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{ASSM} Co-Workers, His

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Jun 29, 2017, 5:08:16 AM6/29/17

Co-Workers, His

The afternoon time well spent and enjoyed. A lunch with a former
co-worker and well a little bit more in the way dessert. A really nice spread
and that was my legs spread and in the air. I know that the lunch had the
makings of a bad idea; but it was with a friend I enjoyed being with in the
past and lunch with a friend is okay, isn't it.
Of course being that the friend was a man and not the man I was
co-habiting with may not have been the smartest decision; but going to a motel
room with this friend after lunch; now that was a bad decision. Only one
thing happens at a motel after lunch with a friend. Yup. We got it on as we
have done a few times in the past. Always, before it was me doing a
married man and now I feel guilty that I "cheated" on my boyfriend. Well I have
a few times now; but not because I am a bad person; but a person in a bad
Me and my boyfriend are fighting verbally more times then not and the
sex is definitely not what it was a few months ago. That has become more
physically abusive in nature as he has used me hard for his pleasure and
that alone. My only release is from my own fingers as he cums quickly and is
Pulling into my driveway and seeing he is already home from work and
his after work stop at the bar with his buddies.
Taking a deep sigh, as I hoped that I could get in a quick shower and
maybe a drink myself before entering into conflict with him.
Turning the doorknob and stepping into my house, my house, not his.
The TV blasting away some sporting channel giving scores and I see he already
has a couple of open cans of beer on the table propping up his feet.
Heading for the stairs and the shower when his voice break through the
sound of the TV, telling me that he wants to talk with me.
Another deeper sigh this time as this has the makings of another battle
royal. Stepping into the living room and sitting down on the edge of a
chair rather then beside him on the sofa.
"Where have you been, I tried to reach you on your cell phone? You
too busy to answer?" His head thrust forward and definitely a pugnacious
"I showed some rentals houses and then had lunch with a friend.
Sorry, I guess I didn't check my phone." Figuring lying wouldn't work with so
little time to figure a lie out.
"Nice outfit, looks a little rumpled. Would this friend happen to be
a male?" Not sure who else he might have called looking for me; so not
going to use one of my girl friends as a backup alibi.
"Yes, as a matter of fact it was a man I worked with at my old job."
I now do rentals and quite well. I use to work for an firm that would
audit companies financial and operational status and help them better implement
their profit margin. My team helped to trim the fat from the company that
my boyfriend worked. It is how we met.
My boss at that firm used my skills to get good results in the field
and then he often used my body to get personal fulfillment. My mistake was
that I thought that I could use it to my advantage. Big mistake.
Watching as he uses the remote in hand he drops the volume down to
almost a normal sound level. Looking at him as he stands and sways slightly.
He started his drinking before coming home.
Walking over to where I am sitting, standing myself to meet him as he
reaches and pulls me to his body. Roughly kissing my lips, bruising them
as his hands grab my ass cheeks and pulls me against his body.
He has a nice toned body that is slowly going soft with his drinking.
The stubble on his chin rough on my soft skin as he pushes his tongue
between my lips. The taste of the beer on his tongue and the smell of sweat
strong as he pulls me tight against his chest
My small breasts being flattened to my chest, however my nipples are
hard tips and are pushing into his shirt and chest. His hands pulling at
the hem of my skirt and drawing it over my bare ass cheeks.
Feeling the flush of embarrassment as his fingers knead the soft flesh
of my cheeks and then slaps hard on the naked flesh.
Groaning with an exclamation of pain. My scream lost in his mouth as
he slaps my ass again hard.
He doesn't need to tell me why. Braless and no panties, something I
did not expect him to know about my luncheon attire. I often don't wear a
bra because of my small breasts; but usually wear panties or a thong when
working. My panties are in my hand bag, as I took them off before meeting
my friend for lunch and more.
His hands sliding from my ass cheeks and pulling back from me as he
pushes me hard backwards. Thankfully the chair is there to break my fall as
I land in a disheveled heap. My skirt high on my legs and my legs spread
to keep my balance.
His eyes already moved to see the fat hairless labia exposed for a
moment as my skirt falls back to cover my lap.
"You been out whoring with your man friend I see." A glob of saliva
hitting my face as he spits again and again.
