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{ASSM} The Subway

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May 25, 2017, 6:08:21 AM5/25/17

The Subway

Laughing with my friends as we leave the late night bistro. It truly
was a very good day. The meeting of friends, school mates, friends for
almost thirty years now, since high school. The walk along 5th Avenue to
check out the Christmas displays in the windows and then the show at Rockfeller
Center and then the late night comradery in the bistro. Companionship,
food and drink a really super day.
Not so super now the wet rain pelting down as we head our separate
ways. The streets gleaming with moisture reflected by the lights of the
passing traffic. Unfortunately none of the traffic is not a cab or an empty
My girl friends already have gone down to the subway and are heading
to their homes in the City. I really didn't want to ride the subways. I
wanted a cab to Grand Central. And with the freezing rain I don't want to
Hoping I can catch my friends I walk to the subway entrance, feeling
the wind blowing moisture against my face and coolness beneath my coat to
find the bare skin above my wool knee socks.
Shivering as I carefully walk down the slick steps to the underground
labyrinth. Feeling warmth and stuffiness as I climb down a series of
flights of stairs and enter the mosaic tiled world of the subways. The
turnstiles and bars separating the underground trains from the pedestrian traffic.
Looking around and not seeing my friends as I walk to a booth and
purchase a Metro Card. My eyes finding the list of routes and I walk over to
the map and try to figure out the best way to move the south end of
Manhattan to Grand Central Station.
Trying to memorize the letters of the trains and expected times and
then pushing through the turnstiles to await with others the incoming train.
The fetid smells assaulting my senses as I look down to the tracks below
and the horror stories of people being pushed in front of an oncoming train
fills my mind.
Quickly looking around and stepping back self consciously and seeing
that no one is paying attention to me. They are insulated in their own
minds, not taking note, well not obviously paying attention to anything.
Most riders ignore everything around them as they just want to ride
and not interact with others. Just take them to their next destination.
My own world as I wait concerned with the new coat that I am wearing
and the condition of the seat I would be sitting on. Though not a veteran
of the subways, I have ridden them enough to be careful of footing and
My clothing not really knockabout for the City; but more formal and
dressy for our outing. No jeans and and top and sneakers or flats. A slate
gray leather skirt and matching vest with a white button blouse beneath.
Thigh highs beneath my wool stockings that I put on for walking the streets;
but not for inside. I am not big on pantyhose, the look or the feel, so
this compromise works other then the wind blowing up my skirt and chilling
my upper thighs.
Thinking maybe I should have worn wool panties also as that chill can
be a bit disturbing with a strong gush of wind. The silk panties and
matching bra, light and not binding on my body and feeling a bit expensive as
they are. I didn't wear them for my friends to see; but knowing I have them
on makes me feel a bit more sure of myself around my city friends. No
spike heels for walking; but a pair of knee high leather boots with clunky
heels, that are comfortable for a number of hours around the city. I had
thought of wearing flats; but wanted to fell dressy.
My wool coat with mock fur collar and hood very warm and the knit
gloves keeping my hands warm in the corridors of metal and stone building as I
walk down the street.
I am actually a little warm down in the bowels of the city as I wait
and zone out to the people around me. And then the platform coming to a
flurry of activity as the horn of the oncoming train announces its impending
arrival just before the disinterested voice on the PA system.
Entering the subway car with the other bored riders and being late, no
need to jockey for a seat as the platform is emptied of waiting
Thinking of a childhood song as I feel the movement of the wheels on
the rails. "The wheels on the bus go round and round. The swaying and
bouncing of the car, and the click click of the wheels lulling me into a dozing
The three glasses of red wine adding to the laziness of my mind as I
am warm with my heavy coat. The stations slipping past as the trip uptown
proceeds swiftly with just a brief stop at each station to take on and
discharge passengers.
My hand folded over my pocketbook on my lap as I sway with the
movement of the underground train. All is well with the world as I nap past my
stop and continue to head north.
Not fully awake or asleep as I am feeling mellow and wake fully with a
start to the sound of raucous voices, shouting and laughing loudly. My
eyes opening to a car filled with assorted teenagers or so they seem. Most
of them black or Hispanic with some possible whites mixed in and most of
them male, though a couple are definitely female.
