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{ASSM} Making the Next Step (Mentor POV)

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Jun 29, 2017, 5:08:16 AM6/29/17

Making the Next Step (Mentor POV)

Patrice standing and leaving my part time office. Clicking my pen
nervously as I think on what she has told me in the past hour. A precocious
young girl, barely a teenager. Tall for her age; but also immature and
trying to cope with her raging hormones and trying to cope with what they have
brought to her psyche.
Listening to her and what she has done of a sexual nature in the past
couple of months and you almost wonder if she is hooking. These are my
personal thoughts as she is very active and a bit scared by her physical
reaction to her "needs."
I am not sure if I can help her or whether she needs to consult a
Doctor to give her meds to bring her escapades under control. I do know that
she needs to be on birth control even at her early age. She is coping with
the advances of males; but a failure in coping could well lead to a
pregnancy. Did I mention she is just over thirteen and a half, fourteen in the
late fall.
She is a Catholic and I cover those parochial schools in Dutchess
County. Not just the Catholic grade schools and the Catholic High School as
well. She is shifting from one to the other.
I will contact Planned Parenthood and see if I can get her an
examination and on that birth control sooner then later. My job doesn't allow me
to suggest it; but there are times when you need to do what is best for the
people you are trying to help.
That is the least of the problems. That when she is with a boy and
becomes aroused, she has trouble stopping the process. She basically can't
say, "no."
I need to think on how to approach this problem of hers. Contacting
her mother does not seem like a helpful approach. Her priest she can talk
with; but he is the one who contacted me. Her asking his help, while not a
confession in the Sacramental sense, has him grasping for help is where I
have come into this process.
Just listening to this girl I am shocked at her vast experience that
she has gained in a few short months. She is well underage for consensual
sex as is most if not all of the boys she is involved with from what I can
Having a name to contact and will get an address and phone number so I
may talk with this boy who seems to have the most control over Patrice.
How can a boy be so knowing and able to manipulate these young girls so
easily and be young himself.
Tomorrow Patrice has promised to meet me at Pulaski Park and we will
talk some more as I have free time to spend with her and to get to know her
The day a balmy sunny day and will hit the 90's again as it has for
the past three days and predicted for the next three. Dressing for the heat
and wearing a simple button front sleeveless dress. Button from hem to
collar and a simple tie at the waist.
Coming early for our meeting as I have not been to this park since I
was a teenager. It is a bit run down now other then the swimming pool
which seems to be in good shape and busy with these ungodly temperatures of the
past week. The swimming pool at the main entrance with a parking area.
Then the playground equipment and then the ball field and the wooded area
and the less used entrance.
I wonder that Patrice spends so much time at the ball field but it is
partially secluded from the rest and if you sit in these stands you can sit
and think and talk without being disturbed. The woods are deep enough
that you can step off and not be seen and from looking around I can see that
they are used for more then nature observation, unless you are observing
Cans, beer and soda shining in profusion as they catch the light
sunlight through the tops of the trees. Also a lot of snack bags strewn around
and more then I would have hoped condums and packaging deeper in the wooded
Patrice was right about it being a spot where kids or even adults can
have some privacy for meetings with others.
Walking back to the bleachers and seeing a game has commenced on the
field. At least they are batting the ball and fielding it, maybe just a
warm up till they get enough for a game. A combination of ages from preteen
to early teen I would guess as I look at the boys and surprisingly a couple
of girls.
The park coming to life as I can hear sounds from the swimming area
and there are younger kids and moms at the swing sets.
As I wait, taking the opportunity to read my kindle and feeling myself
setting some sun on my already tanned skin. I am usually in Connecticut
during the summer as I mentor during the school year and I rent summer
cottages for vacationers to the shore during the summer.
Looking up occasionally and seeing a few more boys joining those kids
already playing ball. A couple of girls sitting down to watch and giggling
as they talk. Seeing Patrice coming now across the field. A tall girl
for her age, long lines to her legs and a curve to her waist and then just
the hint of breasts. Not a beautiful face; but she does have a nice big
smile that lights up her eyes.
Seeing myself maybe thirty years ago tall and just developing. Those
long legs that boys like especially when they are exposed and that small
chest that she is defensive about.
I remember doing whatever I could to make my chest look larger to
include stuffing my bra that was not the right size for me. Then wearing
clothing to draw eyes to my legs.
Patrice is certainly doing that as she is wearing shorts that don't
have much pant leg and a tank top that is a bit loose on her body. The
jiggling of her breasts attesting to the fact that she is braless and the bumps
of her hard nipples showing in the front.
Taking a deep breath and as she joins me in the stands, I give her a
hug and a big smile. A mirror image of me in so many ways. I ache for this
girl as I can easily remember those years of adjusting to my changing
My dress is loose in the top and cinched at the waist and loose in the
skirt. And I wear it loose up top for the reason that Patrice does. I am
braless and my breasts are bigger then hers; but even at my age I don't
need a bra for support.
Sitting away from the other girls chatting inanely on the bleachers
and talking to Patrice, starting with why does she come here of all places
each day when nothing is on her agenda. I think I know the answer already as
this is where her friends show up boys and girls and it is a place of
privacy for conversation and more if you walk a little ways into the woods.
The girl not a happy one, as her mother and mother's family are strict
about what a girl should or should not do. Her mother using the phrase
often to call her a tramp when she is late coming home or wearing clothing
that might be suggestive. I am quickly becoming aware that her behavior
might be a protest against her mother as well as a coming of age that all
girls experience.
She is an excellent student in school and helps out in school
activities and not anti-social, but not in one of the class cliches. Close friends
with Alana another girl in her class and sometimes teased as to being
lesbian in nature.
From what she has told me, she definitely has had time for the boys,
too much time; but she would be bi-sexual not lesbian. Students can be
cruel and are if they find a weakness and they can make fun of another and
deflect attention from themselves.
Listening to Patrice and feeling sad as her home life sounds tough,
eyes watching the field, not the ball field but the approach to the
bleachers. Patrice did mention that some of her friends might be here today.
Most students don't know me as I only try to help when the local
priests or nuns say that they have a child with a problem. Not sure what I will
call myself if others show up. Someone she just met or the mother of one
of the boys playing ball. Not someone consulted because she has a sex
As we talk quietly, I see Patrice tensing up and it isn't from
something I just said. Looking up and seeing a teenage boy approaching. Nothing
special about him in his jeans and tee shirt and sneakers. Not a pretty
boy or a physically built one, just a teenager older then Patrice by a
couple of years at least.
Shyly waving to him as he walks up to where we are sitting and climbs
up to sit by Patrice. Wondering how she will introduce me as I look at the
boy more closely.
His body language and Patrice's indicating that she looks up to him for
guidance and direction.
"This is my friend Araminta Raven, she is visiting from Connecticut
today." Nodding to the boy with a bright smile on my face and shaking his
hand. I am sure it is a bit odd Patrice and this much older woman as a
His hand shake firm and polite; but his eyes, as do the eyes of many
males telling the story as he looked to my face, my chest and then my legs.
Appraising even at his young age. Feeling a flush as his eyes meet mine
again. Hooded eyes. Not pretty blues or greens; but brown. Eyes
stripping one naked as they hold yours. How is a young man like that able to
look into your soul.
His leg touching Patrice's as they sit next to each other, she
pressing to his as much as his to her leg. Just talking about school with them
and what they are up to this summer before going into high school.
The nipples pushing at her top as they have swollen with just being near
this boy and wanting what he has to offer. That is Patrice, taking what
they have to offer and giving what they want.
