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{ASSM} Luke's Diary: part 2-- Upping the ante ( cons, inc, mf, reluc-oral, first BJ) by Jimmy

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Jimmy Long

Apr 27, 2017, 7:08:23 AM4/27/17

Luke's Diary: part 2-- Upping the ante ( cons, inc, mf, reluc-oral, first

by Jimmy


It was late summer, vacation doldrums were starting to set in. The days
were warm and sultry and best of all we still had several weeks until
school started. Things had been going pretty good this summer since my
sister found out she could trade sex with me for favors and since she
really liked fucking anyway she asked for a lot of favors. And I asked to
get paid for even the most trivial of favors.

I was home alone, sitting propped up in my bed looking at a porno mag I had
snuck from my father's hidden stash. I could hardly believe the things that
women would do in front of a camera, and my god, I couldn't believe the
size of those guys cocks! My cock, I was told, at seven inches was was
pretty good for a fifteen-year-old boy, but those porno stars had whopping
clubs for dicks. I don't know how the young girls in the pictures even got
those things in their mouths. My dick was drooling as I leafed through the
magazine wishing it was my dick those girls had their lips wrapped around.

I closed my eyes and visualized my sister's mouth wrapped around my cock.
The door to my room opened. I jumped and dropped the porno mag down the
side of the bed. My sister stepped into the room and saw me fumbling to
hide the porn.

Lori smirked, "Don't worry Lukey, I'm not Mom come to catch you doin'
sinful lusting."

"Oh it's just you Lori." I said with relief. I looked at my sister standing
in my door wearing tight hot pants with a halter top tied in the front that
accentuated her female charms. I fished out the magazine from between the
bed and the wall and resumed thumbing through the pictures.

"Luke... I need a favor from you..." she said with a wheedling tone.

I looked up, she was holding a poker chip for me to see, one with an "F"
carved into it. That meant the favor she was asking was important enough to
her to offer to fuck me sometime in the future, at a time of my choosing by
exchanging her marker for a fuck. She practically never just volunteered to
fuck me out of the blue for a favor in return (it was usually me asking for
payment to help her), so I figured whatever she was going to ask for was
something she really wanted to do.

"Soooo... what do you need?"

"I want to go to the music concert at the county fair tonight with Penny...
to see the Monkees band play. And I need you to cover for me. Mom thinks
I'm just going to Penny's house."

If Mom knew what went on at Penny's place she'd probably prefer Lori went
to a sinful rock n' roll concert instead. The Monkees as it happens was the
latest group my sister had a crush on and she would probably do anything to
get to hear them play live. I figured I could get more from her than just
one fuck. I figured this was worth at least two fucks.

"Let me see if I got this, you want me to do your kitchen chores tonight...
and lie to Mom about where you're going..."

"Well I wouldn't think you'd have to lie outright to Mom, just if she asks
about me... just back up my story about Penny's house."

"Well I dunno, it's pretty risky lyin' ta Mom. I think I deserve hazardous
duty pay... I want two fucks."

My sister looked a little indignant, but then gave in. "O, Okay then... two
fucks." she left the room and came back a moment later with two special
poker chips. She walked over to the bed and started to hand them to me.

"And I want a blow job... right now." I said real fast.

"What! Ew! no. I'm not stickin' your dick in my mouth. Ew!" She jerked the
poker chips back.

"Well that's no way to be." I said with a peevish voice. "You don't seem to
mind me eating out your pussy. So what's fair for me to do ought to be fair
for you too..." I paused "See..." I flipped the porn magazine around and
showed her the picture of a smiling teen girl with her tongue wrapped
around a big hard cock. The girl next to her had a cock stuffed halfway
into her mouth pushing against her cheek. "these girls don't seem to mind
puttin' a big cock in their mouths."

She looked at the magazine. I could see her eyes traveling between the
pictures, I could see the light of lust in her eyes. She ran her tongue
over her dry lips and spoke. "I... I... don't know... I've never done that."

"Come on..." I wheedled. "you know you wanna try it... All the girls do
it... " I could see her wavering.

"Do I have too?" she said timidly.

"You wanna go to the concert don't ya?" My hard cock pulsed in my pants.

"This is coercion... " she frowned and I could see the inner conflict, she
really wanted to see the show... but if it meant stickin' my dick in her

"Oh... Okay... I'll give you a BJ." she gave in.

"Now." I said.

"Now." she sighed.

I stuck out my hand for the chips. "An', two fucks."

"Alright, alright... sheesh!" She dropped the precious fuck-chips into my
hand. "But you better not screw it up with Mom."

"No problem." I said slipping the chips into my pocket.

Lori looked about. "Where's Robbie? I don't want him walkin' in while I
have your dick in my mouth."