Startled and looking along the car and seeing that those who are not
of this group of youths are looking scared as the noise in the car becomes
My hand pulling my purse closer in my lap as I try not to make eye
contact with any of the youths. Unsure as two of the boys sit on either side
of me and box in all the occupants of the car.
The one who must be the leader of the group slowly walking down the
length of the car, looking at each occupant staring into their faces. I can
feel the bodies touching mine on either side as I am pressed like the meat
in a sandwich by the two youths.
I can smell sweat on their bodies and as their leader comes to stare
in my face. I jerk as I feel a hand from each of them reaching to touch my
"Looky here, we got us a whitey lady that looks like she doesn't
approve of us." His breath strong and fetid as it washes across my face. My
whole body is trembling as he laughs and I try not to wet myself.
Others of the "gang" harassing the other riders, as I am confronted by
this young man. "Let me see what you have in your purse to pay for your
intruding on my territory." His hand grabbing my purse and handing it to
one of his friends. His hand lifting my chin and then reaching down to my
neck and lifting the filigree gold necklace. A yank of his hand and the
clasp breaks and he drapes it in his hand.
"I can do the same to your earrings if you like. I want all of your
jewelry and right now." My hands trembling as I take out the pierced
earrings and then the gold bracelet from my wrist and the rings from my fingers.
His grin not pleasant. "Thanky missy." The contents of my purse being
strewn on the seat and floor around me as I sit unmoving.
"Aren't you a little too old to be fucking lady," One of the boys
holding up a couple of condoms that were stuffed in a pocket of my purse.
Then pulling out a couple of unused tampons and throwing them at one of the
Shivering in terror as they empty the contents onto the seat now and
paw through my possessions. Pocketing my credit cards and cash and my cell
"Hey that is some classy coat, would you like a new coat Shanika?
Stand up lady and take your coat off."
Standing and undoing the button on my coat and opening it and sliding
it off as the boys watch me. The coat snatched and thrown to one of the
Standing as the leader reaches and touches the leather vest, rubbing
his fingers on the material. "This feels expensive lady." The boy looking
at me and I nod my head, not able to speak.
The whole car watching me as I actually stand taller then the boys
around me as I am 5'10" in bare feet. The boy laughing again as he looks
around and spots the girl with my coat.
"Do you think you would like a nice leather vest and skirt?" The gang
laughing loudly as the words sink and I look over at the girl. My mouth
going dry as the girl walks over and looks at me and then smiles.
"Yea Boz, it should fit me." Her hands reaching and tugging the vest
off of my shoulders and then as two of the boys grab my arms, she reaches
to my waist and undoes the fastener on the skirt and yanks it roughly down
over my hips and ass cheeks.
"Please, no. Don't do this." My voice finally working as I try to
wiggle out of their grip on my arms. My face flushing hot and red as the
tails of my blouse don't quite hide the red silken panties. The catcalls and
sexual slurs filling the car with sound.
The leader taking the pair of condoms from the one boy and lifting the
tails of my blouse to shove the condoms into the front of my panties.
"A better place for a ho like you to keep your protection." The girl
laughing at me as she lifts one of my feet and the other to take the skirt
from around my ankles as I stand in boots, panties and my crisp white
Then the girl bending over and zipping down my soft leather boots and
pulling them off of my feet. Tears filling my eyes as i am slowly being
stripped of all of my clothing.
"Anything else you would like Shanika?" Whimpering as she now
unbuttons my blouse and takes that from my arms. Now standing in my underwear and
stockings. Despite the subway car being warm, my nipples have puckered in
fear and are pointy tip pushing at the thin material of my bra.
The leader staring at my nipples as his hands reaches out and squeezes
my breasts, tugging them forward and releasing them as his fingers roll my
hard nipples before letting them spring back on my chest.
The other boys squeezing my ass cheeks as I stand trembling with fear.
All of them close around me. The girl fingering the material of my bra
and panties as I stand unable to cover myself from their gazes.
"Nice expensive bra and panties; but she has had her skanky white cunt
leaking on them. She can keep them, I don't think I could clean her stink
from them.
Thankful for the words in spite of the nastiness of them as I am
allowed to keep my underwear.
"You ever have a black cock ho lady?" Not knowing the answer that
will keep me safe and saying nothing. "Did you fucking hear my question you
dumb bitch?"
