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Fuck it I'm Fucking out of here

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Nov 3, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/3/97

Absolut Queer wrote:
> Yup header says it all.
> I am sick and fucking tired of being fucking used in battles.

I, for one, am sorry to see you go. I understand why you feel the way
you do, nevertheless, I'm sorry that it's gotten to you. However, I do
support you in whatever it is you need to do to get on with your life.



Jesse Garon

Nov 3, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/3/97

As do I. I am shocked and appalled by David's decision to out your
girlfriend in this newsgroup. Being a homosexual himself, David is
(or should be) held up to a higher standard when it comes to accepting
the comfort levels that people have in discussing their sexuality in
public. That he has chosen to so brazenly parade your secrets and
the secrets of your loved one is just as despicable as Judith's
habit of fabricating stories about my personal life.

At least when *I* say something about a person, it's only to
repeat something that has already been well discussed. Yes, I
may not exactly smell of roses, but I'm covered in much less
shit than either David or Judith, two people who deserve to
be locked in eternal combat, rather like those matter/antimatter
twins in that Star Trek episode.

"Jesse Garon": the God damnedest mass of tact known to the human race


Nov 3, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/3/97

Absolut Queer wrote:
> Yup header says it all.
> I am sick and fucking tired of being fucking used in battles.
> You meet some guy of the inertnet in Tornoto when you are in lurve
> with someone, and mention tehuir name and ask him to keep in in teh
> structest conifidence.
> Months later what do they fucking do-blow your whole fuckoing life
> apart so they can score one up on their fucking little "My cause is
> more right than yours" game
> Well FUCK it. Just FUCKING Fuck it!
> Otehrs find out about underhanded deeds against someone-and what do
> they do? Not use it to support tehir cause-surely not. What Fuck witt
> would do something like that? Without a Fucking thought about how
> badly this is going to fucking refelect on someones liffe. Fcuk you!
> Well as FAr as I am Fucking concerend its been a blast, and tehre a
> those who I will miss like hell, but I am fucking outta here darlings!
> And you can ALL take a 6ft Dildo and shove it up your collective
> slefrighteous arses!
> JAne
> Trailer 17 has just been booby trapped with razor wire motar bombs and
> the redient is fucking outta here!
> Absolut Fucking Queer
> "Science is fucking like being God, only fucking I have fucking time and fucking budget constraints FUCK!"
> Fuck the red Fucking ribbons, Fukcing Find a Fucking cure.
good riddance

Lee Weiser

Nov 3, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/3/97

In article <> Deadeye <> writes:
>From: Deadeye <>
>Subject: Re: Fuck it I'm Fucking out of here
>Date: Mon, 3 Nov 1997 22:19:28 GMT

>Absolut Queer wrote:

<sad post announcing her leaving snipped>

>good riddance

WHAT??!?!? Good riddance to *JANE*??! Obviously, you're mistaken,

--Le, who will miss JAne


Nov 4, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/4/97

Your typing is so cool. Sorry you're leaving.


Carolyn Poulter

Nov 4, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/4/97

*NaNcY* wrote:

> On Sun, 02 Nov 1997 18:05:21 GMT, (Absolut Queer)

> wrote:
> >Yup header says it all.
> >
> >I am sick and fucking tired of being fucking used in battles.
> >
> >You meet some guy of the inertnet in Tornoto when you are in lurve
> >with someone, and mention tehuir name and ask him to keep in in teh
> >structest conifidence.
> >
> >Months later what do they fucking do-blow your whole fuckoing life
> >apart so they can score one up on their fucking little "My cause is
> >more right than yours" game
> >
> >Well FUCK it. Just FUCKING Fuck it!
> >

> ---->major snippage<---
> JAne I don't know what happened since I have so many people kill filed
> and don't read the stupid fighting or flame wars, but I did read your
> posts and this make me feel really sad. I'm sorry that someone was so
> heartless that they hurt you....I am so sorry....Nancy
> *NaNcY*
> /\_____/\
> / o o \
> ( == ^ == )
> ) - (
> ( )
> ( ( ) ( ) ) keeper of the ASG anti-FAQ
> (__(__)___(__)__)

I second that Nancy. Jane take a little break if you like but
come back ok? I didn't see your original post and I never
bother to read the fights, I'm here for the gossip and the
trailer park parties. But do come back.



