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{ASSM} Jenny's Couch Book IV: A House In Gross Disorder, part 8 (Mg, Mgg, b+g, ped, oral, anal, mast, tg, cum, prost, cons, rom) by Rufus Fugit

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Rufus Fugit

Jul 3, 2017, 4:08:14 AM7/3/17

<1st attachment, "Jenny's Couch 4-08.txt" begin>

This story is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution
Noncommercial 3.0 Unported license.

Please send feedback to rufusfugit at yahoo dot com. I write for
enjoyment; my only payment is knowing that my writing has brought pleasure
to others, so let me know what you think.

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I'd like to extend my thanks to the small group of deeply disturbed
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(For the original A House In Gross Disorder, see

Jenny's Couch Book IV: A House In Gross Disorder, part 8 (Mg, Mgg, b+g,
ped, oral, anal, mast, tg, cum, prost, cons, rom) by Rufus Fugit

I was really pounding Renee's ass, and it was glorious. The
ten-year-old was naked on the bed, on her back with her legs up and loosely
crossed so that her heels rested low on my ribcage. I was standing at the
foot of the bed with her beautiful firm asscheeks cupped in my hands. My
cock looked enormous splitting her buttocks apart. Her sphincter was red
and swollen and clung to me on each outstroke. Her bowels were hot and
greasy and tight, clenching and twisting around my erection as I slammed
into her over and over.

Renee was wearing a strap-on dildo. This one was double-ended, with a
shorter curved backside peg upon which the fourth-grader had fully impaled
herself. She had one hand cupped around the molded scrotum, holding the
appliance pressed inside her. The shaft slapped softly against her belly
with each of my thrusts. Her tiny new breasts also jiggled violently as I
stabbed my cock into her rectum over and over. Renee's other hand was
holding a hotel washcloth pressed over her nose and mouth. It was soaked
and the sharp, chemical smell of amyl nitrate filled the room. An oval
depression in the cloth outlined the child's plump lips as she inhaled
deeply. Sweat gleamed on her high forehead and her cheeks were pink with
exertion. The roots of her brown hair were damp. She had arrived with her
waist-length hair in a simple ponytail and it had largely escaped to fan
out across the faded hotel bedspread. Her eyes were wide open, pupils
dilated, white showing all the way around. The only light in the room was
from the muted tv and the slit where the blackout drapes came together.

"Ooo, my ass, I love your penis in my ass, fuck it, fuck my slutty butt,
ooo, ooo, oooOOOoooOOOoooOOO!" Renee's voice rose to a squeal as she
reached another chemically-assisted orgasm. Her climaxes were surprisingly
deep for a barely-pubescent child. Some of that was the effect of the drug
coursing through her body, but some of it was simply experience. I'd been
having sex with Renee for over a year, well before her breasts had started
to grow. We'd been having full vaginal intercourse for several months, but
this was her favorite action, for me to fill her ass while a strap-on gave
her de facto double penetration. The ten-year-old's cunt was wonderful, of
course, but fucking her ass while her immature vagina was also stuffed,
increasing the friction against my organ, was pretty darned sweet.
Especially after this hiatus. I had missed her terribly. Despite Rob and
Jenny's new "free-range Saturday" policy, she hadn't been available for
weeks. First there was that field trip - I learned it was Model UN. Then
the next Saturday Rob took her to a martial arts tournament and expo. Then
one of her friends had a sleepover birthday party. Then something else.
And something else.

It wasn't that I hadn't seen her at all. Whenever I was working up in
town, which I was more often than not these days, Jenny would invite me
over for a family dinner at least once in a week. In a way, that was worse
than not seeing her at all. I had to sit across the table from her, listen
to her chatter on to her Mommy and Daddy and her big sister Karen, talking
about her day, her schoolwork, what her friends said, the book she was
reading...and all the time thinking about her naked pre-teen body, about
the absolutely exquisite sensation of the head of my erection pressed
between her asscheeks, nudging up against the warm, tight ring of her
sphincter right before she flexed and the muscle relaxed to let me in.
Those dinners were becoming an exercise in delicious torture, the moreso as
week after week went by without Renee joining me on the sagging mattress of
my weekend hotel.

