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{ASSM} Woods World {Kelliswan} (MMFf alien ScFi oral anal) [9/13]

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Apr 24, 2017, 9:08:21 PM4/24/17
Woods World
by Kelliswan

Chapter 9: Sharing the Load

Lola and Daisy led Amy and Sandi, surrounded by Pridans, to a large
clearing. The new girl's eyes popped as they took in the truly huge
tree in the center with wide spreading branches low to the ground.

"That's the night tree where we'll sleep," said Daisy, pointing to it.

"In a tree?" asked Sandi in disbelief.

"Under it, actually. Pay attention. Lola already told you that."

As her name sounded, Lola appeared, hand resting on a Pridan shoulder.
"This is Korn. You girls have already met him. Watch him close. This
is a fruchup tree. He'll show you how to get food from it."

He peeled two bowls from a tree trunk and passed them to the girls, who
studied the brown mush dubiously.

"Bust a grub," advised Daisy after slurping at her own bowl. "It's
scarred but it'll gas you up."

Both girls followed the example and both made faces but apparently both
were hungry. Both transferred bowl contents to stomachs.

Amy studied the tree. "How do you tell which bumps are ripe?"

"They're always ripe," said Lola.

"Why don't they spoil?"

"No microbes here."

Two sets of eyes widened in disbelief.

"'Microbes?'" repeated Korn. "What is that?"

As had become usual, his question was ignored.

Other Pridans, ever solicitous of their few female partners, had brought
back full bowls for the two women, who sat on the grass to eat.

After watching them take a few swallows, Amy said, "I know as a guest
I'm not supposed to complain, but ... is this all you have to eat?"

"Something wrong with it?" Daisy asked innocently.

"Even when I really mess up with Mom's cooking lessons, whatever I'm
making still comes out better than this!"

"Yeah, fruchup is nourishing but not tasty. Maybe that's why we love
sucking their cocks: their jizm tastes so much better!"

Amy giggled. "I noticed!" She looked at Sandi. "Boys back home don't
taste that good, do they?"

"How do I know?" cried Sandi, who looked away with a blush.

"Didn't you taste George's?"


"No they don't," volunteered Daisy, grinning. "At home it's what you
call an acquired taste. But when you get back don't let the taste put
you off sucking it out. It's fun, and after the first few times you
don't even notice the taste."

With a giggle Sandi said, "Amy, doesn't your mom say it takes
perseverance to learn a new skill? She likes those fancy words!"

"Yeah," said Amy, "but don't you dare even hint about the new skills
we're learning here!"

"I see really new girls!" declared a soprano voice. "Lidd said so but I
had to see for myself."

Amy and Sandi whirled around.

"Hi, Sonny," said Lola with a wave. "Wondered where you'd got to."

"You know: having a good old time fucking! Kinda young, aren't they?"

"My age," said Daisy complacently.

"They're Amy and Sandi," said Lola, "Sandi with the black hair. Like
the rest of us, they have big curiosity bumps."

The two girls stared at the newcomer. Her body glistened with whitish
fluid, some of which streaked her legs and dripped from her chin. Of
course they immediately understood the nature of it.

Amy remembered her manners. "Please to meet you, uh, Sonny."

"Same here," responded Sonny. "You guys are seventh graders?"

"Last year."

Sandi looked at Lola. "Are any more ... of us here?"

"No. This is the whole party. Of girls."

"Hey, Stig, get me some chow!" ordered Sonny, dropping to the grass
beside Daisy.

As the Pridan bowed and scampered to the tree, Daisy hitched herself
back. "Not too close!"

Sonny thrust her arm under Daisy's nose. "Have a taste!" she offered in
a peal of giggles.

Daisy giggled too and ran her tongue up the arm. "Dessert!"

As everyone finished eating, the Pridans got up and moved into the
clearing toward the Night Tree. Sonny blinked. "What, no after dinner

"It's too dark," Lola guessed. "We had a late supper."

Daisy explained with a leer, "The Pridans wanted to watch Amy and Sandi
lose their cherries."

Sonny regarded the two curiously. "How did that work out?"

They blushed.

Lola answered for them. "A lot better than my experience, I guarantee!"

Korn stood at the seated Lola's shoulder and announced, "Nap time."

Amy and Sandi rose to their feet but stopped at the edge of the
clearing, staring upwards, mouths hanging open.

"You'd think they never saw an arch before!" said Daisy in mock

"I'm sure they didn't," said Lola consolingly. "That's the main night
sky feature here, girls -- since the moon is gone."

"G-gone?" stuttered Amy, appalled.

