- Sylvia -
Because all ethnic rights movements degenerate into a bunch of lookalikes
fighting for a larger share of a public trough like piglets for a sow's tit,
though some rights movements, like the black movement, start out with
other intention, like ballot access.
I hope for your sake that you and Jason, etc, learn to look beyond skin-deep
features. The achievements of our white ancestors might have been impressive,
but neither you nor I are Mozart, Eddison, Salk, Pasteur, unless we work for it,
and just because soem of history's greats share your skin color doesn't entitle
you to any of the pride they earned in their achievements, and if you still lay
claim to the achievements your ancestors and racemates carried out, you must also
share the guilt for their crimes, some of which were committed against my
Besides, been to a university lately?
Rounding up the best minds in any field requires the ability to ignore ethnicity
and other superficialities otherwise not as much gets done.
White people are sometimes white gay people who have abortions.
When white people are herded into camps and executed by the
thousands, then i will become a white supremicist.
When a 100 percent fatal disease is found in the white community
and ignored, then i will become a white supremicist.
When white community centers are bombed, when white people are
sold as slaves, when whites are sent to war while other races stay behind,
when whites are delegated to low-income jobs and housing, then i will be a
white supremicist.
You are not standing up for my rights as a white person. I am
proud of my scottish heritage. Don't ask me to eat haggis, though. :)
How are my "White rights" being taken away?
Have you heard about the new Mormon sex ed book?
It's called "Heather has 15 mommies"
> White people are sometimes white gay people who have abortions.
White people are never gay. Gay is an ideology that is foreign and
hostile to White identity (as evidenced by the filth you spew).
> When white people are herded into camps and executed by the
> thousands, then i will become a white supremicist. When a 100 percent
> fatal disease is found in the white community and ignored, then i will
> become a white supremicist. When white community centers are bombed,
> when white people are sold as slaves, when whites are sent to war while
> other races stay behind, when whites are delegated to low-income jobs
> and housing, then i will be a white supremicist.
I'll never wait that long. Long before that EVER happens, blood will
be shed. Long before any foreign or hostile people can be in a position
to do such things, rivers of blood will flow.
> You are not standing up for my rights as a white person. I am proud of
> my scottish heritage. Don't ask me to eat haggis, though. :) How are
> my "White rights" being taken away?
You don't even know what rights are you ignorant bigot. Ever hear of
property rights? Ever hear of contract rights? Ever hear of ethnic
rights? Ever hear of rights of self-determination?
Arthur LeBouthillier
By the deeds of heroes and the blood of martyrs, all good comes to be.
: - Sylvia -
I will work for my own fucking rights. How can you say that you are
fighting for my rights when I disagree with what you profess? Freedom
goes beyond the colour of a persons skin! I do agree that some of the
people on this list are suffering from the leftist syndrome of guilty
of being white. You didn't do anything, so give it a break. Have compassion
but be realistic, not all minorities (and not talking about racial
minorities) are given to be better than the average person! you piss
me off. I'm drunk :-(
In a previous article, WA...@utm.edu (Sylvia Rowe) says:
As soon as I feel that my "white" rights are being infringed, I'll
be the first one knocking on the big government doors. But you seem to
forgot the position those people have had in our society. The only thing
that's happened to the white race is that we've been taken out of a
position of absolute power over every other race. My, what a horrible thing.
"I wear black on the outside because black is how I feel on the inside.
And if I seem a little strange; Well, that's because I am." - The Smiths.
In a previous article, aelebo...@csupomona.edu () says:
>In article <CrIq1...@freenet.carleton.ca>, ah...@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Bill Stuart) writes:
>> White people are sometimes white gay people who have abortions.
>White people are never gay. Gay is an ideology that is foreign and
>hostile to White identity (as evidenced by the filth you spew).
Actually, someone made a point that whites invented democracy in
Greece. If this is the case, then whites and homosexuality go hand in hand.
Look at the spartans. They had gay relationships and were the
fiercest fighters on earth.
>> When white people are herded into camps and executed by the
>> thousands, then i will become a white supremicist. When a 100 percent
>> fatal disease is found in the white community and ignored, then i will
>> become a white supremicist. When white community centers are bombed,
>> when white people are sold as slaves, when whites are sent to war while
>> other races stay behind, when whites are delegated to low-income jobs
>> and housing, then i will be a white supremicist.
>I'll never wait that long. Long before that EVER happens, blood will
>be shed. Long before any foreign or hostile people can be in a position
>to do such things, rivers of blood will flow.
Yours or someone elses?
