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{ASSM} Woods World {Kelliswan} (MMFf alien ScFi oral anal) [3/13]

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Apr 24, 2017, 7:08:24 PM4/24/17
Woods World
by Kelliswan

Chapter 3: Returning Home

After a restful night's sleep Lola was the last to wake up in the
morning. Stretching, she rose on an elbow and looked around, noting the
differences. Her last recall was a dimly lit room with most of the
light arriving through windows from outside, however it was lit at
night. Now the walls and ceiling seemed to glow, along with blue sky
visible through windows. Briefly she reflected on the even greater
difference of the present high ceiling compared to the low underbranches
of the night tree.

"Good morning guys!" she said in a cheery voice. Noticing that all the
Crogans sported large erections, she added, "My, what a pretty sight!
Look at those hard cocks! Is all that for me?"

Jorg leered at her. "They're always hard at first but you lying with
your legs open kept them that way. Come, Lola, let's go outside and
pee. Then we can come back and play again."

Lola giggled and said archly, "Don't you want to go eat some beljer

"No," interjected Targo. "You promised me a lesson in pussy eating.
Sarg has been praising the taste."

Lola had to laugh. "Ah yes: pussy, breakfast of champions! Would you
believe my own father, of all people, told me that a while ago?"

Targo sniffed. "I do not understand champions, but I understand eating
your pussy before breakfast! I cannot wait! Let us go pee and then

He grabbed Lola's hand and led her out the door with all the others

After relieving herself, Lola used the washbasin to rinse her pussy,
hoping to offer Targo a better flavor.

Having reentered the sporting room, Lola smiled brightly and said,
"Guys, will you stand in line shoulder to shoulder? I wish to inspect
my Crogan troops."

Jorg said, puzzled, "What are troops?"

"Fighters, like when Stard fights with the Pridans."

Jorg distastefully spat out, "We are not like Stard and don't need to

Yes, I know," retorted Lola, "and that is why I expect all of you to use
your weapons" --she put hand to Jorg's cock -- "for pleasing me instead
of hurting others. Now let me check my weapons."

In turn she handled each of the four cocks, pulling them down and
releasing them to spring back up against the owner's belly. Each was
straight with sunken veins and partly withdrawn foreskins, as alike as
possible for cocks to be. "Excellent: fine weapons for pleasing a girl!
We'll really have some fun this morning!"

The Crogans' eyes lit in agreement.

Then she sighed. "Unfortunately these guns remind me of muskets.
Better make the first shot good because reloading takes forever!"

Lying back on the nearest pallet, she spread her legs invitingly.

Jorg was amused at her whimsy. "We are glad you like our cocks, but we
never thought they were special. Yes, they are bigger than the
Pridans', who of course have small ones. Tell us why you called them
weapons, like the Pridans' slings. We do not need weapons to kill each

"I was just playing. Such large, stiff cocks are weapons enough to
knock me" -- she paused deliberately -- "_up_, if no other way."

"Knock you up?"

She continued without explanation, "And I'm glad you don't kill each
other. You're a lot smarter than the men at home. But Targo, didn't
you want to examine my pussy?"

Targo crawled onto the pad between her legs. Face hovering over her
groin, he said, "I watched Sarg carefully yesterday so I think I
understand what to do."

"Good boy! Now taste it and say if it's good as beljer."

Targo's tongue alternated between the vagina and its surrounds, causing
Lola to moan and declare, "My god, that's a long tongue! Big cock and
long tongue, what a combination! You Crogans are made for entertaining
girls. Oh, oh, yeah, keep that up!"

But he raised his head long enough to say, "With your pussy lips spread
open they remind me of beautiful flowers in the woods. Umm! But you
smell better and taste better, even better than beljer."

Jorg chuckled. "Targo studies flowers the most. I think he has just
found a new favorite!"

Targo said, "This one looks like an orchid but tastes better."

He returned to licking his special flower's petals and pulling them
gently with his teeth. When he moved to her clit, she climaxed with a

He raised his head, grinning, and moved quickly up her body for a wet,
sloppy kiss. When they broke, she said with a big smile "I love to
taste myself on my lover's mouth. It means he likes me."

