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{ASSM} Woods World {Kelliswan} (MMFf alien ScFi oral anal) [10/13]

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Apr 24, 2017, 6:08:33 PM4/24/17
Woods World
by Kelliswan

Chapter 10: Mutual Admiration

"That," said Debbie soulfully as she got to her feet after crawling out
from under the night tree, "was the best night's sleep I ever had!"

"I'm sure that's true," said Lola with a chuckle.

But the heavier woman was not smiling. "It was too good. Lola, I hate
to believe it of you."

"Believe what?"

"That you slipped me a Mickey before I crawled under there."

"A Mickey?" The chuckle became a laugh. "I'd've had to slip it into
your fruchup. I hope you won't believe I'd do anything to make that
stuff taste worse!"

"Maybe not."

"Do you _feel_ like you've had a Mickey? Speaking of that, where are
those scratches you got in the woods last night?"

Debbie looked down at herself. "What happened to them? I clearly
remember bumping into that tree!" She felt of her nose and blinked.
"It ain't sore!"

"And like me, you were so covered in jizz that you glistened in the
arch-light. That ought to be dry and crusty now. Where is it?"

The woman stared. "You got me."

"The night tree is very special, Debbie. It takes care of us better
than any lady's maid." Lola cocked her head. "You even look better
this morning. Your skin looks healthier. Now come on. I'm hungry."

Apparently so was Debbie. She followed closely and consumed her
breakfast steadily if without relish. Swallowing her last mouthful of
fruchup, she mused, "This place may be good for fucking and sleeping but
it ain't much for eating."

Lola, already finished, said, "The Pridans have a melon tree here with
the same problem: practically no flavor. What you have to remember is
that this food was designed for Pridans. We humans are lucky it
sustains us at all. But wait till you taste beljer."

"What's that?"

"Food for the Crogans. But you're right: this place is no culinary
paradise. Except for one flavor." Grinning, she pointed to Sonny,
already on hands and knees with Pridan cocks pumping her at both ends.
"There's how you get the best flavor."

"Oh, yeah!" Debbie moaned. "Who'd expect jizz to taste like vanilla

"Sometimes it even looks like it. Come on. Let's get a drink for the

"What about her?"

"If we wait for Sonny, we'll get swarmed and be a couple hours getting
out of here. That means we'll get to the palace after our three hot
nymphets have drained the Crogans. I think you'll love the Crogans,
Debbie -- part of them, at least, but you have to get there first."

"Is anybody really such a one-shotter as that?"

"The Crogans, definitely. Now let's go before Korn thinks of stroking
his dick."

* * *

A small pond had formed at the end of the groove cut by the huge fallen
boulder. They were skirting it while Lola explained how it came to be
-- when they encountered Stard.

"Hello, Lola." His Mongoloid features distorted in what was meant to be
a big smile. "Is this another new woman?"

She said over her shoulder, "Don't be alarmed, dear. This is Stard.
I've mentioned him. Stard, this is Debbie. She's even more dangerous
than me."

"'Debbie,'" he repeated. "What a woman!"

Debbie said huffily, "I expect you mean, 'What a _lot_ of woman!' Mind
your manners." Then she smiled. "Stard, you look a lot like Sgt.
Miller except better equipped. What a man!"

"Not a man," he said, stroking his cock.

"Could've fooled me! You could be Miller's brother, except maybe you
drink more beer."

When she strolled up to him, his eyes widened and he took a step back,
but she caught him with an arm around his shoulders and a handful of

She breathed, "Even more a man than Miller!"

Face aghast, he said plaintively, "Will you hurt me?"

"Oh, yeah! Give me a kiss, you big hunk!"

They lingered in a tight embrace.

Lola shook her head. "For sure the Crogans will be all fucked out."

* * *

Indeed they were. As they passed the palace gate, Debbie noted dryly,
"That sounds like the county lockup on Sunday morning."

"Which means our girls were on the job."

"Couldn't that just be late sleepers?"

"Here all the natives get up a little after dawn."

The two women proceeded to the sporting room. Debbie paused in the
doorway, eyes wide. "But they're green!" she cried in the low tones
used around sleepers.

"They're Crogans. I'm sure I told you."

"What big guys! Where are the three juveniles?"

"That's what I'm about to find out."

