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Bald Pipe smokers

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Jul 1, 2004, 5:11:46 AM7/1/04
Ok fess up is you bald? I am not bald but I am getting there. Here is
how werid I am I love it. Cause ifin I had all my hair it would be
down to my butt which is a bit out favor for someone 45. My hair is
really short and I am well tanned. Are you inclined to wear a hat or a
flap? Bald PIPERS unite here is your chance to come out of the closet!
Hey in fact if you want your bald head on my site send me a pic with
your pipe and only bald guys will be put up there :)

I am adjusting to my schedule and a new kind of tired no word of lie
when I get home from the office I am beat and I think "I wore light
tan kakis and a dress shirt I can't be tired". But it is getting
better so I will be doing an update very shortly and I have 5 more
Project kenny packs to go. I have to take down the pic of my wife, on
the update, my brother called and asked me if I was high, he told me
man that is the ugliest picture he had ever seen, people he did not
know were going ewwwww. I can't see it, but I believe him, he said
that D looks nothing like that and lose it, she looks like a dog lol.
Hell I think she looks great getting out bed in the morning and wanna
throw her around the room like a teenager. Love is truly blind.
Anyway if you got something you want put up there be it a pipe a pic
of you with no hair etc just drop me an email. I have a big update
with cool posts and S/J page is coming back etc.
All you guys/gals on here have just a wondeful day!
Don't give up 5 minutes before the miracle happens...

Russell Banks

Jul 1, 2004, 7:05:23 AM7/1/04
Hey Terry,

I'm not there yet, but on my way too - a friend's 4 year old daughter
asked me the other day (as I was getting out of my car, and she had a good
view of the back of my head) "Why do you have a hole in your hair"? It just
happened to be my 39th birthday, I figure I'll be bald by 50 at the rate
I'm going.... Oh well, you know what they say, God only created a few
perfect heads, the rest he put hair on!!

- Russell

"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and
get used to the idea." -Robert A. Heinlein


Jul 1, 2004, 7:52:50 AM7/1/04

"DrBlues" <> wrote

> Ok fess up is you bald? I am not bald but I am getting there.

Getting close. Been headed toward bald for about 10 years. I got a buzz cut
a couple of weeks ago because no matter how I tried to comb it, it looked
like a "comb-over". I really kinda like the buzz. Low maintenance and since
I just moved to Florida, I can get it tanned properly.

I've always heard that each man only gets a certain amount of testosterone.
He can use it growing hair or something more fun... His choice.


Sailorman Jack

Jul 1, 2004, 8:12:57 AM7/1/04
>I've always heard that each man only gets a certain amount of testosterone.
>He can use it growing hair or something more fun... His choice.

You have extra. Male-pattern baldness is associated with higher than average
testosterone levels.

Fair winds,
Sailorman Jack

Jul 1, 2004, 8:37:24 AM7/1/04

D'ya think that's why a lot o' guys shave their heads? Thinking perhaps it
will be an automatic fix?



Jul 1, 2004, 9:39:36 AM7/1/04
Well, I'm 27, and my hairline is in the shape of a capital "M". 'Course,
baldness runs in my family. It's so bad that flash photography is not
recommended at out get-togethers.


"Sailorman Jack" <> wrote in message

Ken Dixon

Jul 1, 2004, 10:38:27 AM7/1/04
DrBlues wrote:
> Ok fess up is you bald? I am not bald but I am getting there. Here is
> how werid I am I love it. Cause ifin I had all my hair it would be
> down to my butt which is a bit out favor for someone 45. My hair is
> really short and I am well tanned. Are you inclined to wear a hat or a
> flap? Bald PIPERS unite here is your chance to come out of the closet!
> Hey in fact if you want your bald head on my site send me a pic with
> your pipe and only bald guys will be put up there :)

The tide starting going out on me in high school, by my thirty's I was
officially bald.
I used to wear baseball caps and had dozens but have thrown most away,
more often than not I go top down.

Ken in Miami

John Hamilton McGrath

Jul 1, 2004, 12:47:49 PM7/1/04
In article <>, "" <>

Pulverizing viagra, and rubbin' it on the bald spot, may be a better fix...
...short term anyhow...



