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{ASSM} Woods World {Kelliswan} (MMFf alien ScFi oral anal) [1/13]

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Apr 24, 2017, 6:08:32 PM4/24/17
Woods World
by Kelliswan

Chapter 1: Weird Strangers

"Will you look at that!"

They turned as one to follow Korn's pointed finger and saw a figure that
apparently had just emerged on the trail from the forest. Judging by
the boulder, well known to them, alongside which it stood, the figure
was significantly taller than the tallest of them, tall as an ogre in
fact and as full in body and limbs. Its skin was pale with a vaguely
orange tint and it wore a reddish head covering that fluffed out to the
sides and down its back. Otherwise it was shaped like people -- except
for the lack of green skin, two terrible boils on its chest and an
omission they were quick to notice where the head covering was repeated
at its groin.

It looked around. When it noticed them, its hands moved to conceal the
pink boil heads on its chest, then to its groin, then after a moment to
relax at its sides. It began to stride toward them.

"What the hell is it?" asked several voices.

"He is too big," declared Varg, assuming it to be an ogre person despite
its lack of greenish skin.

Jaft demanded, "Where is his cock?"

"Another ogre must have caught him," guessed Korn. Ogres were known
sometimes to bite off cocks.

They watched the figure approach. The large boils on its chest jiggled
appreciably with each step. "His flesh is loose!" declared Jaft in

"Big as an ogre!" said Varg.

"Not as thick," judged Korn.

"Thick enough. Do you think he is dangerous?"

All of them moved to stand beside their sling bags but only Varg took
his in hand.

The figure's face was slightly larger than theirs and showed a
recognizable emotion: consternation. It said in a high clear voice, "I
thought you were naked children but you aren't!"

Its advance came to a halt 10 feet from Korn, the closest. It stared
from one of them to the other. "Just what the hell are you? You look
like wizened old midgets."

They stared back. "We were asking that about you. If you are an ogre,
you're even more deformed than they are."

Its eyebrows rose. "Well! This is the first time I was ever compared
to _that_!" Its lip wrinkled. "_Are _you midgets?"

After a moment's hesitation Korn said, "We are the People of the Woods."

The figure blinked. "A new human species? I can't believe it -- and I
especially can't believe ... Where did you learn English?"

"What is English?" asked Korn.

"The language we are speaking."

Jaft said, "He means Woods Talk."

The figure said wonderingly, "Do you call it English?"

Jaft pointed. "_You_ call it English, it seems."

"But, but ... Why did you call me _he_?" The figure smiled and thrust
out its lumpy chest. "Obviously that pronoun does not refer to me."

"Why not?"

The face showed astonishment. It looked around at all five of them.
"You _must_ have women here!"

Jaft's expression showed interest. "I have heard of women. They do not
have cocks."

"Well?" The figure's hips thrust forward slightly and its face
developed a curious reddish tint.

"Lift up your front covering," Korn suggested.

"My front ..." The figure looked down. "It doesn't lift."

"Women are female," Jaft declared. "You call them _she_ like female
ogres -- that is, if you ever speak to a female ogre."

"Well, I am a _she_, and I'm not an ogre."

"You are a _woman_?" mused Jaft with emphasis. "What kind of a woman?"

"A human woman of course. Surely you have seen humans before!"

Varg said thoughtfully, "He -- she looks like the paintings in the
palace, except on them the skin is covered."

She took a breath, which caused her fleshly lumps to heave
interestingly. Her face reddened again. "I wore clothing when I came
out of the cave, but I ... somehow couldn't stand it."

"'Clothing?'" repeated Jaft.

"I just ..." Her face dropped. "I had to take it off. Around me was
only trees, so what difference did it make? But the more I took off the
worse it got. When I stepped out of my panties, though, the need
suddenly vanished." Her chin rose. "How did you manage that?"

"What is clothing?" asked Jaft. All the dwarves looked puzzled.

"What you and I both ought to be wearing," she said dryly. "But you
never heard of it, right? You don't know what I'm talking about, do
you? You are all totally naked. What do you do in the winter?"

"'The winter?'" repeated Varg.

She glanced at the trees surrounding their little clearing and nodded.
"I thought these leaves suggested tropical foliage. Okay. Where are
the female People of the Woods?"