"You're implying three young girls fucked these four big hunks to

Lola smiled. "Aren't our girls wonderful? But I'll bet any teenage
girls could do it in Woods World."

She went to one of the Crogans, bent down and shook his massive
shoulders. "Jorg, wake up!"

Eyes popping open, he faced her with a snort. "Lola!"

"What happened to Daisy and the other two?"

He thought a moment, clearly gathering his faculties. "They spoke of
the seeing room." He stared past her. "Who is in the door?"

"That is Debbie. She just arrived yesterday."

The Crogan rose on his elbows, eyes alight. "What a woman!"

"Isn't she! She'll visit you and your brothers later."

"Such a poor welcome for her!" He got to his feet, looming over Lola
but eyes on the doorway. "I shall go find more brothers. Hello,

The woman stood straight under his gaze, large breasts hanging like very
ripe fruit. As Lola watched, the nipples visibly puckered.

"You are Jorg?" Debbie simpered. "I'm so pleased to meet you!"

"So am I," he said, now standing over her. "I shall be even more
pleased tomorrow."

Her eyes dropped to his cock, wilted but still substantial. "I'm sure
I'll be too."

"Debbie is a sweetheart," he said, pushing past her with a smile.

"Wow!" cried the woman, hand on her heart.

Lola grinned at her. "Liked the looks of that?"

"I don't care if he is green!"

"His brothers are just like him."

"So I see."

"I mean the ones not fucked out yet, the ones he's gone to get."

"Has he really gone to get us some ... companionship?"

Lola giggled. "I like the way you put that."

"Fuck partners?"

"Exactly. They live in the woods, like the Pridans, just a different
part. He'll be gone an hour or more. Come on. Let's find the girls."

* * *

In the seeing room the three teenagers were so intent on their
educational pursuit that they failed to note the two women's arrival.
Thus the newcomers observed what would surely have been blanked had the
girls been externally aware.

Homeschooled Amy said, "Move the viewpoint back to Blackbeard. He was
about to come!"

The scene swooped and indeed a large cock appeared, spurting into a
woman's open mouth.

"Blackbeard's hung like a Pridan," observed Sandi judiciously.

Daisy sniffed. "But he sure don't squirt as much jizz!"

Amy wondered, "Are men deficient?"

"Compared to Pridans?" said Sandi. "Maybe. To Crogans? For sure."

"We'll have to ask Lola," said Amy.

Behind them Lola spoke up. "Men have their advantages in both cases."

The three girls whirled around on their bench, faces pictures of
ignominy. Each lifted her hand from the tabletop and the screens went

"Lola!" they cried in unison.

Daisy recovered first. She grinned. "Caught us!"

"Yeah," Lola agreed. "Thought you were supposed to be studying

"Oh, we are! Don't you dig, fucking has a long history? Especially
this. It's _human_ fucking, maybe early porn."

"Might've guessed you'd figure out where to find it. Debbie, these are
our three teenagers: Daisy, Amy and Sandi. Girls, this is Debbie
Homeboro. She's a policewoman, come to find out what happened to you

Daisy leered. "Some uniform!"

Debbie stepped forward. "You three are Daisy Simpson, Amy Laurence and
Sandi Burlingson, right?"

"You got it," said Daisy.

"Yes, ma'am," said the other two in unison.

"Stand up and spin around, all of you."

Daisy obeyed with a grimace, the others blank-faced.

Debbie said grudgingly, "Well, you don't look mistreated, aside from
being naked. Have you been mistreated?"

Daisy sniffed. "You're kidding, right?"

"No, ma'am," said the other two.

"Are you sure? Let me put it this way: has any of you had sexual
relations with anyone else since you came here?"

"Fucked everything in sight!" Daisy proclaimed.

Amy blushed but remained silent.

Sandi looked apprehensive. "Would it be illegal?"

"Well, no, not for you; just for anybody much older than you."

Sandi dropped her eyes. "I don't want to get anyone in trouble."

"You must tell me the truth. Have you had sex?"

Sandi's chin came up. "We've had lots of fun."

"Doing what?"

"Playing games."

"Hide the salami," Daisy contributed.

Debbie concentrated on Amy. She said in a voice dripping sympathy, "Did
those big Crogans hurt you?"

The girl's foreboding expression slowly became a bright smile. "I love
every one of them!"

"I guess that's a, 'No,'" said Debbie with a sigh.