His hands reaching forward again and pinching my nipples hard.
Screaming with the pain as he tightens his grip more, then twists the hard nubs
and releases them again.
One hand grabbing at the material between the small cupped breasts and
with a flick of a knife blade, he parts the material freeing my breasts to
jiggle nakedly. The fat nipples dark and thrusting proudly from my dark
areola and setting on the firm; but small mounds of my creamy breasts.
"This ho has no tits." His hand slapping my left breast sharply.
Jerking in the grip of the boys beside me as he then slaps across my right
breast. The pain quick and jerking a scream from my lips.
Wanting to fight back and his hand blocking my leg as I try to knee
him in the groin. I knew before I reacted that it was a useless act; but my
fear unleashed my anger.
"Yo bitch, you got some fight in you." His hand reaching to my waist
and quickly cutting the sides of my panties to leave me naked but for the
thigh highs and socks on my lower legs.
"That was a stupid thing you white cunt." His hand reaching between
us and fingers grabbing at the fatty tissue of my labia. Squeezing it hard
and my knees buckling at the pain and sudden thrust of his hand.
His hand releasing my pussy lips and then slamming into my mid
section, taking all the breath from my body as I wince and scream again with pain,
his other hand slapping across my face and snapping my head back.
The boys supporting me as I gasp for air and then slide from their
grip to kneel on the floor leaning against the seat.
Tears wetting my cheeks and spittle freckling my lips and mouth as I
wheeze from the pain in my tummy. The fight is taken out of me as I pant
and struggle to breath.
The leader bending to reach down and grab a handful of loose hair and
bends my head backwards. This eye wide and wild as he looks down into my
"You fucking ho, you wanted to make my balls burst, well you are going
to get that opportunity. The veins in my neck straining as he tugs my
head back stretching my body into a bow. My hard nipples thrusting out as he
slowly forces me back on my legs. His foot coming up suddenly between me
legs and slamming hard into my pubes.
The pain causing me to black out for a few moments and eyes opening to
see his swollen organ dangling in front of my face. This uncut cock
pulsing as the foreskin is partially pulled back exposing the jet black knob.
The shaft a mocka color.
Whimpering at the pain between my legs and the soreness in my belly,
as he yanks my head back again and slaps his erection against my face.
"Have you ever had a black cock you stupid ho?" My tongue feeling fat
in my mouth as my cheek burns from the slap and is swollen. The pressure
of his grip on my hair increasing.
"Nooooo. I haven't." The words spilling from my lips as I can barely
think what I am saying, just wanting him to not hurt me anymore.
His laugh followed by several others including a girl. "Well bitch
you are going to learn the difference between black and brown and white you
useless ho."
Pinching my nostrils with his free hand and then shoving his erection
against my lips. The hard meat pressing and then popping into the warmth
of my mouth. Grunting as he pulls my head down onto his meat filling my
mouth with his cock.
Not able to resist as I am struggling to breathe through my mouth as
my nostrils are still pinched shut. Tears running freely from my eyes and
down my cheeks as he jerks his hips forward and impales my mouth and throat
with his swollen member.
"Do not bite me bitch." Releasing my nose and using my head to fuck
his cock as he pulls me against his groin and pushes me away. Gasping and
groaning as he fucks my mouth. My world now the cock in my mouth as I try
to keep conscience and not black out from lack of oxygen.
Finally wretching on his cock as he shoots his cream directly down my
throat. Gargling and gasping, his white seed freckling my lips as he pulls
out and leaves me to fall on the dirty floor of the car. Gasping loudly
as I try to breathe in loud noisy gulps of air.
Feeling my stockings and socks pulled from my legs to leave me lying
naked on the floor of the moving car. Time has stopped for me as I feel my
breasts crushed beneath me as I lay unmoving for long seconds.
Then feeling myself lifted up and another black cock thrust into my
mouth. Feeling myself being orally fucked as if it was a my cunt.
Pushed over to lay on my back looking up at Boz. His cock tucked back
into his pants as he looks down at me. His foot prodding between my legs,
spreading them apart and using the toe of his shoes to prod my swollen
"She really is a ho. Look how she has shaved that monkey bare." My
pubes exposed and hairless as I lay unmoving in the center of the aisle.