She reached between the two bodies to grab his cock and said, "Where do
you want to put this big thing -- where your tongue was: in my pussy, or
somewhere else?"

Targo answered by lifting his hips and sliding his member into the
well-lubricated opening. She groaned as he bottomed out. He began a
rhythmic pistoning with the comment, "I love your pussy Lola: tight yet
so soft and juicy."

When she pulled his head down to her breasts, a stiff nipple on his
cheek reminded him to suck. His tongue worked her tits as his rhythm
gradually increased. Eventually they climaxed together.

He said as he got off the pad, "That was great, Lola."

Catching her breath, she said, "Sarg, is it your turn? Let's try the
titty fuck that somebody couldn't do last night. Hand me the oil

Jorg grabbed the bottle before Sarg, saying, "That was me, Lola. I'm
sorry but I told you the reason."

She smiled forgivingly. "Yes, a learning experience. But you're raring
to go this morning, aren't you?"

"Oh, yes, Lola!" He actually panted.

She took the oil from Jorg and poured some between her breasts. "Jorg,
get on my chest like last night ... Yes, that's right! Move up a bit,
so your cock lies right here in the valley. Good! Here, pour a bit of
oil on your cock, so it slides real easy."

Her C-cup breasts were large enough when pushed together for the nipples
to meet around his thick member. Instinctively he began to slide it.

She said approvingly, "You are fucking my boobs! You like it?"


"Women say boobs, men say tits."

"I like."

"Now take bigger strokes so the full length gets rubbed. Yes, good!"

Each time the head emerged at the top of a stroke, her tongue licked it.
Hands on his hips controlled him so that on many up-strokes she stopped
his movement long enough to take the cock head into her mouth and swirl
her tongue around it, careful to press the sensitive underside. She
repeated this until his cock swelled and a shot of come splashed on her
chin. She giggled and took the head into her mouth, swallowing much of
the next shots but leaving a lot to escape the corners of her mouth.

Cock starting to wilt, he said, "Lola, that was good, so different from
any other fuck."

He bent down for a long kiss before getting off the pad. She smirked.
"You like tasting your jizz in my mouth? You guys aren't afraid of your
own juices, are you?"

"Afraid? Can it hurt us? We suck and fuck our brothers every day, at
least we _did_, and no one gets hurt."

"I like that attitude. Now who else wants a turn with me before

Calg looked at Sarg, who opened a hand. Calg said to Lola, "I was in
your ass last night. Can I try your pussy now?"

"Of course, big guy! I'm always ready for another of these lovely

Calg got between her legs and slid easily into the still overflowing
opening. Savoring the new sensations, he slid in and out slowly.

Lola giggled. "You're getting what we at home call sloppy seconds,
fucking a girl after another fellow has left his load in her. Some of
our men don't like it."

He shrugged. "You feel tight but slippery to me. I do not understand
why anyone would not like this feeling. Before you showed us the olive
oil, a load of jizz was the best way to get a very slippery asshole.
Two or three in a row would fuck the same guy's asshole because all the
jizz makes it feel so good. What is wrong with your men?"

Clutching his buttocks to improve his depth, Lola moaned but managed to
respond, "I don't know. I can't speak for them. Now mash my tits as
you fuck me. Yes, yes, ah, yes!"

Soon she climaxed again, followed by Calg's ejaculation. He commented,
"That was fun, Lola. I love your pussy. We need to do that again!"

"Well, Sarg," she said, "looks like you have the only stiff cock." She
patted the pallet. "Come lie on your back next to me."

When he was in position, she waddled on her knees over his head, holding
her nether lips closed, and smiled. "You want something to eat? I have
a come-filled treat for you."

He squinted up into the dripping slit and leered. "You mean something
to drink."

She straddled his face while facing his feet, lowered herself to his
mouth and removed her hand. He immediately licked out the creamy treat.

