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{ASSM} Mohonk Mountain House

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May 25, 2017, 5:08:20 PM5/25/17

Mohonk Mountain House

Glancing in the rearview mirror as my son and his friend, as wind
slowly up the narrow road to the Mohonk Mountain House. Feeling like a
chauffeur without one of those cute hats, as I drive and the two of them sit in
the back seat, ear buds leading to their smart phones. A vacation for me and
my son and his friend, someplace different then the place we have spent
our summers for more years then I can remember, the Connecticut Shore.
The Mohonk Mountain House is a very old hotel and summer spot for more
years then I am alive. The magnificent building towering over a spring
fed lake high on a mountaintop. How a spring feeds that I don't know; but it
is a beautiful locale. The mountains all around the numerous building.
The Lake providing swimming and sun bathing. Then there are the mountain
woods that surround and a series of hiking, biking and riding trails like
spokes of a wheel. A place away from everything; but providing service and
luxury for a day trip or an extended vacation.
My cajoling and pleading and finally giving my son a private room, so
he didn't have to share with his mom and allowing his friend to join him
for several days. I visualize bonding time; but think that I will have more
alone time.
The rooms "old world" style and appointment; but with those added
luxuries that most people need these days. The Internet seems to be number one
and a must for my son's approval.
I have spent for this and my accommodations are a suite, a small
welcoming sitting room and then a very large bedroom for enjoying the view of
the lake and mountains from my high perch. A gas fireplace for the late
night enjoyment.
My son a nice room with two queen size beds so he doesn't have to
share with his buddy. The nice thing for him is that our rooms are not on the
same floor and we don't have connecting doors like I tried to reserve.
The Lobby and Lounge and Main Dining Room all reminding you of the
grandeur of the past. The best thing is that it is less then an hour from my
New York home. No long ride with my son complaining. Looking at the
building from the front and parking in front as our bags are taken into the
Lobby and my vehicle is whisked away to a parking spot. The last I will see of
it for a week I hope.
After filling out the forms, my son and his friend heading to their
room and me in a different direction to mine. I simply love my room and
furnishing and view. There is an informal restaurant; but I have set up for the
formal dining room for tonight. I have a very nice dress and jewelry
already set aside, and I made sure my son and his friend brought good clothes
to entail a jacket and tie.
A check to visit my son's room and seeing his annoyance at me checking
in like a worrisome mother and then a hike around the lake and stops at
the various amenities to see what I can do the next few days.
My room more then I could ask for and the dining area with my two
gallants was perfect as were they. Of course after diner they have gone off to
change out of the stuffy clothes and heading to the arcade after that.
Myself, just a check on the Lounge and seeing nothing really interesting
after a drink, I head to my room an early to hopefully early to bed for a full
day on the morrow. The mini bar having a great selection and lights out
with just the gas fireplace going the lake below reflected the lights of the
main lodge building and the individual cottages and out buildings around it.
I have talked my son and his friend into a hike with me and after that
they are on their own. The weather warm and shorts and a tank top easily
the attire for the hike and working up a light sweat. The boy's walking
ahead and quickly outpacing "dear old mom."
The breakfast before heading out buffet style and lots of whatever
your heart desires. Lunch also a buffet style served in the dining room.
Not sure what the boys have in mind; but I am going to lounge by the
lake and take in some sun and maybe a swim. Padding down to the lake beach,
a yellow bikini showing off my summer tan quite nicely. A light cover up
robe for the lobby and my flip flops slapping in time to my feet.
Finding a chaise lounge and placing my bottle of water next to it as
I pick up my paperback and let the sun's rays warm my bare and mostly bare
flesh. It is quite warm in the sun for but the water is like a mountain
pool and will chill your toes off. Not only chilled my toes; but my pebble
nipples so that they are quite noticeable as i walk back to the chaise.
Seeing my son and his friend Tommy laying on towels checking out the
girls and there are quite a few of them. Stopping by to say hello and
seeing my son embarrassed by mom scantily clad at my age. That is the feeling I
am getting from him. His friend is a little embarrassed also as I catch
him staring at my the nipple bumps in my bra. Walking back to my chaise and
giggling as I have put a little sway in my hips to embarrass my son even
Watching between words in my book, sunglasses hiding my eyes as I see
the girl's preening for the two teenage boys even though the girls are
obviously older.
I don't have a beautiful body but I been wearing a bikini all my life
and am not about to cover up at this age. Looking down and seeing the
small cups and the still noticeable bumps pushing at the material and then down
along the smooth mostly flat plane of my tummy and then just the gentle
roundness of my pubes and the bulge of labia at the bottom of my bottoms.
They also seem to be a little on the large puffy side.
Long legs that are quite toned and tanned and look great peeking from
under a skirt. I may not have the best of bodies; but I am not going to
hide what I have. Who knows when some rich millionaire staying here might
find me attractive.
I am sort of wondering what those girls are finding attractive or
amusing about my son, as they preen and show off their tight bodies. Maybe he
has something that I haven't seen in many years. Or maybe they are bored
and want to score a conquest or two. The girls aren't beautiful; but sure
are not ugly by any standards and I think looking at my son and his friend,
their standards are below the neck on the girls.
Sipping a Midori and sprite that is light and refreshing as I feel the
suns rays kissing my bare flesh and knowing it is time to work some lotion
back into my skin. I sure wish I had someone to rub it in those hard to
get to spots. Don't be a pervert and think I mean "those" spots. I mean
the ones that you can't reach easily or gracefully on your own. Besides the
feel of hand working the lotion into the skin is erotic if done correctly.
The boys more or less on their own now as I finally give in to the sun
and get a quick lunch of salad. Then a shower to get the lotion grease
from my skin and another hike to enjoy this country. The boys joining me for
dinner. They are really not happy when they see their new friends waving
to them and being stuck with me instead.
To the rec room or indoor heated pool I am guessing as they almost run
to the elevator to change their clothing. Second night a lot like the
first. A drink in the lounge after dinner and then another as I enjoy
watching the lake below me as I bask in the glow of my gas fireplace.
The girls and boys again together after a long hike and horseback
riding. And passing them as they head to the lake and me to the shower. My
son has a 500 limit charge card to do all he needs for himself and Tommy and
maybe those girls.
Knowing I am going to embarrass him; but asking if he would be having
dinner with me again tonight and a little surprised at his yes answer.
