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{ASSM} Woods World {Kelliswan} (MMFf alien ScFi oral anal) [13/13]

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Apr 24, 2017, 7:08:24 PM4/24/17
Woods World
by Kelliswan

Chapter 13: Amshorastoatil's Surprise

Debbie had two weeks remaining on the lease to her city-owned apartment.
Being an ex-policewoman, she also still had a landline telephone. Lola,
nearest to the instrument, answered it when it rang.

"It's for you," she said, extending the handset to her hostess.

"Wonder who's calling me now?"

"One of us pariahs, you mean? Don't know; the caller ID is too

Debbie spoke into the mouthpiece with a note of curiosity. "This is
Debbie Homeboro."

She listened and smiled. "Oh, yes, Mr. Abrams, I'm always glad to hear
from you!"

Lola said, "Excuse me," and whirled out the sliding door onto the
balcony, where she leaned on the rail and admired the view.

A few minutes later Debbie joined her.

"News?" asked Lola.

"Not very good. The city refuses to pay more than the involuntary
separation. Abrams thinks I might get more if we sued, but that would
just make everything worse."

"The what?"

"Involuntary separation. When they lay you off, they let you go with a
thousand bucks."

"Nice of them."

"Yeah, ain't it! The city lawyer told Abrams that our green man story
would get us laughed out of civil court. Abrams agreed."

Lola turned around to face her friend. "Debbie, I'm sorry. I'll be
moving out this weekend."

"So soon? You don't have a job, honey, and besides that ..." Debbie
smiled invitingly. "You and I are about as compatible as any two gals I
ever knew."

"I love you too, but I can't keep sponging on you and keep my

"Sponging? Already you're practically my S.O."

"I'm sponging. But I've got enough saved to make the deposit on another
apartment, and I've thought of a job I can get."

"What job?"

"One of my good friends operates an insurance agency. He's a _very_
good friend."

"That kind, eh?"

"You know what they say: fucking the boss can get you ahead."

"Let you give one, you mean." Debbie shook her head in grudging
acknowledgment. "Just one of the side benefits, I guess."

"Or back. Told me he needs a secretary." Lola leered. "Might have to
get a set of kneepads."

Debbie nodded. "One thing I have learned: cocksucking can be fun."

"Is that what you discovered?" said Lola curiously. "You didn't seem to
spend much time with the Pridans."

"No, but that's how I learned it. With them I'd rather suck than fuck.
I'm not a little gal. Was afraid I'd mash one of them."

Lola giggled. "I did, more than once!"

"Did you?" She shook her head. "But human cocksucking ain't as tasty
as Pridan."

"Maybe not, but it can still be fun."

At that moment a loud buzz announced someone at the downstairs door.
Both women returned to the dinette.

Debbie pressed the intercom button. "Who is it?"

A cheery voice responded, "Daisy. Is Lola there?"

"She is. Come on up."

"Sandi's with me."

"Both of you." Debbie pressed a separate button unlocking the front
door and turned to Lola. "Aren't they supposed to be in school?"

Lola tilted her head toward the wall clock. "It's after three."

They waited. Debbie smiled. "I'll be glad to see those sweet little


"That too."

Soon another buzzer sounded and Debbie opened the apartment door to
admit the two girls, each strung with book backpacks. They fell into
the women's arms with kisses and welcome exclamations.

When they broke, Debbie indicated the four chairs around the dinette
table. "Come in, sit down and tell us what you've been up to."

Taking her seat with the others, Daisy cried, "We had to see you! We've
got some real news." She and Sandi each pulled envelopes from their
backpacks. "Look at this! It's an invitation letter to a birthday
party for Victor! He's alive! He survived the destruction of Woods
World! Can you believe it?"

"Calm down, honey," said Lola. "Why do you believe it's _that_ Victor
and not some other?"

"First, I don't know any other Victor. Second, Sandi, Amy and Sonny
also got invitations today. There's only one Victor that we all know,

"Okay, tell me how this happened. No address on this envelope, so it
wasn't mailed to you. How'd you get it?"

"Before school a boy came up to me in the hall and said a man outside
the building gave him ten dollars to deliver a letter to me and another
to Sandi. So I took my letter and then led the kid to Sandi's locker.
We found her and he gave her the letter. When she opened hers, she
found two invitations, one addressed to her and a second for Amy.
That's when we both screamed, 'Wow, what's going on here!' We then had
to run to class, but later I texted Sonny. She also had the same
invitation delivered to her at the high school the same way -- somebody
gave a student some money to deliver it to her."

Debbie thought it over. "I hate for you to get your hopes up about
Victor surviving, but all four of you getting invitations does seem more
than a coincidence. Wonder if I got one too? Maybe I should go check
my mail box."

Daisy's eyebrows rose. "You don't normally check it?"

"Nah, I pay all my bills on line, so usually nothing but junk mail in
the box. Only check it every two or three days. Let me grab my key and
go down to the boxes. Back in a minute."

Debbie returned quickly with a big smile on her face. "Look here, Lola.
We got invites too!"

