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{ASSM} Woods World {Kelliswan} (MMFf alien ScFi oral anal) [6/15]

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Apr 24, 2017, 8:08:28 PM4/24/17
Woods World
by Kelliswan

Chapter 6: Shuttling

The elevator door was closed, but when Daisy touched the knob, as
before the light came on inside and the door swung open.

"Going up?" she said, gesturing her sister inside.

When she hit the up arrow, again there was no sensation of motion.
After a few seconds they felt a brief lightness and the door opened into
the familiar main floor hall.

Daisy's hand hovered over the up arrow again. "Wonder how far up it

Lola pushed past her out the door and said over her shoulder, "Explore
all you want to. I know where I'm going."

Daisy scurried after her. "You're right: these Crogans are fucked out."

"No. I'm going home."

"You mean --"

"Lindonfield. I'll at least tell the folks we're safe."

They strolled down the hall. Daisy paused at the door of the sporting
room. Its air reverberated with snores.

She smiled fondly. "Just look at all those lovely chodes -- all ours!"

"As they are now won't do you much good."

Daisy smiled confidently. "I know how to fix that."

Lola shook her head. "Crogans are not like Pridans. These guys won't
fuck anymore until tomorrow. They can't."

"What kind of studs are that?"

"The Crogan kind."

Daisy turned away. "You were gonna show me the seeing room."

"When I get back. Or you can find it yourself, up the stairs at the end
of the hall."

"Huh! If you're leaving will you drop me with the Pridans?"

"If you wish, though you ought to come home with me."

"They'd never let me come back here!"

Lola sighed. "You're right about that. Not for years. Come along,

Outside the sun was more than halfway down the sky. Daisy glanced at it
with a worried expression.

"Can we get there before dark?"

Lola looked around and smiled. "That's odd!"

"What is?"

"Something's different. I can tell exactly which way to go."

"You can? How?"

"I don't know but I can. Must be part of what Harley meant about coming
back being easier, but I can feel the direction to the Pridans." She
pointed slightly to their right. "And to the library door." She
pointed at a different angle. "Come on. I'll drop you at the Front
Door Rock."

"The what?"

"The first boulder you found when you came here. Pridans are always
hanging around there."

They plunged into the trees. In fact a faint path existed in this
direction, although in places it was only an easily detected gap between
the trees.

Lola commented, "I guess Harley's robots haven't been coming this way
very long."

"Robots! Do you believe that, Lola?"

"You saw one, you know. What did it look like?"

"I did? Oh, yeah: a big box, gliding along and throwing out grass

"You said it talked to you."

"Told me to go back to sleep."

"And you obeyed."

"Well, I was still sleepy. That was a robot?"

"A robot that cuts grass. They don't have to look like men, you know.
If I was designing robots, I'd shape them to fit their jobs too."

"Not me. I'd put a big chode on them all."

"You're turning into a real nympho, aren't you, Sis?"

"What _turning_? It's like I was always aware of my clit, unless I held
absolutely still."

"Even when you were very young?"

"I think it's my first memory: a finger on my clit. Dad's finger."

"Huh? What?"

"It was Dad's. Didn't he do it to you?"


"Don't be jealous. I can remember it clearly. I was lying in my crib.
He was fingering me and it felt so wonderful. He was smiling at me."

"What did he say?"

"Nothing. That I remember. Which might be because Mom was never far

"Daisy! You poor kid!"

"Yeah." The girl grinned. "For the longest time I thought it had to be
_his_ finger."

"How old were you -- two, three?"

"I think three. My earliest other memory is breaking your glass baby
doll when I was four."

"Huh. I thought I'd forgotten that."

"Why shouldn't you? What's one glass baby doll more or less? I dropped
it because it was slippery with no clothes on."

"I was very attached to that doll."

"Oh, you don't have to tell me that. I thought you were gonna kill me!"

"Do you want to know why -- since we're blabbing? It was slippery, all
right. That doll's feet got my cherry."

"Wh-what?" Dolly caught up with her sister and studied her face. "How
old were you?"


"Damn, you outdid me! I was twelve when Julie used my hairbrush handle.
You really are a slut."

"Me? You mean Dad's finger didn't do it?"