Nov 4, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/4/97

Nuey2 wrote:
> >Subject: Re: Fuck it I'm Fucking out of here
> >From: (Sherry Stoneman)
> >Date: Tue, Nov 4, 1997 10:52 EST
> >Message-id: <63n5r6$1ve$>
> >
> >Damn, damn, damn. What the hell has happened to our neighborhood? No
> >more sweetiemobile careening through the streets, no more mimes, no
> >more dancing in the streets. And now we're losing more revered
> >members all the time. The trolls have taken over.
> The trolls aren't the problem. The problem is a pair of cretins who take great
> pleasure in attempting to control others. The worse part is that at least one
> of them used to have my respect, at least when I started reading this group,
> closing in on two years now.
> But this last little dramafest on his part has proven that he is despicable. I
> don't blame Jane for being angry and hurt -- I'm truly sorry she feels she has
> to leave. We'll all miss you m'dear. Truly.
> >
> >To use personal information about someone merely to try to win points
> >in an argument is despicable. This used to be a FUN place, with witty
> >retorts, well-written critics, and good-natured ribbing.
> It still is, at times. But this latest round of disease is taking it's toll.
> It's very hard to ask folks to sit tight and it will go away. Kind of like
> asking an asthmatic to snort cat hair -- why the hell should we make ourselves
> sicker?
> >
> >Perhaps we should move to another trailer park, one with armed guards
> >at the gates. Then maybe we'd be safe. Can't we just fumigate or
> >something? Oh well, I'm taking a gallon of grandpa's moonshine and
> >I'll be in the cave out back, waiting and hoping that one day things
> >will get back to the trailer park I knew and loved.
> Until the egomaniacal control-freaks get bored or perhaps decide we aren't
> worthy of their attention -- it won't be the same. I think we all need to do
> some autumn cleaning, and at least try to be positive about the positive
> things. And GOSSIP. I'm reading the Royals right now and hope to throw out
> some of the high points in the book --- hint, Princess Margaret is an absolute
> HOOT....
> >
> >It really pains me how a few bad apples really can spoil the whole
> >bunch. Especially if they're particularly ROTTEN apples, with a
> >stench that permeates every part of their being.
> >
> >Bummer!
> Amen! Anyone looking for coffee and commiseration can hop on down to #303. I'm
> just starting to move on in -- but the Mr. Coffee was set up first.....

I'll bring my famous home-made cinnamon rolls... I think all of us
could use a sugar fix now, and it may as well be high fat too. :)
For e-mail respond to MCwright at worldnet dot att dot net

Response to "Age before beauty"
"Pearls before swine."

--Dorothy Parker
ASGTP #622


Nov 4, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/4/97

Donna Whitman

Nov 4, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/4/97
to ('Jesse Garon') wrote:

>julesdlr <> writes:

>>Absolut Queer wrote:
>>> Yup header says it all.
>>> I am sick and fucking tired of being fucking used in battles.

>> I, for one, am sorry to see you go. I understand why you feel the way
>>you do, nevertheless, I'm sorry that it's gotten to you. However, I do
>>support you in whatever it is you need to do to get on with your life.
>As do I. I am shocked and appalled by David's decision to out your
>girlfriend in this newsgroup. Being a homosexual himself, David is
>(or should be) held up to a higher standard when it comes to accepting
>the comfort levels that people have in discussing their sexuality in
>public. That he has chosen to so brazenly parade your secrets and
>the secrets of your loved one is just as despicable as Judith's
>habit of fabricating stories about my personal life.