"Um... He's over playing at Georgie's, he'll be gone for hours." I wasn't
sure where he was but I wasn't gonna let that blow a chance at my first
blow job from my sister. I stripped off my pants and spread my legs, my
hard boner sprang out and up.

My sister got up on the bed between my legs on her knees and elbows. I
could see her nice teen titties when her top sagged down as she reached up
and took hold of my rigid cock. She looked dubiously at my cock then sighed
and tugged my foreskin down over the glans.

"Ew, it's all wet on the end." My cock had a liberal coating of precum from
all the porno I'd been looking at. She let go of my dick and the foreskin
slid back to cover my knob. "I'll suck it... but I won't swallow your
juice... I've heard other girls tell about given blow-jobs... you better
warn me before you shoot off."

"Okay... Okay... just start sucking." 'Yeah right, She'll swallow or drown'
I thought to myself.

She took hold of my shaft again and pulled my cock to her mouth. She
tentatively stuck her tongue out and touched the tip of my foreskin wrapped

"Mmmm, that's it... pull the skin back and run your tongue around the

"Like this." she said sliding my foreskin down my dick and pushing her
tongue around the crown of my shaft.

"Oh yeah, that's nice. Now put your lips on the end and french kiss it...
that's it... now push it in and suck on the end." She slid her lips over
the end and sucked a little then pulled off.

"It tastes a little salty and sweet." Then she pushed her lips back onto my
knob and slid her tongue down the underside.

"Yessss" I sighed, "Now up n' down, move up n' down while you suck." She
began to bob her head. My balls shuddered under the pleasurable sensation
of her soft lips gliding up and down my bone. She pulled off with a smack
and my foreskin slid over the end again.

"More, more, don't stop." She looked up at me with her fist around my cock
and gave me impish grin before she went back down on my cock.

"You're doin' great... Sure you never done this before?" I knew she hadn't
but it sounded like the way to urge her on. "Keep suckin'!"

She was about half way down my cock and I could feel the back of her throat
working my cock-head with swallowing action.

It was great, I had to have some tit too, so I reached out and pulled the
knot in the front of her halter loose setting her teen titties free. I
cupped a soft tit in each hand, pinched both nipples between thumb and
forefinger and started tweaking. Her nipples were swelling and I could feel
her excitement mounting as she sucked me. I sat up and ran my hands down
into the back of her shorts and squeezed her ass cheeks, pulling and
pushing, massaging her cheeks, moving her cunt back and forth against the
crotch of her shorts to arouse her. Her head was buried in my lap with my
cock jammed into her sucking mouth, she took hold of my balls and started
massaging them with her free hand.

I flopped back against my pillow and my sister started bobbing faster on my
cock. God! I could feel the fire in my balls and tingling in my knob. I
grabbed her head and started fucking into her mouth. The fire spread up my
cock shaft to my bulbous head. My balls contracted and cum roared up my
shaft and bolted into her mouth. 'After' I started shooting off I shouted
"I'm coming!" as the second bolt flew into her throat. With my hands locked
to her head, I felt the fire in my loins as my cock shimmied in her mouth
shaking the cum loose from my balls, she had no choice but to swallow my
cum. I jacked my hips several more times shooting into her gulping mouth
before I released her head. She jerked up off my cock spluttering as her
lips left my dick and rocked back on her heels .

"You promised you'd warm me!" I looked at her puppy dog eyes with my cum
dribbling off her quivering lower lip.

"Um sorry... it just exploded suddenly. Nuthin' I could do." I just lay
there looking at her, my stiff wet cock laying on my belly.

"But you held me while you shot off in my mouth." she pouted.

"Sorry..." I hesitated, she looked very flushed like she was totally
aroused from sucking me off. "Here let me make it up to you... I'll eat you
out to make up for it." She unconsciously ran her tongue over her lips
taking in the dribbles of my cum that clung to her lips.

"Oh... Oh kay." she said, the pout slowly dissolving. She lay back away
from me. I rose up on my knees, leaned forward and took hold of the front
buttons of her shorts, undoing them. I hooked my fingers in the waistbands
of her shorts and panties then pulled them down together. Her panties clung
to her swollen cunt lips and were slow to let go, they came loose with a
snap. I could see the big wet spot in her panty crotch.

Once they were off her feet she spread her legs, I paused a moment to enjoy
the sight of my sister's bare teen tits and naked pussy with it's downy
covering of peach fuzz. A thing of beauty, I lowered my head to her sweet
cunt. The heady aroma of girl sex filled my nose, I put my tongue to her
pussy-lips, she shuddered and sighed as I ran my tongue up to her clit. I
sucked her little nubbin into my mouth and played the tip of my tongue over
her pointy little girl dick. She moaned and grabbed my head.

Holding my head tightly she began squirming her cunt into my face pressing
her clit hard into my lips. She tossed her head licking her lips and
thrashed her hips back and forth as I ate her out. After several minutes of
me licking and sucking on her she began shaking and clenching her stomach
as she came on my face.