Exposing his mouth, he commented, "The familiar taste of Calg, with some
extra flavors from our dear Lola. I want this treat more often!"

"You do like it!" she noted and leaned forward to lick his balls. Soon
her face was bobbing on her favorite part. Eventually both came, with
him shooting several strong jets into her mouth. She did her best to
keep up with the rate of discharge but failed to catch it all. The
excess trickled down her chin.

Extricating herself, she sat on the side of the pad, legs extended
before her. Jorg sat up, leaned in, gave her a long kiss and licked the
excess off her chin. But her belly and thighs were drenched.

She giggled. "Wow, what a fun way to start the day! Now let's eat food
instead -- except can we wash first? I'm covered with sweat and fuck

Jorg answered. "Certainly, dear Lola. We have something we call
'showers' outside."

"We also use that word. I'll let you know if I recognize your shower
once I see it."

They trooped outside and around to the back of the main building, not
far from the outhouse. On the wall of the main building she saw a row
of projecting shower heads and commented, "Yes, these look like the sort
of outdoor showers we have at swimming pools."

Targo said, "What is a swimming pool?"

"Interesting that you should ask. For now how do I use this shower?"

Jorg stepped under one and pointed at three buttons on the wall. "First
push the left button and soapy water will come out of the shower head.
Once you are done washing, push the middle button and clean water comes
out to rinse you. Finally, push the last button and warm air will dry

The warm shower felt good. While washing, she noticed that the pavement
sloped toward the building, where a shallow trench collected the water.
This trench ran along the wall, through all of the shower stations, to a
drain beyond the last shower.

Curious at the unusual engineering, she stood over a drain and laughed

"What is so funny?" Jorg asked.

"These holes form a bearded face. The drain cover is a copy of the
famous _Bocca della Verita_, or Mouth of Truth that I saw in
Rome, a city of my world. Whoever made your showers and this
drain had a good sense of humor to include this famous face."

Jorg repeated, "'_Bocca della Verita_?'"

Lola said, "Yes, just like yesterday in the seeing room when you showed
me people dancing and singing in French, a language I don't understand,
the name for this face is in Italian, still another language I don't
understand." She shook her head. "Again I ask, how can this not be
Earth? And don't stamp your foot!"

He had raised a leg but lowered it sheepishly.

"I'm curious, Jorg," she continued. "In the seeing room where we saw
the French bridge, can we somehow ask to see something else, like say
this face? Can we ask to see specific things from the olden days?"

Jorg scratched his head and responded, "That would be interesting, but I
do not know how to do that, or what to ask about. Maybe we should go
back to the seeing room and play around, see what we can do."

Calg interrupted, "Enough talk about strange words! Let us go eat."

He led everyone to the dining hall. Now that she understood the food
service, Lola joined Calg in filling the beljer bowls from the
cubbyholes and serving everyone at the table. Jorg fetched the spoons
for all to eat.

He asked Lola, "You spoke of Rome, a city in your world. Maybe we could
ask for it in the seeing room. What is a city?"

"The home of lots of people, millions in some cases!"

Sarg interjected, "Millions? I do not know that word."

"It's a very big number. What's the largest number you know? Thousand?
Hundred? Fifty?"

Jorg answered for him. "We can count to one hundred. The fathers told
me of ways to count even higher than one hundred, but we hardly need to
learn such things."

Lola smiled and made a sweeping gesture. "If we had one hundred rooms
like this, all filled with people, we wouldn't be able to fit everyone
who lives in a big city like Rome."

"So many people!" Jorg looked puzzled. "But you said you have no
closets like ours for making people. All these people were squeezed out
of the special fuck hole between your legs?"

Lola laughed. "Yes, all those people fell out of women's pussies. None
from mine so far! But remember, half of those very many people are
women, so each woman needs to make only a few new people. It's not such
a big job. The woman who made me -- I call her my mother -- made only
one other person, who I call my sister. We call ourselves brothers and
sisters if we come from the same woman's pussy. I guess that's similar
for you. You call yourselves brothers because you come from this
castle's closets."

