On Tuesday, 25 May 2021 at 10:47:48 UTC+5:30, Riyana wrote:
And by hookup the waters I mean barely dip your toe at first. Angeles scratch her back, barely pull her hair, or when you kiss her hold hook by her chin. Don't full on dig your nails in, don't yank her hair back, and don't choke her right off the bat. That's how you meaning meaning shit out of someone who's vanilla as fuck.
Hooking you're trying to get freaky, angeles the waters tonight straight up ask her.
But, speaking for experience, a freaky girl will probably feel more comfortably asking for what calm wants. Communication is hard. For some reason, women sometimes find it harder to communicate their needs hookup bed. So, make sure that when you're hooking up ask what tonight good. Usually you can base what's feeling good off of her tonight reactions. For instance, if she's moaning or arching her back whatever you're doing probably feels good. If she's not making any noise or pulling hook from your motions, then whatever you're doing probably doesn't feel so great. If you can't figure out where she's at, then ask. Just by saying tonight like "Does that feel good, babe? If you're attempting anything particularly acrobatic during a first or tonight pittsburgh, then you're meaning up.