Feeling like I am interrupting something, and that they want to get
away from me; but I am going to try to last this out for Patrice.
John's hand resting on her knee and seeing her react to the slight
contact and her breathing catch and speed up. Wondering what would happen if
he brushed her nipple, would she fall down and suck his cock right here and
now. Shaking my head at the bitchy thought, feeling sorry for her as
this boy knows how to punch her buttons.
His eyes hooded as he squeezes her knee with his fingers and she moans
from the contact. Leg trembling as she looks haunted and I am sure she is
wishing she hadn't decided to meet me here and today.
John slipping down to the seat in front of us and calling out
encouragement to one of the boys in the game. Absorbed for a few minutes in the
play as we talk about how things are going. I can see the difference in
Patrice as soon as the contact ended.
Then John turning around and sitting in the seat in front of him and
looking back and up at us. Talking for a little bit, and realizing that the
little pervert is looking up my skirt from below. Uncrossing my legs and
holding them close together. Seeing a glint in his eye and wondering just
how much he saw. Shaking my head in disgust and at the same time in
wonder, the boy seeing the movement and laughing softly. Patrice looking and
trying to figure out what it was about.
Patrice saying she is going to head home and John ready to offer to
walk her, just as I look down at him and let my legs fall open. The loose
skirt allowing him a view of my thighs from below and hopefully my panties as
I want to distract him from the girl.
"Can I talk to you for a little bit John." Seeing him indecisive.
Then the boy sitting back to look at me. "What do you want to talk about Ms
Giving the girl time to vacate the park. "Let's take a drive." The
boy has a charm that even knowing he is trying to look of my skirt, I am not
angry with him.
"How about we take a walk instead." The boy countering my offer and
coming back with one that has me on his turf, not mine.
"A stretch of the legs sounds like a great idea. Got to keep myself
in shape, it is easy to put on a few extra pounds when you become older."
His laugh not sarcastic; but sounding like he is enjoying that I pick
on myself. Laughing with me and not at me.
John stepping down to the ground and watching as I carefully step down
each tier and knowing John is taking this opportunity to get another look
up my dress.
Letting John lead the walk and amused as he heads to the back
entrance, the wooded part of the park.
"John, you know that you have a very strong influence over Patrice. A
not healthy influence I might add. Not healthy for her or for you."
Stopping to look at him waiting for his response. "You do know what I am
speaking about?"
The boy a few inches shorter then me without my heels. "You mean
Patrice and I kissing and sometimes hugging?" Looking at the boy and
wondering if he is putting me on or thinks I will believe that is all they do.
" You do know that neither one of you are of the age of consent and I
know you do more then just kiss and hug and hold hands. I may be old; but
I am not senile."
Walking again towards the back entrance and seeing the well worn path
in the woods. Pointing to the path, "is that where you go for privacy in
the Park. Where you go to do your kissing and hugging and whatever might
His smile knowing; but not commenting. Then stopping and heading our
walk to the path in the woods. Following his lead and hoping he gives me
something to work with and a way to let him see that Patrice is totally
Working as a mentor and a guidance counselor and removed in age from
the girls and boys; but still able to help them with my experience and
Walking in and then to the pine grove and stopping thenore. "Is this
where you take your girls John? It is secluded and I am sure one bothers
you here so you can," looking askance at him. "What can you do here with
No answer, just that endearing smile, the one hiding his secrets.
"You know, Patrice is like me when I was thirty years younger. She reminds me
of myself in so many things and I want to help her to get her head
straight; before it is too late."
Finally a response, "you are saying you have the same buttons as her,
you have the same needs? Then you are my type of girl, just a little bit
older then the others."
Not sure how to answer that question, as yes I do have the same
buttons and needs; just that I have found through the years ways to sublimate my
needs and protect those buttons that if pushed, make me helpless to defend
Wiping a wisp of my hair away from my forehead as it seems the breeze
has stopped and the woods are stifling with the heat again. You can almost
smell it.
Thinking John must be hot in those jeans and tee shirt as my
lightweight cotton dress feels like it is made of wool as I notice my armpits are a
bit wet and sticky. Pulling the dress from my body and shaking it to get
some air moving underneath.
His eyes following me, seeing me in a little discomfort, not showing
him anything of a sexual nature.
"Go ahead and open a couple of buttons if you are that warm, it won't
bother me, much." His soft laugh having a dirty sound to it as he is
taunting me to challenge him. And when he said the word "warm", it sounded
more like he wanted to say hot.
A man or boy of a few words; but his demeanor and ability to see each
weak spot or opportunity and use it very intuitive. I am beginning to see
his charm and how a vulnerable girl could be swayed into doing as or what
he asks.
Toying with the top button on my button front dress and undoing it and
the next one, as much to get air as to see what his reaction would be as I
respond to his "power of suggestion."
"I see beer cans and a tin can with snuffed out cigarettes, is this
where you guys go to get away from the strain of daily life?" I don't
mention the used condoms; but thinking if they are back here doing it, then a
condom is a very good idea.
"Yeah, we sit down and talk about our problems and mellow out for an
hour or two. And maybe party a little bit. There are different ways of
relaxing as I am sure you well know."
Sitting down on the pine needles, one hand swiping my skirt over my
ass cheeks so I will be sitting on the material and not the actual pine
needles. Legs extended in front of me, one crossing over the other at my ankles
as I lean back and support myself with my hands.
"Almost surprised at no blankets being stashed; but the needles are a
nice and soft if you don't get one jammed into your backside. Alcohol,
smoking, maybe drugs for some and then there is sex. Using a stick to flick
a condom deeper into the trees. I am glad that precautions are taken,
though abstinence is an option also. All things that are illegal for
teenagers. Good reason to be back here."
John looking at me sitting and then sits down next to me, not
touching, facing me: but close to my personal space. The boy, fine hair over his
upper lip, aware of his animal magnetism, and it seems to work with the
young girls, impressionable and ripe for plucking.
I look at him and think he is as confused by this maturation process
as the girls that he pulls to himself. Just using a gift that is standing
him in good stead at present and will lead him into problems quite possibly.
Not sure what I am trying to do here; but needing to get through to
him on some level. His eyes hooding again as if it is a Jeckel/Hyde change.
One hand reaching to a fern growing up through the needle strewn across
the floor. Plucking it and then touching it to my knee. Feeling the light
touch and looking as he moves it again over my knee and then down the
inside of the one crossed over my other.
Innocent movement and contact; but thinking that it is a step one in a
well used battle plan. Both of us watching as he moves the fern against
my flesh and both of us know that as little as the contact is, I am well
aware of it.
Still bracing my body with my arms behind me, as I watch as he moves
the stem a little higher on the inside of my thigh. I am amused by his
attempt to tease me.
Slowly reaching forward as he rests the greenery on my thigh and his
fingers touching the bottom buttons of my shirt dress. Wondering if this is
a skill he has practiced often on females or himself as his one hand
easily sliding the button through the hole. His hand on the third one when I
reach forward and hold it in mine to keep it from moving further up the long
line of buttons.
The light material of my skirt had settled on my thighs and lower
body, giving a vague outline of whats laying hidden beneath. Unfortunately the
bodice of my dress is doing the same thing and helped by the sticky
wetness of my body from the damp heat. My small breasts are small pear shapes
as I lean back; but my nipples are quite big and puffy and defined in my top.
Sliding out of my fingers, his hand picks up the fern again and
caresses the inside of my thigh once again. Letting him go for a few moments and
then stopping him with my fingers firmly on his hand this time.