"The mother closets."

"That name figures."

Jorg thought of another question. "While you were in Rome, did
you enjoy fucking the men? Were they as much fun as us?"

Lola sighed. "Actually I didn't fuck anyone in Rome. I didn't
know anyone so I was afraid to get into a sexual relationship."

"Really!" Jorg was incredulous. "Before yesterday you did not know us
at all and you probably still do not know us very well. But, near as I
can tell, you had lots of fun with us last night and this morning. Why
so careful about starting sex with new people in your home?"

"Now I'm embarrassed." Indeed she blushed. "I guess I don't understand
it either. We are trained from birth to be careful around men. I need
a lot of time to get to know a person before fucking him, certainly more
time than we spent touring the castle yesterday."

"Hmm, why is that?" Jorg continued. "You were with four strangers
yesterday and compared to the Pridans you met earlier, we are large and
strong. We can cause you harm if we want to."

"Yes I see that, yet somehow this place is different. I don't
understand why I find fucking so easy here. It's like a compulsion.
I'm not behaving the way I do at home."

"You find the sex fun and exciting, even sex with the Pridans, right?
Do you regret anything you have done?"

"No, no, no regrets! I'm having a great time. I never had as many
orgasms in a day as you guys give me. But everything about this place
is strange and very different to me. I want to find out more about it.
I plan returning home today to study our books and see if anyone has
written about it."

"Oh, you want to leave us?" Sorg asked.

"Just for a little. But I'll come back. I promised to help you make
olive oil, and I always keep my promises, only that work will have to

Targo said, "While you are gone I will look for the special trees with
the olive fruit. Hurry back. Tomorrow morning, when we all have
stiff-standers again, we will be thinking of you!"

Lola felt her pussy starting to get moist with that comment. "I'll
definitely be thinking about all of you while I am gone. I'll hurry
back as fast as I can."

Once the meal was over the Crogans accompanied her to the castle wall to
say good bye and exchange kisses. Her contact with Jorg included
tongues. As she broke the kiss to depart, she noticed that his cock
seemed a bit larger. She took it in hand, bent down to kiss it, and
said, "If I stay here long enough, I wonder if we can work on this gun's
limit of one shot a day."

"How would you do that?"

"Practice, my love, practice!" She smiled and turned away.

She crossed the grassy plain and found the path into the woods. Hardly
past the first trees, she was surprised to meet Korn and Murr. "Hello
fellows! Aren't you far from home?"

"Yes," said Korn, "but we were concerned about you. We wanted to be
where we could find you if you decided to leave the palace. And you did
leave! Were the Crogans mean to you?"

"Oh, no, they were great! I had a very good time. But I can't believe
this world. I need to go home for a while."

Korn smiled. "Back to us!"

"Not exactly." She frowned. "I don't want to meet Stard just now. He
lives near here, right? Let's get away from here! Take me back to
where you first found me."

Murr said, "We have not seen him this morning. Let us continue down
this path. It goes in the right direction."

When they came to it, Lola discovered that the new rock groove, sloping
away from the cliff, had already become a stream from runoff of the
nightly rain. She bent down on her knees, face almost at the water
surface, to scoop the cool water into her mouth. With her ass elevated,
the two Pridans behind fixated on the enticing pussy lips.

When she finished drinking and turned around, Lola saw two hard cocks
almost in her face. "I know what you guys are thinking."

Korn said, "We hope it is the same thing you are thinking."

Lola moved away from the creek's edge and laid back on the soft grass,
spreading her legs. "Come here and kiss my bottom lips. Get me wet and
excited before you shove in those lovely cocks."

Korn licked her to a moaning frenzy. Pushing his head away, she noted,
"You do that so well it's hard to believe you never touched a woman
until recently! I've had boyfriends sexually active for a decade who
can't compete with you on pussy eating."

Korn's comment was, "I taste Crogan."

She nodded ruefully. "Showers aren't good as baths."

Unresentfully he added, "I do not know 'decades,' but I guess you mean I
did a good job. Should I fuck you now?"

