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[ASSC]: A Pathetic Plea from TUSCL

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Oct 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/26/99
Seems a bit harsh. TUSCL is still the most comprehensive and successful
listing of SCs around the country. If they are having trouble making a
go of it, it doesn't bode well for others. If they fold, then we may be
limited to the (very good) local listings in the major markets, such as
ZBone's pages for the LA area.

I'm not inclined to pay a subscription fee, but if clicking on an ad
banner makes the wheels of commerce turn, then I'm all for it.



Oct 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/26/99
I agree. The Burlesque Queen of New Orleans,

Oct 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/26/99
In article <8YnR3.2763$Uw.2...@news3.mia>,

It takes <5 sec to click and then you can ignore it.
Keep TUSCL free.


Sent via
Before you buy.

Masked Man

Oct 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/26/99
Masked Man------->
I dont go to TUSCL anymore. I wont register to post, and i wont look
at his porno banners while his page loads. Whether I'm giving or
getting SC info, I use It's not perfect, but

|Let 'em go tits up. Serves 'em right for being such stupid assholes.



Oct 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/26/99
I've checked out both sites, from the clubs I've been to and the ones My SO
has worked at it appears the reviews in TUSCL are more accurate if you want
My 2 cents

CGuy wrote in message ...
>I am biased but my site has over 4,300 clubs in 72
>countries and viewable in 4 languages I would say it is more comprehensive
>than the Other...
>Webmaster StripClubList
>PS. my site costs me under $300 per year (except for my time) and my few
>banners make up for that cost.
>In article <>, Roadman <>

>>Seems a bit harsh. TUSCL is still the most comprehensive and successful
>>listing of SCs around the country. If they are having trouble making a
>>go of it, it doesn't bode well for others. If they fold, then we may be
>>limited to the (very good) local listings in the major markets, such as
>>ZBone's pages for the LA area.


Oct 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/27/99

Oct 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/27/99
But you kicked off my comments and apparently have banned me from
making any more comments in the future.


Dave in Phoenix

Oct 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/27/99
"evilndancer" <> wrote:
>I've checked out both sites, from the clubs I've been to and the ones My SO
>has worked at it appears the reviews in TUSCL are more accurate if you want

How can reviews be more accurate on one site vs another when its the
customers that are posting the reviews? looks
very good to me.

Dave in Phoenix
Sexwork Cyber Resource Center at
Supporting sex work as a badly needed legitimate profession promoting more intimacy and more sensual sexuality and decriminalization
Decriminalize Prostitution Now Coalition


Oct 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/27/99
In article <7v6hn5$k12$>, wrote:
>But you kicked off my comments and apparently have banned me from
>making any more comments in the future.

Yes I did, because in your comments you were giving graphic descriptions about
"fingering dancers honey pots" if I remember right. Even on this board people
discourage giving such details as it leads police to shut down the clubs. And
on a privately owned site like mine the lawsuit threats can be insane. I state
on my comment page that I will weed out undesirable words. When I removed your
first post you went an reposted using the old stars instead of vowels trick
(f*ing*r her ...) so I had to take more drastic actions. Most people here
have lived through the TUSCL lawsuit threats and having all comments removed
form tehir site several times. I do not want to go through that.


PS And when has TUSCL ever replied to comments posted here?


Oct 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/27/99
I think what he probably means is that the comments posting are more frequent
or more recent for the clubs that he frequents. I agree that there are some
parts of the US that I have not attracted regular followers for. But if he
would post to both sites then others would see his comments and they would
reply and it would build up a bigger following. I think my site is easier to
use faster and no banners on the interior pages. It is up to the public to
make sure the information is up to date!

Webmaster StripClubList


Oct 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/27/99
I refuse to log on to post, obviously others feel the same way. That’s
why there’s almost no chat any more. I have no problems clicking on
ads to support the site but I really don’t like any kind of limit on my
anonymity. The old format was definitely better. Eliminate the
logon!!! You’ll get the traffic back and won’t have to beg.

I like, although I find the current base of reviews
on TUSCL to be more comprehensive.

* Sent from RemarQ The Internet's Discussion Network *
The fastest and easiest way to search and participate in Usenet - Free!

Evil -n- dancer

Oct 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/27/99
what a great idea, why didn't we think of that, We posted our comments on a
couple clubs to your site (She had posted before) I guess as people who
don't visit clubs as customers the accuracy of any of the comments be it
here or on TUSCL or SCL kinda give us a major chuckle since we know the
clubs from a behind the scenes aspect. On TUSLC where there are generally
more people who have posted per club things just seem a little more
accurate. W/we actually submitted updates to both services I belive, because
in at least 5 cases the club info was inaccurate, but neither webmaster
edited the info to refect anything we had submitted.

Evil -n- dancer

>I think what he probably means is that the comments posting are more
>or more recent for the clubs that he frequents

>>>I've checked out both sites, from the clubs I've been to and the ones My


Oct 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/27/99
I always try to update every change that comes in within two days of posting.
There was a time a while back where some idiot decided to mark over 100 clubs
as closed even though the were not. so I had to restore from a backup and add
some "restrictions". Other times I will dismiss an update if it seems wrong
(change dance price from $10 to $1,000 etc). If you submit the updates to
those clubs that you find in error I will guarantee them updated within two
days. (you can see when I do my updates on my most recent updates page)


In article <>, "Evil -n- dancer"


Oct 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/27/99
On Tue, 26 Oct 1999 19:51:49 -0700, (Murf) wrote:

>In article <7v5d28$qrr$>, wrote:
> In article <8YnR3.2763$Uw.2...@news3.mia>,
> "gio" <> wrote:
> > I agree. The Burlesque Queen of New Orleans,
> >
> > >

> > >I'm not inclined to pay a subscription fee, but if clicking on an ad
> > >banner makes the wheels of commerce turn, then I'm all for it.
> > >
> > >Roadman


> It takes <5 sec to click and then you can ignore it.
> Keep TUSCL free.