"You let me kiss and tongue your mouth and you been out sucking on
some guy's cock. I know you always suck the cock of those you fuck."
His hand stinging my cheeks as he back slaps my face. My hands
reaching to feel the heat of the bruised flesh as I look up at him as he bends to
push his face in front of mine.
"You fucking two timing whore. Did you think I wouldn't find out you
been fucking other guys." Drops of spittle flying from his lips as he is
engraged and actually scaring me.
My eyes welling with tears, as I feel the pain of his slaps on my ass
and face and also knowing that I feel guilt for fucking another man. My
lips opening and closing but no words to defend myself. Not even thinking
why I should defend myself as he has been fucking girls at the bar he stops
at for over a year now. I have seen him in the parking lot with a woman and
getting a blow job and fucking her.
I am a tall and well toned woman even though I am middle aged.
However, I am no match for this man. Sitting waiting while he vents and spews
words in combinations that I didn't think were possible to describe me and
what I have been doing with men behind his back. Actually just one man; but
try to reason with a cuckoled drunk man.
"Open your legs bitch." His hands pushing my skirt up and pulling my
knees apart to look at the vee of my body and the fatty tissue of my pussy
that is red and swollen and oozing a wetness.
"You still got his sperm inside of you, not even taking a shower
before coming home the triumphant slut." His hands reaching forward and
grasping the front of my top and squeezing my breasts with his strong grip.
"AAaaaaaaaaahhhhhh." The scream wrenched from my throat as he pulls
me up by my breasts. Pulling me to the back of the sofa and then bending me
over as he flips my skirt up on my back.
My hands trying to ease the pain in my breasts and nipples as I feel
him holding me over the back of the couch as he pulls at his trousers. His
feet pushing my legs apart and he forces his semi erect cock between my
thighs and rubs it against the wetness of my slit.
Another hard slap on my ass cheek with force and then his cock being
wedged into my cunt as he grinds into my ass cheeks. His organ stiffening
more inside of my pussy as his hand continues to slap at my ass cheek and his
other reaches forward and pulls at my long dark brown hair. My back
arching up head straining my neck muscles as he slams into my cushioning ass
Riding me as my hands reach to brace myself as my body is doubled
over the back of the sofa. My moans of pain and pleasure issuing from my
bruised lips as he grunts and groans loudly his body slamming mine into the
The wet sucking sound of my cunt and his cock and the wet slap of
flesh meeting, the only others sounds as he fucks me soundly and methodically.
My nipples and breasts jiggling obscenely on my chest.
Out of breath as he finally jerks his hips forward hard and that is
the signal he is seeding my insides. Each thrust a loud grunt as if he is
shitting a load.
Feeling his slick cock slip out of my bruised cunt and feeling the
string of warm seed that keeps us united till is stretches and separates.
His hands pulling me upright and then forcing my shoulders down to
kneel in front of him as he wipes his cock on my face and then thrusts it to
my lips to be cleaned. Not resisting as this is not the first time his
alcohol rage has ended in a rape of my body.
My lips and tongue cleaning his cock of his seed and my cunt taste and
then as he steps away, my body leans against the back of the sofa as I
look up at him.
Pulling my skirt over my legs and pubes as if that will hide the fact
that he just he used me hard and rough.
Returning from the kitchen with another beer and talking on his cell
phone to let his friend know that he will be over in a few minutes.
Looking down at me, "you nasty cunt. You are going to drop me off at
my friends house."
At least he is aware that he is in no condition to drive and after I
drop him off I should be good for a few hours of peace and a chance to think
about what I need to do.
A visit to my lawyer I should be able to fit in between appointments
to show houses.
Pulling myself up and intending to head to the bathroom to clean up;
but being grabbed by the arm. "Where do you think you are going? I told
you that you are driving me to my friends house."
I know my face is swollen and red and maybe has finger prints on it
from his slaps. I can feel the stickiness of his semen that he wiped on my
face. My ass cheeks are burning from the spanking and my cunt lips are
bruised from his fucking and that now distant one by my former co-worker.
Walking to my hand bag, laying by the chair I was first assaulted in
and picking it up, turning to see him back in the living room with a couple
more cans of beer dangling from a six pack plastic holder.