Lola's hands made settling motions. "How about hanging on here for a
bit? I'll give you the standard lecture. And Daisy knows you two, but
Sonny and I don't. Let's chat and get to know each other."

They settled on the grass around her and Lola spoke for several minutes.
When her voice fell silent, the newcomers sat blank-faced, trying to
absorb it all.

Daisy grinned at them. "You stepped through 5 million years in an
eyeblink. Fast traveling, don't you think?"

Sonny said cheerfully, "We'll help you learn the great recreational
opportunities of this place."

Recovered enough for her eyes to twinkle, Amy said, "Why do I guess
these great recreational opportunities aren't like joining a tennis

"Well, balls are certainly important," retorted Lola, grinning.

"Wait'll you dig Crogans balls," contributed Daisy. "Almost big as golf

"Are they very scary?" asked Sandi, wide-eyed.

"Don't worry." Daisy laughed. "They hardly ever shove them into you."

"Crogans?" asked Amy with a puzzled look.

"They're the other set of studs around here," said Daisy, "full-sized,
green-colored guys, not little ones like the Pridans."

Lola said, "We'll introduce you soon. I know they'll want to meet you."

Now worried, Sandi inquired, "You said they're bigger than the Pridans.
Does that mean that --"

"They got bigger cocks?" said Daisy. "Yeah, most definitely, and lots
of fun for foxes!"

"Korn really filled me up earlier." Sandi's tone was concerned. "Not
sure I can take anything bigger down there. You know I just lost my

"Cherry. I bet the tree'll fix that. Hey, I'm probably the smallest
girl here, and I got no problem taking the big ones. Pussies stretch.
Really don't worry. I mean it." Daisy's voice developed enthusiasm.
"We'll make sure they treat you gently. You'll love it!"

"Before you meet more cocks," said Lola, "how about you two telling us
something about yourselves?"

"Sure," replied Sandi. "You saw we know Daisy. At school I normally
sit at her lunch table."

Lola grinned knowingly. "And I can guess what you talk about."

"Mostly sex. What guys are hot, which girl's got a boyfriend, and how
far she'll go with him. Some of our friends have done blowjobs, but I
think most are still virgins. Daisy and maybe one other girl are the
only ones who've gone all the way."

Lola turned to regard her sister questioningly.

Daisy grinned impudently. "So I didn't spill everything."

Sandi continued, "But they've been encouraging me to get up my nerve, to
flirt with the guys some and see where things go."

Daisy said, "How did it go with George? Last I heard, you needed
another 'You go, girl' and maybe help sniffing out the right guy."

"Oh, yeah, George! He's not much." Looking warmly at Lola, Sandi
started giggling. "Can you imagine eight girls sitting around the
cafeteria table at lunch, all of us soaking our panties listening to
Daisy and Monica tell us how a hard cock feels sliding in and out? We
sometimes joked about the boys being able to smell us when we went back
to class."

"I'd tell them not to worry," said Daisy with a chuckle. "The boys
would only have to run to the john and jack off some more."

"Well," said Lola, redirecting the conversation, "I know from today's
fun you were a virgin when you got here, Amy, but now I understand you
hadn't played with a stiff cock before, right? I guess you learned a
lot today!"

Amy blushed.

"Both of you, really," the woman continued. "But was today your first
orgasm also? I presume you've both diddled yourselves before, maybe
even played with a girlfriend?"

Sandi blushed also, looking at Amy.

"Yes I ought to explain that," Amy said to the group as her blush
brightened. "Sandi and I've been best friends for like forever. We
attend the same church, the Baptist one in Lindonfield. I don't go to
school with her and Daisy, but I've met Daisy and some of the other
girls from school at the park and just around in the neighborhood. My
parents are really religious and are afraid of the godless values I'd be
taught at the public schools, so Mom home-schools me."

"Poor kid!" sympathized Daisy.

Sandi spoke up. "My parents are pretty religious but Mom works. She
doesn't have time to manage my education, so I'm allowed to go to
school. She hopes that my religious instruction with protect me from
the godless hedonism at school."

Her listeners smiled or laughed. Lola raised her eyebrows.

Amy shrugged deprecatingly. "She's repeating my mom's words. God, I
hear that lecture often enough! Well anyway, back to the question about
Sandi playing around with a girlfriend, which really would be her best
friend: me.

"Mom and I usually finish my school work in a couple hours every morning
before she goes to work. Then I have a lot of free time. My goodness,
you people must waste a lot of time at school! No way it should take
you all day to learn what's in those books!"

