cruise Facebook looking for a child attractive to him or her, they place an order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and eaten. Portions of the child are eaten before the child is killed. It is so vitally important for you people to post photos of your children posing with the pagan idols that you would do so even if one of the children was playing with his penis in the photograph.
I criticized your pagan idolatry such as churches and evergreen trees fertility idols capped with miniature Egyptian penises, and then received year after year after year of brutal horrid torture and all people could do for me is laugh at me, call me a pedophile and assault me further. As a result I cry out to God against you folks, I beg God to honour His assorted promises in Scripture and terminate your lives and the lives of your children. But you do not care, you believe your prayers to be oh so powerful and that my prayers are of no effect. The longer you believe this, the more of you I will be able to kill. My prayers for your deaths appear to be working.
Cannibals run your churches and teach you to turn trees into decorated fertility idols. You abide by the word of cannibals rather than by the Word of God and so now you have to die. You are ok with laughing at me when I beg for assistance to flee the country, I'm ok with praying for your deaths and for the deaths of your children. This is how the world works.
To the family of Trista Deane Martin of Broken Arrow Oklahoma:
Maybe you failed to get a tall enough tree and decorate it to a great enough degree. Or you failed to get the tree to blink fast enough, or perhaps your tree was simply blinkin' too fast. Maybe you decorated your pagan fertility idol with blinkin' lights of the wrong colour, such as too many blinkin' red lights and not enough blinkin' blue lights, or some blinkin' lights of some other colour. It is a fertility idol, it should have resulted in your family members retaining their fertility and their lives. The churches cap their roofs with miniature Egyptian penises, and cap their blinkin' trees with miniature Egyptian penises as well, did you fail to cap your blinkin' tree with a miniature Egyptian penis? It may be too late now for your daughter, but you may still return to church and give them money in return for their assurances that your daughter is now up in heaven with Mary.
So the Americans use their CIA to fund torture research at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, resulting in many people dying from the horrid psychiatric drugs. I criticized your pagan fertility rites in 1988 (Egyptian penises on church roofs, censorship of Scripture condemning your blinkin' trees, the censorship of Scriptural references to cannibalism) and quickly found myself being tortured by a Hindu psychiatrist who said that I think too much about penises, children and cannibals. All people could do for me is laugh, call me a pedophile for the next 35 years and assault me further. It is my turn to laugh (Proverbs 1:24-26).
Now Trista's mom is active on Twitter complaining about the bogus bullshit Covid jabs. There she shows off her Catholic family, posing in December 2021 with their Catholic fertility tree idol. When you adopt this Catholic fertility rite then you become a Catholic. People are arrested and tortured to death for daring to criticize your church for pushing this pagan idol in place of God's Commandments and for daring to state that your church is censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, and justifiably so, as nobody in their right mind would dare to speak out against such established traditions. It is taboo to criticizing the pagan fertility rites taught by the Catholic church.
I bet they bought and decorated an especially large tree in 2022 to help them deal with their daughter's death, but did they cap it with a star again as they did in 2021, or did they cap it with a sparkling Egyptian obelisk (a representation of a penis). They capped their blinkin' tree with a star in 2021, it is a representation of the sun, another symbol of fertility like the Egyptian penis and like their blinkin’ tree. I'm thinking that maybe when they cap their blinkin' tree idol with a star rather than an Egyptian penis, they are missing out on life. They had a choice, they could have capped their blinkin' tree in 2022 with a miniature glittering golden Egyptian penis, or with a shiny sparkling silver Egyptian penis, or with another sparkling star like they did in 2021. There were eight children in the family, perhaps by capping their blinkin' idol with a sparkling star in 2022, like they did in 2021, will again result in the loss of another child during the following year. I'm thinking that they made a mistake and failed once again to cap their blinkin' evergreen tree idol with a miniature Egyptian penis as the penis is more powerful than the star, better magic, or some damn thing like that… unless they capped their blinkin’ idol with a six-sided star, perhaps. They have a few months to think about whether to cap their next blinkin' idol with a glittering golden Egyptian penis or a shiny sparkling silver Egyptian penis, or with another sparkling five-sided star, or with the improved six-sided star. Eventually they will go to heaven and learn there which colour of Egyptian penis or which version of star they were supposed to cap their blinkin’ tree with.
There remains a possibility that we were supposed to cap our Egyptian penises with the decorated evergreen tree idols rather than the other way around. Perhaps the Catholic Church (and their American government) found the solution by simply placing the decorated evergreen tree “next” to the Egyptian penis. We may have to wait for Jesus to return in order to discover what the suitable sacrifice actually is. Losing Trista is an indication to me that the family did not make the appropriate sacrifice.