Jul 1, 2004, 1:21:14 PM7/1/04
Grass don't grow on a busy street.

DrBlues <> wrote in message news:<>...

Rick Mangus

Jul 1, 2004, 2:01:12 PM7/1/04
I am mostly bald since around 35. I decided to go BBC (bald by
choice) and start shaving my head a couple of months ago. WOuldn't
trade it. NO more indecision!

Tony Miller

Jul 1, 2004, 2:20:03 PM7/1/04
On Thu, 01 Jul 2004 05:11:46 -0400, DrBlues
<> wrote:
> Ok fess up is you bald? I am not bald but I am getting there. Here is
> how werid I am I love it. Cause ifin I had all my hair it would be
> down to my butt which is a bit out favor for someone 45. My hair is
> really short and I am well tanned. Are you inclined to wear a hat or a
> flap? Bald PIPERS unite here is your chance to come out of the closet!
> Hey in fact if you want your bald head on my site send me a pic with
> your pipe and only bald guys will be put up there :)

I'm bald as a cue-ball (I shave my head every day).


Keep your own cigar diary online.
Check out the new pipe page:
Cigar-specific banner exchange:

Tony Miller

Jul 1, 2004, 2:30:04 PM7/1/04
On 1 Jul 2004 11:01:12 -0700, Rick Mangus

Right on, Rick. I'm not bald, I'm SHAVED! :)

Martin Romijn

Jul 1, 2004, 2:31:53 PM7/1/04
Hi Terry, Hi ASP,

The first time I had my head shaved was in 1986 when I joined the Dutch
Marine Corps. The barber there removed a part of my hear in the middle of my
head with a razor and then asked me how I wanted to have my hair cut. Well,
I had it shaved during the 4 jears I served the Corps. A few years after
that (my biker years, I had bike and a job as a mechanic in a motorshop) I
grew my hear really long. But after a while I was tired of it and shaved it
all off again. I have been bald now for the last 7 years and I think I'll
keep it like this for the rest of my life. No combing etc. in the morning,
just a little pollishing and ready to go ;-)


" I wish I was a vulcano....Then I could lie on my back,
smoking all day and everyone would say : he is active !!! "

"DrBlues" <> schreef in bericht


Jul 1, 2004, 2:43:32 PM7/1/04
I'm bald, my dad my brother were bald, both my grandfathers were bald and i
suppose my only son will be bald as well. Oh well such is life there could be
WORSE things.

Robert Crim

Jul 1, 2004, 2:53:21 PM7/1/04
On Thu, 01 Jul 2004 05:11:46 -0400, DrBlues <>

>Ok fess up is you bald?

Nope. I've got lots and lots of luxurious, shiny silver, flowing

As the man said:

"Give me a head with hair, long beautiful hair.
Shining, gleaming, streaming, flaxen, waxen.
Give me down to there hair, shoulder length or longer
Here baby, there, momma, ev'rywhere, daddy, daddy.

hair, hair, hair, hair, hair
Hair, hair, hair.Flow it, show it,long as God can grow it, my hair."

I've always thought bald guys look like two of them is


Joseph M. LaVigne

Jul 1, 2004, 4:24:01 PM7/1/04
In article <>, tgdavey2002 says...

> Ok fess up is you bald? I am not bald but I am getting there. Here is
> how werid I am I love it. Cause ifin I had all my hair it would be
> down to my butt which is a bit out favor for someone 45. My hair is
> really short and I am well tanned. Are you inclined to wear a hat or a
> flap? Bald PIPERS unite here is your chance to come out of the closet!
> Hey in fact if you want your bald head on my site send me a pic with
> your pipe and only bald guys will be put up there :)

I am not bald, but I am sporting a brand new buzz cut... ;-)

There is a spot in the front that has such white hair that in the light
it looks to be bald. Does that count?

