What is it about "Jesse Garon" that has Melody Clark so frustrated?
What makes her project all her inner demons onto his personality?
Unable to compete against me in a legitimate intellectual discourse,
she has to resort to sending nasty messages to my employers, a deed
she once falsely accused me of committing. The difference is, I got
proof, and I can produce it if challenged in court.
In her letter, she trots out her usual rant about how she's got her
close personal friends in the FBI looking into my background. AS IF.
Then she claims that I "DejaNosed" information about her and abused
her with it, mocking her dead child. A blatant falsehood, since she
mentioned that fact in a direct response to one of my posts, and in
no way did I ever criticize her shortcomings as a babymaker. What I
said, in fact, was that Melody's IDEAS were stillborn, that she had
a barren INTELLECT...both of which are completely true. Ever wonder
why she never shows you her "professional" writing in ASG? Maybe it
has something to do with her laughable comparison of Paul McCartney
to Carl Sandburg, one recent example of her small mind in action.
Then there's that nonsense about me being a misogynist. Another lie
Melody likes to repeat. Seeing herself as representative of all the
women in the world, no doubt, she imagines that my critical look at
her failure to behave like a decent human being is a slam on all of
the women. Not so. "Jesse Garon" admires smart women. Melody is not
a smart woman. Therefore, "Jesse Garon" does not admire Melody.
Fortunately, whenever Melody tries to undermine me by whispering to
people behind my back, they recognize her for the crackpot that she
is and that's that. We all have a good laugh about it afterwards. I
think I'll be laughing at Melody for some time to come, and anybody
who tries to win the flamewar they lost months ago in a new venue.
For example: MY website's never been pulled by MY ISP. Judith can't
say that, because it's not true. OTOH, she *is* a liar...
"Jesse Garon": the God damnedest mass of tact known to the human race
gri...@primenet.com http://www.primenet.com/~grifter/jesse.html
Hey, Monysmom, why don't you shut the fuck up?
> If she had a child that died or a miscarriage, or whatever, I think
> that's horrible, and not something for you to display.
Ahhhhh, but you don't criticize her for dragging said dead tissue
out to defend her fake feminism. So it's okay for women to beat their
breasts with corpses, but Heaven forbid I should use a METAPHOR, which
is all I did.
If Melody Clark wants to run around telling people that she has the
FBI investigating me for kicking her ass in a flame war, then tells
people who disagree with her that they must be part of the plot against
her, if they aren't actually me in disguise -- you know she's still
trying to convince people I'm Stephen Wellington? --, well, I'm just
going to have to tell people what a fucking loonytoon she is. Apparently
she either took too many drugs in the 60s or isn't taking enough in
the 90s. Either way, this doesn't end until she admits her mistakes
and stifles herself.
If you don't like that, Monysmom, fuck you. Nobody asked to hear
your useless opinion in the first place.
I'm glad to finally learn about this.
I had my own run-in with plain-old-Ron-Hogan back in 1993 on A Newsgroup
That Shall Forever Remain Nameless. I was protesting that a series of
attacks had been unjust and painful, and he replied, basically "You
ain't seen nothing yet. We love torturing you." Fortunately, even in
the context at the time that was far enough out of proportion that his
pals made him apologize (to the group, not to me).
You should call him 'Ron' though, so as not to buy into his egodrama.
Still waiting for you to show YOURS, Jesse.
Cheers, Fiona
>Still waiting for you to show YOURS, Jesse.
Links to my writing can be found from the Ron Hogan home page. Dig in.
I kinda like the term Egofarce for Mr Sphincter's problemos.
Y'all, don't bother even trying to talk to it. It knows nothing but
what it is.
of course, there *is* a strange and disturbing irony in a "man" who
would name himself after a stillborn child and then continually attack a
woman for having one.
but, then, ron hogan's "life", "ideas" and stabs at a writing career do
easily carry the weight of such charged and oppressive adjectives as
'barren' and 'stillborn'.
>of course, there *is* a strange and disturbing irony in a "man" who
>would name himself after a stillborn child and then continually attack a
>woman for having one.
Too bad that's not how it happened, isn't it?
Of course, just the other day she was telling people how much
she admired my writing for its "hard wit" and "killer style".
I've got the proof right here...care to see it, anyone?
>FreeGratis wrote:
>> >"Jesse Garon" admires smart women. Melody is not
>> >a smart woman. Therefore, "Jesse Garon" does not admire Melody.
>> So does this mean that all women named Melody are not smart? If you did find a
>> woman named Melody that you thought was smart, would you admire her?
>Melody, wondering what the hell Mr Sphincter is nattering about, but
>then so what else is new?
It couldn't possibly be the letters you wrote to a certain
somebody, trying to tell him that "Jesse Garon" was stalking you,
then accusing him of being a Ron Hogan persona when he skeptically
asked for minor little things like proof.
I may just have to print the letters if you keep this up.
When you took that powder a few months ago, you should have made
it a permanent vacation, Melody. The longer you stay, the clearer
your mental problems become.
Is that the ""egositcom" called "Get a Life", the one where a
"family" turns out to be all one person in a variety of guises?
Who will be powwow-ing with the *best* tomorrow
>Is that the ""egositcom" called "Get a Life", the one where a
>"family" turns out to be all one person in a variety of guises?