Sandi interjected, "What Amy isn't telling you is that she's a whiz.
She'd get straight A's at school. Your mom doesn't have to repeat
things three or four times in the hopes that the dummies will learn

"Ok," Amy continued, "but what I mean is I have lots of free time and I
can do my own studying on my computer, exploring things on the Internet.
The big topic of course is sex. Mom taught me Sex Ed from the school's
book, but Sandi and I agree: the book leaves out all the good stuff."

Again Sandi spoke. "When her parents gave Amy her own computer, it came
with child protection software, so their little darling wouldn't get
corrupted by all the porn on the Internet. She needed, like what, a
whole week to figure out how to defeat it?"

"It really wasn't that hard," Amy protested. "But anyway, it's not like
I spend all day watching porno movies. I like philosophy and
technology. The attitudes of different religions about sex was
particularly interesting. Wikipedia is just wonderful! I knew better
than to ask Mom or the preacher about that stuff."

"Before everyone falls asleep," said Sandi gently, "get to the point,

"Well, I couldn't accept my parents' and the church's ideas about sexual
pleasure. They say we're made in God's image. A girl's clit seems to
have no other use than to make her feel really good, and God made my
clit, so why be ashamed of diddling it to feel good?

"So maybe a month ago or so, Sandi's parents went out to their bowling
league and left us alone at her house. I gave her a full demonstration
of why God put clits down there. Good thing nobody was home. Boy, she
was noisy!"

Sandi laughed. "Amy said God gave me a clit then showed me why He did
it. Made perfect sense!" She blushed, aware of admitting a Lesbian
relationship with her best friend. "Too bad our Sunday school teachers
can't discuss such things with us."

Amy continued, "Needless to say, Sandi returned the favor. At least one
night every weekend either she's sleeping over at my house or I'm at
hers. With all that practice we're getting pretty good at fingering and
pussy licking."

"Glad to hear that you two liked it," Lola said. "We all enjoy heathy
girl-on-girl action, even here, so you won't get any complaints from us
about that sort of sinful behavior. It's just that with so many stiff
pricks hanging around, we don't do it very often."

"Yeah, so many guys, so many stiff dicks!" Daisy said with a dreamy
look. "It's so easy to do things here you'd probably never even think
of doing with the schoolboys at home."

Lola laughed. "What my little sister is saying is that often we can
hear her enjoying herself but usually can't see her, as she's buried in
a pile of male flesh with at least three Pridans fucking her."

"Three at once?" asked Sandi, astonished.

"Of course," said Daisy. "Every girl's got three holes. Here we've got
the willing cocks to plug them."

"Three holes? You don't mean -- oh, shit!" screamed Sandi, eyes very

"Well, yeah, it does happen," giggled Sonny. "Just make sure you take a
really good dump in the morning. But don't worry about it until you're
ready. The guys are really nice. They don't pressure you to put out
like at home."

"But -- jeez!" cried Amy. "A big cock back there! Doesn't it hurt?"

Sonny smirked. "You don't think that's why God gave you an asshole?"

Daisy said, "Yeah, it's uncomfortable at first, but I got used to it
pretty fast. And oh, my god, the feeling of a cock sliding in and out
of your pussy while another is pumping your butt!"

"And don't forget the third in your mouth, little sister!" reminded

"Yeah. It's just amazing. Like no way you're gonna get three middle
school boys back home to work together like that. After you get more
experience, Sandi and Amy, and you see what fun everybody's having, I'm
like pretty sure you'll try some new things, stuff you couldn't imagine
yourself doing before."

Lola stood up with a laugh and rubbed her hands down her thighs. The
arch light was bright enough to see white flecks spalling off her legs.
"That stuff is drying on me and I'll bet on the rest of you. That means
it's time for beddie-bye." She smiled at the newcomers. "Well girls,
I'm glad we got to learn about each other. But I bet you're tired. You
should be. Let's all go and crawl under that big night tree and get a
good night's sleep. We can have even more fun tomorrow."

* * *

It was as usual a lovely morning in Woods World. Lola stood admiring
the dawn sunlight on the distant trees and the white arch far overhead,
visible despite the bright blue sky. She turned, hearing an "Oh, wow!"
from behind her. The two newest had just emerged and were bouncing to
their feet.

Amy was bubbling over with enthusiasm. "Look, Sandi! Everything is so
hype, so clean and neat! I didn't know the outdoors could look like

"You're the one who's hype," noted Sandi, looking her friend up and

"I am?"

"Remember what you said just before we went under the tree?"

"I needed to go to the bathroom." She grinned at Sandi and Lola. "And
I needed a bath the worst I ever have."

"I told you to just cut loose," Lola reminded.