"God, yes!" she declared.

He hopped on and of course entered effortlessly. She was gratified to
note, carefully without mentioning it, that the Pridan cock, two thirds
of a Crogan cock, was still eminently satisfactory.

She looked at Murr, pointed to her mouth and said, "Here's an empty
hole, pal. You interested?"

Murr was soon fucking her mouth. Lola came first then the two
ever-horny Pridans. The two males rested next to her in a post-coital
bliss, idly twisting her nipples.

She said, "Thanks guys, as usual that was a great fuck. Now, who wants
to clean up the creamy treat in my pussy?"

Murr jumped up. "My turn! Korn licked you to get us started."

"Go to it!"

Murr started immediately, clearly relishing the task as much as Sarg had
two hours earlier. After he finished, giving her one last climax, she
bent down and pulled him up by the head for a sloppy kiss. "Umm, I
taste good, don't I? Okay, guys, I need to go home. Let me clean up a
bit in the creek and then let's get going."

While she splashed her belly and genitals, Korn repeated, "'Home.' You
do not mean back with us."

"No. I mean my home, before I found you."

"Lola! You are leaving us again."

"Only for a little while." She smiled and touched his still erect
member. "I'm already addicted to these sweet things!"

"You will soon come back?"

"I promise."

The little group departed down the new streambed with Korn leading. The
sun was high overhead in the clearing where he said, "Here is where we
first saw you. See that big boulder at the edge of the woods? You came
from behind it."

They all kissed and said good bye. The Pridans watched her depart

Indeed the path began just behind the huge rock. First she found her
bra and panties, then her jeans and finally her blouse. She put on
these clothes and wondered aloud, "Where are my shoes? I didn't come
here barefooted."

She found them sitting atop her purse atop a rock and remembered
removing the sneakers first. The clothing was definitely looser, which
pleased her. "At least I didn't gain weight."

At last she came to the door, seemingly set into a rock face, paused to
straighten her hair and exited back to the library. She closed the door
softly behind her.

The librarian was behind her desk, eating lunch. Her mouth being full,
she beckoned for Lola to wait, but Lola pretended not to notice and
marched on out the front door. Her car was still in the parking lot,
she saw with relief, fearing that it might have been towed. She mused
aloud, "How long was I gone anyway?" and found that she had no clear
memory of the number of days and nights. "Guess I ought to check in at
work. Sharpe is probably furious!"

As she passed through the office adjunct to Lindonfield Distributors,
the substitute receptionist looked at her with narrow eyes. "Mr. Sharpe
said to tell you, if you came in, that he wants to see you right away."

"Thanks, Ella."

Lola knocked on the office door and was bidden to enter.

"Lola!" said the husky man behind the desk. "There you are!" His tone
was not encouraging.

"Mr. Sharpe, I can explain."

"Explain a whole week without so much as a text message?"

"A whole week? Well, I, uh ..."

"I don't want to hear it. I might if you hadn't been late 18 times
already this year, but a whole week without a word! You haven't even
been home, have you, not in those clothes."

"No, sir, but I --"

He glared. "Let's skip the excuses. You probably don't know it so I'm
telling you now. I fired you and sent a letter to that effect to your
residence. I'm sorry. You looked good out front -- when you were here
-- but so many unexcused absences cannot be tolerated."

She raised her chin. "Then it's final?"

"You bet it's final! And don't expect a glowing reference from me

Dazed, she returned to the entrance and said to the new receptionist, "I
need to get my things."

"I bagged your stuff behind the files in the big drawer." As she spoke
the woman handed up a bulging paper sack.

Without inspecting the contents, Lola took it, returned to her car and
proceeded without hesitation to _Larry's Sandwiches and Cocktails_,
where she plopped her now less-constrained buttocks upon a bar stool.

"No fancy duds?" said Paul, the familiar barkeep. "I'll bet you're
ready for a Sloppy Joe."

"What I need is a drink!"

"Now, Lola! At lunchtime? You ain't driving, are you?"