Joe LaVigne
jlavigne AT hits-buffalo com


Jul 1, 2004, 4:39:16 PM7/1/04

As a fellow Floridian I can assure you a buzz cut is the way to fly.
Just be careful the first few days a sun burned head is a bummer. I
had very very long hair until my early thirties on and off, but when
it started leaving there was nothing I could do it just looked like
hell. So my wife said get in the car you're going to get your hair cut
like Bruce Willis and that was that. I was freaked. afterwards I love


Jul 1, 2004, 4:42:55 PM7/1/04
On Thu, 1 Jul 2004 20:31:53 +0200, "Martin Romijn"
<> wrote:

>Hi Terry, Hi ASP,
>The first time I had my head shaved was in 1986 when I joined the Dutch
>Marine Corps. The barber there removed a part of my hear in the middle of my
>head with a razor and then asked me how I wanted to have my hair cut. Well,
>I had it shaved during the 4 jears I served the Corps. A few years after
>that (my biker years, I had bike and a job as a mechanic in a motorshop) I
>grew my hear really long. But after a while I was tired of it and shaved it
>all off again. I have been bald now for the last 7 years and I think I'll
>keep it like this for the rest of my life. No combing etc. in the morning,
>just a little pollishing and ready to go ;-)

Martin as soon as I get enough to have to sorta comb off she goes, I
can't stand it. Man it's one less thing to worry about. About every
two to three weeks, my wife sits me down in the bathroom and I tell
her EVERY single time use the first closest adapter, but noooo she
just uses the clippers sans attachment, then has the unmitigated
audacity to tell me she does not like it....women, man I tell ya you
can't kill em and you can't use their bones for soup.


Jul 1, 2004, 4:45:02 PM7/1/04

We as bald men of america hate you in a friendly sorta way :). But
like I said for me its best, long hair like I had is passe. And I
would never have got the job I did or have now looking a roadie for
the Grateful Dead.


Jul 1, 2004, 4:55:50 PM7/1/04
On 01 Jul 2004 12:12:57 GMT, (Sailorman Jack)

All I am gonna say is every night is fine with me. However my wife
gets tired and there are two people in this gig so I "know" ya know?
It ain't always about me. Problem is for 45 she is still built like a
brick out house and extremely attractive (despite the pic I posted
lol) Can't wait till I get to take viagra!

Robert Crim

Jul 1, 2004, 6:30:08 PM7/1/04
On Thu, 01 Jul 2004 16:45:02 -0400, DrBlues <>

>We as bald men of america hate you in a friendly sorta way :). But
>like I said for me its best, long hair like I had is passe. And I
>would never have got the job I did or have now looking a roadie for
>the Grateful Dead.

When I retired, I looked like the typical FBI agent or high government
official. Imagine my relief when I tossed my Florsheim wing tips into
the closet and quit going to the barber shop every week. When I
started back doing my music for $$ in classy clubs and historical
taverns, I had the perfect reason to let it grow out. After all,
G. Washington had a nice "tail" too.

Longsuffering wife would strike me down if I even got close to a
"cuttery" place now. I enjoy being passe. Passe is where it's at.


Robert Crim

Jul 1, 2004, 6:31:12 PM7/1/04
On 01 Jul 2004 12:12:57 GMT, (Sailorman Jack)

>Male-pattern baldness is associated with higher than average
>testosterone levels.

So is road rage.



Jul 1, 2004, 7:27:33 PM7/1/04

"Robert Crim" <> wrote in message

Yep, that's me, drivin' down the road mad and horny.

(was that my outside voice?)


Jul 1, 2004, 8:12:32 PM7/1/04

We'll meet in the keys eh?
two long haired old farts one balding one not, smoking huge pipes
living in life great or what?

A.T. Barr

Jul 1, 2004, 8:23:11 PM7/1/04
Ditto Robert, my Dad was bald by 50, but luckily, I must have my Mother's
hair genes. My pony tail is way past my shoulders, .... and I'll be 59 in
October. <g>

Life is Good,


"Don't you buy no ugly knife"

"Robert Crim"

A.T. Barr

Jul 1, 2004, 8:26:13 PM7/1/04
If I cut my hair, my wife would Bobitize me. {:^(


"Don't you buy no ugly knife"

"Robert Crim"

Robert Crim

Jul 1, 2004, 8:33:04 PM7/1/04
On Thu, 1 Jul 2004 20:23:11 -0400, "A.T. Barr" <>

>Ditto Robert, my Dad was bald by 50, but luckily, I must have my Mother's
>hair genes. My pony tail is way past my shoulders, .... and I'll be 59 in
>October. <g>
>Life is Good,

Nobody in my family was "follicley challenged" so I guess I'll be
blessed al the way. I'm 63 this month and my flowing locks are enough
to make Trigger envious.

