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{ASSM} Summer Job

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May 7, 2017, 4:08:19 AM5/7/17

Summer Job

Wondering how I let my brother talk me into this summer job. It isn't
quite your typical job, at least not for a female. This summer to help
pay for my tuition at Marist College my brother has found me this really cool
summer job.
It isn't that I haven't heard of the workplace before, as my brother
has worked there for a number of years and I have heard the stories growing
up. My brother is quite a bit older then me, so as a young girl I have
visited this place on the Hudson River with my brother and even gone to the
Open House that included a bus tour and close examination of the equipment.
What might this unusual job entail? Well It is a stone quarry, one of
the biggest on the East Coast and most of its product is shipped to the
Metropolitan area of New York. Shipped by open deck barges. Brief
explanation is that stone runs from a chute onto an open deck barge with four foot
rails. Then when the day is finished the barges are shipped down to New
York City in a tow. The problem is that the stone is sold by the yard and not
by the ton; so that a series of measurements are needed to compute the
yardage. Before that is done the piles of stone need to be raked down and
smoothed somewhat and the decks of the barges cleaned of stone.
So the barge is 150' x40', railings running along the two sides and
bulkheads on each end. The bulkheads are like 10' high and you have to climb
into the box to do your raking and hopefully no shoveling. Then you use a
rod to measure the depth of the stone and a tape to measure the width.
Actually a little more complicated then that; but that isn't what this story
is about.
Stone quarries do not have a lot of females working at them, so I
found myself paired with another "college summer help" to do this thankless
Two weeks and I have a great tan on my arms and legs and neck. My
arms and legs ache from the shoveling and raking and helping to tie up the
barges. Getting in shape in this job, in shape to sleep when not working.
There is plenty of stone; but for a change, not so many barges to be
loaded this day. When we finish dressing the stone and gauging, we will
most likely be sent to shovel somewhere else in the loading area. Always
shoveling and repairs to be done.
The sun is a lovely bright orb in the clear sky and will burn you
quickly and make you sweat profusely if working outdoors. The high bulkheads
are our only shield from the sun as me and my partner take a breather on one
of the end decks.
It isn't a pretty blue river; but a wide, deep muddy one; but still I
would love to take my steel toed work shoes off and dangle my legs and feet
in it.
My partner is Jeff and he is eighteen like me and starting college in
the fall. Not the same school, that would be too weird. He like me is a
relative of a plant employee.
In spite of the lack of scows, we both have succeeded in becoming
dusty and sweaty from the manual labor. I think my body is toughening up; but
my muscles don't feel like that at the moment.
I am a tall girl or young woman, tall and willowy so to speak. Not
think; but not really big in any part other then I think my butt is too wide
for my frame.
You can't dress good here on the job, it is more functional. My
normal uniform a pair of shorts, cutoff jeans today and a tee shirt or tank top.
Then my hard hats and work gloves, life jacket when on the water and
steel toed work shoes and thick socks. I keep my hair that is a nice dark,
rich brown color tucked underneath a doo rag to try to keep the dust from
making it like steel wool. Also glasses, safety ones that I needed to get for
the job, since I am blind as a bat without them.
Jeff is as tall as me; but stocky and the little fat he had on his
body, pretty much turned to muscle through the raking and shoveling. His
safety gear the same as mine, but he wears shorts a lot and prefers tee shirts
to tank tops.
It is allowed out on the boats; but we keep long pants for if we have
to work anywhere other then the barges. Safety is paramount and some of
this old rusty equipment will rip the crap out of your legs and other parts.
Anyway, one more scow to rake and measure and we can take a longer
breather out on the loaded tow of scows, away from prying eyes wondering why
we aren't up shoveling on a conveyor or in some dark damp tunnel.
My brother does watch out for me, so he gives us some time to rest
after finishing the scows, before throwing us to work in other areas.
See how much you can learn about jobs you never think about; while
reading a short story. Oh, I could tell you so much more.
As we finished writing down the measurements for the last scow, the
tugboat comes along and we help with preparing the tow for being shipped down
the river. Tightening up the scow lines holding the barges together and
then passing the book of measurements to the tugboat so they can bring them
into dock office to be put in the computer for ticketing. Grabbing a
couple of water bottles from the cooler on the deck first.