Oh for Chrissake would you shut the fuck up. One of the most
intelligent members of this group feels the well-justified need to
leave and all you can do is use it to your own end to start trashing
someone. Who gives a flying fuck if your stories are true or not?? If
you consider revealing facts of people's personal lives that you know
will hurt them just so that you can be "honest" the thing tthat will
make you friends and influence people, then I feel VERY fucking sorry
for you. We're not talking "you're full of shit" or "you never slept
with ______ " kind of traditional Usenet flames here, we're talking
about personal hostilitites that go above and beyond what anyone here
would consider decent. You don't even stop at telling the "truth".
You taunt people until they can no longer hang around here like you've
just done with Jane.

If you consider eveyone such a bunch of cretins, why are you bothering
to hang out here?? Obviously it's because you get some kind of
perverse pleasure from your sadistic attacks on people's characters
and/or airing their private pains and problems. At the risk of using a
stupid newbis statement, GET A FUCKING LIFE and get the fuck out of
here!!! Most sensible people don't stay where they're not wanted.

Hopefully Jane will reconsider and come back because she is a valued
poster. Hell, even the guy who claims to have slept with Tori is at
least on topic and the dialogue on that topic has been intelligent
... something that you probably don't understand.

I left this group about a year ago partly because I was tired of the
flame wars but I'll be fucking damned if I'll let the likes of you
drive me off this time. I enjoy MOST of these folks, eben the ones I
disagree with, and I definitely enjoyed Jane. People like you are what
killfiles are for.

If anyone else reading this feels some of these facts apply to them,
so be it. Anyone behaving this way deserves to be thought of in the
same warm terms.

Fuck that felt good. We now resume our regularly scheduled gossip as I
go looking for my nerve pills .


Nov 5, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/5/97

Carolyn Poulter <> wrote:

>*NaNcY* wrote:

>> On Sun, 02 Nov 1997 18:05:21 GMT, (Absolut Queer)

>> wrote:
>> >Yup header says it all.
>> >
>> >I am sick and fucking tired of being fucking used in battles.
>> >


>> >
>> ---->major snippage<---
>> JAne I don't know what happened since I have so many people kill filed
>> and don't read the stupid fighting or flame wars, but I did read your
>> posts and this make me feel really sad. I'm sorry that someone was so
>> heartless that they hurt you....I am so sorry....Nancy
>> *NaNcY*
>> /\_____/\
>> / o o \
>> ( == ^ == )
>> ) - (
>> ( )
>> ( ( ) ( ) ) keeper of the ASG anti-FAQ
>> (__(__)___(__)__)

> I second that Nancy. Jane take a little break if you like but
>come back ok? I didn't see your original post and I never
>bother to read the fights, I'm here for the gossip and the
>trailer park parties. But do come back.


Agreed! JAne please do come back when you're ready. I'll ask Mac to
look after your place. He did his job well in Home Alone, and will do
his best for yours.

Catty (a film bore who is pretty pissed off that we've lost a (IMO)
much valued ASGer) xx

Lee Weiser

Nov 5, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/5/97

In article <63p2cl$> (MacHeath) writes:

>On Sun, 02 Nov 1997 18:05:21 GMT, (Absolut Queer) wrote:

>>Yup header says it all.

>I can't believe what's happening to this newsgroup.

Alas, I can. Am I sick of it? Do I wanna see it end NOW? Ya you betcha by
golly for sure. It got *real* old *real* quick months ago.



Nov 5, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/5/97

On Sun, 02 Nov 1997 18:05:21 GMT, (Absolut Queer) wrote:

>Yup header says it all.