"Let's go bitch." Walking a shaky path to the door and holding it
open as he waits for me. For a man polluted and unable to walk a straight
path, he managed to get hard and fuck me.
The ride to his friends house quiet other then the snapping of a ring
on a can of beer and directions. The ride a good twenty minutes and out to
farm country. I have never driven him to this rural area.
Pulling into a stone and dirt driveway leading to a farmhouse. Two
pickup trucks parked in front of the garage.
"Give me some money to play cards." His hands already in my hand bag
searching for my wallet. Coming out with my panties in one hand and
condoms in the other. "All prepared weren't you slut." Not a question; just a
statement. And he is correct. I try to be prepared and he well knows I
carry condoms and a small vibrator.
I can feel the fullness of my sore pubes between my thighs and the
stickiness of his cum that will become crusty on my thighs. I have nothing to
say to him as he grabs some money from my wallet and stuffs it in his
pants and then takes the remaining can of his six pack and works his ways
around the car by leaning on it.
"Get your skanky ass out and help me to the door." This I hadn't
planned on doing. Seeing his friend with my face bruised and my outfit looking
like I been wearing it for days. A wet spot on the back of my skirt where
the cream as leaked out of my pussy and puddled between my thighs. and my
bare legs are slick with cum that had leaked out earlier.
Shaking my head no as he opens the door. Then slipping out as he
reaches forward and again squeezes my breasts to pull me from the drivers seat.
My hand reaching for my hand bag and the car keys automatically as I
stand and push his hands from my breasts.
Giving him my arm and steering him along the pathway to the house.
Feeling the weight of his body as I am supporting this drunken guy. The
front door opening even before we get to the porch and a man is watching as I
lead my boyfriend to step up onto the porch.
The man holding the door open but not offering to help as I steer my
burden through the door and into the hallway.
The door closing behind us as we enter the living area and I see a
couple of other men sitting around watching a sports channel. What else
would you expect.
Totally embarrassed as I look from one man to the other and then to the
man who opened the door. We must look some mess as I steer my man friend
to a chair and he grabs my arm and pulls me awkwardly into his lap.
His voice slurred, "my good friends and co-workers this is my woman
Patrice." HIs hands pawing my body, "she just came home from lunch with a
friend of hers who fucked her like the whore that she is. And then I fucked
her like the nasty slut that she is."
Trying to pull away from him and stumbling and falling into the middle
of the room. Pulling my skirt over my legs trying to hide the bare flesh
exposed in my fall.
"Friends, I am giving you this present to fuck and suck and do whatever
you desire of her." His voice losing some of its drunkenness and becoming
rough. "She is going to satisfy each and every one of you. She is
actually an excellent cock sucker and a good fuck."
Looking around as I try to stand up and finding the man who was at the
door behind me and his hands reaching around my waist to hold my back
against his body. I can feel the bulge of his erect cock against my ass cheeks
as his hands move one up my stomach to my breast and the other down my
belly to squeeze my pubes.
"Don't kiss the bitch, as she has cum in her mouth and on her face."
The inane laughter of my ex boyfriend breaking the silence.
Struggling to escape the man's grip as his hand cups and then squeezes
my left breast, fingers finding the hard nipples and pinching it hard. My
scream loud into the room as I try to wiggle away from the man's grip.
Trying to kick behind me at his legs; but feeling myself lifted up as his
other hand pushes between my legs and he drops me to the floor.
My head banging hard, and thankfully a carpet. My eyes closing as I
see lights bursting in my head and I lay back on the floor for long seconds.
My skirt askew and exposing the hairless pussy and long tanned legs.
Eyes opening and looking up at three men standing above me. Not a
single look of kindness of help to be expected from any of these men.
Still tipsy as I push myself up and try to crawl past the circle of
men, only to be grabbed by the hair and thrown back into the circle.
"Take you clothes of bitch." The commanding voice hard, as I look up
into the eyes of the man who spoke. "You don't take them off, I will
fucking rip them off of you."
Hesitating a couple of seconds and then reaching to my top and pulling
it over my head. Exposing the pear like breasts and hard nipples thrusting
from my chest. Then reaching to the waistband of my skirt and opening it
and pushing it down around my waist. Kneeling as I pull it down over my
ankles and throwing it to the side.
