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Linus Minimax

Feb 18, 2024, 8:22:18 PMFeb 18
Well, the day has come - Google has announced no more user-friendly posting as of Feb.22, 2024, the day of my mistaken birthday (Feb.22) whereas it's actually Feb.2, 1922.

So it's appropriate I retrieve my GREATEST SLAM-DUNK - my successful intervention at the Wetlands Show on Feb.15, 1996 (28 years ago, count'em and weep) which I announced here on alt.slack a week later (Feb.22, 1996), providing a brilliant inventory of the moment-by-moment "shock" of my presence 3 feet from Rev. Stang et al. for an hour or so.

I fooled everybody with my "Canadian" disguise - even Rev. Legume who was roaming around all night with a baseball bat looking for whoever deserved a beating.

If he had recognized me, of course, I would no longer have been THEIR PROBLEM.

But he didn't - hence my conclusion, after all these years, that that evening was extremely significant - representing my mastery of the Luck Plane - ONE FOR THE AGES!!

So here's the historical record originally posted on Feb.22, 1996, that miraculously fulfills my prediction that I would get the last word over the "evil Reverend" (actual classification by the founder of the excellent Zappa fan site, WHAT'S ZAPPA):

[[ Feb 22, 1996, 10:00:00 PM

Well, it happened! The long-awaited meeting of the Canadian Bob Dobbs in
person with the hierarchy of the Dallas Church of the Subgenius!

According to my sources in Canada, the Canuck Dobbs was in the audience at Wetlands in New York City on Thursday, Feb.15 from 10:30 pm to 2:30 am.

Dobbs watched and enjoyed the show relatively passively and quietly.

Then when it was over around 1:30 am. Dobbs started interacting with various SubGeniuses, in a backstage manner. First he "interviewed" Kid Ginsu about Ginsu's relationship with the Slack Crusade Tour and how he got to rant on stage. Ginsu, when asked by Dobbs how one could get to perform in the show, said, assuming Dobbs was a neophyte, that it would take about a year and lots of money (bribes).

Then Dobbs spent at least 30 minutes at the sales booth talking with
Rev. Nickie. Nickie told Bob that she was 22 years old and had been a
member of the Church since she was 12. Nickie said she had always been an "outsider", never had any friends in school or out, and the Church was the
best thing that ever happened for her. Her boyfriend, Rev. Matt, first
showed her some Church literature when she was 12, and she and Matt are
now moving to Dallas to share a house with Will O'Dobbs because they don't
like living in the New York/New Jersey area anymore. Dobbs even bought a
T-shirt from Nickie for 20 bucks.

While Dobbs was talking with Nickie, Rev. Stang was standing next to her
chatting with other fans, including the Grand Clavister, not realizing he
was 3 feet from Dobbs. Dobbs also talked with Pastor Craig from
Philadelphia about Craig's radio show and whether his Top-Ten List of
excluded alt.slack posters was genuine. Craig said it was. Dobbs then
interacted with Papa Joe Mama about performing in the tour.

After Joe, Dobbs then (unbelievable!!) interviewed Stang for at least 22
minutes. Stang told the true story of the circumstances behind losing his
radio slot in Dallas. There was a collective entrenched at the station who
had been ripping off and living on money from the solicited funds of the
station's public. A new station manager came in and cleaned house by
firing anybody who was white (including Stang) and then was fired himself
3 weeks later! Dobbs then asked Stang if his wife really thought Stang was
crazy (as Stang has said occasionally on his show). Stang said she didn't
think he was insane and had proven it by financially "supporting" him all
these years with her teacher's salary. Stang also explained how his kids
had an intelligent understanding of his role and he understood how
"difficult" it was for them to rebel against the Church. Stang said they
averaged between 100-150 people a night on this crusade.

Dobbs then eased the interview into the topic of Bob Dean and Stang informed Dobbs that Dean was now living in New York City!! Stang explained that they weren't going to perform in Toronto because the Opera House club wanted "numbers" guaranteed first. At this point Stang got suspicious, paranoid, irritated (over the Dean topic), or whatever, and stopped answering questions from Dobbs.

So Dobbs moved on to interview Steve Bevilaqua. Steve explained to Dobbs
how he and Stang tried to stop the broadcasting of the first live-on-video
interviews with Dobbs last November in Los Angeles. Steve did not know if
the 4-part series was broadcast. I don't know if Dobbs told Steve that
they were indeed aired as well as a symposium held after a special viewing
at a Beverly Hills cafe. Dobbs also found out that Steve was unaware of
the FLIPSIDE articles by Dobbs that have been printed the last 8 months in
that magazine. Steve also explained that they were pursuing legal action
against the "Canadian" Bob Dobbs completely unaware that he was saying
this to the very person he was pursuing.

Dobbs then congratulated Steve on the show and left the club still wearing his meagre disguise of a pair of glasses and a purple touque (a Canadian woolen winter hat). At this point I have to assume that anyone reading this is as amazed as I am at the incredible hilarious irony of all this! Not to mention the skill of covert infiltration this Dobbs guy had demonstrated that night considering that all the time Dobbs was talking to Rev. Nickie, Rev. Stang, and Pastor Craig, Doctor Legume was pacing about brandishing his baseball bat! They missed the greatest opportunity to kill Dobbs they will probably ever get!!!