>> You are not standing up for my rights as a white person. I am proud of
>> my scottish heritage. Don't ask me to eat haggis, though. :) How are
>> my "White rights" being taken away?
>You don't even know what rights are you ignorant bigot. Ever hear of
>property rights? Ever hear of contract rights? Ever hear of ethnic
>rights? Ever hear of rights of self-determination?
Refresh my memory.
If you define white by skin color, you're blowing smoke from your ass. The
vast majority of the activist gay rights movement is white (i.e. GLAAD,
Queer Nation, etc.) In October in NYC, there's going to be a conference
for Black gays to address racism in the gay community. To claim
(indirectly) that no gays are white is preposterous.
> > When white people are herded into camps and executed by the
> > thousands, then i will become a white supremicist. When a 100 percent
> > fatal disease is found in the white community and ignored, then i will
> > become a white supremicist. When white community centers are bombed,
> > when white people are sold as slaves, when whites are sent to war while
> > other races stay behind, when whites are delegated to low-income jobs
> > and housing, then i will be a white supremicist.
> I'll never wait that long. Long before that EVER happens, blood will
> be shed. Long before any foreign or hostile people can be in a position
> to do such things, rivers of blood will flow.
Thank you, Saddam, for the fire and brimstone. Now, aren't people who you
feel are hostile to you already in power positions? White poverty, for
example, is virtually ignored. So much for riers of blood.
> > You are not standing up for my rights as a white person. I am proud of
> > my scottish heritage. Don't ask me to eat haggis, though. :) How are
> > my "White rights" being taken away?
> You don't even know what rights are you ignorant bigot. Ever hear of
> property rights? Ever hear of contract rights? Ever hear of ethnic
> rights? Ever hear of rights of self-determination?
The only right to property is that granted by the state. You can take it
FROM someone or the state, but expect to get a fight in keeping it. How do
you know what others' rights are? You already assume that property rights
are inherent -- a fallacy. Thus how do you know who's rights you speak for
other than your own?
In article <1994Jun16.213823.1@clstac>, <aelebo...@csupomona.edu> wrote:
>In article <CrIq1...@freenet.carleton.ca>, ah...@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Bill Stuart) writes:
>> White people are sometimes white gay people who have abortions.
>White people are never gay.
Larry Kramer-gay and white
Pete Wilson-ex-head of the DOD-gay and very white
Quinten Crisp-gay white and british
Mike castle-ex-gov of DE-gay white and a republican
kd lang- lesbian, white and cute
jimmy sommerville- gay and white
the gay national socialists- gay and (duh) white.... and silly
some of adolph hitlers top SA- gay and white
jerry studds-us congressman-gay and white
elenor roosevelt-bisexual and white
madonna -white and??????
my boss-gay and white
kate bornstein- lesbian and white
andrea dworkin- lesbian sepratist (stupid) and white
camelle paglia- lesbian (???) silly and white
that enough for you or need I site more...
oh and
shaun flanagan-bisexual and white
Tigger- bisexual and white (I think he said he was white)
> Gay is an ideology that is foreign and
>hostile to White identity (as evidenced by the filth you spew).
Yup, I took Queer 101 in Catholic Grammer school. It was taught by those
foreigners the ROMAN Catholics (Aren't Italians white???)
(stuff I agreed whole heartedly with deleted)
>I'll never wait that long. Long before that EVER happens, blood will
>be shed.
Oooooo... And the 'niggers' are the ones who are violent, heh?
> Long before any foreign or hostile people can be in a position
>to do such things, rivers of blood will flow.
see above quip.
>> my scottish heritage. Don't ask me to eat haggis, though. :) How are
Haggis.... YUCK!!!
>You don't even know what rights are you ignorant bigot. Ever hear of
>property rights?
Yeah, like the property rights the indians have...
>Ever hear of contract rights?
Like every tribal contact that the United States broke with indian tribes
>Ever hear of ethnic rights? Ever hear of rights of self-determination?
Yeah, like the self determination that the amerindians get to exercise on
the peices of dirt that kind generous white folk like yourself put them on.
If you want you're "white rights", then hey, cool, go get'em. Just
remember that if one person is not free then none of us are.
>By the deeds of heroes and the blood of martyrs, all good comes to be.
Like all that good that came from the amerindian martyrs. Genocide. Yeah,
real good. The indians should have never had trusted the white man anyway.
The veiws presented here are mine and mine alone.|rab...@strauss.udel.edu
My employers are way too 'normal' [yuckie] | HIP "I may be strange
to even come close to endorsing me or my veiws. | ITY but you're a jerk,
************************************************** HOP and I can always
Poor rabbit. She's obviously had too much coffee.* ITY go on Prozac."
