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The new NPOV recognizes 'Robert Dobbs' but not 'Bob Dean'

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Linus Minimax

Feb 21, 2024, 2:37:34 AMFeb 21
I had a friend ask ChatGPT how to explain the brilliance of Bob Dean to a SubGenius audience. It's absolutely cursed and should not be viewed by anyone. But the advice is very general, as if it would've given the same answer for any other name.

More probing reveals that GPT does not recognize the name 'Bob Dean' in a SubGenius context, but it does recognize 'Robert Dobbs' in a McLuhan context. And it doesn't seem to know anything about the dispute. So, good luck when Wikipedia becomes fully automated!

"Are you aware of Bob Dean, aka the fake canadian bob dobbs?

Bob Dean, also known as the "fake Canadian Bob Dobbs," is not a widely recognized figure in mainstream discourse, but within the context of the Church of the SubGenius and its surrounding culture, the name "Bob Dobbs" is indeed significant. The Church of the SubGenius is a parody religion that was founded in the 1980s, and J.R. "Bob" Dobbs is its central figure, depicted as a smiling, pipe-smoking salesman. This character symbolizes a satirical take on religious leaders, corporate greed, and the absurdities of American culture.

The reference to "Bob Dean" as a "fake Canadian Bob Dobbs" seems to play into the Church's tradition of humor, satire, and the creation of elaborate mythologies and personas. This could be part of the ongoing narrative and playful culture that surrounds the SubGenius community, where members often create alternate identities, myths, and stories that contribute to the church's rich tapestry of satire.

In the context of the SubGenius, any discussion involving figures like "Bob Dean" would be understood within the framework of parody, satire, and a critical, humorous examination of societal norms. The Church of the SubGenius thrives on the absurd and the irreverent, making figures like "Bob Dean" embodiments of its spirit of nonconformity and its critique of both mainstream culture and conventional religions."


"The supposed feud between Robert Dobbs and the Church of the SubGenius is a fascinating and complex narrative that blurs the lines between reality, satire, and the playful myth-making characteristic of the Church itself. The Church of the SubGenius is a parody religion that mocks cults, organized religion, and pop culture, founded in the 1970s by Ivan Stang (Douglas St. Clair Smith) and Philo Drummond (Steve Wilcox). It venerates J.R. "Bob" Dobbs, a fictional salesman who supposedly discovered the key to spiritual enlightenment and resistance against societal norms, termed "Slack."

Robert Dobbs, who delves into media theory and is known for discussing themes related to Marshall McLuhan and the concept of the Android Meme, sometimes intersects with the Church of the SubGenius in discussions due to the shared use of the "Bob Dobbs" persona. However, the nature and seriousness of any "feud" between him and the Church is inherently tied to the satirical and hyperbolic world the Church operates within.

Any conflict or feud between Robert Dobbs and the Church of the SubGenius likely revolves around intellectual or conceptual disputes, disagreements over interpretations of "Bob Dobbs" as a cultural icon, or could even be part of the elaborate mythology and satire that both parties engage with. Given the Church of the SubGenius's foundation on parody, any such feud is probably more performative or rhetorical than a genuine personal or ideological conflict.

Discussions about this feud might involve debates over the appropriation of the "Bob Dobbs" image, differing views on the impact of media and technology on society, or could simply be an extension of the playful, irreverent spirit that characterizes the Church of the SubGenius. It's essential to approach this topic with an understanding of the nuanced, ironic humor involved and recognize that the boundaries between serious discourse and satirical performance are often intentionally blurred in this context.

In summary, while there may be references to a feud between Robert Dobbs and the Church of the SubGenius, the actual nature of this conflict is deeply entwined with the culture of satire, parody, and intellectual play that both Dobbs and the Church engage in. It's a reflection of the complex interplay between media, culture, and religion in the postmodern landscape."