Life is indeed good.


Robert Crim

Jul 1, 2004, 8:34:29 PM7/1/04
On Thu, 01 Jul 2004 20:12:32 -0400, DrBlues <>

>We'll meet in the keys eh?

>two long haired old farts one balding one not, smoking huge pipes
>living in life great or what?

I'm looking forward to it. I'll be the one with the comb, you'll be
the one with a shine rag.

Heh, heh, heh.


Message has been deleted

Dave Gibson

Jul 1, 2004, 10:03:17 PM7/1/04
Bald and loving it.
As my wife says,
"Baldness is just a natural solar panel for sexual energy" Probably goes
along with the high testosterone levels.
My father has all his hair, but my Grandfather was bald, and he smoked a
Dave Gibson

"DrBlues" <> wrote in message

> Ok fess up is you bald? I am not bald but I am getting there. Here is
> how werid I am I love it. Cause ifin I had all my hair it would be
> down to my butt which is a bit out favor for someone 45. My hair is
> really short and I am well tanned. Are you inclined to wear a hat or a
> flap? Bald PIPERS unite here is your chance to come out of the closet!
> Hey in fact if you want your bald head on my site send me a pic with
> your pipe and only bald guys will be put up there :)

> I am adjusting to my schedule and a new kind of tired no word of lie
> when I get home from the office I am beat and I think "I wore light
> tan kakis and a dress shirt I can't be tired". But it is getting
> better so I will be doing an update very shortly and I have 5 more
> Project kenny packs to go. I have to take down the pic of my wife, on
> the update, my brother called and asked me if I was high, he told me
> man that is the ugliest picture he had ever seen, people he did not
> know were going ewwwww. I can't see it, but I believe him, he said
> that D looks nothing like that and lose it, she looks like a dog lol.
> Hell I think she looks great getting out bed in the morning and wanna
> throw her around the room like a teenager. Love is truly blind.
> Anyway if you got something you want put up there be it a pipe a pic
> of you with no hair etc just drop me an email. I have a big update
> with cool posts and S/J page is coming back etc.
> All you guys/gals on here have just a wondeful day!


Jul 2, 2004, 2:48:52 AM7/2/04
DrBlues <> wrote in message news:<>...

I was 3 when my mother told me that she wasn't combing my hair
anymore, so I said "Ok". Since then I've had either a military haircut
or long hair (I just can't comb my hair).

It is long right now, and I might get some dreadlocks soon, but one of
these days I'll just shave it once again.


Dave Swancer

Jul 2, 2004, 7:14:58 AM7/2/04
DrBlues <> wrote in message news:<>...

> Ok fess up is you bald? I am not bald but I am getting there. Here is
> how werid I am I love it. Cause ifin I had all my hair it would be
> down to my butt which is a bit out favor for someone 45. My hair is
> really short and I am well tanned. Are you inclined to wear a hat or a
> flap? Bald PIPERS unite here is your chance to come out of the closet!
> Hey in fact if you want your bald head on my site send me a pic with
> your pipe and only bald guys will be put up there :)
> I am adjusting to my schedule and a new kind of tired no word of lie
> when I get home from the office I am beat and I think "I wore light
> tan kakis and a dress shirt I can't be tired". But it is getting
> better so I will be doing an update very shortly and I have 5 more
> Project kenny packs to go. I have to take down the pic of my wife, on
> the update, my brother called and asked me if I was high, he told me
> man that is the ugliest picture he had ever seen, people he did not
> know were going ewwwww. I can't see it, but I believe him, he said
> that D looks nothing like that and lose it, she looks like a dog lol.
> Hell I think she looks great getting out bed in the morning and wanna
> throw her around the room like a teenager. Love is truly blind.
> Anyway if you got something you want put up there be it a pipe a pic
> of you with no hair etc just drop me an email. I have a big update
> with cool posts and S/J page is coming back etc.
> All you guys/gals on here have just a wondeful day!
> cordially
> Terry
> Don't give up 5 minutes before the miracle happens...