>...assuming a fast DSL or ISDN line.
I'm on cable modem and I don't even want to follow the links.
The point is, It's a hassle to LOG ON just to post.
>'buffoon' has 2 'f's


Oct 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/27/99
Hey, how ya all doing?

From the tone of these posts, it's sounds like SCL's webmaster is starting
to feel the pressure of what it's like to run a strip club list. My advice
to him - Dont let the bastards get you down. Run it however you like, you'll
never please everyone. Aside from the fact that I believe he hacked into my
site and stole all my info to get his list started (the exact same reviews
with the same misspellings gave it away) I think it is good to have two
large sites on the web. It forced me to clean up my site, remove some
banners, etc.

And FYI, tuscl will NEVER be a subscription service. There is no way that I
could do that since all the info I have was posted by users (well, almost
all. I do get out to a few clubs now and then).

As for the plea to click on banners - Could I have made it any easier? They
open in a separate window, you click on one, then you're done. If you use
the list, help pay for it. From the silly little XXX counter I added last
week, I see that there have been about 150,000 page views. That's about 3
pages a minute on average, but I can tell you that during the evening is
when the server is working the hardest, churning out close to 5 pages per
second. So if you've noticed it's slow as a tired dog during those times,
now you know why.

As for logging in to post comments - let me make this clear: YOU DO NOT HAVE
TO LOG IN TO POST. if you choose to remain anonymous, then we will store
the ip number of the machine you posted from. this should not even be a
concern for most people that post normal shit. It has, however, cut down on
the death threats to dancers, which pleases me and my lawyer. Additionally,
if you do choose to register, we DO NOT store your IP address. the only link
we have to you is your email address, which for God's sake I hope you got
from hotmail, yahoo, or some other free service. Don't use your
work or home email.

Read on if you want a brief history of

A long time ago in an internet far away, there was a magical little site
called that let lunitics have web space for $50 a year. I,
being a right fine lunitic, took paranoia founder KevinTX up on that deal,
and decided I would learn how to make a website. What kind of website I
should make came easy to me, as my favorite newsgroup was So I simply started compiling a list of all the great
reviews posted there (this was back in the days when Spam was still just a
food [almost] product.) So I learned to write HTML from that, and when I
started sucking up too much of's bandwidth I set out on my
own, learning a hell of a lot more than HTML. Now I was learning about T1's
and ISP's and TCP/IP. Well, needless to say all that great education led to
a great paying job as an internet consultant, so I sort of ignored tuscl for
a while, and let it just run itself, occassionaly updating and adding a
banner here or there <g>.

There was a time when I almost sold tuscl, but the deal fell through. And
like they say - you never forget your first love, so I started enhancing
tuscl, making the pages dynamic, adding a chat area, adding a seach feature,
adding still more banners (btw, there is a feature in your browser where you
can TURN OFF IMAGES) And here I sit nearly 5 years after starting tuscl,
still plugging away, learning new tricks, and fiddling with tuscl for
probably what amounts to 2 bucks an hour. But hey, what can I say, it's a
fun hobby.

Hope this clears some issues up, and hope it doesn't raise more.

Peace, Love, and Strip Clubs
slip a dollar in her g-string for me


CGuy wrote in message ...

>And what do they all say? Check TUSCL for more info does he respond to all
>comments that have been made here about his site? Does he engage in an open
>dialogue about his banners or registration?
>>8.I think there is lots of room for both sites. As a consumer,
>>competition is almost always good.
>I agree and I am sure that one day I will be the old site on the block and
>there will be some young wipper snapper with a better site than mine trying
>beat me. Also before my site came along there was no competition for TUSCL
>everyone on this newsgroup said "I can do a better job then them" and I
>thought to myself "so can I" but the only difference is that I did it. Also
>am sure that my competition has not made them improve their site... They
>probably going to add mapping and website links anyway....

Oct 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/28/99
In article <ViCR3.26208$>,


1. Stripclublist is your site. You have every right to set up any
rules you want to as to what can or cannot be posted on it.

2. Personally I want, and I feel other Strip Clubbers want, to know
what they are likely to find in a club and how much it is going to cost
them. Your site permits information about how many clothes the dancers
take off and whether there is or isn’t physical contact between dancers
and customers. Information about whether “kitty petting” is allowed
seems to me to be drawing a fine line. It’s also information that I
would like to have when I go to a club.

3. I tried to keep my language discrete and mis-understood your rules
to mean that I shouldn’t use 4 letter words or other obvioulsy obscene

4. Yes, once you started shutting me out I did try to get around it—all
in the time-honored tradidion of the pseudo-hacker.

5. I’d be interested in more information about the lawsuits, I can’t
understand how what’s written here would ever hold up in a court of

6. I was not familiar with clubs being shut down because of Internet
chat or WWW postings on them. I would be interested in further
information on this topic.