"We do not have females," said Jaft. "Do we look like ogres?"

"If you don't have females, then where do you come from?"

Korn gestured. "Of the Woods, remember?"

She said sarcastically, "You just appear under cabbages, right?"

"Almost. Actually from just under mother trees."

"Tell me another one!"

"No," said Jaft, "that is what we call them. Do you know another word?"

"You're serious, aren't you?" Her chin dropped. "_Mother_ trees?"

"Where do _you_ come from?" Korn inquired.

"The Lindonfield library, its back room, as a matter of fact." She
sniffed. "I had to try the door marked 'Do Not Use.' Would you believe
it opened into a cave?"

"Why should we not believe it?"

"Well, it did! The cave opened onto a path through trees, where I got
my irresistible urge. Should've had sense enough to go back through the
cave. Do you live here in the woods? _How_ do you live here in the

"Peaceably except for Stard," said Korn. "And we have lots of fun."

Her lip curled. "I hope not doing ... what I suspect."

He leered. "We do everything we can. I remember a tale ... Women are
said to be good for fucking."

"What did you say?"

"That is right!" Jaft agreed, smiling with pleasure. "They are supposed
to have _three_ places for it."

"Maybe ..." Korn began. "Is your third place -- Say, do you have a

"My name is Simpson, _Miss_ Simpson to you. What do you mean about

"That name is too long. We'll call you Miss. I'm Korn and this is Jaft
and Varg. You do not think women are good to fuck?"

"That _is_ what you said!" She sniffed. "What would _you_ know about
that subject?"

"Oh, we fuck a lot." Korn thrust his hips forward.

She studied the flopping manhood thoughtfully. "I'll admit you've got
more than I ever saw on a boy your size." She sighed and smiled
consolingly. "For the first time I'm sorry my policy is to avoid sex
with skinny five-year-olds."

"What is a five-year-old?" asked Jaft.

Korn had frowned. "Do you think we are skinny?" He looked around to
study the others.

"Everywhere but between your legs," she answered wonderingly. "And your
scrotums could hold golf balls."

"She means skinny except here." Korn's eyes twinkled. "I bet she would
like to see it standing." His hand began to stroke himself.

"Let me," said Varg, bustling close.

Korn abandoned the task to his associate and studied the woman with an
expectant smile.

She heaved a sigh. "I didn't mean that you ought to ... Huh! I recall
my brothers doing that."

Varg asked hopefully, "Are more women in the woods yonder?"

"You know, I'm surprised there aren't. Anyone could walk through that
door in the library. But what would you do with a woman if you had

When he shrugged, Korn said for him, "Give her a cock. Or three.
Temporarily, to be sure."

Her expression was troubled. "I should call you disgusting, but ...
somehow ... What are you doing?"

Korn grinned. "Varg is stroking to you."

"Well, I can see that! _To_ me, you said? In my direction? Is that
supposed to be special?"

"It would make yours rise too."

"Not hers," Jaft objected. "She does not have one."

"No, I don't," she agreed, licking her lips, eyes fixed on Varg's hand

"I shall lend her one," said Korn, "temporarily, as I said."

"But how can this be?" she asked in wonder. "I feel ... Suddenly a
wizened dwarf looks just lovely and, my god, that's getting to be a big

"You will probably have to bend over."

"No. I mean ... what you're doing to him is ... How can I be getting
so hot?"

Korn had shrugged Varg off and stood before her. "Why should it not
work for you too?"

"What work?"

"Seeing someone else get hot."

"Well, it ... Not some dwarf stranger out in the woods!"

"What stranger? We are all one big family, they say."

Her lips glistened wetly. "Do they? Oh, god, that is a fine little --
not so little -- cock. Do you mind? I can't seem to help myself." She
dropped to a squat, caught his hips and lifted her objective, how
lengthy and upstanding, into her mouth.

"Does she do it right?" asked Varg after awhile.

"Oh, yeah," answered Korn. "She may not have one, but I vow she has met
lots who do."

"I mean to see what she has in its place," said Jaft, falling to the
ground behind her. His hand slipped under her buttocks. He raised his
head. "Varg, come here and smell something different."