Peace and quite as we put away the paint cans for marking measurement
spots and the tape and rod. We have some time out away to relax; before
joining the rest of the crew.
The pleasure boats just starting to move up and down the river.
Showing off their life of leisure as we sit and watch them pass, some waving as
they go by. Jeff straining to see the women on the boats and what they are
wearing or should I say hope are not wearing.
Shaking my head as he fantasizes about seeing that woman or girl naked
or barely covered in her skimpy bikini. Sitting side by side, legs
dangling just above the water as we sip from our water bottles. Not sitting on
the last barge; but on the end deck of the one in front, so as to be
shielded from those on shore and only visible to any passing directly across from
us on the river and those on the walkway to shore.
The gently sway of the barge on the river swells rocking us into a
peaceful languor. Looking at Jeff as he wipes his brow, the sun still heating
his fair skin. Jeff not doing as well with my as to tanning, as he is too
macho to wear sunscreen and he just isn't naturally a darker flesh tone.
His exposed flesh a bright red and to detract from his overall
appearance, his skin peeling from sunburn in spots.
Reaching to his arm and touching the sweaty redness, feeling the heat
of his skin. Then pushing up his shirt sleeve and comparing the pale
whiteness of his covered skin to the bright red of his exposed.
"You are going to be suffering tonight." My usual comment as we look
at each other. His blue eyes bright and intense, like the color of the
pristine ocean. Taking my water bottle and placing it against his thigh and
laughing as he jerks to the coldness of the water.
Arms brushing as I reach to his thigh and cut leg of his jean shorts
and pull the fabric up to expose the white thigh in contrast once again.
Doing the same to my jeans and showing him the deep tan of my legs next to
the lighter tan of my covered skin. No sunburn.
"How do you do that?" Looking at him, then recognizing his question.
"My family has a beach house on the Connecticut shore and I spend my
weekends there and I wear less then I do here working. I would love to be
able to wear a bikini here."
His smile breaking out wide and wicked, "I would love to see you in a
Not the first time that we touched on this subject or flirted so to
speak. "You would like to see me in a bikini and less I am sure. You are
just another one of those horn dogs in this plant. I see them looking at me
when I walk past and I know what they are thinking. They are so starved to
see a female on the job; they would even think I was sexy a hell."
"You are hot and sexy. Especially with all that dust sticking to your
sweaty skin right now." His laughter contagious as I have looked in the
mirror after a windy day on the river and know what he means.
"You not only look like me; but you look like a piece of meat cooked
on a barbeque. The kidding only going so far before we get to that point
that it becomes awkward.
Jeff, turning around to brush stones away from the deck behind him and
then laying back, rubbing the cool water bottle on his forehead and neck.
Looking at him as his legs dangle over the side of the barge and the
rest of his body is supine on the deck. Taking in the hard muscles of his
thighs and then the abbreviated shorts, now showing a bulge where his
privates must be tucked. His tee shirt pulled up to expose the start of his
budding abs, stomach flat and tight. His chest rising slowly as he shields his
eyes with his arm and continuing to wet his neck and head with the water
bottle. A sigh of contentment from his lips as he licks them.
Turning behind me and cleaning an area of stones so I might lay back
and enjoy as he is; but stopping and looking down at Jeff again. Taking a
sip of cool water and then leaning over and pulling his shirt up and then
letting some of the water drip onto his stomach. His body jerking at the
spillage of moisture. One of my hand on his chest holding him laying back as
I lean over further and lick at his cut inny navel. My tongue tip cirlcing
around to lick the water trapped in the small indent.
As he pushes to sit up, my hand still pressed to his chest. "Stay
still." His head tilted up to look at me, as I look back as I stick my
tongue out and then lick around my lips.
Small kisses and lick over his tummy and then pushing his shirt a
little higher, finding his small man nipples and sucking them as I hear him
moan and suck in his breath.