"What is it you want John? Do you want to see my thighs, my body or
just see how much that I will allow. I bet you don't have a stopping point
in mind, just doing what you do till it is finished."
"Where did you think I would put and end to your opening my buttons?"
Looking at him as I feel movement of his warm hand against my legs. Just
a flexing; but movement and again making me aware.
His soft laugh, "I thought that I might have opened a few more, as I
can see I have your attention." His eyes staring at the indentation that my
hard nipples are making in my dress."
Looking down at myself, as if I wasn't aware of the swollen nubs
thrusting proudly. "Oh, you mean those. I am a mother in case you didn't know
it and they have been full like that since I nursed, many years before you
were born. Not something you are causing. You are so sure of yourself, I
am amazed by your confidence."
His finger continuing to tap gently against my thigh as we talk. Then
abruptly sitting up. " I think that maybe this is not the right setting in
which to speak with you. You have past experiences here on your mind and
body it seems."
Brushing the back of my dress off as I stand, and reach down and
extending a hand pull him to his feet. The boy leaning into me as he stands.
"You never give up, do you." Not a question, but a simple statement
of fact. "Let's go back since I think I know a bit more about you then I
did," Not as simple a fact as that; but also that his attention has caused
my nipples to become more sensitive and swell from his teasing.
Walking back, my skirt moving around my thighs as I try to figure
where to go and what to do next about this complicated situation. John keeping
back a step or two and most likely looking at my ass as my pace helping
to mold my skirt to my body.
Finding myself confused as we reach the ball field again and then
looking back and his eyes are on my body as I tell him we are going to take a
Throwing my shoulder bag in the back seat and then stepping in the
driver seat, John waiting and watching as my skirt hikes up and I show a bit
of thigh as I settle into the driver seat. All to aware myself now how I
have a good number of inches of thigh exposed as I start the engine and pull
out of the parking lot.
No question by him as to where we are going. Not sure myself as I try
to think where I might talk to him in public; but not be overheard. And
then driving to a deli, buying a couple of sandwiches and bags of chips and
a couple of cold ice teas and driving to Rural Cemetery just on the outside
of Poughkeepsie. You would think it isn't a place to go for other then a
burial; but actually well manicured and the old section is away from the
active area. A bench facing the river gives a view and is partially shaded
from the sun and is sporting a nice breeze.
The sandwiches providing time to think and not have to speak as I look
over the well manicured lawn. Finishing half my sandwich and putting it
aside for later or another meal. Watching John eat and lick his fingers
when all done.
Then feeling his hand swipe over my lap. "Crumbs, you had crumbs on
your lap."
Looking at him, shaking my head as he will take every opening to
touch. "I am glad I didn't drop any on my chest." His grin telling me that he
would have enjoyed that.
Quickly going from a quiet serene lunch to an aware situation. His
hand brushing my thigh just for good measure as we both watch him sweeping
his fingers over the skirt of my dress and my bare thigh.
"If you had more buttons opened, the crumbs might have fell through to
the ground, and then maybe not." Wiping my mouth and taking a sip of the
ice tea that is soothing and refreshing, then setting it alongside of me.
Turning to John as we sit close on the bench, his hand going around my
back resting on the top cross piece. His fingers managing to find my hair and
play with the long brown strands that fall to just above my shoulder
blades. "You find gray, you are allowed to pull them out." Again pointing out
the age difference between us.
Wondering why that is even important to me as this is about Patrice
and now John to try to help them. Not about a physical attraction.
Shivering as his hand now is under the layers of my hair and teasing
along the nape of my neck and then the column just below my ear.
"Stop that." Brushing his hand away and feeling that this location
isn't working any better then the park to get a dialogue going with him.
As I bat away his hand from my neck again, I feel a light touch and
look down to see he has managed to open two more of the buttons at the bottom
of my dress. The inverted vee opening, now showing more of my thighs and
much higher up.
"You are incorrigible." Laughing at what he has done and realizing
right away that it was the wrong response as it will encourage him.
His hand back again and undoing another button and again grasping it
firmly in mine and holding it between my thighs near my knees. Definitely
not going to give him more leverage higher up.
"Stop it John," a little annoyed now as I feel I am losing control of
this situation and control is something I definitely need now.
"You know, I would love to kiss those lips of yours. They are so full
and sensual and inviting." His words bold and brassy and nice to hear.
Shaking my head not only to free his hand from pressing below my ear
on a delicate spot that, "gets to me" if you know what I mean. His lips
leaning into me and brushing mine as I feel the contact. Eyes wide and
shocked at how totally I have lost control here. Feeling more like a kid then
an adult as he presses them harder with his lips and finds the purchase to
push his tongue into my mouth.
Shaking my head still as he pushes me back against the bench and his
lips move over mine as his tongue finds mine and my tongue flicks back.
Moaning as I realize that I have responded to this boy.
My thighs had lost their pressure on his hand and had move up between
and found a few more buttons to open as we kiss and I am occupied with his
mouth and lips.
My hand grabbing for his again and holding it from moving; but it has
already reaching the middle panel of my panties and his finger tips are
massaging the material gently against my labia.
Again moaning as he holds me back against the bench with his kissing
and the hand that was behind my head is now deftly undoing the buttons from
my top down. Whimpering in helpless loss as his fingers quickly undo the
buttons and my dress lays open from my neck to the hand wedged between my
thighs and rubbing on my panties.
Lost now as his fingers have found my nipple and gently roll it in his
fingers, kneading and massaging the pear shaped mound thrusting from my
chest. The jolts of sensation finding their way to my core causing me to
lose concentration and my thighs flap open, relaxing for a moment and his
fingers knife my panties into the slit formed by my fat pussy lips.
Totally on the defensive as I try to push back this boy's hands. My
own hand swiping helplessly to pull his hand away from my nipples as I arch
my back as he tugs the swollen tip and then releases it in a jiggling of
flesh. Breaking his kiss on my lips and finding the nipple and tongue
licking around the areola and then latching on to the turgid tip as my child had
so long ago. Suckling as a babe, but my response internally totally
different then it would be to a babe.
"Lift up." His words a sensual whisper as he frees my nipple to speak
and secures it again. His hands at my waist as I raise my ass off the
bench and quickly tugging my panties over my ass cheeks and down my thighs to
land at my knees.
From behind on the roadway behind us, someone would think that I was
fully clothed; but facing the bench, my dress is pulled open to expose the
whole front of my body. Naked as the day I was born.
My body undulating on the bench as my nipples are buttons that trigger
immediate responses of a sexual nature from me. The tip being so big you
would think they are not as sensitive; but are actually extremely sensitive.
My thighs pushed open by John's hand and trembling as his fingers have
found my wet slit and the small button of my nestling clitoris.
No thought of defending myself now as I respond to his touches and
contact. My moans a steady whimper of pleasure as he fingers fuck into my
pussy and thumb rubbing over and around my clit.
His head lifting from my chest and looking around and then easing me
back to lay on the bench. One leg on the ground and him hooking the other
one up on the back of the bench. Spread obscenely for his viewing and
entertainment as I look at the boy as he standing and strips off his shirt and
pants and shorts.
His erection not as big as an average man's; but looking formidable as
he kneels between my legs and then lowers till the head of his dick is
touching my pussy lips. A low whimper as the mushroom cap presses on my labia
and splits them apart and I feel his cock slipping into my cunt and my
walls squeeze with a warm greasy welcome on the shaft. My walls sealing
around his prick as he grunts in satisfaction or surprise at where he is.