A nice black satin button front blouse, and a charcoal skirt with a
slit on the side and for a change patent leather high heels for my attire.
Sheer red bra and panties for undergarments. A little purple eyeliner and
clear lip gloss for makeup and a small white fold cross necklace and matching
earrings for jewelry. And just a brush of my favorite perfume, Giorgio
The boys again handsome young men in their coats and ties and
wonderful escorts as Tommy even holds a chair for me as I sit down. Conversation
light and easy, two glasses of wine easy for me. My son just telling me the
names of his new friends; but not much more then they live in Vermont and
were going into New Paltz to have dinner at the Gilded Otter tonight. New
Paltz is a college town and a bit Bohemian. The disappointment in the boys
quite obvious as they would like to spend a night in that atmosphere and
there are a lot of college men that might be more appealing to the girls.
That is just my thoughts on the subject.
Smiling as I try to judge from the little information my son and Tommy
has given me, just where they are with these girls. Letting it go as I
find him more comfortable when just talking about the Lodge and surroundings.

Looking around to see if maybe some eligible men are alone or at a
table together that I might attract. My hand touching my cross as it lays
against the copper tanned skin of my chest. The buttons undone to expose skin
below the hang of the cross. Not showing my breasts, well maybe just the
edge of them. My nipples partially erect as they always are since breast
feeding my son. They are small bumps in my blouse. And they seem to be a
bit distracting to Tommy with my son of course trying to ignore them as I
often don't wear a bra or a sufficient one to conceal the fat tips.
The light material bra and fabric of my blouse intended to show off my
nipples without being obvious. As is the length of my skirt that is mid
thigh and shows a lot of coppery leg. My attire for the Lounge after
dinner, as I expect my son and his friend will bolt for their room and casual
Amusing myself a little at Tommy's expense as he watches my movements
and is smitten with the movement of my legs as I cross them and the slight
bulge of my breasts and nipples as I play with the thin necklace. My
nipples are a bit fuller as I not only am amused; but a little excited that he
finds a part of me attractive or interesting.
As expected parting ways with the boys at the exit of the dining room
as I head to the Lounge and finding a seat at the bar. Lovely bar stools,
as I climb on one and easily can display a long line of leg as I sit back
and enjoy a drink. Checking out the men as I nurse a Brandy Manhattan, a
little teasing and with the music a couple of slow dances where the men are
better at dancing close with their bodies then dancing with their feet.
At least I know there is some life in the place. It is a few inches
below the waist of the men. And it did feel like a "little" life. Giggling
as I sit and watch and wait and really feel I could be better off reading
my book in my room and enjoying the fireplace.
Looking at the clock over the bar as I finish my second Brandy
Manhattan. Seeing that I have been here for three hours, though it seems like a
lot less. The place not lively; but a few men without female attachment, at
least those attachments aren't in the bar at the moment.
My eyes going from man to man and checking them on the list of what I
have observed or if I talked or danced with them.
Sighing as I decide that I have crapped out again in this Lounge.
Well there is my book and drinks awaiting me in my room.
Sliding off my stool, giving a show of a lot of leg and maybe some
panties as I slide to the floor and walk to the exit door with a loud tapping
of heels and a sway of my hips. Letting the men have something for when
they wrap their hands around their meat and wack off tonight.
None of these men seem like they would be worth the effort to please
and try to have them please me.
Stepping into the lobby and looking to the front desk and around the
leather chairs and sofas. My eyes stopping and swiveling back to one of the
a leather sofa. Walking with a loud sound of my heels on the tiled floor
and softer as I walk across a Turkish carpet and stop in front of the seat.
Not having to wait long for the eyes to move from the Tablet to my
legs and the moving up my body to look me in the face.
"Good evening Miss Rust." Tommy looking a little nervous as I stand
in front of him. Sitting up straight as if I just chastised him. Wearing a
pair of jeans, tee shirt and sneakers. Quite different from his earlier
"Why are you sitting here and where is my son?" My head cocked just a
little as I look down and seeing the boy is really nervous and apparently
trying to figure out what to respond.
"Well. Ah." His response ending there as I hold his eyes with mine.
Then his head dropping down to look at his feet or mine or at least
somewhere below my eyes.
Knowing that this is going to be something he is reluctant to tell me
I walk to the seat beside him and sit down. Turning to him as I wait for
him to explain and then seeing he is stuck for words, I place a hand on his
leg and pat it gently.
"Tommy, go ahead and tell me why you are sitting here and not with my
boy." Giving him my best motherly look as I wait patiently. My hand
squeezing his leg gently to urge him to speak.
"Miss Rust, we met the girls we talked about at dinner and they came
up to our room to talk and well we talked and well started to more then
Leaning closer to Tommy, hand still patting his leg to soothe and calm
him down. "What is more then talk." My mind has already provided
multiple choice answers for the question with the last one being "All of the
Tilting his head up with my fingers to look at me, his face inches
from mine. "Breathe on me Tommy." My request sounding a bit strange to my
ears; but he does and the smell of alcohol wafting under my nostrils, and no
it isn't from my drinking. Also a telltale scent of pot tickling my nose.
"Go ahead, tell me." Not trying to scare him; but trying to be
sympathetic. "I am sure it is not that bad."
"Miss Rust, they are, I just wanted to give them time alone." Not
really telling me anything other then my multiple choice answers of, drinking,
smoking sex or all of the above.
"Well you are not going to sit down here all night till he texts you
and says it is okay to come back to the room."
"Come with me." Leading him to the elevator and to my room. Having
him wait in the small sitting room as I take and envelope and writing paper
from the desk and writing a small note and then rummaging in my
unmentionables drawer and taking out a packet and ripping it in half.
Wrapping the note around the packet and then sealing both in the
envelope. "Wait here. I will be back in a couple of minutes." Quickly
navigating to my son's room and then bending to push the envelop under the door
with a little effort. Knocking loudly on the door till I hear a, "who is
there?" Then walking back to my room.
Not waiting for my son to read the short note. "Hope you are having a
good time and that you are not making a lot of noise. Tommy is going to
spend the night with me using the sofa night bed. You have the room to
yourself and whoever is with you. Use the condoms for your protection and hers
if you get that far. See you in the morning. Love Mom."
I am sure there are many that would disagree with how I am handling
the situation. He is in a sort of controlled situation and what is done is
done. Underage drinking, pot and the girls are a few years older then him.