7. Postings to this news group by tuscl sysop include:

10/22/99 Re: Las Vegas Info? founder
10/22/99 Re: ASSC Baltimore Block Pus founder
09/28/99 Re: ASSC: Atlanta founder
09/28/99 Re: [ASSC] Santa Barbarbra founder
09/28/99 Re: ASSC: Fort Myers strip c founder
09/28/99 Re: ASSC: Philly clubs founder

8.I think there is lots of room for both sites. As a consumer,
competition is almost always good.

9. My comments on Club Pussy Cat in Baltimore, MD, have been posted
tuscl without editing.

10. I still think Strip-Clubbers want more information than “For a hot
time try Mary:”

11. As I said above, you have every right to decide what goes on your
site. I’ll keep reading with interest but will respect that you don’t
want me to post. Still seems like a shame.


Oct 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/28/99
to wrote:

> 6. I was not familiar with clubs being shut down because of Internet
> chat or WWW postings on them. I would be interested in further
> information on this topic.

I have definitely seen a postings on TUSCL contribute to the shut down
of a club. Studio 90 in New York was shut down in August. The cops
came in knowing which girls to target. Guess what, the cops know how to
use computers. The owner had the chat cleared on several occasions.
Even had the listing eliminated. Some geniuses started posting about
the club on other clubs chat sites. I’ll tell you it was a great loss
to those of us who appreciated a high mileage lap dance and some
occasional extras.

It may not be a problem in Tampa or SF but here in the Gestapo land of
Guiliani we have learned to be very circumspect in our postings. I
really appreciate any editorial discretion that the webmasters of these
sites can provide.

I also refuse to log on and provide any info when I post on these
sites. That will be the downfall of TUSCL.


Oct 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/28/99

>3. I tried to keep my language discrete and mis-understood your rules
>to mean that I shouldn’t use 4 letter words or other obvioulsy obscene

EXCUSE ME? You say you tried to keep your language descrete? Here is your
posting to my site let the readership judge......

Have been going to the Block in B’more for over 35 years.. Club Pussy Cat has
over time seems to have a tradition of providing consistently good service.
Over the decades, have almost always been able to find a dancer who will give
me a BBHJ while letting me play “hide the finger”. It is sobering to realize I
could have sat with some dancer who is the grandmother of a current dancer.
Current favs are Rebecca and Sunshine. Both blonds with slim bodies who allow
lots of hugging and kissing and better than average technique when we got down
to it. Both permit hands and fingers to wander everywhere. Have been there
since the supposed new rules and found absolutely no difference in the level
of service provided. I note the mention of Tish and Jessica. Any report on the
level of service that they provide?

You gotta’ go in the daytime. Haven’t gone to the Block at night for a long
time. My past experience is that the mileage is always better when the sun is
shining. On recent afternoons at PC I have sampled Rebecca, Sunshine and
Missy. All permit full access to the h*ney p*t including that popular game of
“hide the f*ng*r”. All delivered manual
satisfaction usually providing a bit of motion lotion to make the experience
more enjoyable. On SunMonTues there is a more lenient bartender, on ThurFriSat
the bartender is more restrictive and pushes drinks a bit more. (not sure
about Weds). Going rate (if you’re careful with your money) is one or two $25
drinks for the girls and a $40 tip. I usually give half up front and half when
the deed is done.

PC trip. Monday afternoon 10/11, Neither Sunshine or Rebecca were there, but
after all it was a Monday. Sat with Missy, 19 yo blond with a nose piercing.
Nice small but very firm tits. Sat down and
immediately spread her legs and allowed full access to her hard slim body.
Lots of cuddling. Did announce she expected a $20 tip for kitty petting but
that included the ever popular game of “Hide the Finger”. We proceeded to set
Willie free and she give me a bare backed hand job even adding a bit of lotion
she carried in her purse. Her technique left a bit to be desired and I had to
help her with the action but still a more than OK experience. Cost: 2 x $25
for drinks for chick, $40 tip, $6 beer for me, $5 tip for bartender, total
$101. Not bad but I hope Sunshine is there next time.

Is this descrete?

>5. I’d be interested in more information about the lawsuits, I can’t
>understand how what’s written here would ever hold up in a court of

It is called slander. If you publish that a club is doing something illegal
and they are not (or it has not been proven that they are not) then you can be
sued fo r slander. Also ask TUSCL about this...

>6. I was not familiar with clubs being shut down because of Internet
>chat or WWW postings on them. I would be interested in further
>information on this topic.

Been many postings to ASSC on this subject...

>7. Postings to this news group by tuscl sysop include:
>10/22/99 Re: Las Vegas Info? founder
there's a start. i think there is a more specific listing from las vegas, but
i cant remember the url
i think there is a link to it on
hope this helps

>10/22/99 Re: ASSC Baltimore Block Pus founder

You should be able to get on tuscl again. sorry it was down for so long.
PS. You wont ever be banned from posting at tuscl

>09/28/99 Re: ASSC: Atlanta founder

check out
info about them is there

>09/28/99 Re: [ASSC] Santa Barbarbra founder

check out
it's in there

>09/28/99 Re: ASSC: Fort Myers strip c founder

it's all there

>09/28/99 Re: ASSC: Philly clubs founder

there may be some info there you can use

And what do they all say? Check TUSCL for more info does he respond to all the
comments that have been made here about his site? Does he engage in an open
dialogue about his banners or registration?


>8.I think there is lots of room for both sites. As a consumer,
>competition is almost always good.