I can't believe what's happening to this newsgroup.

andrew, who can't find a ruler long enough to measure
the pain that's flooded ASG in 1997

Nov 5, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/5/97

In article <>,
mjdev <> wrote:

> Absolut Queer wrote:
> >
> > Yup header says it all.
> >
> > I am sick and fucking tired of being fucking used in battles.
> >
> > You meet some guy of the inertnet in Tornoto when you are in lurve
> > with someone, and mention tehuir name and ask him to keep in in teh
> > structest conifidence.
> >
> > Months later what do they fucking do-blow your whole fuckoing life
> > apart so they can score one up on their fucking little "My cause is
> > more right than yours" game
> >
> > Well FUCK it. Just FUCKING Fuck it!
> >
> > Otehrs find out about underhanded deeds against someone-and what do
> > they do? Not use it to support tehir cause-surely not. What Fuck witt
> > would do something like that? Without a Fucking thought about how
> > badly this is going to fucking refelect on someones liffe. Fcuk you!
> >
> > Well as FAr as I am Fucking concerend its been a blast, and tehre a
> > those who I will miss like hell, but I am fucking outta here darlings!
> >
> > And you can ALL take a 6ft Dildo and shove it up your collective
> > slefrighteous arses!
> >
> > JAne
> > Trailer 17 has just been booby trapped with razor wire motar bombs and
> > the redient is fucking outta here!
> >
> > Absolut Fucking Queer
> >
> > "Science is fucking like being God, only fucking I have fucking time and fucking budget constraints FUCK!"
> >
> > Fuck the red Fucking ribbons, Fukcing Find a Fucking cure.
> Your typing is so cool. Sorry you're leaving.
> Marcie

I'm sorry to see you go, too.....I enjoyed your posts.

(the other LindaC, ASGTPR#106)

"Deja Moo -- the feeling that you've heard this bull before."

-------------------==== Posted via Deja News ====----------------------- Search, Read, Post to Usenet

Donna Whitman

Nov 5, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/5/97
to ('Jesse Garon') wrote:

>> Oh for Chrissake would you shut the fuck up. One of the most
>>intelligent members of this group feels the well-justified need to
>>leave and all you can do is use it to your own end to start trashing
>>someone. Who gives a flying fuck if your stories are true or not??

>Whether you care or not is irrelevant. Since Judith Rogow has seen
>fit to propogate lies, I have decided to negate the with truth. If
>you choose to believe lies that have been proven to be lies, that
>is your perogative. It shows you to be a fool, but that's your affair.

Try reading before you go off half-cocked blathering like an
idiot. I said it didn't matter who was right or wrong. Your using
personal information about people as a weapon against them is wrong.
Winning at any cost is dead wrong if all you end up doing is hurting
innocent people. Your argument appears to be with Judith and yet
your"truths" that you seem so determined to make known aren't even
about her. Most people woula aim their barbs at the person whose
reputation they're trying to destroy. I really don't give a flying
fuck who's telling the truth. In this case, the truth does NOT set you
free. It makes you look like the asshole that you insist on being.

>>you consider revealing facts of people's personal lives that you know
>>will hurt them just so that you can be "honest" the thing tthat will

>>make you friends and influence people...
>Actually, being honest rarely makes friends and influences people; as
>we have seen in ASG, people tend to be made extremely uncomfortable by
>the truth. I'm not interested in comfort, however, but in honesty.

Ever heard the expression "if you can't say something nice, don't
say anything at all"? There's no need to lie but there's also no need
to be so blunt in telling the truth that you make everyone's life
miserable wo happens to be unfortunate enough to be a target of yours.
When the "truth" you tell is none of your fucking business to be
discussing, I see no point in setting the record straight if that's
what you feel you're doing. Why do we all need to know who is doing
whom and who has medical or emotional problems ... unless they happen
to be in showbiz of course.

>And, as therapists are so fond of saying, you own your own emotions.
>If the truth bothers you, perhaps you should examine WHY that is
>instead of blaming the truth for your troubles.

People have the right to privacy. They have the right to reveal
only as much of themselves as they feel others need to know or they
want to share. Even those in public life don't owe the public any more
than the fulfillment of their duties. We may enjoy speculating about
people's sexual preference but they're under no obligation to tell us.

>>I enjoy MOST of these folks, eben the ones I
>>disagree with, and I definitely enjoyed Jane. People like you are what
>>killfiles are for.