Varg shrugged. "Everyone's asshole stinks."

"Not hers. And I don't think it is her asshole."

Varg's head joined Jaft's on the ground. His hand followed Jaft's
beneath the round buttocks. He sniffed, wrinkling his long nose. "Ho!
That smells ... interesting."

"Put a couple of your fingers in here."

A moment later Varg declared, "Ho, ho, this is truly different! I think
my cock would fit perfectly."

"If you can get it under her."

"Bet I can."

Varg crawled around in front of her and worked his feet and legs under
her, raising her buttocks, which had been resting on her heels. An
ululating nasal moan registered her reaction and approval of the

Removing his fingers, Jaft commented, "No spit needed here."

Varg crowed, "Lots slicker than your asshole!"

"I wonder ..." Jaft began, slipping two fingers into the woman's anus.
He squatted close behind her. "Believe I can ... even without the

Shortly her body was bobbing both vertically and horizontally. "Ooo,
ooo, ooo," she moaned in the same rhythm and began to shiver.

"Four fucking at once!" cried Korn. "Never heard of the like!"

"Not three into the same body," agreed Jaft, dropping his face onto her
back. "She smells good!"

She was wailing through her nose as Korn began to grunt. The wailing
turned into a loud choking sound. Hands on his hips pushed Korn back.
She coughed up bubbly cream in a gush. But it was Korn's first pop of
the day; several additional squirts streaked her face as his hand
finished his pleasure.

She recovered her breath and ignored her wet face to concentrate on the
powerful sensations lower down.

"She loves it!" he said in wonder and turning around, emitted a shrill
whistle between finger and thumb.

Other dwarves soon approached. He said to the nearest, "Furd, that's a

"A what?" asked the newcomer, staring at the bent figure, squatting on
one small woods person with another behind her, both clearly fucking
away. The globs of flesh on its chest swayed right and left.

"She says she is a woman and she obviously loves fucking. Go stick your
pud in her mouth."

"She is big as an ogre. Will she not bite?"

"What she does is _suck_ and plenty of it! That is my juice dripping
from her face."

Korn's argument was persuasive. After a few firming strokes, Furd
thrust his organ under the bent face. The wide lips parted and admitted
the offering.

Furd grinned back over his shoulder. "Plenty of suction!"

Other woods people gathered round, stroking themselves erect, commenting
on the woman's size and shape.

Blin, looking up from experimentally squeezing a breast, asked Korn,
"Where did she come from?"

"Out of yonder woods behind the boulder."

While vigorously sucking on Furd's equipment, the woman noticed the
throng around her. Her hands sought out and began to stroke two others.
Tuskan bent to study the connection between her and Varg, who was lying
on his back while she slid forward and backward atop his midsection,
dragging the anally penetrating Jaft with her.

He commented to Varg, "You're juice is leaking out of her."

Varg glared up at him. "Shut up. I think I can come again."

"Too much for me," declared Jaft, removing himself from her anus and
backing away with a dripping cock. "I need a break." Tuskan sprang up
behind the woman, waited for a near swing and thrust himself into the
vacated orifice. Arms encircling her waist, he rode her forward and

A deep male voice rang suddenly in the little clearing. "What the hell
are you ass fuckers doing now?"

"Stard!" screamed Korn, glancing over his shoulder. Three wizened
dwarves, male symbols prominent, sprang away from the woman's body and
grabbed up their sling bags. She fell forward on knees and elbows,
looking stunned.

A third creature type stood at the head of the path into the woods.
Tall as the woman but half again wider, totally nude, obviously male and
even better equipped there than the dwarves, he possessed fat enough for
a belly roll. His large face bore a look of low cunning.

The deep voice rang again. "Three of you fucking him! That is what you
ass fuckers were doing!"

The large apparition darted forward as the dwarves fled backward.
Bending before the woman, he clapped her head in his hands and raised
her face toward his midsection. "If his mouth is big enough for yours,
Furd, it will do for mine. Open up, stranger!"

* * *

She stared at the organ in front of her, now bumping her nose. It grew,
lengthening and thickening as she watched. Almost immediately it
reached proportions significantly greater than the dwarves'. If theirs
were seven inches, this one had to be nine.

