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{ASSM} Luke's Diary: part 1-- Collecting my sister's debt in kind (inc, mf, oral, cons) by Jimmy

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Jimmy Long

Apr 27, 2017, 7:08:22 AM4/27/17

Luke's Diary: part 1-- Collecting my sister's debt in kind (inc, mf, oral,

by Jimmy

I was lying awake in bed listening to the quiet house, waiting for my
parents to be asleep in the bedroom next to mine. I felt a warm feeling in
the pit of my stomach and my cock and balls were squirming between my legs.
My nerves were working overtime as I waited for the quiet that comes in the
wee hours of the morning. I was nervous and shaking a little because I
planned to collect the debt from my sister that she had promised me earlier
that day.

She had promised me 100 kisses if I would take her turn at the kitchen
chores after dinner, so she could go to the mall with her girlfriends. My
stomach lurched when she leaned into my ear and whispered the offer after
dinner, my dick twinged in my pants when I felt her hot breath on my ear,
the thought of necking and maybe some heavy petting, or more, with my
fourteen year old sister made me positively horny. Soooo... I said yes.
Being a horny fifteen year-old I was always ready to feel silky soft girl
flesh, and my sexy sister's flesh was prime grade 'A' meat.

Everything was quiet, my little brother was sleeping soundly in the bunk
above me, no sound came from my parents room, it was time to act. Creeping
quietly from my bed I slowly opened the door to my room and slipped into
the hall. The door to my sister's room practically touched my door. I
slowly and quietly turned the knob on her door and silently pushed the door
open. My heart was pounding in my chest, pushing its way up my throat, as I
sneaked into Lori's room. Quietly I pushed the door closed behind me.

I could see my sister's sleeping form in the dim moon light cast from her
window. I moved over to her bed and sat gently on the edge. "Lori," I
whispered quietly, "Lori." I reached out and put my hand gently on her

"Wha'..? Wha' d'ya want?" she answered sleepily and a little startled at my

"I'm here to collect my 100 kisses."


"Yes, now. Everyone's asleep. And I want to collect now."

"Oh... Okay... I guess." she sighed and lifted the covers for me to crawl
in with her.

I slid into the bed next to her and cuddled up real close. I felt the
warmth of her body pressed against me, it felt nice. I traced my hand
through her hair, pulled her head to me, brought my lips to her mouth and
pressed into her for my kisses. As I broke away from our first kiss I heard
her say, "That's one." I kissed her again. "Two." she said.

She had counted up to five when I moved down and kissed her neck. "Six." I
pulled her nightgown top to the side and kissed lightly on her chest.

Through the material of her nightie I kissed the tip of her teen breast
where it pushed up against her nightgown.

She shivered a little, "Hey... just the neck and lips."

"They're my kisses and I can put them where I like." I said breathily.

She acquiesced, I pulled her nightgown down off her shoulder exposing her
breast and kissed her on her bare nipple. She shivered and her tit hardened
pushing her firm nipple erect. I put my lips on her nipple and drew it into
my mouth. I slid my hand to her other tit to massage it while I kissed her.
After a bit more attention to her nipple I started to work my way down her
chest to her stomach, she was still counting, "Twenty one"

"Why are you counting?"

"Sa... so... I'll na... na... know when you've gotten your hun'red kisses."
she shivered as she spoke, stuttering a little.

I scooted down and pushed up her night gown exposing her bare belly. Then I
planted a kiss right on her exposed belly button. Her stomach clenched at
the touch of my lips. "That tickles. Twenty two." Slowly I worked my lips
down her belly to the waist band of her panties. I moved my lips in a
gnawing motion as if I were eating my way down her body. My lips passed
over the elastic of her panties and worked my way to her sex mound. I blew
hot air into her panties as my lips massaged her lovely little hump. When
my mouth hit her clit she jumped a little and stuttered out her count.
"Twen...Twenty... Sa...Six. Oh god!" I kept gnawing at her clit through her
panties and soon they were sopping wet with her juices and my spit.