"Did you expect any different?" said Lola, eyes twinkling. "Every
female who's come here yet has had the most fun of her life. That
includes you."

Debbie said, "You know the law doesn't believe in that kind of fun for

"Human law. Does human law reach to Woods World? I don't believe it

"It applies to all humans," said Debbie stoutly.

"Does it? I think the Chinese would disagree -- about American law
anyway. Why don't you have male backup, Debbie?"

The woman sighed. "I don't know. The chief was planning to come right
behind me but somehow the door slammed shut, almost before I could get
through it. Do you know who slammed it?"

"No, but I can guess: Harley."

"Your boss AI? When do I get to meet him?"

"Why not right now?" Lola raised her voice. "Harley, how about putting
in an appearance?"

Suddenly he was there, lounging on a bench, elbow on the table top,
almost within reach of the girls.

"Good morning, ladies," he said with a complacent smile.

Debbie flinched. "Where did _he_ come from? Or should I say, 'She?'"

"I may materialize -- actually, seem to materialize -- wherever I wish,"
he replied. "You are Debbie, the policewoman sent here to look around,
who has found much pleasure so far with even more waiting. As to my
gender, I have no need of any."

"You --" Debbie blushed. "What do you know about my pleasure?"

"Nothing, directly. It is indicative that you accepted the Pridans,
almost all of them, most eagerly. From your interlude with Stard I
extrapolate that the Crogans will please you even more."

"Uh, uh ..." Debbie was reduced to stammering.

"And you will please the Crogans. You are a handsome woman, Miss

Debbie's blush deepened but she rallied enough to respond, "Too bad
you're not a man."

He nodded. "I agree. Lola has told you about the setup here. Have any
other questions occurred to you?"

"You have surveillance over this entire area, don't you?"

"Complete surveillance. Not a sparrow would fall here unknown to me --
if we had sparrows."

"You know everything. Can you read minds?"

"No better than you, Debbie. I must judge thoughts by behavior."

"Then you aren't God."

He smiled. "Not quite. Certainly not Jehovah."

Debbie showed her interest. "Can you ... will you say whether or not He

"I can say only that in 5 million years no one has encountered Him."


"Let me report that Jorg has sent two of his brothers here to entertain
you and is searching for more. The first two will arrive soon."

"Two more like him?" said Debbie, licking her lips.

"In every important respect. May I ask _you_ a question, Debbie?"

"Uh, yeah."

"Unlike all the others, I don't believe you came here from curiosity.
What was your reason?"

"I'm a policewoman, investigating the disappearance of five girls and
women in the last few months."

"Then someone sent you. Why alone?"

"From listening to the talk I gathered that only women could get through
your strange door. The chief was supposed to come right behind me but
you slammed the door, didn't you?"

"Because he was standing too close to it. As you should appreciate by
now, Woods World has no need of human men."

"Why do you need women? Couldn't you make them if you wished?"

"Lola did not mention that, I see. I could but I am not allowed."

"Who doesn't allow you?"

"No one just now. It is a limitation written into my code. I can only
create new entities under very special circumstances. Women are
specifically prohibited."


"I think because of what you would call a failure of imagination. As I
told Lola, our ultimate creator believed in sex. The Woods World
natives are supposed to have women's attitudes, relatively unaggressive,
but men's equipment: women with penises, that is. The creator judged
real women unnecessary, which I have learned was a mistake, resulting in
a serious decline in the population. Women have already begun to
reverse this. That is, one of them has. But more are pending."

"'Reverse?' You can't mean --"

"I mean that Daisy has born a son, as Sonny will do in another three

"What?" Debbie turned to stare at the reported mother. "But she's only

Daisy grinned proudly. "And I've committed incest with him too!"

Debbie looked around weakly, saw no chair and bore up standing. "I
can't believe ..." she began faintly.

Lola said, "Where is Victor? I haven't seen him lately."

"In the woods," said Harley. "He is learning the ways of the Crogans."

"How to get fucked instead," said Daisy succinctly.

"That too," said Harley.

Debbie had recovered. "But you haven't been here even four months!" she
declared, staring at Daisy then at Harley. "How could she possibly bear
a child?"

He shrugged. "I may not be allowed to create new inhabitants alone, but
nothing says I must follow human practices when I have help. Daisy bore
an embryo for only two months. I delivered her painlessly and raised
her son to the size of a Crogan in a week."

