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{ASSM} Woods World {Kelliswan} (MMFf alien ScFi oral anal) [4/13]

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Apr 24, 2017, 7:08:25 PM4/24/17
Woods World
by Kelliswan

Chapter 4: Daisy Learns the Ropes

"How long have you been coming here, Lola?" Daisy asked around a mouth
full of fruchup.

"Today was my second time through the library door."

"Only the second? How long have you _been_ here?"

"My boss said I'd been gone a week." Lola's expression showed dismay.
"I don't see how that could be true. Korn, how many nights have I been

The dwarf looked up from his bowl, now being used as a drinking cup.
"Two less than you might have been."

"How many before I went to the Crogans?"

"We did not count."

"Must've been five, according to my boss, and he fired me for it."

"_Fired_ you?" said Daisy.

"For not letting him know."

"What was your excuse?"

"He didn't let me give him one." Lola shook her head. "I can only
remember _two_ nights here before the Crogans!"

"That's a big difference," noted Daisy, "between two nights and a week."
She rose on her knees and caught the arm of a nearby Pridan. "Your dick
looks familiar. How long have I been here?"

"Not long enough, Daisy." He grinned while his hand caressed her

Korn answered for him, "They say two nights, Daisy."

The girl blinked. "_Two_. Under that night tree? No! It was only

He regarded her with a hint of amusement. "We think you forget because
under the tree it is always the same. We cannot fuck under it."

"Can't or won't?" said Lola.

"Cannot. We go to sleep too fast."

Daisy sniffed. "That's just ate up."

It was Korn's turn to blink. "Not under that tree."

Now Daisy blinked.

Lola smiled. "Go easy on the slang, honey. She means that's weird. At
home most fucking is done where we sleep." She looked thoughtful. "I
woke up once under the night tree, Korn. It was raining."

"Yes, we know it rains at night."

"Only at night?" scoffed Daisy.

"It hasn't in the daytime," said Lola. "Think I'd've noticed in a
week." She blinked, looking startled. "A whole week? Can't believe my
purse wasn't ruined!"

"Your purse?" said Daisy.

"I left it in the woods with my clothes. Rain would've ruined it."

"Oh, yeah; my clothes too."

"I saw yours when I came back through. They were all right. Crocodiles
for mothers, huh!"

Daisy grinned. "Liked my T-shirt?"

Korn looked very puzzled. "'Crocodiles' is a word for mothers?"

"No, silly," giggled Daisy.

Lola said quickly, "Don't get the wrong impression, Korn. Crocodiles
lay eggs, like birds -- woops!"

"Yeah," said Daisy. "Where are all the birds?"

"What are birds?" asked Korn.

"Oh, shit!" said Daisy ruefully, staring at him. From her seat in the
grass her eyes were almost at his level. She turned to her sister.
"Lola, what's going on here? Where are we anyway?"

Lola shook her head and sighed. "Nobody seems to know, not even the

"But it's so different!"

"You haven't seen anything yet. Wait till you see the Crogans. Some of
their stuff is actually familiar."

"What's your guess where we are?"

Lola shrugged. "That we're still in Lindonfield. We didn't walk far
from the library and the library has a hill behind it."

"But ..." The younger girl gestured. "No trees like these in

"And no little boys with cocks as big as that one standing tall beside

Daisy absently grasped her nipple fondler's organ. "But how can this
_be_, Lola?"

"I don't know. I guess the trick is to enjoy it while we got it." She
caught Korn by the hips and pulled his member to her open mouth.

* * *

Much later in the day, according to the beams of sunlight slanting
through the woods, Lola sat back against a tree trunk and watched as the
last Pridan rose from her sister. Apparently they had been taking her
anally as she lay face down, judging by glistening buttocks and backs of
thighs. Old habits, she suspected, aware that her own body was
similarly drenched.

The girl rolled up on an elbow. Her eyes found Lola and she said one
word, "Wow!"

"You're the one who deserves a 'Wow.'"

Daisy's eyebrows rose. "Really?"

"If all you did previously was lose your cherry and suck a cock. The
same boy?"