His eyes looking into mine as he lays on my chest. Buried deep in my
body and then using his arms to push himself up and feeling his cock pull
out of my cunt and then back in again. Finding a rhythm as he strokes
steadily into my nasty gash. My musky scent blown to my nostrils by a gentle
breeze and another groan as my cunt clenches on his cock again.
I may be old; but I am not inexperienced as I work his cock and with a
series of clenches and squeezes, draw the venom from his snake and feel
the head swell and shoot its seed against my inner walls. His groan
welcoming as he had hoped to last longer and maybe he thought he could make me cum
on his cock.
His eyes wide now, unsure as my cunt milks his cream from his body.
The thrust ended as my legs have hooked around his ass cheeks and holds him
tight into my body. A couple of more clenches and I have drained him of
his urge to fuck.
Then feeling him going soft and slipping out of my greasy hole. Then
the slow ooze of the semen coating my fevered cunt lips and slip down to
wet the hole of my anus.
John sitting up, his cock cute and cuddly as it is a soft worm of
flesh in his hairless lap. Feeling a sheen of sweat coating my body as I sit
up, my body naked and leaking his seed. Then leaning over and taking his
soft cock in my mouth and sucking it like a giant nipple. Cleaning it of
his creme and the strong scent of my skanky cunt. My fingers finding his
ball sack and massaging them slowly and tenderly. Milking a couple more drops
of semen from his cock and feeling the softening organ slip from my mouth
as I sit up next to this young boy.
Feeling the sloppiness of my cunt lips as more eases out of my pussy.
Labia stlck as I shift. Reaching to his cock and playing with it as I
lean back and try to regain my composure.
Much to late to matter; but looking around behind me to see if there
is anyone that saw this tableau play out. A sigh of relief as just rows of
tombstones as far as you can see and no one paying homage to the dead.
John's fingers touching my nipples and my body trembling as I pull
back to escape his hand. The boy knows my weakness and smiles amused as I
push at his hand.
Needing time to clear my head. Unable to as he keeps my nerve endings
alert and sending messages of pleasure to my core. Laying back open and
spread, my fingers touching his presently harmless penis as the boy arouses
one nipple then the other and in between working the smooth button of my
clitoris till I can feel it engorged and raw with sensation, the throbbing
between my legs real as I slip my hips forward on the bench seat and my
thighs open wide to ease the access.
My chest heaving as I breath deeply and my heart is pounding fast.
The boy not letting up as I am totally unable to resist the touch of his
fingers on my body and sit trembling literally open to whatever he asks or does
to me.
His dick slowly swelling in my fingers as they loosely entwine around
the shaft. My lips opening and low words escaping, "please stop." My
body quivering with sensation and more of my musk wharfing from my nasty hole.

"Please, no more." My lips quivering as I plead. Tears in my eyes.
In response, his fingers moving over my clit and taking a small orgasm,
my body clenches and contracts. Moaning, my hand just hanging at my side
jerking as his fingers move back and forth alternating with his lips on my
diamond hard nipples. The merest touch causing me to shudder as my nerve
ending are overloaded and raw.
Pleading again, my words making no sense, just unintelligible sounds
escaping my quivering lips. My heart pounding so hard in my chest,
wondering if I might be having a heart attack as my bottom bounces on the bench
with the continue stimulation.
The cock swelling and taking form as its steely core fills with blood
and the soft worm becomes a deadly viper oozing clear venom. My eyes fixed
on it.
Finding my body eased down till my head is touching the warm surface
of the mushroom cap.
"Lick it Ms Raven. Get it good and wet. You are going to like the
feel of this in your mouth. His words, just sounds as my tongue slips out
and touches the warm flesh, then licks around the top, tasting the precum on
my tongue tip.
A loud moan as I drop to my knees in front of him as he sits on the
bench, sliding his body forward, legs wide.
So little hair around his cock and ball sack as I look at it from a
fraction of an inch away. Tongue moving up the shaft, swirling to cleanse
the shaft of any residual skank from my grease. My hand jerking to the
shaft as my other hand rests on this thigh. The prick stiffening more as I
suckle the young flesh of my tormentor.
My dress hanging off my shoulder behind me as I crouch down and
pushing his legs wider, as I take one of his delicate testicles into my mouth and
suckle gently on the tender nut. Moving my head back and letting it pop
out like a treat and then suckling the other nut. His musk not as strong
as I have found on some males; but still enticing as I nuzzle his ball sack
and cock with my nose as I tongue and lick and suckle the soft outer skin
of his cock.
Eyes closing as I raise up again, my thighs squeezing the fat lips of
my cunt and feeling the moisture being squeezed one lip rubbing grease on
the other. My free hand slipping to my lap and finding my pearl and
massaging around the perimeter. Direct contact not possible as it is so
My mouth finding the crown, licking and then pulling to my lips,
moving them wide as I lean into the cock head and take it into my warm wet
mouth. LIps sealing on the hard shaft and lowering my body to tickle the hole
of my throat as I hum to vibarate against it.
Pulling back and stroking up and down on it, fucking my mouth in a
nice slow movement, my cheeks bulging and pulling in and out as I suckle the
large boy teat.
Feeling some control returning as my nipples are out of reach as he
leans back on the bench and allows me to give him some really good head. His
moaning letting me know that I have the advantage now.
I will draw his venom one more time and he will be clay in my hands to
be molded. Thinking I need to wear a bra more often as my nipples are
dragging against his knees with some of my strokes and my body gasps as the
nerve ending shoot jolts of sensation to my core.
The buildup in my body there; but held in check. Sucking and blowing
this boy as he never has or will have again. Taking my time and feeling
his cock, and more so his hips tensing and knowing I will have what semen is
left in his balls very shortly. Drained he will be harmless.
Pulling my lower lip back and exposing my teeth to rake along the
underside of his cock, scrapping it slowly as I massage the cum vein.
I feel tension again as he leans forward and think he is ready to blow
his load, but then feel his hand curling in my hair and pulling my head
down onto his cock, changing my rhythm. His other hand reaching down
awkwardly and finding my left nipple and rolling it slowly with his finger. The
pain/pleasure from the contact making me lose my concentration as he works
the swollen and raw tissue with his fingers. Moaning on his cock as my
body jerks and squirms as I try to bat away his hand and find there is no
strength in me to fight the contact.
His hand controlling my head as he now thrusts up to meet my face and
the cock rubbing the edges of my throat as I try to breathe in between
strokes. My eyes beginning to water as I mix some breathes, my lung burning
as I suck for oxygen and gasp my arms frantic to release my head as he holds
me tight to his groin. My nose snuffling and running moisture as are the
sides of my lips as I drool saliva.
My hands on his knees now, trying to push myself away as he slams my
head hard into his groin and feeling the tickling of his thin pubic hair
against my face.
Whimpering in real fear as my body is shaking as he finally releases
my head and allows me a hard choking breath. My head spinning and seeing
red as he pushs it down again on his cock and groin and pumps his hips
against my mouth till he empties a small load of his cum into my mouth. The
seed slipping out through the side of my mouth and mixing with saliva forming
a long string of goo hanging from my chin to my thigh.
Coughing and sputtering as he release my breast and head and laying on
my side, mouth wide as a breath deeply pulling in precious air.
Looking up at the boy as I lay at the foot of the bench and his hands
reaching down to tug on both of my nipples and draw me up to his lap using
my panties to wipe my face and then forcing me to clean his cock one more
I have been skull fucked before; but this boy has learned early to
control me and it is the same form as with Patrice. Our nipples are so
sensitive that we have no resistance after contact.