Personally from the voice I heard, drunken. I think him and the girls are
not going to score tonight. Hummming Meatloaf as I open my room door.
Tommy is sitting on the sofa as I left him. Smiling inwardly, hoping
he isn't too afraid to move without permission. Calling down to the desk
and requesting that the sofa bed be made up for use tonight. A promise that
they would be taking care of it immediately.
"Tommy, do you want to go back to your room? A yes or a no is
acceptable." Waiting for his response and ready to tell him why he shouldn't if
he says "yes".
"I would rather not, if this isn't too inconvenient for you." His
hand pointing to the sofa bed.
Smiling at him, and then taking the robe supplied by the lodge and
handing it to Tommy. "Go ahead and take a shower and clean up. I will see if
they can send up a toothbrush."
Tommy taking the robe and closing the bathroom door as I call the desk
again. I am not sharing my toothbrush with him and I am sure he agrees.
Taking out my bottle of Johnny Walker Double Black Scotch and setting
it on an end table and pouring a hefty amount in a water glass. A quick sip
as I answer the door and the staff quickly fixes up the sofa bed for my
guest. Brand new toothbrush in hand setting it down as I turn down the light
in the main room of my suite and turn on the fireplace.
Sitting legs tucked under me on the seat cushion as I look out into
the darkness and the lake and mountains around us. Quiet abounding except
for the sound of the shower running, muted by the closed door.
Sitting back mellow and content for the moment. Each sound
identifiable as the shower door opens and closes and I am sure Tommy is toweling off
now. Giving him a couple of minutes and then walking to the door and
tapping lightly.
"I have a toothbrush for you to use, brand new. Do you need anything
else? The bed is already made up." The door discreetly opening and his
head looking out as his hand reaches out for the toothbrush. "You can use my
comb or brush and deodorant if you like.
A few minutes later, me back legs tucked under me, Tommy comes out of
the bathroom in a nice fluffy white robe. His clothes folded neatly as he
looks around and sets them on an end table in the small sitting room.
The lights bright in the small space, as I watch him and then crook a
finger to him. The boy walking barefoot, the robe way below his knees and
belted, to me.
"I would offer you a drink; but I don't believe you should be and my
son shouldn't be either." Holding his eyes, "I also think that pot should
not be smoked by you guys and gals. I will talk with my son tomorrow and
see exactly what he has or has not done. As long as he isn't disturbing
other people's rooms I will let him be."
Sort of explaining my position at the moment to the boy. Slipping my
legs from under me and looking in the small refrigerator and offering Tommy
a Coke or a Sprite or a Bottle Water. The boy taking the Coke and pouring
it in a glass with ice, as I resume my seat and take a sip from my drink.
"Tomorrow, I hope my son has the most ghastly hangover one can get,
other then I don't want him sick and making work for the staff here. I am
responsible for you and I will not let you go back to that room while he has
the alcohol and pot," smiling, "the girls are optional."
As we talk I see him loosening up a little becoming more comfortable
in conversation with an old lady; but he is also becoming uncomfortable as I
can with my movement in my chair. Tucking my legs up under me and then
stretching them in front of me and crossing them back and forth and then
flat, opened a little. I will forgive myself now for teasing the boy. His
eyes are drawn to my legs with each shift in position.
"I need to take a shower also, it has been a long evening. I will be
right back and won't be long. There are snacks in the mini bar and more
soda in the frig if you want them."
Standing up and walking to my dresser and taking out a nightgown and a
matching robe, both of silk. Then walking to the bathroom and shutting
the door behind me. Stripping down and looking in the full length mirror.
Not bad for a middle age woman. Just need more tit. Giggling to myself as
I usually don't use the word tit when referring to breasts; but the alcohol
has loosened me up a little bit.
The shower nice and hot and the needles of spray stinging and soothing
at the same time. Working quickly to dry off and powdering and then
pulling my comb through my hair and giving it a quick blow dry. Just a touch of
my perfume, Red, between my breasts, in the creases of my thighs and body
and at the top of my ass crack. I do love the scent. of my perfume.
Then putting on my nightgown. Thin spaghetti strapped and low vee
neckline and ending above mid thigh. The matching robe just as sheer and
just two pieces of thin lace to knot it closed.
Looking around and straightening up the counter and towels and giving
a nod of approval as I flip the night light on and step into the main room
of my suite, looking at the outer room and turning down the bright light.
Then walking back to freshen my drink and with a smile, curl my legs up
under me as I sip slowly and look at Tommy.
The boy nervous and most likely wanting to get away from me a mother
and safely into his bed. I see he has another Coke and thinking that is not
going to calm his jittery nerves.
My outfit definitely distracting him as he looks at the wall and out
the window to the darkened landscape rather then at me and the skimpy night
"Tommy, I am sorry. I should have got another robe. I think this is
a bit much or little for our situation. I hope I am not embarrassing you."
My words drawing his gaze from the window back to me as i shift in the
chair to cross my legs, one over the other. The net affect was that is
pulled my nightgown hem up higher on my thighs.
Thoughtful as I finish my drink and look back to the boy, his hands in
his lap and realizing why he has them there. He is shielding a
spontaneous erection the is pushing at the sides of the robe.
Eyes hooded as I uncross my legs and leave them apart and then push
myself up from my seat to lean over and reach for the bottle and slowly pour
myself another drink.
The legs apart in the semi dark room maybe giving him a vague shot of
between my legs and then leaning over the front of my night gown falling
forward, hanging loosely exposing the small breasts and long hard points.
Sitting down legs splay apart seemingly unaware that my hem has ridden
very high and I know that he can see between my legs. His eyes shifting
from my face and drawn down to between my legs as I exchange small talk.
I know I shouldn't tease the boy like this; but I am enjoying the
thought that he obviously is excited, that he thinks I am attractive in some
way and that I am also desirable to him at the moment.
I know I am not the fantasy girl that he mostly likely dreams of eyes
closed as he masturbates. But maybe tonight he will rub one off thinking
about me and that makes me feels good and naughty.
"Are you okay?" The boy shaking as he sits in his chair. Standing up
and kneeling in front of him. "Are you sick?" My hands touching his
knees as I kneel close and look at him. His face flushed. Lifting a hand from
one knee to touch his cheek and then palm on his forehead feeling the
warmth radiating from his face.
His eyes wide and almost cringing from the touch of my hand. I can
feel the trembling in his legs as they brush against me. Pulling his head
forward and kissing his forehead softly.