"Open up, cocksucker!" cried the ogre, squeezing her head harder.

Something -- perhaps the tone of command to which she had never reacted
well, perhaps the hands clapping her head and interfering with the spell
of this place -- collapsed her entire mood, including her fascination
with this turgid thing, despite its dominant dimensions and cutely
bulbous head. Worse than collapsed, it drove her interest in reverse.

She surged to her feet. Her hands and arms flew upward between the
compressing arms and easily forced them to open. Pushing on the massive
shoulders, she shoved their bodies apart, resulting mainly in her own
retreat of three or four steps.

"Try that again, asshole," she snarled, "and I'll bite it off!"

The ogre's face, previously resembling that of a fascinated Mongolian
idiot, now reddened with anger. "You will learn," he grated, "when I
say fuck, you _fuck_!"

He darted forward, leaning toward her with hands again outstretched, now
reaching for her neck.

She grabbed his wrists, tilted back to pull them over her head and
raised her bare foot into the ogre's belly. Back she went, all the way
to the ground. Her foot, using his own momentum, lifted and pushed him
on beyond her while she held his wrists. He turned an open somersault
and thudded to the ground on his back. As luck would have it, his legs
passed to either side of a sapling trunk against which his testicles

While he howled in agony, she stood up and approached watchfully.

The dwarves peeked from behind bushes.

"How did she do that?" said Varg in awe.

"It was wonderful," breathed Korn, "however done!"

Jaft said woefully, "She is more dangerous than Stard."

Tuskan dared to come forward. Even more daring, he curled his toes and
kicked Stard in the ear. "Hey, bully, how do you like it?"

Despite his agony, the ogre's thick arm flashed out, struck the dwarf's
chest and knocked him head over heels into the bushes.

"Don't do that again," the watching woman commanded, eyes glaring,
raising her foot, "or I'll stomp your face in!"

The ogre scrambled away from the tree, stood up with both hands extended
past the now limp penis to clasp his testicles.

But he was not quite vanquished. "I shall break your foot," he
promised, "then fuck you!"

"And I'll help you catch it," she responded. Tilting on the other leg,
she raised the lifted foot above his head and snapped the heel down to
strike his solar plexus viciously. Down he went again onto his back,
this time fortunately into medium grass. He actually bounced.

He lay twitching with his back arched, arms crossed over his chest, head
thrown back. She and the dwarves gathered around him. He seemed unable
to breathe.

"Is he dead?" asked Varg, again in a voice of awe.

"No," she answered.

"What did you do to him?" said Korn.

"That's called the Brazilian High Heel-kick. I got something more than
jizz from my last boyfriend. Fortunately for me, Stard's solar plexus
is like a man's."

"His what?"

"His breath is only knocked out. It just feels like he's dead."

"She kicked him in the chest," said Furd, looking at Korn. "Wonder if
it would work on us."

"Do not try it!" retorted Korn, stepping back. Several dwarves laughed.

On the ground Stard gasped and with effort took more breaths. He rolled
up on his elbow and glared at the woman.

"Get up," she said. "You're not hurt. Not yet."

His face changed from anger to fear. He jumped to his feet, stumbled
and lurched away into the woods, breaking into a sprint and dodging

She looked around at the dwarves, who returned her stare in silent awe,
and shook her head. "Wonder what gave me the hots for children!"

"What is children?" demanded Korn.

With a sniff she ran after Stard, who was still visible, dodging distant
trees. The woods here were sparsely undergrown, which allowed her to
keep him in sight. Fortunately no briar bush was evident and running
was no problem for her because, also fortunately, her last boyfriend had
been a fitness nut. It seemed to her that in fact breathing was easier
here than on the long runs beside him at home.

Soon she was running on an animal trail beside a wall of rocks and
wondered what feet had impressed this trail, considering that she had
seen no animal except Stard and the dwarves, not even birds.

Ahead of them loomed a cave in the rock wall. Stard darted inside.
Shortly she reached it and followed him without hesitation. It turned
out to be a relatively shallow recess, extending maybe 20 feet into the
hill, squarish. Could it have been hand cut? But that issue could

Stard was crouched in fear against the back wall, hands extended before
him as if warding her off. "No, no!" he whimpered.