"Oh, no. Dad never hurt me. He didn't even spank."

"How many times did he ... tickle you like that? Just once?"

"What 'once?' Just about every time he caught me with my panties down.
If he and I were alone, I'd _take_ them down. I knew not to tell
anybody. He gave me a bath once when Mom was out of the house. That
was my first Big O."

"'Big O?' Oh. On your father's finger!"

"_Our_ father. Didn't he ever touch you?"

"Not that way. You were always his favorite. Mom said he spoiled you."

"Oh, he did. By not letting me play with the lump that grew when I
squirmed in his lap."

Lola smiled. "I remember doing that too. Did you know what it was?"

"Not at first. All I knew was that I wanted it."

"Yeah. My dear, I think we were bad little girls."

"The kind the boys like."

They laughed and pushed on.

* * *

As usual, two Pridans were playing hide-the-salami near the boulder that
was Lola's Front Door Rock. They separated at sight -- or perhaps odor
-- of the women. "Lola and Daisy!" they cried, faces aglow.

"Told you they'd be here," said Lola. "I'll leave you in good hands.
Or something."

"Tell Dad hello," said Daisy. "Tell him I'm finishing what he started."

"I will not!"

Daisy laughed and spread her hands to the Pridans. "Come here, you
sweet little hot bunnies with the ever hard dicks!"

Quickly Lola rounded the boulder before one of the dwarves could think
to stroke his cock at her. In seconds she was well away up the path.
Both clothing bundles were as she had left them. She donned hers,
smoothed back her hair, passed through the door into the library hall
and stopped with a jerk.

A man was standing farther along, slouched against the wall with a book
in his hands. His head came up and his eyes widened. "What the hell
were you doing in there?"

Thinking fast, she demanded, "What the hell are you doing out here?"

He approached, passed her and jerked the door fully open. She peered
past him and saw a small room, perhaps a closet, empty, lit only by
light from the hall.

Gently closing the door, he regarded her with a frown while pointing to
the inscription. "If you can't read, what are you doing in a library?"

She smiled sweetly. "Does it say, 'Don't open the door?'"

"You're not supposed to go in there."

"Well, as you saw, I didn't hurt anything." She turned away up the

He hurried after. "Who are you anyway?"

She sniffed. "I have this policy: don't give your name to rude
assholes." She kept walking, pleased that her sneakers were silent.

He stopped, perhaps affronted. At the door to the stacks she glanced
back. He was reopening the _Do Not Use_ door.

Now confident that Harley had covered this situation, she pressed on
past the main desk, behind which sat the same female librarian. The
woman watched her go but said nothing, perhaps because Lola's hands were

Her automobile was also where she had left it. Reaching her apartment,
she took a shower and changed clothes. According to her smartphone, the
hour was 1:05 PM. She didn't bother with the date after noting with
interest that Woods World, where the sun had been about to set, seemed
not to run on Lindonfield time.

She stood reflectively in her own bedroom and came to a serious
decision. Efficiently she gathered two sets of clothing plus all the
toiletries and personal items that would fit into her two suitcases,
locked the apartment behind her and stashed the suitcases in the trunk
of her car. Then she drove to her parents' house.

Opening the unlocked front door, she heard her parents' voices in the

"Hi, Mom and Dad!" she called as she passed into the room.

Neither smiled. Her father glared. The woman in her easy chair leaned
forward with a frown, demanding, "Lola, where have you been?"

"Out of town." She forced a smile. "I went back after we talked."

"Was something wrong with your smart phone? Why haven't you been
returning my calls?"

Before Lola could answer her father snapped, "Forget that! The real
question is, have you seen Daisy?"

She stood still under their gaze and said simply, "Yes."

Both faces changed. The man's flared with hope. "Where? My god! Is
she hurt?"

"No. She's fine and having the time of her life."

"Oh, no!" cried the woman.

"Doing what?" said the man, eyes narrowing.

Lola hesitated but shrugged mentally and decided on the raw truth.
"Mainly ... fucking."

The man seemed unaffected but the woman recoiled. "Lola! Such

The daughter shook her head. "It's the right word. Daisy is not having
a romantic interlude, Mom."

"You put her up to it!" accused her mother.