Amy shook her head. "That was hard to do."

"But you did it or you wouldn't feel so good this morning."

The girl blushed.

Sandi felt of herself. "We all got baths. Somehow. And my ... Amy,
grind your thighs together."

"I know," said the other girl. "Lola, can I ask you ... shouldn't a
ruptured hymen be sore?"

"Not here, apparently," Lola explained. "I've never heard anyone say,
but we think the tree's root feathers heal us and clean us up at the
same time."

Both girls stared blankly at the woman, who smiled.

"I'll bet you thought you were lying on pine straw. Didn't you feel
them caress you? Now come on, let's follow the Pridans and have
breakfast. We have to take a little trip this morning."

"To meet the big, green Crogans," said Amy expectantly.

Daisy had joined them. She said, "With their really big, green dicks.
You better hope your cherries are totally healed!"

* * *

Despite the smoothly cut greensward, at sight of the palace Sandi was
apprehensive. "Oh, wow! That's not a palace. That's a monster's

Lola studied it from that perspective. It did have conically turreted
roofs and crenellated wall tops.

Sandi added fearfully, "I'll bet it's full of ogres and trolls."

"If you mean the Crogans, they're mighty handsome trolls! You've
watched too much TV from Transylvania."


"Sandi, that's the Palace of Light. At night it lights up this whole
area. Don't you remember: last night we could see its sky glow."

"Is it ... really safe?"

"This whole world is safe!"

Something had been bothering Amy. As they strolled over the grass, she
said, "I didn't understand why Sonny wouldn't come with us."

"That's easy," said Daisy, grinning. "In the morning is when she's
specially a hottie."

"I'm surprised you came," said Lola, shaking her head. "You two are
turning out to be two peas in a pod."

Daisy giggled. The two newcomers regarded Lola quizzically.

She shrugged. "I don't know why I shouldn't say it here. In her own
words Sonny was a frigid little thing who would only suck cocks. Now
she and Daisy are our champion sluts."

Amy mumbled, "I don't ... understand."

"You will when you meet the Crogans. They're all, to a man -- maybe I
should say to a troll for Sandi -- they're all one-shotters."

"What's that?"

"Good for one shot. When a Crogan comes, he's through for the day."


"With sex. To be precise, with fucking. They're still interested in
watching while somebody else fucks, if they don't go to sleep, which is
what usually happens. A lot of human men are like that too, as you will

The girls thought about it. Amy sniggered. "Now I understand what you
meant about Daisy and Sonny."

"Yeah. We spend more time with the Pridans. Guess we're all sluts."

"What exactly does that mean?" said Amy.

"Not in your homeschooling books? I suppose not. A slut is a woman
who'll fuck any man, at least anything man-shaped with a hard dick,
which describes all of us here."

The girls did not argue.

The four original Crogans awaited them in the palace foyer. They
studied the two strangers intently, so much so that Amy inadvertently
covered her breasts with her hands.

"We heard of new girls, Lola," said Jorg admiringly. "These are new

Daisy sniffed. "If they're prettier than me, don't rub it in."

"Maybe he refers to their meekness" said Lola dryly. "What I want to
know, Jorg, is where you heard about angels."

"You told me, Lola, that you were no angel."

"Definition by opposite example! Well, I was right. Gentlemen, these
new faces belong to Amy and Sandi. Amy looks the more mature."

Daisy grinned. "Means she's got bigger boobs, like mine." Indeed
Daisy's equipment had enlarged to become outstanding cones in their own

Lola named the four Crogans, pointing them out in order, adding as she
came to the last, "Did we interrupt something, Targo?"

"Saw you coming," he said. His erect cock bobbed as he nodded.

The new girls gasped but recovered and intoned in unison, "Pleased to
meet you."

"Told you they were handsome," said Lola.

"Oh, wow!" was the response, still in unison.

Jorg asked curiously, "If you are pleased to meet us, may we know you

"Wow!" cried Daisy. "Who taught him manners?"

"I think it's instinct," said Lola. "Amy and Sandi, he wants a kiss."

Sandi twisted around Lola, went directly to the big Crogan and turned
her face up with lips puckered and eyes closed.

"Sandi!" cried Amy.

"Ho, ho!" Daisy muttered approvingly.

After a glance at Lola, who nodded, Jorg caught the girl under her
buttocks, raised her face to his level as if she were a feather and
pressed their lips together. Her arms went around his thick neck and
her hands caressed his bald head.

Daisy murmured to Amy, "She just set your sights."

But the girl didn't understand. "What?"

Daisy shoved her. "Oh, go give the next one a kiss!"