"No." Daisy grinned slyly. "Guess I'm a slut."

"For sure you never took one up the ass before, right?"

Daisy's hand disappeared behind her. Her elbow moved rhythmically. "My
homeys talked about it. We couldn't decide if it was chilling or not.
Now I know."


"You know: fun."

"Slang gets stranger all the time!"

"You know: so much fun you get goosebumps."

"Well, is up the ass chilling?"

"Yeah." The girl grinned reminiscently. "Especially if another's in
front. Why do I deserve a wow?"

"For how you've taken to fucking! Didn't it make you sore?"

"Should it have?"

"In high school I went to a cheerleaders' party. Had to walk
spraddle-legged all the next day."

"Heard about parties like that. Maybe I was a little sore last night --
or the first night if it was really two."

"But not sore in the morning?"

"Yeah, it was gone!"

Lola nodded. "I'll bet it's the night tree."

"What about the night tree?"

"Didn't you notice? No matter how sloppy with come you are when you
crawl under one, the next morning it's like you had a week's rest and a
good, soaking bath."

"You're right! Except your skin isn't wrinkled. How do they do that?"

"Nobody knows. I think it's the feathers under the tree."

"Bird feathers?"

"Root feathers, I think. They're hard to pull loose."

"Roots don't have feathers!"

"And little boys don't have big dicks."

"They're not little boys. Pridans look like shrunken, dried-up old men
with big heads. And big dicks." Daisy leered. "Nothing shrunken about
those nice, straight dicks!"

"My point is, here roots can have feathers, wherever 'here' is."

"Can't we find out?"

Lola shrugged. "I'm keeping my ears open."

Daisy rubbed her belly. "I'm hungry and thirsty."

Lola looked around and spotted her faithful Pridan. "Korn, has everyone
gone to supper?"

"Everyone but we three."

She got to her feet. "Lead on, sweetie."

* * *

The Pridans included them in their after-dinner orgy, which terminated
early because of the gathering darkness. In the night tree clearing
Daisy stopped, gawping upward.

"What's that hella long bar?"

"'Hella' is short for 'hell of a?'"

"Yeah. What is it?"

"If you mean that band of light overhead, they call it the arch ... The
Arch of Nasa, in fact."

"NASA? That space thing?"

Lola grunted. "Surprised you ever heard of it. It's a hell of a -- I
mean, _hella_ -- coincidence if nothing else."

"But what _is_ it?"

"An arch in the sky, which is all anybody seems to know. Sometimes you
can see it in the daylight."

"But that's ..."

"This isn't your first night, Daisy. How could you miss the arch?"

"They were ... all around me, leading me. I was like in a daze. My
cooze was tingling ... So many stars! Where's the moon?"

"Give you a hint: Korn doesn't even know the word."

"No moon? And I can't find the Big Dipper."

"Neither can I."

"Lola, where'n hell are we?"

The older sister giggled. "In heaven maybe."

"Are we dead?"

"You don't feel dead, do you?"

"No. One thing's for sure: with all this fucking it's not the Christian

"Oh? You've been studying religion?"

"One of my homeys is a Baptist. We talked about it. No fucking in her

"Well, you can count on this: that is not the sky of Earth. Go ahead
and crawl in here."

On her knees under the spreading boughs, Daisy shivered. "Lola, can I
sleep next to you?"

"Of course, sweet sis. Go ahead in and see if the Pridans left us a

* * *

Emerging from the night tree into the bright light of day and rising to
her feet, Lola said, "Good morning, sweet sis. You're looking sharp

"So are you." Daisy cocked her head. "Where'd you get a bath?"

"No bath. Why do you ask?"

"Last night you were dripping Pridan juice. Now you look clean as a --
Lola, how long before I get boobs like those?"

"Who knows -- here? Did you sleep well?"

"Oh, I did! Except ... I had a funny dream."


"Not ha-ha. I crawled out from under the tree and some kind of machine
was mowing the grass -- funny because all you could hear was a swishing
sound. It told me to crawl back to sleep. That's funny too. Don't
think I ever dreamed going back to sleep before."