I have never heard something that can compete with what you just spew right
here in ridiculousness! I wonder what my roommates think , I'm laughing aloud
although I'm alone in here.
Since when has being gay became an ideology? hahahha I'm sorry Arthur.. but
this is downright dumb.
Since when has the sexual orientation of someone became an ideology?! It's not
as if gay people DECIDE to be gay... ideology implies decision.
Like, ummm, I tried to mail this, but like you don't exist. I finger
finger fingered away too, but to no avail! Anyway, in regards
to the above:
I was pissy long before the follow-up.
Blaine "I'm off to better things. Be seeing you!"
In article <1994Jun17.124822.1@clstac>, <aelebo...@csupomona.edu> wrote:
>> andrea dworkin- lesbian sepratist (stupid) and white
>Lesbian separatist!!!! What a great idea!!!! Go away!! I support
>this witch. :) :) :)
Yeah, somehow I figured that you would support this dodo bird. I tend to
agree. I really wish that she'd go away also
>> camelle paglia- lesbian (???) silly and white
>> that enough for you or need I site more...
>Most of those are just Caucasians, not White.
What's the difference????
> Moreover, some of them
>are merely homosexuals, not gay. As I said, Gay is an ideology which
>seeks to justify homosexuality.
So one can be Homosexual and White or gay and caucasian, but not
gay and white????? Explain?
> Because someone has stated that they
>have engaged in homosexual acts does not make them gay.
Ummm... sorry but in my book it does. Maybe you need to define some of
your terms for me.
>> Tigger- bisexual and white (I think he said he was white)
>Oh! That's what his problem is! See, yet more proof that gays are
>hostile to Whites.
Not hostile to whites, just hostile to the idea that any person, is better
than another person because of race,creed,gender..... you get my point.
>Sweatheart (not really), I have a great potential for violence too.
^^^^^^^^^^ Don't you mean Sweetheart ?
>However, mine is goal-directed and in defense of my people.
I really don't see a threat to your people. Noone is stopping you from
creating your homeland, noone is taking you out in the streets and beating
you to death for being hetrosexual. Noone is blowing up your churches or
legistlating that you can't practice your religion. Noone is forcing white
people to live in squalor and to give up their private property (except
during tax time when uncle sam hits all of us). So where is the threat????
>Oh don't whine about the Indians. You don't really care about them except
>as a tool to belittle Whites. If you really cared, you could donate all
>of your property to them and move to Europe (or wherever you're really
>wanted). Don't try that silly argument with me.
Hey artie, I got a secret to tell you.....
Come closer.....
Guess what some of the blood I have in these veins are....
Yup, you guessed it. I'm part plains indian...
and guess what else
so is my SO.
So it appears to me that I, as a member of one of the tribes of Indians
who where here LOOOOOONG before the europeans, have as much right to live
here as any of my amerindian brothers and sisters. You on the other hand,
are a guest in this country... sort of an illegal alien, if you will.
>What's your point? What does that have to do with White people? Obviously
>I had nothing whatsoever to do with their problems. Are you stereotyping
>Whites again? I think so.
I'm sorry, I meant european invaders instead of white people.
>> If you want you're "white rights", then hey, cool, go get'em.
>I want them; I'm going to get 'em.
Then go buy yourselves a homeland. Why do you keep ignoring the easiest
answer of all. Money talks, bullshit walks. If you want your white
homeland then you're gonna have to buy a bunch of land and surround it
with chicken wire and set up shop, all of which NOONE is stopping you from
doing. I'd actually like to see you do it, that way everyone who doesn't
beleive your white power crap can breath a collective sigh of releif.
>What? I know your side likes to think in terms of slogans because
>thinking is difficult, but that's clearly ridiculous.
All sides use slogans artie. It's called propaganda. As a matter of fact
you more than likely signed your little gem of a response with a slogan.
One second i'll check.... Not this time, maybe next time, huh?
You missed my point about the indians. The indians didn't set up the
reservations to be away from white people, the white people set them up to
be away from the indians. Notice how many indians stay on those
reservations. Not many (I have been to one once. It sucked. Not because of
the amerindians there, but because they are normally set up on
reservations that have VERY limited natural resources, and therefore have
little means to substain themselves.) Yeah, the idea of ethnic homelands
really works (sarcasmsArcams)
>> Yeah, real good. The indians should have never had trusted the white
>> man anyway.
>Tsk, tsk, stereotyping there aren't we?
As I said before, I'll change that from white man to the european
invaders. That any better?