So what if different aspects of your winter fertility festival are in opposition to God's First Three Commandments, what doth God know?!!! Then you honour the Catholic sabbath and violate God's Fourth Commandment as well. You have freedom in Christ to do as you wish, even when Scripture proclaims that God is ENRAGED when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. I’m happy for you that you can afford to decorate the trees (and make them blink), and are able to do so with a clear conscience.
Poisoned World:
Do not worry about the poisoned food and the poisoned water, you have blinkin' evergreen tree fertility idols, these are sure to restore your fertility and your nations. Sure God proclaims in Scripture that it ENRAGES Him when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols, but what doth He know?!!! People get stripped of their rights and are brutally tortured in psychiatric facilities when they dare to point out that your churches are teaching you pagan fertility rites in place of God's Commandments (Egyptian penises capping the roofs of the churches, Egyptian penises capping the very tops of your blinkin' trees, priests and ministers ramming their penises up your children's arseholes), and that your churches are censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, and justifiably so. People should not have the right to speak, and when those who are being brutally tortured in the psychiatric facilities try to continue to speak, just continue ignoring them and laughing at them and assaulting them further. You are in the right to do this to them, they criticized your churches. They criticized the pedophilia in your churches so call them pedophiles and assault them, and laugh.
We live under the rule of a corrupt church that first told you to turn trees into decorated idols. Then later they parroted their own media and parroted their own politicians (the church owns these institutions) and told you to take the death jab. And justifiably so. All you God-damned pagan pricks could do for me is slander me, libel me, laugh at me, rob me and assault me further when I begged for assistance to flee the country. Rather than raise a finger for me, you flew to tropical resorts and posed with the pagan idols there. And justifiably so, for these pagan fertility idols will yet save your lives, they will restore your fertility and lead to blessings for your nation. Or alternatively, your love of the pagan idols destroyed my nation and destroyed my life.
Americans elected and re-elected a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who is also a pedophile and a cannibal, because they assumed he shared their values when they saw photos of “Obama” posing with the pagan idols. Those that did not vote for him, tolerated him, because he posed with their beloved pagan idols. All I can do now is laugh at your calamity. Maybe pull your pants down and ejaculate upon your blinkin' fertility idol, how could it hurt? Maybe try getting your lights to blink a little faster. Jingle Bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way (Proverbs 1:24-26).
Everyone is United:
The jabbed and the unjabbed are all united in turning trees into decorated idols. The Protestants and the atheists are all united with the pope and his Catholic church in turning trees into decorated idols. First Queen Elizabeth and now King Charles heads a supposedly "Protestant" church while at the same time actively teaches you to abide by the teachings of the "Catholic" church and turn trees into decorated idols. Mickey Mouse and the Disney characters are all united with the Republicans and the Democrats in turning trees into decorated idols. The Indians on the reservations are divided into those who uphold their traditional values and those who instead embrace Christ, and they are all united in turning trees into decorated idols. Even Hitler turned trees into decorated idols, and so everyone is united with Hitler in turning trees into decorated idols. God proclaims in Scripture that it ENRAGES Him when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols.
Every three weeks I got to defend myself at a psychiatric appeal panel hearing, I’d be taken in a wheel chair with my head banging in pain, with my hair falling out, with my jaw locked open, with my skin, lips and tongue turned into hard leather, and with the worst case of nausea you can ever imagine. It was difficult to speak and so I limited my defense to be short, and would say that the Bible condemns turning trees into decorated idols. Once Dr. Marcoux, professed to be an expert in religious delusions, sat next to me at a psychiatric appeal panel hearing (at the Royal University Hospital in Saskatoon) and heard me say this, he responded by saying that I was religiously deluded because everybody does it (turns trees into blinkin’ fertility idols). The Catholics seated on the other side of the table smiled and gave Dr. Marcoux permission to continue to torture me.
I told Dr. Marcoux that all the different psychiatric drugs he was administering to me had “death” as a side effect. He just smiled and said that it was his call. Later Dr. Marcoux told me that if he ever heard that I was putting up any more posters in Saskatoon, that he would have me returned to him for another round of “treatment.”