"Now missy, you get on your hands and knees and crawl to each person
and beg to give them pleasure."
Another nudge between my legs and weakly turning over to kneel on all
fours and then slowly move along the seated people in the car. Forced to
stand up for one and grasp a bar running from the floor to the ceiling of
the car and the boy fucking me from behind as the others watch. The sperm
from his cock shot deep in my cunt as he grunts his way to an orgasm.
Another blow job and then stopping hesitantly in front of passengers in the car.
Looking up and seeing terror in the eyes of the young woman as I kneel
in front of his male companion.
"Can I pleasure you Sir?" My words shaky as I have said them often
now as I work my way down one side of the car. The young man shaking his
head no.
The young couple both black. "Oh, yes you want her doin't you bro."
Boz walking up and looking down at the couple. The man shaking his head no
Boz looking from the man to the young woman beside him then back to
the young man again.
"If you don't fuck this white ho, then she is going to sit with you
and watch, as your girl friend is stripped like this ho, and your girlfriend
fucks and sucks the rest of the people here." Another ripple of laugher
and sexual innuendos as the young man goes wide eyed and the woman gasps and
whimpers in fear.
Boz reaching down to the young woman and pulling her out of her seat
and fondling her breasts and crotch.
"Stop. No, leave her alone please." The man's words echoing the
screams of his woman as she begs to be released.
"Well you have a choice. You fuck the old white bitch or we fuck the
young black bitch. Your choice."
The man looking from his the black girl to me kneeling bedraggled at
his feet and then back to his companion. His hands reaching to his fly and
undoing his zipper and pants and tugging out a soft black cock.
Looking up into the anguished face of the man and then sliding between
his legs and taking his soft penis into my mouth as I reach into his pants
and fondle his heavy nuts and stroke at the base of his cock.
Boz' foot rubbing between my legs as I kneel, prodding me on as he
massages my bruised and sore cunt lips with the toe of his sneaker.
"Suck him bitch. Can't you make a black man aroused for your skanky
body?" My lips slurping loudly around the slowly thickening cock and
feeling the stiffness slowly filling the shaft.
Once the cock has filled out to a long black cylinder of flesh, the
man pulls me up and bends me over, holding onto a pole again as he moves
behind my nasty body and his cock finds the entrance to my skanky hole.
His thrust pressing my left shoulder hard into the pole and before he
has finished another one of the gang has stepped up and pulled my head onto
his cock. The stench of sweat and urine and cunt filling my nostrils as
he fucks my face. At least the man fucking my cunt was clean.
The man slamming hard into my ass cheeks flattening them as his cock
is hard inside of my cunt and I clench on it to try to end this steady
stream of men using me. The man in my mouth pulling out after his first spurt
and coating my face and hair with his spunk.
The other man grunting loudly now as he finishes with four hard
thrusts, each sending his seed deep, coating my cunt and womb entrance. The man
pulls out and I slide down to my knees again, holding onto the pole for
"Move you stupid cunt, you have more need your mouth and cunt."
Prodded again by a foot shoving my ass forward and crawling again on all fours
to the next passenger and begging to be used.
Feeling sorry for the black man as Boz still has his arm around the
man's woman and is groping her as he watches me move to the back of the car.
Crawling past Shanki, my pile of clothing next to her on the seat, as she
kicks out with her newly booted foot to strike my right breast. A cry of
pain as I stop and instinctively reach to protect the soft flesh. The girl
reaching forward and slapping my hand away and grabbing the hard nipple and
tugging me around to face her.
Looking up with a combination of fluids coating my face and running
down my body. "Give me the ho's panties and bra." One of the gang picking
them up sniffing at the crotch of my sliced panties. "Oh gawd she is one
stinky bitch." Then throwing the silk material to Shanika who then throws
it as me.
"Wipe your face bitch." Not even thinking; but doing what she says
and wiping the semen and tears and drool from my face as best I can.
"Now you old fucking cunt, I want you to clean my pussy. The girl
lifting in the seat to wiggle her jeans and thong down to her ankles and
spread her thighs to expose a dark bush of curly pubic hair and two fat lips.
Her fingers spreading the lips to show the pink wet walls.