But finally here we were. Mind you, in her absence I'd still been
renting the hotel room most Saturdays. It was a courtesy to Karen. It
simplified the logistics for her weekly prostitution spree to the nearby
park. The twelve-year-old was so enslaved to her body's precocious needs
that the one or two or three sex acts she could manage to squeeze in around
her busy weekly schedule of school and church and choir and volunteering at
the animal shelter were nowhere near enough to slake her lust. And no
amount of masturbation could fill the gap. The hotel room made it easier
for her to change her clothes and do her makeup, rather than trying to
sneak out of the house looking like the child whore she was. She'd spend
her day at the park and return late afternoon with her cunt raw and
swollen, her breasts bruised and covered in fresh bite marks. Sometimes
her scanty clothing would be torn or panties missing entirely. She'd have
semen dried in her hair, and more oozing sluggishly from between her
flushed and irritated labia and drooling from her gaping anus. Again, the
hotel room made it possible for her to clean up and return to home looking
like a normal sixth-grader and not a girl who'd just spent hours being
sexually abused by strangers.

I worried about the child's health, having unprotected sex with dozens
of men as she was, but like all kids she thought she was immortal. One of
her regulars had assisted her in getting some kind of birth control, an IUD
or something, and she promised me she still used condoms with guys who
weren't her regulars. I tried to explain that this was no guarantee but
she was a stubborn little hooker so I had to just cross my fingers and

I wasn't immune to Karen's preteen sexuality. Far from it. I'd paid
her to suck my cock nearly every week Renee had been absent. But it wasn't
the same. It was fun to use Karen as a whore and I loved her like a niece,
but I was in love with Renee and - to the extent a ten-year-old could be -
she with me. Our sex had a spiritual component, no matter how earthy and
nasty it got, and I missed that even as I filled Karen's mouth with yet
another load of cum.

I'd been buried in Renee's ass for nearly an hour now. I hadn't been
actively fucking her that whole time. I paused when I felt myself getting
too close to finishing, or when Renee indicated with a moue or a slight
clenching of her anus that she was uncomfortable and needed more lube.
Still, I was panting like a marathoner and drenched in sweat. A bead
dropped from my nose and splashed into the little girl's bellybutton.
Renee giggled, fisted her penis, and, placing the amyl nitrate-soaked cloth
on the bedspread next to her, resumed telling me the story of Model UN.

"I was Namibia, that's in Africa? I didn't know that. They have a lot
of AIDS there and they need medicine but the rich countries don't want to
give it to them which is really mean. Especially the boy who was USA
didn't want to. He's in 9th grade and he's really tall, taller than even
Mr. Groom and HE told us he was six feet two, so that's big." I slowed
down my thrusting as Renee talked. She unbent her legs and raised them,
letting her ankles rest on my shoulders. Her skin was soft and warm
against my chest. She idly masturbated herself, skimming her hand up and
down the shiny latex of her fake penis, as she continued. "We were all in
our PJs at the lock-in after the first day and we had ice cream. I wanted
chocolate but they ran out so I had to have strawberry instead. Uhhh..."
Renee grunted as I gently pressed forward, enjoying the feeling of my pubic
hair crushed against her hot, sweaty butt. Her eyes fluttered closed as I
made a few long, slow strokes. Her sphincter gripped me as I withdrew,
stretching the skin of my penis. I slowed as I felt the cum starting to
rise and she continued.