Sliding a little closer his knees now against my sides. Holding his
head against my shoulder as I rock him gently in place. I can smell the
scent of my perfume strong and enticing to me as kiss his neck gently. My
warm breathe washing across his ear as I whisper soft hushing sounds.
Looking into his eyes, so close to his, noses brushes as one of my
hands slip under his robe and quickly finds the hard straining erection.
A moan as my fingers and nails brush up and down the straining shaft,
another moan as my hand slides down to cup the sack. No need for coyness
now as I lean back on my legs and part the fluffy folds of the oversized
robe. Fingers finding the tie and pulling it apart.
My hands both now between his legs grasping his hard penis. Breaking
eye contact as I look down to his lap and see the nicely shaped mushroom
cap above the encircling fingers of my hands.
The warm breath causing it to sway as I pull my hands away and grasp
his thighs, spreading them wider to expose his genitalia fully to my stare.
A reassuring smile as I lower my head and touch the tip of my tongue
to his pee slit. His body jerking has my hands grasp the tops of his thighs
to hold him in place as I run my tongue along the length of his hard prick.
I can feel the tenseness in his legs and them shaking as I nuzzle his
shaft with my nose and cheek and my mouth slips lower to suckle at the
nearly hairless flesh of his nut sack.
His hands gripping the arms of the chair hard as I suck one precious
cream ball into my mouth and tug as it with a movement of my head as my
cheeks pull in and out and my tongue slides over the delicate orb. Carefully,
slowly suckling the other testicle and then letting it slip free as I work
my lips and tongue back up the shaft. Nipping, biting gently sucking and
licking and flicking over and around that nicely shaped and I hope virgin
Hearing his gasps as he breathes raggedly as I take the knob into my
mouth sealing my lips around it and then slowly bobbing my head down the
shaft till I have taken it to his roots. Then sliding back up in a smooth
stroke and back again. Not hurrying and feeling his body tensing and stopping
as my eyes raise to look at his face.
His head thrown back and eyes closed tight. His nostrils moving as he
bites his lower lip and veins straining in his neck as I am hoping I have
not taken him past "the point of no return."
Letting his prick slip from my mouth and using my thumb to press hard
on the cum vein and not moving as I wait for him to either lose control or
his cock to relax and the blood flow restored.
My chest pumping, hard nipples dragging on the silken material of my
nightgown. The hem of the gown riding up on my thighs, exposing my swollen
lips as I press my thighs together to hold down my own excitement. Feeling
my legs shivering with effort as I watch Tommy's face slowly relax and the
fingers on my shoulders loosen up from digging into my flesh.
The plum head of his cock dark and so deliciously appealing as I wait
and watch the head swell and then the shaft soften just a little.
"Tommy!" My voice barely a husky whisper as I look up at him and his
eyes open to return my stare. His hairless chest rising and falling
"Tommy. Are you a virgin?" Hoping that my question won't embarrass
the boy; but thinking I have just had his cock in my mouth. The shaft
pulsing slowly against my cheek as I wait for an answer.
Then a nod of his head and a low, "yes." He blushes so sweetly as he
meets my eyes.
Careful not to touch his swollen cock as I push myself away from him
and stand up. "Would you like to change that?" My eyes questioning, and my
lower body so needing his answer to be again a yes.
Undoing the loose overhand knot barely holding my robe closed and
sliding it down my arms. Looking for his answer as my arms move down to my
sides. Hard nipples pushing hard darts in the silk of my nightgown.
"Tommy." My head cocking to the side as I touch the hem of my
nightgown and pull it up and over my head in a quick single movement.
His eyes taking in my breasts and then moving down my stomach to focus
on the hairless mound and the two fat ridges of flesh forming a slit
between my legs.
I can see the interest as his cock bobs of its own volition. Once
more softly whispering his name as I move my legs apart and let him see the
fullness of my labia and the wider slit gleaming with a slick moisture.
"Tommy." The word moving from a question to a low plea as I am past "the point
of no return."
I need a cum and if not from this boy's lovely cock then I am going to
have to take it with the hard plunging force of my dildo, tucked in with
my undergarments.
"I need to have it so bad, please." Not Tommy's words; but mine as I
plead and am ready to beg the boy or even pay him. Anything to get him to
respond and assuage my itch.
My fingers moving to my mound and spreading the thick lips as I find
the smooth surface of my clit and touch it gentle and then more firmer.
Eyes wet as I reach out with one hand to pull him up standing close in
front of me. His robe draped on the chair as we both stand totally naked,
his cock just brushing my pubes as I give a soft moan.
Never having given me an answer as move to the king size bed. Laying
back on it legs wide, spreading my slit to expose the wet pink walls of my
entrance. Reaching with one hand to hold his and pull him onto the bed
with me. Tommy kneeling as he awkwardly moves over one of my legs and kneels
between my spread legs.
His cock bobbing, pointed at an angle up from his tummy as I rise to a
sitting position and take his hand pulling him down over me. My other
hand gripping his swollen shaft and guiding him to my slick opening and my
hips jerking up to meet his cock head as it pushes into my wet hole.
A long whimper from one or both of us as he lowers further and his
cock sinks deeper into my pussy. Giving a squeeze of my walls around his cock
and releasing. The shaft parting my walls and the greasy walls sealing
around it as my hands reach around to cup his ass cheeks and pull him inside
of me till his light thatch of pubic hair is tickling my pubes.
"I don't have a condom, his words almost a whine." Terror on his face
as he realizes that this is the way babies are made or diseases are
"Don't worry I use birth control pills and I don't have any STDs."
Hoping that is sufficient to keep him in me and hard.
His mouth finding a hard nipple and clamps on the sensitive tissue
hard and uses tongue and lips and teeth to work the hard tip. A bit painful
as I can tell he is not really familiar with a breast, or he is one that
just doesn't care and I know he is not like that.
My legs moving to wrap around his holding him tight into my cunt as I
slowly work his cock with my clenching walls, holding and releasing. His
gobbling moans emanating from the area of my left breast, letting me know he
is feeling the contact and massaging of my pussy on his prick.
Easing up and letting him brace on his knees as he pulls back an inch
or two and then lowers back into my cunt. Moaning softly as he fucks in
and out in tentative thrusts and it isn't long before he is burrowing against
my opening and shooting his semen deep into me. My body rocking up to
meet and hold him tight as he erupts again and again till his spunk is totally
discharged into my needy hole.