I slid my hands up pushing her nightgown until her lovely teenage tits were
exposed to the air and then I cupped each of those lovely teen breasts in
my hands. I tweaked her nipples gently as I continued to gnaw on her pussy.
Her nipples were stiff and pointy as I played with them. She spread her
legs wider and began to hump up to my massaging lips. "Oh god! Oh-Oh-Oooh!"
she moaned and grabbed the back of my head pressing me tight into her hot
sodden pussy. She started to hump harder, grinding her cunt into my mouth.
I could tell she really liked what I was doing to her. She began to shimmy
her pussy in rapid strokes against my mouth.

I pulled my mouth off her pussy and moved up between her legs pushing them
further apart with my knees and kissed her on the mouth pushing my tongue
deep into her mouth swirling it around hers. By then I had a raging
hard-on. My cock was swollen to its full seven inches and as thick as my
fist. I pressed my bone hard against her mound as she dry humped me with
her inflamed cunt. While my mouth was locked to hers I reached down with
one hand and pulled my pajamas down until my cock was free and digging into
her panties. I rubbed my dick up and down her camel toe until her panties
were slick with my pre-cum.

I didn't just want a dry fuck, I wanted the real thing, so I reached down
between our bodies, found the leg of her panties and pulled it hard to the
side fully exposing her pussy lips. My foreskin rolled off my cock-head
letting my bare cock-knob touch her bare pussy-lips, yeah! that was what I
wanted. I could feel her gloriously soft, slick, hot pussy touch the bare
head of my cock.

My cock tingled with excitement at the touch of her sweet, bald, bare,
pussy-lips, directly on my bare cock. I rocked my hips and my cock-head
slid up and down her slippery wet slot. I grabbed the end of my prick with
a free finger and pressed it down to her fuck hole, then with small quick
humping motions I jabbed in and out, tickling her pussy-lips with my cock.
Finally the ultimate pleasure came as my cock-head breached her cunt-lips
and popped inside her pussy. With steady pressure I pushed into her wet
hole and felt the lips of her pussy slip around and engulf me as I slowly
slid deeper into her.

The pleasure was intense. I let go of her panties and put both my arms up
under her shoulders pulling her naked tits into me. I drove my cock in
deep, the elastic from her panties scraped down the side of my dick. "Oh
gawd!" she panted throwing her legs wide to admit my hard shaft. "Yessss!
Fuck me!" she hissed as I pulled back, feeling the elastic rub down the
side of my cock until it hit the edge of my cock-head. I shoved forward
driving my cock into her until my balls slapped against her wet panties. I
pushed hard until I felt the base of my shaft mash up against her excited
clit, I ground her love button hard between us as I strove to get every bit
of my hot straining shaft into her. Then out to the limit. Her panties slid
along my shaft adding to the sensations my cock-head was feeling. My hands
slid along her back and curled up over her shoulders. I pulled her body
down hard and jerked my hips into her as I fucked my cock balls deep into
her again and again slapping my loins against her with each thrust.

She made mewling sounds deep in her throat as I kept jerking hard against
her clit with the base of my hard shaft. "Oh God, Oh God, your cock is so
hot inside me! Keep doing that! Don't stop! Oh Gawd!"

I raised up on my knees forcing her legs back and apart as I fucked at a
downward angle putting even more pressure on her clit. I felt the heels of
her feet dig into my ass as she locked her legs onto me and pulled me into
her with each thrust. I began shafting her rapidly with long deep strokes.
Her chest was heaving deeply as she panted with my hard fucking strokes.
Throwing her head from side to side she wrapped her arms tightly around me
as she came. Her hot little cunt squirted all over me, drenching my balls.
I couldn't hold it any longer and drove in deep to squirt my load of hot
incestuous cum deep in her clutching fuck-hole. My stomach strained hard,
As I came in her, I clamped my mouth on hers with a deep passionate kiss to
cover her orgasmic moans. My balls continued to empty themselves with
quivering jerks of my deeply buried cock. I pulled her down hard and even
dug my toes into the bed as I pushed in deep, straining to fuck every bit
of my cock-shaft into her, my cock-head banged into her cervix as I let
loose my final shot of incestuous cum cream into my sister's quivering

I went limp after my balls were through pouring my seed into her. Her pussy
was still quivering on my bone, buried deep in her fuck-hole. I broke our
kiss and lay my head on her shoulder, exhausted from a really great fuck.