Daisy had to examine Lola's. "Yours is different. It says RSVP and has
a phone number. Ours don't have that." She giggled. "Victor wants the
mother hen to respond for all of us. I assume we're going. We can't
miss this chance to see if he's really alive."

Lola pondered for a moment. "Honey, we've got to be careful. A bunch
of young girls going to a party with an adult male in this town? I
don't think so! Haven't you noticed that people are still giving us
sideways glances, wondering what really happened to us? Like, do we
really want to give them a reason to start questioning us again?"

"But Lola, we can't just forget about the party! What if it really is

"Relax, honey. I want to see him too. Let me think."

Sandi held up another envelope. "Here's Amy's."

Debbie said, "That's right: she's homeschooled. Have you heard from

"Didn't you know? She's in Seattle."

"Seattle?" Both women's eyebrows rose.

"Yeah, living with an aunt. They found out she's pregnant."

The women stared at her.

"I'll bet we all are," said Daisy, clearly not displeased. "I haven't
had a period since before Harley popped Victor out."

"I missed my last one too," Sandi admitted.

Debbie smile slowly. "I'm regular as clockwork except one should've
started yesterday."

Lola nodded and sighed. "Harley as good as warned me this would

"You too, eh?" said Debbie.

"No, not me. I haven't missed one yet. Sandi, how did you find out
about Amy?"

"That aunt is more modern than Amy's parents. She let her have a smart
phone. We've been texting each other."

Silence fell for moment until Sandi's eyes enlarged. "What if I have a
green baby?"

"I didn't," Daisy reassured her. "But we've got to go to Victor's
party. Maybe he knows something that can help us."

"Like what?"

Debbie sneered. "He's a man, ain't he? More likely to run away when he
hears of it!"

Daisy's chin rose. "I think he's half Crogan, just got his skin color
from me."

"He does look like you." Debbie's sneer faded to twinkling eyes. "If
you had a nine inch cock."

Daisy leered back. "I'd jump you if I did. I can sure remember how you
loved it!"

"Didn't we all!" agreed Lola. "Listen, I've got an idea. You say Amy's
aunt is progressive?"

"Don't know about progressive," said Sandi, "but she's a lot easier than
Amy's folks. They told her she was grounded until 18, couldn't go out
of the house without them holding her hand, couldn't even telephone me
or Daisy. But her aunt has already let her go to a movie alone with her
cousin, the first time Amy ever went to a movie house."

"Could we possibly arrange something? What if we could all go to

Her audience blinked in surprise.

"Fly?" asked Debbie weakly.


"Can you afford it? I sure can't."

Lola held up her invitation. "Victor says RSVP and furnishes a text
number." She extracted a smart phone from her back pocket and mumbled,
"I knew I was carrying this for some reason." She looked around at the
others. "Has anyone told anybody else about Victor?"

"No," they answered in unison, all shaking their heads.


With the phone lying flat on the table, the others gathered around to
look over her shoulder. She keyed the number into her contacts,
followed by,

<Victor is that rly you if so whos ur mother>

"Now we wait," she said, grinning up over her shoulder.

Daisy's eyes widened immediately. "Look at that!"

Lola's eyes snapped back to the smart phone, which displayed,

<Dont understand rly or ur>

"He's a Crogan!" declared Lola positively.

Sandi breathed, "He must've been holding the phone in his hand!"

Lola keyed,

<Who is your mother>

The response was immediate:

<Daisy is the mother of Victor.>

"It's him!" cried Daisy and Sandi, eyes alight.

"I have to spell everything out," said Lola sourly. "This'll take a

<All can come to your party except Amy. Unless you hold it in Seattle>

Debbie sniffed. "What if he's broker than even we are?"

<How will you get there?>

<This is Lola. Flying is the only way>

<This is Harley. Can you come tomorrow?>

"Harley!" they all cried.

Lola nodded slowly. "I guess that makes sense."

<Is this your punishment>

<Yes. Can you come tomorrow?>

<Will you pay>

<Of course>

"Sure nothing's holding us here!" declared Debbie.

"What about you, Sandi?" asked Lola. "Tomorrow is Saturday. Can you
go, say to Seattle with me and Daisy, for the weekend?"

Debbie said, "Will your parents let you -- that's the real question!"

Sandi nodded. "I think they'll be glad to get me out of the house."

"Having trouble at home?" said Debbie with sympathy.

"Since I" -- her voice rose an octave -- "starting acting like I was

"That sounds like a quote."

"It is. Yeah, I can go if he's paying."

"That leaves Amy," said Lola. "Does she listen for texts?"

"Oh, yeah!"

"Good. Text her to ask her aunt if she can meet old friends for the

"Okay." Sandi fished the smart phone from her backpack.

<Harley, must get back to you. Sandi is texting Amy>

<I am waiting.>

* * *

In the limousine from SeaTac Airport the five girls relaxed, enjoying
the soft cushions, the hushed ride and the tray of delicacies.

Daisy looked around at the luxurious appointments and said admiringly,
"So this is how the rich travel! Are we rich?"