My walls clenching and milking his cock of all that lovely seed.
Trying to be gentle as I hump into his body and try to work myself into an
orgasm. The boy just laying on me now, sucking like a baby on my breast as my
hands move up and down his back and ass cheeks, trying to soothe and calm
him down.
Looking at the ceiling as he lays still and I am afraid he has gone to
sleep on me. Using my muscles to kegel around his softening cock, not
able to keep it from shrinking and softening and finally pull out of my messy
opening as he shifts his body.
The wetness oozing from my opening to my labia and then dripping wetly
to puddle around my lower ass cheeks and rose. Gently pulling the boy
from my breast and resting his head against my shoulder and chest as I can
feel the rapid beat of his heart against my body. Stroking him more to calm
him as more of his seed drips from my messy hole.
Kissing his forehead and as he looks up bending awkwardly to kiss his
lips, hoping his doesn't mind that my lips have been sucking his cock
minutes before. Tongue tracing his lips and then parting them with the tip as
he presses his lips against mine. Finding his tongue as I feel the strain
in my neck from lifting it to his upraised face.
Whispering softly, "the was really nice Tommy. I thank you for
putting up with an older woman and her needs." Letting him think that he has
done me a favor and he has; but I think he got more out of it then me so far.
Gently pushing him off of me and rolling him on his back as I roll
over to kneel over him. Looking down at his face with a sincere smile and
lowering my head to kiss him again on the lips and then his neck and
shoulders., working my way down to his chest as I nibble gently on his boy nipple.
Feeling the slight hardness of the nub with my tongue and lips. Suckling
one nipple then the other going back and forth and then working my way down
his soft flat tummy and finding his nuzzling cock. Not quite a soft worm;
but not ready for any more action at the moment.
My plan to clean him up as I lick with wide tongue around his soft
cock and suckle the head like I would a nipple. Feeling a slow response and
then a stiffening of the organ from a cute worm to a swelling snake.
The taste of his seed and my cunt on his cock helping to excite me as
I working his cock and then lick and tease his inner thighs with my mouth.
I take pride in my oral skills and his cock is once again pulsing against
my mouth as I lick and nibble and suck the tip and swallow it again fully.
My cheeks drawing in and out bringing it to life again and a little
amazed at how quickly he recovered.
His soap scent gone now, as I take a deep breath and smell the
intoxicating musk of arousal and recent sex filling my nostrils as they flare with
excitement. Moaning around his cock as I hold the ridge of his gland
inside my mouth and then lower my head up and down his cock. Fingering his
somewhat deflated ball sack, seeming to be smaller then the first time; but
that might be my imagination as I contentedly work his cock and wondering if
he will want to come in my mouth or fuck me again.
I think the fuck would be longer as he is not trembling as he did the
first time. His virgin nerves are gone and it will be better for both of
us. A few more deep strokes in my mouth and then pulling my head off his
his tower of power.
Eyes fascinated as I always am when looking a cock in the face
directly. Then raising up to kneel on either side of his hips and lowering my
nasty gash onto his cock. Holding my breath as I take each fractional inch
slowly. His eyes watch the juncture of our bodies and the gradual
disappearance of his young cock.
Panting as I give a hard squeeze and then another. Working his cock
from another position and feeling him lifting to thrust at my body from
Reaching down and spreading my folds to press a finger pad on my clit
as I rock up and down on his erect phallus. My moans becoming louder and
longer as I slowly work myself up into a wet mess slippery flesh.
Whimpering softly as my walls grasp his cock in a controlled squeeze
and another until finally my walls are not being controlled by my mind; but
by the contractions of my first small orgasm. Eyes closing and biting my
lower lip as my walls clench hard on his cock holding it and then my lower
body quivering.
Pulling one of his hands from my hip and placing the finger against my
clitoris and holding it there, teaching him the pressure as if teaching
him braille, my own finger showing the pressure and movement as it guides his.
And then bracing with my hands on his shoulders as I lean forward and
my walls clamp around his cock and I rock above him like a rider on one of
those mechanical bulls. My walls shuddering and contracting as my moans
become a soft scream quickly bitten off as my lips clamp shut tight on my
I can feel the flush of heat on my chest and cheeks and the flaring of
my nostrils as I cum hard, a finger pressing his hard on my smooth
throbbing pearl.
My musk a strong scent overwhelming my perfume as I rock drunkenly on
his supine body. My grease oozing from the opening and then him bucking up
as he shoots more of his seed into my sloppy cunt.
Leaning down finally to collapse on his chest my head finding a
softness in his shoulder and clamping with my lips and teeth to give him a really
nice big hickey that will be a lovely sight tomorrow.
Feeling his cock slip out of my hole for the second time tonight as it
softens and my cunt relaxes sated with my lust at the moment. Slipping
off of the boy and laying in the crook of his arm as I close my eyes and feel
his hand still rubbing my clit and finally pulling it away as the
sensation is just too overwhelming and almost painful.
Not wanting to open my eyes as I lay against the safety of his body
and don't want to confront the fact that I have seduced this young boy/man.
Trying to will the lights off and into the protective envelope of darkness
as I hear the soft breathing of the boy as he lies in the arms of Morpheus
as he is coated with the juices of a nasty slut.
Finally rolling off of the boy to the floor, padding to the tissue box
and grabbing a couple as I walk stiff legged to the bathroom and clean
myself as best I can without a shower or douche.
Then with another glass of scotch in hand take a blanket from the sofa
bed and lay it over both of us as I lay close to my sleeping stud.
I know my mind is alcohol addled but already I am conceiving a plan to
have more of this boy for myself.
A middle of the night blow job waking him up to find his cock hard and
buried in my throat took the edge off and we pulled the covers over us as
I spoon against the back of the boy. My hard nipples in his back and
sloppy cunt pressing against his ass cheeks. His lovely cock nestled in my hand
as we settle back into a peaceful sleep.
Waking up early as I usually do, the dawn just breaking and revealing
cloudy skies. Somehow I lost contact with my young lover sometime in the
early morning hours and he lays peacefully on his back. His breathing slow
and steady as I pull back the covers and look at my young Lothario. I know
Lothario is a seducer of women; but I find this young man attractive as I
look at him as I rest my head on my elbow.