No, it's "The Naked Truth," the one where the twisted old hag
that almost nobody can stand warns her pal, the one that fucks
around behind her husband's back, that her latest fuckbuddy's
name has been associated repeatedly with child pornography,
then takes his side, trying to blame it on one of his ex-girlfriends.
Reality's a bitch, ain't it?
In a fun subplot, her website gets yanked because she uses it
as a platform to harrass Canadian computer programmers.
>Hey Jesse, you misogynist, take a big deep breath , calm down, and have a
> Prozac moment.
Funny you should say that, as I believe Prozac is one of the
drugs Melody Clark's been taking to try to cope with reality.
And the next time you want to call me a misogynist, try coming
up with some proof.
>(Maybe *you* altered DejaNews so you'd look normal by comparison!)
It's possible, but I don't know how I managed to squeeze it into
my orchestration of the stock market crash. Maybe you should ask
Melody if you can borrow some of her medication.
Geez, Jesse, of all people you have to understand that words mean
things...couldn't you have found some other words to describe what you meant??
>"Jesse Garon" admires smart women. Melody is not
>a smart woman. Therefore, "Jesse Garon" does not admire Melody.
So does this mean that all women named Melody are not smart? If you did find a
woman named Melody that you thought was smart, would you admire her?
Just trying to inject a bit of levity into all this...
"Shut up and get in the truck"
Hey Jesse, you misogynist, take a big deep breath , calm down, and have a
Prozac moment. Then you can continue on to alt.sex.startrek..... or any one
of your other hobbies. (Maybe *you* altered DejaNews so you'd look normal by
> Maybe you should ask
>Melody if you can borrow some of her medication.
Hey Lee, maybe I should start checking into a lot in the trailer park, so I
can start sharing meds - better living through chemicals is a beautiful thing.
Save me a slot!
He should notice that unless he makes a spectacle of himself, no one
cares what he says or does. Which is the risk of reducing your life to
Usenet. After a while, you fuck up.
The Gilliard News
Sure if anyone can find their way through this Halloween drug and
sugar-induced haze that has settled upon the TP!
--Lee, White Trash Trailer Park Pharmacist
>Of course, just the other day she was telling people how much
>she admired my writing for its "hard wit" and "killer style".
>I've got the proof right here...care to see it, anyone?
>"Jesse Garon": the God damnedest mass of tact known to the human race
>gri...@primenet.com http://www.primenet.com/~grifter/jesse.html
Just the other day? Hm....
> >myo...@Market.NET (Margaret Young) pointed out:
> <snipped the maniacal garbage>
> >Are any of this people famous?
> >
> >Didn't think so.
> >
> >You just can't seem to get into your head that nobody
> >cares about your allegations, no matter how often you
> >repeat them and how wild you make them.
> >
> >Still, I suppose it gets you some sort of attention . . .
> >
> >--margaret
> The point of all this is to make HIM famous. See, the whole world's going to
> see just how RIGHT he is all the time, and then they'll know the TRUE story.
> Don't waste any time worrying about the fact that NO ONE ON THIS NEWSGROUP IS
> their time doing something truly meaningful and worthwhile, then we'd have
> something to talk about.
But no, we'll all just keep following up these threads, instead--never
coming to the realization that we are contributing to the problem we so
enjoy complaining about.
Jim Lippard lip...@discord.org
Phoenix, Arizona http://www.discord.org/
How many people even know who these people are in these ridiculous flame
wars??!! Or care??!
If you think this ass crap is boring to you people in the loop on this
newsgroup, imagine how the other 6 billion people in the world would
I can't even muster enough interest in this ass crap to actually be
bored by it!!!!
Grow up, Jesse and Ron!!!!
Lucky Lulu
My sympathies to Melody Clark, whoever she may be. No one deserves to
have their name on the subject line of a post by Jesse Garen.
<snipped the maniacal garbage>
>Are any of this people famous?
>Didn't think so.
>You just can't seem to get into your head that nobody
>cares about your allegations, no matter how often you
>repeat them and how wild you make them.
>Still, I suppose it gets you some sort of attention . . .
The point of all this is to make HIM famous. See, the whole world's going to
see just how RIGHT he is all the time, and then they'll know the TRUE story.
Don't waste any time worrying about the fact that NO ONE ON THIS NEWSGROUP IS
their time doing something truly meaningful and worthwhile, then we'd have
something to talk about.
Mary Beth (who doesn't even think the WB or UPN would pick up this script)
"Making friends and warming hearts wherever I go"
>Jack...@fauxaol.com wrote:
>> JP.....wondering who the hell is Ron Hogan?
>Ron Hogan is Jesse Garon. He sent a fictional piece he'd authored to Kia
>once, and she told me it was so bad she was embarrassed to have received
>She said all the characters were shallow and the plot lacked substance.
>That is all.
His characters were shallow and lacked substance? That's hard to
believe unless they were all based on himself.
>ad...@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Steven Meece) writes:
>>Tom McLean (tmc...@chat.carleton.ca) writes:
>>>> JP.....wondering who the hell is Ron Hogan?
>>> Ron Hogan is Jesse Garon.
>>He is the current title-holder... there once was another person who used
>>that moniker. It is possible that Hogan may one day move on and leave the
>>name for someone else, but he has been rather fond of it for several years
>>now. This is understandable. If my name was "Ron Hogan" I'd prefer to use
>>a pseudonym too.
>Actually, if somebody wants to buy the name "Jesse Garon," I'm on
>the market. I've already got my next name all picked out.
Would that be FrddyOtash?