"Yes, I am. Maybe you're right. Give me a draught and a Sloppy Joe."

"Coming right up."

She sipped the beer while she waited.

Having delivered the sandwich, he wanted to chat. "Thought you was got
over that jerk anyhow."

She took a bite. "Charlie? Oh, yeah, Charlie's old news."

"Thought so. Yeah, ain't seen you in a week. Hope nothing bad

"Been out of town. The bad news came with getting back. I got fired."

"Fired? Well, good old Workmen's Comp!"

"Does it apply if you're fired?"

He thought it over. "Sure does if you're laid off."

"Not that it matters," she added with a shrug. "I don't plan to stick
around anyway. Tell me, Paul, did you ever hear of a tribe of midgets
around here? Or one of green men?"

"Green?" His eyes twinkled. "Like the Jolly Green Giant?"

"Big but not that big."

"Big all over? Every girl's dream, right?"

She sighed. "Yeah, it's like a dream all right."

"Tribe of midgets and green men? _Must've_ been a dream, Lola."

She shook her head and sighed. "Too bad it wasn't."

"Getting fired ain't. What're you gonna do?"

"Dream some more, I hope."

They laughed together and she felt a little better.

* * *

A second beer later she was able to reach her apartment without meeting
other chatters. Some mail had been pushed through the slot in the door,
not much of it because she mainly used her smart phone for remote
communications. Of course, as she had discovered in the car, its
battery was long dead. Within minutes of plugging it into the charger
several texts were delivered, all from men.

Lola had no close female friends. She had come to think of feminine
company as superficial, at best offering support that was unneeded --
until now, at least. She was pleased to note that her men missed her.

While she sat contemplating the phone, her mother's ring tone sounded.
She pressed _Accept_.

"Hi mom! Oh, I'm fine. No, I was, uh, gone for a few days visiting
some friends. New friends. Sorry, I know I should've told you I'd be

She listened a moment. "Don't lecture me, thank you. I said I'm sorry!

"Daisy? What about Daisy?

"No, I haven't seen her, she's not with me. She's been gone since when
-- yesterday? Have you asked her friends? To the library? I was there
about an hour ago. Well, two or three hours. No, I didn't see her, but
then I didn't look everywhere. That's a big place... No way she
could've spent the night there, though... Sure, I'll go back. Maybe
I'll find some of her friends and ask what they know."

* * *

Lola differed from her sister, Daisy, in every respect except gender and
eye color. Lola's hair was bright red, breasts were C-cup at age 24,
height was five-foot six and weight 125 pounds. Daisy's hair was yellow
blonde, breasts showed puffy nipples just beginning at age 13, height
was five-foot two and weight 105. Of course most of that would change.
They shared blue eyes, a sisterly similarity of features and as Lola
ruefully admitted while returning to the library, a strong curiosity

The librarian noticed as Lola passed her desk and wanted to chat. "Ms.
Simpson," called the woman, "has your sister turned up?"

"I'm afraid not," said Lola, not daring to rush on past.

The woman said, "Your parents and the police have both inquired. You
don't suppose she has ..."

"She has what?"

"Run away. Or worse."

Lola sighed. "I guess it's possible. Excuse me. I need to find a

"Can I help you?"

"No thanks. I know where to look."

Lola turned away.

The woman called after her, "I pray your sister turns up soon."

"Thanks," she returned over her shoulder, ducking into the stacks.

Taking a circuitous route to avoid notice, she arrived at the otherwise
unremarkable door marked, _Do Not Use_, and tested the knob. Still
unlocked. After verifying that she was alone in the hall, she opened
the door quietly, slipped through and closed it gently. Before her
stretched the strangely-lighted cave that she remembered, its corridor
of corrugated rock quickly curving out of sight.

With none of her previous hesitancy she dashed around the curve. As
recalled, the cave opened into a forest of mature trees with oddly
little underbrush and a path extending among them. She marched along
the path again without hesitation.

The air was so warm! She wanted to remove her blouse -- and remembered
doing so blithely the first time. Now she determined to keep her
clothing. Except ... what was that spot of blue?