"No, Mom. When did she ever listen to me? I'm afraid Dad's little
sweetness got herself into this situation. She thinks of it as heaven."

"She followed you, didn't she?"

"Well, yes, in a way -- only several days later. She didn't know I was
ahead of her."

"But you found her there -- wherever it is -- didn't you? Why didn't
you bring her back with you? Or did you?"

"No, she's still there. As to why I didn't, she refused to come with

"'Refused to come!'" the woman repeated incredulously.

The man said contemptuously, "You're half-again the larger!"

"Not quite, and if I'd tried they would've stopped me. That is a place
which permits no coercion."

He snorted indignantly. "No such place exist anywhere on earth!"

"Not in the present time, I agree."

"What does that mean?"

She sighed and sat down uninvited. "Folks, I'm going to tell you a
story. It's true in every particular, but you won't believe it. All I
ask is for you to let me tell it all."

"Go ahead," he said. "This ought to be good."

"A little over a week ago I found a keep-out door that was unlocked.
Both Daisy and I are curious types, like you, Mom, and I wondered what
they wanted me to stay out from. So I walked through the door, alone,
and was amazed by what I found."

She proceeded to describe the highlights of her experience, omitting
only repetitious sexual detail.

"When you said on the phone that Daisy was last seen in the library, I
suspected what had happened and hurried back. Sure enough, she was deep
among the Pridans -- and vice-versa -- happily fucking away."

"That part I can believe," said the man.

The mother glared at him but said nothing.

"Then she met the Crogans and loved their attention too. We found an
elevator in the palace that took us down to Harley's lair."


She described the meeting with the AI, including the conversation. In
conclusion she said, "I reminded Daisy of her plans to become a doctor.
She scoffed at me and made a telling point, that the objective of life
is to find pleasure and keep it. She said, 'Here I've got it in spades
and Harley promises I can keep it.' So she went back to the Pridans and
I came here."

Her father studied her. "You don't believe Harley's promises?"

"Oh, yes, I believe him, and I can see opportunities there beyond sex.
That AI probably knows just about everything it's possible to know. No,
Dad, I came here to tell you what happened to your daughters. You have
a right to hear it."

The older couple stared at her. At last the woman said, "What

The man shook his head. "If so, it's very well designed and
self-consistent poppycock. I think Lola believes it."

The woman snapped, "I know why _you_ believe it -- of Daisy, at any

He ignored that. "So you plan to go back there, eh? What about your

"Didn't you know? Sharpe fired me. I didn't notify him either."

He nodded. "Consistent with your tale of mental enslavement."

"My what?"

"Isn't that what it was?" His lip curled. "It started by making you
tear off your clothing."

"Well, yes," she agreed reluctantly. "Harley as good as admitted he can
project fields that affect your feelings. Did I tell you?" She
giggled. "The Pridans, at least, can stroke their cocks at you and make
you want to fuck."

"Lola!" cried her mother weakly.

Her father mused, "That might even work here under the right


He said, "You like such enslavement?"

Lola was still smiling. "I like what it leads to. Dad, the fact is
that all of them -- both Pridans and Crogans -- are very gentle lovers.
Nothing like here, where too many men enjoy slamming a girl around."

"Aren't they totally faithless?" asked her mother priggishly.

"In that society," said her father, "the way Lola describes it, sexual
fidelity is of no value."

"I couldn't stand it there," added the mother with a shudder.

He grinned at his wife but said nothing in response. His next words
were directed at Lola. "How will you maintain your apartment?"

The mother brightened a bit. "You can stay here."

"Thank you, but no." Lola indicated her two suitcases, sitting in the
doorway. "With your permission I'll leave them here in my old room.
They're all I have that really matters. If the realtor calls, tell him
he can have what's left in the apartment, that I'm breaking the lease.
And tell the bank's re-possessors they'll find my car parked near the

"So you're going back again," said her father.

For the first time her mother looked concerned. "Honey, don't burn all
your bridges."

"I hope I'm not. I'm still welcome here, right?"

"Always," said her father. "And so is Daisy."

"Thank you. I'll find a way to make her come back with me next time."

"I'll go to the library with you and drive your car back here, if you
don't mind."

"You want to keep it? You'll have to make the payments."