People in Saskatoon were offended when they heard me state that their churches were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, Scripture that condemned their blinkin’ trees, and that many of their churches were capped with miniature Egyptian penises. I’d complain of my treatment to Christians and they said I was judging them. I’d get arrested for speaking and the police would drive me past the four Egyptian obelisks (penises) built into the front gates of the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, for the first few years I was given to a Hindu psychiatrist who said that I think too much about penises, children and cannibals, but it is the Hindus who gain their spiritual bliss via orgasm. I complained that I was being tortured by a Hindu, they laughed at me and now they reserve seats at their medical schools to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become medical doctors, including doctors of psychiatry, and are permitted to “work” in Canada without them becoming Canadian citizens.
They laughed at me, attributed their prayers to being of great power and my prayers of being of no effect. They mocked me and ignored the other victims of psychiatric horror. Then they took injections that changed their DNA and contained 36 (6x6) different species of snake venom. The priests and ministers who taught them to turn trees into decorated idols encouraged them to take the injections.
And Justifiably So:
Maybe get a bigger tree and decorate it to a greater degree. It is a fertility idol, it should restore your family's fertility and their lives, and furthermore should save your nations. The churches taught you to abide by this pagan fertility ritual rather than by God's Commandments and the rest of God's Word, and justifiably so. And then later the priests and ministers in these churches parroted their own politicians and parroted their own media (the church owns these institutions) and told you to take the jab in order to protect others, and justifiably so. Likely that is where your failure was, you failed to cap your blinkin' tree with a glittering golden Egyptian penis. The churches capped both their roofs and their blinkin' evergreen trees with miniature Egyptian penises, why didn't you at the very least cap your blinkin’ tree with an Egyptian dink as well?!!! The priests and ministers capped their churches with Egyptian penises and then rammed their penises up your children’s arseholes, they taught you to turn trees into blinkin’ idols and so you gave them money.
And then when your child died, you returned to church to hear assurances that your child is now in heaven looking down upon you and protecting you, so you gave them yet more money. And those who pointed out that your churches were censoring Scripture condemning turning trees into decorated idols, and those who pointed out that your church was censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, you mocked, laughed at, assaulted and expelled from your churches, and you scorned and shunned them, then had them repeatedly arrested and tortured in psychiatric facilities at a cost of many millions of dollars per each individual, and justifiably so, as money is not the issue, the issue is maintaining your traditions. Rather than assist the victims of psychiatric horror you laughed at them, and justifiably so, for nobody should have the right to criticize your traditions. My suggestion is that you pull your pants down and ejaculate upon your blinkin’ fertility idols, that should help you and your family members retain their fertility and their lives, and restore your nations. And maybe try getting your tree to blink a little faster.
I think it is absolutely hilarious. Just as you think it is absolutely hilarious that I get stripped of my rights and brutally tortured for years at the University of Saskatchewan and at Saskatoon City Hospital, I think that the deaths of your family members and the loss of your nations is equally hilarious.
A Suitable Sacrifice:
Moslems invading? Just get bigger trees and decorate them to greater degrees, maybe get them to blink a little faster. They are fertility idols, they will restore your fertility and save your nations. Sure God proclaims in Scripture that it ENRAGES Him when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols, but what doth He know?!!!
The churches teach you to turn trees into decorated idols. They teach you to cap your blinkin' tree with a star, or with a miniature glittering golden obelisk or a miniature sparkling shiny silver Egyptian obelisk (a representation of a penis). I think that the residents of Palestine Ohio were failing to cap their blinkin' fertility tree idols with either stars or with Egyptian penises, and as a result are now losing their fertility. Not just in Ohio, but the Americans in general are losing their fertility because they are failing to honour (worship) the tree in the prescribed manner. Not only are they failing to cap their blinkin' trees with Egyptian penises, they are scrimping on decorating their fertility idols with enough tinfoil. Some may fail to cover their fertility idols with enough blinkin' blue lights, other may have simple used too many blinkin' red lights or some blinkin' lights of some other colour. True, the Americans cover the graves of their war dead with evergreen tree branches twisted into decorative wreaths (fertility idols), even when the dead soldier is not a Catholic, but obviously this act did not assist them to maintain their fertility. Perhaps try capping each and every one of the veteran's grave stones with Egyptian penises as well and not just the fertility wreaths. Sure many of the dead American soldiers did not honour your Catholic fertility rites, but that should not stop you from decorating their grave stones with the Catholic fertility wreaths or Egyptian penises, or blinkin’ lights. Your churches are capped with Egyptian penises, and the churches teach you to cap your blinkin' trees with Egyptian penises, but sadly some people do not listen. You make great efforts to cover each and every grave stone of your war veterans with the pagan fertility wreaths, then you fail to cap the grave stones with the Egyptian dinks as well. True you do place statues of soldiers next to or directly on top of Egyptian penises, then bow to these dinks when you bend down and place the decorative fertility wreaths at the base of the dinks, but obviously this effort wasn't good enough. Because you failed to embrace the Catholic fertility rites with great enough enthusiasm, you now get to lose your nations to alternative fertility cults.