Grabbing my head and pulling it forward as she sits on the edge of the
seat and presses my face into the musky "Y" of her body.
Boz laughing, "when was the last time you shower Shanika? Didn't I
fuck that black cunt of yours good a few hours ago?" The laugher of the
others in the gang loud, as I can taste her cunt and feel her pushing as she
seals my mouth over his juicy lips. The girl rubbing my face into her pussy
and directing me where to lick as I tremble with shame at this new
The girl faking an orgasm; but getting loud catcalls from those
watching as her wraps her thighs around my head and then jerks her hips to fake
Finally releasing me and pushing me away, "see, who needs a condom
when you can use a white ho to clean the cum from your cunt. Dat girl not
only like to suck black cock; but she likes to eat black snatch. Ya think she
has done gone black?" Her laughter harsh and loud.
Another passenger fucking my mouth and finally no one else wanting my
body, or just to0 disgusted by how nasty it is as I kneel at the end of the
car and I feel fluids leaking from my body to puddle between my legs as I
Boz groping the black girl and forcing her to suck his cock as her man
watches. Then turning his attention back to me.
"You are some nasty bitch. Don't you have any respect for public
property. Clean up the mess you are making on the floor between your legs.
And I mean for you to clean it with your mouth."
Looking at him and not understanding in my numb state; but getting the
idea as one of his guys pushes my head down and forces my face into the
puddle. Licking it with my tongue and tasting the assorted fluids in the
whitish puddle. Tasting dirt and who knows what as I dutifully lick it till
just a wet spot remains. I know more is still leaking from my cunt.
Sitting numbly in a corner, Boz directing his crew and watching as they
drop off at each passing station and then all the passengers dropped off
with a couple of the crew to watch them as we continue along for a few more
stations on our way south.
Finally the train subway car lurching to a stop and one of the boys
jumping out, as another ties one of my knee socks over my eyes my panties
shoved in my mouth and tied there with one of my thigh highs and the other
thigh high used to tie my hands behind my back as I am led naked from the
stopped subway car.
Walking along the platform and down some steps and up others, totally
lost as I feel concrete under my bare feet and then cinders and concrete
Not even trying to resist; but being guided meekly trying to hide in
the shell of my consciousness and hope that this is all a bad dream.
Finally hearing just echoes of sound as we walk as if we are in a
tunnel and most likely we are.
"Bring her in here." I recognize Boz's voice as I am led forward and
then told to kneel. My knees are banging as I kiss the concrete floor with
them. Feeling a bar or pipe against my stomach as I am pulled forward and
then my neck is secured to an upright pipe of some type. I can feel the
cool metal as a rope keeps me bent forward my tummy rubbing on the pipe or
bar beneath it keeping me in a bent over position.
My hands still secured behind my back with my thighs high and then
feeling my feet pulled wide apart as I kneel, the ankles secured with damp
rope or something and then tied to something to keep me them spread.
Struggling now as my blindfold is taken off and I can dimly see I am
in a room with lots of pipes and old furniture against one wall. The debris
from where my head is held against the pipe shows an room abandoned by the
MTA; but used by a lot of people who are not riding the subway; but using
it to sleep in or do drugs or who knows what.
My sounds of complaints just muffled noises as a man is kneeling
behind me and then his cock is between my puffy cunt lips. Spearing my well
used tunnel quickly as a mixture of sperm still coats the slick walls. Then
hearing him spit and feeling the saliva running down my ass crack to wet my
dark hole and then down to the bottom of my cunt slit.
Registering his intention as he presses the thick knob of his cock
against my small rosebud. Grunting a loud protest as my hips are grabbed and
the prick head is forced fed into the small hole. My eyes wide and a spray
of spittle and a scream of pain as the prick stretches my ass and then
fills the hole as the cock spreads the dry walls of my ass and it burns with
the friction of the contact.
The pipe bruising my stomach as I rub on the rusty metal trying to
escape the cock sinking deeper into my hole till my ass cheeks are flattened
and the pubic hair of the person behind me it scratchy on the soft flesh.
A long moan of pain and hopelessness as the cock pulls back and then
thrusts forward again. More spittle added to lube the intruding dick as it
is worked in and out slowly taking my ass totally.