She stood before him, arms akimbo. "Some figure of an ogre you aren't!
What's the matter? Did nobody ever whip your ass before?"

"Please, please do not hurt me!"

"Oh, I won't hurt you if you behave."

He studied her and some of his fear subsided. "What do you want of me?"

"Probably the same thing you wanted of me." She gave him her most
dazzling smile and took one step closer. "I've always liked big ...
ogres when they can bring themselves to cooperate. I guess if you're
big, bullying is just too easy. Is that it?"

"Not a bully. I just help people get started."

"No doubt. Well, let's get started." Her hand crept out and a finger
curled around the flaccid cock. He flinched but having backed against
the wall, could not retreat further.

"This thing looked great a few minutes ago. I couldn't believe how fast
it popped up! Do you suppose it has some starch left?"

"What is starch?"

"Oh, yes, it's got some!"

She knelt, leaned forward and slurped up the rising organ, easily
accepting the entirety.

"Agh!" he cried, staring down at his vanished cock.

Her head bobbed several times. When she withdrew, the organ stood out
straight and pink, the head having emerged from its foreskin.

"That's it," she said with satisfaction. "You've got a fine one, Stard,
and now it can do me some good. Where do you sleep?"

"There." He pointed. "The Night Trees don't like me." He was
indicating a mound of dried and woven grass.

"We'll talk about the Night Trees later. Come on. I'm going to show
you how to fuck properly."

She found him surprisingly well paired for a first encounter. Probably
because of his defeat, he actually lasted long enough for her to reach

"Hey, Stard, that was pretty damn good for a first time! But you are a
tub of lard, you know. Get off me."

He rolled beside her onto his elbow. "What is lard?"

"What you are." Her finger brought a sample of his leavings to her
lips. "Vanilla, just like the dwarves, real tasty. I'm beginning to
think this world wants you to fuck each other."

"Who else?"

"Yeah, that's the question. Talk to me, Stard. Where _is_ this place?"

"Where?" He shrugged. "Where else?"

She chuckled sourly. "Dumb question, eh? Then let's talk about things
you ought to know. For example, I've yet to see anybody eat anything
here. What do you eat? I mean food. I already know what else you put
in your mouths."


"Huh? Is that something to eat?"

"Food. Comes from the Fruchup Tree, better for the Pridans than for me
but all I have to eat. Makes me fat."

"The what, _Pridans_?"

"The little people you were with."

"Oh. Pridans. The little people you like to bully."

"Not a bully."

"Yeah, I know: you just get them started, like your name. Where do you
all come from, Stard? Truly are there no women here?"

"What is women?"

"Then where do you come from?"

"The Pridans come from their Mother Trees. Crogans come from the birth
closets in the castle."

"Crogans, did you say? Are you a Crogan?"

"Sort of." He held out his arm. "Most Crogans are green where I am

"You are a different ... race?"

"What is race?"

"Why is your color different?"

He shrugged. "Now and then the closets give a pink Crogan."

She shook her head. "This just gets weirder!"

When she fell silent, he said, "What is your name?"

"My name? I hardly need one if I'm the only woman here!"

"Need something to call you."

"I told the dwarves -- the Pridans? -- To call me Miss Simpson. Is
that too long for you too?"

"Too long."

"All right. My first name is Lola. Can you say that?"


"Two whole syllables! I'm glad _that's_ not too long. How's this thing
of yours doing, Stard? Think I can pump some life back into it?"

She slid over his chest to begin the effort.

His hand rose and squeezed her breast. "What is this, Lola?"

"Men call it a tit. New to you, eh, Stard?"

"New to me. What is this lump in front?"

"A nipple. It's for babies to suck."


"Maybe for Crogans too."

At the implied suggestion he pulled their bodies together and briefly
suckled at one nipple then the other. He raised his head. "Nothing
comes out."

"Nor from a dick that quick. But you're right. And sucking them didn't
give this thing any starch either. Let me see if my suction will work."

She twisted her body around so that mouth followed hand but soon raised
her head. "What's the matter, Stard? Can't you fuck but once a day?"

"Now is too soon."

"That's very clear. I have to tell you, Stard, you've got the bigger
one but the dwarves' dicks work a lot better."


"Is that all you have to say?"