Consider that some Christians were brutally tortured for years in psychiatric facilities when they spoke up against the churches teaching you to honour the Catholic fertility rites in place of God’s Commandments, when you see them on the street shuffling their feet rather than walking, when you see them grimace in pain rather than smiling, give them of photograph of you and your family members posing with a lavishly decorated the blinkin' trees, and maybe also tell them they are wearing tinfoil hats and to take another pill. And remember to vote for a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who is also a pedophile and a cannibal, sure he might be homosexual, Indonesian, a pedophile and also a cannibal, but at least he made an effort to honour your Catholic fertility rites when he posed with the blinkin' trees. One doth not have to be rich to turn trees into decorated idols, you just need enthusiasm for the ancient pagan fertility rites. You need more devotion to your Catholic gods. If you sang Jingle Bells with greater fervor it might help, maybe try wearing a fish head hat. Try assaulting a victim of psychiatric horror, options also include robbing, mocking, slandering and libeling the victims of psychiatric horror, and then laughing at him or her. If somebody says that it is no surprise that your priests and ministers ram their penises up your children's arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches, call him or her a pedophile and have the individual tortured for years, then laugh at, slander, libel and assault the victim further. Likely the victims of psychiatric horror are so poor they do not have a pot to piss in, but that is not the issue, the issue is that you must continue to spend billions of dollars annually turning your churches, schools, homes, shopping malls and entire cities into blinkin' temples of fertility, it is for the sake of tradition and for the sake of your nations. And when you discover that the CIA funded torture research at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon and at other western universities, and that most victims died, try to recover this money from them or from their families. All you folks could do for me is laugh at me and assault me further, all I can do for you is to laugh at your calamity (Proverbs 1:24-26). I also cry out to God against you.
Defending Your J6 Prisoners:
Footage of the J6 prisoners to be released but no footage of psychiatric abuse victims being tortured to death. No concern from anybody about the victims of psychiatric horror. The J6 prisoners are all Catholics, they adopted the Catholic fertility rites and so have become Catholics. When you turn trees into blinkin' idols and bow to the tree via the placement and retrieval of presents at the base of the tree, then you are engaging in the Catholic fertility rite and have become a Catholic. The J6 prisoners are all Catholics who want to return to their families so they may turn their homes once again into a blinkin' Catholic temple of fertility. Every three weeks I was allowed to appeal my sanity at a psychiatric appeal panel hearing, not easy to do when my jaw is locked open, my skin, lips and tongue were turned into hard leather, my hair was falling out, my brain was banging in pain... I limited my defense by saying that the Bible repeatedly condemns the act of turning trees into decorated idols. Once Dr. Gene Marcoux (a self proclaimed expert in religious delusions) heard me state my defense at a psychiatric appeal panel hearing, he smiled and said that I was deluded because everybody does it. The Catholics seated in judgment on the other side of the table from us smiled at Dr. Marcoux's words and gave him permission to continue to torture me.
The Americans used their CIA to fund torture research at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, most everybody died. Jesus preserved my life so I could inform you about it. Nobody cares, now I cry out to God against you Catholics, including Adventists, Baptists, Mennonites, Hutterites, Doukhobors and such, all are Catholics for they adopted the Catholic fertility rites. I begged in vain for assistance to flee the brutal horror of the psychiatric drugs, all people could do for me is mock me, laugh at me, slander and libel me, rob me and assault me further. Now all I can do for you is laugh at your calamity (Proverbs 1:24-26). I have Scripture defending my right to laugh at your calamity, I also have Scripture permitting me to beg God for your lives.
I informed people that I was being tortured by Hindu psychiatrists and they laughed at me and now allow their universities to reserve seats for and to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists, and in Canada Trudeau allows them to practice their "art" (torture Canadians to death) without being Canadian citizens. You folks rant on and on and on about your J6 prisoners while remaining silent about decades of reports of American service men and others being stripped of their rights and brutally tortured to death with the psychiatric drugs. You defend your silence by saying that your neighbor's child was given some mild medication and it seemed to help him.... you overlook the fact that the psychiatrists do not treat their victims equally. You are Catholics who defend your Catholic fertility rituals with brutal horrid violence and think it is funny.