I am getting there at 52 but started growing a beard a couple
years ago and my comeback comment was 'can't grow it on top much so
I'll grow it on the bottom (bottom of my head, that is!). Still doing
some comb over...can't bring myself to the Bruce Willis look.

Tony Miller

Jul 2, 2004, 10:10:03 AM7/2/04

I thought you said Tigger :) (The image was humorous :))


Jul 2, 2004, 12:11:29 PM7/2/04
John Hamilton McGrath wrote:

>> D'ya think that's why a lot o' guys shave their heads? Thinking perhaps it
>> will be an automatic fix?
>> Nizo
>Pulverizing viagra, and rubbin' it on the bald spot, may be a better fix...
>...short term anyhow...

John, trust me.... there are better uses for Viagra.



Jul 2, 2004, 12:11:30 PM7/2/04
Dave Swancer wrote:

> I am getting there at 52 but started growing a beard a couple
>years ago and my comeback comment was 'can't grow it on top much so
>I'll grow it on the bottom (bottom of my head, that is!). Still doing
>some comb over...can't bring myself to the Bruce Willis look.
> Dave

Dave, bald or balding is a **LOT** better than comb over. Some women
love bald and a majority don't care one way or the other. But it IS
universally female to secretly snicker at comb overs. Most wives are
embarrassed because they *know* their friends are thinking "why doesn't
she TELL him". If a wife/girlfriend tells you otherwise, she's either
just being kind or she needs to get out more.

Besides, when a guy leans over or the wind kicks up, the strands of hair
he "thinks" are disguising the bare skin do not fall back in place
anyway and it looks even funnier. (unless "glued" down - and hair that
doesn't move is another whole topic) And no, running your fingers back
thru it to put them back does not work - they don't want to go back.

Men need to know this, so I'm clueing you in <g>

When it goes just accept it, change your hairstyle and realize that it's
not all over. It's going to start coming out of your ears and nose even
faster .... :-)

---thinking that a lady is really needed in this group, but I'm pushing
it ....

Jeff Folloder (TES)

Jul 2, 2004, 12:14:18 PM7/2/04
Cheryl wrote:

> Cheryl
> ---thinking that a lady is really needed in this group, but I'm pushing
> it ....

A lady is always needed, regardless of the venue! Push away!


Jeff Folloder

Please visit Jeff's Ashtray:

Robert Crim

Jul 2, 2004, 12:19:38 PM7/2/04
On Fri, 02 Jul 2004 11:11:29 -0500, Cheryl <>

From the mouths of the babes...............

Heh, heh, heh.


John Hamilton McGrath

Jul 2, 2004, 1:29:56 PM7/2/04
In article <>, Robert Crim
<> wrote:

Whaddid I miss? Your supposed to rub it somewhere else?


John Hamilton McGrath
Handcrafted Pipes:

Robert Crim

Jul 2, 2004, 2:00:27 PM7/2/04
On Fri, 02 Jul 2004 17:29:56 GMT, "John Hamilton McGrath"
<> wrote:

>Whaddid I miss? Your supposed to rub it somewhere else?

Try it with Astro-Glide. Heh, heh, heh.

PS: It works well without the V-drug too.


Jul 2, 2004, 3:00:15 PM7/2/04
Jeff Folloder (TES) wrote:

>Cheryl wrote:
>> Cheryl
>> ---thinking that a lady is really needed in this group, but I'm pushing
>> it ....
>A lady is always needed, regardless of the venue! Push away!

Thank you Jeff. I was feeling a little bad over that one.


Jeff Minde

Jul 2, 2004, 5:07:41 PM7/2/04

I started balding literally as soon as hit puberty and by 14 I had a
receding hairline. I wore it as long as I could make it grow until I
was in my late 20s when it just wouldn't anymore, then I went shorter
into my 30s. By 40 I was conning myself with a dozen long strands
across the top of my pate.