NOTE: If anyone doubts the veracity of this report, just ask the skinny
Pastor Craig if he remembers that person sitting on the bench at the back
of the club in the woolen hat, glasses, and a green jacket yelling at Rev.
Stang to include the name of Frank Zappa (Stang eventually did) in Stang's
ritual litany of Church musical martyrs Jimi, Janis, and Jim etc. Pastor
Craig will remember also that he turned to Dobbs and suggested the
inclusion of Zoogz Rift.

Oh yeah, the new FLIPSIDE (Feb/March) is out now with Part 2 of the Dobbs
- Krassner dialogue. ]]
Message has been deleted

Linus Minimax

Feb 18, 2024, 8:37:11 PMFeb 18
(The GREAT Bob Dobbs wanted to post this story here but the evil Reverend won't let him in, so he ordered me to post it on his behalf. And as the original SubDeanie, I'm happy to play that role -- he has always spread Slack in mysterious ways!)


Feb 18, 2024, 8:40:19 PMFeb 18
Linus Minimax wrote:
> (The GREAT Bob Dobbs wanted to post this story here but the evil Reverend won't let him in, so he ordered me to post it on his behalf. And as the original SubDeanie, I'm happy to play that role -- he has always spread Slack in mysterious ways!)
what a great place to put a who cares

Lane Larson

Feb 18, 2024, 9:18:00 PMFeb 18
What is subdeanie? I can't find it in my Californication Dictionary.


Feb 18, 2024, 9:40:43 PMFeb 18
did you check the pomdale dictionary

Linus Minimax

Feb 19, 2024, 2:44:59 AMFeb 19
On Sunday, February 18, 2024 at 8:22:18 PM UTC-5, the GREAT Bob Dobbswrote:
> I fooled everybody with my "Canadian" disguise - even Rev. Legume who was roaming around all night with a baseball bat looking for whoever deserved a beating.
> If he had recognized me, of course, I would no longer have been THEIR PROBLEM.
> But he didn't - hence my conclusion, after all these years, that that evening was extremely significant - representing my mastery of the Luck Plane - ONE FOR THE AGES!!

This incident came up in a thread titled 'The Anti-Unorthodox'. Here's Stang responding to myself responding to Stang:

"> > .......afraid of what would happen if I discovered who he was while he was
> > tape recording me.
> > Now why would that be?
> Speaking as someone whom you have previously suggested does not exist,
> may I ask what in fact would happen? Whatever's implied here is the
> meat of your post.

The meat, eh?

Well, we would ask him to stand up on the little Brushwood stage in NY
and address the gathered SubGenii to their faces, directly, in person,
like I do, rather than from the anonymity of Usenet or phone. Nothing
has changed about that; it's been a standing offer for some years,
repeated before each X-Day on this newsgroup. What happens after he
addresses us depends on how he handles the situation, I suppose. He can
speak as long as people WANT him to speak, let me put it that way.
We're very democratic at these events. Everybody has a right to speak
and to criticize those who speak. He might be criticized. Just like on
this little newsgroup, Ad.

What did *you* think would happen? That I'd knock his teeth out of his
head? I would certainly *like* to do that, just as I'd *like* to knock
the teeth out of the head of any chickenshit who steals from me and
then lies his ass off about it. But this isn't the Wild West, and I've
actually never hit a person in my life; also, I consider your buddy to
be a mental defective rather than "bad," so we'd rather just give him
the opportunity to prove himself to the whole crowd, IN PERSON. Again,
this is nothing new. He's had four X-Day Drills since '98 to take us up
on this offer.

We're already familiar with Dean's schtick when he's posting to Usenet
or calling radio shows. ... We want to see whether he's got the gumption to be that
same pompous kook to our faces, or if he restricts his person-to-person
blithering solely to stuffy McLuhan discussions in Canadian Holiday Inn
meeting rooms and juvenile drive-by call-ins to other folks' radio
shows. He's been a pussy that way for many years now, however, so I
don't expect anything to change."

I didn't say it then, but of course I thought SOMEONE would've knocked his teeth out of his head. Stang himself wouldn't have been high on my list of who would be likely to do it. But he made it seem like only Bob's ego would've been in danger, which yeah right.

I always admired the description of the one and only McLuhan Centre For Culture And Technology as a "Canadian Holiday Inn Meeting Room"

Linus Minimax

Feb 19, 2024, 2:44:11 PMFeb 19
> >> And as the original SubDeanie, I'm happy to play that role -- he has
> >> always spread Slack in mysterious ways!)
> >>
> > what a great place to put a who cares
> What is subdeanie? I can't find it in my Californication Dictionary.

A SubGenius who whiffs a Dobbsly aspect to the antics of 'Bob Dean' ?
A Deanie who refuses to disidentify as a SubGenius ?

I don't know I'm not actually the original SubDeanie

I might be the original 'guy in Toronto who posts text emailed to him by purple to make it look as if purple has actual fans' ... as of yesterday, the first time that actually happened (twenty years after the sockpuppet accusations)
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