"Oh God! Lukey don't stop! I... I... I... forgive you for cumming in my
mouth! Oh... oh... Yessss!" She squirted all over my face and collapsed.

My cock was still rock hard so I moved up on her and jammed my bone into
her spasming hot wet cunt. I grabbed her hips and drove my shaft in balls
deep, her soft wet fuck tunnel slid up the length of my prick encasing it
in a velvet grip. She wrapped her legs around my hips and clung to me. I
started jack hammering my cock into my sister's wet fuck hole, jerking her
thighs into me rhythmically as I beat my balls against her ass and banged
my cock-head into her cervix. I felt the fire in my balls once again race
up my shaft and explode, dumping spurt after spurt of my incestuous seed
into my hot sister's womb. I jerked into her hard and held my cock buried
as deep as I could get it while the final dregs of my cum poured into her.
My hot cock pumping cream into her spasming cunt kept her orgasm going for
several minutes. I could feel her rippling fuck channel milking my dick as
good as any blow job.

I collapsed onto her with my cock still buried deep in her. She spoke
dreamily into my ear. "God Luke I love getting' fucked by you..." she
paused, "Sucking your dick isn't so bad either." She let her arms and legs
drop to the bed in a collapsed state of satisfaction.

We lay together in bed until my cock finally softened and slid out of her
well fucked hole, followed by a pent up stream of cum. Then she crawled out
of bed and picked up my pants. She put her hand in the pocket and fished
out one of the fuck-chips she had given me.

"That's one, you can collect number two later."

She picked up her clothes. I watched her hot little ass swinging as she
walked naked, cum running down her inner thighs, shorts and panties
swinging from one hand, into her room and closed the door.

I lay there exhausted from being all fucked out. I smiled to myself, I had
gotten my first blow job from Lori and a fuck, and she still owed me
another fuck. It had been a good day.

~^\!/^~ ~^\*/^~

That evening after dinner my sister reminded Mom she was going over to
Penny's house to see the new clothes Penny had bought and just visit with
her. "Luke said he'd clean the kitchen tonight. Didn't you Luke."

"Sure no problem, go, have fun with Penny... Tryin' on clothes." I said.

Mom said, "Sure dear you can go... just be back by 10pm." she looked at me,
"It was real nice of you Luke to help your sister out like that, I'm so
glad you two get along so well."

My sister and I smiled broadly at each other. 'Mom if you only knew.' I
thought to myself but said, "Sure... she's a swell sister."

The rest of the evening was pretty boring without my sister there. Robbie
and I played some board games and watched a little TV. Not nearly as fun as
the afternoon had been. Finally at almost exactly 10 pm my sister got home.
I heard a car drive away as the door opened and she came in. She looked a
little flush and she was wearing a really short skirt, I didn't remember it
being that short when she left.

Mom looked up when she came in. "Hello dear, did you and Penny have fun
trying on her new clothes?"

"Yes Mom it was fun." Penny seemed to blush a little but mom didn't notice
because she had turned her attention to some knitting she was doing.

Dad didn't even put his paper down, he just spoke through it. "Hi Lori,
have a good time? No problems?"

"Hi Dad, no everything was fine."

"Well kids, it's time for bed so every one get showered and in their
jammies." Mom said cheerily.

Robbie went first, got showered and into his PJ's. I followed next stepping
into the tub and dialing in the water setting before pulling the shower
curtain closed. I stood there letting the water course down my body and
wash away the last traces of the afternoon fuck session with my sister.

A knock at the door got my attention and I stuck my head out of the shower.
My sister stuck her head in the door. "Don't use up all the hot water,
okay? I still gotta shower."

"Don't worry Sis I'll leave some for you, sheesh!"

I pulled my head back in the shower and started sudsing up my body. Then I
saw a stealthy shadow cross the curtain. I pretended not to notice, I
didn't care if my sister saw my cock, after all the times I'd fucked her
you'd think she'd seen it enough already. But if she wanted a show, I'd
oblige her. She quietly pulled the curtain from the back and looked in. I
twisted my body while washing my hair with my eyes closed so she could see
my full seven inches of dangling shaft complete with a small trickle of
creamy soap-suds dripping off. My cock was slightly swollen at the thought
of being watched by my horny sister. Not looking in her direction I
pretended not to know she was there and reached down to suds up my balls
and stroke my shaft clean. She let the curtain fall closed and snuck out of
the bathroom leaving me to wonder what that was all about.

I rinsed off my dick and body then shut off the water and got out. With a
towel wrapped around my loins I stepped out into the hallway. "Kay Sis,
it's all yours... and there's still some hot water left."