Debbie sniffed. "Not by a long shot! Though anybody would think so --
with first class seats on the airplane. How is Harley paying for this,

The other woman shrugged. "He didn't say, except that he is."

Sandi nibbled on an hors d'oeuvre and smacked her lips. "Wow, this is

Daisy grinned. "Beats the hell out of fruchup, does it?"

"Might even be better than beljer."

Daisy said stoutly, "Nothing beats beljer!"

"Without a Crogan dick to go with it?" asked Lola playfully. "What
happened to the girl that loved chocolate fudge sundaes?"

"We-ell ..."

They all laughed except Sonny.

Daisy nudged the latter. "Open your peepers and look at Seattle."

Sonny frowned. "Let me be. Why did we have to take such an early
flight? I'm still sleepy. I miss the night trees."

"You better wake up or you'll miss --" Interrupting herself, Daisy
turned to Lola. "Victor's like the Crogans, isn't he, Lola -- a
one-shotter, I mean?"

"You're his mother," said her sister. "You tell us."

"I can only remember him doing one of us a day. So how'll we work this?
In two days only two of us will have fun!"

"Well, as Debbie said, women have compensations."

"You mean each other! Well, I like dick. I'm his mother. I get first

Debbie winked at Lola. "Just saying that is probably illegal."

Lola chuckled. "Daisy, relax. Let's wait and see what Harley has lined
up for us. Maybe he's hired some help."

"You think he might?" said Debbie, eyes round.

Lola gestured. "If he can pay for this ... Of course we might have to
suggest it."

"I don't know," said Debbie huffily. "Woods World was sterile, but a
bunch of strange men won't be."

"'Sterile?' With all you broads knocked-up?"

"I meant germ-free."

"I know you did. Hey, this looks like a library."

"And there's Amy!" cried Sandi, sitting up.

Apparently the limo driver also recognized the girl. The car pulled to
the curb just past her.

Knowing that she could not see in through the tinted glass, Sandi opened
the door and stuck out her head. "Amy! Amy! Come and get in!"

Amy Laurence, long brown hair in a ponytail, besweatered, bejeaned and
wearing a bookbag, fell into the car on top of Sandi with much
squealing, hugging and kissing. Lola reached past them to close the
door. The car pulled back into traffic while Amy was passed around
among the other sets of arms and lips.

When the excitement subsided, Lola said, "Have any trouble getting

"Not a bit," said Amy, eyes still dancing. "I'm spending the night with
Dolly, my cousin's friend. She'll cover for me if anybody asks."

Sandi's eyes rounded. "You didn't just leave out the Pridans this time.
You actually told a ..."

"A lie. Yes, I did." Amy grinned. "I hope they're right that Faustian
bargains are delicious."

"What bargains?"

"You know: Faust sold his soul to the devil."

Lola said, "I really don't think you have to worry about that part."

"I'm not worried. Speaking of ... misdirection, Sandi, how did you get

Sandi shrugged. "Told my folks I was going to the Waynesville amusement
park with Daisy and her sister."

Amy looked around at the others. "Faust and I are in good company."

Daisy giggled. "I was bouncing at breakfast. My dad goes, 'I'm glad to
see you're not too old to get excited about an amusement park.' If he
only knew!"

Lola grinned. "Well, you _are_ expecting to ride something big."

"Oh, wow!" The girl shivered.

"Once anyway," noted Debbie darkly.

Amy said, "Is Victor really here? Have any of you seen him?"

"Not yet," said Lola. "Didn't Sandi tell you? Harley is here too."
She gestured. "He's paying for our sumptuous transportation."

"Oh, wow!" Amy took a bite of canape and grinned. "It _is_ sumptuous!"

"You don't look pregnant," said Sandi, regarding her friend narrowly.

Lola said, "Neither do the rest of you. It's too soon."

"'Rest of you?'" repeated Amy.

"We've all missed periods," said Debbie, looking around. "I didn't hear
about you, Sonny."

The almost-woman huffed and looked out the window.

Lola said, "Sonny's overdue for Harley. You might never have heard,
Debbie: Harley was to tell us when it was time to visit him and give
birth. Sonny was notified a few days before the end. She didn't go."

"What do you mean, 'give birth?'" asked Debbie. "Her belly hasn't even
swelled up!"

"In Woods World you would only be pregnant for two months, like Daisy
was. Then you would visit Harley in the palace basement and his robot
would take your baby and raise it. Like Victor. Harley meant to
repopulate Woods World, you know."

Sandi blanched. "What will happen to us now?"

Lola shook her head. "As far as I know, it's business as usual here."

"What if I have a green baby?"

"Believe me, we'll put that question to Harley!"

Amy asked, "By the way, where are we going?"

"To the Grand Glacier Hotel," Lola answered.

"We hope," said Debbie.

Lola grinned. "Can't believe you're getting cold feet after all this."

Debbie sighed. "I'm just remembering the old saying: when something
seems too good to be true, it probably is."

Lola shrugged. "Won't be long now before we know." Her eyes turned to
the newcomer. "Amy, take that bookbag off your back and carry it by the
strap in your hands."

The girl blinked. "It's easier on my back."