For sure he is not a muscle bound lad, he is medium height and
slender. Not a bit of hair on his chest and a light sprinkling of pubic curls
protectively around his soft penis. I want to let him sleep as I watch; but
I feel like I would like to take his cock in my mouth again and wake him
with a lovely blow job. And then swallow the recently made cream or take the
erection deep inside of me again and take his seed deep into my body.
Shifting carefully on the bed and just touching the nestling worm with
my fingers so that I can lean over and kiss the tip. A soft brush of my
lips and tongue tip on the cute head.
Wondering as I hold it carefully and lick around the gland, tasting
his cum and some of my greases still staining the shaft and head; if I would
have fucked this boy if I had not been drinking. Doesn't matter much now
as the deed is done.
Not sure how many virgins I have had in my life, Tommy isn't the first
one; but it has been a good twenty to twenty five years since my last one,
maybe longer.
Pulling the covers up over my young man and then opening a window to
the morning air as I try to drive the smell of sex from the room. The stink
of my need strong as I try to compose myself and not jump on the bed and
rape that boy.
Trying to decide if it is too early to wake my son and have a talk
with him and deciding as I throw on a pair of shorts and a tank top that for
now I will let him sleep. That sleep is contingent in his not waking up
when I enter his room in a couple of minutes.
Almost patting some perfume between my legs as my musk is distracting
me. Instead rubbing a deodorant stick on my hand and then rubbing my hand
on my pussy lips. A compromise of sorts.
Writing a note for Tommy that I will be back in a few minutes and then
walking to my son's room. The card key works easily and I slip into the
room and see my son asleep in one bed and two girls passed out in the other.
Looking around as I creep to the dresser near the bed with the girls
and slide it open to find Tommy's clothing. Taking a pair of shorts and tee
shirt and underpants and creeping out as quietly as I did into the room.
The smell of pot faint; but the smell of alcohol strong as I hang a
sign on the door, "Do not disturb."
Quickly back in my room, placing the clothing on the sofa bed as order
a pot of coffee and a pitchers of orange juice and told them to leave it
by the door.
Slipping out of my shorts and tank top and back into my nightgown and
robe as I wait for room service and bring the tray in with a grunt of
satisfaction as I so need my coffee.
Sitting looking from the bed to the lightening window as I sip and
think on where do I go from here. It wasn't my plan; but it was nice getting
laid and having a body in bed with me all night. Really not my type; but
seemed so right for now for a few days maybe.
As I finish my second mug of coffee a gust of wind and with it a
splattering of raindrops on the window panes. Shivering as the gust brushes my
thinly clad body and awakens the sensitive tissue of my nipples.
My hands setting down the mug and then cupping and rolling my nipples
in my fingers as I feel the fullness of my labia swell some more with a
budding arousal. Just like that I am horny as hell and my resolution to let
my young man sleep is quickly being destroyed with each touch of my fingers.

One hand playing with the aching nipples as the other finds the folds
of my pussy and rubs up and down over my clit. The button swelling a
little and awakening a lot as I shift in my seat. Slowly rubbing out a release
as I look at the relaxed face of the young man in my bed.
Deciding as much as I want to fuck, I might just as well let him sleep
as the young seem to be able to do easily.
Taking a nice long shower and feeling better and cleaner as the
fragrance of soap has replaced the scent of a slut in heat. Hair dry and warming
my hands around another mug of coffee, as I sit curled up with the white
fluffy robe covering my body.
Some movement and shifting as I wait and the rain comes heavier
pounding on the glass and the wind blowing into the room with a shivering
Not trying to scare the boy as he wakens and looks around. I want to
go over to him and hug and kiss him on the lips and then on the cock; but I
sit holding my mug in mid drink as he sits up and collects his thoughts.
Smiling, "good morning Tommy. I hope you enjoyed and don't regret
last night."
Uncurling my legs from under me and walking to the side of the bed. The
boy naked under the covers and I have the robe on as I sit down beside him.
"This is snuggling weather," pointing to the window and the heavy
rain beating on the glass. "Can I get under there and share your warmth?"
Not very subtle; but subtle doesn't work well when you are horny. And
I want to see what he has in the morning waking up.
"Morning," That is all I allow him to say as I pull the covers back
an slipping the robe off, slide into bed with him. His body delightfully
warm as I press against him with mine.
My hand quickly finding his penis and finding that it has lost some of
it soft nestling quality as it has begone to fill with blood and stiffen
as my hand strokes it. My lips finding his in a gentle kiss. My breasts
poking into his chest as I wiggle on top of him, molding my body to his and
feeling the beating of his throbbing cock against my thighs and then tapping
on my cunt lips. Trapping the cock with my thighs as I continue to wiggle
on top of his body
Then settling to rest against his shoulder as his hand wrap around me
and hold me tight. Smiling as I rock my body on his cock, my thighs and
labia massaging the organ as it stiffens to battle readiness.
I am not sure how I look to this young man in the light of day with
the night not hiding and softening my looks. His cock is saying he is
interested; but is his mind disgusted by a woman old enough to be his mother,
crawling all over him, acting like a needy whore.
Heavy breathing competing with the rain pelting the windows. Tommy's
face flushed as I roll off of his body and lay beside him. My hand at my
side and teasing his swollen erection. The boy looking at the ceiling as I
turn my head to trace his ear with my tongue and then nip his earlobe.
"Tommy, I want you to fuck me please." My voice a hushed husky
whisper, as my hand slides from his prick to cup his ball sack, rolling them
against each other. "I need your cock inside of me. Please. Please." Nipping
his earlobe again. I can't believe I am laying here begging a teenager to
fuck me.
I know he can fuck me as his dick is hard and ready. Whimpering as I
move on the bed to take his cock in my mouth and gobble it like a
professional cocksucker. The boy's hips pushing up off the bed, fucking my mouth as
I use all my skills to persuade the boy to fuck me.
Sucking on his balls still smelling of his semen and my juices.
Taking him deep and humming. The vibration making me moan loudly. His hands
pushing me off of his prick and I roll unto my back like a paid hooker. My
legs spreading wide as he finally pushes himself up and kneels between my
legs as he starts pumping out pushups with his cock filling my cunt with
each down stroke.
Writhing as his cock pumps my juicy cunt and I beg for him to fill me
with his seed and make me cum. My walls welcoming him and gripping his
shaft and massaging it with each stroke.