>You are freely invited to include me in your killfile, if living in
>denial will make your life 'happier.'

Darlin', I have long ago come to grips with who I am (including my
shortcomings). That doesn't mean the world at large needs to know what
those are although they're welcome to speculate. Your opinion of me
... and of most people in this NG .. is just that, an opinion and you
have a serious problem if you think it's anything more. You're
entitles to it no matter how assinine it might be.

Paul Moloney

Nov 5, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/5/97

Sherry Stoneman wrote:

> Damn, damn, damn. What the hell has happened to our neighborhood?

I think the problem can be traced back to when people
in this group started meeting each other in real like.
Then some found that others weren't quite as they expected.
And since then the group has regularly been filled with
bitching and sniping. On the one hand, some of it is pretty
juicy stuff, but on the other, most of is of the "did so!
did not!" variety. Maybe we need a reviewing committee
for meta-gossip - or another newsgroup entirely.
alt.showbiz.gossip.gossip, anyone?



Nov 6, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/6/97

In <> Paul Moloney <>

>I think the problem can be traced back to when people
>in this group started meeting each other in real like.
>Then some found that others weren't quite as they expected.

I've met a number of the regulars, all of whom have been good company
and fun people. Here in SF, we've had about one get-together a month
with more in the works--no fireworks, just pleasant conversation.



Nov 6, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/6/97

-=JR=- wrote:
> In article <>,
> says...

> >I'm reading the Royals right now and hope to throw out
> > some of the high points in the book --- hint, Princess Margaret is an
> >absolute HOOT....
> You know, of course, that Rod Stewart's "Maggie May" was written
> about her? The woman has made shagging the help an art-form!

I thought "Maggie May" was Margaret Trudeau, the Canadian Prime
Minister's wife who slept with anyone who charted on Billboard's Hot
100. Or was that "Suite: Judy Blue Eyes?" Naah, that was Judy Collins.
How about Gordon Lightfoot's "Sundown"? No, that was John Belushi's
speedball date Kathy Smith (was that her name?)...

Anyone else remember any famous ladies of song?

Jefe, not sure if "Sugar Sugar" was about Betty or Veronica

Jesse Garon

Nov 6, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/6/97

Melody Clark <> writes:

>MCD LANCER wrote:
>> >Sherry Stoneman wrote:
>> >> Damn, damn, damn. What the hell has happened to our neighborhood?

>> >I think the problem can be traced back to when people

>> >in this group started meeting each other in real like.

>Sorry, but this is crap.
>I've met Judith. I've talked to Judith and Alexa at length over the
>phone. Both Judith and Alexa are very classy ladies.

Alexandra may have a modicum of class, but calling Judith classy is
merely another indication of how detached you are from the real world,
much like when you tell perfect strangers they must be me.

>The problem is that Ronnie Hogan seems to have had poor toilet training
>as an infant, and is now carrying that same problem into his arguably
>"adult" life.

Actually, the problem is that Melody Clark seems to have had problems
getting her daily dosage of Zoloft calibrated, and runs around telling
perfect strangers that (1) the I does her favors and (2) if you don't
agree with Melody Clark, you must be Ron Hogan in disguise.

David Migicovsky

Nov 6, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/6/97

Paul Moloney wrote in message <>...

>On the one hand, some of it is pretty
>juicy stuff, but on the other, most of is of the "did so!
>did not!" variety. Maybe we need a reviewing committee
>for meta-gossip - or another newsgroup entirely.
>alt.showbiz.gossip.gossip, anyone?