I agree and I am sure that one day I will be the old site on the block and

there will be some young wipper snapper with a better site than mine trying to
beat me. Also before my site came along there was no competition for TUSCL and
everyone on this newsgroup said "I can do a better job then them" and I
thought to myself "so can I" but the only difference is that I did it. Also I
am sure that my competition has not made them improve their site... They were
probably going to add mapping and website links anyway....

>9. My comments on Club Pussy Cat in Baltimore, MD, have been posted
>tuscl without editing.

His call, but he has been know to remove comments in the past...

>10. I still think Strip-Clubbers want more information than “For a hot
>time try Mary:”

True but what do you think would happen if someone posted that you can "finger
x at this club" and someone else goes in and tries it only to find out it was
a lie and that they are now charged with sexual assault, been beaten up by a
bouncer and sued.

>11. As I said above, you have every right to decide what goes on your
>site. I’ll keep reading with interest but will respect that you don’t
>want me to post. Still seems like a shame.

I would be glad to have your posts if you keep it "R" rated and not "XXX"

Hope this clears things up.


PS now that I got my multi-lingual function up and running any suggestions on
what inprovements I should make to my site next?

Evil -n- dancer

Oct 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/28/99
looks like he used your club info too from what I've seen its identical,
from a technical aspect there are those who appreciate your site founder
keep up the good work.
Evil -n- dancer

founder wrote in message <7v8nu1$b7l$>...

Dave in Phoenix

Oct 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/28/99
buddah <> wrote:
>I like, although I find the current base of reviews
>on TUSCL to be more comprehensive.

Actually in some cities and especially in foreign coverage, seemed more complete. I also like that you can arrange in
order of ranking and other ways (very subjective) at

But TUSCL is excellent also and both webmasters should be commended,
especially with all the shit they have to put up with for the huge amount of
work they do.

Ideally, for us looking for reviews, the consolidation of great review sites
into one even larger, well organized site would be the ultimate so we don't
have keep searching and posting reviews to so many different sites. But
competition is also good, yet since their is no financial benefit and so
much work for all the sites, the ideal might be a huge combined site with
more than one person sharing the work.

Dave in Phoenix

Oct 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/28/99
to (CGuy) wrote:
>EXCUSE ME? You say you tried to keep your language descrete? Here is your
>posting to my site let the readership judge......

I agree with you CGuy. On a public or semi public forum you should be much
more descete and most of us are interested in facts not porn language that
make it clear what they do is totally illegal and any vice cop would salvate
over such leads.

In most cities other than phoenix,,,, likes to cuddle, is warm and sexy,
etc type reviews are fine and we get the hint. But anything more graphic is
a total risk to the dancer reviewed and her club. In Phoenix even hugging
is illegal, much less cuddling or...anything else. But in more mature
cities hopefully cops are more interested in more real sexual "crimes" like
the ones his posts describes, than cuddling.

Christopher M. Conway

Oct 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/28/99
In article <bgsR3.25673$>,

CGuy <> wrote:
>I am biased but my site has over 4,300 clubs in 72
>countries and viewable in 4 languages I would say it is more comprehensive
>than the Other...

And gives me nothing but a blank page. Whether this is because it only works
with Internet Exploder, or because it requires that I give up all hope of
security and allow execution of Java or Javascript, I don't know, and don't
really care.

When you've fixed that, I'll try it again.
Christopher M. Conway U*IX and C Guru Don't Tread on Me
We must all hang together, or, most assuredly, we will all hang separately.
I'll be post-feminist in the post-patriarchy.


Oct 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/28/99
I test everything in Netscape and Explorer BUT yest I do use a lot of
JavaScript on the first page .... the question is why are you so paranoid? Got
something to hide? ... ;-)


In article <7v85k0$gol$>, (Christopher M.


Oct 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/28/99
In article <7v8nu1$b7l$>, "founder" <> wrote:
>Hey, how ya all doing?
>From the tone of these posts, it's sounds like SCL's webmaster is starting
>to feel the pressure of what it's like to run a strip club list. My advice
>to him - Dont let the bastards get you down. Run it however you like, you'll
>never please everyone. Aside from the fact that I believe he hacked into my
>site and stole all my info to get his list started (the exact same reviews
>with the same misspellings gave it away) I think it is good to have two
>large sites on the web. It forced me to clean up my site, remove some
>banners, etc.

Just to clear things up...

I never hacked into you site what I did (and yes I admit this) is whay
back when (two years ago now?) copied your club information. You made it to
easy you have multiple clubs listed on one page together. I just visited every
page then downloaded a "Cache" view that translated my cache back into web
pages. I then wrote an Access routine to read those pages and pull out the
club info (since every club is formated the same way) loaded this into a
database and hat was it! I have NEVER EVER hacked into your system OR taken
any of the comments that were on your site. I do tell people to post to BOTH
sites that is why there may be the same comment OR someone else may have taken
a good post from your site and posted it on mine.

I have also searched many other strip sites on the web and in magazines and
added their info to my site along with new clubs and updates being posted
everyday by the masses. To get my site to where it is today. To be honest WHen
I want to find out what is going on at a club I want to visit first I check my
site but I always check your too! Keep up the good work (But I hate those
banners! ;-)



Oct 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/28/99

Anonymous wrote in message <>...
>Fuck 'em. They screwed the chat up so completely let 'em starve to
>death. I noticed the bastards programmed an auto-popup ad banner. Not
>nice. They must really be desperate.