"Yeah, and it makes you look like a schoolgirl, which is not what you
want going into a big hotel. It'll be more like our suitcases if you
carry it in your hands."

"If you say so."

* * *

When they arrived under the hotel marquee, their chauffeur first spoke
to the uniformed doorman, then held open the car door for his six
passengers. As they debouched, a bellboy and cart emerged from the
hotel and loaded up their suitcases from the limo's trunk. Amy
surrendered her backpack none too gracefully.

Following the texted directions on her smart phone, Lola marched them
through the ornate lobby to the elevators, where she pressed the
penthouse button.

"Wow!" cried Daisy. "Feels like we're going through the floor!"

"It said to take the express elevator," said Lola with a shrug.

Sonny, looking over Lola's shoulder at the phone screen full of tiny
text, said, "Harley must really love to use his thumbs."

"Not his thumbs," said Lola. "This screen filled up last night an
instant after I texted <Ready>."

"Well," suggested Amy, "he _is_ an AI. Oops!"

That last was echoed by Daisy as their stomachs seemed to float up at
the end of the elevator's run.

"That was a fast 29 floors!" noted Debbie, studying the array of buttons
with "Penthouse" at the top.

As they filed out of the elevator into a short hall, Daisy pushed ahead.
"Let me knock on the door. After all, Victor's my boy!"

Unlike most hotel rooms, this one had a bell button beside the door.
When Daisy pushed, they heard a buzz from inside. In a few seconds the
door opened inward to reveal a smiling Victor, dressed in a sharply cut
three-piece suit.

"Victor!" screamed Daisy, rushing into his arms and plastering her mouth
to his.

Everyone else entered the room around mother and son. Debbie
thoughtfully closed the door behind herself.

When he could, Victor said solemnly, "Hello, Mother," then flashed a
grin around at the others. "Women, I have really missed you!" He
spread his arms and they all tried to fit in, hugging, kissing, getting
kissed and exclaiming over him.

As the excitement subsided, he said, "Come with me, my sweet ones," and
led them through a doorway into a much larger room full of couches and
tables with chairs for dining. Artfully shaded table lamps sat among
the couches. Two of the walls were hung with landscape paintings. One
contained doors. The back wall was solid glass, floor to ceiling,
viewing the city from high above in late afternoon plus the white hump
of Mount Rainier far in the distance.

"Wow!" cried Daisy, looking around. "This room is so bad!"

"What?" demanded Debbie, regarding the girl incredulously.

"You know: so awesome!"

"That's more like it. I'm confident you never saw anything to beat it!"

"Let me just admire Victor," said Lola, eyes alight. "Your Crogan body
in that three-piece suit puts all the Fed guys to shame."

Victor pinched his sleeve vexedly. "Do you like it? It is stuffy."

"Well," suggested Debbie with a leer, "take it off!"

He shook his head. "I must wait for Harley."

"Yeah," said Lola. "Where is he?"

One of the right wall doors flew open and a second man, as large and fit
as Victor, entered the room, also clothed in business attire. He said,
regarding Lola with twinkling eyes, "I thought you would never ask."

Lola started toward him but hesitated. "Harley? Is it really you?"

The newcomer frowned. "Surely you recognize me!"

Her eyes cleared. "Yes, in the face but not the rest of you."

The others followed her as she stopped within touching distance. "The
last time my hand went right through you."

"Try it now."

With a grin she dropped her hand between them and clutched the front of
his trousers. Her eyes widened. "Yes, I can feel you, and let me tell
you, you sure don't feel like Harley!"

He explained dryly, "I am better equipped now."

"I want to see."

He stepped back. "You shall, if you first admire me in my suit."

"Oh, yes, you look wonderful! I've always thought bald men were sexy."

The others made similar exclamations. He smiled around at them,

Glancing at Victor, Lola continued, "You both look sharp. Maybe we
should've worn clothes once in a while back in Woods World, just for the
fun of undressing a sex partner. It's kinda like unwrapping a Christmas
present, you know."

Harley grinned widely and spread his arms. "Now that the formalities
have been observed, I am all yours."

Daisy started forward but Lola held up a hand. "Hold it a second!
We've got some loose ends to tie up. Let's all sit down for a minute."

At that moment the door buzzer sounded.

Harley said, "Victor, get that. It is the girls' luggage. Tell the boy
to put it in the main bedroom. Oh. And tip him five dollars."

"What is 'tip?'" said Victor.

Harley shook his head. "You cannot tell a five from a 50, can you?" He
brought out his own wallet, extracted a bill and handed it to his
companion. "When he has stacked the luggage, give the boy this and tell
him thank you."

Victor turned away.

Harley watched him depart with a grimace. "His education will be a
problem. I hope some of you girls can help me with that.

"Lola," he continued, "your suggestion has merit. Let us take seats.
Perhaps you need refreshment. The refrigerator in the room to my right
has drinks or I can order from room service."

Daisy spoke up as they were sitting. "We got snacks on the plane but no

"In first class?"

"They said the galley was busted."

Harley dropped into the seat beside the telephone on the end table.
"When I reach room service, tell me what you want."