"Could it have been real, Daisy?" Stooping, Lola plucked a blade of
grass. "Look at the square end. This grass has been cut!"

"Silly dream anyway. I'm hungry. Hope all these Pridans are going for

Of course they were. And going to fuck as soon as their fast was
broken. Fucking proved to be thirsty fun. The morning's first orgy
ended with everyone dipping from the closest stream. Daisy rinsed her
mouth and spat.

"What's the matter?" asked Lola. "Don't you like vanilla?"

"Love it. Also love to swirl the cool water. That boy I blew, Lola:
his juice tasted kind of pissy. Which way is it supposed to taste?"

Lola grinned. "Human semen always tasted meaty to me, what little taste
it had. You poor kid! This place is liable to corrupt you."

"Which flavor do _you_ go for?"

"Oh, the vanilla tastes better, no doubt about it. It's even sweet.
But human juice is sexier, I think. We're made to think so, after all."

Daisy said reflectively, "I guess so. But Jeremy nearly choked me."

"When he came?"

"Yeah. Surprised me, even though my homeys had told me of it. The
juice from these little guys goes down real slick, despite being more of

"Yes, it does." Lola shook her head. "Daisy, have you thought this
place might not be good for you?"

The girl's eyes widened. "Are you kidding? This place is the shits!"

"The ... Then why do you love it so?"

Daisy blinked. "Because it's super shits!"

Lola said dryly, "Contrary slang! Can't you find a sweeter word?"

Daisy's lip wrinkled. "I could say, This place is the greatest, but
where's the pizzazz?"

Lola took a breath. "Okay. So you don't care about what's happening at
home, I gather."

"What's happening?"

"The whole town's looking for you, cops too."

"They are?" The girl grinned, obviously pleased.

"And Mama's worried sick."

Daisy looked sly. "Are you jealous, Lola? Didn't anyone miss you?"

"Yeah. My boss. In your case you ought to think about the future."

Daisy shrugged. "What could I get in the future that's better than

Lola's attempt to gather mental ammunition was interrupted by her name
spoken softly in a voice more deeply masculine than usual. She looked
around. Korn's back was turned talking to another dwarf. No one was
looking her way except Daisy, whose expression suddenly expressed

The girl whispered, "Who's that?" She giggled. "Or should I say

Lola looked over her shoulder and spied a gargoyle face peering from
behind a large tree trunk in a nearby thicker cluster.

She said with equal softness, "What do you want, Stard?"

"You and ... the new thing," he whispered back. "Meet me at the fallen

Lola raised her voice slightly. "You big asshole, who do you think
you're talking to?"

"You and the new thing. Uh, uh ..." He seemed to be searching for a
word. "P-please?"

The last word was said loud enough for Korn to notice. He grabbed up
his sling bag. "Stard!" he screamed. "Defend against Stard!"

Around them other Pridans, fucking each other after quenching their
thirst, separated and began loading slings.

"Oh!" gasped the ogre. "Oh, oh!" His face disappeared.

Cracking sounds began to resound in the woods as slingstones impacted on
tree trunks, here and there knocking out splinters. At least one of
them struck as intended; a wail of anguish dwindled in the distance.

"Enough!" cried Korn. "He has fled."

Daisy looked around in awe. "Oh, wow! You little guys can really

"You are safe now, Daisy," said Korn complacently.

"You ran him off," said Lola in a tone short of approving.

Korn blinked. "Should I have not?"

"I was talking to him. He is no danger to me, Korn, as you well know."

"He would hurt Daisy."

"Not while I'm nearby. Come on, dear." She stood up, beckoning to her
sister. "Korn, I'm turned around. Which way is the cliff?"

The dwarf pointed but pled, "Do not go, Lola. His cave is far."

"We're not going to his cave. Daisy and I shall commune in the woods.

Korn looked appalled but sighed. "If that is your wish."

"The day is young," she continued. "We may even look up the Crogans."

"That is truly far. May we accompany you?"

"Thank you but I said alone."

"May _I_ go, at least?"

