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Happy New Year

11 просмотров
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не прочитано,
1 янв. 2012 г., 00:21:5601.01.2012
Hey all 8) Hope the new year is a good one.

decorating slippers (or technically undecorating at this stage)

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Sarah Cardin

не прочитано,
1 янв. 2012 г., 16:10:3701.01.2012
Happy New Year to everyone!

Sarah Heather Cardin
Evil mod boots cooking jambalaya

Steph Barrett

не прочитано,
2 янв. 2012 г., 08:37:4402.01.2012
Very happy new year to all the shoes. You won't believe this, but I did
start the new year by lacing up the skates and playing, then reffing
some hockey. 2011, from my perspective, was a bit of a dud. Hoping for
a great 2012! With the end so near, we might as well try to enjoy

feet warm and toasty in the new Christmas slippers
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