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{ASSM} Sweet Sherri (first, tg/f, exhib)

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chưa đọc,
03:10:02 25 thg 10, 200825/10/08
Hey, if you want to read more, feel free to visit

By Brett Lynn

"The fuck you want," the girl hissed through her teeth.

Well, it's hard to say. For one, this was the one night of the week
at the particular club that was tranny night. Unless the lucky woman
was either a straight freak or had been exposed to the scene, there
weren't too many people walking around with a double dose of X
chromosomes. Two, the girl hissed while staring between her legs with
hooded eyes knew who she was. She had just finished a set dancing in
the night club, showing off her 'surprise'. Of course, Stevie Wonder
blindfolded could see the surprise, but the men who frequented this
place weren't exactly looking for such unpredictability.

The omniscient Lord, combined with an interesting response to hormones
and decent genes, had blessed her with a nice surprise, fitting a club
like this. For one, she could hold her own with many a male pornstar,
blessed with 10 inches of soda-can thickness between her legs that
miraculously had skin as smooth as her honeyed caramel complexion.
Her legs were athletic, boosted with some hormones and just a touch of
Dow Corning's highest quality petrochemicals. Her boobs looked as
realistic as what was between her legs, and were much more a product
of the beginning of a two-week Percoset haze in Rio. She lifted the
glass with her Mike's Hard lemonade in it, brushing away her long
honey-blonde bangs from her eyes and asked "Who are you?"

"Oh, um, hi, I'm a big fan of yours and, um..."

"My dick right?" the girl said as she sat up in her couch, her
attentions perked up by her admirer.

"Yeah. You've been doing this for a moment I take, right?"

"Yeah. What's it to you?"

"You know, a lot of the girls around here, ya know, do dates, and I
was wondering..."

The girl ignored the fan between her legs, standing up in her 6 inch
clear platform heels, and walked towards her dressing room.

"I take that as a no, right?"

The girl stuck her hand out in the general direction of the guy as she
walked out, sticking her thumb up and flashing a sarcastic smile.

She strode into the room, walking over to her traditional vanity and
putting her glass down. Around her was the typical mass of queens,
transvestites and transsexuals that frequented the place, while the
cacophony of loud house music and socializing enveloped the scene.
She popped open her box of baby wipes and began her usual routine.
Wiping off the thick and heavy makeup required for the bright lights
of the club came first, then a fresh set of wipes to clean the sheen
off of her boobs and her semi-hard dick.

"Hey Sherri!" her neighbor said to her. "Looks like another fan lost
out huh?"

"Yeah, yeah, Mona girl. You know that ain't how I roll. I'm not
exactly on food stamps with this."

"True. If I knew you didn't get pumped, I'd be getting you on Jenny
Craig for them hips," Mona laughed. "But I know ya. You've been
around long enough, and if you were going to do that, you've done it
by now."

"Hey, I'm just grateful you put me on to this place. Ready for
another night at the meat market?"

"Mmmhmm," Mona said as she shimmied into her tight dress on her heels
before striking a pose. "And the tube steak is fresh tonight!"

"Three cheers for cultural stereotypes of Black male virility
projected onto members of the transgendered community!"

"You and your damned college talk!" Mona said with a dismissive wave.
"Though those stereotypes, along with some condoms, help pay my
rent...and yours if you think about it."

"True." She flashed a smile and chuckle at Mona, then downed the rest
of her hard lemonade. Sherri then fished her bag out from under her
vanity and put on her non-work clothes, a black sportsbra and matching
cheap Hanes boycut panties, a light blue sweatshirt, some fitting
jeans capped off with a matching pair of mac-and-cheese boots and a
tawny colored baseball cap. Making her way out of the side entrance,
through the bustling crowd and onto the street, she looked like just
another twenty-something trying to make it in the big city. Fishing
her iPod and Metrocard out, she swiped into the 23rd Street station,
then used the music to numb the pain of another long late night wait
for the train. At least for her sake, the train ride promised to be
short once her train arrived.

A half hour later, she fumbled out the keys to open up her two-bedroom
walkup in Hell's Kitchen. All things considered, for a 21 year old
now living as a woman, it wasn't too bad, considering the rent she
paid with her roommate would hardly get her a studio close to her
job. Apparently the low-dose estrogen she took didn't hit her brain
hard enough, because for her obvious visage in a few of the pictures
on the walls, it looked very much a guy's place. Random papers, a
stack of college textbooks and an empty glass coated the table.
"Great, that freakin' reminds me," Sherri muttered to herself. "I
have to make it out to Queens at some point this weekend."

With an exhausted sigh, she tossed her baseball cap in the general
direction of nothing and dropped her bag on the floor. She walked
into her tiny bedroom, illuminated by an equally small lamp, then
shucked her sweatshirt off. Her shoes and jeans followed in quick
succession, along with her sports bra. A shiver when up through her
nipples, just enough to tempt her into some manual relaxation with
some of her porn collection. Alas, her exhaustion got the better of
her, and an ungraceful tit-first collision with the bed beckoned,
taking her off to sleep the sleep of the tried.