His white cream filling my tunnel and I hold him tight in me and work
him for an orgasm as I rub a finger on my clit and give vent to a scream of
pleasure as my insides twist and turn on his cock. I could use another
harder release; but his cock already shrinking and threatening to slip out of
my vagina.
Pulling him down on me and wrapping my arms around his back and
holding him against my chest as his cock pops out of my hole with a soft wet
Holding him for a few minutes and then tapping his shoulder to have
him move and taking his hand, pulling him to the bathroom and into the shower
and washing him from head to toe with my mouth first and then with soap
and wash cloth.
His hands touching me tentatively and guiding him to clean inside of
my vagina and under my breasts. Not forcing him to touch my asshole.
Drying each other and powdering and then walking to the clean clothes
so we can go for breakfast. Thinking maybe with the damp weather I should
have got him warmer clothing. Shyly turning his back to me as he dresses.
As if I haven't seen what he has and he what I have. Throwing on a denim
skirt and loose knit top and a pair of flats.
Keeping my hands to myself as we ride down in the elevator with much
effort, knowing that there are cameras watching and recording everything
outside the rooms. Both of us with a healthy appetite. Coffee working its
magic and a Spanish Omelet filling my insides.
Not sure what to expect as we walk out to look at the rain in wind
swept sheets, walking across the water. Leaning close, just touching his side
with mine as we stand conscious of each other.
Finding my voice finally, "let's go to the room and wait fro my son to
come alive." Again finding it hard not to touch this young man as we ride
the elevator back to my room. The key card trembling in my hand as I try
three times before I get it to work and here the click. Quickly pushing
the door open and into the room closing the door after hanging out the "Do
Not Disturb" sign. Then locking the door and for added security slipping the
chain onto the door.
Tommy looking at me as I pin him to the wall and kiss him hard as I
sandwich him between me and the wall. Moaning into his mouth as I have
become a very needy middle age woman.
My chest pounding as I feel his hands squeeze my ass cheeks, kneading
the flesh as I rub my mound hard against the bulge in his shorts.
Oh yes, slipping to my knees and taking his semi erect cock into my
mouth for a stiffening suckle and then drag him to the day bed and him on top
of me. The boy does love to fuck and though he isn't large, he has lots
of stamina this time as he pounds me into a blissful submission. Just
laying back as his plows into my juicy cunt again and again. My walls clenching
and grasping as my legs lay wide open and unresisting as I can feel myself
hyperventilating as he finishes emptying his balls again into my warm dark
skanky pussy.
His grunts exciting me as I see his eyes glaze for a moment as his
sperm swims into my moist canal. Close again; but not reaching that plateau,
even though my hips are twitching as I milk him totally. I have completely
drained his starch for the time being as I look around for my clothing and
using the wall as I guide walk with bruised labia rubbing to the bathroom
and needing some cream to ease the soreness of my cunt.
Tommy following me and as I kneel, use my mouth again to clean his
soft cock and then soap and water and rinse his privates of my musk. Not sure
what to do in this rainy room and trapped by the weather; but my mind
knows what I would love is to have this boy fuck my brains out all day long.
Slipping on clothing as I spray the room and turn on the fireplace and
feel the dampness pulled from my bones and a relaxing torpor fills me as I
make a early day drink to relax my mind and emotions.
My third text to my son gets a reply that he will be to my room to see
me in a few minutes. A little scurrying to make sure the room looks
presentable, Tommy's used clothing folded by him on his sofa bed and my room and
bed not showing that two people occupied it.
"Let me do the talking Tommy. I am not sure you can lie to my son if
he asks you anything. Just sit quiet and I will see how to straighten this
My son with a hangover and looking like shit as he sits down in my
room. A little shouting and yelling and laying down the law that he will not
drink or smoke again while we are here and that we leave immediately if I
find out he does.
A few angry words from my son to Tommy as to how he is pissed about
him telling me what was going on in the room.
"Okay. Here is what we are going to do. Tommy you will spend tonight
in on the daybed. You, my sweet son will have the room to yourself for
one more night. If in the morning you are not over this snit; then we will
be going home. I saw your girl friends passed out like you were when I got
Tommy's clothes from the room. I am not forbidding them from the room; but
as I said before. Any alcohol or drugs to include pot and you are
"Tomorrow we start over or we go home. You understand?" Waiting for
his response, "you do understand?" My voice louder as I restate the
"Yeah Mom, I understand." He doesn't look comfortable; but I think he
"Now, go take a long shower, some aspirin and find your girl friends
and maybe you can party nicely with them."
Watching as he leaves and then looking at Tommy as the door closes.
Smiling softly as I have given myself one more night with my young stud.
Looking at the boy and wondering if I am seeing fear in his eyes as he
realizes that I want more, more of him. And maybe he isn't up to it.
"Lets go swimming." Stripping in front of the boy and seeing he is
watching as I bend this way and that. Teasing him as a young man with a
naked woman so close and available for him if he wants. I can see he is
excited as I slip on my suit and a cover up.
"Go pick out a swimsuit and change and meet me down by the indoor
pool." Seeing him unsure, so I pick up the room phone and order a suit from
the shop sent to the room.
After the suit is delivered sitting and watching the boy as he changes
and I can see that he is a little interested as he tries to hide the
partial erection. Standing up and walking over to him, sliding my hand into the
waistband of his swimsuit and massaging the hardening shaft. His moan of
pleasure my reward as I look down at the swollen head and bend to give it a
soft kiss. Tasting a little precum as it gleams wetly from the small slit.
Pulling the front up over his erection, the bulge showing nicely in
the front of his trunks as I pat it and then grabbing my cover up and taking
his hand to lead him into the elevator and down to the indoor pool.
Teasing him with my ass as I rub against his hard cock as we ride the
elevator. The boy blushing as we walk into the pool area and grab some
towels and drop them on chaise lounges.
The pool having a number of people using it rather then the cold wet
lake outside. Pulling his chaise next to mine as we watch those already in
the water. A towel setting over his groin to hide his arousal, as I talk
softly to him. Teasing and promising that I can easily take care of his
Not caring if the others think I am more attentive to the young boy,
then maybe an older woman should. They may think I am his mother; but the
hard thrust of my nipples against my bra top and the fullness of my labia
bulging my bottoms would attest to the fact that mother or not, I am aroused
by this young man and want to jump his cock with all of my holes.