"Fifty." she sighed into my ear.

I pulled my dripping cock from her well fucked pussy feeling her panties
slide along my dick and snap back over her cunt. I pulled up my pajamas and
got up to leave. She looked dreamily up at me.

"Don't forget you still got fifty kisses left."

"I'll be back tomorrow then." I smiled at the thought of another fuck
session with my sister.

She rolled over with a sigh and fell back to sleep.


The next morning was a Saturday and I was lolling in my bed groggy but not
asleep. I heard my mother open my sister's door. "Time to get up sleepy
head. Breakfast is ready." Then Mom pushed my door open. "You too, sleepy
head, your little brother is already at the table."

"Okay Mom I'm coming."

I staggered out of bed and I saw my sister in her rumpled nightgown, it was
hiked up on one side exposing leg all the way to her ass crack, she slowly
amble to the bathroom, closed the door. I heard the shower running.

I went up to the bathroom door and knocked, "Hey I gotta pee, can I use the

"I guess so, just no peeking, Okay?" she hollered back.

"Sure, sure, whatever, I just gotta pee." I said as I pushed open the door
and entered the room, closing it behind me. I dropped the front of my
pajamas, hung my dick over the bowl and let out a long relieving stream
into the water. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Lori peeking around
the edge of the shower curtain checking out my cock. I guess it didn't
count for her to peek. When I turned my head to look at her and grin she
ducked back into the shower. I could see the hazy outline of her nubile
young body through the flimsy curtain, the sloping outline of her conical
breasts, the curve of her nice bubble butt. Knowing I had tapped that the
night before made my cock stretch out a bit more. I shook off the last drop
and put my dick away. I flushed the toilet which made the water temp change
and my sister squeaked.

"See ya later." I chuckled as I left.

I sat at the breakfast table with Dad and Robbie, my little brother, eating
the breakfast Mom had made. My sister soon joined us wearing the tightest,
shortest, hot pants I'd ever seen and a halter top. She had a perfect
camel-toe, both Dad and I couldn't take our eyes off her sweet little ass
as she came in and sat down. My dick started to tingle at the memory of
being buried balls deep in her tight pussy the night before.

"Here's your plate Lori dear, eat up" Mom said.

Lori leaned across the table to get her plate and we could see right down
into her halter-top at the twin cones of her teen tits. I love teenage tits
they are so firm and well shaped. Then she sat down and I could see her
lovely mounds pushing out against the material of her blouse top. I sighed
to myself.

It was just another lazy Saturday as everyone went about the day. Lori lay
in the backyard working on her tan, me staring at her body, my cock swollen
and tingling at the thought of fucking her again when the night came. Dad
sneaking peeks at her tight ass whenever Mom wasn't looking. Robbie playing
with his trucks and action figures. My cock was swollen just short of a
full boner, just enough to let me know it wanted action. It had that
pleasant plump feeling of an excited cock that kept my attention on my
crotch all day.

Eventually the day wound down and it was bath and bed time for us all. I
stood in the shower enjoying the feeling of hot water drumming on my
swollen cock as I slid my soap slick hand up and down its length. My
foreskin slipped back and forth over my fat purplish knob as I daydreamed
about my sister. I didn't want to cum in the shower because I was saving up
for later so I rinsed off and got out of the shower. I toweled myself dry,
slipped on my PJ bottoms and went to my room. I passed Lori on her way to
the shower. She was dressed loosely in a house coat that hung open a little
at the top giving me a nice glimpse of her tits as she passed. My cock
twitched at the sight.

...I lay in bed waiting for the house to quiet down as everyone fell
asleep. Eventually all was quiet, I slipped out of my bed, through the
doors and I was in my sister's room quietly pushing the door shut behind me.

I crept over to Lori's bed and whispered, "I'm here for the rest of my
hundred kisses."

She spoke in a very sultry voice. "I haven't forgotten... I've been waiting
for your hot lips to do me like last night, I thought you would have been
here hours ago."

"Oh, Umm, I had to make sure everyone was asleep."