Just a soft oomph of sound as I feel the body jerking next to mine and
knowing that he is spraying my ass with his seed. Lying limply held in
place by the binding on my neck to the pipe and my body draped over the pipe.

My fingers numb as they twitch uselessly behind me. A loud grunt as
the cock if pulled free and I breathe a sigh of relief as the feeling of
stuffed fullness is replaced by a feeling of slackness in my asshole as I feel
the cum draining from my dark hole.
Every part of me aching as the torment continues and more use my cunt
and mouth. Thankfully no one else wants my ass. The binding on my neck
choking me when my face is fucked my hair grabbed and face pulled back and
forth, the cum feeling like thick clots of saliva on my swollen tongue and
lips. My throat raw as I gasp for breathe.
Eyes burning and blurred from the steady flow of tears wetting my
face. My body trembling as I continue to kneel spread wide for use. A sheen
of sweat and dust coating my body. The smell of oils and trains filling my
My nipples swaying gently under my body. Painful and aching as they
are fully distended like the udders of a cow. The difference that a cow's
udders as gently massaged and pulled and not tugged and pinched and twisted
like mine have been.
My voice a raspy sob of sound as I beg to be freed and then I just lay
my head against the pipe and whimper as I await the next cock to use the
cunt on my face or between my legs.
I don't know who has been fucking me from behind, but the stench and
the feel of the clothing on some that have taken my face have to be street
people. Shivering as I try not to consider what diseases they might have or
what is causing the tasting and smell and feel of their cock in my mouth
and against my face.
Nodding off and being jerked awake by the tightness of the thigh high
around my neck, jerking me awake with a gasp. I know it is long hours of
torment. It has to be. When will this gang finish with me.
I have not heard Boz' voice in a long time, just voices offering the
use of my body to whom ever enter this room. Some water thrown in my face
to wake me once as my mind shut down and someone slapped me awake as they
filled my pussy with more sperm.
Rising out of a semi conscious state as I hear Boz' voice and I beg to
be set free. My voice not more then a whisper as I promise not to tell
anyone, just to be freed.
My desperate plea lasting only as long as it took to stuff a cock in
my mouth to quiet me. Coughing a gasping as he alternates pushing it in
full and pulling it out to smack against my scummy face.
Feeling the binding on my neck and the pipe released and my body
bending to touch my head and hair on the filthy floor as I continue to gag.
Boz lifting up my head by pulling on my hair, bending it back on my
neck as I gaze into the face of my tormentor. As I lick my swollen lips and
feel my tongue thick in my mouth, coated with the scum of numerous pricks.
Eyes wide staring up as he pulls out his cock. The large black shaft
looming over my face as I don't even have the will to protest. Sticking
my tongue out and mouth wide open as ordered and feeling the wet spray of
his acrid piss as he washes my face with a strong stream of urine. The warm
liquid splashing on my face and in my hair and then down my breasts and
stomach to wet my pubic area and thighs. My eyes burning from the urine as he
releases my hair and head and I bend over my face again touching the
floor. The smell of his discharge strong in my nostrils as they flare with the
Another cock taking my pussy and then ass and then finishing with my
pussy. My ass hole burning with the lack of lubrication with the insertion
and my cunt lips swollen, bruised and sticky with drying seed.
Shanika using a permanent marker and writing "Cum" and "Dump" on
either side of my mouth with arrows. Then "Slap them," on my breasts and
bending me backwards above my belly button, "Black Cock Ho," with a huge black
cock formed to stick up between my pubes. Then finally pushing me down to
the floor again. Writing on my ass cheeks, "Bitch Holes."
All resistance beaten and fucked from me as I am malleable to whatever
they want to do with me now. The hours, and it must be hours seeming like
forever as I wait for the next form of abuse. The count of cocks I have
sucked or that have fucked me lost somewhere in my mind. The number that
have taken my ass two I am pretty sure. So far just two.
"We are going to leave you for awhile; but you will be safe bitch. I
will leave you with two protectors." The laugher of those around me
letting me know that my protectors are what I should worry about.
The tapping on the concrete floor the first clue to the identity of my
protectors. The wet nose against my ass cheeks and the long flexible
tongue, causing me to jerk and scream as I realize that a dog is sniffing and
licking at my pussy.