The popup is to consolidate all banners on one page, there by hopefully
reducing the amount of traffic and speeding up the site.
And how is the chat board screwed up? it's the same as before, just with
valid nicknames so people dont have to worry about
others posting as them

>Let 'em go tits up. Serves 'em right for being such stupid assholes.

You want tuscl to go away? It's really easy. Just delete
from your bookmarks

>Be sure to turn off javascript before visiting this site. You won't be
>able to log in, but then they won't get credit for the popup either.

Please dont even visit tuscl with this attitude. Tuscl doesn't get credit
for showing banners, only for clickthroughs.
Again, if you have a problem with it, please get your info elsewhere.

You seem to want the perfect site. take the lead from,
start your own site. It's really easy [insert sinister laugh here]


Oct 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/28/99
On Thu, 28 Oct 1999 09:50:42 -0700, (Murf) wrote:

>[snip 'kissed and told']
> Is this descrete?
>I'm not familiar with that word, but the person you quoted was certainly
>being discreet: he didn't, after all, mention the dancer's real name,
>address, or SSAN.

For an exact definition (discreet vs. discrete), see DrD. He's already
researched this one after a memorable "grand-slam" account of his
exploits in the wee hours.


Christopher M. Conway

Oct 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/28/99
In article <vtXR3.27112$>,

CGuy <> wrote:
>I test everything in Netscape and Explorer BUT yest I do use a lot of
>JavaScript on the first page .... the question is why are you so paranoid? Got
>something to hide? ... ;-)
You obviously haven't tried Netscape without Javascript enabled.

FWIW, I found that Lynx is able to ignore the junk enough to be
able to navigate, should I be so inclined; which I'm much less,
now, given your admission of copyright violation in setting it
up initially.

Why am I so paranoid? Because it's my job. I know how much of a
security hole these things are, and I'm not about to open them
up on the systems that I run. That 99% of the people on the net now are
brain-dead Microsoft zombies who buy the "Security? We don't need no
stinking security!" shuck and jive is their problem, not mine.

I also don't appreciate having my time wasted downloading stupid
animated things that don't add any content, and slow down my work
or research. I run off a 486 at home. Since I don't run any of
Microsoft's crapware, it runs just fine and very fast for me.
Front pages like yours assume that everyone's running on the latest
and greatest hardware, and insist that it's my fault for not

Sorry, I'm not going to waste a few hundred dollars to see animated
tits. I'll take the money to a strip club instead and see real tits.
Or spend it on a girlfriend and get even more.. 8^{)>


Oct 29, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/29/99
<> wrote:

> I also refuse to log on and provide any info when I post on these
> sites. That will be the downfall of TUSCL.

Why? It's not like they're posting your name or anything, and they'll
have your IP address whether you log in or not. You can use a free
email address to sign up for things. Why is it a problem?



Oct 29, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/29/99
CGuy <> wrote:

> I test everything in Netscape and Explorer BUT yest I do use a lot of
> JavaScript on the first page .... the question is why are you so
> paranoid? Got something to hide? ... ;-)

Your opening page comes up blank for me in Netscape 4.7 with both
Java and Javascript turned on. This is on Unix; it works under
Windows. On Unix, I just use KFM, which doesn't do Javascript at
all, and thus works.

But, I gotta tell you, the Javascript on your opening page is... well,
frankly, it's stupid and annoying. I truly would like if you got rid
of it.


Oct 29, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/29/99

>> >5. I’d be interested in more information about the lawsuits, I can’t
> >understand how what’s written here would ever hold up in a court of
> >law.
> It is called slander. If you publish that a club is doing something
> and they are not (or it has not been proven that they are not) then
you can be

> sued for slander. Also ask TUSCL about this...

Anybody can THREATEN to sue anybody about anything. Anybody can SUE
anybody about anything. SUCCESSFULLY suing someone and getting a
judgment against them is a totally different matter. I may be wrong
here (I often am) but I doubt that anyone has been successfully sued
because of comments posted in alt.s.s-c ,tuscl or other similar sites.
Anybody have any actual data on successful law suits?


> >6. I was not familiar with clubs being shut down because of Internet
> >chat or WWW postings on them. I would be interested in further
> >information on this topic.
> Been many postings to ASSC on this subject...

If true, that is a bit scary. Anyone out there with specifics or


> And what do they all say? Check TUSCL for more info does he respond
to all the
> comments that have been made here about his site? Does he engage in
an open
> dialogue about his banners or registration?

He certainly has been engaging in dialog in this thread.


> >9. My comments on Club Pussy Cat in Baltimore, MD, have been posted
> >tuscl without editing.
> His call, but he has been know to remove comments in the past...

Founder—any comments?


10. I still think Strip-Clubbers want more information than “For a hot
> >time try Mary:”
> True but what do you think would happen if someone posted that you
can "finger
> x at this club" and someone else goes in and tries it only to find
out it was
> a lie and that they are now charged with sexual assault, been beaten
up by a
> bouncer and sued.

Interesting hypothetical case. Has this ever happened?


> >11. As I said above, you have every right to decide what goes on your
> >site. I’ll keep reading with interest but will respect that you
> >want me to post. Still seems like a shame.
> >

> I would be glad to have your posts if you keep it "R" rated and
not "XXX"
> rated!

Thanks but no thanks. The strength of the net is freedom. If I can’t
say what I’d like, I’d rather post elsewhere.