I spoke up in 1988 I said that it was no surprise that your priests and ministers were ramming their penises up your children's arseholes for they already advertised themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy churches. And I added that they were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism. I was arrested and given to a Hindu psychiatrist who said that I thought too much about penises, children and cannibals. People then repeatedly called me a pedophile and assaulted me further. I lost year after year after year to brutal horrid torture, I begged in vain for assistance to flee the country and there isn't a single one of you that has so much compassion for me that they would even offer to buy me a simple single holiday to anywhere in a feeble attempt to make up for the loss of years of my life, let alone a cookie. Instead you fly to tropical resorts and pose with your children next to the pagan idols there, then post the photos on Facebook where the witches shop for your children. It is so vitally important for you arseholes to post pictures of your children posing with the pagan idols that you would do so even if one of your children was playing with his penis in the photograph. You destroyed my life and destroyed your own nations by adopting the pagan idolatry.
Heroes of the Catholic Church:
Decades of reports of people being stripped of their rights and brutally tortured with psychiatric drugs, all ignored. All the psychiatric drugs have death as a side effect. I criticized your filthy churches for pushing evergreen tree idols, for capping their roofs with Egyptian penises, for censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, was stripped of my rights and brutally tortured for years and all the sheep could do for me is laugh at me and assault me further. Now you see yourselves as heroes because you speak up in defense of the J6 or some other favoured prisoner.
You love your J6 prisoners because they are all Catholics just like you. When you abide by the Catholic fertility rites, you become a Catholic. All the J6 prisoners want to be released, join together with their families and turn their homes into blinkin' temples of fertility. Then after they turn their homes into the blinkin' temples of fertility, they will want to bow down and place a decorative wreath made from the branches of a blinkin' evergreen tree idol upon the graves of the war dead. When they place this Catholic symbol of fertility upon the graves of the war dead, they use the war dead as tools to push their pagan fertility rites upon others.
Then they will seek out a statue of a soldier standing next to or directly upon an Egyptian penis, and will similarly bow down to this pagan dink and place their symbols of fertility at the base of the dink. You cover your God-damned evergreen tree fertility idols with copious quantities of tinfoil then claim that it is I who am wearing a tinfoil hat. You bow to Egyptian penises, you cap the roofs of your filthy churches with Egyptian penises, sometimes you cap the very top of your blinkin' fertility trees with Egyptian penises as well, and you laugh and sing Jingle Bells and gleefully allow those who criticize your filthy churches to be tortured to death in psychiatric facilities. You are heroes of the Catholic church.
Levels of Fertility:
Hitler was a Catholic and capped his blinkin’ evergreen tree idol with an Egyptian dink. Hitler knew the power of placing a symbol of fertility on top of another symbol of fertility. But why did Hitler cap his blinkin’ fertility tree with an Egyptian penis rather than with a star, which represents the sun, another symbol of fertility?!!! And why didn’t Hitler place a star on top of the Egyptian penis and then place the whole affair on top of a blinkin’ tree, it would be three levels of fertility idols, one above the other above the other?!!! Probababbly Hitler lost the war because Stalin did just that, Stalin had a star mounted on top of his Egyptian dink which was mounted on top of his blinkin’ tree, and it was a military secret. Hitler also lost the war because he used the railways to transport Jews to death camps, trains carrying food, munitions and other war supplies were sidelined in order to transport the Jews to ovens and mass graves. And then there was the issue of Hitler being traumatized by having to paint the fat-assed women in Vienna. Anyway, some arsehole dictator may yet come along and stick a fish on top of a star placed upon an Egyptian dink mounted upon a blinkin’ evergreen tree, and people would vote for him because it is tradition to vote for those who pose beside the blinkin’ idols. It is a serious matter because if you do it wrong and lose the war you may end up with wooden stake or a tree trunk shoved up your rectum (Proverbs 1:24-26).
Anyway, God proclaims in Scripture that it ENRAGES Him when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. The end result of turning trees into decorated idols is that you get to lose your nations to members of alternative fertility cults. You have a choice, you may either turn trees into decorated idols and mock, slander, libel, shun, rob, assault and torture to death in psychiatric facilities those who criticize your pagan idolatry, and end up getting a tree trunk shoved up your arsehole, or you may be silent about it all and still lose your nations and still get a tree trunk shoved up your arsehole. Or you may try to tell people that God proclaims in Scripture that it ENRAGES Him when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols and get mocked, slandered, libeled, shunned, robbed, assaulted and tortured, and have a needle stuck in your bum. The choice is yours. It starts by mocking those who tell you that Scripture condemns turning trees into decorated idols, tell the individual that they are wearing a tinfoil hat and that they should shut their God-damned mouths and take another pill.