She emerged from her room in a very loose bathrobe, barely tied in the
front, I could see she was completely naked under the robe and there was a
rosy blush to her chest and neck as she sauntered past me and into the
bathroom. As her robe flapped with her steps I got nice quick glimpses of
her tits and pussy, she didn't even try to stop the robe from flashing me
as she past. I wondered to myself if she wasn't just a bit horny after her
night out with Penny. (knowing how sexually active Penny was)

I slipped on some simple sleeping shorts only and crawled into bed under
just a light sheet. "G'nite Robbie."

"Nite Luke" Robbie mumbled sleepily.

I lay there in bed and slowly drifted off to sleep...


I was having a very pleasant dream about getting a blow job from Penny, she
was going down on me and sucking my dick real hard. Then my eyes slowly
drifted open, I could see the clock by the bed, 2 am. Then I realized I
wasn't dreaming I really was being sucked off. It was Lori, completely
naked, and she was going full force sucking my cock.

"Oh god!" I moaned and reached out to hold her head in my hands.

In the dim light I saw her looking up at me. She pulled off my cock with a
plop and spoke. "I want to collect that chip I gave you earlier, are you
ready to fuck?"

She must have been kidding, I'm always ready to fuck. I nodded. She crawled
up my body and straddled my hips putting her pussy right on my stiff
cock-shaft and her bare teen titties on my bare chest. God it felt nice.

"Why did you come to pay off so soon? I usually have to corner you to

She moved her mouth next to my ear and spoke in husky hushed tones. "After
the concert Penny's boyfriend was driving us home when Penny suddenly said,
'Pull into the woods, I wanna suck you off.' He damn near wrecked us by
suddenly pulling into a turn off. Then he and Penny got in the back seat
and she gave him a blow job, she sucked him hard 'til he came in her mouth,
she sucked his dick even harder then swallowed n' smiled at me. She pulled
off his cock and licked up all the stray cum... then she crawled on top of
him and fucked him silly... There I was... no one for me to fuck... I had
to ride all the way home horny as hell... Now I'm here to collect."

As She spoke she had been slowly rocking her hips, sliding her pussy back
and forth on the length of my shaft, getting my cock wet and really stiff.
I shivered a little at the pleasurable sensation of pussy-lips on my cock.
She slid all the way forward and by manipulating her hips in a questing
manner, guided her cunt to my drooling cock-head and into her fuck-hole. I
felt the connection, my cock-head plugged into her, then the pressure as
she pushed backward, slowly letting her cunt-lips flower open and surround
my purple knob. Her pussy slid down over the ridges of my helmet to engulf
me, pushing down slowly taking more and more of my shaft until we were
tightly joined with every inch of my cock buried in her pussy.

Impaling her deeply I could feel the tight ring of her pussy-lips around
the base of my shaft. I wiggled my cock in her, savoring the tight feeling
of her clit rubbing against my shaft's pubic mound pressed hard against her
mons. I groaned in delight and she mewled in pleasure when her clit was
massaged by my movement. She raised up, pushing her hands into my chest,
looked down at me biting her lower lip with a look of complete ecstasy
across her face. She began to slowly raise and lower her cunt on my shaft
shivering with each stroke. I felt the ridges of her tight vagina move
along my rigid shaft. I couldn't remain still and started to hump back,
pushing in on her down strokes.

As we fucked she hunkered down pressing her titties into me and pulled her
knees farther up my hips. Once in position she started to ride my bone
hard, humping me with wild lust. I grabbed an ass cheek in each hand and
started fucking back hard. Her breath got ragged and she clenched me in a
death grip as her whole night of pent up lust burst forth in one monstrous
orgasm. Her fuck tunnel squeezed my cock like a tight fist and starting
milking my shaft. With a mighty grunt I jammed up deep into my sister's
pussy as my balls clenched up and shot cum down the length of my shaft to
explode out the end, spraying my hot incestuous cum against my sister's
spasming cervix.

She reacted with a great moan of pleasure when my incestuous sperm laden
cream pulsed into her, flooding her fuck tunnel. She locked her arms even
tighter and buried her face in my shoulder gnawing on my flesh with her
sucking lips, mewling incoherently and grinding her mons pubis into my
crotch. I responded with several more jerking injections of hot cum into
her until my balls were drained and I flopped down, exhausted from a really
great fuck.

She lay on top of me for a good ten minutes, head on my shoulder, bare
titties pressed into my chest, slowly grinding against my cock and
shivering in delight. Finally she stopped moving for a moment then lifted
up and pulled off me, my limp cock slithered out of her in a stream of cum.
She leaned over and kissed my ear before saying, "I expect to see that chip
returned in the morning." She got up and went back to her room. I watched
her ass go as she walked away, imagining the next time we would fuck, and
wondered if I could get my dick into that ass.

Yeah I'd give her the chip, after all, a deal is a deal. Besides I didn't
want to screw up any chance at future screwing.

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