I often wonder if some of the showbiz personalities who've been skewered
here are now reading this group and laughing their asses off.

| David Migicovsky, d m i g i c o v at a r a c n e t dot n e t
| All the caring, sharing, Stoli-enhanced links are at:
| Experience Stylesheets Over Substance:


Nov 6, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/6/97

>>MCD LANCER wrote:

>>> >Sherry Stoneman wrote:
>>> >> Damn, damn, damn. What the hell has happened to our neighborhood?
>>> >I think the problem can be traced back to when people
>>> >in this group started meeting each other in real like.
>>Sorry, but this is crap.
>>I've met Judith. I've talked to Judith and Alexa at length over the
>>phone. Both Judith and Alexa are very classy ladies.
>Alexandra may have a modicum of class, but calling Judith classy is
>merely another indication of how detached you are from the real world,
>much like when you tell perfect strangers they must be me.
>>The problem is that Ronnie Hogan seems to have had poor toilet training
>>as an infant, and is now carrying that same problem into his arguably
>>"adult" life.

Correction: Someone had snip failure. MCD Lancer had nothing to do with this
particular message.

Mary Beth
"Making friends and warming hearts wherever I go"

Miss Anthropy

Nov 6, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/6/97

Parboiler wrote:

> Jefe wrote:
> >
> >Anyone else remember any famous ladies of song?
> >
> >Jefe, not sure if "Sugar Sugar" was about Betty or Veronica
> >
> "Carol" was about Carol King (I think). "Dear Prudence" was about Prudence
> Farrow. "Roseanna" was about Roseanna Arquette.
> Can we change the name of this thread, BTW?
> Parboiler

Suite Judy Blue Eyes was about Judy Collins.



Nov 6, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/6/97

Miss Anthropy

Nov 6, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/6/97

Suite Judy Blue Eyes was about Judy Collins.


Terry Hicks

Nov 6, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/6/97

Geraldo Ferreira wrote:

[Nothing at all. Twice.]

You have to admit, he seems to mean it.


Nov 7, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/7/97


> Paul Moloney < writes:
>>I think the problem can be traced back to when people
>>in this group started meeting each other in real like.

>>Then some found that others weren't quite as they expected.
>I've met a number of the regulars, all of whom have been good company
>and fun people. Here in SF, we've had about one get-together a month
>with more in the works--no fireworks, just pleasant conversation.

Aren't we just about due for another get-together?

Evelyn, self-appointed social secretary of the SF c*b*l


Nov 7, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/7/97

In article <>,

>-=JR=- wrote:
>> In article <>,
>> says...
>> >I'm reading the Royals right now and hope to throw out
>> > some of the high points in the book --- hint, Princess Margaret is an
>> >absolute HOOT....
>> You know, of course, that Rod Stewart's "Maggie May" was written
>> about her? The woman has made shagging the help an art-form!
>I thought "Maggie May" was Margaret Trudeau, the Canadian Prime
>Minister's wife who slept with anyone who charted on Billboard's Hot
>100. Or was that "Suite: Judy Blue Eyes?" Naah, that was Judy Collins.
>How about Gordon Lightfoot's "Sundown"? No, that was John Belushi's
>speedball date Kathy Smith (was that her name?)...
>Anyone else remember any famous ladies of song?
>Jefe, not sure if "Sugar Sugar" was about Betty or Veronica

No, I'm pretty sure it was Margaret Rose - I remember the flap in the
London tabs when it came out.
Lucy in the sky, with diamonds
There were several songs about Marrianne Faithful
Then, of course, there's always "You're so Vain" written about Warren Beaty



Nov 7, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/7/97

>>Anyone else remember any famous ladies of song?
>>Jefe, not sure if "Sugar Sugar" was about Betty or Veronica

Rosanna Arquette in that Toto song "Rosanna"

Nov 7, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/7/97
to wrote:

> I've met a number of the regulars, all of whom have been good company
> and fun people. Here in SF, we've had about one get-together a month
> with more in the works--no fireworks, just pleasant conversation.

Grace, I wasn't implying that all such meetings end in disasters, just
that they sometimes do. And anyway, it wouldn't be a problem if some
people managed to keep their personal lives separate from the group.
There are thousands of people reading this group who personally
couldn't give a toss who is doing who with what.