Corrupt World:
The victims of psychiatric horror were trying to tell you that the justice systems were corrupt and you laughed at them or simply ignored them. Some were brutally tortured to death because their crime was to criticize your church for pushing decorated idols in place of God's Commandments, you continue to ignore them and instead continue to spend billions of dollars annually getting your trees to blink. Now you defend the J6 prisoners who are all a bunch of Catholics, they want to return to their families so they may turn their homes into blinkin' temples of fertility. You are just a bunch of God-damned Catholics who drape copious quantities of tinfoil on your God-damned pagan idols and then tell me that I am wearing a tinfoil hat and that I should take another pill. You people are utterly compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror, now here you are bitching about your loss of rights. I begged in vain for assistance to flee the brutal horrid psychiatric torture and all you God-damned pagan pricks could do for me is laugh at me and assault me further. Go fuck yourselves.
God proclaims in Scripture that it ENRAGES Him when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. You abide by pagan fertility rites with every ounce of your souls and now you get to lose your nations to members of alternative fertility cults. You people gleefully destroyed my life after I criticized your pagan fertility rites and then you destroyed the nation that I live in. You laughed at those people who lost their freedom after they criticized your phallic-capped churches and your phallic-capped trees. The miniature obelisks that you cap your blinkin' trees (and churches) with are miniature Egyptian penises, you place a symbol of fertility on the top of your blinkin' evergreen tree symbol of fertility and tell me that I am crazy and should take another pill. You cap both your church roofs and your blinkin' trees with Egyptian penises and then defend yourselves by stripping me of my rights, torturing me with psychiatric drugs and by calling me a pedophile for the next 35 years. Brutal horrid torture that went on year after year after year and all you filthy God-damned pagan pricks could do for me is laugh at me, call me a pedophile and assault me further. All I can do is cry out to God against you and pray for your deaths and for the deaths of your children. You are utterly compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror, you are unrepentant turds who do not even know how to blush.
The Story of Amy Sedgwick:
After the first injection Amy Sedgwick noticed that she had numbness in her feet and so decided to take the booster, then she died. Obviously she failed to get a big enough tree and decorate it to a great enough degree. They are fertility idols, they will restore your fertility and save your nations. Perhaps she failed to drape enough tinfoil on her blinkin' tree. Or perhaps she failed to get the lights to blink fast enough. Or more likely she failed to cap her pagan fertility idol with a miniature glittering golden Egyptian obelisk (penis) or with a miniature shiny silver Egyptian obelisk (penis). How can the fertility tree be effective and maintain your fertility if you arseholes fail to cap the damn thing with an Egyptian penis? Capping your fertility tree idol with a miniature Egyptian penis is like getting a booster. The churches taught her to turn trees into decorated idols, many of these churches cap their roofs with miniature Egyptian penises, then they also teach the sheep to cap their blinkin' trees with Egyptian penises as well. Why did she not listen to the crap and cap her blinkin' tree with an Egyptian penis? The magic of the fertility tree idol is impaired when one doth not cap it with the secondary fertility idol, and she lost her fertility and then her life. Now her family members will attend the church and hear assurances that she is up in heaven with Mary, looking down and protecting them all, and so they will hand over yet more cash as the assurances sound so good. Likely she was twitching, convulsing and necrotizing before she died, likely her vagina was necrotizing from the snake venom in the injections and she stunk like death before she died, now Amy can be the patron saint of necrotizing vaginas. And it is all because she failed to cap her pagan fertility tree idol with the secondary Egyptian pagan fertility idol. The family may now place a decorated fertility tree wreath made from a branch of her decorated fertility tree blinkin' idol upon her grave stone. Maybe if you also cap her grave stone with a miniature Egyptian dink as well she will rise up from the dead. How can it hurt?