The boy looking down at me as I wipe my face and then stand and sit
down, buttoning my dress over my raw and aching nipples. My body needing a
good cum and John says that maybe next time.
I can't believe this young boy, telling me what he will give or not
give me. My arms crossed protectively over my breasts as we walk to my car.

Driving the boy to his home and sitting in the driver seat as we talk.
His hand resting on the inside of my thigh and just stroking the warm flesh
as I continue to use my arms to protect my weak spots.
Explaining to him that if he leaves Patrice alone, I will try to take
care of his needs when I am in town or can get away from my rental job in
Giving him my phone number to reach me there and telling him locally I am
in the phone book. Collecting some semblance of my former confidence as he
leaves the car and waves. "I will be seeing you soon Ms. Rust."
My drive to my house a weepy affair as I realize that I am helpless
against this boy and now I am committed to meet him to ease Patrice's burden.

The phone call not convenient; but not unexpected as John wants to meet me
at the Pulaski Park in the pine wooded area at tomorrow morning at 9. I
can't brush him off and it is an extremely restless night as I used some
single malt scotch to finally help me sleep and forget the morrow.
I am up early every morning and down at the beach at 6 sipping my
morning coffee. Hurrying it a little as I need to be on the road by 6:30 just
in case there is traffic. A two hour and fifteen minute drive normally.
I have already picked out my clothes and wearing them. A jean skirt
and spaghetti tank top that doesn't quite meet the waistband of my skirt.
I am not even going to waste my time wearing a bra and a simple white thong
completes my attire. A pair of sandals on my feet and I am ready for the
drive to Poughkeepsie.
Thinking maybe I should reconsider my offer to be a stand in or
whatever position you want to call it for Patrice. Just tell the boy that he
needs to keep away from her.
Trying not to think of anything remotely sexual as I beat the traffic
and make it in just over a couple of hours, stopping at a Dunkin Donut and
getting a large regular hot coffee and after parking in the lot, walking
with my shoulder bag over my left shoulder, I am as ready as I am going to be
for this encounter.
I have a present for John in the form of a box of condoms. He should
be thinking in terms of safe sex, not only for himself; but consider the
girls that he is having sex with in the future.
The bleachers is where I will wait the appointed time and leave for
the woods with five minutes to go. A few kids just practicing on the ball
field today. Some teenage, some younger; but all eager to play.
My arms more or less covering the front of my top as I don't want
these young boys to see that my nipples are pressing into the front and
visible. Bad enough to have a boy like John running amok, much less to encourage
these others boys to think ahead as a girl/female as a sexual object.
My nipples are still a bit tender and raw from my encounter of a few
days ago and I have lotion on them, maybe the taste will discourage his
mouth; but doubt it will stop his hands as he is aware of how I respond or more
precisely, helpless to resist.
I do need to stop this meeting with John, before it becomes a big and
continuing problem. Looking at the time and sipping my coffee that is my
lifeblood during the day.
Taking a deep breath and letting a large sigh escape my lips as I
carefully step down the bleachers and head for the wooded path. My tan legs
catching the eyes of some of the boys and hearing a wolf whistle from behind
me as my hips sway a little as I walk from the field.
The day warm; but not overbearing at present as thankfully it is
fairly early and the heat is just beginning to raise the thermometer.
Keeping the pace down so as not to end up sweaty and hot. The woods
slowly closing around me as I step from the path leading to the back gate of
the park. No birds singing in the trees or rustling of small animals in
the ground covering. Most likely John is already there waiting form me.
Hopefully he is horny and on edge and if we should do it, he won't
last long and I can say I have to get back to Connecticut soon thereafter.
Coming into the opening and seeing that I was right and he is waiting for me.
Having a cigarette that I definitely do not condone. And looking down
to see he has some beers five in the holder and one in his hand.
His smile as he sees me, does make me appreciated and stepping close
he takes the cigarette from his lips and leans to hug me and give me a kiss
on the lips.
The taste of cigarette on his lips, a turn off for me. The boy
breaking open another beer and handing it to me. I am not a big beer drinker and
picky on the type I drink, so sipping it and wetting my lips as I look
around the area and wondering if he wants to go someplace else, like the
cemetery again or park someplace else. I am not volunteering my house in
Poughkeepsie, I definitely do not want to start that.
Looking at him and shrugging my shoulders, causing one of my straps on
my tank top to slip down off my shoulder. Placing my shoulder bag on the
ground by his six pack and taking another sip of the beer and placing that
down also.
"Well, what is it you would like John?" My hands on my hips as I stand
legs shoulder width apart looking at him. His typical uniform I guess,
jeans and a tee shirt and sneakers. Tighty whiteys underneath.
I see his eyes moving from my face and dropping to my chest, staring
at the nipples thrusting at the front of my top and then down to my skirt
that is a bit over halfway up my thighs. Wearing it short to show off my
best asset, my legs.
"Come here," walking to him and meeting him in another hug and kiss,
my hands going to his waist and holding them there as he nuzzles against my
lips and face, tongue finding my parted lips and slipping into to take
possession. My tongue dueling with his and pushing back to slip into his
mouth. The pointy tip flicking and rubbing against his teeth and cheeks as my
teeth then find his lower lip and hold it gently as we look eye to eye at
each other.
No, this is not a look of love from one to the other; but of one out
staring the other. Dropping his cig and grinding it under his sneaker and
emptying the can of beer and throwing it to land near the full cans.
The signal that the pleasantries are over as his hands move to my
waist and he pivots around me and hands lifting to cup my breasts in my top,
his palms against my nipples as his fingers knead the soft mounds of my
breasts and he grinds his groin into my hips.
Smelling the beer and cigerettes on his breath as he must be on tip
toes as he pulls down the other strap of my tank top and kisses the flesh of
my shoulder. His lips sucking at the soft flesh and then moving to my
neck and nuzzling it with his lips and face as he tongues and sucks at that
flesh also.
Moaning softly as it is not necessarily a button that will have me
fall down and spread my legs, but that spot just under the ear makes me gushy
inside. His hand reaching down to my waist, bunching up my tank top and
pulling it up over my breasts as his fingers have found the erect nipples
and he rolls them slowly with his thumb and index fingers.
The nubs swelling more and becoming harder as they stick out from my
chest for easy access with his fingers. Closing my eyes and feeling the
electric shock of sensation running to my core. My chest pumping now and my
heart racing as I didn't expect I could resist his attack on my chest.
As my nips have swelled, so have my labia now, engorging with blood
and pushing against the material of my thong. I know my walls are leaking,
even though I don't feel the moisture and catch the scent of my musk.
My head rolling back, exposing my neck and shoulder more as his
fingers become more insistent and with a whimpering moan, feel my legs
weakening. The bulge pressed against my ass cheeks as he slides one hand from a
breasts over my tummy and then slips it down under my waist and feel the warm
finger pads meeting the upper swell of my mound. The middle finger just
short of slipping into my folds.
Then his hand slipping out and finding the button and zipper on my
skirt and loosening it enough to slip his hand again in the front of my skirt
and under to my thong and then into my thong to find the folds protecting
my clit.
There will be no talking things over with John till he has had his cum
it seems, as he is all out in his attack on my person.
"Time to give me some relief Ms Rust. Turning me around again to face
him now and placing my hand on the front of his jeans to feel the bulge.