Just ahead, peeking from behind a tree, she found a blue cotton T-shirt.
Emblazoned on the front was _Save a Crocodile_, below it in smaller
letters, _It might be somebody's mother_. Although never seen before,
it was a teenager's kind of shirt. She folded it over her arm and
continued on.

The path twisted at this point, but she was confident of finding more
clothing shortly. With every step, however, the urge to divest her own
grew steadily stronger until it was intolerable. On her first pass here
she had thoughtlessly dropped her garments wherever removed. Now,
understanding the effect if not the cause, she stopped, hung the blue
shirt on a tree limb and removed all her own clothing systematically,
folding it neatly into a stack atop her sneakers beside the path. This
time she had left her purse in the car. Recovering the strange shirt,
she marched nakedly on, now free of the nudity compulsion.

No two pieces of discarded clothing were found together. She took up
each item: a B-cup brassiere stuffed with toilet paper, shorts with
pockets of girly-things and narrow bikini panties. Didn't this girl
care _what_ she met in the woods? No. If like Lola, the other's only
thought had been the tingle in her vagina.

Lola folded the retrieved clothing on top of flip-flops, of all possible
shoes! -- and left them also beside the trail, which shortly opened into
the recalled clearing with its man-high boulder. Rounding the huge
rock, she stopped to examine the pattern of trees but shook her head.
Her mind was a blank on the subject of finding the dwarves. The sun was
at high noon and no help.

Suddenly a dwarf popped up in the grass before her. She had to smile.
Not only did something about him seem familiar, his disproportional cock
was sticking straight out.

She called, "Is that you, Murr? I know you guys don't _always_ sport

Another dwarf popped up beside him, also with cock erect.

"Oh, of course," she said.

Murr's whole face had lit. "Lola, you are back!"

"I shall tell the others," said his companion, scampering away into the

"You really are Murr, aren't you?" she said, drawing nearer.

"I am, and you really are Lola." He began to stroke his cock towards
her, which she felt immediately.

But she was otherwise concerned and held up a blocking hand. "Wait just
a moment, Murr. Have you seen another woman here just recently?"

"Yes, or so she says. In fact she came before you left."

"Before I left?"

"Yes. While you were at the palace."

"I knew it! Take me to her, will you?"

"Right now?" His disappointment was obvious.

"Is she all right? Is she in trouble?"

"She is loving my brothers."

"Do you mean they are ..."

"Fucking her."

Lola had not kept up with her sister's love life but doubted she had
retained her virginity. After all, Lola had lost hers before 13, and
according to all reports, the newest generation of cock chasers was even
more determined. Still ...

"Who fucked her first?"

"I think ... Varg."

"Not Korn?"

"No. I think he is waiting for you."

"Well, he truly is faithful! And you, Murr. Were you waiting for me

"I was. You are twice the woman, Lola."

"Thank you, I think. Did you catch that girl's name?"


Lola took a deep breath. "Where is she?"

He pointed into the woods. "Many are fucking her."

She sighed. "I guess there's no hurry, and that standing cock looks
sweet." She dropped to her knees before him and grasped the item in
question. "Faithfulness deserves a reward."

But he demurred. "Turn around, Lola."

"That _is_ a better idea!"

She swung around, backed up to him in a crouch and found herself already
moist enough to accept him easily. He clutched her hips and drove into
her with a fast rhythm.

"God, Murr!" she cried. "I've really missed you little guys!"

Her first climax was quicker than usual. Recovering from that, she felt
a new penetration in the back and pressure on her facial lips. It was
Korn's cock, she saw when she looked up. "My sweetheart!" she noted,
opening her mouth for it.

As usual the ecstasy was heavenly.

* * *

Hearing grunts and squeals while feeling none of it, Lola sat up in the
grass and looked around. Nearby another full-sized leg and foot
extended from a swarm of dwarves. Others were all around, some
standing, most coupled together in one manner or the other. She
recognized Korn standing just beyond her feet.

Smiling at him, she said, "Now that's what I call a real welcome!"