Although terrified, Amy stumbled against Targo, who had led with his
erection and who swept her into his arms.

Daisy sauntered to the next. "Remember me, Sarg?"

"Who can forget Daisy?"

"I love you too." She leapt upon him, wrapping his hips in legs, his
neck in arms and his lips in hers.

"Well, Calg, looks like it's you and me," said Lola, smiling

The last Crogan said earnestly, "Can I fuck with you, Lola, who is the
real angel?"

"For politely asking, Calg, I'll even give you what you like best. But
first, listen up, gentlemen." She jumped upon Calg almost as Daisy had
done Sarg, but leaned away to proclaim, "Give us all rides to the
sporting room, will you, please?"

Indeed they were pleased to agree. The four females rode their husky
steeds through the palace, all but Lola impaled upon her own nine-inch
cock, amidst many joyful exclamations from the three youngest.
Indefinitely postponing her own climax, in the sporting room Lola sucked
Calg to his.

* * *

Chief Jensen visibly examined the featureless door in the last stall of
the women's restroom in the basement of the Lindonfield Baptist Church.
Crowded against him were Policewoman Debbie Homeboro in uniform, Deacon
Jeffers and of course Councilman Arland. Standing outside, unable to
fit, were three male patrolmen in uniform.

"Jeffers, you say this door don't belong here?"

"No, it don't, chief. My wife used this stall about a week ago and said
no door was here then."

"One week, eh? You sure about that?"

"Who cares?" demanded Arland. "Open it, chief!"

"If your wife used it," said Jensen doggedly, "it probably didn't say
_Out Of Order_ either."

"It certainly did not! We don't know who put that there."

"Can't find anybody to admit it, eh?" He looked significantly at
Arland. "Sound familiar?"

"God, Jensen! Just open it!"

The chief assumed an incredulous look. "_Me_ open it? You know I'll
find a closet."

Arlen blinked, taken down a peg. "You're right. Ask the dickless

"Your language, Arland!"


Jensen turned partially toward her. "Debbie, if you please?"

"It's probably locked," she said, putting out her hand.

"In that case I don't have --" began the Deacon.

"No, it isn't," she continued and pushed the knob enough to open a crack
with the jamb.

"Go ahead," urged Arland.

The woman's chin rose slightly. "Just what are my orders, chief?"

"Uh, to ... to find out what's beyond that door. I want you to go
inside whatever it is and take a good look around for a detailed report.
I won't mislead you: it could be dangerous. Two teenage girls vanished
from this stall just this past Sunday. They must've gone through that
door. As soon as you get inside I'll be right behind you."

She squared her shoulders, causing her bounteous chest to swell despite
the restraining legal paraphernalia.

"Make your pistol ready, Debbie."

"If you don't mind, chief ... You said two young girls. If something
startles me I might shoot somebody."

"As you wish, Debbie."

"All right. Here I go."

Probably because of his cautionary advice, instead of throwing it open
she pushed the door forward just enough for her to slip sideways through
it. Those behind her had a glimpse of shaded woods with glimmers of
sunlight, but only a glimpse. If she had not withdrawn it hastily, the
door would have closed on her hand. It slammed shut with a thud.

"After her, guys!" cried the chief. His hand clutched the knob and
twisted. To no avail.

"Holy shit, it's locked?" He glared at the deacon. "How can it be

"You're not a woman," guessed Arland. "Send for another one!"

"Did you see them damn woods?" breathed Deacon Jeffers. "But there's an
empty field on this side of the church!"

"Back out of here!" commanded the chief. "Give me some room."

"What are you gonna do?" demanded Arland.

The chief's answer was to do it. He drew back, shoving Arland aside,
and slammed his considerable body against the door, which had been shown
to open away from the toilet stall. He achieved nothing, not even a
notable thud.

Rubbing his shoulder, he said, "Feels like it's made of steel. Jeffers,
who in this church would pay for a steel door in the basement?"

"'Pay?' I can't imagine _anyone_ in this church paying for it!"

"Holder," said the chief, turning to one of the uniformed policeman
watching silently outside the stall, "go get the battering ram out of
your trunk."

"Yes, sir!" responded the man, who scampered away.

"A ten pound sledge would be better," noted Arland. "In here you don't
have room to swing a ram."

"You got a sledgehammer in your trunk?" demanded the chief.

"Well, no."

"Then shut up."

The chief was breathing hard, still rubbing his shoulder, obviously
short tempered. Arland obeyed.

When Holder returned with the heavy ram, the three in the stall traded
places with those outside.

The chief ordered, "Holder, smash that damn door!"