"So I went and sat next to him and he looked at me like, what do you
want you're just a little kid. So I put my hand in his pants. He looked
so silly, he spit out a whole mouthful of chocolate!" Renee chortled. "And
I said, 'I really need that medicine so my people don't all die, if I suck
your penis will you vote to give it to me?' I had to ask him, like, four
times before he understood, and not 'til I let go of his penis. He thought
I was lying or something but we went in the bathroom after lights out.

"Only he had his two friends with him! And I said, no way, and he said,
they're in the delegation too, and I said, I'm not sucking three penises
but, okay, I'll play with them. They were littler, like, 7th graders, but
I didn't want to get any squirt on my PJs so I took them off and they liked

"But his thingy was HUUUGE, and he had lots of hair and everything. It
was so big that, since I had my hands full I couldn't hardly get it in my
mouth." Renee giggled and raised her hands, bringing thumb and fingers
together to demonstrate how she had jerked off two junior high school boys
while fellating a third.

"You slutty girl!" I exclaimed. The ten-year-old's artless narration
was peaking my arousal. I pushed her stocky legs off my shoulders and let
them splay open around my hips, then I grasped Renee around the waist and
began fucking her ass again, starting slowly and going faster and faster as
she continued. She began to lose her breath, her sentences interrupted by
little grunts in her throat and by soft little farts as air escaped her
rectum around my shaft.

"I guess I was kinda slutty 'cause I hadn't, ugh, done anything for a
while, and I was licking all around his big penis and, ugh, nibbling on the
end and it just exploded and squirted everywhere! It's a good, ugh, thing
I took off my PJs cause I had squirt all over me! I had to use like a
jillion paper towels! ...oh, yeah, harder. Fuck my butt really hard, I'm
ready for another orgasm!"

She didn't have to tell me twice. I leaned forward and starting
thrusting fast and hard, using my hips to stab my erection into the
fourth-grader's bowels. Her hand groped for the cloth, found it, pressed
it under her nose. Her eyes went glassy in the dim light. I was dicking
the child for all I was worth as I felt myself reaching the point of
orgasmic inevitability. I drew back, withdrawing almost completely before
slamming home one last time.

Suddenly, the room was bright with sharp actinic light and
simultaneously a huge BOOM shook the entire building. We both yelped and
jumped. Renee flung her arms out in surprise, tossing the soaked cloth off
the bed. My erection popped free of her gaping anus and instead of
ejaculating into the little girl, a long stream of semen arced up and
plopped onto her naked body. It was followed by a second and a third and
more as I came uncontrollably, moaning with each spasm, until the little
girl was covered in cum from belly to hairline. Jizz dripped down her
jiggling plum-sized breasts and pooled in the hollow of her throat. It
striped both cheeks, blocked her nostrils, and dripped across her lips and
teeth into her mouth.

The tremendous crash of thunder was followed immediately by the pelting
of a cloudburst. Rain clattered off the window and the metal door to the
room. Renee and I were both panting from shock and exertion. I looked
down at her, supine on the bed. She looked back at me. And we both burst
out laughing. I jumped onto the bed, gathered her naked form in my arms
and rolled over, pulling her on top of me. Her strap-on pressed against my
rapidly deflating cock. Semen dripped into my chest hair. I kissed the
little girl full on the mouth, tasting my own cum on her lips. We lay
there for a couple of minutes, just feeling our heartbeats slow. I stroked
her warm back as we listened to the rain hammering down.

I licked more spunk off her upturned nose. "So you got your medicine?"
I felt her nod. "You know," I said cautiously, "That kind of makes you a
whore." I felt her stiffen. Renee had always been very keen on making sure
that no one mistook her for a prostitute like her sister was. "Shh," I
said, rubbing her neck and bare shoulders gently. "You traded sex for
something you wanted. That's what a whore does."

I braced myself for an outburst, not sure why the hell I had even
brought it up, but Renee was not so easily rattled. She had always been a
thoughtful child and after a moment I felt her cheek rub my chest softly as
she nodded. "Yah, I guess so," she said lightly. "But only cause it was
fun. I'm still not a whore like Karen, I just feel slutty sometimes."