"Cannot think of word."

"'I'm sorry,' perhaps?"

"Sorry! That is it."

She laughed sarcastically. "You're too much, Stard."

"Too much what."

"Too much weird." She got to her feet and felt of herself. "I'll swear
you make come by the pint. Just plain weird!"

"Where you go?"

"Back to the dwarves. They can still get it up."

* * *

When the path petered out, she knew to walk away from the wall of rocks
but was beginning to worry. Had she really come this far chasing Stard?
She carried the thought past many trees but at last an increase in the
light ahead led to a small clearing, where she found two dwarves perched
atop a boulder, engaged in mutual oralism. She looked around without
disturbing them, noting the arrangement of trees, and retraced her steps
for a hundred yards, trying to fix the route in memory before returning
to the clearing.

This time her foot deliberately shoved a small rock out of place. As it
clattered away, the lovers looked up.

"Missy is back," said one. He punched his partner. "Go tell the

"You go tell them. I shall learn if it is true."

The first dwarf shrugged and scampered away.

"If what is true?" Lola demanded.

"That you fuck better than Sid."

"Sid who -- or should I say who's Sid?"

"Sid was the champion."

She said dryly, "No need to ask at what."

The dwarf stood atop his boulder, head aligned with hers. His cock,
although still erect, did not point at her. She grinned, feeling no
stimulus. "What's your name, little fellow? Or have I already met

"I am called Murr, Missy."

"Well, Murr, for your store of information _Miss_ is a woman's title,
not her name. My name is Lola."


"Yes, and I'm pleased to meet you, Murr."

He smiled. "That is good. Will you lie down?"

She sniffed. "Not the best pickup line! And your boulder looks pretty

Frowning, he rubbed his bare foot on the rock surface and said
thoughtfully, "Being big must make a difference. Stard says that too."

The flattopped boulder was a bit too high. Turning backwards, she must
use hands to hitch her buttocks up onto the surface almost touching
Murr. "Ah," she breathed. "It's not too hard for sitting. That's a
long walk from Stard's cave."

With his hand on her shoulder, Murr bent to study her groin and
complained, "Sitting covers the hole that Varg said was best."

"Yes, it does, but what's your hurry? Let's talk a while."

"Can't talk long. Ting went to fetch the others. Talk about what?"

"Stard told me a little --"

"How did you like Stard?"

"I expect you know what I liked."

"His big cock?"

She giggled. "Exactly. What else does he have to like?"

"Nothing. But that is a lot."

"I can't believe you like it too! Doesn't it hurt?"

"Hurt? It is so fine! If it would stay up."

"What?" Her eyes narrowed. "Is it possible you guys have a clit in
your -- Turn around and bend over."

But she was not destined to have her suspicion confirmed immediately.
With shouts and acclamations several other dwarves burst into the

"Missy, you have come back!" cried the leader.

She studied him. "Don't I know you?"

He grinned proudly. "You know my cock."

"You are Korn," she said positively. "Don't call me Missy. I am Lola."

"Lola," he repeated, adding a big smile. "That is your name?"

"It is."

"Lola, the best since Sid!"

"I only just heard about Sid. High praise, but don't jump to

"Sid had only two holes. Lola has three, even better than Sid."

"Oh, god!"

Korn jumped flat-footed up onto the rock to her side opposite Murr. The
maneuver surprised her. Apparently his legs possessed more strength
than their skeletal thinness suggested. Others also bounded upon the

Korn's hand reached across and compressed the nearer breast. "Why do
you have these monstrous boils, Lola? Are they not sore?"

"No. Women have them to attract men, who call them 'tits.'"

"'Tits.' What is men?"

"Things that have cocks."

He studied her. "Are we men?"

"I suppose so: men of the Pridans."

He grunted. "Stard told you that word. He is a mean ogre."

"With a big cock."

"When he can get it up."

"He got it up for me."

"He likes fresh holes to fuck. Hark! What was that noise?"

They had all heard an earthshaking thud. The chattering dwarves fell
silent. A sound that included thudding, crashing and splintering
components quickly followed, approaching from the direction of Lola's
path to Stard's cave. Dwarves sitting on the rock stood up, sling bags
in hand.

