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OT -Help - I've ruined my taste buds!!

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Mary M. Leary

Jan 5, 2003, 2:02:07 AM1/5/03
Guys this is serious...I think. Today I was sanitizing the cat area in
the basement with straight clorox bleach. The fumes were so strong in
the enclosed area that of course my eyes burned and my nose stung.
Well no big deal but now at least 2 hrs later my sense of smell is
totally altered as is my sense of taste. I cannot = read cannot smoke
as the smell and taste is hideous. Any thoughts on how to restore my
true senses as they should be or have I done real damage here???? HElp
me if you can. Mary


Jan 5, 2003, 6:16:50 AM1/5/03
In article <>, says...
Anchovis,get a can of anchovis and eat the entire can.You will be
cured,taste restored!


Stephen E. Williamson

Jan 5, 2003, 8:03:46 AM1/5/03
to (Mary M. Leary) wrote in

For 9 years I worked in a factory that made chlorine. I was gassed so
many times my lungs are now bleached white. In fact, I only smoke so I
can get some color back into my lungs.
Anyway, you will get your taste back, it will just take a little time.
The combination of chlorine and the ammonia in the cat urine can produce
a lethal gas, but you got out of the room, and you survived. Just give
yourself some time and you will be fine.


Jim the NewbieŠŽ

Jan 5, 2003, 8:09:10 AM1/5/03
Get rid of the cats and you will never have this problem again.

Jim the NewbieŠŽ

"Jim the Newbie", and all parts of are protected by copyright and trademark
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Mary M. Leary <> wrote in article

Stephen B.

Jan 5, 2003, 11:11:49 AM1/5/03

"buck12ga" <> wrote in message

LOL! That sounds like good solid reasoning to me.

-Stephen B.


Jan 5, 2003, 11:22:52 AM1/5/03
Mary I work with Hypo-chlorite (sp)- (bleach) at work all the time sometimes
it can get pretty nasty. We use it to control algae build up in our piping.
Sometimes oh man you get a great big whiff of it and it is all I can smell
or taste for quite awhile. Do not worry it will me. Its my job
"Mary M. Leary" <> wrote in message

Martin Farrent

Jan 5, 2003, 12:02:07 PM1/5/03
Es schrieb Terry:

> Mary I work with Hypo-chlorite (sp)- (bleach) at work all the time sometimes
> it can get pretty nasty. We use it to control algae build up in our piping.
> Sometimes oh man you get a great big whiff of it and it is all I can smell
> or taste for quite awhile. Do not worry it will me. Its my job
> :)

Don't you believe him. He recently told us he was not only quitting the
job, but the state :-)



Jan 5, 2003, 3:47:44 PM1/5/03
Hi Mary,

I made myself sick a couple of years ago cleaning the toilet with bleach. As
I stood over it I took a dose of the chlorine gas in my lungs before I
realized what was going on. I felt quesy for almost 24 hours and was
coughing alot but did get better. I think you will get better too.

John Peryam

"Mary M. Leary" <> wrote in message

J. Kusters

Jan 5, 2003, 4:08:04 PM1/5/03
What Ho Mary,

So now is the time to open up that tin of Erinmore tobacco!

Groetings, Janneman


Martin Farrent

Jan 5, 2003, 4:58:35 PM1/5/03
Es schrieb "J. Kusters":

> What Ho Mary,
> So now is the time to open up that tin of Erinmore tobacco!

I just had a terrible thought, Janneman. Imagine a totalitarian state,
with the makers of Erinmore in league with the Junta. We'd all be forced
to sniff chlorine as babies to adjust our senses to the vile weed.

The plot continues: Carlos, a rising but idealistic plain clothes
policeman, stumbles upon a crowd of rebels clandestinely smoking Barbary
Coast in the basement of an Internet cafe. He tries a bowl and
sympathizes, but is betrayed by his beautiful, though very cold fiancee
Louise Murray (who's getting discenchanted with him, anyway). Murray, of
course, is a part-heir to the Erinmore fortune and... oh well, you can
make up the rest yourself.


Mark Shelor

Jan 5, 2003, 5:04:23 PM1/5/03
Martin Farrent wrote:
> I just had a terrible thought, Janneman. Imagine a totalitarian state,
> with the makers of Erinmore in league with the Junta. We'd all be forced
> to sniff chlorine as babies to adjust our senses to the vile weed.

While on the off-topic of ruining one's taste buds ...

Just think: Coca-Cola has an extremely powerful world-wide lobby. And,
could it be merely a coincidence that McDonald hamburgers are starting
to taste better and better to many people around the world, even the
French? I think you've hit on something here, Janneman and Martin: a
fiendish plot whose ultimate goal is the world-domination of Erinmore,
not merely Coca-Cola and McDonald's. That's just a cover. We're on a
very slippery slope here, and, frankly, I'm terrified.

Ma"Conspiracy Theories-R-Us"rk


Jan 5, 2003, 6:33:57 PM1/5/03
In article <>, says...
Yiz guys are scarin me, now stop that!