"I want two cheeseburgers," said Daisy, "with lettuce and tomato."

Lola said seriously, "Harley, how long have you been here?"

"I arrived about an hour before you."

"No I mean, here on old Earth. How do you know to do all this?"

He smiled. "Amshorastoatil took most of my knowledge from me but she
did leave me the computer records for the next 10 years in this time.
As you might guess, I can search them in milliseconds."

"Some punishment! Does that include stock market records?"

"Yes. And She hacked me an identity and a large starting bank account."

"Wonderful!" Lola was all smiles.

He picked up the telephone. "Beginning with you, Lola, what does
everyone want for a late lunch?"

* * *

For Victor, Harley ordered Welsh rarebit mixed with rich beef gravy,
explaining, "It is the closest thing I have found to beljer." For
himself he ordered a club sandwich, perhaps mimicking Lola.

Waiting for the food, Lola said, "How'd you two escape the destruction?"

"You can guess," said Harley. "Amshorastoatil held the library door
open at this end and sent us through it nearly at the last minute, after
She made sure the Asynchronons were not watching. Fortunately She had

"Hold on!" cried Debbie. "You used the library door?"


"Oh, shit! The chief has surveillance cameras on that door."

Harley smiled. "She knew."

"Then why did --"

"First she tripped all the library's circuit breakers."

"How did she know?"

"She reads old records too. I was about to say, fortunately the library
was closed while they tried to figure out what tripped the breakers. We
came through naked."

Lola sniffed. "She could trip all the breakers but couldn't put clothes
on you?"

He smiled sunnily. "She said to look in the janitor's room. Of course
the clothes there did not fit. We left the library unbuttoned and
barefooted -- and had an interesting time finding something decent
enough for me to get service at the bank."

"I'll bet!" said Lola.

"I believe Amshorastoatil meant for me to learn the mores of your
society by immersion."

"I get it," said Debbie: "like teaching you to swim by throwing you in
deep water."

He nodded. "A good simile." He smiled around at them all. "Yes, we
survived. My punishment for violating my goddess's instructions was
relegation to your time. Victor accompanies me, I believe, as a token
of compensation to you girls and perhaps because he was our only
successful reproduction. Is he welcome?"

"Oh, yes!" was the enthusiastic response from Amy, Sandi and Daisy. All
three hugged the hybrid.

Lola, sitting beside him, squeezed Harley forcefully. "Did your goddess
also make you flesh and blood like us, or are we still interacting with
some advanced physics?"

He looked troubled. "I am warm. Do I not feel like flesh?"

With breasts already pressing his arm, her hand snaked into his beltless
britches. He twitched as she cried, "Now this feels like flesh -- lots
of it but flabby!" The cloth over her hand jiggled.

His trouble now had a focus. "Are you Lola or Daisy?"

Lola grinned widely. "We've got a lot in common. She has first dibs on
Victor's; I want first on this one. Aha, it's getting better!"

"You mean bigger," said Daisy.

Lola continued, "Gonna be good as a Crogan!"

"Hey, hey!" cried Debbie, craning her neck.

Amy leaned over the back of the couch, ran her hands into Harley's
waistcoat and stroked his chest thoroughly, squealing happily, "I don't
believe it!"

Lola snickered. "Wait'll you feel what I'm holding!"

"It's more than that," Amy retorted, bending to kiss his forehead.
"Harley, you're just like us: not a hologram or whatever anymore.
Seeing you this way is almost a religious experience. 'And the Word was
made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory --'"

"What?" shouted Sonny and Debbie together.

"From the Gospel According to John, Chapter 1, Verse 14," whispered
Sandi in a hushed tone. "It's like witnessing the second coming!"

"That sounds blasphemous. Don't go there!" Amy ordered. "Seeing Harley
and Victor is like a religious experience, I agree, but we're going to
celebrate it in ways that definitely are not approved!"

"Illegal even," remarked Debbie.

Leaning further to see Harley's face, Amy continued, "Speaking of second
comings -- dare we hope for third and fourth? -- are you guys still like
the Crogans: one shot and you're done for the day?"

Of course at that moment the buzzer sounded for delivery of their food.

* * *

"Hey, Victor," called Daisy, "how's your beljer substitute?"

Victor was using a soup spoon. Swallowing his latest helping of the
light brown mixture, he said seriously, "It can be eaten."

"Is it worse?"

"No. But I did not much like beljer either. This is no better."

"Did you notice I ordered two cheeseburgers? Here, have the extra. I'm
not as hungry as I thought."

He blinked. "Do you mean it?"

"Yeah. Obey your mama. Eat it up!"

He took it from her gingerly. "How?"

"Didn't you watch me? Just put it to your mouth and bite."

Any other consumer of a new food would begin with little more than a
nibble. Not Victor; his first bite was a mouthful. But as he chewed,
his expression, which had been merely dutiful, changed. His eyes
widened. After first swallowing, he said, "This tastes very good!"

His audience smiled around their mouthfuls of food. Daisy said, "You
really think so?"

"I do!" he declared, taking an even larger bite.