I think it is absolutely hilarious. I spoke out against the churches in 1988 for pushing pagan fertility rites in place of God's Commandments, for censoring Scripture condemning turning trees into decorated idols, for censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, and was repeatedly arrested and repeatedly tortured for years by predominantly Hindu psychiatrists who said I think too much about cannibals, penises and children. I begged in vain for assistance to flee the country and all people could do for me is mock me, openly laugh at me, slander and libel me, call me a pedophile, rob me and assault me further. Then they flew to tropical resorts and posed for photographs with the pagan idols there, then posted these photos of their children on Facebook where the witches shop for their next meal. It was so vitally important to post photos of your children posing with the pagan idols on Facebook that parents would do so even if one of their children was playing with his penis in the photograph. Then they elected and re-elected a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who is also a pedophile and a cannibal to the presidency of the United States of America because they assumed "Obama" shared their values when he published photographs of himself posing with the greatly beloved fertility idols.
Just as you folks were unable to tolerate God's Word in Scripture, just as you were unable to tolerate my words quoting Scripture that contradicted your church teachings, God was unable to further tolerate this bimbo's life. Absolutely hilarious. You folks are utterly compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror, you deserve this and more. -Proverbs 1:24-26.
People Ranting:
They are cannibals!!! They not only rape the children, they torture, kill and eat them too!!! You stupid arseholes are ranting on and on about pedophiles while ignoring that these people are actually cannibals. You stupid arseholes gleefully allow me to be brutally tortured for years in psychiatric facilities because I pointed out in 1988 that your churches are censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism. These cannibals advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy churches and cap their blinkin' evergreen tree idols with Egyptian penises as well, and they teach you to turn trees into decorated idols and to cap these idols with miniature Egyptian penises as well, and to turn your homes into blinkin' temples of fertility. So there you are, turning your homes into pagan temples of fertility with dinks on the very tops of your blinkin' trees, while ranting on about pedophiles, while I and others are being tortured to death as a reward for pointing out that witches are eating people.
You folks rant on and on about pedophiles while being silent about the witches eating people. You rant on and on about your J6 prisoners while being silent about psychiatrists torturing people to death. You are God-damned Catholics who turn your churches, homes, schools, shopping malls and entire cities into blinkin' temples of fertility. I sure hope you win.
Take Another Pill:
You lie to your children and get them to engage in the pagan fertility rites, you post pictures of them standing next to your pagan idols. It is so damn important for you arseholes to post the photos on the internet that you would even do so when they are playing with their penises in the photographs. You cover your blinkin' trees with copious quantities of tinfoil and then tell those who criticize your pagan traditions that they are wearing tinfoil hats and that they should take another pill. You follow the church teachings to the letter, you see the priests and ministers cap their blinkin' fertility tree idols with miniature Egyptian obelisks (another pagan fertility idol) and you do the same. You see the priests and ministers cap their churches with miniature Egyptian penises and see them turn their churches into blinkin' temples of fertility so you turn your homes, schools, shopping malls and entire cities into blinkin' temples of fertility as well. God proclaims in Scripture that it ENRAGES Him when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. The result of embracing the pagan fertility rites is that you now get to lose your nations to members of alternative fertility cults.
Cannibalism is another pagan fertility rite just like your blinkin' tree idols. The priests and ministers censor Scripture indicating that we have cannibals in our midst, then they publish books claiming that their missionaries civilized the cannibals in the South Seas and Africa, and they do so without quoting Scripture exposing the existence of cannibals. Then when people point out that the churches are censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, and point out that Scripture indicates that God is ENRAGED when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols, you have the person arrested and tortured under the Mental Health Act for disrupting the community. In 1988 I said that it was no surprise that your priests and ministers ram their penises up your children's arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy churches, and said that they were censoring Scripture referring to cannibalism, I was arrested and given to a Hindu psychiatrist who said that I think too much about penises, children and cannibals. The years of torture were horrendous, all people could do is call me a pedophile and assault me further, and they laughed and laughed and laughed.
The Americans and other westerners honor their dead veterans by placing statues of soldiers next to or directly upon Egyptian penises. Then they bow to these Egyptian dinks when they place decorative wreaths made from evergreen tree branches at the base of these dinks. Then they place these pagan fertility wreaths upon the graves of their war dead, they use the dead soldiers to push their Catholic beliefs upon others. Then when a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who is also a pedophile and a cannibal posed for photos while standing next to the pagan idols the Americans voted for him because they assumed he shared their values.
You lie to your children and deserve the loss of your nations to members of alternative fertility cults. Your compassion is limited to your pagan traditions. Year after year after year of brutal horrid torture, I begged in vain for assistance to flee the country and instead you laughed at me (and assaulted me further) and flew to tropical resorts and posed with the pagan idols there. Then you posted the photos of your children posing with the pagan idols on Facebook, where the witches shop for your children. The witches cruise Facebook and see a child attractive to him or her, they place an order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and eaten. Portions of the child are eaten before the child is killed.