"How did you ... How did you knock her up?"

Harley smiled. "You may be sure either a Pridan or a Crogan enjoyed
doing that. Who knows which?" He shrugged again. "Actually I could
find out if it was ever necessary."

"You mean ... women are fertile with ... these natives?"

"Oh, indeed -- all but one woman." He smiled at Debbie. "I know you
will conceive often for us."

Her eyebrows climbed up her forehead. "Well, I don't know it!"

His smile continued. "Lola, for your information Belk and Shar are just
now coming through the front gate."

"Where's Pooter?" demanded Daisy.

"I am sure he will be along later."

Daisy got to her feet with a smile of anticipation but Lola held up a
restraining hand. "Just a minute! You girls have already had fun this
morning. Jorg has sent these two to welcome Debbie."

"Oh." Daisy's shoulders sagged.

"You three should return to your lessons -- real lessons, I mean.
Harley, can't you show them some real history?"

The AI blinked. "What is more real or historical than sexual
intercourse? Believe me, _Homo Sapiens_ practiced that far more than
any other activity!"

"Nevertheless. Come along, Debbie. You're in for a treat."

Arriving from the palace foyer, the two Crogans entered the hall ahead
of the women and quickly closed the gap.

Belk, the leader, cried with eyes alight, "Lola! Jorg said you had
brought a new woman and -- what a woman!"

Both male faces exhibited awe.

Lola said as an aside, "You're a real hit with the Crogans!"

"And vice versa! You think they like my size?"

"More than just that. Belk, and Shar, this is Debbie, and I know she's
anxious to meet you."

"We also," he responded, eyes roaming the newcomer's full body. "Debbie
is a fine woman!"

"Thank you," she said, eyes equally animated. "Wow! Such lovely abs!
Ooo, I do love big fit men!"

"Men?" said Belk. "We are Crogans."

"Big, fit Crogans!" she corrected herself, stepping forward almost in
contact. "May I ... rub your abs?"

Shar spoke for the first time. "What are abs?"

Belk said with feeling, "Debbie, you may rub anything I have."

With a giggle her hand caressed his belly, pressing hard. She said,
"Now I know what they mean by 'washboard abs.'" She giggled again as
her face reddened. "Must be this place. I'm not usually so forward."
Her other hand clasped the monstrous rising cock. "Oh, god!" She added
over her shoulder to the grinning Lola, "I'm drenched already!"

Lola smirked, "Green doesn't bother you?"

"What's the word? It's just more exotic!"

Debbie's hand abandoned the abs to clasp Belk behind the head and pull
his face down to hers for a wet kiss. His arms encircled her and drew
their bodies together.

Shar had been watching intently. With upstanding cock leading he
rounded the couple and declared, "Lola, my last time with you almost
made me move back to the palace."

"It's sweet of you to say that, Shar." Lola's palm pressed his chest.
"But wait. I want you to help give Debbie a warm welcome."

He smiled, clearly liking the idea, and explained, "I would not leave
you out."

"You're so sweet." She patted his cheek but turned serious. "I saw
some sleeping pads in this next room. Help me get our lovers in there,
will you?"

Shortly Belk lay on his back with Debbie squatting over him, her hips
oscillating forward and back as well as up and down. As Lola had taught
him, his hands had risen to squeeze the full, dangling breasts and tweak
the nipples. The woman was already moaning, her face contorted with
pleasure as she stroked the powerful arms.

Farther down the hall in the regular sporting room the other Crogans
snored on.

Shar lay on a neighboring pad, upper head propped on an elbow behind
him, lower head standing tall on its own account. "Debbie truly feels
him," he observed with a trace of envy. He stroked his cock toward Lola
with a grin.

"Don't do that," she admonished, "yet."

Shar said brightly, "I would not leave --"

"Me out. Yeah, I know. But I want to try something. I know you
Crogans won't share a woman at the same time, but how about two women
sharing one of you?"

As she spoke, Lola stood over Belk's head, toes touching his shoulders,
and squatted over his face.

"Lick me, Belk," she commanded. Her eyes lit. "That's right. That's
exactly right! I knew you could do it." Shifting her hips, she added,
"Just keep wiggling that tongue. I'll decide what it should touch."

