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{ASSM} Woods World {Kelliswan} (MMFf alien ScFi oral anal) [5/15]

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Apr 24, 2017, 8:08:28 PM4/24/17
Woods World
by Kelliswan

Chapter 5: Harley

Jorg escorted Lola and Daisy through the castle gate, across the
courtyard, and into the castle's entrance hall, where they encountered
Calg, Sarg, and Targo, obviously standing in wait. Behind them stood
four additional Crogans.

Calg's eyes lit at the sight of her. "Welcome back, Lola. We are glad
you returned."

"You can bet I'm glad to be back. Told you I'd return! Is this some
more of your brothers?"

"Yes," Jorg replied as Calg was drawing breath. "They heard about your
last visit and how much fun we had with this delightful new creature
called 'woman.' They hope to learn more about your charms."

Daisy, with a smirk on her face, whispered archly to Lola, "Well, Sis,
if they had fun I'm sure you did too!"

Jorg heard the whisper. Before Lola could respond, he pushed Daisy to
the front with a hand on her butt, announcing, "As you see, this time we
are honored by two women. This is Lola's sister. She is called Daisy."

"Sister?" said one of the new Crogans in the back. "I do not know that

Jorg explained, "Just as we are brothers because we came from the same
mother closets in the palace, women call themselves brothers or sisters
if they come from the same fuck hole of a woman that they call 'mother,'
like the Pridan mother tree."

Daisy snorted. "Women are never brothers."

Jorg shook his head. "This is complicated. I am sure Lola can explain
it to us with some pictures in the seeing room."

"Sure," said Lola.

The new Crogans' faces brightened. The one to the left said, "Most of
the seeing room is a mystery. Maybe she could explain some more of it."

"I will, whatever I can. Jorg, why don't you introduce us?"

"I am Trok," he said, being faster on the uptake.

Jorg added in a surly tone, "To the right of Trok are Belk, Shar and

"We are pleased to meet you, gentlemen," said Lola politely.

"'Pooter?'" repeated Daisy with a giggle.

"Daisy!" warned her sister. "This is a different culture."

"What does it mean here?" asked Daisy challengingly.

Lola spread her hands.

Jorg said, "Show her, Pooter."

The addressed Crogan extruded his lips, compressed them between thumb
and forefinger and made a flatulent sound.

Jorg explained, "That peculiar sound is called a poot. A pooter is one
who poots."

Daisy laughed aloud.

"You poor fellow!" declared Lola sympathetically.

Pooter grinned and shook his head. "I cannot help it."

Snorts were heard from other Crogans.

Trok said while pointing at Daisy, "Jorg, when you told us about Lola's
visit, you said we can recognize a woman by the large growths on her
chest. Daisy has small bumps, not much different from my chest. How do
we know she is a woman?"

Daisy turned to Lola with her hand cupped near her mouth in fake
concealment and whispered angrily, "God damn it, this is the same as
middle school! The first thing the studs ever notice is that I ain't
got no boobs!"

Lola said softly, "Easy, honey. Nobody's being mean; they're just

Then in a louder voice Lola explained, "We are not full-grown like you
when we're born. We need lots of time to grow. Her boobs will soon get
large like mine, maybe even larger."

Jorg pointed helpfully to Daisy's crotch and said, "Notice that she has
no cock. Instead you will find a lovely fuck hole that is tight,
something like an asshole, but a lot juicier and some say better. I
tried hers earlier today. Believe me, it is delightful, just like
Lola's special hole. I am sure you will enjoy it."

"You tell 'em, boo!" cried Daisy brightly. "I'm a gnarly fox!"

She spread her legs, leaned back and pushed her pelvic region forward,
exposing the subject region for inspection. Jorg put his arm around her
shoulders to prevent her falling backwards and commented to his
brothers, "You can really look at her in the sporting room."

Daisy giggled at him. "Hey, let me guess: could your sports in the
sporting room be orgies? If so, let's go!"