Inside the stall the three uniformed patrolman arranged themselves
around the bulky ram in the prescribed manner but Holder hesitated.
"Might damage the wall, chief."

"Damage it. The city will pay."

"Let's go, men." The three backed away as far as possible, gripped the
handles tightly and on the count of three swung the ram against the door
with all their strength. It impacted with a thud but nothing else.
Twice more produced no greater effect.

Holder gripped the doorknob and tried to shake it. "Hey, boss, not a
bit of slack in this door. Never saw one so tight!"

The chief took a deep breath. "All right. Come on out of there."

As the men in blue shuffled out, Arland said again, "What are you gonna

"Get Clancy Contracting to open it even if they have to tear it out of
the wall."

"What about your dickless Tracy?"

"Damn you, Arland, you like that stupid phrase, don't you?"

"What about her?"

"Debbie's a sworn policewoman. She'll do her duty."

"Don't you have another one?"

"Tell you what, Arland: go get your wife and let her try that knob."

* * *

Though relatively free of underbrush and warmly sunlit, the woods seemed
ominously silent to Debbie. Her ears registered no sound at all, not of
bird song, cricket nor even the sough of a breeze. Feeling somehow
threatened, despite her recent words to the contrary, she drew her
pistol, held it ready before her and waited.

But no threat materialized. Her anxiety quietened quickly -- perhaps
too quickly if she had been paying attention -- and another feeling
replaced it. Her uniform felt ... stuffy ... no, _stifling_ was the
better word. A policewoman trained to the stakeout, however, was immune
to such trifles. Before her was a clearly evident path, winding deeper
into the woods. "Take a good look around," the chief had said. Smartly
she stepped forward on the path, pistol leading.

In less than a dozen steps she found that she could no longer get her
breath. Worse than stifling, this uniform was _smothering_ her! After
listening for a moment -- still no sound -- she returned the pistol to
its holster and began disrobing. Fortunately a basket-sized boulder lay
nearby to receive her neatly folded clothing. Immediately after setting
pistol and boots atop the rest, her breathing eased.

She panted, looking around for cameras or other watchers but finding
none. Despite realizing that her wisest act would be to retrieve the
clothing and return through the door still visible in the solid rock
wall behind her, she found herself continuing onward upon the path.

She shook her head. "Debbie, what's got into you?" Then she rounded a
bend and came upon Lola's stack of clothing: evidence of many things but
principally that she was not naked here alone.

* * *

"I didn't get a chance to tell you, Sonny," said Lola, swallowing the
last of her fruchup. "That was quite a trick you showed last night.
The Pridans are small but their dicks are not. You were so covered in
Pridans and I couldn't see exactly how you did it. Did you really get
three Pridan dicks into your bottom at once?"

The blonde giggled and answered proudly, "Oh, yes, that's old-hat. Plus
two in my mouth, one in each hand and another one between my boobs. Can
you believe how much they've _grown_?"

"The _Pridans_? Oh. Yes, like Daisy you've grown up in the last month
here. But the next time I want to see how you take three at once."

"The other night I managed four in my bottom at once."

Lola studied her. "I can't believe they didn't get in each other's

"Oh, they did. I admit it's tricky. But -- there's Purd." She raised
her voice. "Purd, come here and tell Lola what we did the other night."

A Pridan, identifiable by a scar on his cheek, sauntered up to Sonny and
like an owner petting his dog, squeezed her nearer tit. He grinned at
Lola. "You mean four at once?"


"We did it, Lola: Lidd and I in her ass and two others in her pussy, I
forget who."

"If you say so, Purd." She added thoughtfully, "I think Pridans,
because they're already accustomed to fucking each other, can really
enjoy the same woman together, better than men anyway."

Sonny was interested. "Why can't men do it?"

"Well, they can. Mostly they won't. They're too possessive, especially
of women -- most of them."

"I think you're right." Sonny shook her head. "But I'm not ready to
give up on men. I want a baby someday."

"About that ... When are you due a period?"

Sonny's eyebrows rose. "Odd that you ask. I would've expected --"

An excited Pridan pushed between the seated women. "Lola! Another
woman has come!"

"The more the merrier!" cried Lola, getting to her feet with a grin.
"Come on. Let's welcome her before the Pridans scare her to death."

"Ting is the only one there," said the news bearer, regarding Lola in
wonder. "The woman is twice as big."

Sonny also stood up but shrank back, spreading her hands away from her
glistening body. "Meet a new woman like this?"

Lola giggled. "You're right. _We're_ the ones who'd scare her!" She
gestured at the nearby brook. "This water is cold but we'll dry off
running through the woods."