Oct 29, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/29/99
In article <7valbg$6i4$>, (Christopher M. Conway) wrote:
>In article <vtXR3.27112$>,

>CGuy <> wrote:
>>I test everything in Netscape and Explorer BUT yest I do use a lot of
>>JavaScript on the first page .... the question is why are you so paranoid? Got
>>something to hide? ... ;-)
>You obviously haven't tried Netscape without Javascript enabled.

Why would I? I also dont test it using IE version 1 or Netscape version 0
either, if you want plain text information go to a newspaper the web is for
interactive graphical content.

>FWIW, I found that Lynx is able to ignore the junk enough to be
>able to navigate, should I be so inclined; which I'm much less,
>now, given your admission of copyright violation in setting it
>up initially.

Ahh but how can you copyright what is public domain? Name, address, phone
numbers of clubs is public (just look it up in the yellow pages - which I did
to get missing phone numbers!). How did TUSCL get the info in the first place?
it was submitted by the public so how can they copyright somebody elses

>I also don't appreciate having my time wasted downloading stupid
>animated things that don't add any content, and slow down my work
>or research. I run off a 486 at home. Since I don't run any of
>Microsoft's crapware, it runs just fine and very fast for me.
>Front pages like yours assume that everyone's running on the latest
>and greatest hardware, and insist that it's my fault for not

486 Ok that explains it...... your Vic 20 must be in for repairs ;-)

Webmaster (startng to feel the heat.....)


Oct 29, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/29/99
In article <>, Slartibartfast <> wrote:
>CGuy <> wrote:
>> I test everything in Netscape and Explorer BUT yest I do use a lot of
>> JavaScript on the first page .... the question is why are you so
>> paranoid? Got something to hide? ... ;-)
>Your opening page comes up blank for me in Netscape 4.7 with both
>Java and Javascript turned on. This is on Unix; it works under
>Windows. On Unix, I just use KFM, which doesn't do Javascript at
>all, and thus works.
>But, I gotta tell you, the Javascript on your opening page is... well,
>frankly, it's stupid and annoying. I truly would like if you got rid
>of it.

I thought it was Fun when I saw it but I will move it to my "Fun page" this
weekend. Noobody has complained to me so I assumed it was OK. Any other
suggestions for the site now that we seem to have gotten everyones attention?


Oct 29, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/29/99

Perhaps if would shed some light on my postings if I could give some
information about the area my comments were addressed to:

The club I wrote about is on “The Block” in Baltimore. The Block is a
Baltimore institution. It has been an “adult entertainment” area for
over 200 years, the oldest such district in any American city.
See for a somewhat dated
but interesting discussion of the area.

The Block currently consists of about 20 bars, most of which feature
strip tease dancing and offer the opportunity to buy a drink for the
dancers and ”sit with” them. What happens beyond conversation is
dependant on the club (some seem more lenient than others), how much
you spend (the bigger the drink you buy the darker the corner you can
move into), and the dancer (who basically functions as an independent

What is available gives new meaning to the acronym YMMV, but suffice it
to say, there is very little that is not available here in some club
from some dancer. But there is an extreme amount of variability. With
some dancers, only the most casual contact is permitted, with other,
full service sex is available while sitting at the bar. Most offer
something in between these extremes. Thus specific information about
who does what for how much is very valuable for the patron.

Hard as it is to imagine, the main Baltimore City police station is
literally only one block away from this area. The police would have to
be deaf, blind, and have IQ’s less than 50 not to know what goes on
here. A few years ago there was a raid of the area (I believe by the
state police) Because of the special regard with which Baltimoreans
hold this institution, the raid was widely condemned in the press and
by the public. The official who ordered the raid lost his job because
of it. It is unlikely to happen again for a long time.

Thus publishing information on the net about what goes on in the bars
is very unlikely to endanger either the club or the dancers. In fact I
would guess that the dancers appreciate the advertising as to what’s on
their specific menu of activities.


Oct 29, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/29/99



> I agree with you CGuy. On a public or semi public forum you should be
> more descete and most of us are interested in facts not porn language
> make it clear what they do is totally illegal and any vice cop would
> over such leads.
> In most cities other than phoenix,,,, likes to cuddle, is warm and
> etc type reviews are fine and we get the hint. But anything more
graphic is
> a total risk to the dancer reviewed and her club. In Phoenix even
> is illegal, much less cuddling or...anything else. But in more mature
> cities hopefully cops are more interested in more real
sexual "crimes" like
> the ones his posts describes, than cuddling.
> Dave in Phoenix
> Sexwork Cyber Resource Center at
> Supporting sex work as a badly needed legitimate profession promoting
more intimacy and more sensual sexuality and decriminalization
> Decriminalize Prostitution Now Coalition

Oct 29, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/29/99


> I have definitely seen a postings on TUSCL contribute to the shut down
> of a club. Studio 90 in New York was shut down in August. The cops
> came in knowing which girls to target. Guess what, the cops know how
> use computers. The owner had the chat cleared on several occasions.
> Even had the listing eliminated. Some geniuses started posting about
> the club on other clubs chat sites. I’ll tell you it was a great loss
> to those of us who appreciated a high mileage lap dance and some
> occasional extras.

SamKool & Yat-tiu

Oct 29, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/29/99
aceventura--> SUCCESSFULLY suing someone and getting a judgment

against them is a totally different matter.

SamKool--> it doesn't end w/ getting a judgement in your favor. try
collecting it.


Oct 29, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/29/99
>> Is this descrete?
>>I'm not familiar with that word, but the person you quoted was certainly
>>being discreet: he didn't, after all, mention the dancer's real name,
>>address, or SSAN.

