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Caitlyn Jenner Commits A "Hat Crime"

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Buzzsaw Checkerling

Aug 9, 2017, 11:17:19 AM8/9/17
Liberals are quick to embrace identity politics, but bristle at giving
Trump his due

by Tammy Bruce
August 9, 2017
The Washington Times

Imagine this: Someone goes through massive body-altering,
gender-changing surgery, changes her life and risks the rejection of
her family, all in order to be her genuine self.

Agree or disagree with the choice, the commitment to pursuing who we
are is something many view as a necessary component of personal
freedom. For some, that includes gender reassignment.

Then imagine, you go through all that and you wake up in a new
“community,” which encouraged you to change yourself, while promising
love, support and a way to finally belong, without judgment and with
complete understanding.

Or so you think.

Suddenly, the crowd which encouraged you to color outside the lines now
presents you with new rules about how to correctly be your own person.
No, this isn’t a pitch for yet another incarnation of “The Twilight
Zone” or a long-lost manuscript from the great Ray Bradbury. It’s the
new life of Caitlyn Jenner.

I never thought I’d feel sorry for Ms. Jenner. Bruce Jenner
accomplished amazing things in his life, and then his struggle with
sense of gender identity became public. Two years after a worldwide
announcement of his decision to transition from male to female, in 2017
Ms. Jenner announced she completed the sex-reassignment surgery.

“The surgery was a success, and I feel not only wonderful but
liberated,” People magazine reported about Ms. Jenner’s comments in a
memoir released earlier this year.

And then the unthinkable happens: Caitlyn Jenner commits a hat crime!
Yes, you read that correctly, a hat crime and in public, no less.
Headlines like this are blaring from Vanity Fair, “Let Us Allow Caitlyn
Jenner to Explain Her MAGA Hat,” and the New York Daily News: “Caitlyn
Jenner Has Quite the Excuse After She’s Photographed Wearing a MAGA
Hat,” then the image rehab began.

TMZ’s headline? “Caitlyn: Hat was Comedy of Errors, I HATE TRUMP.” Whew.
“Caitlyn tells TMZ she drove from her Malibu home to Sherwood Country
Club in Thousand Oaks, Ca., in a 1960 Austin-Healey convertible. Before
leaving home she realized she needed a hat … something better than a
golf visor to protect her hair. So she rummaged through the 10 hats in
her closet and grabbed one without looking at the stitching. … She says
when she got to the club she threw the hat on the floor of the car,
spent an hour or so hitting some balls and left. When she got to the
car she grabbed the hat, saw the inscription and realized what she had
done,” reported TMZ.

Vanity Fair, after “allowing” Ms. Jenner to explain, reported her
apology to its readers, “Jenner is sorry for being caught with the MAGA
message blaring out of her forehead. She told TMZ, ‘What he’s doing to
our community is absolutely f—g awful. I apologize to all of the trans
community. I made a mistake. I will never do it again and I’m getting
rid of the hat.’ “

This is all serious, by the way. None of this is parody. Hat crimes
must be dealt with.

We know a person’s political opinions can change, and in this instance
she has grown cool on Mr. Trump due to his position on transgendered
individuals in the military, but it’s clear there is no room for nuance
in any liberal community where identity politics are all that matter.

The real story here is, why would Ms. Jenner have to be subjected to
international headline-shaming when she has already demonstrated her
commitment to the community and her intention and character are known?
And if all is well, and people are free to be who they are, why would
Ms. Jenner need to be given the coverage at TMZ to, well, beg for
forgiveness? What would happen if she simply chose that hat for the
day, and then used the attention to discuss her disagreements, and
agreements, with the president?

What is at stake?

Bottom line, it’s a good way to condition other people, isn’t it, and
to keep your highest profile people in line. The threat of being
shunned by your own community is too much for some. Who would dare to
not conform when that is the punishment?

In the normal world, Ms. Jenner’s profile and access to the president
and his team could be used to influence policy decisions. But no, one
must simply resist, and hate.

While we work on policy disagreements, what the left doesn’t want
discussed is how everyone is benefiting from Donald Trump’s presidency.
The Trump stock market rally has added $4 trillion to the nation’s
economy, something everyone with a retirement account or investment,
shares in. U.S. small business optimism is the highest it’s been in 10
years. More than 1.1 million fewer people are on food stamps under Mr.
Trump. U.S. unemployment has hit its lowest level since 2001, no doubt
due to the 1 million new jobs created since Mr. Trump took office.

In the real world, being financially secure, or at least having more
disposable income, means you have more influence and power. If the gay
left and the “resist” crowd actually wanted Americans to succeed, they
wouldn’t be hounding people over a hat crime — they’d be working to get
a seat at the table to make a difference.

• Tammy Bruce, author & Fox News contributor, is a radio talk show host.

"The tragedy of our current political quagmire is that, yeah, we really
could use an effective, active, and credible press right now. We have
an active one five days out of the week, an effective one five days out
of the month, and a credible one... not that often."
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