"There you go, Harley," said Daisy. "His human side is taking over."

"Perhaps," said the ex-AI, "except I thought you humans loved beljer."

"That was in comparison to fruchup," Lola chimed in. "Watching you put
it away, I believe even you prefer the flavor of this club sandwich."

Harley shrugged. "I admit it. I suspect Amshorastoatil settled on
beljer, fruchup and those tasteless melons to keep Her people from
getting fat."

"'Melons?'" repeated Debbie.

"You didn't miss anything," said Lola.

Sandi was talking to Amy. "How did your folks find out you were

Amy scanned around at the others and blushed.

Lola shook her head. "Honey, don't you understand? By now we are
closer than most sisters."

"Like members of a harem, you mean," suggested Debbie.

"Well," said Sonny, "it's not a secret. Looks like all of us are
knocked up. Except Lola. How'd you get lucky?"

"Or unlucky," said Daisy.

"Indeed it is luck," Harley contributed. "Lola, alone among you, has an
unusual gene that rejected Woods World DNA. Amy, is there a problem
with your pregnancy?"

"Just that I am," said the girl, still blushing.

"Ah, your parents?"

"A strange problem for you, eh, Harley?" said Lola. "But not for us."

"How did they find out?" Sandi repeated.

"They made me take a full physical as soon as I got home. Something in
my blood told the doctor and he told them."

Harley was interested. "Does that have a bearing on your move to

"It's the reason." Amy's lip curled in a snarl. "My mother wanted to
disown me. I guess now I know which one loves me more. Dad said I
should go visit his sister here until after the baby comes."

Sonny asked indignantly, "Didn't they even consider abortion? It's not
a problem in the first couple months. I know. I went with Betsy Myers
to get hers at six weeks."

"Not _my_ parents!"

Thoughtful silence reigned for a moment until Harley said, "Let me
confirm before you ask: all of you except Lola are indeed pregnant with
Woods World embryos. This is according to my readings from night trees
and sporting pads during your last night in Woods World." He looked
around at his audience. "I gather you are not pleased."

Lola said, "Tell them what will happen now. Can you still deliver them
at two months?"

He shook his head. "Of course my robots could not come with me."

This produced another silence, broken by Sandi, who spread her hands and
cried, "What will happen to me if I have a little green baby?"

"It will not be green," said Harley flatly.

"How do you know?" asked Lola.

"Green skin is a recessive gene."

Amy giggled.

Sandi regarded her strangely. "What's funny about that?"

"Just think what might happen if Victor does it with one of our

"Yeww! What?"

Harley said, "The genes could reinforce and produce a green child."

Sandi sniffed. "That will be _their_ problem!"

Sonny sighed heavily. "I'm getting close to my third month, I think."

Debbie said, "That's still in your first trimester."

"But it'll be messy."

"Well, there's always the natural way."

"Oh, god!" Sonny shuddered.

"What about that, Harley?" said Lola. "Can you offer them any help

He blinked. "I'll confess that nothing occurs to me."

"How's your imagination?"

"My what?"

"Sometimes mine works overtime. Just how rich are you?"

"'Rich?' At this moment I have less than a hundred grand. Is not that
how you say it? But next week, after I select a broker, I shall have

"Because you know what the stock market will do."

"And I note that Seattle has Emerald Downs."

"I'll bet that's a race track."

"A good bet. If you girls could stick around, I would tell you the sure
things for next week."

"I'm sticking!" declared Debbie positively.

"Wish I could!" Daisy chimed in. "What do I need school for anyway?
I'll just marry Harley."

Lola laughed. "Don't look shocked, Harley. At her age she can't get
married without Dad's signature, anywhere in this country."

Daisy frowned. "We're close to Canada, ain't we?"

"Same thing. I asked about your wealth, Harley, thinking you could buy
an island in the South Pacific, build a hospital, staff it and move the
girls to it."

He blinked at her. "Are they not too young?"

"Depends on what country claims the island. Besides, you'll need a
staff of lawyers anyway. And guards." She leered at him. "Then you
can worry about increasing the population of Harley's Island instead of
Woods World."

He nodded slowly. "This idea has merit."

Amy said pensively, "But it might be too slow."

Debbie said, "Harley could certainly pay for our abortions. But you
know what? I think I'd like to keep mine."

"So would I!" declared Amy and Sandi in unison. They looked at each
other and smiled.

"At your age," said Debbie thoughtfully, "abortions might be better for

"Never mind," they said, again in unison.

"What about you, Sonny?" said Lola.

The girl shook her head. "I can't stay home and have a baby."

"You're what -- twenty?"

Sonny took a breath. "I'll be 18 in three weeks."

"Hmm. That's a majority in most states. What about it, Harley? Could
she live with you?"

"Certainly." He smiled at the girl. "Right here if you like. And
Debbie, were you serious about staying?"

"I _could_ be. My lease is up in two weeks at home."

"Then you too could stay with me."

Lola smiled. "Harley, you're supposed to ask."

"Of course. Will all of you please stay with me -- here until I can buy
a house?"