Whatever I was going to say to that never got said. For the second time
we were both startled near out of our skins, this time by a pounding at the
door. I bucked Renee off of me. Heart hammering, I moved to squint
through the peephole. I flicked off the security chain and opened the
door. It was Karen. She was drenched, and except for a pair of flipflops
she was naked. She stood in the breezeway, water cascading off her hair
and her bare body. She was holding her backpack. It was open and she had
pulled it up over her crotch so that it was clamshelled over her cunt and
her ass, but that was all she had to cover herself. The temperature had
dropped maybe 30 degrees in the storm. She was shivering violently. Her
lips were blue beneath the remains of her crimson lipstick.

Karen's blue eyes looked dazed beneath her heavy, dark eye shadow and
mascara. I grabbed her arm and pulled her inside and slammed the door.
She just stood slightly pigeon-toed, head down and shoulders hunched,
dripping on the carpet. She dropped her backpack which plopped wetly on
the rug. I was startled but not too startled to admire the pale sweep of
the twelve-year-old's back, the knobs of her spine, the tan line swooping
low beneath her shoulderblades. Her ass trembled slightly as she shivered.
I noted a small greyish blob of cum peeking out from between her cheeks.

Renee was sitting up in bed, looking up at her big sister. Her round
face had paled with anxiety. "Karen, where's your clothes?" she demanded.
It was an odd question on its face, given that the younger girl was also
buck naked except for the long latex dildo sprouting from her bald crotch.

Renee had to repeat her question before Karen seemed to snap out of her
daze. "I took them off," she said slowly. "I took them off, and I was
blowing some boys, they wanted me to kneel and they were all rubbing their
penises on me, on my face and in my hair and everywhere, but then the
thunder, and the rain, and they all just ran and my dress," Karen sniffled
and I realized she was starting to cry. "My dress, they all trampled it
and it, it, it was ruined. They ruined my dress. And," the
twelve-year-old finished with a wail, "They didn't pay!"

Renee stood and placed her hands on her hips, looking up at her older
sister. Her strapon didn't sag the way an ordinary one did - the peg
seated firmly in the child's vagina held it upright, angled straight at
Karen's chin. I was mesmerized by the way it wobbled as Renee spoke.
"They didn't pay?" she repeated. "You're supposed to get the money first!
Always! What kind of stupid whore doesn't get the money first?"

"I'm sorry!" Karen sobbed. "But...I knew them...I fucked them
before...and they were nice..."

"No one's nice to a whore," Renee cut her off. "They just want your
whore cunt." Her childish voice was matter-of-fact.

Over time I had become inured to the utterly depraved and bizarre world
I had created for these two children but every once in a while it struck me
anew. Renee was naked. She was ten years old and she was naked in a hotel
room with a naked adult. She was wearing a strap-on dildo that looked
absurdly oversize on her short ten-year-old body. She was talking about
the nuts and bolts of prostitution as if it were the most normal thing in
the world. And she was talking to her twelve-year-old sister for whom it
was completely normal. That twelve-year-old had just been selling her body
in a public park, as she did nearly every Saturday, as she had been doing
for over a year. And then, caught in the rain, she had run naked back to
the hotel. I had to hope that the heavy downpour had limited visibility to
the point where no one had noticed her.

It seemed difficult for me to take in enough air. The room was stuffy,
and it reeked of sex. I thought about how, just a few minutes before, my
cock had been buried in a ten-year-old's ass. I felt my drying cum pulling
at my chest hairs and prickling my skin. I felt lube and Renee's anal
juices cooling on my penis which, as I took in the scene before me, started
to reinflate.