Shar scooted around behind Belk's head and bent his face close to the
action. After watching a moment he said in wonder, "Belk is really
licking you!"

"He sure is!" Lola agreed. "Ooo, ooo!" She shivered.

"I have never tasted that," he said, again with a trace of envy.

"Blub, blub," mumbled Belk, trying to speak.

Lola raised her hips. "You tell him, Belk!"

The Crogan licked wet lips. "A pussy full of come tastes best. Shar,
you should wait a little while and taste Debbie's."

Lola re-lowered her hips and said with a grin, "I'm sure that's true of
Woods World come. Oh, yeah, right there, Belk! Ooo, ooo!"

The three in contact came off more or less together. Lola's climax was
lightest and Debbie's heaviest. The latter screamed three times through
clenched teeth and collapsed, her cheek resting on Lola's thigh.

"What are you doing, Lola?"

She opened her eyes to find Sarg and Calg standing over them. Motion
beyond drew her eye to Targo entering from the hall.

"Woke you up, did we?" she asked.

"We heard a strange voice moaning and wondered who was hurt." Sarg
smiled. "Is this the new woman we heard of? I do not think she has
been hurt."

Debbie was still too affected to do more than look up from Lola's thigh.

Rising off Belk's face, Lola said, "She was as far from hurting as you
can get. Sarg and Calg -- and Targo -- this is Debbie, a new playmate
for you. Debbie, here are three new playmates for you too!"

"Oh, wow!" said Debbie, face lighting up but head still down.

"Excuse her, gentlemen," said Lola with a smile. "She just enjoyed her
first green Crogan cock."

At last Debbie's torso, still impaled on Belk, rose to a squatting
position. She said in a tone of wonder, "And I think it was the best
fuck of my life."

"So far," interjected Lola.

Debbie's eyes were bright. "If it gets any better I'll go to heaven.
I'm so pleased to meet the Crogans!"

Belk spoke up. "This is a fine woman, brothers."

"What is heaven?" asked Calg.

But Sarg, whose question remained unanswered, reworded it. "Lola, what
were you two doing to Belk?"

She grinned. "It's called, Sharing a Crogan. And I think Belk liked

"Yes, I did!" breathed her subject with a beatific grin. "Tasting one
and fucking another is very good."

"An advantage of sharing," Lola continued. "It's too bad Crogans had no
mother to teach them to share."

"We might learn it anyway," mused Sarg doubtfully.

Though still bulky enough to feel, the cock inside Debbie was flopping
fast. She eyed the very tall one mounted on the masculine hips beside
her, at that moment the only erect one in the room. She licked her
lips, starting to bend toward it. To her surprise Shar backed away.

Eyes gleaming in anticipation, he said to her, "I want what Belk said
was best."

"Let's find out," she agreed, rising off Belk with an audible splash.

Wide-eyed, she looked down at her sudden effluence. "God, what a load!
One cock did that?"

"A Crogan cock." Lola laughed outright. "That's the third time you've
said that."

"Oh, yeah: the Pridans and Stard. But I think this is the most."

"It might be. What's with you guys in the woods, Belk? You're like
hermits. Don't you even jerk off?"

Belk's brows knit. "I do not understand what you just asked."

"No matter. Give Shar a drink, Debbie, but don't strangle him!"

"I shall not strangle!" Shar declared stoutly, lying flat on his back
with tongue protruding.

Debbie blinked but Lola understood. "He thinks you should do him like I
did Belk."

"Oh. Okay."

Debbie scurried around and squatted over Shar's face with an
introspective look. Soon she was shifting her hips. She grinned at
Lola. "I see what you mean -- gives you control."

"A little bit. Don't let that hard dick go to waste."

"You mean ..." With a grin of anticipation, Debbie leaned forward,
adjusting her knees to keep clit centered on tongue, and opened wide to
slurp in the huge organ before her.

"What is she doing?" demanded Sarg.

Lola sniffed. "I can't believe you guys don't do 69s."

"But a pussy is so much better!"

She stared at him, understanding his point. "Maybe you're right." She
bent and touched Debbie's shoulder. "Don't make him come yet. Crogans
think pussies are the best things since sliced bread, which is to our

Debbie shrugged and returned to her original squat, from which she
scanned the fascinated onlookers. She wiggled her tongue and said, "I
see four other dicks that need sucking."