"A harem indeed!" noted Debbie, eyes twinkling.

Lola shook her head. "The youngsters can't, Harley, although I'm sure
they would if they could."

"You bet!" cried all three together.

"Speaking of a harem," said Debbie, "reminds me of a novel I read. Each
girl got cock about once a month. Mostly they had to please each other.
You never did say, Harley, whether you and Victor are more like Crogans
or more like men."

Harley grinned, wiped his mouth, stood up and threw off his coat.
"Let's find out, shall we?"

Wiping her mouth, Lola looked around. "We've made a mess in here.
What'cha got in those bedrooms, Harley?"

"Beds. The hotel assures me they are 'emperor sized.' I designate the
larger room as the 'Sporting Room.' If anybody needs to sleep, she can
use the other one." He was already stepping out of his britches. "But
get this: I declare the sporting room to be what remains of Woods World.
We do not wear clothing in there."

Nude, he flung the door open, took a few steps into the room, turned
around and faced the others, all speedily disrobing. His male member
was rampant and every inch Crogan. He took it in hand and stroked it in
their general direction. "This new equipment being untested, I guess
your culture would call me a virgin!"

Amy declared, "Now it's your culture too."

"God, a full-grown adult male virgin!" cried Lola happily. "We're gonna
have fun tonight!" She darted into the room, sliding to her knees
before him. "At least _I_ am!" She slurped him into her mouth.

"Come on, Victor!" ordered Daisy, dragging her son's hand.

He held back, trying to toe off one shoe with the other.

"Here," said Debbie. "Let me help."

She knelt and plucked his shoelaces. At last he was able to get out of
his britches. Daisy shouldered in ahead of Debbie and pulled him around
the woman and into the bedroom, where she shoved him backward ahead of
her until his calves encountered a bedside and he went over onto his
back. She fell upon him and noisily sucked up the flaccid member.

Amy and Sandi crawled onto the bed beside Victor, Sandi to kiss his
shoulder and chest, Amy to reach under Daisy's chin to cuddle his

"Ooo, I do love balls," said the homeschooled girl to anyone listening.
"They are so potent!"

Sonny and Debbie hugged the still standing Harley between them and bore
him away from the kneeler to collapse upon the other bed. Thus it was
that Debbie's vagina was the first to receive the virgin penis. Lola
stood beside the bed, arms akimbo, gritting her teeth, as the victorious
Debbie squatted over her object, hips sliding forward and backward,
crying, "Oh, god, yes! Oh, god, yes!" Harley, for his part, stared at
the ceiling with lolling tongue and round eyes. Debbie herself had to
lift his hands to cup the bounteous breasts. Shortly his hips began to
lift in anticipation. Highly unusual among virgin males, he did not
seminalize his first pussy until after its owner had managed a Big O of
her own.

"Damn you!" cried Lola when Debbie rolled off at last.

"I'm not greedy," gasped the latter, panting. "He's all yours."

"Yeah. Tomorrow. Damn you!"

Sonny's hand grasped the still standing organ. "Feels pretty strong to
me," she said, looking a challenge at Lola.

"You don't suppose ..." Lola began then shoved Sonny's hand away and
swung her own leg over the unexpectedly brave manhood. In a jiffy
Harley was buried in his second cooze.

"Wow!" cried Lola, hips in frenzied motion. "I can't believe it! Oh,
god, I _do_ believe it!"

"Then save some for me," begged Sonny.

"Pregnancy don't hurt your appetite?" asked Debbie.

"Are you kidding?"

Victor had not held off so well as Harley. Consequently all three of
the youngsters had been serviced before Sonny received her turn with the
ex-AI. In fact Victor's sequence had restarted. Daisy was now
accepting his efforts as a missionary while Sandi kissed his torso and
Amy again fondled his balls. "Look! He's got dimples in his butt
cheeks!" she cried in wonder.

The watching Lola, temporarily sated by Harley's incredible stamina,
chuckled at the girl's wonder. "You never noticed? Most men do while
they're fucking that way. Oh. Excuse me. You've never before seen
_men_ fucking, have you? Well, it's also true of Crogans and Pridans."

"Isn't it cute!" breathed the girl.

Lola added pensively, "I guess now we must consider Harley and Victor to
be men."

"I don't know about Harley, but Victor is _wonderful_! That was the
best I've ever felt."

"When you've been without it for awhile, it's always the best -- if the
guy's any good."

"Victor is so sweet and loving, just wonderful!"

"Well, yes, and undemanding. Very unlike men." Lola brought a wet
finger up from her pussy to taste, smacked her lips and announced,
"Still vanilla! Harley is wonderful too."

Very little sleep was obtained in the penthouse that night. At their
hearty breakfast Harley claimed to be unsurprised. "Obviously our
goddess wanted to compensate you women for the trouble I caused you."
He smiled around. "Is it adequate?"

The response was even more so.

As everyone got up from the breakfast table, Lola grabbed both Victor
and Harley by the hand and said, "I want to show you something we can do
here in our world that they wouldn't in Woods World. Think of it as
part of Victor's education."