On my knees and naked as I look up at three strange men. Shaking my
head slowly, "please, please don't." Not even voicing what I don't want
them to do. My words a cry for mercy as I look from one bulge in a pair of
pants to the next.
"I didn't know that you were shacking up with such an old whore. What
is she like old enough to be your mother." Each man taking a verbal
swipes at me as I cower on the floor. "This sure don't look like one of those
big titted women you like at the bar. This one has the tits of a school
"She sure does have long lovely legs leading up to that nice juicy
cunt that loves cocks."
"Well, are you a great cocksucker like we been told for all these
months. We have just been waiting for him to tire of you so we could sample
your linguistic skills." The men all laughing as I turn to face one then the
other then the other.
Waiting as I know their verbal taunts will end and then it will be
physical abuse that they will heap on and in me.
Tears welling in my eyes as I snuffle. My heart pumping fast as my
breathing is pants like a dog. Not sure who will be the first to make the
transition; but sure that they will all get fill in me.
My former boyfriend Stanley egging them on as they push me with their
feet. The circle of men being John, and Bernie and Charlie. The man who
opened the door Charlie, reaching down and grabbing my hair and pulling me
to him. Rubbing my face on the front of his pants over the bulge waiting to
be freed.
Tugging my head up hard to look into my eyes. "Now Patrice, you are
going to show us all the skills you have been using on Stanley and the other
men you been fucking. Take out my cock and start sucking it you old
The flesh on my face stretched by the tugging on my hairline, as I
fumble with the fly of Charlie's pants and pull out his turgid organ. The
cock uncut and the sheath of skin partially shielding the head. Fingers
gripping the warm flesh as I spit on the crown and work the saliva into the
shaft. Jacking it into a full erection, the skin pulling back to expose the
fat head.
Then lowering my head to lick the underside of the shaft and tasting
the musky scent of a man's heated crotch. I think all of these men must
have been at work, then the bar and not showered since. The aroma wafting
from the nest of curly hair as I lick and suckle the outer skin and one hand
fondles the hairy ball sack. A tug of my head and done with the licking and
tonguing as Charlie thrusts his cock head against my lips.
Lips parting and taking the engorged knob into my mouth. Gagging as
he jerks and blocks my throat for a moment. Then using my hair to pull me
firmly unto his cock as his hips jerk again in a series of short strokes.
The blunt tip jabbing my cheeks and throat and top of my mouth, as saliva
slips from the sides of my mouth to form strings of moisture hanging from my
Eyes watering as he releases my hair and now is holding my head by my
ears and slamming his groin into my face, mashing my nose into his pubic
bone. The scent of his groin a strong scent as I reach around to grab his
thighs and as his cock fucks my face.
Not even realizing at first that my legs are being pushed apart and
another cock has already slipped between the backs of my thighs to find the
fat swollen lips of my pussy. Eyes blinking in reaction as the man buries
his cock in my cunt and slaps his body hard into my ass cheeks.
My upper and lower holes reacting to the fucking of the separate men.
Not able to protest as I am finding it hard to breathe as Charlie holds my
face close to his groin, nose blocked by the soft flesh of his belly.
Becoming frantic as the starvation of oxygen increases and my whole
body is trembling with a need to fill my lungs. The burning of my lungs
finally relieved as a clot of thick cream spurts out of Charlie's cock and slips
down my throat. His body easing the pressure and I gag, feeling snot
running from my nostrils as I gasp short breathes of air.
Charlie's cock popping out of my mouth and shooting creamy ropes of cum
over my face and hair. His cock finally down to a slow ooze of seed,
wiping the dripping hole on my face and forcing me to lick around the slick
The man fucking me from behind filling my cunt and then pulling back
and slamming back in again and again and again. My cunt being pumped the
walls being pushed apart and then closing as he pulls back.
Charlie stepping back and the other third man stepping up to shove his
cock in my face and my mouth opening to suckle and lick at his aroused
member. As soon as the man in my cunt emptied his load in my body the man in
my mouth, pushed me on the floor on my back and grabbed my legs, spreading
them wide and high and shoved his cock deep into my cunt.
My legs being pressed back till they are almost over my head as the
man braces on his hands and does pushups into my sore cunt flesh. Realizing
that two men are holding my legs back, feeling the intense strain of an
older body doing manuvers it is not able to anymore.