He nodded. "I'll do that."

"That's wonderful, Dad. Thank you so much! May I have some kisses?"

But the mother flared, "Just a damn minute! Can you prove Daisy is
still alive?"

"Well, I can bring you an item of clothes or her smartphone."

"Off her dead body?"

"I guess I could take paper and pencil and bring you a note in her

"That you forged!"

"Mom, please!"

"Don't 'please' me! Daisy's only 13. I want my daughter back and by
God, I'll have her!"

Lola raised her chin. "How's this, Mom: I'll take you to her."

The woman's face reddened with anger. "In the library, you say?" She
got to her feet. "I'll send somebody else!"


But the woman didn't answer. Instead she jerked up a cordless phone and
punched three buttons. The father looked on with evident interest.

Suddenly Lola realized that her access to the Woods World was
endangered. Without another word she spun, ignoring suitcases and her
father's interest in the car, and dashed out of the house. She also
ignored speed limits in her rush back to the library.

She breathed a sigh of relief when she found no police at the building.
Once past the front door, she forced herself to adopt sedateness. Would
the special door still open only to a closet? She sauntered through the
stacks, now more populated than usual. Was it a weekend? Finally the
_Do Not Use_ door opened upon dark woods and her heart leapt with joy.

She was startled to discover full night in the Woods World. But enough
light, presumably from the Nasa arch, filtered through the trees for her
to proceed. This time, after neatly stacking her clothing, she
immediately departed the path, however, and set off directly in the
self-registering direction of the Palace of Light. She wanted to see

At first the woods were hard to penetrate but she soon found the robot
path and made good time thereafter. After a long while the trees
brightened before her and she burst out of the woods into the awaited
clearing with the castle glowing like a beacon. Overhead the arch was a
band of glory.

Thus she was privileged to observe two of Daisy's large boxy mowers
attending to the grass in showers of clippings.

The closer one stopped near her path as she approached and said with
evident pleasure, "Lola! You have returned!"

She hesitated. "Am I speaking to Harley?"

After a brief pause she heard, "You are now."

"Good. I wanted to ask you: who made that arch in the sky?"

"You did -- that is, your descendents. In fact it is composed of their
habitats, revolving around the earth like the ice particles that you
recall in Saturn's rings. At the height of their power half a trillion
humans lived in those habitats. Now of course they are mere ruins."

"Man made that?" she breathed.

"You have a right to be impressed, although it is nothing compared to
the accomplishments of your later descendents, who have enclosed whole

"Whatever for?"

"Their purposes are often inscrutable. Come on into the palace and have
some beljer. I know you love it."

"Coming, but I still want to talk to you. And I've got some bad news."

"I shall join you in the eating room."

The mower glided away as clippings resumed flying. She plodded on.

In the castle the snores of the sleeping Crogans pursued her to the
eating room, where Harley had already set her out a bowl of beljer
beside him at the table.

She took her seat and said, "Thank you. Of course you don't eat."

"No. Touch me, Lola."

She put out her hand, which sank into his shoulder to be concealed by
the apparent but clearly nonexistent flesh.

Hastily she withdrew it. "You're not here!"

"Yes, I am, as I told you before, here enough to talk with you."

"How do you _do_ that?"

"Are you technically trained?"

"Try me."

"Very well. My projected fields cause the molecules of air in this
volume to reflect light such that you see a white Crogan. Explaining
the fields and how they operate must wait. They use forces that were
unknown to your people."

"I get it: magic from _Homo Superior_."

"If you like. You said you had bad news."

She swallowed a mouthful of beljer. "This is a thick soup with a
strong, meaty flavor, far tastier than fruchup."

"I assure you the Pridans have the opposite opinion."

"No doubt. Where do you get the meat for this?"

"Meat? Do you mean animal flesh? Is not cannibalism a human taboo?"

"It's not cannibalism if it's a different animal."

She observed one of Harley's rare smiles. "I see, a neat
rationalization. Life is different here, Lola. One organism does not
consume another."

"Oh, yeah? Isn't fruchup part of a fruchup tree?"

"No, it is not. Fruchup trees make their product, along with the bowls,
from minerals drawn up through their roots, as do the knock trees for
slings and slingshots. The Pridans do both a favor by removing the
products before they cluster too thickly and overburden the trees."