Not sure what is driving me; but suddenly I am a horn dog and enjoying
teasing this young man. Feeling the trembling of his body under his skin
as I work my way back down to his navel. One hand pressed on his chest
lightly, keeping him on his back. The other hand moving to his thigh and
reaching under the pant leg of his shorts and prying higher finding his
underwear. The shorts too tight to allow my hand to move further underneath his
pant leg.
Pulling my hand out and then resting it on the front of his shorts.
Feeling the definite bulge in response to my teasing. A grunt as I squeeze
with my fingers.
Finding myself having gone too far now, as not only is he excited; but
I am myself. My hand shifting up to the waistband of his shorts, as my
tongue continues to lick and kiss his navel and the bare flesh above the line
of his waist.
Popping the metal tab through the hole and then tugging on the zipper
tab and loosening the shorts. Pulling the material apart to expose his
tighty whitey jockey shorts and the bulge in the white cotton fabric.
My fingers edging under the waistband and pushing it down as I find
the warm soft flesh of his aroused dick. The mushroom head a dark red as my
fingers grasp at the shaft. My head swiveling to blow a breath of warm air
over the turgid flesh and then kiss the tip with my lips. Gently touching
the swollen head with lips and then tongue.
The shorts impeding my caresses. "Lift up." My command obeyed
immediately as I use my hand to tug his shorts and underwear down to his knees.
His groin totally exposed to me now. His stiff organ bouncing as I grasp
it with my fingers and hold it as I lick the knob like a lollipop. Then
licking down the underside as I hold it against his belly. Touching the root
and then burying my head between his spread thighs and using my teeth and
lips to pull at the tight sack holding his tender balls.
His moans and groans loud and I can hear my own moans as I suck and
lick and tease his meaty nuts. The musk of his sweaty maleness filling my
nostrils as I inhale and shiver with the scent of his arousal.
My own shorts are now tighter on my body as my labia have swollen and
pressing against the insides of my jeans. I am lost to my need as I
wiggle as I know kneel to the side of his body and squeeze my thighs tightly
together; rubbing heated greasy flesh.
Feeling a hand reaching up my side and under my tank top. The fingers
finding the small breasts and the hard nipples pressing against the light
fabric of my bra and shirt. A long low moan of pleasure as his fingers
rake over the nipple and then pinch and tug the engorged tip. His other hand
reaching up between my legs from behind and pressing against the swollen
flesh of my pussy lips. I can feel my jeans damp with sweat and now my juice
as it oozes from my soaking tunnel.
Trying to concentrate on the cock as I lick back to the top and then
spread my lips to spear it into my mouth. Tasting the sweat and the precum
as a droplet forms at the piss slit. Mewling as I move my head to work the
knob against my cheeks, not able to find a comfortable spot.
Then releasing his cock, a string of saliva connecting his cock and my
mouth for a moment as I tug at my jeans and undo them and tug them off of
one of my legs. My panties quickly following. Then moving to kneel over
his head, lowering myself into an awkward 69. My legs pinning his arms as
I rub my cunt over his face and lower myself again to take his cock deep in
my mouth.
My body rocking to slide up and down his cock, forcing my juicy cunt
to wash his face with my leaking grease. His body jerking up to try to meet
my face; but his position awkward and I gag and drool over his cock and
The load of scalding cream, a sudden eruption as he shoots his load of
seed into my mouth. Choking till I hold my head steady, lips just below
his cockhead, as he blasts a few more loads of his rich seed into my mouth
and throat.
Suckling that a needy child on a big teat as I drink the young man dry
of his semen. Finally, pulling my head off of the still hard shaft and
wide eyes looking around on the end deck of the barge.
Desperate now, as I need that cock inside of me. Forcing myself off
of his face and standing up, legs shaking. Then pulling him to his feet and
placing him on the flat top of a round bitt. Climbing on facing him as I
feel his stiff cock impaling my cunt. Wrapping my legs around him and
pulling myself tighter into his lap.
His hand fumbling at my shirt, pulling it under my armpits and then
undoing the latch of my bra. His hands finding my breasts and hard nipples.