His expression was appealing. Lola studied it thoughtfully and said
finally, "You may also bring Murr."

"As you wish."

He looked around and beckoned to one of the dwarves, who drew near.
They stood together, clearly waiting for the two women.

"You lead," said Lola to Korn. "We're going to the boulder that fell
off the cliff the other day."

"As you wish," said Korn, starting to weave among the trees. The other
three followed.

The women caught up to Korn as he passed through the clearing containing
the boulder that Lola thought of as _Murr's Rock_. She said, "Why
didn't you drive Stard off the first time I met him?"

"Not enough of us."

"When you meet, do you always fight?"

"No. Sometimes he fucks us, if we are only two or three. His cock is
too large but he fucks anyway."

"He's got a Crogan cock."

"Yes. Large."

"Not too large for us."

Korn's eyes rounded but he led them into the farther woods. After a
few minutes he halted, palm down. "I smell Stard."

Lola pushed ahead. The fallen boulder was visible through the trees.
She called, "Stard, we're here."

The large, pink ogre came around the boulder. His Mongoloid face
clouded up. "Why did you bring those little assholes?"

"To try and make peace between Pridan and albino Crogan."

Stard blinked. Korn mumbled, "Wh-what?"

"It's stupid the way you guys fight every time you meet. I've seen the
power of their slingstones, Stard. One of these days they'll kill you
if you keep fighting."

"Nearly did today," he admitted, turning far enough around to exhibit a
scabbed mark on the back of one shoulder.

"Yes," she continued, "and you've already killed at least one Pridan,
although I'm sure you didn't mean it."

"Who told you that?"

"Don't deny it," ordered Korn gruffly.

"Now," said Lola, "why did you want to see us today?"

Started spread his hands. "You know."

"To fuck us?"

"Lola!" cried Daisy, face aghast but hiding a smile.

But Stard had already answered, "Yes!" with a beatific smile that looked
especially stupid and, Lola thought, endearing on his Mongoloid

To Daisy she said, "That's calling a spade a spade. What else is there
to do here?" She tilted her head. "Watch his cock."

Indeed that item thickened and twitched upward by fast degrees under
their gaze.

Lola snickered. "You see why at home we ought to have a law requiring
men to go naked."

"Wow! How big does it get?"

Lola said dryly, "I brought you here to show you that big ones aren't
scary. Guess I've wasted the effort."

"Wow! It's getting huge!"

"Play with it. He won't mind."

Lola sank to her knees, arms around two Pridan backs, hands stroking
their cocks, while all three watched Daisy's first contact with the
delighted Stard. The girl soon proved Lola's contention that a Crogan
cock was not too large, at least in either of her frontal orifices.
Lola failed to follow the entire exhibition, however, because on all
fours, with Murr beneath and Korn behind, her attention became focused

"Oh, god, I do love it!" she cried as ecstasy claimed her fully.

* * *

Korn said in a tone of protest, "Lola, you are going to the cliff!"

"So what?"

"Daisy and you should not go there on your own."

"Why not? You know these woods aren't dangerous."

"Well ... what if another rock falls?"

Lola gestured. "Obviously this is the first one in a very long time.
Huh! Don't look so dejected. You two can come with us to the cliff,
but at that point you will definitely stay behind, agreed?"

"All right, since you insist," said Korn stiffly.

Leaving Stard slumped against the huge rock, the two women turned away
along the water-filled groove toward the cliff.

"Damn it to hell!" cursed Daisy after a while.

The girl had stubbed her toe and hopped the next few steps with the
afflicted foot enclosed in one hand.

"Pick up your feet," said Lola unsympathetically.

"That's what I'm doing, you silly git -- one of them anyway." She

"Did Mom let you cuss this much at home?"

"Mom ain't here. And I'm tickled you ain't her."

"I'll take that as a compliment," said Lola dryly. "If this line was
still the way the boulder left it, you'd do a lot worse than stub your

Daisy looked from the path back to the large boulder, now several
hundred yards behind them: an unobstructed view down a well manicured,
straight brook. "You saw it fall?"