The grunting becoming louder and louder and then feeling the man's
cock swelling and filling my warm dark tunnel with his seed. My walls giving
a squeeze and stopping myself as I don't want to encourage these men. In
spite of being raped, I can feel a slow buildup of pleasure in my body.
My nipples aching with sensation and my hands wanting to find my
clitoris and rub myself out a hard cum. Still held by my legs open and spread
for all to see as the man pulls out and I can feel my cunt bubbling out
semen like an oil well releasing its gold onto the ground.
Feeling the object hit me before realizing that it is my vibrator. A
hand grabbing the plastic projectile and turning it on with a flick of a
switch. The steady hum of the vibrator loud in the room and then my body
jerking at the man holds it against my clit. My body jeking in the grasp of
the men holding me as I scream out.
The men laughing and joking as they hold me helpless and continue to
press the vibrating bullet against my pearl. The smooth surface engorged
and peeking from my folds. My body bouncing as I writhe with the intense
sensations. My cunt leaking and forcing more of the seed from my juicy hole.

The men drinking their beer and thinking it a great joke as my body
spasms again and again and again with the contant pressure of the vibrator.
Finally spittle spraying from my lips as I beg for them to stop, my body
convulsing as if in labor as my body is overloaded with sensation.
Whimpering and crying, noises not resembling words escaping from my
mouth as I try to beg for this torture to end. My body still jeking long
after the vibrator has been removed from my clit. The ultra sensitive flesh
now painful to the merest touch to the amusement of the men.
Laying eyes closed and only responding when one of the men decides to
touch my nipples or clit and my body writhing spasticly. Drool slipping
from my parched lips as the men sit around talking and drinking beer.
Stanley revived it seems from his drunken state and using a cell phone to record
a video or pictures of my laying helpless and splayed open. Cum coating my
thighs and labia and the entrance to my cunt.
Whimpering helplessly as one of the man shoves the vibrator into my
pussy and my body is quivering with sensation and jiggling on the floor. My
arms held each by a man as I amuse them with my attempt to dislodge the six
inch bullet.
"That is one nasty hole," as the vibrator squirts from my cunt to lays
humming away on the floor between my legs. My chest pumping up and down
as I look up with glazed eyes at the ceiling.
Another round of suck and fuck for all the men to include Stanley and
they are back to watching the sports channel and drinking more beer.
Curling up on the floor in almost a fetal position as I try to close
out the immediate world around me. An occasional kick or prod or slap from
a foot or hand letting me know they have not forgot me.
In a semi conscious state and hearing the ringing and rousing to
realize it is a doorbell or phone.
Eyes opening to look up from the floor at another man, someone new.
"Get up on your knees cunt." Charlie prodding between my legs with his
Pushing myself up to kneel, wobbling slightly as the new man stands in
front of me and pulls out his cock. The shaft already hard and poking at
my face as I feel myself slapped alert and lick up and down and around the
fat prick.
Not protesting as the man pinches my nostrils shut and my mouth opens
to feel the head of the cock stretching my lips. This monster, and that is
what it was, stretched my lips painfully and with a loud pop, filled my
cheeks to bugling as I gurgled on the huge crown.
My eyes going wide as he grasped my head and pushed it slowly down the
shaft. Choking and sputtering as the knob not only touched the back of my
throat; but pushed down into my throat. My fingers digging at the flesh
of his legs.
My whole body going cold and a sheen of sweat covering my body as I
shudder and tremble. Snuffling noisily with my nostrils; trying to pull
oxygen into my mouth, but that is all that I could do as my lungs could not
receive any air.
Feeling like I am blacking out my head ready to burst and then a loud
gasp as he pulls back releasing my head and I choke and gag.
Falling onto all fours as I weeze and dry heave. The man taking the
opportunity to kneel behind me and shove his cock quickly into my sloppy
cunt. The force of the stroke bending me over head against the floor.
My cunt never having been filled with a cock this wide or long before.
My walls pressed apart and the prick filling my tunnel, till the head is
rubbing against the opening to my womb. The man holding my waist and his
cock deep and I swear he is making that head flair inside of me as I can
feel it swell.