She pushed Harley down on the large bed on his back and quickly mouthed
the flaccid cock. A minute's mouth work remedied that while the
anticipation wetted her pussy. Arranging her body upon his, she first
impaled herself then pointed to her asshole, saying with a chuckle,
"Victor, you're going to do me from behind. Crogans wouldn't
double-fuck a girl, but I'll bet you're human enough to enjoy it!"

He blinked while slowly smiling and stroking his cock, already rising to
the spectacle. "I have heard of Pridans doing that. Yes, I'm up for
it." He laughed, realizing the pun, something no Crogan had ever made.

To Daisy Lola said, "Honey, get the tube of Artsoglide from my purse."

With a giggle Daisy held up the tube in her hand. "I'm way ahead of
you, sis. I saw this one coming in the middle of breakfast."

"Well then, you know what to do."

"Yes ma'am!"

The girl squeezed a generous glob of lubricant into the sisterly ass
crack and massaged it on into the asshole. "Olive oil's okay, but this
stuff is a damn sight better."

Lola moaned to the supple fingers in her rear entrance.

To the fascinated watchers Daisy noted, "Gotta keep playing with this
butt hole until three fingers go in, else that big half-Crogan dick will
pull a gallstone."

"Do what?" said a baffled Debbie.

"I mean hurt like hell."

Having worked three fingers into Lola, Daisy added her pinkie for good
measure. Then she turned and slathered up Victor's cock, patted him on
the butt and said, "Go for it, sonny boy! Butt-fuck your aunt!"

Victor obeyed readily. After a slow but successful penetration, aided
by Daisy's hand working like a corkscrew, he executed a few strokes
before beaming approval at his helper. "This is wonderful!" With a
moan of pleasure he added, "You know, this butt-fucking is nothing new
for Crogans, but to feel another cock sliding against mine, with only a
thin bit of flesh between them, that is -- I cannot describe it --
really exciting!"

Daisy nodded with a giggle. "That's as good a description as any."

She got off the bed and stood beside Amy, watching the two big cocks
moving alternatively inside her big sister.

"Am I right?" asked Amy. "Lola's been dying to do this for a long

"Yeah, sometimes we talked about it after a day of fucking lots of
Pridans, wondering how two or three Crogan cocks at the same time would
feel. Lola hoped to 'convert' the Crogans to behave more like the
Pridans. That is, if we could've stayed in Woods World. Oh, well, that
dream's gone!"

"Yeah." Amy added with evident envy, "Doesn't seem right for Lola to
monopolize all of our cocks. If Harley does find a way for us all to
get together with him long term, I hope he can add another cock or three
to our little family."

Daisy laughed approvingly. "You really liked being surrounded by all
those stiff Woods World cocks!"

"Oh yeah! We had a most favorable cock-to-pussy ratio back there!"

Amy's expression was dreamy.

"Cock-to-pussy ratio? Math talk for our sex habits?" Daisy laughed

"Hey, don't be afraid of using that expensive public education." Amy
tapped Daisy gently on her skull. "A girl's gotta use her head for more
than just blow jobs, you know!"

"Not if she has enough cocks! Oh, boy, we really had it good, more cock
than any girl could possibly use! But now, we got -- what'd you call it
-- a lousy cock-to-pussy ratio. If we get to stay with Harley, I wonder
if we can find a safe way to get more cock."

"Probably, but from my reading about polyamorous relationships --"

"About what?" Daisy interjected.

"Basically that's where everyone is comfortable about sharing partners,
like we are, and they don't pair off in couples like our parents."

"Oh. Interesting term. Boy, am I polyamorous!" Daisy giggled.

"Yeah, lots of interesting stuff like that on the internet. But think
about what happened last night. We girls are good at sharing and we
don't fight over partners. According to what I read, lots of guys
aren't that way at all. They try to own your pussy. So if we bring the
wrong guys into this little family, the whole thing could blow up."

"Yeah, I see what you mean. We'd have to be real careful. But still,
life's better when you have a goal, right?" Daisy smiled widely. "Lots
of my parent's goals are related to money, like how to pay for the kids'
college education, that sort of stuff. But with Harley we won't have
money problems. So how about you and me agreeing on a goal of improving
our cock-to-pussy ratio?" She giggled again. "I like that term."

They sealed the agreement with a high-five.

Daisy, again focused on Lola's grunting threesome, noted, "She's still
got one of her holes empty! Sometimes a girl wants all three holes
plugged! Kinda gives us an incentive to find the right guy to join us,
don't it?"

"God, I get shivers just thinking about doing that again!" Also
studying Lola and the two cocks sawing in and out of her, Amy shuddered.
"These guys shot off who knows how many times last night. Given that
your sister's been looking forward to this threesome for a long time, I
doubt she'll release them back to the general pussy pool very soon."
Doing her best as a 13 year old to look seductive, she said coyly, "You
wanna warm me up while we're waiting our turn with the big boys?"

"Do I ever!" Daisy growled, as she pulled Amy down into the only free
space on the bed, between Lola's threesome and Sonny, Sandi and Debbie,
already hotly engaged.



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