Splashing herself and shivering, Sonny looked around. "Where are Daisy
and the others?"

"Did you forget? They're in the seeing room studying history. Harley
insists they mustn't neglect their education."

Sonny sniffed. "History of what, fucking? You know, I didn't graduate

"Well, if it's any consolation, you certainly don't need a high-school
certificate here. Now I remember why you didn't get the word. You were
fucking the last Crogan when Harley set the schedule."

The girl grinned despite her shakes. "God, I love Pooter! He's got an
air about him."

"Yeah, I know what you love about Pooter."

* * *

Because of the ablutions, a crowd of Pridans arrived at Front Door Rock
before Lola and Sonny. The dwarves stood around, mainly fucking each
other, and refrained from interfering with Ting. The newcomer was down
on all fours in the grass while the lone Pridan, clutching her hips,
drove his oversized cock into her from behind.

Lola and Sonny strolled around the laboring couple. As reported, the
woman was at least twice the size of her lover: not quite obese but
certainly well fleshed with broad buttocks, heavy thighs and full
drooping breasts bouncing in response to Ting's effort. She had reddish
auburn hair fluffed close around her head. Her plain features were
contorted as if in pain but the rolling hip motion dispelled that idea.

Sonny observed, "Ting is good for a long push."

"Oh, yeah?" retorted Lola. "Thought you couldn't tell them apart!"

The girl smiled complacently. "I can tell Ting. My nose fits perfectly
under his balls." A moment later her eyes widened. "I can't believe I
told anybody that!"

"Maybe I'm not just anybody. _Under_ his balls?"

"In a gang 69."

"I see. What happened to your gag reflex?"

"Oh, I learned to swallow a whole Pridan dick right away. I'm still
working on the Crogans."

"Yeah. They don't last long enough for practice."

"I don't think they like cocksucking -- not like the Pridans." Sonny's
tone suggested a fresh realization.

Lola would have agreed -- except for Calg -- but at that moment the new
woman issued a moan with the sound of anguish, followed by, "Oh, god,
you sweet little fucker, I'm coming _again_!" After that she produced a
series of soft, contralto cries.

"She's a screamer," noted Sonny, "like Betsy Myers."

"Friend of yours?"

"A tosser."

"A what?"

"You know: the one the other cheerleaders throw into the air. Why do
guys like screamers so much?"

"Betsy got all the attention, did she?"

"A lot of it, just not in public."

"Guys like to think they're the cause of all that noise."

"Huh! When I'm coming, I don't think to holler and when I'm not, it's
too silly."

"You're an honest girl, Sonny. Look at that, will you?"

The Pridan, cock dripping, had walked around the woman, bent, taken her
head in his hands and tilted it up for a long, wet kiss. She obviously

Sonny observed, "When you pop together is the best."

"Learned that, have you?"

"Only after I came here."

"We've taught the Pridans a thing or two also," said Lola. "They're a
lot more willing to let their feelings hang out."

The new woman sat up and pulled her lover into the hollow of her crossed
legs. Oblivious to their surroundings, she said, "You little sweetie,
tell me your name again."

"I am Ting. Debbie is the sweet one."

"Ting. What a lovely sound, like thumping a glass rim! Oh, Ting! I
never imagined that little boys ..." Her hand stroked the
not-yet-wilted cock thrusting up through her auburn pubic bush. "Not
that any little boy ever had something like this! Or a grandpa's head
either. Whatever you are, Ting, I love you." She blinked. "While
we're on the subject, what are you anyway?"

Ting had been paying external attention. His thumb jerked over his
shoulder. "They'll tell you."

The woman sat straighter and looked around. Her eyes widened
dramatically. "Oh, my God!"

Lola squatted beside her. "Don't be embarrassed. Believe me, _here_
you are right at home, just as you are right now. I am Lola and this is
Sonya, who prefers to be called Sonny."

The woman's expression hardened. "Lola Simpson and Sonya Higgins,

Lola was fast on the uptake. "So. Somebody spilled the beans. Are you
from some welfare agency?"

"Bad guess. I am Deborah Homeboro, Police Badge 47, for the Lindonfield
Police. Are the three juveniles here somewhere? I saw their clothing."

"A policewoman! Of course."

"Somewhat out of uniform, I admit," said the woman dryly.

"Aren't we all!" agreed Lola. "Did you come here to arrest us?"

"No. My orders were to look around enough to write a report."

"Well, Deborah," said Lola with an opening smile, "there's a lot more to

"Call me Debbie," said the woman with a tentative answering smile. "And
I did try to arrest Ting, meaning to stop him from running off with his

She giggled. "I'm like, 'Stop! You're under arrest!'