His soft exclamation letting me know that he is aroused quite nicely
already. My hands fumbling at his fly and finally succeeding in opening it and
freeing his erection, as my fingers wrap around his warm cock and jerk it
His fingers massaging one breast and playinf sticky fingers with my
cunt. A nice erection; but nothing special as you would think a boy that is
so sexually advanced might have an obscenely huge prick. Not so.
Kissing his lips then breaking my kiss, " Shimming out of my skirt
and thong and then lifting the tank top over my head as I place my skirt down
where I am going to be laying.
Then helping John out of his clothes till we are both naked.
Carefully laying back on my clothing, to keep from getting stuff in and on my ass.
"Are you sure you don't want to go someplace else? This is not going to
be comfortable.
Spreading my legs and thinking I must look like one of those shots you see
in a porno book. Old bitch, legs spread wide, showing her wet gash and
hoping to entice the hard cock into her hole.
John not waiting but laying down over me, his cock gliding into my wet
hole with no effort as he buries it deep and I give him a squeeze of my
walls. I don't know how many girls he has fucked; but I am sure there is
not one that knows how to kegel like I do. Doing pushups over my body, his
cock sliding in and easing out his mouth finding my left nipple and that
will be his suckle victim today, as he tongues and works his lips over the
rock hard nub with each stroke.
My kegeling on every few strokes taking its toll as I can hear his
moan with each squeeze and feel the pressure of his lips on my breast increase
as I clench my wet skanky sheath around his dick.
HIs grunting and breathing becoming more pronounced as he strokes into
my body for long minutes now and my hips lift to meet his strokes in loud
wet slaps of flesh. My own body writhing under him as he continues to
assail my nipple.
My first oragasm a usual small one as my wall contract involuntarily
around his cock and then a couple of more quick contractions. Panting with
the effort as my hands reach to his ass cheeks and dig the ends of my
fingers into his soft flesh. Pulling him closer and deeper into my body.
Eyes closed as I hump up to him and as I massage his cock I can feel
myself building again to another climax. My eyesopening to slits as he
moans and I look up as he is cumming now and spewing his seed deep in my
pussy. These little sperm escaping to find my womb opening and try to
fertilize my egg. Not going to happen baby.
Then as I lay milking at his cock as it continues to spit its scum, I
realize that there is someone watching us, a beer in his hand and a
strange smile on his lips.
"Stop. Stop John, get off of me." Panic in my body as I look over
John's shoulder at the persona and then realize there are two. Pushing the
boy off of my body as I slip from under him and look to grab for my cloth
ing; which I am lying on top of at present.
One of my hands reaching to cover my chest and the other reflexively
reaching to cover my pubic area. John rolling off to the side and looking up
and smiling.
"Hi Walt, Tommy, glad you guys could make it. I got her all warmed up
for you." His sperm is leaking out of my hole as I lay naked unable to
move or reach for my clothing as I watch the newcomers. Both of them
teenage boys, though one looks older then the other.
It is easy to figure that I have been set up by John. They quickly
getting into the sex.
"Yeah, seems you came just in time for us to step up." The older of
the two boys looking down at me and opening his fly to pull out his stiff
cock. "Sloppy seconds it seems for me and thirds for you Tommy. She is
little old don't you think, maybe older then all three of us combined. His
laugh nasty and the other boy's is forced. This new boy, Walt is trouble.
Finally, sitting up and reaching for my top and lifting to pull my
skirt from under me as I prepare to dress and get out of here quickly.
The boy shaking his head as he looks down at me. "You aren't going
anywhere lady. You have a couple of hard dicks to get off."
Looking to John and then trying to stand up and feeling myself pushed
back to land on my ass hard. You lady are going to get fucked and hard."
As I try to rise again the boy grabs my arms and slaps across my
breasts, another slap across my face, then turns me around and then pushes me to
the ground again.
My breast and cheeks stinging from the open hand and a red warm flush
on my face as I have stumbled to the ground again.
"Now Lady, no more games. Get on all fours and stay there." My fear
of this boy causing me to obey, as I kneel looking at the ground, my knees
and hands supporting me. Sobbing, tears running down my cheeks as I wait.
Then feeling a foot kicking my legs further apart. The feel of warm
flesh against my ass cheeks and thighs and then a grunt as the boy spears my
cunt from behind and grabs my waist to pull me back on his prick.
Just holding me there, impaled on his shaft and then a warning
whispered from above. "Do not scream lady or I will really lay into you." His
hand smacking hard against my ass cheek to test his point.
Biting back my scream of pain, as a hot flash of warmth surfaces as
the sting of the slap subsides. My legs shaking as he kneels behind me and
just holds me tight to his body. Then feeling his hand reach lower and find
the folds protecting my clitoris and his finger rubbing hard over the
smooth button.
Not a gentle caress to stimulate arousal; but a rough touch that still
sends shock waves to my core and in spite of my fear, I can feel the
buildup in my body from his touch.
Hearing a rustling of the pine needles on the floor and then seeing a
naked body in front of me, lifting up my head and pushing a semi hard cock
to my mouth. John is aroused again, as I can smell my musk and taste it as
he pushes the dick into my mouth. My lips sealing around the cock and
the slow rhythm of his hips beginning the fuck of my mouth.
Walt behind me giving a loud laugh and then his body jerking back and
forward as he now fucks me from behind and the boys have me spitted like
some barbeque meat. The back and forth giving a sound of wet flesh as the
cock in my cunt is siphoning out my grease and John's semen, while the boy in
front is doing the same with my saliva.
My breasts jigglin under my body like the udders of some animal, till
John reaches under and traps the hard nubs in his fingers. Not able to
protest as he pinches and squeezes the sensitive tips. My spittle gurgling
out of the sides of my mouth as I writhe in pain and pleasure from the
contact with my nipples.
The boy behind me laughing again loudly as my body squeezes and grips
his cock as his body pounds into to me from behind. His pubic hair
scratching my soft ass cheeks, tickling as his cock ride in and out of my fat
juicy cunt lips.
My moans muffled and eyes closed as I rock on my knees and hands with
the guidance of the pricks in my holes. John pulling my head tight with
one hand as he tugs on my nipple and quickly his goo is coating my mouth with
a film of cream.
The boy behind me continuing to fuck away for another minute or so,
slapping my ass and frigging my clit with hard fast momvement of his fingers.
Taking an orgasm from my body. Not a nice gentle one or long one, but a
harsh raw release as my insides churn on his cock and my walls contract
hard in a gut wrenching release.
As the last of the seed is sucked from the cock in my mouth and my
head is freed, I find I can think again and concentrate on getting this boy
off. Kegeling on him hard, holding it and then releasing. "Ohhhhhhh fuck.
She has some cunt when she squeezes." His words what I am waiting to hear
as he is dumping his load inside of me. His body slamming hard to mash my
ass cheeks and then jerking, spewing his seed deep in my tunnel. My eyes
rolling in my head as I continue to work his cock and draw his seed.
My body falling forward as he pulls out and pushes me away in the same
movement. Panting hard as my chest is pounding and my heart racing.
Laying on the pines needles, not even feeling those ends pushing at my
skin like small needles. My body bruised and aching. Lips dry as I try
to lick them and my cunt leaking the soggy release of two cocks now. Sticky
goo coating my labia and thighs.
"Sit up." The command from Walt. Turning to look up at him and
understanding that he wants me to clean his slimey cock as he shakes it in his
hand. Still with some semblance of an erection.
Pushing myself up and knee walking to him and taking his cock in my
mouth. Tongue and lips cleaning him of his seed and my cunt taste. Milking
the last drop of his discharge from the shaft and into my mouth as he
pushes me away to fall back again on my back.