My version of SWMBO is a stylist and buzzed me a couple of years back.
I wore it like that until THIS FRIDAY when I took the plunge and
shaved my head for the first time...not all that much difference!

I've been smearing sunscreen on my scalp every morning...Brylcreem for
the bald!

Jeff M.


Jul 2, 2004, 8:05:21 PM7/2/04
Yeah Scoop,
Mad, horny and bald...a major threat to civilized society.

"Scoop" <> wrote in message news:

Joseph M. LaVigne

Jul 3, 2004, 3:22:27 PM7/3/04
In article <>, says...

> Terry,
> I am getting there at 52 but started growing a beard a couple
> years ago and my comeback comment was 'can't grow it on top much so
> I'll grow it on the bottom (bottom of my head, that is!). Still doing
> some comb over...can't bring myself to the Bruce Willis look.
> Dave

Believe me, Dave, there is noone on this planet that looks better with a
comb-over than with a buzz. Stop the denial, and move on. The
chicks'll love ya for it... ;-)

(been trying to convince my father of this for some time...)

Joe LaVigne
jlavigne AT hits-buffalo com

Joseph M. LaVigne

Jul 3, 2004, 3:22:28 PM7/3/04
In article <>, cheryl878 says...

> When it goes just accept it, change your hairstyle and realize that it's
> not all over. It's going to start coming out of your ears and nose even
> faster .... :-)

Tell me about it. Last week, my 3 year old was behaving quite poorly at
my mother's house. I sat down on the ground, and sat him on my lap to
discuss the issue with him. ABout half-way through my lecture on proper
behavior, he said "excuse me, Daddy, I need to ask you something...", to
which, of course, I replied "Go ahead" (my first mistake).

He said "Why do you have hair growing out of your nose?"

Obviously, the lecture was over. No good way to discipline a child when
you can't stop laughing, and everyone around you is in the same state.

Rotten brat...


Jul 3, 2004, 5:17:37 PM7/3/04
Joseph M. LaVigne wrote:

LMAO - kids are so refreshingly honest. They'll tell you whatever you
need to know :-)


Kurt Huhn

Jul 4, 2004, 1:27:15 AM7/4/04
DrBlues wrote:

> Ok fess up is you bald? I am not bald but I am getting there. Here is
> how werid I am I love it. Cause ifin I had all my hair it would be
> down to my butt which is a bit out favor for someone 45. My hair is
> really short and I am well tanned. Are you inclined to wear a hat or a
> flap? Bald PIPERS unite here is your chance to come out of the closet!
> Hey in fact if you want your bald head on my site send me a pic with
> your pipe and only bald guys will be put up there :)

I'm bald, but by choice. Does that count? :)

Kurt Huhn

Ed Duncan

Jul 4, 2004, 6:11:23 AM7/4/04
I was 62 last Dec. Bald since around 27. Dad passed at age 74 with
full head of white hair. However, ALL the males on my mom's side
showed baldness by age 40, going back to the pioneer days of
photography. In h.s. I was probably the only athlete who was a
"greaser". To this day, none on top, what's left on sides combed back
to the old "D.A." (duck's ass). Usually wear a hat of some kind. A
drummer in one of my past bands was bald at 35, but had a pony-tail
that hanged 1/2 way to his butt.....and NEVER wore a hat.

Ed Duncan, Batavia, NY

Kurt Huhn <> wrote in message news:<>...


Jul 4, 2004, 6:51:36 AM7/4/04
On Sat, 3 Jul 2004 15:22:27 -0400, Joseph M. LaVigne
<> wrote:

Stop the denial, and move on. The
>chicks'll love ya for it... ;-)
>(been trying to convince my father of this for some time...)

so true Joe, I have to beat women off with a stick, its terrible.

Smokin' Travis

Jul 4, 2004, 6:59:03 AM7/4/04
> so true Joe, I have to beat women off with a stick, its terrible.
> cordially
> Terry

Man, I guess that is better then them beating you off with a stick, that
would leave marks!

Smokin' T

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