Renee threw her arms around her big sister. Karen bent her head,
burying her face in Renee's thick brown hair. "Shh, it's okay, whory
whore. Love you whory whore," Renee soothed her as she had many times
before. Karen pressed a hand to the small of Renee's back and groaned
softly. The younger girl's strap-on was pressed into her greasy furrow.
Karen's hips started to move involuntarily as her cunt demanded friction.
Renee felt it and knew what it meant. She pulled back, her triceps flexing
under her smooth olive skin as she forced the older girl away from her.
"Let's get you in the tub and you can warm up," she told the older girl.
She ran a hand through the glaze of semen drying on her belly. "I'll get
in, too, I'm messy."

"Me, three!" I managed to croak out. Renee and I each took one of
Karen's hands and led her gently into the tiny bathroom. Our penises
bobbed gently from side to side.

Karen submitted meekly to the warm shower spray, standing quietly and
letting Renee and me wash her as if she were half her age. I washed her
hair, working shampoo into her scalp, gathering her thick mane at the nape
of her neck and squeezing suds down to the ends. Wet and straight, her
honey-blond tresses fell to her butt. Meanwhile Renee was rubbing shower
gel into her big sister's body. Karen snuffled when Renee reached up to
massage her bruised titties. We hadn't brought Karen's kit in with us so
the sixth-grader groaned quietly as Renee used two fingers to gently scoop
semen out of Karen's anus, rinsing her hand and going back in over and over
until her fingers came out clean.

By then Karen had stopped shivering and was relaxing into the steamy
warmth of the small bathroom so I turned off the shower and let the tub
fill. We sat Karen down to let the hot water take the last chill off her
bones while Renee and I sat on the edge of the tub. My erection had
returned and Renee's, of course, had never left. She reached under Karen's
hair and gently took hold of her ears, guiding Karen's mouth to the tip of
her strapon. "Suck my penis, whore," she commanded, her voice gentle but
firm. Karen moaned softly, her kohled eyelids drifted closed, and she
leaned forward, opening her lips as she had done hundreds of times before.
Her cheeks hollowed with gentle sucking. Drool leaked from between her
lips to slick the thick latex shaft. I leaned forward to gently rub
Karen's bare back. I saw her hand busy between her legs under the water.

"Yeah...yeah...yeah..." Renee began to awkwardly hunch forwards, pushing
her penis deeper into her big sister's mouth. I put my free arm around her
thin shoulders so she wouldn't lose her balance on the edge of the bathtub.
Her toes curled beneath the water. Despite the penis being made of
lifeless rubber, Renee clearly got some kind of sexual gratification from
it. And it was clear to me it was not just the movement of the back end of
the appliance inside her. Renee loved the idea of her penis. She loved to
look at herself when she was wearing it, to masturbate it the way she had
learned from watching porn of men jerking off. She liked to fuck her big
sister with it. She liked to fuck my ass with it when I would let her -
and I was finding myself letting her more and more often. I couldn't say I
loved the sensation but I loved the intimacy of the bizarre act.

And yet, Renee was all girl. She didn't want to be a boy. She enjoyed
her little pussy. She loved having me lick it and play with her baby clit
until she orgasmed. Since she had opened herself up a few months ago she
even loved it when I fucked her. She loved having her immature opening
stretched wide by my adult cock and her infertile womb squirted full of my
cum. And her preferred sexual partners were boys. As far as I knew I was
the only person she had vaginal intercourse with but she had become quite a
popular cocksucker among the junior high and high school boys. From what I
gathered she was generous in dispensing her favors with two groups: the
nerdy boys who were desperately horny but utterly intimidated by the girls
their own age, and the gay boys who weren't yet ready to come out. Things
were sure a lot different than when I was a kid but it still wasn't always
easy, and Renee was more than happy to let closeted boys use her boy parts
without fear of being outed.