Targo, the most adventurous, came close and flopped his bulgy but
dangling equipment before her face. "You can try, Debbie, though I did
fuck with Amy already this morning."

"A confession!" she cried. "But instead of arresting you, I'm gonna
erect you. Ain't that a blast!" Her hand had to help the flaccid cock
into her mouth.

"You can try," said Lola. She watched the vain attempt. Occasionally
her eye drifted to Belk's lone upstanding sentinel, while secretly
berating herself for promising it to Debbie.

In the middle of her lingual climax the experienced Debbie rotated her
body and settled it easily around the huge cock, which greatly prolonged
the orgasm and raised it to unparalleled heights. Before it was over
she did indeed believe that paradise was attained.

* * *

As the day wore on, the palace filled up with Crogans. When six of them
arrived at once, Lola ran upstairs to hover across the table from the
three teenagers.

"Girls! I'm suspending school for the day."

Daisy looked her up and down enviously. "Where'd you get all the

"That's why I'm here. We've got a house full of Crogans."

"'A house full?'" Daisy licked her lips with a light in her eye. "Oh,

"They'll kill us!" declared Sandi in evident anticipation.

Amy stood up and said with a dreamy expression, "Just last week I read
something appropriate. Before the games began in the Coliseum, the
gladiators would stand before the emperor and chant, 'We who are about
to die salute you!'"

"History, indeed!" said Lola. "You won't die; you'll just go to heaven.
Now come on."

Downstairs they found Debbie's glistening body in her favorite position:
squatting atop a huge Crogan cock, hips heaving forward and backward as
well as vertically, grunting, face contorted in ineffable bliss. Around
her stood six other Crogans, watching intently and gently stroking
monstrous erections. This was the regular sporting room, floor covered
in neatly aligned pads upon which several other Crogans lay, either
asleep or propped on elbows to watch, all with flaccid cocks.

The standing Crogans turned toward the arrivers, eyes lighting at the

"Lola!" cried the nearest. "We could not believe you ran away."

"Turg? I thought I recognized you. No, I needed reinforcements. I
think you all know Daisy. These two girls are -- Huh! Turg, the one
that just grabbed your dick is Amy."

No longer the shy home student, she had darted straight to the nearest
and reverently caught his leading feature. "Oh, what a lovely poker!"
she breathed. "It makes my bottom water."

Immediately he clasped her buttocks and elevated her to his midsection,
cock opening her flesh like a gentle fist.

"Told you it was wet," she crowed before pulling his face to hers for a

Lola giggled. "What has come over Amy?"

Sandi, by now likewise impaled, said over her shoulder, "She loves
Crogans even more than I do. Oh, wow, big boy, you feel so good!"

"Not big boy," her steed demurred, barely managing to get out before her
mouth covered his, "I am Flik."

Sandi's bobbing hips suggested that she was pleased to meet him.

A rugged green Adonis stood before Lola. "I am Jurn, Lola."

She looked into his black eyes. "Is this our first meeting, Jurn?"

"Yes, Lola. I had only heard of you. They did not say that seeing you
would fill me with longing."

"Aren't you the poet! Well, here I am and boy, are you ever long

"'Long?'" he repeated, puzzled.

"In all directions," she failed to explain, hands behind his neck
pulling her up around his hips. In a few wiggles she too was impaled.

* * *

The five females sat over their empty beljer bowls in the eating room.

"Listen to them!" cried Debbie, cocking her ear.

From down the hall a room full of snoring Crogans produced a dull roar.

Lola smiled. "They're big guys with big chests."

"They're big all over," noted Sandi. "Do all big guys have big dicks?"

"Disappointingly, no," said Lola. "Although I'll say I haven't found
one yet that wasn't big enough."

Sandi added thoughtfully, "Surprised the Crogan ones don't scare me."

"Scare you?" Amy sniffed. "Crogans are just lovely all over!"

"We know now. Sight of one last week would've made you pee yourself."

Amy grinned. "It does now -- except it's not pee."

"Now she's bragging!"

"I guess I am," said Amy, grinning but blushing. "This place has
changed me."

"Changed us all," agreed Daisy.

"For sure it's changed me!" Debbie declared. "The old me would have
arrested every guy here for statutory rape. Ha! The only way I could
arrest them now would be to put them all on the same deserted island.
With me."