Then your priests and ministers parroted their own media and parroted their own politicians (the Catholic Church owns these other institutions and use them to help teach you to turn trees into decorated idols) and demanded you take the snake venom, gene-altering death jabs, and you did so because you liked the smell of the pine trees in the churches, you thought it was Holy.
Anyway, just as you pagan arseholes think that me being brutally tortured for years in psychiatric facilities is hilarious, I in turn think that your deaths and the deaths of your children is equally hilarious.
Mind Control:
You praise yourselves thinking you are immune to mind control yet continue to turn trees into decorated idols, and turn your homes into blinkin' temples of fertility. It is so vitally important for you arseholes to post photographs of your children posing with the pagan fertility idols that you would do so even if one of your children was playing with his penis in the photograph.
So what if God proclaims in Scripture that it ENRAGES Him when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols, what doth He know?!!! So what if embracing pagan fertility rites results in God allowing your nation to be taken over by members of alternative fertility cults?!!! Your traditions are more important than abiding by The Word of God and more important than your nations.
The CIA funded torture research at The University of Saskatchewan's Department of Psychiatry, those who are "treated" with the most horrid of the drugs were those people who criticized your churches for pushing pagan fertility rites in place of God's Word and were those people who exclaimed that your churches are censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism. You don't care, your concern is maintaining tradition. You folks support churches that are capped with Egyptian penises, churches that teach you to turn trees into decorated idols, churches that teach you to cap your blinkin’ evergreen tree idol with a miniature Egyptian penis. You cap your pagan fertility tree idols with another pagan fertility idol (an Egyptian penis or a star) and then laugh at those people who were stripped of their rights and brutally tortured in psychiatric facilities for daring to say so. You collectively spend billions of dollars annually turning trees into decorated idols and think it funny, and even funnier when you hear of me tortured for years for daring to speak out against it. You are at war against God and are outraged against me rather than outraged against the cannibals running your churches and governments. Good luck to you, I sure hope you win.
In the News:
In the news (not the mainstream news) in February 2023, the bullshit Covid injections varied greatly in toxicity, the most lethal doses were distributed to Republican held jurisdictions. The people of European descent were injected with a lethal concoction while the African, Asian and Latin American invaders were exempt from taking the poison. In the news (not the mainstream news) in March 2023 many of the jabbed men are reporting problems with their penises and testicles, and male fetuses that are not developing their penises fully and are unlikely to be born alive.
You may counteract this by getting bigger trees and decorating them to greater degrees. Try getting the trees to blink a little faster. You have a choice, you may cap the top of your blinkin’ tree with either a miniature glittering golden or a miniature sparkling silver Egyptian obelisk (a representation of a penis) or with a star (a representation of your solar fertility god), you are capping your fertility tree idol with another fertility idol. That should work (Proverbs 1:24-26).
I can't recommend enough the importance of mocking, libeling, slandering, assaulting, arresting and having people tortured to death in psychiatric facilities when they dare to speak out against your churches and their (your) fertility tree idols. The priests, ministers and trees are all very sensitive and should not be exposed to the bad vibes, the hate and the misinformation. For each and every person facing years of brutal horrid torture in the psychiatric facilities and who begs for assistance to flee the problems that they themselves created, there should be an equal and opposite reaction by flying to tropical resorts and posing for photographs with the pagan idols there. Remember to post the photos of your children posing with the fertility tree idols on Facebook, even if one of your children is playing with his penis in the photograph. They are fertility tree idols, it is only right for you folks to masturbate a little while standing next to your blinkin' fertility tree.
Seats are reserved at our western universities to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become psychiatrists, who Trudeau allows to "work" in Canada without them becoming Canadian citizens. These people are your first line of defense, they are here to protect others from hearing the disinformation and the hate spewed out by those who read their Bibles and found some issue with the trees or with the Egyptian penises capping the church roofs.
See the photo of the homosexual Indonesian Islamist who is also a pedophile and a cannibal, see the cheer that the decorated evergreen trees bring him and his family. That cheer and happiness can also be your cheer and happiness, if only you had bigger trees and decorated them to greater degrees. Good luck to you, enjoy your holidays whether here at home or at your tropical resort.
Dr. Amandha Vollmer - There is no Covid
There is no Covid, there never was Covid, nobody is infected with Covid, there is no such thing.