Jan 5, 2003, 7:01:56 PM1/5/03
First off, don't ever do that again, without proper ventilation! There are
a plethora of household chemicals that can wreck your day, if you don't take
proper precautions, even if they seem overly cautious.

In this case, you've inadvertently mixed chlorine with ammonia - a
well-known mistake made deliberately by homekeepers for years. Next time,
try an intermediate cleanser first - maybe even just a lengthy water rinse,
before applying the bleach.

Your smell and taste will return to normal shortly. You can assist in your
recovery by drinking lots of fresh water, and breathing in the open
(relatively) clean air...

And be careful next time, please!

- Mikey

"Mary M. Leary" wrote


Jan 5, 2003, 9:56:08 PM1/5/03
Uh, yeah... that amonia (in the cat urine) and chlorine thing is bad
news. Once in a while I forget that little bit of chemestry 101.
Harley doesn't much appreciate the combination either - opinionated
curmudgeon that he is. I'm lucky that he is a fastideous little twit,
even if he is vocal about offenses of his privy, unlike his
predecessor who was a little more *ahem* physical about showing her

It'll pass, but I'd suggest finding a different method of sanitizing
the feline facilities in the future.

I won't suggest the vinegar bit... cats don't like vinegar (I have
used that as a house training tool in the past, when a cat has
mistaken plants, carpets and clothes for the litter pan. Eliminates
the odor so the site won't be used again, and the first day or two the
vinegar smell will repell the cat.), but it does work well if you have
the luxury of being able to air out the litter pan for about a week.

I've used Spic and Span (but I don't think that's on the market
anymore) and Pinesol products in the past. I won't guarantee that I'm
not getting myself in chemical troubles there, mostly I try to clean
often enough to avoid the amoniating process to get too advanced.
(That and two pets is about maximum allowed by our own assessment
here.) Anyway that I've cleaned a litter pan, I've had to use very
hot water and good thorough rinsing.

Do you have a cattery, by chance? I'll ask around with the rescue
bunch to see if they have any good ideas...

Mary M. Leary

Jan 6, 2003, 12:59:01 AM1/6/03
buck12ga <> wrote in message news:<>...

Well thanks guys for letting me know that I will survive. I can't
imagine working with this stuff on a regular basis. LOL on the
bleached white lungs! Mine must be white now too. It has been 24 hrs
and I can still taste and smell it but hope by tomorrow it is gone as
I received an ebay new L'Anatra over the weekend that is calling me!
Erinmore huh...uh no thanks I think I'll pass. Oh yeah and no the cats
stay but the question is will they go near the fumes around their
boxes?? Probably bleached out their tiger stripes on their fur, poor
babies! not puffing, Mary


Jan 6, 2003, 5:10:40 PM1/6/03
Baking soda on the bottom of the litter box does wonders. Not only
does it absorb the urine, but it makes a great scouring material if
you need to put some elbow grease into the job. (Katea) wrote in message news:<>...

Tom Clemons

Jan 7, 2003, 11:23:03 PM1/7/03
Hi Mary!

Are you better? I hope so.

Take care,


"Mary M. Leary" <> wrote in message


Jan 9, 2003, 10:21:10 PM1/9/03
O.k. Just got word back from the folks over at the animal rescue
board... and it surprised me.

Two products are pet friendly, even friendly enough for folks with
Simple Green.

Simple Green really surprised me, as I've been very fond of Simple
Green for some heavy duty car type cleaning. (O.k. so I can't say as
I actually read the bottle, just followed the directions a friend gave
me and went from there... so I'll read next time I'm out in the tool
shed.) That's cool. One less cleaning product to buy!

May 29, 2015, 12:14:41 PM5/29/15
Oh my lord. This just happened to me now and I thought I was losing it or something lol. My taste is messed up. Tried to smoke a cigarette after felt like I was gonna throw up.

Apr 2, 2020, 1:00:39 PM4/2/20
Hi Mary
Did your smell come back please as I think I have done the same and worried! Xx

Jul 16, 2020, 7:01:02 AM7/16/20
Did this get better for you? Mines still bad after 2 weeks...


Dec 11, 2022, 4:00:49 PM12/11/22
Did anyone's taste and smell come back?

Tim Daneliuk

Dec 14, 2022, 3:50:05 PM12/14/22
On 12/11/22 15:00, D-Lux wrote:
> Did anyone's taste and smell come back?

If you're talking about C19 related loss of taste smell, I can anecdotally
report that everyone I know who lost their taste/smell got it back ... eventually.
In one case it took weeks, in another it took over a year.


Dec 16, 2022, 5:43:23 PM12/16/22
When I had it my taste was hit or miss at times, normal one time then the next bowl the same blend or different blends tasted weird or not the same. It seemed to be random through the day. Sir Walter Raleigh was one that always was consistent. After three days I started feeling normal again and must have had a mild case but oddly for 21 days I tested positive even though I felt great with early on I only had a low grade fever then it would break then later would rise again.
Ron Hardcrackers Ward

Amber Laila

Feb 3, 2024, 10:45:22 PM2/3/24
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