"I wanna come too!" cried Sandi with a grin.

"Oh, all of you, of course." Debbie grinned also.

Lola said seriously, "Have you decided that Earth law covers Woods
World? How can it if men can't deliver it?"

"I'd say women could ..." Debbie giggled. "Except it would take enough
women to also arrest the first twenty or so that came."

"Not necessarily," argued Sandi, "not with a bunch of Ms. Johnsons."

"Who?" said Debbie. "What?"

Daisy explained, "Our math teacher. She's a dried up old prune who
wouldn't let God's chode into her pussy."

"Don't be too sure," cautioned Debbie. "A lot of old gals are just
chicken. For them I suspect coming here would be like the gal who said
she loved to get raped. Whatever happened, she said, nobody could blame

Lola was curious. "You heard a woman say that?"

"Yeah. After she was arrested for stealing cucumbers." Debbie sighed.
"I'm trying to remember I'm a sworn policewoman. What's the right thing
to do here?"

"What do you want to do?"

"Not want; what _should_ I do?"

"Have you considered the issue of jurisdiction? And statutory rape is
all about age, but the natives here don't exactly have birth
certificates. They don't even have mothers to ask! How would you prove
they're over 18?"

Debbie shrugged and sighed again.

Lola continued, "But ignoring those issues, look at these girls. Did
you ever see such satisfied expressions? Don't they remind you of the
cat that ate the canary? Do they really look abused? Why is it okay
for you and me to get our brains fucked out but not for them?"

Debbie said dutifully, "Statutory rape is grown-ups fucking children. I
never questioned it before. I guess the law thinks it always harms the
children somehow, even if there's no coercion. What about it, girls?
Are you harmed?"

"Harm me again!" begged Daisy. "And don't stop!"

Amy giggled. "Yes, I'm harmed. For sure I'll never enter a nunnery!"

"What I am," said Sandi, eyes flashing, "is pissed there's a law that
keeps the dicks away."

"You didn't know?" said Daisy curiously.

"I was pissed the first time I heard of it."

Lola was still on her soapbox. "Are we women afraid of the competition?
The Crogans are far too polite to compare these young girls to me, but I
know it's hard for an adult woman to compete with cute perky boobs and
oh-so-tight pussies."

"Huh!" Daisy disagreed. "The Crogans, at least, like the big girls --
those D-cup boobs of yours --"

"C-cup," Lola corrected. "Yeah. They especially like yours, Debbie."

The policewoman lifted her long pair reflectively and mused, "Wonder how
the nipples got dry while the rest is wet."

Lola grinned. "Spit doesn't linger like jizz."

Debbie grinned slyly at the girl sitting beside her. "I seem to
remember somebody besides Crogans sucking them."

Amy blushed. "You were doing the last Crogan."

Sandi giggled. "Me too. I wanted to compare."

"Compare what?" asked Amy.

"Yours with some really big ones."

Amy's blush deepened.

Lola said cheerily, "What's a little tit-sucking among friends?"

"What is it?" repeated Debbie. "It's not enough, that's what!"

She bent to her side and caught Amy's hips. Powerful arms lifted the
girl bodily, spun her half around and plopped her solidly on the table
before the woman.

Debbie stared up at the girl's face. "I'm gonna eat you out. What do
you say to that?"

Amy had not yet recovered from the assault.

Lola jeered, "Statutory rape!"

"Shut up!" the policewoman ordered. Her elbows parted the girl's legs
and her face dropped between them.

Amy threw her head back. "Oh, god! Oh, god!"

"About what I thought she'd say," grinned Lola.

"That looks like fun," said Sandi longingly.

"You and Amy know it is," Lola reminded her.

"Do you think she'd mind if ..."

Lola gestured. "Go ahead."

Sandi crawled under the table, between Debbie's splayed legs and made
slurping sounds. Above her Debbie moaned and shivered. Amy's legs had
closed around the woman's head.

"Fun and tasty too," commented Lola. "Looks like we have enough girls
now to entertain ourselves when all the Crogans are asleep."

She got to her feet, went to the adjacent table, hitched herself upon it
and lay down full-length on her back. She raised her head to look at
Daisy. "Well, sis, let's see if incest adds anything to the fun."

"Ooo!" moaned Daisy, scrambling after her. "I thought you'd never ask!"

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