I was pulled from my reverie by the muted "pop!" of Renee pushing Karen
off of her and then the amazing warmth as she guided the older girl to take
my own cock into her mouth. I groaned and put my head back as Karen's
tongue glided over and around my frenum and then her lips slid down the
shaft and my glans rubbed against the roof of her mouth. Renee still had
hold of one ear and her other hand gripping hair on top of Karen's head.
She let the older girl stroke me two, three, four times, then pulled her
off and back onto her own cock. A handful of thrusts between the
twelve-year-old's generous lips and then she was back on me. Karen's
eyelids drifted half-closed. The water between her thighs roiled as her
hand action got more urgent.

I had an idea. I took my arm from around Renee's bare shoulders and
reached down to grip her staff. I pulled it towards me gently. At the
same time I angled my own penis towards her, until our cockheads touched.
Hers was larger than mine. The size contrast was even more absurd given
the difference in our bodies. Renee was short for her age and a little
stocky. She was a normal ten-year-old and I was a normal adult. Her
thighs weren't much bigger around than my biceps. Her wrist wasn't much
bigger around than my penis. Sitting, the top of her head came up to my
shoulder. In order to get our penises to touch I had to drape my leg over
hers. The contrast between its girth and hairiness against Renee's much
smaller, smooth-skinned limb was striking.

Renee understood what I was doing. Since both my hands were occupied
she guided Karen to where our two cocks rubbed together. Karen submitted
meekly, opening her mouth wide to suck on both penises at once. "You like
that, whore?" Renee asked. Her tone was lightly taunting, but that was
only because she'd been taught that Karen liked it. Humiliation was
inextricably linked to her sexual response. The twelve-year-old's cheeks
were already pink from washing and the steamy water and they flamed
brighter as she dropped her eyes and nodded. "Two at once!" Renee giggled
and she and I began an awkward counterpoint thrusting as Karen did her best
to service us equally.

I was having a great time but after a couple of minutes Renee had
apparently had enough. She pushed herself upright. Karen's head snapped
back as Renee's strapon snagged on her upper teeth before bouncing free.
Renee splashed out of the tub. She just said, "Come on," to me, grabbed a
towel, and left the bathroom.

I disengaged Karen's mouth from my penis more gently, since mine had
actual nerve endings. "Soak as long as you want, honey," I told Karen.
She looked up at me, then her gaze turned inward as she caressed herself
under the water. I stepped out of the tub and wrapped a towel around my

Renee had spread the thin hotel towel on the bed and was kneeling on it.
She had her strapon gripped in both hands. Her lips were pursed in
concentration and the tip of her tongue peeked from the corner of her
mouth. Her eyes squinted in discomfort as she slowly pulled the appliance
away from her body, withdrawing the shorter end from her preteen vagina.
She grunted softly as it came free. She undid the elastic straps and set
it on the bed beside her and picked up another one. "Come look at my new
penis!" she exclaimed. "Karen bought it for me, on the internet!"

This was news to me. I sat down next to the naked child and took the
proffered appliance. It was another "Feeldo"-style unit, shaped more or
less like a checkmark - the longer side was realistic-looking molded latex.
This one was one of the best I'd seen. Not only was the color a pretty
close match for Renee's slightly olive skin tone, but some experimental
squeezes showed it to be of variable density, a lighter cover over a
stiffer core that did a decent job of reproducing the soft-but-hard texture
of a real erect penis. It was normal-ish sized, maybe six, six-and-a-half

There were two other interesting features. The glans was molded with an
exaggerated case of penile papules, to the point where it looked like the
the frill of a fucking triceratops or something. And at the base of the
shaft was a series of accordion folds, like a bendy straw.