Words pouring from my mouth as he slowly pulls back and then pushes
back in again with the slow steady pressure of a syringe pumping its load
into a vein. My body rocking back and forth like a puppets limbs. Hissing
and panting with each exhale of my breath as he fucks my insides till I feel
he has rearranged my organs.
My cunt giving him experimental clenches as he takes his time and
rides me for long minutes. Begging for him to stop and begging for him to
shove it back into me. My cunt clasping his cock hard and quick, again and
again as I shudder in a body shaking orgasm.
I hear the laughter around me as I take his cock like a needy slut and
bounce and writhe to draw his seed from his prick. His finish a hard
mashing against my ass cheeks as I shake like a doll, helpless till he has
spewed into my womb and pulled free of my slick opening.
I can feel my cunt lips gaping and misshapen as I kneel still on all
fours, my body quivering. Reaching tenderly between my legs and feeling the
opening that hasn't closed in my cunt. Thick cream oozing out in a slow
stream of white lava.
"That is really a great video of this whore in action. I bet she
thought it was a baseball bat in her nasty hole." Charlie the video man this
"Take her out in the back yard and we will hose her down." My carpet
is going to need Stanley Steemer to get that stain and smell out."
Laughing outrageously.
"Get your ass up and get moving whore." Numbly standing up and
following Charlie as he leads me to the back door and into his enclosed backyard.
"Stand over there." Pointing to a spot and then watching as he walks
over to a hose and turns the spigot. Feeling the blast of cold water
hitting my body and squealing loudly as I try to escape the hard spray of water
pelting my body. Shivering as I stand and shift from foot to foot. The
man Charlie walking closer and the water stinging my skin as it washes away
the crud.
"Stand still damn it or I will shove this hose up you cunt and ass."
Eyes closed as the cold water shocks my body and makes me aware again of
the bruising of my cunt lips as he has me hold my labia open and he uses a
gentle spray to wash away the outward signs of my humiliation.
Charlie finally satisfied and tells me to shake myself like a dog to
get the worse of the water off of my body. Meekly following him back into
the house and using a bath towel to dry the moisture from my skin as the men
In spite of the hosing, my cunt lips are swollen and bright red and
hot as are my nipples still swollen from the cold water and the earlier
Looking down at the floor and seeing the stain from my rape, as I stand
shivering not sure what is expected next of me or of them.
Stanley passed out or sleeping soundly in a chair as I stand naked,
hands in front of my body to cover what has already been seen and used many
times by these men.
"We are not done with you yet slut. Our friend Stanley doesn't
deserve to have a girlfriend who is and old whorish slut." The words not
registering as I feel hands on my shoulders and pushing me down to my knees one
more time. A blanket thrown over the spot of the stain.
Not needing to look up to see who I am going to suck now, as it is
just another cock in a long line of suck and fuck. Each of the men availing
themselves of my mouth. Each one pulling away before they cum in my mouth.
Looking up at them as they stand around with four hard cocks ready to
continue punishing my body.
Feeling my shoulders again being forced down and kneeling in front of
the sofa resting my upper body on a cushion as a cock pushes into my well
used cunt from behind. I know it is not Jack the last man to show up as the
size is tolerable.
My cunt still lubed from the earlier fucking. My nipples dragging on
the material of the sofa and quickly losing myself in the pleasurable
sensation of the cock deep in my cunt.
"I am ready now." Feeling the wet saliva hit my tail bone and then
slip down my crack to the dark hole. Trying to get up and away; but feeling
my arms grabbed and then feeling a finger being steadily inserted in my
asshole. Screaming as I wildly pull at my arms; but unable to escape the
hands holding me or the finger fucking into my ass. Then feeling it being
withdrawn and then squirming to escape the cock head pressing at the entrance.
The man forcing it slowly past the ring and finally popping into my ass.
Groaning with each stroke that fills my colon and feeling a burn as it
pulls out again, just the head plugging my hole. More saliva working in with
each stroke as I continue to struggle in vain.
Not a form of sex that I have ever enjoyed the few times that I
willing participated in doing. My ass feeling raw as he continues and then pops
a load into my ass. His sperm actually soothing as it leaks out.
The men releasing my arms as I kneel on the blanket on the floor,
weeping into my hands. As Jack lays on the floor, his cock waving proudly in
the air, I am pulled down to suck his cock. Again feeling my throat raw he
fills my mouth again with man meat.