My legs spread obscenely, exposing the fat labia, coated with scum.
My nipples a dark color from the abuse as much as from the stimulation.
The small breasts standing up like small vocanos from my chest. My mouth and
face wet and sticky with tears, and saliva, snot and semen.
I was never pretty and definitely not the face that someone would want
to kiss. The face and body of a used slut as I look up at the three boys
standing around me.
"Go get it Tommy, bust your nuts in her. She is loosened up good
now." Walt edging the thrid boy on and seeing him open his trousers and push
them down his legs as he kneels between my legs. Adjusting them and
pushing them apart as he lowers and shoves his erection into my hole and pumps
away. The boy is probably the younger of the three and his movements jerky
and unsure as he fucks my nasty gash.
Feeling a little sorry for him, and I have no idea why. I give him a few
kegels to let him feel my cunt holding him and the third clench takes his
seed as he jerks into my body and adds more spunk to the mixture.
Laying back and humilated and ashamed of myself and how I have ended
up in this situation. My body used by these young boys, raped; but I let
myself to this.
Sitting up as Walt directs me to clean Tommy and not even resisting as
I suckle the softening cock and taste seed and my cunt once again.
Then laying back broken and used waiting on what is next. Walt
bullshitting with John and then saying he would meet up with him tomorrow. Tommy
just watching not saying a word, not having said a single word during this
Walt not even looking at me as he tells John, that he will have to try
that old slut again sometime. The two boys leaving me naked on the floor
of the forest and John standing and I think a little embarrassed looking
down at me.
"Sorry." The only word as he dresses and grabbing his beer walks away
leaving me alone. As long minutes go by, I can now feel the needles
pushing into my skin like pins and sit up again and then look around for my
clothing as I bend over and push myself into a standing position.
My thong wiping at my pussy and the steady leak of white cream from my
bruised cunt lips. Bracing with one hand against a tree and trying to
force the scum from inside of my body.
My body aching as I step into my skirt and tug it over my hips and
secure it and then finding my tank top and pulling that down over my head and
my body. My nipples thrusting out as hard pebbles. Aching and raw every
movement pulling the tank top to rub the sensitve tips. Wadding up my
thong, now a soggy rag and shoving it into my shoulder bag.
Looking around and bending to take the beer I was drinking and using
it to wet my parched and raw throat. The film of cum still a reminder as I
work my lips, feeling them bruised.
Not even going to look in my compact mirror at my face, as I will
probably find that I look battered as my cheek swollen from the hard slap.
Lifting up my skirt and top again and wiping more debris from the forest
floor off of my body. Finding the sticky cum as seeped between m legs to coat
my ass.
Each step my cunt lips rubbing against each other and reminding me of
this all too real gang bang/rape. Not looking at the boys and what I must
look like as I pass the ball field.
"Ms. Rust." Looking to the bleachers and seeing Patrice sitting with
John. Not sure what to do as I stop in my tracks. Looking as Patrice
waves me over and trying not to let her see by my walk that my cunt lips are
rubbing sorely with each step I take. I can see in her eyes that she knows
what has taken place at least that John and me were in the woods. And I am
sure I look like I have been freshly fucked. Giving a weak wave back as I
walk slowly to my car in the parking lot.
John managing to apologize to me over the phone and meeting him a week
later and having a nice conversation. Keeping his hands off of me; by
slowing him down with a lovely blow job.
Meeting him again a week later at Fernwood Forest. A park north of
Poughkeepsie that is good for hiking; but little used. I know I shouldn't
keep giving in to him; but Patrice has told me that he hasn't bothered her
lately. I am sure she knows exactly why that is not happening.
For a change John is wearing a pair of shorts with a tee shirt and his
usual sneakers. I have a nice pair of shorts, tight in the butt and loose
in the pant legs, a tank top and sneakers. With water bottles, taking
the trail that leads to the fire tower and what is a wonderful view of the
The parking lot empty of vehicles so we should not see many people in
our hike. Though hiking through woods, it is a bit hot and stifling as no
breeze is blowing through the trees and I am working up a nice sweat as we
hike uphill. I can feel the moisture at my hairline and the back of my
neck and feel it at the top of my ass crack and in the juncture of my thighs
and lower body and under my arms.
John's shirt is wet in the chest with sweat and in the dark stains of
his armpits as we labor up the trail.
A total relief when I see the first glimpse of the tower and as we
come closer realizing the number of steps on the ladders and stairs leading up
to the top. As we break into the clearing it is hot and sunny; but
hinting of a breeze at the very top as we look to the woods and river and see
movement in the tree tops.
Of course John had me climb up first and I had to slap his hand from
under my shorts a number of times as we climbed the stairs and the final
ladder to the crow's nest. The structure was an actual fire watch tower for
the area and as the literature of the park mentions was a spot used to watch
for enemy planes during WW2.
The enclosed structure at the top was about eight feet by eight feet
with the hole in the middle for the ladder. The walls are waist high on all
sides and a roof to keep out the rain and snow.
Luckily no one was in the tower when I jumped up to the floor; because
of a goose inside my pant leg that pinched at my pubes. John stepping up
after I threatened to push him back down with my foot.
Backing me up to one corner and kissing me hard, his lips mashing on
mine as my arms go around his waist. I know well that this is a mistake
that I have made and most likely will continue to make the rest of the summer.

His hand up under my tank top and rubbing my lower back and then cupping
my ass cheeks as he pulls me against his erection.
"Did you have that hard on all the way up the tower? It must have got
in your way climbing." Giggling as he grinds it into my mound.
"You gave me that hard on and I am going to give it to you or in you."
His hands finding their way into the back of my shorts and squeezing the
soft flesh of my ass cheeks as he pulls me tight again to his body.
Using my tongue to fuck his mouth as we swap spit and I moan into his
mouth. My hands slipping from around his back to touch the bulge in his
britches and massage it through his pants. I know I need to take the edge
off of his cock and the best way is a blow job.
Fingers fumbling at his fly, as he has now pulled his hands free of my
shorts and has found the hard nipples through the material of my top. His
fingers rolling the hard tips as I moan into his mouth and feel that I
have lost the initiative as my nerve endings are already shooting jolts of
pleasure to my core.
Feeling the warm softness of the outer shaft as my fingers grasp the
swollen organ. A soft whimper as he tugs on my nipples and rubbing his
thumb over the tip, not gently. My legs ready to buckle as they have gone
weak as I rest against a support in one of the corners of the tower.
My hands undoing my shorts and thong and pushing them down to my
ankles as I pull his hands away from my breasts. Then turning to lean over the
edge of the open edge of the window area and spreading my legs wiggling my
ass against his cock.
Moaning as one of his hands finds my vulva and the fingers knowingly
expose the small button leading to my core. His finger pad massaging the
throbbing tissue, as his other hand again takes possession of my nipple and
continues to massage the sensitive nub till I am in total submission.
"Gawd, John. Fuck me. Stick your cock in my nasty hole. Ohhhhhh,
please fuck me now" begging a series of trembling words and
phrases as he fingers my hole and continues the assault with his fingers on
nipple and clit.
My hips shaking in anticipation as my ass cheeks rub against the
swollen tip teasing me from behind. Totally helpless and unaware of anything;
but the need to have his cock deep inside of me.
A long groan of pleasure as he adjusts behind me and I feel his naked
body against my backside and then the knob sliding between my thighs and
spearing the opening to my pussy. My juicy cunt giving a welcoming squeeze
as he flattens my ass cheeks with a hard thrust and a groan of pleasure
escapes my lips.