"Isn't it cool?" Renee said with rare enthusiasm. Her hazel eyes
danced. "Karen found a website where I could pick exactly what I wanted my
penis to look like!" She took the appliance back from me and I watched with
increasing excitement as the child opened the tube of Astroglide on the
nightstand and squeezed a generous portion onto the short end. Then as if
it were the most normal thing in the world for a ten-year-old child to
expose herself to a naked adult, Renee lay back with her knees bent and
thighs spread. She squirted more lube onto the first two fingers of her
right hand and then rubbed them up and down her beautiful bald slit. She
separated the reddened petals of her sex, still small and undeveloped but
swollen from the extended period of penetration. She spread the lubricant
up and down until they glistened in the dim light. Then she bent her
wrist, her bicep flexed, and the fourth-grader grunted softly as she
penetrated herself. She pumped those two fingers in and out of her vagina
once, twice, three times until she was good and slick inside, then
withdrew. She picked up her new penis in her shiny fingers, snugged the
slick peg carefully between her smooth labia, and pushed. "Ahh!" she
exclaimed as it slid into her. She wriggled her narrow hips until the
device was firmly seated. Then she sat up, fiddled with the elastic straps
for a few seconds, and smiled at me.

"Oh my god," I breathed. As always, the sight of Renee's naked body
made me dizzy with lust. But with only the dim blue light of the tv
filling the room, the juncture of her thighs was in shadow. The color of
her new strapon was close enough that it looked like the real thing. It
pointed straight up along her belly, the head nestling near her sternum
just beneath her plum-sized breastlets. Her growing nipples were crinkled
and stiff. I looked into her face. Her expression was neutral as usual
but her hazel eyes were alight. I dropped my towel and crawled up onto the
bed. I put my arm around her and pulled her to me. Her smooth skin was
warm to the touch and still damp from the bath. I bent my head until our
lips met. Her small mouth opened and her tongue darted out, flicking
across my lips then pushing past my teeth and sweeping from side to side in
my mouth. Her titties were hot against my chest. I reached down and
wrapped my hand around her strapon. I squeezed and tugged so that it moved
inside her. She moaned softly. "Oh, Renee," I sighed into the little
girl's mouth. "I love your cock." She moaned again. "It's so big, and
hard," I continued. I tugged harder and heard a little squish as her
immature cunny twisted around the peg. "I want your cock, Renee. Give me
your big cock!"

And then something amazing happened. I had thought I was just saying
the words I knew would arouse my fourth-grade lover, but when she put her
palms against my chest and pressed to roll me over I went willingly. I
found myself on my back, a pillow under my butt, Renee kneeling between my
spread thighs. I looked up at her naked child's body, at the straight
lines of her torso and hips, then at her penis bouncing as if in time to
her heartbeat, and a wave of lust passed through me. My own penis twitched
and drooled precum onto my belly. There was a buzzing in my head and I was
gasping for breath. I groaned as Renee tenderly lifted my scrotum in one
hand and probed at my anus with two fingers, spreading more lubricant
around it and gently pushing just a little inside.

"Here's the best part," she whispered, gazing down at me. She grasped
her cock in both hands. The bit at the base that looked like a bendy straw
functioned exactly like that! She pressed and it clicked down until the
shaft stood out from her body at an angle, a perfect angle for her to take
me. The child leaned forward, never breaking eye contact, and I felt
something large and slick touch my sphincter. I tensed involuntarily.
"Push out!" Renee ordered me, exactly as I had told her when I was first
training her to take my cock up her ass. "Push out!" she said, and I did,
and then I groaned as the ten-year-old girl penetrated me.

"Ohhhhh myyyyy godddddd," I breathed out. I'd never felt this when
Renee had sodomized me before. I'd gone along with it because she wanted
it and it was how I kept my access to her own ass and her sweet, tight,
little preteen cunt. But as Renee put her hands on my hips for leverage
and pressed forward my entire body tingled. My erection strained and
jerked, dribbling more precum. I felt those tiny molded bumps on the
corona of her penis press pass my gateway and into me. All the times I'd
taken it up the ass in my life, from when I was eight years old until now,
I'd never felt anything so amazing. "Ohhhh Renee...." I gasped. She kept
pushing, steady pressure as I felt her cock moving further into my bowels,
filling me up. She loomed over me, putting her palms on my chest, her
narrow hips squirming between my adult thighs as she slowly, steadily mated
our bodies.