"No, but I was here within the hour. It was a mess of smashed trees."

"Who cleaned it up? Not you and the dwarves!"

"You're right about that. Nobody will say who cleaned it out."

"Another mystery, is it? Lola, _somebody_ has to know what's going on

"If so, we haven't met him yet."

The two women with their two Pridan companions continued beside the
water-filled groove until they came to the cliff, along whose foot a
faded path ran in both directions.

Lola turned to Korn and Murr and gave each a good-bye kiss. "Don't
worry about us, guys. We'll be fine. We'll be back before you know

"'Before ...'" Korn began but dropped the puzzle to get his good-bye
kiss from Daisy.

The younger girl said, "These guys have been really fresh with us, Sis,
can't we do better than a kiss?"

"'Fresh?' Is that a complaint?"

Daisy blinked. "I don't get it."

"'Fresh' guys are too forward sexually. I can't believe you mean that!"

Daisy marveled, "Are too _what_? I mean they've been very nice to us.
I think they deserve a good-bye fuck."

Lola smiled. "Slang has surely drifted! It's not a bad idea, honey.
We have time and I'm getting that feeling again."

To the Pridans she said in a voice pleasant but clearly authoritative,
"Murr and Korn, lie down side-by-side. Daisy and I want to ride you

The two Pridans eagerly complied. They had no trouble understanding
that "ride" meant "fuck," which was enough for full erections. Lola
mounted Korn with Daisy upon Murr, both careful not to smother her
partner. After each girl humped her way through several orgasms, her
paramour climaxed and filled her pussy with another large deposit.

With a big smile on her face Daisy said to her sister beside her, "Wow,
Sis, being around you is a blast! You're a real fuck buddy. All my old
homeys can do is talk about it."

Lola smiled at the complement. She rose from her partner, caught some
of the liquid draining from her groin, flicked it away and commented,
"Such juicy loads! Korn, you guys never run out of come, do you?"

"You would have it no other way, would you?" he asked worriedly.

"No, I guess not." Chuckling with an idea, she sad to her sister,
"Speaking of fuck buddies, I always wanted to try something, and these
guys are the right buddies for what I've got in mind. Korn, turn onto
your side. Daisy, lie down right here, with your pussy in his face.
Murr, lie down on your side over here, yeah, that's right, but point
your legs that way. Now put your face in Daisy's pussy. Now I'm going
to lie here, with my pussy in Korn's face and --"

Daisy interrupted with a squeal, "I know what you're doing: making a
daisy chain!"

Lola got into position. "Daisy's right, this arrangement is called a
daisy chain. Each of us will be doing oral sex to the person in front
of us and getting licked or sucked by the person behind us. After a
while we'll flip and give it to the other person."

Risen on his elbows, Murr said curiously, "Daisy, so this activity is
named after you?"

The girl laughed. "God, I wish! I'd be famous! No, I'm sure people
were doing this long before I was born. But this will be my first daisy
chain. Great idea, Lola!"

"Actually people used to make necklaces by twisting flowers called
daisies into chains. Now pay attention to the cock or pussy in your
face and get started!"

Slurping sounds could soon be heard all around. After a few minutes
Lola yelled, "Switch," and all flipped directions, now giving oral
pleasure to a different partner. Noisy female orgasms were first.
After several more switches of partners, the two dwarves once again
ejaculated generous loads into the girls' waiting mouths.

"That was fun," Korn reflected. "Murr and I will teach it to our

"Yes, and I will have no problem remembering that it is called Daisy,"
said Murr, gently stroking the girl's hair.

"After we explain daisy chains," said Korn with a wry smile, "I am sure
our brothers will insist on the need to make them with you, Daisy, to
fully understand the concept."

Daisy had to giggle. "Korn, you'll make everyone believe I invented the
daisy chain! Imagine: I'll be famous here at least!"

Lola chuckled. "My little sister, the sex goddess, who'd a-thunk it?"

More seriously to the Pridans she said, "Well, we all had fun, and I'm
glad. But we really have to leave you and get on to the palace. Please
don't worry about us. We'll be back soon."