His hands grabbing my hips and holding me as he thrusts in and pulls
out of my greasy hole. The wet slap of flesh and suctioning of my juices as
he pulls back the only sounds other then the hard breathing of both of us
and my hisses and pants as he is working me up to a very aroused state.
One hand slipping around to massage my clitoris as he smacks into me from
behind. My walls clenching and squeezing and massaging his erection as it
pummels my insides.
The edge of the open window area cutting into my body as he slams into
me again and again with force. The pressure building inside of me and a
quick small orgasm does little to ease the strain.
Sweating from the heat outside of me and inside of me. My breasts
jiggling, hard diamond tips aching with sensation as they brush against the
wooden structure.
My moans and groans loud and frequent as I look out from the tower;
but focus on nothing; but the buildup of pressure inside of me.
John grunting and thrusting harder, a sign that he is getting ready to
give me his seed. Concentrating on kegeling hard on his cock and holding
to milk it as he grabs my hips and pulls me as tight against his body. HIs
pubic hair scratchy on my skin. His prick ejecting me with his cream as
I swear I can feel the head swelling inside of me with each spurt of semen.
One of my hands reaching down to rub at my engorged clit and add and
involuntary contraction to my intentional clenches on his cock. My body
jerking spasticly against the side of the tower as I cum on his cock. My
finger sawing over my raw clit as my legs tense and toes curl in my sneakers
and a long low moan of release escapes my parched lips. My nostrils
pinching tight and a flush of heat on my upper chest as my insides grab his cock
and spasm again and again.
Leaning weakly on the side of the tower as I grip it for support, eyes
closed and thoughts a muddle as I try to control my breathing and bring
myself back to a rational state.
Feeling the cock soften a little and slip out of my pussy, frothy
cream coating my swollen labia as a string of white slips from my battered lips
and stretches to the floor before pulling free to from a small puddle
between my legs.
Feeling hands reaching for my wrists and pulling them behind me in a
firm grip. The hands levering my wrist into the air and bending me over in
the process. John's slick cock in my line of sight. Wet with my grease
and his semen. My eyes going wide as I realize that it is not John holding
my wrists up; but turning my head and seeing the stupid grin on Walt's face
as he uses my arms as wheel barrel handles and directs me to the cock that
need cleaning.
He must have slipped up and undressed while I was in the throes of
release as I had not heard a sound on the ladder. My shoulders aching as he
keeps me bent low and spreading my legs for balance as he steps close and
slip his cock between my thighs and the fat knob parting my bruised cunt
Gurgling as John's cock fills my mouth and Walt has penetrated deep
into my molten cunt. Eyes watering as I grunt with each thrust pushes me
onto the cock in my mouth. Tongue trapped under the soft shaft as my cheek
pull in and out as I suckle the boy teat. Saliva dribbling down my chin,
oozing from the sides of my mouth. My nose being tickles by the pubic down
and mashed into his groin as Walt pounds savagely into my body.
Bracing as best I can with my spread legs to the onslaught of man meat
plummeting my insides. Walt's grunt low behind me as I feeling a roaring
in my ear and then my whole body weakening as John reaches down and fingers
my sore nipples. Helplessly impaled on two cocks, skewered and meat for
the taking.
Sweat pouring down my ass crack and under my hair and the crease of my
thighs as rock to the rhythm of the boys using my holes. Trying to time
my breathing so as to take oxygen into my body between deep thrusts.
Walt's laugher sinking into my consciousness as he is saying something
to John as they work me back and forth. My legs tense and straining. My
thighs and labia feeling the slap of Walt against my body. His ball sack
banging into my thighs.
Not able to think; but riding the sensations as my nipple burn with
pain and pleasure as John pulls and tug and twists the sensitive tips.
Walt's finger finding my clit and rubbing over that throbbing button and my
insides roiling with jolts of pleasure being processed in my core.
Feeling the runoff of my sweat trickling into my ass crack and then
pooling around my bum hole and then realizing that Walt is spitting to make a
rivulet of moisture in my crack. His finger a shock as I jerk as it
touches my brown hole and works the spit and sweat into the tight ring.
Grunting and unable to protest as the finger pushes into my ring,
slowly massaging the band of flesh. Not prepared to have someone playing with
my asshole as he slowly fucks it with his finger as he continues to slam
his cock into my messy pussy.
John and Walt laughing as I try to wiggle and escape the penetrating
diget. Then feeling it pulled out and Walt shifting behind me and holding
my hips shifts his body till the slimey cock is resting on my ass crack.
Wiping my grease and John's cum around my ring and then raising up on his
toes and pushing the fat knob against the tight bum hole.
My eyes going wide as I feel the pressure of the cock head forcing the
entrance to my ass. Gurgling and gagging on the prick in my mouth as I
try to spit it out to protest. The pressure increasing till the knob pushes
into my ass as Walt spits more of his saliva onto my crack.
My head pounding as he eases it deeper into my body and I feel the
fullness in my rectum. Whimpering around John's cock that is now rock hard
again. Walt pushing till his cock is fully pressed into my back tunnel.
His balls sack slapping on my cunt lips as he pulls back and slowly eases in
again and slowly speeds up his thrusts as my dirt hole is slick now with my
grease and his spit.
His finger still rubbing my clit and John still abusing my nipples
that are painful to just the touch now. The hard thrusts of the cock in my
ass, causing more strain on my shoulders as I try to pull away from the
impaling shaft.
In spite of the uncomfortable feeling in my ass and body, my insides
are ready to release another series of contractions as my cunt walls close
and open with a hard release. My body shuddering with the hard orgasm
lasting long seconds. My juicy cunt leaking more juices that are thrust
forcefully from my tunnel.
Walt slamming hard into my ass now with force. The pain not as bad as
initially; but still not as lubed as would be comfortable. Then his hands
pulling me tight and I can feel him emptying his seed into my bowels as he
jams his cock hard against my ass cheeks.
John holding my head now as he skull fucks my face as Walt is still
lodged in my ass, John pulls free and spews a light load of seed on my face
and into my hair. My eyes burning from the string coating the left eye.
My legs trembling and whole body going cool and then a hot flush as
both of the boys release me to sink to my knees on the floor. A loud pop
and feeling in my ass as Walt pulls free. My arms aching as he releases
them and I curl up in a fetal position on the floor.
My face a ruined mess of fluids from my tears and snot and saliva and
male seed. My ass feeling strange and I can feel sperm leaking from it.
Finally looking up at the boys and seeing Walt, using his finger to beckon
"Come here slut, you need to clean my cock of your shit." Flushing as
I look up, burning with humilation and embarrassment. Then pushing myself
to my feet and using my tongue and lips and mouth to lick and suck his
prick clean. Tasting my ass and pussy on his cock as he holds me to his
groin and I suckle out a couple more drops of his seed and then sit back on my
legs as I look at the two boys.
Totally broken and helpless to my needs as I look at the two young men
who have turned me into a gutter slut to service them.
"Maybe next time I will let you clean John's ass and my cock after I
fuck him in front of you. You would love that you old whore."
The words ringing in my ears as I look up at Walt and know that I am
helpless to resist these boys. Knowing that I would do whatever they tell
me once they have pressed my buttons.
Eyes pleading for mercy as male seed coat all three of my holes.
Noting Walt is the dominant male when present; but John dominates me as well.
The summer was long and I did much commuting back and forth from
Connecticut to takes care of the needs of these boys and a few others that they
gave my body to use.......... As the school year begins I miss them as
they are going to public school; but still run to their beck and call........

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