She lifted the covers in the dim light I could see she was wearing her
sexiest short nightie, her bare legs were crossed and I could bare thighs
all the way to her ass cheeks, I slid in beside her. She let the covers
drop over us draping her arm over me in a half hug. I put my arms around
her and drew her body tight to me. My hand slid up her thigh pushing the
hem of her nightie up to her hip and discovered she didn't have any panties
on under her gown. That warmed up my cock, feeling her soft bare ass. My
lips found hers and she jammed her tongue deep into my mouth as we kissed
deeply. I broke our deep kiss and I kissed down her neck, when I got to her
chest I pushed her nightie up exposing her teen tits. I planted big wet
kisses on her nipples, going back and forth between both tits. Her nipples
swelled and got quite stiff as I kissed and tongued her tits.

She shivered and moaned quietly as I kissed her belly. I slowly worked my
way down her flat stomach nibbling my way toward her pussy mound. I felt
the light fuzz at the top of her mons tickle my face and my lips crawled
over her mons-Venus nibbling at her lightly. I could smell her sweet sex
and then my lips touched her soft pussy lips.

Her stomach heaved up when my tongue connected with her clit. I drilled my
tongue into her slit and sucked her clit between my lips. Using my tongue I
tickled the end of her clit. She clamped her hands on my head and pulled my
mouth tight into her quivering pussy. She was moaning and jumping her ass
up and down as I mercilessly mauled her dripping cunt. While I excited her
pussy I got up on my knees and pulled my pants down to my knees. My rock
hard shaft jumped out of my pants and bobbled up and down as I ate her out.

I pulled my mouth off her pussy and moved quickly up to her neck. I could
feel her hot heaving belly and bare tits pressed into my bare chest. I
moved my hips to swing my dick around, probing for her hot hole. My cock
slid up and down her wet slit a few times smearing precum all over her
pussy lips, then I connected with her fuck hole. I felt the head of my cock
nestle into that sweet spot at the entrance to her womb. I hunched my hips
forward and her pussy lips flowered open engulfing my cock as I drove my
shaft deep into her. I didn't stop until my balls hit her ass. Once in I
held her tight to me as I enjoyed the glorious feeling of her vagina
engulfing my hot cock.

"Oh yesss," she hissed, "Your cock feels so hot... I want it!" and she
began to buck her pussy up and down driving me in and out of her wet
slippery hole.

I grabbed her hips and arched my back as I began to fuck her with full
rapid strokes driving in deep with each down stroke. My cock base mashed
her clit with each stroke which she amplified by grinding her pussy into
me. The more I fucked her the more frenzied her hips moved, fucking back at
me. I was getting close to cumming but I wanted this fuck to last longer so
I held my balls back from emptying their load into her. She threw her arms
around me and pulled my chest tight into her sweat slick tits while she
wrapped her legs around me urging me to fuck her deeply.

"Oh, Luke, fuck me hard, make me cum! Oh! Oh! Ooooh!" she fucked up hard
into my groin and my balls slapped into her ass. With a frenetic wild
grinding she came, drenching my balls with her cum spray. The feeling of
her hot pussy milking my dick made me cum too. I drove in deep, trying to
push my balls in, along with my rigid cock. I felt my shaft bottom out
against her cervix, my balls contracted and my cock exploded, dumping wads
of incestuous cum deep into her. I held that deep penetration as my first
shot emptied into her. Then I drew back and pumped in hard with another
shot, then again with another and another until I had only a dribble to
give. I collapsed on her bare belly as her legs unclenched and fell to the
bed splayed out with my cock still jammed in her cunt. I was exhausted and
totally satisfied.

I lay on her for a few minutes totally enjoying the feeling of just having
fucked a hot tight teen pussy. My cock still buried in her lightly
convulsing pussy. Slowly the buzzing in my dick died out and began to
shrink. Finally my cock fell out of her hole followed by a stream of pent
up cum that ran out as my shaft came out of her. I crawled out of her bed
and put my pajamas back on. I looked back at her sprawled freshly fucked
form as I left her room for my own bed.

Eventually my sister stopped offering 100 kisses to do her favors because
every session ended with me fucking her brains out. So she just started
offering me fucks instead which was what I wanted anyway.

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