Lola sniffed. "What do you know about orgies?"

"The Pridans taught me a lot about orgies," the girl answered with a

"Oh. Right."

Jorg grabbed her hand and led her away, declaring, "I want to see how
long it takes my brothers to figure out what to do with a woman. Let's

The whole group entered the sporting room. Lola said to her little
sister, "You ready for this?"

Before answering Daisy stared at the large Crogan cocks rising to
attention, grabbed the two nearest her. "I'm ready and oh, these lovely
cocks! They are as big as --" She paused, wide eyes upon Lola, and
said behind her hand, "Better not mention that one, huh?"

"Lie down there," said the woman, pointing to the nearest pallet.

Daisy, spread her legs and looked around expectantly. Sarg crawled
between them and pointed to two of the new Crogans. "Come here, next to
the bed, and learn." He touched her pussy lips and clit. "Watch this,
right here. If she is like her sister, she will really enjoy a good

With Daisy well begun toward several loud orgasms, Lola laid down on the
neighboring pallet. Jorg urged the other two Crogans to stand next to
the bed.

Calg climbed between her legs and said, "Let me show you fellows what I
learned from her last visit."

With encouragement from Jorg and Calg, as well as Lola, the two
neophytes fondled her pussy, gently played with her clit, and practiced
inserting two and then three fingers into her vagina.

Lola, with a somewhat agitated voice, said "That's enough playing
around. I need to fuck! Calg, shove that big thing into me right now!"

Calg obeyed, lifting her legs over his thighs and starting a rhythmic
humping. In the meantime Jorg bent down to lick her tits. Shortly he
lifted his head and said to the watchers, "These things, her tits, are
not just for looks. She likes them played with too. Bend over and suck
a tit like I am."

Lola placed a hand on each of the sucking heads and squealed, "That's
lovely! Oh, I love having my boobs sucked! But Jorg, you told me that
Crogans will never fuck together like the Pridans."

Jorg said, "We are not fucking. We are merely sucking your chest, a
really new idea to us."

Lola wanted to comment, but was too busy with rising excitement and
humping hips for anything beyond, "Oh, god!"

She let out a loud scream as she came. After a moment's recovery, she
said to Jorg, "Where I come from a naked man sucking a naked girl's
boobs while she is getting fucked would be called fucking. But if you
don't see it that way, I'm not going to argue! Oh, god, my boobs love
Crogan mouths!"

Calg continued his rhythmic pumping, driving Lola toward another orgasm.

Jorg stopped sucking long enough to offer an excuse. "Lola, for us,
sucking your boobs is a really new. We have no experience of it. Maybe
that is why doing it while another fucks you is not a problem."

Lola just smiled and pulled Jorg's head back down to her chest.

When Targo observed that Lola was enjoying the two Crogans at her tits
while the third brother was fucking her, he moved to Daisy, leaned down
and started sucking one of her nipples, prominent despite the shallow
padding around it. "Oh," sighed Daisy, "that feels really good! You're
Targo, right?"

He raised his head. "Good, you remember my name!"

Daisy pointed at her now moist tit and said, "I don't have much there
compared to my sister. Do you still like them?"

"Oh, yes!" exclaimed Targo. "I love your tits. I think they are meant
for a mouth."

"Well, you're right about that."

"And I see they are very sensitive."

He pointed at one of his brothers standing on the far side of the pallet
and then to the other tit. With a nod that Crogan leaned down to suck
the nipple and lick all around it.

Daisy murmured, "Wow, one big guy in my cooze and two sucking my little
boobs! None of my homeys will believe this! And they think little
Daisy don't know how to have a good time!"

Almost immediately she wailed loudly to her first orgasm in the Palace
of Light.

The Crogans did their best not to come too soon, as they all wanted this
wonderful session to endure. But the stimulation of listening to one
female orgasm after the other was too intense. Massive ejaculations
were impossible to delay.