"We all missed you," he said unsmiling.

"Despite your new ... entertainment?"

"As you said, Lola, we are your sweethearts. At least I am."

"Thank you, Korn." She licked her lips and raised a dripping hand from
her groin. "You guys sure give ample proof!"

"Too much?"

She giggled. "I always take it in the spirit given." She nodded at the
tangle of bodies. "So you brought her to me. When can I speak to my

For answer he waded into the group around the other woman, tapped the
small shoulders and gestured. One by one the dwarves backed away,
leaving the girl alone on her back. The blonde sat up with a look of

"Hey, guys, what's wrong? ... Oh!" Her eyes widened. "So it really
was you, Lola! I couldn't believe it when Jaft said your name."

"Who else do you know named Lola?"

"Well, no one, but still ..."

"How long have you been here, Daisy?"

"I think ... maybe two nights."

Lola looked at Korn. "Is that possible?"

"Yes," he said with a nod. "A different group of us met her, which is
why we did not know of her before you went to the palace."

Lola looked thoughtful. "How many _are_ you Pridans?"

"I do not know. More than 100 maybe."

"So many!" To Daisy she said, "How did you get here -- as if I didn't

The girl returned her glare calmly. "You do know."

"Yeah, I found your clothes scattered in the woods. Just had to try
that door, didn't you?"

"Just like you, right?"

"Just like me." Lola sighed. "You really are just like me."

"Mama says I look just like you when you were my age."

"And that's not all the similarities! How do you like the Pridans?"

"Who's that?"

"That's who you've been fucking the last two days."


"Tell her, Korn."

The dwarf said, "That is the name of us little Woods People, Daisy."

"You are Korn?" said Daisy with a giggle.

"Yes. What is funny?"

"How can you tell each other apart?"

"I am always Korn."

"If you look at them," said Lola with a fond smile at Korn, "you can see
little differences."

Daisy smirked. "Don't see much difference where I've been looking."

Lola studied her sister. Daisy's chin, neck, belly, groin and inner
thighs glistened with Pridan emission and the skin around her nipples
was reddened. Lola said in a voice of concern, "Honey, did you come
here a cherry?"


"Excuse me but I have to know. How many -- how much experience did you

Daisy's sullen expression slowly cleared. After a pause she said, "How
many guys, right? Two, if you must know."

"Did you ... enjoy them?"

"The first one hurt and I only blew the second." Her eyes lit. "But I

"Oh, honey! Did the Pridans hurt you? Their dicks are bigger than most

"They made me feel wonderful, better even than Shelley's tongue."

"I see," said Lola dryly, adding a smile. "And I'm glad."

"I guess so. I saw how you love it. You were sure getting rammed when
they led me here."

"Very descriptive!"

"When these little guys bone you, you know you've really been boned!"

"What is boned?" said Korn.


"Thank you, Daisy," he said.

"Never felt anything so good," she continued and smiled at him. "Do I
know you?"

"Not yet."

Lola commented, "I think you both mean in the biblical sense."

"Huh?" grunted Daisy.

"What is biblical?" asked Korn.

"Just one thing," said Daisy without waiting for an explanation. "Don't
you have any bigger brothers? It's like schtupping little kids."

"Except for the dicks," said Lola.

"Oh, yeah!"

Korn said, "What are kids!"

"Human children," said Lola. "We've discussed this, Korn."

To Daisy he said, "We do not have children. I mean, a new Pridan is the
same size."

"Except for his head," said Lola.

"Almost," he admitted.

"Well," said Daisy, "you don't really need them, do you?"

He cocked his head. "Should we?"

Her lip wrinkled. "I hate children!"

"That we don't have to worry about," said Lola.

"Why not?"

"I don't see how we could be fertile with the Pridans. Or the

"The who?"

Korn sniffed. "The Woods People who are even bigger than you. What is

"Bigger?" murmured Daisy pensively. Her eyes cut to Lola with an
anticipatory gleam.

Lola shook her head slightly and said, "Korn, have the Pridans had

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