My son in his room or maybe with his girlies as we while away to
afternoon. A few drinks to loosen me up and a swimming a few lengths of the
pool and enjoying the feel of my body cutting through the water smoothly. I
will not be mistaken as a great swimmer; but can hold my own. The boy, well
he needs some time in water or more confidence as he might keep himself
afloat; but definitely will not swim a pool length in a straight line.
The pool not overly crowded with people as Tommy and I hang onto the
edge and talk. The water covering most of us and the side of the pool
covers more as I manage to sneak my hand to his trunks and massage his penis to
a nice erection. Whispering sweet nothings, well anyway, whispering what I
would like to do with or have done with that cock of his.
My nipples are hard pebbles pushing at my bra and my labia are nicely
full and looking to be parted by a hardy prick. The boy suggesting maybe I
should go back to the chaise and lay down and he will be back there as
soon as a certain problem resolves itself. I like the way he said he has a
hard on and needs for it to subside before he can join me outside of the pool.
I would so love for him to rub sun tan lotion on me; but figure since
there isn't any sun that people might be suspicious. I wonder how many
times this kid can get hard in a twenty four hours and would like to actually
find out.
Laying watching some people at the pool and finding I am horny. Go
figure that. The boy laying next to me reading a magazine and checking his
phone as we pass the time to dinner.
A boring day and wasted to some extent. My son having dinner with us
and meeting his girl friends afterwards. Tommy looking longingly as my son
walk away, my admonishment to him about drugs and alcohol and reminding
him I have the other key card and might check on him during the night.
Tommy checking out the arcade area and I see he is talking with some
boys and girls as I pop into the lounge and listen to the "torchlight"
singer making everyone melancholy, as they think on those moments in the past
that might have been different. At least that is what I did as I nursed a
brandy Manhatten and then another one.
Not trying to be a burden to Tommy as I can see him enjoying himself
with his new friends. Texting him and letting him know I am going back to
the room. Meeting him for a moment to give him the other card key for my
room. Telling him to have fun and will see him later.
Wondering what I am really doing and just how good a mother I am as I
let my son have a room to boff girls and I am boffing his friend and
partially the reason I am letting my son off easy.
Not even sure if Tommy really wants to have sex with me or just
feeling he has to be polite. I could have picked up a couple of guys in the
lounge; but I can't take them back to my room as Tommy may be up for some bed
wrestling when he turns in.
My shower, basically a shower with just enough teasing to make me feel
tingly as I dry off and look into the mirror. Not bad for a middle aged
woman. Not beautiful; but with enough appeal to still get men of various
ages interested. Throwing on a silk robe and switching to single malt scotch
to mellow me out.
The view from the room really is pretty with the lights they have on
for effect and the rain still beating on the window sills and the occasional
flash of lightning making a freeze frame of a picture.
The fireplace giving a soft glow to the room and I would so love to
pull out my toy and work myself; but think that would be nasty if Tommy
showed up and I am in the thoes of an orgasm, legs spread wide and a dildo
sticking out of my cunt as I moan uncontrollably.
I think maybe I am getting myslf excited as I can feel the material
brushing my aroused nipples and the fullness of my vulva. Wondering if I
should go and check on my son and make sure he is not out of control. Then
deciding to wait a little longer. Falling off to sleep and not knowing when
Tommy returned to the room; but hearing his breathing and walking over to
tuck the covers around him, as I have done many times with my son. It
seemed so long ago that I was the mother/mom and not an ogre nagging and nagging.
Deciding to let the boy sleep and not wake him with my lips around his
cock sucking him awake. Another quick scotch and then turning in myself
to sleep and face the morning sun, hopefully.
A sound sleep and turning over to find that my bed is empty and making
coffee, sipping it as I watch the dawn and the darkness turn into sullen
daylight. Another sucky day, as I finished my coffee and walk to the
sleeping boy, so innocent in sleep.
Leaning to brush his lips with my wet ones. The slowly peeling back
the covers to show the boy sleeping nude. Surprised, pleasantly. Then
reaching down to run my finger along the softness of dick. Fingering touching
the head as I lick in slow strokes till I have his cock hard and stiff. I
don't know if the boy is awake of not; but climbing onto the bed as I slip
my robe off and thighs on either side of his hips as I lower my cunt ontk
and feel it slip easily into my wet welcoming hole. Working up and down
the lovely organ. Leaning forward and smiling as I see his eyes open. My
walls clenching and squeezing and working his prick into a morning release
of cream. The boy just laying back and letting me do all the work.
Climbing off of his body and kissing his lips and then cleaning up the
mess I made on his body with my mouth and lips. Then moving to the
bathroom to clean up the mess that he made inside of me.
A morning breakfast and the sun breaking out. Tommy joining my son
and the girls in a hike in the woods. Having freedom to sunbathe at the Lake
and then a short hike and a text from the boys that they are going to the
barbeque and will not be meeting me for dinner.
I guess that ended that short affair as Tommy came back and collected
his belongings to move back into the room with my son and I assume those
two fucking girls. Why else would he pass up my pussy, even if I am much
older, unless he was getting young fresh stuff.
A shower and carefully selecting my clothing as I will do the lounge
again after dinner. A nice black dress, low cut on my chest, sleeves just
barely on my shoulders. The skirt to mid thigh and loose around my body.
No bra and just a black thong. Low heels as I don't need to make myself
much taller.
Dinner was good; but lonely. However I didn't want anyone to see that
I was not appreciating it. Then a stroll from the restaurant to the
lounge, letting those dining get a glimpse of my long legs as I stepped out
smartly. Finding a seat at the corner of the bar and sitting half turned to
the rest of the lounge on my stool. One long lovely leg crossing over
another as I sip a single malt scotch and view my options from the men that are
by themselves.
I see a few prospects and let them see more of my thighs as I slowly
shift my legs and let my skirt ride high. My thong may or may not be
visible; but I am sure that a few men are positive that they have seen all the
way up my skirt and who am I to dissuade them of that thought.
Not in a hurry to pick my stud for the night as I am pacing myself. I
just don't want to wait too long and find I have a guy who passes out
before he gets it inside of me.
A whole pile of coasters built up in front of me as I talk to one then
another of the men and give each a little encouragement. Allowing a touch
of my thigh or the side of my breast or a bump of my leg against a bulge.
The bulge for me is the selling point as I want to have a nice firm big
cock to go to bed with this night.
Picking my choice carefully and then texting Tommy to let my son know
that I don't want to be disturbed tonight...........

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