The fear and humiliation causing me to strain to escape; but my legs
are held apart and I am wobbly from the strain of this ordeal to keep myself
upright for long. The long wet tongue insinuating itself between my
thighs and into the cave formed by my swollen labia.
Whimpering in frustration as the tongue continues to lathes my cunt
lips and push into my folds to caress my sloppy walls and my smooth clit.
The initial fear, now being replaced by a soothing touch of the lingual
organ against my battered cunt. And finally, the tongue dragging over my clit,
not only soothing; but now arousing as I writhe to escape the tongue that
is building excitement as my body now wiggles against it.
The gang has not left yet as the dog has had enough of my juices with
his mouth and growling has backed away and then knocking the breath from me
as my tummy slams onto the pipe, as the front paws land on my back.
The nails raking my back and then sides, burning lines of pain as skin
is pulled away in furrows. Then the paws grasping under me to hold me
tight, as I feel the slimey cock against my thighs and cunt lips and the bone
thrusting painfully till it finds my sloppy wet cunt.
A loud growl from the huge beast and a loud grunt of pain as the
length and girth fill my cunt quickly and deep. The dog's haunches thrusting
the cock into my cunt quickly with short strokes pounding at the entrance to
my womb with the pointy tip. My body shakily wobbling to support myself
and the weight of the dog as it thrusts like a piston in a cylinder in a
seemingly never ending rhythm.
My whimpers not only of surrender and helplessness; but also of
arousal as the dog fucks me senseless. The fat bulb of his knot bruising my cunt
lips as he tries to force it into my entrance. His whimpers followed
quickly by his body pumping hard squirts of his dog seed deep into my cunt.
The thin semen leaking out from the incomplete knotting, the run down my cunt
lips and thighs to puddle between my legs.
Losing interest with his ejaculation, the dog pulling out and
scratching my body more with his nails as he retreats to a corner of the room away
from me.
Another deep growl and I feel the weight of another dog on my back and
grasping at my waist. The fetid breath washing over my face and drool
warm and wet falling onto my shoulder and neck.
The cock filling my cunt in a couple of quick searching thrusts and
driving me into the pipe in my middle. Just able to croak out a quick gasp
of surprise as the thrusting hips pound my body into submission and the knot
partially wedges in my opening. The dog thrust harder and then fully
lodging it as I feel like my cunt is being split apart as the opening it spread
wide and filled with the fat knot.
I swear I can feel the squirts of seed filling my body and the dog
sperm swimming past my womb entrance to fertilize my eggs. My body shaking as
my walls squeeze on the dog cock and milk at it for a few moments.
Then a loud moan of loss as the knot is pulled and tugged and finally
freed from my body with a loud wet pop and growl from my master.
My body still quivering as the dog pulls free and wanders away
disinterested in his bitch. Sinking into a semi conscious state to the laughter
of those around me.
Waking to the weight of a dog pressing me down again as it mounts my
body one more time and fucks my unresisting body into a release of his seed.
Dozing as I feel the dogs around me and seeing them dimly tied to post
that keep them leashed close enough to enjoy their bitch.
Feeling a pinprick in my arm as I come awake and in the dimness make
out people standing over me.
"She will be out of it soon, lets get her up to the platform. Feeling
hands lifting me up and putting my arms in a coat and buttoning it, as I
am let through a tunnel and side door that opens on a subway platform.
Vaguely seeing blurred forms as I can hear and see people around me now.
"Hearing the laugher from one of the people holding my arms and then
feeling the coat being opened and pulled off of me and I stand naked in the
milling crowd. One of my hands is cuffed to a railing as I weave and
stagger unaware of my situation.
Feeling warm and fuzzy as someone wraps a blanket around me and helps
me to sit on the concrete floor. The EMS and police arrive; but I am so
drugged that I don't even know my name at this point.
The bolt cutters freeing my hand and then being whisked away to a
hospital for observation. The bruising of my body and the leakage of fluids
from my nether holes leading to a rape kit procedure.
Hearing voices around me as I finally awake to full consciousness and
refusing to open my eyes and let them know. The questions they will have
as to what happened and where, and worse that they know that I have been dog
fucked multiple times. The psychological stress will be as bad as the
physical abuse to my body.
Trembling as I open my eyes to the stares of the two male police
detectives and the questions they will be asking me............

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