As soon as one of the Crogans finished, he pulled his wilting organ out
of the tight receptacle to be promptly replaced by another's stiff rod.
The departing fellow would observe his brothers briefly as they
continued plowing the two lovelies, then move to an empty pallet, crawl
onto it and quickly fall asleep.

After the last Crogan finished adding juice to Daisy's pussy, he
exclaimed "That was so good, but I am tired now! Looks like all of us
are asleep. When we wake up, we shall all go for dinner."

"Sure, no problem," said Lola, looking around. Indeed he was the last
Crogan not prone on his back. As she watched, he assumed that position,
where his eyes closed and his breathing immediately regularized.

"That's certainly different!" she commented.

"Not too different," Daisy responded. "Boys don't go to sleep but they
sure bug out. What's wrong with these guys?"

"I think it's just the way they are. The Crogans are all one-shotters."


"What's wrong with you?"

"I can't remember ... Lola, did you notice if I sucked a cock?"

"No, but I doubt you did. Everyone has a mouth."

"So what?"

"The Crogans want to try something new."

"You'd think with _eight_ of them ... Those cocks are so big! I bet
they taste great!"

"Yeah, they do. But look out: they can strangle you."

"The Pridans did. I learned to swallow fast."

"Yeah," Lola agreed dryly. "I see what you're learning."

"Real Fucking 101!" declared Daisy with a leer.

Lola said "How long did this lesson last? It seems like hours. I
must've come dozens of times."

"Yeah, me too. It was a top-notcher for sure! But it can't have been
hours. As you said, these guys are all one-shotters." She looked
around "I don't see any clocks anywhere."

"Guess they don't need them," remarked Lola. "Changing the subject,
while they're napping, let's go explore this place and I'll show you
what I know about it."


But as they stood up, each noticed the other's saturated condition.

Daisy looked around. "How do we clean up?"

"It's like the night tree. Somehow the pallets do it if you lie there
long enough, but I noticed napkins in the eating room. I'm hungry

"You said it!"

In the eating room each helped the other clean up the jism dripping from
pussies and running down thighs. Then Lola procured two bowls of beljer
and they sat to eat.

Smiling, she said, "Well kid, aren't those cocks great?"

"Oh, boy! What are they anyway, like nine inches or so? I wonder if
the Crogans would have anything to measure by."

"Nine inches is my guess also, but let's keep our eyes open for a ruler
as we walk around." She chuckled fondly. "Those cocks sure fill a girl
up, don't they?"

"Just mongo! And so much jism! Those pads were _soaked_. Crogan balls
sure hold a lot of juice, don't they! Do we need to do anything about
that mess?"

"No," said Lola. "Remember, that was the 'sporting room', so I'm
guessing that they routinely soak it when they butt-fuck each other. And
anyway, those big balls made this mess, so let them clean it up!"

"Right on!" chuckled Daisy. "Huh, listen to that, will you? One shot
and they're snoring!" She shook her head. "According to my homeys,
even teenage boys can do better. Tell me something: shouldn't I be able
to get -- what? -- maybe three or four shots from a guy while we're

"Some guys, maybe, but I don't recall ever being turned on enough to
want a boyfriend to come four times on the same date." She giggled
reminiscently. "Not the same guy, anyway. When you have a lot of them
... Well, I'd only been to a couple of real orgies before I came

Daisy was interested. "Oh, you're gonna talk about it?"

"Not really. The last was just a fraternity party."

"That's what's great about this place," giggled Daisy. "We have lots of
these big guys to play with. Quantity makes up for lack of staying

"Speaking of lots of guys, having two suck my boobs while a third fucks
really turns me on!"

"Really?" Daisy laughed. "I thought threesomes and foursomes was
something a slut like you would do every weekend!"

Lola gave her sister a playful slap across the cheek. "Hey, show some
respect for your elders! Especially your slutty sister."

"Sure, Sis, you know I'm just teasing you. What else is here that can
corrupt your little sister's morals?"