>For an exact definition (discreet vs. discrete), see DrD. He's already
>researched this one after a memorable "grand-slam" account of his
>exploits in the wee hours.

Hmm. So I did. But this is different--this is descrete, a transitive verb
defined as "to remove the secretions from one's lap shorts."

{Could you use this in a sentence, please?}
{Well, if you insist...}

When next I did the laundry, I had to descrete my favorite black lapshorts.
After a couple of sessions with Suzy Slutbunny, the snail tracks were just too

Remove spamblock from header, and replace with stevedrd to reply to me.
Bill of Rights Enforcement


Oct 29, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/29/99
In article <7vbhq8$7hn$>, wrote:
>Anybody can THREATEN to sue anybody about anything. Anybody can SUE
>anybody about anything. SUCCESSFULLY suing someone and getting a
>judgment against them is a totally different matter. I may be wrong
>here (I often am) but I doubt that anyone has been successfully sued
>because of comments posted in alt.s.s-c ,tuscl or other similar sites.
>Anybody have any actual data on successful law suits?

It would cost me a lot to engage in a lawsuit time off work travel to the city
where the case is being held etc. Everyone has heard of crazy lawsuits that by
some fluke have made it (coffee too hot case at McDonalds) Why take the risk.


>> >6. I was not familiar with clubs being shut down because of Internet
>> >chat or WWW postings on them. I would be interested in further
>> >information on this topic.
>> Been many postings to ASSC on this subject...

>If true, that is a bit scary. Anyone out there with specifics or

The police will never admit where they learn their info. But in Toronto there
was a lot of talk on thenet about Fantasia and soon after it was shut down.
There have been stories all over how the police are starting to entrap people
using the Internet for Kiddie porn etc. I assume they are also targeting other

>> And what do they all say? Check TUSCL for more info does he respond
>to all the
>> comments that have been made here about his site? Does he engage in
>an open
>> dialogue about his banners or registration?

>He certainly has been engaging in dialog in this thread.

Yes he has, and I retract my comments because it is great that he is giving us
his input!


>> >9. My comments on Club Pussy Cat in Baltimore, MD, have been posted
>> >tuscl without editing.
>> His call, but he has been know to remove comments in the past...

>Founder—any comments?

>10. I still think Strip-Clubbers want more information than “For a hot
>> >time try Mary:”
>> True but what do you think would happen if someone posted that you
>can "finger
>> x at this club" and someone else goes in and tries it only to find
>out it was
>> a lie and that they are now charged with sexual assault, been beaten
>up by a
>> bouncer and sued.

>Interesting hypothetical case. Has this ever happened?

Not that I know of but I do know there has been very misleading info posted
about clubs that I frequent.


>> >11. As I said above, you have every right to decide what goes on your
>> >site. I’ll keep reading with interest but will respect that you
>> >want me to post. Still seems like a shame.
>> >

>> I would be glad to have your posts if you keep it "R" rated and
>not "XXX"
>> rated!

>Thanks but no thanks. The strength of the net is freedom. If I can’t
>say what I’d like, I’d rather post elsewhere.

That is your right. i just wanted to give my side and I thank you for your
very proffesional debate on this subject.


Oct 29, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/29/99

CGuy wrote in message ...

>In article <7vbhq8$7hn$>, wrote:
>>Anybody can THREATEN to sue anybody about anything. Anybody can SUE
>>anybody about anything. SUCCESSFULLY suing someone and getting a
>>judgment against them is a totally different matter. I may be wrong
>>here (I often am) but I doubt that anyone has been successfully sued
>>because of comments posted in alt.s.s-c ,tuscl or other similar sites.
>>Anybody have any actual data on successful law suits?
>It would cost me a lot to engage in a lawsuit time off work travel to the
>where the case is being held etc. Everyone has heard of crazy lawsuits that
>some fluke have made it (coffee too hot case at McDonalds) Why take the

because as the sage suggested, if you don't have Deep Pockets that extend to
the jurisdiction where you're being sued, you can safely default .... You
are based in Canada, n'est-ce pas? .... uh, do you own any funeral homes in


>>> >6. I was not familiar with clubs being shut down because of Internet
>>> >chat or WWW postings on them. I would be interested in further
>>> >information on this topic.
>>> Been many postings to ASSC on this subject...

>>If true, that is a bit scary. Anyone out there with specifics or
>The police will never admit where they learn their info. But in Toronto
>was a lot of talk on thenet about Fantasia and soon after it was shut down.
>There have been stories all over how the police are starting to entrap
>using the Internet for Kiddie porn etc. I assume they are also targeting

my understanding is that the Fantasia lockdown was preceeded by a decade
long pitched legal battle bwtn the owner & the Forces of Presbyterian
Ontario Morality ....

might as well blame Mike Harris before you blame Net postings.

Kiddieporn net busts are by & large sting operations ... the law & dynamics
are so distinctive that it's Apples & Oranges at best ... the common nexus
is that they are triggered by lard-assed donut eatin' vice cops pounding


>>> And what do they all say? Check TUSCL for more info does he respond
>>to all the
>>> comments that have been made here about his site? Does he engage in
>>an open
>>> dialogue about his banners or registration?

>>He certainly has been engaging in dialog in this thread.
>Yes he has, and I retract my comments because it is great that he is giving
>his input!

who is *he* anyway? .... a fellow Ontarian? Ontarioite? Onta-noggin?