She said dryly, "I wonder if the trees agree with that."

"The trees are not sentient. Why, Lola, do you doubt me?" He actually
seemed affronted.

"I suppose not. Anyway, don't get your dander up."

"Very well. Then let me ask _you_ a question. How did it go when you
returned to old Earth?"


"Not so satisfactory?"

"No. Not that it ever was, really. Harley, do you know how it is --
was -- there? You can't just _live_; you have to _earn_ your living.
That means you have to do what somebody else wants in order to get food,
shelter and entertainment. And everybody believes that's the right way
to live, that doing nothing is morally wrong and _should_ lead to

"'Morally wrong?' Of course I have studied your period. Not everyone
had to earn her living. You had a system called welfare."

"Yes. But unless you're totally disabled, you are looked down on if you
don't work for a living. I noticed that no one works here, except maybe
your robots. Who pays for it here, the guys who made this place a
hundred thousand years ago?"

"'Pays for it?' If I understand your question, the sun provides all our
energy requirements. Your time understood, did it not, that survival
depends on energy?"

"More or less, I guess."

"We have energy in abundance, Lola, with no worries on that score. We
shall all be gone long before the sun burns out. Did you visit the
parents you have in common with Daisy?"

"Yes." She regarded him intently. "And I told them the whole story."

"Did you! How did they receive it?"

"Mom called it poppycock, but I think Dad believed it. At least he
knows I believe it."

Harley nodded slowly. "That should not surprise me. Your time is noted
for its ready acceptance of groundless belief. So. You have come back
to me because otherwise you would starve."

She giggled. "Don't be so dramatic! No, Harley, I would've just got
another job. I came back to you because you were right the first time.
I'm a slut."

"A what? Isn't that a woman who will lie with any man?"

"Or monster. What I mean is, I came back here for the endless fucking.
Is that clear enough for you?"

"I think so. And thank you. This is not what I would call bad news."

"Harley, do you understand _police_?"

"Special organizations from your time that enforced the laws."

"Right. They also find missing people, like Daisy."


"As I left, Mom was sending the police to the library, to that special
door. I was afraid I couldn't get back."

"The police? Why?"

"Because she's convinced Daisy is too young not to need her guidance and
control. She'll do everything she can to get her back."

"Lola, it is not a problem for us."

"Yeah. I found out that a man sees a closet when he opens that door.
What if Mom should come here?"

"It would be to her advantage ... But the police could interfere with
the door's purpose. Lola, this might affect your ability to return."

Her eyes flashed. "No, it won't!"

"I see alternatives. Let me think about it." He gestured toward the
hall. "The Crogans will be awakening soon. May I suggest that you
crawl in among them and become a pleasant surprise?"

"Good idea. Will you clean up here?"

"Of course. Go enjoy yourself."

When she reached the doorway, he called her name. She looked back

"For your information you and Daisy will not forever bear this excessive
load alone."

"Won't we?"

"I am confident you shall have help before much longer. The library was
only one possible avenue."

"Good, but not too much help." She leered. "We just love our little

"No, not too much." He smiled also.

* * *

Daisy crawled out from under the night tree, stood up and stretched
luxuriously. It was a beautiful morning, like all the others, with
sunlight slanting over the eastern treetops to light up the western
woods. Around her hungry Pridans were scampering to a fruchup tree on
the northern edge of the woods, quiet in their search for nurture. This
was the first time she had noted a food tree so close. She mused, "Why
not? Never heard they had only one night tree."

It was too quiet, making her notice the absence of bird song. Then her
sister said, "Shit!"

"On such a cool day," Daisy said over her shoulder, "what are you
bitching at?"

"Would you believe it?" said Lola in disgust. "I've got my damn

Daisy turned to regard her sister, who seemed no different except for
snapping eyes. "Aunt Flo has come to visit?"

"Who? What?"

"How do you know?"

"Believe me, I know the feeling! Besides, I stuck in a finger." Lola
held it up, showing a red stain.

"This is your first one here, ain't it? How long have we been here

Lola considered the question and shook her head. "A long time, more
than three weeks. When I first came here, I had just finished one."
She studied her sister. "You should get one anytime."