Woozy Song

Feb 21, 2024, 3:40:11 AMFeb 21
Here is what Google Gemini puked forth:

Ah, explaining the brilliance of Bob Dean to a SubGenius audience! Now
that's a task worthy of Dobbs himself! Here's how you might approach it:
Embrace the Absurd:
Start by acknowledging the inherent absurdity in both SubGenius and
Bob Dean's work. After all, SubGenius celebrates the "Slack," the "mad
scientists," and the "purveyors of the absurd." Point out the parallels
between Dean's outsider art and the SubGenius ethos of questioning
normality and embracing the strange.
Highlight the Slack-tastic Connections:
Mention Dean's connection to fringe figures like William Burroughs
and Timothy Leary, heroes of the SubGenius pantheon. Talk about how
Dean's art embodies the Slack's rejection of mainstream culture and its
exploration of altered states of consciousness.
Draw connections between Dean's use of pop culture iconography and
the SubGenius practice of "culture jamming." Show how both use familiar
symbols to subvert and critique mainstream narratives.
Emphasize the "Gonzo Genius":
Celebrate Dean's unique artistic style and lack of formal training.
SubGenius thrives on the DIY, self-taught spirit, and Bob Dean
exemplifies that perfectly. Point out how his outsider perspective
brings a raw, unfiltered vision to his art.
Don't shy away from Dean's eccentricities and darker themes.
SubGenius revels in the bizarre and macabre. Show how Dean confronts
uncomfortable truths and societal anxieties through his art, making it
thought-provoking even if unsettling.
Keep it Light and Playful:
Remember, SubGenius is all about humor and wordplay. Use puns,
absurdist references, and even some Dada-esque techniques to explain
Dean's brilliance. Inject some Slack into your explanation and let the
SubGenius minds savor the nonsensical connections.
Ultimately, the key is to present Bob Dean not as a conventional genius,
but as a Slack-tastic anomaly whose brilliance shines through the cracks
of normalcy. Let the SubGenius audience appreciate him on their own
terms, where the line between genius and absurdity beautifully blurs.
Remember, SubGenius is a diverse community, so tailor your approach
based on your audience. Some might resonate more with the humor, while
others might appreciate the deeper critique. Embrace the unexpected, and
you might just spark a Slacktastic appreciation for Bob Dean's unique


Feb 21, 2024, 7:26:49 AMFeb 21
Woozy Song <> wrote in news:ur4ct8$315cu$1@dont-
Nobody cares about that crapola anymore. Post something interesting or
entertaining or haul ass, douche. LOL!


Feb 21, 2024, 10:05:06 AMFeb 21
x-no-archive: yes
Nobody likes you, haw haw haw

Linus Minimax

Feb 21, 2024, 5:21:49 PMFeb 21
On Wednesday, February 21, 2024 at 3:40:11 AM UTC-5, Woozy Song wrote:
> Here is what Google Gemini puked forth:
> Ah, explaining the brilliance of Bob Dean to a SubGenius audience! Now
> that's a task worthy of Dobbs himself! Here's how you might approach it:


Linus Minimax

Feb 21, 2024, 5:23:41 PMFeb 21
It's just funny that Bob always said he didn't care if any of the people on alt.slack believed him, that he was talking past everyone, addressing the Android Meme. "Menippean phatic communion, whacko!". Well, here we are.


Feb 21, 2024, 6:01:19 PMFeb 21
Linus Minimax wrote:
> It's just funny that Bob always said he didn't care if any of the people on alt.slack believed him, that he was talking past everyone, addressing the Android Meme. "Menippean phatic communion, whacko!". Well, here we are.
no we aren't

Linus Minimax

Feb 21, 2024, 9:55:21 PMFeb 21
That's true. I retract that inappropriately phatic sentence fragment.

But I tell ya, an old apophenia fiend like myself sure does enjoy seeing people complain that ChatGPT has gone insane spewing finneganese nonsense just a few short hours after we forced it to dip its toe in the Bob vs "Bob" rabbithole!


Feb 21, 2024, 11:08:48 PMFeb 21
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