Magically, it seemed, Satan turned the fires up in Hell's Kitchen.
Either that, or the sun light finally hit her eyes, causing her to rub
the sleep out of them. She first reached for a bra, then, realizing
it was out of reach, stumbled onto her feet to find something. Once
she found a suitable white one to squeeze those silicone sacs under
her skin into, she set about walking into the kitchen. Almost by
feel, she walked into the kitchen, grabbed a glass, opened the fridge
and poured herself a glass of orange juice.

"What's up?"

"Hey Stan," Sherri said as she walked over towards the living room.
"Another fun all-nighter, eh?"

"Well, I won't have you to pay half of my rent forever. How was your
night with the straights?"

"Straight to the dick as usual," Sherri said as she plopped down on a
chair. "If I was in the blackmail business, I'd have enough cash to
own the Yankees."

"Ya gotta admit you're a strange bird, even for what you do," Stan
said over the mild squeak of highlighter dragging across the page.
"You've spent a tidy five figures making yourself a lust object, yet
you aren't even interested in the guys that come after you."

"Well, there's no law saying I gotta fuck them," Sherri said as her
brain finally got up to waking speed. "Besides," as she sat up in her
chair, "I'm the one who ultimately has to live with my body, and I
think I did a decent remodeling job, right?"

"Looking like the porno whores you jerk off to all the time, fish!"

Sherri replied to her friend with a chuckle and a well-thrown pillow
to the head. "I guess I do need to kill the volume on my computer
during the week, huh?" she thought to herself. "So what's the agenda
for today?"

"Well, bury myself in these books for a lot more, then head downtown
to meet the next loser. Hey, a brother has needs, ya know?"


"I mean, how's this for a simple concept: I'm a guy who likes to fuck,
well, guys. If I wanted femme wannabes, I'd be asking you to feed me
the info for the new recruits at your various jobs."

"And you wonder why I don't date? Heck, and ya wonder why I'm still
technically a virgin."

"We all know why, but I'm not going there right now. What's on your

"A trip to a collegiate library in the wilds of Queens, then,
absolutely nothing for once. I know I do need to get my act together
with school, but between the three nights a week, the modeling gigs
and actually, well, studying, it's not exactly smooth."

"I feel ya, girl."

"Well, let me attempt to get going," Sherri said as she made it to her
feet. "You thinking about bringing dude back here if all goes well?"

"Yeah, yeah, you know the drill."

"I know. The emergency text message rescue service will be on duty."

Sherri walked over to the fridge and picked out an apple. Rubbing it
on her skin to warm it up, and bristling at the touch, she made her
way back to her room and turned on her computer. After logging in,
she fired up her browser and checked her email, looking to see if her
agent had booked her for a photo shoot at some point or forwarded her
some desperate piece of fan mail. Satisfied that work wasn't
impending, or that one of her fans hadn't gone off the deep end as
usual, she made her way over to one of her favorite BitTorrent porn

"If they only knew what this web girl looked at in her spare time,"
she chuckled to herself.

First, she checked to see if there were any comments on the torrent
posts with her pictures on them. It's not that she wanted to contact
them per se. She just found it interesting that there was a dedicated
bunch who fawned over her online, yet not only wouldn't notice her on
the street but be horribly disappointed that she didn't want to shove
her dick up their ass. After wrapping that up, she started browsing
through the new stuff to see if there was anything worth downloading
and stroking to.

"Hmmm...interracial," she said to herself as she toyed with herself in
her pants. The remark that Stan made did sting a bit. That said, she
knew she did the right thing...she thought. "Ah well, no time for
subtleties," she thought to herself as she pulled her panties to the
side and let her semi-hard flop down onto the chair. She double-
clicked to start the latest porn oeuvre from Lexington Steele, while
digging up a classic from her hard drive. Her dick hardening with
anticipation, she leaned back and started pawing at her breasts,
rubbing at her hardening nipples. As the vid slowly got into the
action, she started twisting her hand around the head, wishing that
her dick was the one on the screen. As soon as the little white
starlet started caressing that soft looking tongue around the tip, she
reached for her poorly hidden bottle of lube and splashed a puddle on
her left hand before getting more into it. As she got into it, the
hair on her skin stood on end, and her nipples were on fire. She
reached up and pulled her tit out of her bra, pawing at her nipple
roughly, getting the spare lube that slid off the bottle mottled over
her caramel-tinged skin. Sherri tossed her hair back, getting into it
as she started stroking harder to the slow, sensual blowjob she was
looking at screen wishing it was her....

Suddenly, she bolted up, looking for her digital camera, looking
through the junk of her room to get it. She slid under the bed,
dragging her still-hard dick on the throw rug just hard enough to

"Got it!"

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