"What is it?" was the predominant cry.

"Bigger than Stard!" was the main conclusion.

"Let us run away!" was the proposed solution.

But just then, after reaching a thunderous crescendo, the noises ceased.
All listened closely but silence reigned. Three dwarves on that side of
the rock jumped down and raced into the woods toward the erstwhile

The disturbance had been loud enough to concern Lola. She said
fearfully, "What here is bigger than Stard?"

From his expression Korn was equally affected. "Many as big but nothing

"He told me about the green Crogans. Then what did we just hear?"

"I am getting an idea. We have heard those sounds before."

"What was it?"

"Wait till Ting gets back."

The words were hardly out of Korn's mouth before a dwarf popped out of
the woods crying, "It is a boulder! A huge boulder rolled off the hill
and knocked down a lot of trees."

"That was my idea," said Korn with satisfaction. He jumped down from
the rock and looked back at Lola. "Let us go see."

She followed him into the woods. Quickly they came upon the culprit, a
new boulder half again taller than she. From the other side of it they
could see all the way to the cliff over the long gouge in the earth,
through a tangle of smashed and splintered trees.

"Wow!" said Lola. "Does this happen often."

"Once before," said Korn, "that I remember. Lola, it is time to eat.
Are you hungry?"

Indeed the woods were darker, now mostly illuminated in the glow of the
distant cliff, orange in the light of a setting sun.

"I could eat," she admitted. "But doesn't this astound you?"

"Why? No one is hurt. Come with us to the fruchup tree."

That name was familiar to her. Following Korn as he wound through the
trees, she said, "Stard said he eats fruchup."

"Stard!" The dwarf's tone was contemptuous. "He does not love it but
eats enough to stay fat."

"I suppose if it's good for him it won't hurt me. What is your problem
with Stard?"

"He is too big and strong. And he knows it."

"I understand he bullies you. But Murr likes his cock."

"Worse than bullies us. He killed Tran."

"Killed him? Really?"

"Caved in Tran's skull with his big hard fist. Lola, we are so proud
that you defeated him!"

"Thank you."

"That is why we do not shun you for fucking him willingly."

"How do you know I did?"

"You went after him and we can smell his jizz." Korn grinned at her.
"It is good that you did not leave his cave a bit later."

"Oh, yes!" She shivered.

Still grinning, Korn added, "You liked his big cock too."

"As you said, 'When he can get it up.'"

"We do not have that problem."

"I've noticed. Hey, is that the fruchup tree?"

Their passage through the woods had been slower than the other dwarves,
who ahead of them seemed to be massaging a tree with a grotesquely wide
trunk. As they drew nearer, she saw that the others were plucking
hand-sized blisters off the tree.

"Here is how it is done," said Korn.

His thumb and fingers caught the sides of a tan hemispherical blister,
which apparently detached easily from the dark grey bark, and
immediately turned it open side up. The contents resembled chocolate

He raised it toward her mouth, advising, "Suck up a swallow."

She put her hands around it and obeyed, rolling the results on her
tongue. "Meaty. Not too bad. But it needs something."

"It needs nothing for us. I hope you do not agree with Stard. Go ahead
and eat it all. I shall get another."

All around her the dwarves were noisily slurping their dinners. With a
shrug she joined them. Though hardly delicious, the food was filling.

"What do you think?" Korn asked.

"Too bad it's not what it looks like. It leaves me thirsty. What do I
do with the ... bowl?"

"I shall show you. Come."

She had noted a background murmur of running water. He led her a few
steps around some trees to a small, clear stream that meandered through
the woods, where he stooped, dipped his bowl and took a swallow. "If
you are fastidious about such things, let the running water wash out
your bowl first."

She frowned. "Is this water ... safe?"

He blinked then grinned. "I see your worry. Yes, it is safe. We piss

With a shrug she washed out the bowl, dipped it full and drank heavily.
It was cool, wet and satisfying with only a hint of the mineral flavor
expected. She guessed that its strangeness was owed to the lack of
familiar chlorine and fluoride compounds.

"That's good water," she declared, impressed.

"We have always thought so," he said smugly, turning to face her
squarely and beginning to stroke his cock towards her.

She felt it immediately in her belly but said anxiously, "What do I do
with my bowl?"