"Well, you know we can't get two of them to fuck at the same time, so
don't expect a cock in your mouth while another is up your cunt. But
we're new with new ways --"

Daisy interjected, "Don't they call that 'fresh meat?'"

"More than that. They're clearly excited about fucking girls. Jorg is
even getting adventurous. He started the tit sucking while another guy
was in my pussy. So I'm thinking, two of them won't do one of us, but
how about the two of us jumping one of them?"

"Yeah, but I'm still an inexperienced kid. Explain what you want two
girls to do with a guy."

"How about this. We start with him on his back and one of us rides his
cock. While he is concentrating on the girl riding his cock the other
one surprises him with a pussy in the face. That would be quite
different for him. I bet he'd go for it."

"Hey, that sounds like fun! It's certainly worth a try!" With a sly
smile on her face, Daisy asked, "While we're riding his cock and tongue,
would we kiss and play with each other's boobs?"

"Oh, so getting her brains fucked out all day long is not enough? My
kid sister wants lezzie action too! Sure you're only 13?"

Lola leaned over and gave Daisy a wet kiss on the mouth. The girl's
eyes flew open as her sister's tongue entered her mouth.

But Lola broke off the kiss. "We can do that anytime. Let's go take
that tour."

She headed toward the stairs, saying over her shoulder, "The seeing room
that Jorg mentioned is on the second floor. Is your pussy too sore to
climb stairs?"

Daisy smiled sunnily. "Those big dicks really busted their nuts in it,
didn't they? Funny that a little slit can stretch so much!"

"Huh! Remember what's meant to come out of it."

"Oh, yeah. I'm getting it in shape." Daisy laughed. "And I bet I can
run upstairs faster than you can!"

But the sisters never reached the staircase at the end of the hall. On
the way Daisy spotted a door with a window in it. "What's this door?"
she asked. "With a window on a dark room?"

"Some sort of closet?" guessed Lola.

"We know it's not a coat closet. These guys never wear anything."

Tentatively Daisy placed her hand on the door knob. Immediately the
interior lit up. She said, "It looks like a closet, but it's empty."

When she pulled on the knob, the door swung open. She entered without
hesitation. "Hey, Lola, come look at this."

Lola stepped inside. It was a small room, maybe large enough for four
or five Crogans to stand side-by-side. The walls were green with white
insulated tile on the ceiling, the source of the light. Daisy was
studying two buttons on the wall containing the doorway. About shoulder
high, they were black with white arrowheads etched into their surfaces:
one pointing up, the other down.

"What do you make of that?" Daisy wondered.

"Up and down? Is this maybe an elevator?"

With a shrug Daisy pressed the down arrow. Immediately the door closed.
Curiously from this side the window was opaque.

Daisy said, "I don't feel anything. Are we moving?"

"No idea. I sure didn't know this place had an elevator!"

"If it was moving, shouldn't we have felt it start?"

"I would think so." As she spoke, they both felt briefly heavier. She
added, "Uh, oh! Now I would think we've stopped."

Daisy pushed on the door. It opened into a well-lit hallway and both
girls stepped out smartly as if escaping confinement. They looked

"No windows anywhere," said Daisy. "Are we maybe in the basement?"

"I don't recognize anything. This place is new to me."

"See that big door down at the end?"

The door proved massive and very solid. A tap on it produced no sound.
Daisy said, "A steel door? Is this something like a bank vault? Do the
Crogans have their gold hidden down here?"

Lola sniffed. "All these guys do is wander in the woods and fuck. What
do they need gold for?"

"Still, I wonder what's behind this door. It don't even have a handle."
She raised her voice to a shout. "Open sesame!"

When nothing happened, she added, "Well, that worked in fairytales."

"Maybe a secret knock is necessary," said Lola.

"Huh!" Daisy was contemptuous. "That door is solid as a rock."