I slid my hands up the smooth skin of Renee's arms and to her bare
shoulders. I caressed her immature body all over as she reached full depth
and began to thrust. I stroked her back, feeling the muscles moving under
her smooth, warm skin. I palmed her little titties, trapping the fat,
stiff nipples between my knuckles. "Umph, umph, umph," I grunted as with
each thrust that bumpy glans bounced off my prostate. I felt the pressure
all the way up the inside of my erection and it swelled and spat more

Renee's eyes were bright inside the cloud of her thick brown hair that
fell around both of us. Her cheeks were flushed and her face glowed with
perspiration. And she began to speak. "Do you like my big penis?" she
asked me, her voice low and urgent with emotion. "I'm fucking
you...fucking you with my cock. Take it!" she ordered as a particularly
hard thrust made me writhe and groan beneath her. "Take my cock!"

"Oh, god, Renee, I love your cock," I gritted out. "Fuck me little
girl, fuck me, fuck my ass, it's so good, so gooooood..." And it was. The
love that I felt for the ten-year-old filled me, and filled my body with
pleasure. My penis was so hot and every jolt of Renee's strapon turned up
the flame.

And then Renee's face split in a rare grin. She withdrew from me almost
completely, reached down and touched some hidden switch on the appliance
and then slammed back into me, pressing her abdomen against my perineum
with her full weight. "AAAAIIIEEEE!" I yelled as the latex invader began
vibrating wildly. My bowels contracted in a spasm, squeezing myself around
it and it hit my prostate like a jackhammer. My entire lower body exploded
and burning pleasure tore through me. "AAAAIIIEEEE!" I howled again. My
hands dropped to clutch at Renee's asscheeks. I dug my fingers into the
small flesh pillows, trying to pull the child completely inside me. At the
same time she grabbed my penis, wrapping both hands around the shaft and
jerking it, hard.

"TAKE IT!" Renee shrilled as I bucked and writhed beneath her small
ten-year-old form. I had a vagrant thought, wondering which porn clip
she'd learned that from. "TAKE IT!" she hollered, tugging on my cock like
she was trying to tear it clean off my body, and then I came. A thick
stream of semen shot out, arcing high in the air between Renee's body and
mine. Some sprayed into her hair but most splatted down onto my face and
body. It filled my open mouth. Renee squeezed my shaft hard and another
stream erupted, just as heavy as the first. My penis felt like it was
burning from within. I felt the vibrations of Renee's fake cock all the
way from my anus, up the length of my colon to my prostate and all the way
to the tip of my pulsing tool. More jizz shot out, far more than I'd ever
produced in a second orgasm of the day, until I was coated in my sticky
white love sauce from my navel to my forehead. I had one more spasm, this
one so intense that it felt like I was turning inside-out, and then I must
have passed out.

I came back to myself with the warm weight of Renee's body lying across
me. My asshole felt hot and greasy and still gaping open. Renee's head
rested on my chest, her cheek in a puddle of my semen. She had one hand
curled loosely around my exhausted organ, squeezing it gently against her
own which was, of course, still fully erect. I envied her that ability.
She moved her leg slightly, tracing her toes up and down my thigh. I
stroked my fingers up and down her side, tracing the dips of her ribcage.
"That was really nice," she said softly, her voice blurry with exhaustion.
"I like doing sex, but it's way better with you. Is that cause you're a

I kissed the top of her head gently, inhaling the scent of sweaty little
girl and baby shampoo. "I think it's because we're lovers," I answered.
"Sex is best when you're in love."

"Oh jeez," a voice said. I turned my head to see Karen sitting up on
the other bed watching us. She had her hair turbaned in a towel but was
otherwise naked. Her thighs were spread with her toes just touching the
worn carpet, and both hands were busy between her legs. "That's so
beautiful," she said, and began to cry.

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