He tossed his into the stream, where it bobbed merrily away. She copied
his action. Catching her hand, he led her to a spot of grass. Needing
no prompting, she settled onto her back, opened her legs and said
admiringly, "That thing does pop right up!"

"Especially for you," said Korn, lowering upon her and beginning the
thrilling plunge.

"God," cried Lola, "I've never been so hot! Who needs foreplay?"

"What is foreplay?"

But she was beyond coherent reply. For about two minutes grunts and
moans were the extent of her conversation. Then Korn backed away from
her, exclaiming, "Wonderful! Varg was right!" and leaving her vagina
bubbling out his copious juice.

Of course many other dwarves were waiting. She hardly noticed an
interruption. Thoughtlessly she never raised her legs. As a result the
crowd around her could not avail itself of her third avenue.

But the light was failing. When she came to her senses, she could
barely discern the one dwarf who remained beside her.

"Is that you, Korn?"

"It is I."

"Oh, god, what a great fuck!"

"Perhaps you enjoyed it as much as we."

"Oh, I did, I did! Are all your cocks the same size?"

"Approximately. The Crogan's are bigger."

"Believe me, the Pridans' are big enough!"

He chuckled. "Thank you. I believe."

"I never thought children could be so much fun."

"What is children?"

"The young of my ... species. They are smaller than the adults."

"Are they? Odd."

"Is it not true for you?"

"Only of our heads. Our heads must grow a bit."

"That's interesting. You weren't kidding about mother trees, were you?"

"What is kidding?"

"No, of course not. I'll bet you don't even have the word _joke_."

"Yes, we do. But it is seldom used."

"Let me tell you a joke. I wonder if you even know how to laugh."

"Later, Lola. Does not the darkness worry you?"

"Should it? What scary creatures come out at night here?"

"Who knows? The night is for sleeping."

"Really. You mean the Pridans are not always ready to fuck?"

"We do not fuck in the dark."

"Your lack of women is probably the reason. Okay. What do we do: just
curl up in the grass?"

He stood up. "Come."

She followed him but immediately bumped into a tree. "Ouch!"

He said patiently, "Dodge the trees, Lola."

Apparently his night vision was better than hers. "Give me your hand."

Holding his hand, she made better progress. Soon they passed into a
clearing and she stopped to stare up at the sky.

"What is it, Lola?" asked Korn, looking over his shoulder.

"Let me ask you that: what is it?"

In the star-studded black sky was a white band, wide as the full moon
though not as bright, stretching from horizon to horizon -- that is,
from treetops behind her to treetops ahead.

"Do you refer to the arch? I've heard it called 'The Arch of Nasa.'
Come on."

"Let me study it. 'Nasa,' huh?"

"It will not go away. Sometimes you can even see it in the daytime."

"But what is it? Not even NASA could have built it."

"I told you: it is the arch."

"Which means you don't know what it is. And the stars! What happened
to the Big Dipper?"

"To the what?"

"On other nights do you have a moon?"

"What is a moon?"

She sighed. "How can we not be on Earth?"

He stamped his foot. "This is earth. Come along, Lola. I get

He led her to a different, larger clearing. In the center stood a very
large and wide conical tree, suggesting a huge, squat Christmas tree.

"This is a night tree. We sleep here."

"First I need a bath. My bottom half is all sticky."

"What is a bath?"

She had to crawl to pass under the low branches, where it was pitch
dark. All the exterior light, of stars and The Arch, was gone. She
touched upon sleeping dwarves, many of them, who grumbled and shifted

"Here is a clear spot," called Korn from her left. She moved to join

"Lie down beside me," he instructed.

She felt of the surface. Feathers? Soft, deep and odorless. She
obeyed and lay with their upper arms in contact. Around them she could
hear the sighing of many breaths. She thought to spend a few moments
reviewing the events of this momentous day but was asleep in seconds.

Sometime during the night the sound changed to add a distant, soft
drumming. She raised her head to listen and decided that rain was
falling outside. If so, not a drop penetrated to her skin. What sound
is more conducive to sleeping -- and to remain dry while hearing it?
were her last thoughts before slumbering again.

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reserved by its author unless explicitly indicated.
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