>>> >9. My comments on Club Pussy Cat in Baltimore, MD, have been posted
>>> >tuscl without editing.
>>> His call, but he has been know to remove comments in the past...

>>Founder—any comments?

>>10. I still think Strip-Clubbers want more information than “For a hot
>>> >time try Mary:”
>>> True but what do you think would happen if someone posted that you
>>can "finger
>>> x at this club" and someone else goes in and tries it only to find
>>out it was
>>> a lie and that they are now charged with sexual assault, been beaten
>>up by a
>>> bouncer and sued.

>>Interesting hypothetical case. Has this ever happened?
>Not that I know of but I do know there has been very misleading info posted
>about clubs that I frequent.

uh ... so maybe we should sic a bouncer on them? ... sounds faster & more
efficient than a lawsuit!


>>> >11. As I said above, you have every right to decide what goes on your
>>> >site. I’ll keep reading with interest but will respect that you
>>> >want me to post. Still seems like a shame.
>>> >

>>> I would be glad to have your posts if you keep it "R" rated and
>>not "XXX"
>>> rated!

>>Thanks but no thanks. The strength of the net is freedom. If I can’t
>>say what I’d like, I’d rather post elsewhere.
>That is your right. i just wanted to give my side and I thank you for your
>very proffesional debate on this subject.

Any one who hangs out at the Block is a *true* prof, imho!


Oct 29, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/29/99
CGuy <> wrote:

> I thought it was Fun when I saw it but I will move it to my "Fun page"
> this weekend.

Cool, thanks. :) By the way, I forgot to mention, it comes up blank
whether I have Java/Javascript turned on *or* off, in Netscape 4.7 (and
previous versions) for Unix. It just doesn't work at all, no matter

> Noobody has complained to me so I assumed it was OK.

It works in Windows, and that's probably 95% of your users. :)

> Any other suggestions for the site now that we seem to have gotten
> everyones attention?

The comments. I have to check the comments for "my" club several times
a day to avoid missing something. You recently increased from keeping
the last 15 messages to the last 20, but it's still not enough...



Oct 29, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/29/99
In article <>, Slartibartfast <> wrote:
>CGuy <> wrote:
>> I thought it was Fun when I saw it but I will move it to my "Fun page"
>> this weekend.
>Cool, thanks. :) By the way, I forgot to mention, it comes up blank
>whether I have Java/Javascript turned on *or* off, in Netscape 4.7 (and
>previous versions) for Unix. It just doesn't work at all, no matter

Done "tits" moved to fun page!

>> Noobody has complained to me so I assumed it was OK.
>It works in Windows, and that's probably 95% of your users. :)
>> Any other suggestions for the site now that we seem to have gotten
>> everyones attention?
>The comments. I have to check the comments for "my" club several times
>a day to avoid missing something. You recently increased from keeping
>the last 15 messages to the last 20, but it's still not enough...

Let me guess GGR fan? OK I increased to 40 and will see how it goes...


Nov 3, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/3/99
On Thu, 28 Oct 1999 12:38:51 GMT, (CGuy)

>I test everything in Netscape and Explorer BUT yest I do use a lot of
>JavaScript on the first page .... the question is why are you so paranoid? Got
>something to hide? ... ;-)

I don't speak for the other guy, but for myself, I've often wanted to
get rid of JavaScript for two reasons, neither of them security.

The first is that I've heard (correct me if I'm wrong) that JavaScript
is used for all those windows that open after you leave a site. About
the most annoying thing in adult sites.

The second is that every time I hit a page with Java stuff, Nutscrape
seems to hang... and I'll notice that it says "Starting Java" at the
bottom left of the window. This is on an Intel 450 with 64 MB RAM. I
hate that delay.


Work like you don't need money,
Love like you've never been hurt,
And dance like no one's watching.


Nov 3, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/3/99
In article <381ba033...@>, (Zap) wrote:
>On Thu, 28 Oct 1999 12:38:51 GMT, (CGuy)
>>I test everything in Netscape and Explorer BUT yest I do use a lot of
>>JavaScript on the first page .... the question is why are you so paranoid? Got
>>something to hide? ... ;-)
>I don't speak for the other guy, but for myself, I've often wanted to
>get rid of JavaScript for two reasons, neither of them security.
>The first is that I've heard (correct me if I'm wrong) that JavaScript
>is used for all those windows that open after you leave a site. About
>the most annoying thing in adult sites.

I hate that too (and I do not do that)

>The second is that every time I hit a page with Java stuff, Nutscrape
>seems to hang... and I'll notice that it says "Starting Java" at the
>bottom left of the window. This is on an Intel 450 with 64 MB RAM. I
>hate that delay.

Javascript is different from java. javascript should not hang your browser
and will not give that message "starting Java"

PS I have removed the Javascript from my main page so there should be no



Nov 3, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/3/99
Those windows that keep opening are terrible, I agree. I also don't
like the delay that occurs while we wait for a Java applet to load. As
you discovered, having a fast computer on your desk doesn't have much
bearing on the delay.

Java Script is pretty useful, though. It comes as little bits of text
imbedded in the web page and can add tremendous functionality to a web
page. I use it for "mouse over" effects to aid navigation. I prefer a
clean, uncluttered look on a web page (lots of white space).
Sometimes, it's useful to have a bit of text or an image pop-up when
you move your mouse over a catagory to explain what is behind the link,
or just to show you which link you are on. If you have disabled Java
Script, or are using an old browser, you will not be able to take
advantage of these aids.


0 new messages