Daisy shrugged indifferently. "My last one was a couple weeks ago."
Suddenly she realized. "Hey, what do we use for tampons?"

"Damned if I know!" Lola bent down to study her thighs and looked up
puzzled. "I flow strong. Wonder it's not all over me!"

"Really? Yeah, I do too."

"Must be the tree feathers."

"You think so? How do they work anyway?"

"Haven't you noticed them stroking you?"

Daisy thought about it. "Yeah, I have. Sort of puts you to sleep. It
ought to tickle."

"The first time I noticed I thought it was a Pridan but none was close.
It's the feathers. They rejuvenate you in more ways than one."

"But that's not going to help you here away from the tree."

"Nor you. Who can help us? Harley, I guess."

They strolled along after the last Pridans, hungry but far from
famished, and met Korn returning from his breakfast. While still a few
yards away, he leered at Lola and began stroking his cock toward her,
calling, "I know you are not very hungry yet."

Lola turned sideways and made shooing motions. "Stop that!"

Amazement changed his face. "Lola, what in the world is the matter?"

She said darkly, "I've got my period."

"What is that?"

"Of course you wouldn't know!" She gritted her teeth.

"Her pussy is bleeding," explained Daisy with an odd note of relief.
Hers wasn't. Yet.

The dwarf's amazement deepened. "And the night tree did not fix it?"

Daisy looked interested. "Of course it fixes all your cuts and scrapes,
right? Well, this one is internal, up inside her. "

His eyes were huge. "What did she put _in_ there?"

"Pridan and Crogan cocks, what else? No, Korn; you need to learn that
this is something women do about every 28 days. When it finishes
they're ready to catch a baby."

His eyes narrowed. "Women bleed without being cut?"

"They sure do. And we've got a problem. We need something to sop it
up. Can you suggest anything."

He thought a moment. "The night tree cleans off blood."

"We thought it might. But she can't stay in there for a week."

"Why not?"

"Huh? She has to eat and drink then get rid of what that makes."

He shrugged. "We could bring her food and drink."

"Okay. But what about the other?"

"The -- Oh. The tree handles that."

"Does it? I didn't see any shit holes."

"Under the tree, if you need to, just let it go. The night tree likes
our piss and shit."

"No shit! You believe that drag, Lola?"

Lola shrugged. "Korn, I can't stay under there for a week."

"Well, yes, you should come out to fuck."

"To what? I told you: I have my -- My pussy is bleeding."

He studied her. "You mean it hurts?"

"Well, sometimes we get cramps. Do you mean ... I can't believe ...
You would fuck me anyway?"

"Of course, if you were willing."

Daisy warned, "You'd get a bloody dick."

"It will wash off." He grinned. "Tuskan likes blood. He would _suck_
it off."

"Prove it!" cried Lola, dropping to her back in the grass with legs
spread. As Korn scrambled over her body, she said aside to Daisy,
"Getting the rag makes me hot."

"Hot but messy," the sister agreed. She stooped nearby. "I want to see
how this turns out."

Just then another returning Pridan slipped under Daisy's buttocks,
diverting her attention.

The girls were late to breakfast while Korn pranced about, proud of his
bloody genitals.

Lola did not spend her day under the night tree. She was a special
attraction while the blood lasted.

At supper she told Daisy, "You've got something to look forward to."

"Fucking while Aunt Flo visits? Why?"

"If you're like me, you'll come harder than you ever did before."

Daisy grinned. "Don't forget: I don't have your experience."

"Well, you're fast getting it!"

Three days later -- the girls no longer miscounted -- Lola said when
exiting the night tree in the morning, "Guess what: it quit early."

"Aunt Flo's visit?"

"Right. Why do you call it that?"

"Why not? Flo flows, doesn't she?"

"Not this time. Usually it lasts a full seven days."

"So ... it's been what?"

"Only three. It never quit so soon before."

"And you didn't get fucked all the way through it before."

"Yeah. Does that make a difference?"

"Huh! You're probably the first MILF to find out."

"The first what?"

"Sorry. You're not a MILF."

"An insult?"

"Not from the boys. It means, 'Mothers I'd Love to Fuck.' Guess I've
been thinking of you as my mother."