Lola and Daisy kissed their Pridan friends good-bye. The path forked at
the foot of the cliff.

"Which way?" asked Daisy.

"Right to the Crogans," said Korn. "Left goes to Stard's cave."

Following her sister to the right, Daisy waved a last goodbye to the
Pridans, fast disappearing behind the trees. She said pensively, "I
liked Stard. What's so booey about him?"

Lola giggled. "Is he still on your mind after what you just did?"

"I loved his dick. What's wrong with him?"

"He's a bully." Lola nodded. "I noticed what you liked."

"Who knew mingos could fuck so good?"


"You know: fat guys."

"Fat guys with big dicks. For your information fat guys are usually fat
everywhere else."

"Are the Crogans fat like that?"

"They're big with plenty of muscle, not fat."

Daisy, looking back, was worried. "D'you know what you're doing, Lola?"

"Don't worry, it's not even midday. I've been this way before. We'll
make it."

"Why was Korn so worried?"

"He followed me before. I think he wants to keep us to the Pridans."

"It's more than that, Lola. I've seen how he looks at you."

"He likes my boobs. You'll get some before long."

"More than that too."

"He's the first one I met. Maybe that gives him some cachet."

"Whatever that means."

"Maybe a special responsibility. I've only been here a week myself!
Still learning the rules."

"And breaking them, if I know you. Mama told me a lot."

"About me?"

"About you and that Jamison boy, fucking on his shed roof in broad

Lola giggled. "That was a brave kid. What else did she say?"

"She was going to put me on birth control next month."

"You're not on it yet? I think she put me on it just in time."

"That's what she said."

After a while Lola said, "What did you think of Stard?"

"Well, I already understand you don't get to know a guy from just one
fuck. But I have to say, Lola, if all the Crogans look as idiotic as he
does, they better all have super dicks!"

"The green Crogans are handsome, every one of them."


"Stard is the only pink Crogan I've met."

"Green! That means they have green dicks."

"So what?"

"Like green bananas."

"But bigger."

"Oh. Yeah."

They both giggled.

A bit later Daisy said pensively, "You're taking charge of me, aren't
you, Lola?"

"Do you think so?"

Daisy grinned. "Well, so far it's not so bad. You always interfered
with my playtime, as long as you were home, so what's new?"

"By now you know this place makes you love fucking, whoever does it.
That's what's new. Just wait till you see the Palace of Light."

They continued following the path through the woods. Lola commented to
her sister, "Eventually this path will leave these woods. We'll see a
grassy plain and then the palace."

They hurried on. But the path petered out and was somewhat overgrown
with vegetation, suggesting it was not heavily traveled. The grassy
plain did not appear as soon as Lola had implied.

After seeming hours Daisy whined, "I hate to sound like the little kid
in the back seat, but are we there yet? These woods are starting to get
really thick."

"Yeah, I wonder if we lost the trail. Did we miss a fork? The way to
get there seemed very simple the last time."

"You sayin' we been forked?" Daisy chuckled. "That's all we've been
doing since we got here."

"Ugh!" grunted Lola in pretend disgust. "Yes, we've been forkin' around
all day." Her voice changed. "Hey, that's a Fruchup tree! Let's get a
bite to eat. We'll feel better and can decide what to do next."

They pulled off bowls, sat on the ground and started eating. Daisy
asked nervously, "So you think we're lost? Should we turn around?"

"First honey, don't be afraid: no dangerous animals in these woods. The
worst thing around here is Stard, and you certainly know how to handle
him! Also with these special trees no way can we starve. Let's just
relax for a moment and try to think straight. You might have a good
idea. Maybe we should go back to the path."

"If we can find it," said Daisy morosely.

At that moment a Crogan stepped from behind a tree and said, "Good
afternoon, women!"

"Jorg!" screamed Lola in delight, jumping to her feet and discarding her
half-eaten bowl. "I'm so glad to see you! Were you looking for us?"

"Yes, the brothers told me to," Jorg responded.

"Did someone see us and know we were lost?" Lola asked.