Nevertheless Lola knocked on the steel door three times with her fist,
producing nearly silent meaty thuds.

"What did I tell --" Daisy began.

Suddenly they heard mechanical clanking.

"Maybe a locking mechanism is moving!" Lola shouted. "Step back out of
the way!"

Slowly the door swung fully open into the hall. Light came on in the
room beyond.

"Let's go!" cried Daisy, darting inside with Lola on her heels.

It was a huge room. All around them were banks of humming machinery.
They stopped, staring.

"What the hell?" murmured Daisy.

"Some kind of weird computer room?" guessed Lola.

A disembodied, somewhat nasal male voice said, "Welcome, ladies, and
make yourselves at home."

"Where did that voice come from?" demanded Daisy, looking wildly around,
and expressing Lola's very thought.

"Excuse me," the voice repeated in its deeply masculine tones. "I am
unaccustomed to mechanical conversation."*

*On the last word a full-sized, white Crogan popped into existence
before them. Lola's lips form the word, "Stard," but she realized this
was no Stard. It was nude, hairless, muscular, handsome-featured and as
far from obese as a green Crogan, but its pubic pad was smooth skin,
suspending no genitals.

Daisy said truculently, "What do you mean 'mechanical?'"

"As opposed to electronic."

Lola recovered her voice. "The better question is, who are you? Or
should I say, 'What?'"

The apparition smiled. "Let me introduce myself to you, Lola, and you,
Daisy. My name is Harley, given me for whimsical reasons, I am sure.
As to what, I am the tool of Homo Superior assigned to maintain and
govern this earthlike enclave. I believe your era used the term,
'Artificial Intelligence.' You should think of me as an AI."

"Are you real?"

"Do you not believe your eyes?"

"I mean, really there?"

He bowed slightly. "Oh yes, and as you can see, able to converse with
you. In that respect I am as real as your sister."

"In that case," said Lola ironically, "how do you do?"

"Very well as usual, thank you, and pleased to receive two such fine
specimens of old Earth womanhood. Daisy, will you verify that you have
not yet reached your full growth?"

"Well, I --"

Lola said, "Of course not. She's only 13."

"I'll be 14 in four months," Daisy declared indignantly.

"You will be full-grown sooner than that," said Harley. "I note from
your DNA that you two are sisters, yet you arrived here four days apart.
Will you satisfy my curiosity as to how that happened?"

"How what happened?" asked Lola.

"Why did you come here separately?"

"Why not? We don't live together. You should wonder that we're here at
all! It's because we're sisters who are both nosy and too curious to
find out what was behind a door marked 'Do Not Use.'" Lola squared her
shoulders. "We have a lot of questions for you too, probably more than
you have for us."

"I am sure you do." He gestured. "Come with me to my sitting room. We
will be more comfortable away from these noisy machines."

They followed him through a door, which immediately closed behind them,
indeed shutting out the noise. This room was much smaller than the one
they had quitted. It contained two couches, facing each other over a
coffee table. Instead of windows two large, framed landscape scenes
decorated the facing walls. The far wall contained another closed door.
All was well lit, although the light source was not evident.

"Please take a seat," said Harley.

When they had complied, he sat on the facing couch. Although their own
cushions sagged under their weight, Lola noticed that his did not.

He said, "Let's start with where you are, which is still on Earth, the
same planet upon which you lived before, but having a surface that is
very different --"

"Different?" interposed Lola. "Oh, it's different, all right --
everything you can name, except maybe the paintings and statues in the
Palace of Light. How is that possible, Harley?"

"It is because we are sitting together on the Earth five million years
in the future of your previous life." He fell silent, watching their

Lola and Daisy exchanged stupefied glances. "Five million years!"
repeated Lola.

"That's silly!" declared Daisy.

"Oh yes, it may indeed be silly but it's true. And the differences are
worse than you have seen, far worse. Regard the picture behind me."