Nov 7, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/7/97

Cindy Crawford is the Cindy C. in the song with the same title by



Nov 8, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/8/97

In article <>, says...
>On 7 Nov 1997 00:47:57 GMT, (EvelynR) wrote:

>>>I've met a number of the regulars, all of whom have been good company
>>>and fun people. Here in SF, we've had about one get-together a month
>>>with more in the works--no fireworks, just pleasant conversation.
>>Aren't we just about due for another get-together?
>Well, you *did* turn down home-cooked fried chicken, silly.

*Oh* *my* *gawwwwd* - someone turned down Alexa's fried chicken?

Do you *know* what you missed?


Who would *kill* for a nice juicy AFC thigh about now!

K. Knopp

Nov 8, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/8/97

In article <>, (FreeGratis) wrote:

> >>>Anyone else remember any famous ladies of song?

> "Sweet, sweet Connie" of "We're an American Band" was Connie Hamzy of Little
> Rock, who has recently stated that she was also accosted by Bill Clinton in
> the early 90's. Can't remember the name of the band...Grand Funk Railroad, I
> think?

She's the one who claims that Huey Lewis is the best endowed rock star
she's ever seen (and yes....she should know).

Remove "pez" from address for direct e-mail


Nov 11, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/11/97

Prince wrote "Carmen on Top" for Carmen Electra. God knows why.

Nov 11, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/11/97

On 11 Nov 1997 18:02:07 GMT, (DeeTigress) wrote:

>Prince wrote "Carmen on Top" for Carmen Electra. God knows why.

Maybe she's a mountain climber.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * Miss Lo - * * * * * * * * * *

"I'm turning on, and you're just turning"

G. M. Lupo

Nov 11, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/11/97

DeeTigress wrote:

> Prince wrote "Carmen on Top" for Carmen Electra. God knows why.

I could probably hazard a few guesses.

Matt Lupo

G. M. Lupo:
P.O. Box 161963, Atlanta, GA 30321-1963

Vogue Rogue

Nov 12, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/12/97

> DeeTigress <> wrote:
> Prince wrote "Carmen on Top" for Carmen Electra. God knows why.

Didn't he write a song about his wife too?


Nov 13, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/13/97

DeeTigress wrote:
> Prince wrote "Carmen on Top" for Carmen Electra. God knows why.

Carly Simon's "You're So Vain" was directed at Warren Beatty.

Dyan Campbell

Nov 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/14/97

In alt.showbiz.gossip Jefe <> wrote:

: I thought "Maggie May" was Margaret Trudeau, the Canadian Prime

: Minister's wife who slept with anyone who charted on Billboard's Hot

Margaret Trudeau would have been about 15 or 16 when "Maggie May" was
released, and I don't think she would have qualified as an older woman...
unless I'm confused and "Maggie May" was by Bill Wyman.

Disappointing gossip about Margaret Trudeau and Mick Jagger - she launched
herself at him like a heat seeking missle, but he dodged her advances, and
said in an interview that he wasn't interested in her. I think he said
something like "for god's sake, she's a mum!"




Nov 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/14/97

I thought it was Mick Jagger.


Nov 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/14/97

I thought it was James Taylor???


Linda Cauthen

Nov 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/14/97

Lois Roots wrote:
> Dyan Campbell <> wrote in article
> <64ho01$uij$>...

> > In alt.showbiz.gossip Jefe <> wrote:
> >
> > : I thought "Maggie May" was Margaret Trudeau, the Canadian Prime
> > : Minister's wife who slept with anyone who charted on Billboard's Hot
> >
> > Margaret Trudeau would have been about 15 or 16 when "Maggie May" was
> > released, and I don't think she would have qualified as an older woman...
> > unless I'm confused and "Maggie May" was by Bill Wyman.
> I thought "Maggie May" was written about Princess Margaret, (the Queen's
> wild sister).

I thought it was about the non-famous older woman with whom Rod had an
affair as a young lad.