Lola laughed. "You once called me your 'fucking sister.' That's what I
truly am. By the way: the palace has a mirror. Have you looked at your
boobs lately?"

The girl grinned. "Yeah, and felt of them too. I think they're puffing

"They certainly are. This place is not only fucking us, it's fucking
_with_ us. You, at least."

"As long as we don't grow dicks."

* * *

At breakfast in the palace one morning, Lola noticed Daisy giving her
bowl of beljer to Sarg, noted for his hearty appetite.

She said, "I can't believe you're not hungry. While I was in the seeing
room last night, didn't you empty ten sets of Crogan balls?"

"Ulp!" grunted Daisy, hand over her mouth.

Lola's eyes narrowed. "Now I can't believe something else! That idea
disgusts you?"

"It's not that. I feel like throwing up."

"You ... you what?"

"I think I'm sick, Lola."

Lola's face expressed disbelief. "Sick? Daisy, you're _never_ sick!"

"I'm about to be. That beljer is ... just awful. Let me go to the

Of course Lola accompanied her. The Crogans looked on in wonder but did
not follow. As soon as Daisy passed the front door, she vomited beljer
followed by bile onto the flagstone courtyard.

"Oh, god," the girl said, staring at the mess before her, "how will I
ever clean that up?"

Lola stared also. "Daisy, let me ask you. Have you been hiding, as you
put it, a visit from Aunt Flo?"

"No," said the girl, looking up in wonder. "Hey, it's been a while!"

"Too long a while." Lola straightened up, eyes glinting. She caught
Daisy's arm. "I think we need to talk to that bastard Harley."

"About what?"

"About fertility between Woods World males and human females."

"About -- But they aren't anything like us!"

"They've got dicks that shoot jizm."

"_Vanilla_ jizm."

"I know, but around here anything is possible. Come on."

Ignoring the mess in the courtyard, the two hurried to the elevator and
sank below ground. Again the solid door opened to Lola's three knocks.
Again they were greeted by Harley's disembodied voice.

It said, "Good morning, my dears. I see that Daisy is ill."

"What do you see?" Lola demanded.

"Perhaps I should say that I detect her stomach acid in the air. Please
come into my parlor." As he spoke, the door opened.

He waited for them, seated as before on one of the facing couches. They
filed in and took seats.

Lola attacked without preliminary. "I'll bet you know exactly why she
is ill."

"'Exactly?' Well, yes, perhaps I do."

"She's pregnant!"

He crossed to sit beside the girl. "Give me your hand, dear."

The girl put out her hand, which he immediately enclosed.

"Daisy, what do you feel?" demanded Lola suspiciously.

The girl regarding her curiously. "Just his hand."

"You can actually _feel_ it?"

"Shouldn't I?"

"Harley, how come I couldn't feel your shoulder?"

He answered distractedly, "Because I didn't need to feel _you_. Yes,
Daisy is pregnant. Her embryo is 30 days old."

Lola's tone turned dangerous. "How can that be, Harley?"

His eyes twinkled. "She -- and you -- have been here longer than 30
days, you know."

"Yeah, I know, and doing what causes that condition, if done with human
males. What the hell, Harley?"

"Do you recall our discussion about the need to replenish the population
of Woods World?"

"Yeah. So what? I can't believe Pridans and Crogans are fertile with

"But they are, Lola, even more so than the men of Earth. Woods World
spermatozoa convey exactly what the human egg needs and wants. A day's
study for each of you was all I needed to make sure of that."

"You bastard!"

"You too will be expecting as soon as you produce an egg: that is, when
your last contraceptive pill wears off. In fact, I am sure it has
already occurred. If you will give me your hand ..."

Lola snarled, "You _double_ bastard!"

He smiled slightly. "Now, my dear, I understand your need to judge me
by your Earthly experience, but it misleads you. Here you will find
pregnancy and birth very different. In particular I guarantee their

"How can you do that?"

"Here is how it will be. Two months after conception you will feel the
urge to deliver. Come to me then. I shall catch your fetus painlessly
and take it from there. And Lola, I know you find menstruation
distasteful. Fear not; you shall never experience it again."

The woman rolled her eyes. "_That's_ what I'm afraid of!"

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