As he spoke, the depicted scene changed. Still a landscape, it was no
longer pleasant. Glowing red lava visibly bubbled and seethed under a
sullen yellow sky.

Harley continued, "Earth has lost all its crust and enough time has not
passed for it to re-harden. You and I, the Pridans and the Crogans,
presently occupy a carefully shielded enclave about a thousand miles in
diameter, built upon stabilizers sunk deep in the mantle and surrounded
by a force bubble that keeps out the sulfurous atmosphere of present day

Daisy's chin rose. "I saw that scene on TV. It's in Hawaii. What
booty-cheddar are you trying to spread?"

He looked puzzled. "'Booty-cheddar?' I have said nothing about

Lola also repeated with raised eyebrows, "'Booty-cheddar?'"

"Bullshit," Daisy explained succinctly.

Lola said tolerantly, "I see. Harley, she is casting doubt on your
claim. Are you saying this video represents the whole Earth's surface

"Except for our enclave."

Lola sometimes enjoyed science fiction. "What happened to the Earth, a
big meteor?"

"A good guess, my dear, but --"

"I'm not your dear!"

"Why not?" He gestured above them. "You are almost everyone else's on
this planet."

"Ulp!" she grunted, dropping her eyes, but raised them again curiously.

"Several Crogans have yet to enjoy your company -- not that your
popularity is your own fault exactly. A big meteor is a good guess,
wrong only in number and size. In fact it was millions of medium
meteors, delivered in the space of a few hours. War, in another word."

"We did this to ourselves?"

"Homo Sapiens was partly responsible. It was called the _Last Human
War_. You can look it up in the seeing room."

"I will, but tell me how this ... enclave was spared."

"Oh, it was not. You must understand: all sentience, all life, even
artificial life, was wiped out and remained so until 100,000 years ago,
when in a sentimental moment one of my people decided to restore a
semblance of it here."

"A 'semblance' is right. Why no women?"

"Homo Superior uses sex only for recreation, not reproduction.
Misandry has supplanted misogyny as the average bias."

"Reasonable," Lola agreed. Her lip curled. "I'm sure it was men who
destroyed the earth! But what you said makes no sense. Everyone here
is certainly masculine except Daisy and me -- and I guess you."

His eyes twinkled. "How about women with penises?"

"Crap!" declared Daisy positively.

He chuckled. "Too much a contradiction in terms? Yet according to the
records, you had some of them in your time, also men without penises.
So far you have met but one individual who exhibits male

"Stard," said Lola.

"That is correct."

"If you're in charge here, why do you tolerate him?"

"Stard's existence is in the nature of a distraction or diversion."

Daisy said, "What does that mean?"

But Lola was faster on the uptake. "Daisy and I are more of the same,
aren't we?"

"Hardly the same. I noted the outcome of your little disagreement with

Daisy turned to regard her sister. "The dwarves said you ran him off."

"She did," Harley confirmed.

"Then chased after him," the girl continued. "They didn't understand

Lola said, "Because he was a lot more man. You may have heard: I love

"Yeah," Daisy agreed dryly. "Mom often says that about you."

Lola said to Harley, "So we're living in what amounts to a blister on a
ruined Earth, right? Doesn't sound safe."

"It has been here 100,000 years, safe against all but deliberate harm."

"When did that last war occur?"

"Millions of years ago. No danger there: your kind of human is

Daisy's face contorted. "What do you mean, 'extinct?'"

Again Lola overrode. "Your kind has taken our place, right?"

"To a significant degree the people I represent are your descendants.
In fact it was not long after your time that your people built the first
sentient artificial intelligences."

"Hooray for us!" said Lola sarcastically.

"I think so," said Harley with a grin.

"So I ask our descendants, what are we doing here?"