Mauling them with hard squeezes and pinches and tugs as I rock on his lap,
using the ears on the bitt to push myself up and lower myself on his stiff
My velvety cunt walls clenching and caressing his hard prick as it
moves along my warm wet tunnel. One hand of mine between our bodies, finding
the smooth button of my clitoris and rubbing it hard as I ride his dick.
The sounds of our moans and groans and the wet sound of his cock
sliding in and out of my pussy, overridden by the sound of a voice calling. My
brother's voice. Taking a second or two to break the spell of our lust and
then almost falling to the deck as we pull apart.
Panic in our movements as we look for our clothing, and dress
hurriedly against the bulkhead to shelter us from view. Guilt on both of our faces
as my brother moves along the walkway and I pop into view and wave. "We
are over here."
Jeff drinking from his water bottle; but the bottle shaking as he
tilts his head back, water spilling onto his chin and chest. If you didn't
look at his face, you might see the bulge still pushing at his shorts.
"We were just finishing up." Not sure what my remark meant, as our
tools are already put away.
My brother looking from one to the other. Then jumping down onto the
scow deck, measurement book in hand. "I need to recheck the measurements
on the #101." His eyes moving from one to the other of us. "Jeff, go up
and help them shovel on F-1. Patrice we will recheck."
Jeff hurrying up to the walkway and to escape before any questions
could be asked. My brother watching him and then turning to me.
A question on his face; but the answer already there also. Shaking
his head slowly. as he steps up to me and looks me in the face.
My face burning with embarrassment as I know the question and answer
all too well. His eyes holding me then dropping to look at my chest and the
hard nipples visible. Then eyes dropping lower to my shorts and the fly
that is half open or half closed depending on how you view it.
The dead giveaway to me, is as I stand still and take a deep breath
and catch a whiff of my arousal filling my nostrils. The immediate area,
even though outdoors, smells like a room where there has just been raw nasty
"Should I ask or do you want to tell me what you two have been doing?"
My brother's voice even and controlled.
"We were just taking a break and then going to come in to see what you
needed us to do next." Trembling a little as I voice these words, not
wholly a lie; but also not quite the truth.
My brother looking at me again, then climbing up on top of the load of
stone. Looking around and then climbing back down to face me.
"Well, did anyone see you two taking a break or were you too busy to
look?" Shaking my head; but having no answer to the question. Realizing
that once we started, I didn't pay attention to whom might see us or be
passing on the river.
"Patrice. I know you are a young woman and you have needs. What I
don't need you to do is to fuck my workers." The words pointing out exactly
what my brother thought we were doing.
Feeling tears welling in my eyes as I look at my brother then drop my
gaze to look down. Not resisting as he grabs my wrist and pulls me over to
the bitt. My brother is a big man, 6'2" and about 240 and a lot of
HIm sitting down on the bitt and then pulling me over his lap. Biting
my lower lip as his hand holds me down with one hand on my back and the
other slamming hard into my buttocks. The tears in my eyes now falling to
the deck beneath me as his hands raises and falls again and again. My ass
cheeks stinging as they flatten with each openhanded blow.
Not even trying to resist, as he treats me like a naughty girl being
disciplined. Not only is my ass burning from the blows but hot under my
shorts. And in spite of the pain from the spanking, I am also feeling
excitement. My pussy dripping more of my strong musk.
Finally his hand relaxing and letting me stand up as he grabs my wrist
again and pulls me to the bulkhead. "Stand there and do not move till I
tell you."
Breathing hard and deep as I wait. My breasts hard and aching with
sensation as are the fat puffy lips of my cunt. Finding myself turned on by
Staring at the steel wall, waiting for what is next. Sucking in my
tummy, as I feel the hands on my waist and then the hard calloused fingers
sliding up my belly to cup my breasts. The strong fingers kneading my
breasts in the lightweight cups. Moaning softly as the nipples are pushed and
pulled, and then one hand releases my left breast and moves to my back and
undoes the clasp on my bra.
The small breasts slipping free and jiggling gently on my chest. My
eyes closing as the two hands now as massaging the soft flesh of my breasts
with no impeding clothing. Moaning as the hands knowingly pull and tug and
pinch the sensitive flesh.