Charlie directing traffic and having me straddle Jack, his huge cock
splitting my cunt lips apart and filling me, impaling me as I lay over his
body. Eyes going wide as I feel a cock inserted into the expanded opening
of my ass. A grunt and then a brief resistance and the man is fully in my
ass and standing astraddle of my body.
Jack and Bernie double penetrating me as I am sandwiched. Then as I
prop my elbow and legs on either side of Jack, Charlie kneels down and
shoves his cock to my face, forcing me to suck his erection.
Not a satisfactory position, and not comfortable at all as all three
of my holes are filled with hard man cock at the same time. Not realizing
why the men are doing this till I see that the one who just dumped in my
ass, John, is videoing this action.
Not able to protest as I feel the uncomfortable feeling of being
bloated with the cock in my ass and feeling split as the monster cock in my cunt
rubs against the one in my ass, only separated by a thin membrane.
The strokes jerky and cock slipping out till they found a rhythm and
then I can feel Jack ravaging and destroying my cunt with his prick.
Charlie filling my mouth first and then Jack coating my cunt with his cum and
then Bernie adding the second load in my ass as John continues to move around
and video the cocks in my holes up close.
Charlie stepping back and then Bernie pulling out with a wet pop and
then Jack pushing up and pounding my cunt. His fingers pinching my nipples
as he continues to destroy my cunt with his monster. Finally his cock
losing its stiffness and slipping out of my slick pussy.
Laying down on my side as I feel the leakage of cum from my ass and
cunt, merging to make a sloppy mess between my legs.
Left alone as the men wake up Stanley and play the video of my triple
hole fucking once then again. Editing out still photos and showing me the
obscene shots showing the foursome and then close ups of each of my holes
being used.
Stanley awake and alert and now he has decided to fuck me again
pounding on my raw cunt lips. Cleaning his cock of his seed and my skank one more
time as I lean against the sofa, to tired and broken to protest whatever
these men want to do with my body.
Stanley going through my phone and finding the phone number of the man
that I met for lunch and some afternoon delight. Gloating as they load the
pictures into my phone and then send the pictures to my friend Ron showing
our foursome and then the closeups of the cocks using my holes.
The brief message send with the series of photos short and
terse.....This is what she really wants a bunch of men treating her like the old whore
that she truly is........
Tears coursing down my cheeks as I see Stanley send the message. Not
protesting, just accepting.
The guys tired out after another round of fucking and sucking and two
of them leaving me on my blanket again coated in male seed. My nipples and
cunt bruised and sore to the touch as wait the next man needing to empty a
load into one of my holes.
Charlie looking at me and handing me a glass of water and a shot of
scotch. Greedily drinking the water and washing away from of the scum
coating my mouth and then almost crying as I down the scotch, wishing that I
could have the whole bottle and forget this evening.
The hours have passed and all I know of time is that it is dark
outside and I so want a hot shower and my bed. In spite of my cold hosing
earlier in the day, my body is coated with sweat and cum and my hair is a snarly
mess of sticky caked semen.
I have seen the pictures sent on my phone and know how nasty I look,
even though I am not the greatest looker on a good day.
Stanley snoring loudly as Charlie and Jack escort me to my car.
Slumping naked into the passenger seat as Jack drives my car and Charlie follows
in his. My clothes and hand bag in Charlie's car.
The smell of my body nasty and my body sticky as I huddle against the
door, hands covering my breasts and lap for what that is worth after the
multiple gang rapes of the evening.
Forced to walk from the end of my driveway to my front door and then
Charlie giving me my clothes and bag and car keys.
Needless to say that Stanley is no longer sharing my house. Thumper,
a.k.a Jack now has my attention when he is in need of and a hole to fill.
I really am a lot older; but able to accommodate that huge monster of a
prick and I love to have it in my cunt. Not so keen on him skull fucking me
and we only tried to stick it in my ass once and that is never going to
I pick up men in bars when I need to fuck; but no more live in
boarders. My co worker and I have not had any lunches since. I guess he didn't
like the idea of all the fucking I did after he went home to his wife. Not
my part to explain to him that I wasn't a willing participant,,,,,,,,

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