Harley seemed to sit back on his couch. "To understand that, you need
more background. The creator of this enclave set certain limits. In
particular she put caps on the maximum number of inhabitants. We are
allowed a thousand Pridans but only a hundred Crogans. A new one may be
born only when an old one dies and even then only for certain kinds of

"To make_ my_ life interesting, the creator designed our inhabitants
such that they can suicide by wishing it strongly, and those who choose
that method cannot be replaced. Also she willed that when the numbers
drop below 10% of the limits, the force field generators that protect
this enclave will turn off."

"My god!" breathed Lola.

"Yes. I see that you surmise the danger."

"'Danger?'" repeated Daisy, looking puzzled.

Lola explained, "He means the numbers are getting close to 10%."


"So what?"

He said, "If the generators turn off, this enclave would not last a day.
It would sink into molten rock."

For a moment Daisy was alarmed then disgusted. "Sounds like a Jason to

"A what?" said Lola.

"You know: from Friday the 13th."

Lola studied the girl. "I hate to say this, but you should consider
where you are."

"You mean ... what?"

"It's probably not just a tale to scare children. Harley, why are the
numbers dropping?"

"This enclave has proven one point: that sex alone is not enough to
sustain an interest in life, not for sentient creatures at the general
level of intelligence. In 100,000 years 80% of both species here have

"How can you be sure that was always the reason?"

"The wish to die must be expressed aloud. Ears are everywhere."

"Oh, wow!" said Daisy with a sigh.

"What can you do," said Lola, "to keep their interest up? I get it.
Stard. You had to reintroduce fighting."

"It seemed necessary. I retain much discretion, but I am sure when our
creator checks up, she will be disappointed in me."

"Why didn't you just give them knives?" said Daisy.

"I did give the Pridans slings. The green Crogans can take care of
themselves. As to knives, the knock trees were hard enough to produce.
No chert or flint rock exists in the enclave, so no stone weapons.
Tools either."

"You made the knock trees?" asked Lola. "I'm told only a god can make a

"Not true. By your time Homo Sapiens had already learned that basic
skill. But the Stard idea was not enough. Multiple Stards mainly fight
with each other. You are right, Lola. I had to find a better
diversion. In scanning the archives I noted that time travel has long
been available. I am congenitally constrained from doing anything to
alter the time stream, so I did no more than enable a possibility,
reasoning that any transfers through it had already happened anyway."

"Why did you have to go back so far? Did man wipe himself out that

"No. Frankly, the problem was that man got too smart too quick. People
later than your era would have interfered with my time gate."

After a moment she sniffed thoughtfully. "All you've done is just make
more sex."

"Not true. You are already stirring larger interests. I refer to your
olive oil proposal, Lola, and Daisy's testicle comparisons."

Lola blinked. "Her what?"

Daisy interrupted, "What's this about olive oil? You want to make a
salad dressing for food?"

"No, silly. These guys do anal without any lubrication except spit. We
found in storage the equipment for making olive oil and a small bottle
of old oil. Believe me, sis, you want to get well lubed before you take
one of those large Crogan cocks up your tender ass. The Crogans who
used the oil with me thought it was a great idea and want to get a
decent supply for their own butt-fucking activities."

Daisy laughed and said sourly, "I'm glad you're looking out for me.
Please make sure you grease me up good before a Crogan reams me."

"Sure honey, you know I don't want you to get hurt. Now, back to my
question, what's this about testicle comparisons?"

"Will you tell it?" Harley said to the girl, who blushed.

"I was squeezing Snookums' balls. Even though they're --"

"'Snookums?'" Lola repeated faintly.

Harley said, "She has also renamed some of the Pridans, which pleases

Daisy continued, "Even though they're the same size on the outside, one
is bigger than the other inside. Before long I had to squeeze all their
balls. They even started doing it to each other. Did you know there
are a lot more Big Lefters than Big Righters?"

Lola grunted. "So you like male anatomy as much as I do. Why not?
We're sisters, aren't we?"

The AI grinned smugly. "So far introducing women seems the best idea

"You think so? What happens when we go home?"