Linda ASGTPR#49

Lois Roots

Nov 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/15/97

Gene Croyle

Nov 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/15/97

i thought it was zueben metha

FMC <> wrote in article

Nov 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/15/97

re: You're So Vain

back-up vocals by Mick; written for Warren


Nov 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/15/97

In article <>, FMC <> writes:

>I thought it was James Taylor???

so did i..
- Got me a Hermes scarf, feeling very Sharon -

regional crab

Nov 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/15/97

Gene Croyle wrote:
> i thought it was zueben metha
> FMC <> wrote in article
> <>...
> > mjdev wrote:
> > >
> > > Frank wrote:
> > > >
> > > > DeeTigress wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > Prince wrote "Carmen on Top" for Carmen Electra. God knows why.
> > > >
> > > > Carly Simon's "You're So Vain" was directed at Warren Beatty.
> > >
> > > I thought it was Mick Jagger.
> >
> > I thought it was James Taylor???
> >
> > FMC
> >

I believe it was Warren Beatty, who she'd had a small fling (a
flingette) with. Mick Jagger actually sings back up in "You're So


Nov 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/15/97
to regional crab

Yes, it's WARREN.
ROSANNA by TOTO is rosanna arquette.
Cat Steven's WILD WORLD is for Patti D'arbanville


Nov 17, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/17/97

FMC wrote:
> mjdev wrote:
> >
> > Frank wrote:
> > >
> > > DeeTigress wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Prince wrote "Carmen on Top" for Carmen Electra. God knows why.
> > >
> > > Carly Simon's "You're So Vain" was directed at Warren Beatty.
> >
> > I thought it was Mick Jagger.
> I thought it was James Taylor???

I don't think it could have been Taylor -- as I recall, they didn't get
involved until after the song came out. Besides, the problem she had
with Taylor wasn't his vanity, it was his heroin use.

As I understand it, she's always refused to say about whom "You're So
Vain" was written, but everyone's always assumed it was Warren Beatty.

Who learned the word "gavotte" from that song


If you want to e-mail me, you have to figure out
what to snip yourself. Hey, life's a bitch.

Terry Hicks

Nov 18, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/18/97

maxicat wrote:
> FMC wrote:
> >
> > mjdev wrote:
> > >
> > > Frank wrote:
> > > >
> > > > DeeTigress wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > Prince wrote "Carmen on Top" for Carmen Electra. God knows why.
> > > >
> > > > Carly Simon's "You're So Vain" was directed at Warren Beatty.
> > >
> > > I thought it was Mick Jagger.
> >
> > I thought it was James Taylor???
> >
> > FMC
> I don't think it could have been Taylor -- as I recall, they didn't get
> involved until after the song came out. Besides, the problem she had
> with Taylor wasn't his vanity, it was his heroin use.
> As I understand it, she's always refused to say about whom "You're So
> Vain" was written, but everyone's always assumed it was Warren Beatty.

At the time it came out, there was much speculation that it was about
Mick Jagger (it would probably have amused him to sing backup on a song
about himself) or Warren Beatty.

Nov 18, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/18/97

In article <63udl2$>, (MacHeath) wrote:
> >In article <>,
> >says...
> >>Anyone else remember any famous ladies of song?
> >
> >>Jefe, not sure if "Sugar Sugar" was about Betty or Veronica
> Rosanna Arquette in that Toto song "Rosanna"

Didn't Elton John and Bernie Taupin write "Philadelphia Freedom" for
Billie Jean King? Seems like I read this somewhere.

Jay H.


Nov 18, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/18/97

Jay, hon, Elton said Philadelphia Freedom was written for

Also, going back a decade, Dear Prudence was written for Prudence Farrow
and I believe Sexy Sadie was written for Mia.

Lucky Lulu


Nov 19, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/19/97
to wrote:

> Andrew Gavin <> writes:

> >Sexy Sadie was about the Marharishi.
> .
> And Martha My Dear was about Paul McCartney's Old English
> Sheepdog.
> .
> kassa

now now...ok she's not exactly pretty but Linda has stuck with
him for a long time and anyway isn't she an old american d.....
whoops sorry.