Mewling as the hands release my breasts and move to my waist and
sliding around to the front, undoing my shorts and tugging them and my panties
down beneath my ass cheeks. Then placing my legs together, feeling them
tugged hard and the shorts and panties slipping down to pool around my ankles.
"Step out of them." Shaking one leg till the shorts have freed
themselves from my foot and the spreading my legs apart. "Lean forward and brace
against the wall."
Leaning forward till my hands touch the warm steel bulkhead. My ass
being pushed backwards as my legs slip further apart. Not having to wait
long for the contact of a hand on my already sore ass cheek. The hands
alternating for a series of blows. The sound of flesh contacting loud as my
legs are trembling from the physical abuse and my excitement.
A loud moan as I feel the warm flesh touch the back of my thighs and
then feel it slipping into the wetness of my pussy. Leaning forward on my
tiptoes as the cock is shoved deep between my legs, parting my puffy labia
and spreading the walls of my cunt. My pussy clenching around the hard
thick cock and then feeling it pull back and quickly thrust forward again.
My cunt already soaking with my juices as the wet suctioning of his
cock, makes loud squishy noises with each thrust in and out. grunting as the
savage thrusting shoves deep into me, beating my cunt lips into a sore
well used surrender.
My brother grunting loudly now as his hands reach and grasp my
breasts, squashing them and mauling them as he jerks his hips hard against my ass
cheeks. Crushing my breasts, the pain and pleasure causing my cunt to
contract hard on his cock as he pulls me tight and empties his seed into my
needy cunt.
Eyes rolling in my head as he finishes and pulls out of me. I can
feel his seed slipping from my spread legs as I continue to hold my position.
Well aware that I should not move till he gives me permission.
His cock still hard and feeling it being pressed against my asshole
and feeling the pressure of it being forced into my dark hole. His dick
slick with my grease and his cum. A wad of saliva being added to the mix as he
presses forward with his weight and forces it into my body. My ring
sprang open as his shaft follows the thick head.
My chest heaving from the pressure in my lower body. He know I hate
to be ass fucked. This is my real punishment. Slowly sawing his cock into
my ass with short strokes and then grabbing my body and pulling it tight to
him again. His pubic hair scratching my ass cheeks as he jerks and spews
more of his cum into my body.
A loud pop as he pulls his cock head from my tight hole. Breathing
hard as I feel my legs tensed. Whimpering as I feel a finger finding my
clitoris and rubbing over the smooth throbbing button. My breathing noisy as
my excitement reaches to peak. My cunt clenched as I am so close now, just
needing a little more, just a little more. And then the finger stopping
tapping my clit for a few seconds and then feeling him step away from me.
My bodies weight resting on my hands and the toes of my feet as I
tremble and shake. Not wanting to beg; but not able to help myself as I
implore my brother to finish me. His laugh cruel as I wait and my orgasm so
close; but incomplete.
"Turn around and clean me you little slut." Pushing away from the
wall and turning and kneeling on stones as I look up and then take the semi
hard cock in my mouth. Tasting the my cunt and my ass and sweat and his seed
as I slowly clean from head to ball sack. Then a gentle kiss on the tip
of the mushroom cap.
"Thank you brother." Sitting back on my legs as I look up. Finally a
smile from my brother.
"Get dressed and go help clean F-1 conveyor. Do not clean up. You
leave the cum in your skanky cunt and ass. And do not give yourself a
orgasm. If you are lucky, my lovely wife will be away for a few hours tonight
and if you please me properly, I will let you cum.
My brother zipping up and leaving me semi naked and well fucked on the
deck of the scow. Wanting so bad to rub myself off a climax; but knowing
that I am not allowed. Feeling the semen dampening the front and back of
my jeans as I pull them on. My cunt lips still swollen and forming a camel
As I climb off the barge to the walkway, I feel the cum dripping out
of my fucked cunt and ass. Walking a little stiff as I go to join the men
on the walkway. Not sure if it is true; but I can smell my cunt grease
strong and wafting in the air around me.
Wondering if these guys are smelling me in heat and what it would be
like to take on this crew..........

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