Harley's grin continued. "Why would you do that? Didn't you spend most
of your time there looking for what you find here in abundance?"

"Maybe. But I figured I'd lose interest in 20 years or so. Besides, I
might find a guy who could really take care of me."

"I guarantee that here you will not lose interest. And I'll take care
of you."

She said dryly, "Such a fine proposal!"

"Indeed. You shall not wish to go home, Lola."

"May I point out that I already did?"

"Because you wanted to look for an explanation of this place. Now you
have it."

"Also I have relatives there. And maybe I like tasteless come."

"Not as much as you like vanilla."

"He's right," Daisy chimed in. "I _love_ vanilla!"

"You haven't tasted enough human come to know the difference."

"So what? I love vanilla."

"Nevertheless," said Lola with determination. She sprang to her feet.
"We're going home."

Harley was unperturbed. "Sorry, my dear. You must both stay here. But
take heart: more women will join you."

"Sex slaves!"

"Who truly love it."

Her eyes flashed. "I'll hate all of you!"

"No, you will not. What do you feel right now?"

"Oh, god!" Lola's hands clamped between her legs. "How do you _do_

"It is the same effect that made you discard your clothing when you
passed the time gate."

"One of your goddamn fields?" She glared at him. "Do you think women
care only for fucking?"

"No. In fact I am counting on their larger interests."

"And their ability to fuck continuously for hours at the time."

"Well, yes. And you love that too. How often can you do it at home?"

Daisy had been following, her head turning from one to the other. Now
she said, "Lola, shut up. You're not Batman and I ain't Robin."

Slowly the older sister sat back down. She said with a sneer, "He
thinks we're both Robins."

"'Robins?'" he repeated.

"You may be in charge here, but you're not in charge of us."

He spread his hands peacefully. "I do not give orders, not even to the

"But you do run this place, don't you?" Lola's eyes narrowed. "I just
realized -- That was you who dropped the boulder off the cliff, right?"



"To make a path for you to find the Palace of Light. But your curiosity
failed me. I had to send Jorg."

"The boulder falling was one thing. I was there soon after it fell. It
had made a mess in the woods -- knocked down trees with branches and
splinters everywhere. But the next time I saw it everything was neat,
like it fell ten years ago. How did you manage that?"

"Of course I have many machines to help me. You would call them robots.
They only come out after dark."

"Then Daisy didn't just dream of a machine cutting the grass, did she?"

"No. Apparently women do not sleep so soundly as Pridans."

"You really are in charge." Her eyes looked crafty. "I'll make a deal
with you, Harley. I'll stay if you let Daisy go home."

"I said, 'Shut up!'" snapped Daisy. "I'm not leaving. This place is
heaven. It's got all the fun I ever wanted."

"You mean all the cock."

"Oh, wow!" Daisy was all smiles. "I thought the Crogan cocks would
split me open, but oh, wow!"

"Daisy, please. Think about your future, your education. Mom said you
wanted to be a doctor."

"You have to tell Mom something, don't you, to get her off your back?
Fucking can make me feel good all day long. Isn't feeling good what
life's all about?"

"Well ..."

Harley chuckled and said earnestly, "I guarantee you will both feel good
for a lot longer than 20 years."

"And speaking of my education," said Daisy, addressing her sister, "it
just dawned on me that when we ain't around -- hell, even when we are!
-- all these guys are gay, fucking and sucking each other. I really
love watching that. I've been too busy getting fucked to notice what
the guys were doing to each other. It ain't easy for a middle school
kid to get herself invited to bi orgies back home. As if such a thing
would ever happen in Lindonfield! And how about this, Big Sis? What I
can learn here about sex variations might be useful if I ever do go home
and go to medical school."

"I agree we both can have lots of fun here," said Lola stubbornly, "and
the experience can be educational, but we do need to go home now and
then. Our parents must be out of their minds with worry."

Harley spread his hands again. "If you insist, of course you can go.
And I'll make it even easier for you to come back."

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