He only shrugged. Looking at Daisy, he said, "Brothers also learned
that another woman is with you."

"Yes, yes, you're well informed. Jorg, meet my sister Daisy."

"Daisy," he acknowledged. "You are sisters, so if I remember your
explanation correctly Lola, that means you two were pushed out of the
same woman's fuck hole?"

Daisy's eyes widened. "Wh-what did you say?"

Lola snickered. "I doubt our mother would appreciate that description,
but yes, you are correct, Jorg. I'm glad you remembered what I said in
the seeing room."

"'Seeing room?'" repeated Daisy quizzically

"It's in the palace," Lola explained. "We'll take you there. And
speaking of the palace, Jorg, we were heading there to visit you and
your brothers, but we seem to've got lost. Will you take us there?"


But he stood still, hands dangling at his side, eyeing the girl, whose
eyes dropped to his rising cock. "Oh, my!" she breathed.

"Which way do we go?" said Lola impatiently.

Jorg opened his mouth but failed to answer.

"What's wrong Jorg?" asked Lola. "Is something bothering you?"

"Well ... before we go to the palace ..." He began reluctantly.

"Go on, tell us what's on your mind," Lola said encouragingly. Her eyes

"I am not sure how to say this, but ... Is your sister Daisy as good a
fuck as you, Lola? The Pridans think so."

Daisy started laughing. "Same as middle school -- don't take long for a
girl to get a rep, huh? What you are trying to say, Jorg, is you want
to find out for yourself, right?"

Lola also laughed. "Around here honey, for reasons easy to guess, the
best compliment you can get is being called a good fuck."

"Yeah," agreed Daisy with a bright grin, "and as good a fuck as my big
sister, imagine that!"

By now Jorg's cock had swollen to its full length and was standing
straight out from his body.

"He's saluting you with that thing, honey," smirked Lola. "His
intentions couldn't be clearer."

"And I can guess how to return his salute."

Immediately the young girl dropped to her knees in front of Jorg to lick
his cock, assuring it well-lubricated with her spit. Next she turned
around on hands and knees and wiggled her buttocks at him. With a hand
under her belly she spread her nether lips and whispered hoarsely, "Come
on, big guy. I'm sure Lola has taught you what to do with a juicy

"And he was fast on the uptake too," said Lola reminiscently.

Jorg fell to his knees behind her and slowly inserted himself. Leaning
forward, he said reassuringly, "I'm a lot bigger than the Pridans, you
know. I hope not to hurt you, my dear."

"Umm, feels good!" She giggled. "Pussies stretch. So no, you ain't
hurting me."

Lola directed, "Jorg, don't let the small size of her boobs fool you.
They're still sensitive. Fondle them while you fuck her, same as you
would mine. She'll really like that."

He obeyed eagerly. Lola sat down where she could see the face of her
sister, whom the Crogan fucked through several screaming orgasms.
Watching, Lola of course diddled her clit to a mild orgasm. In due time
Jorg climaxed, shooting copiously into Daisy's pussy, already soaking
with her own juices.

With a sigh Jorg stood up, recovered himself and smiled. "Pridans were
right, Daisy. You are indeed a very good fuck."

"Thanks Jorg," said Daisy. "Better than Lola?"

"You are both delightful. I could never choose between you. I would
take whoever was in the mood."

"Excellent, a very diplomatic answer," noted Lola.

"Diplomatic? I do not know this word."

"Let's just say a very good answer, one that won't upset either of us,
when you could've claimed she's tighter. I'll explain what's a diplomat
some other time. But now, shouldn't we be going to the palace?"

"Most definitely. I know my brothers are waiting. Let's stop at a
stream first so Daisy can wash the come from her pussy and thighs."

Lola grinned appreciatively. "So she'll be fresh for them? That's
sweet of you."

"'Sweet?'" He blinked.

"To be thoughtful of your brothers' pleasure."

"In fact I was thinking of Daisy. Come gets sticky between your legs."

Lola shook her head. "All right. Then lead us to a brook."

"This way, then we'll find the path. Don't worry, we don't have far to

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