"He only grins at me and stands there, pumping his cock: a little boy
with an old man's head pumping one of the biggest cocks I ever saw. I
tell you, I just melted. I could actually feel my insides running down
my legs: hottest thing I ever felt!"

Lola nodded. "Yeah, I know. Which portal did you use, the library or
the church?"

"The library? I came here through an impossible door in the Baptist
Church ladies' restroom. How does that work?"

Lola gestured indifferently. "That's Harley's magic. You'll meet him

Debbie wanted to ask if this Harley was the gang boss but Ting was
playing with her tits. He looked over his shoulder at Lola and back at
Debbie with a grin. "Yours are the biggest." No one doubted his

Debbie's hand raised the nipple into his nearby mouth. Having helped
Daisy grow hers, he knew what to do, opened up, sucked it in and stroked
it with his tongue.

"Ooo!" she moaned. "Ting, honey, you are talented!"

The watching Lola smiled. "These little guys are called Pridans,
Debbie. Just two or three months ago I was their first woman. It's
amazing how fast they've adapted to us."

"They've got no women of their own?"

"This place is called Woods World. The other girls and I -- and you --
brought here the first boobs and vaginas."

"That's awful! What did they do for ... for ..."

"For sex? They fucked each other."

"You mean they're all, uh, gay?" Her eyes flashed. "I assure you, this
one is not!"

Lola chuckled. "No, Debbie, the human words don't apply here. Harley
says they are female with penises. I told him that's the ultimate
contradiction in terms. He means they have a woman's attitude toward
life. They're not aggressive."

"Nothing gay about my Ting!"

"I am your Ting," said the Pridan in her lap, raising his head from a

"Damn right you're mine! And this thing is hard as ever."

The Pridan backed out of her lap and stretched out on his back before
her, feet together touching her shin. The large cock stood straight up.

Sonny giggled. "That's a real invitation!"

Debbie blinked. "He can do it again so soon?"

Lola said proudly, "Pridans may be the strongest fuckers in the

Debbie crawled forward over Ting but hesitated. "Honey, I'll squash

"No, you won't," said Lola. "Stay on all fours. He'll push himself up.
He's leaving room for Fung, you see."

"For what?"

A Pridan stepped forward with a smile, slowly stroking his erect cock.

"For this one." Lola gestured around them. "You've got a bunch of
eager admirers, Debbie. Fung, you got any lube?"

The smiling dwarf spat a large gob into his hand.

Lola shook her head. "Where've you been, Fung? Olive oil works better,
especially if Debbie rarely takes it in the butt. Fung, go over to that
tree and bring the oil bottle from the hanging basket."

Sonny piped up. "I thought the Crogans kept all that oil in the palace!
They're sharing it with the Pridans now?"

"Yeah, since they got the old press working properly. Now we have lots
of oil. I convinced Jorg to share it. Murr, Dove, and I have been
placing bottles here and there in the various clearings just for butt

Debbie blinked. "Olive oil? Crogans?"

"We'll take you to meet them later. They've got dicks even bigger than
the Pridans. You definitely want some lube when you take one of those
up your poop chute."

Taking the bottle from Fung, Lola dribbled oil in Debbie's ass crack
then massaged into the puckered asshole.

"Good, you're lubed up now." With an engaging smile she continued to
run oily fingers into and out of the slippery anus. "Debbie, am I the
first female to play with this little rosebud?"

"Uh, yeah. I've avoided, ah, 'unnatural behavior.' But wow!"

Lola giggled. "We're two consenting adults, you know, so this sort of
thing is legal in all states now."

"Don't worry, I'm not planning on arresting anyone for sodomy or
anything. Umm, keep it up, that's ... I don't know, it's different but

Lola withdrew her fingers, and said "I trust you know about anal sex.
Fung's cock will feel better than my fingers."

"I've tried it once or twice." She eyed Fung's equipment as he rubbed
some oil over the length of it. "Just not with a dick that big!"

"You know you've shat bigger. Try it. You'll like it."

"Oh, god!" She tilted her head to look down at the dwarf beneath her.
"Ting, honey, do you mind?"

He bent to one side to gaze up at Lola in wonder.

She said, "Debbie, he wants it."

"All right, then. Ting, can you put your dick in from down there?"

Yes, he could and did so easily with back arched above dug-in heels. It
seemed the woman was already wet. Meanwhile Fung set the oil bottle on
the ground, rubbed the oily head of his dick up and down Debbie's
buttocks crack and slowly penetrated. Apparently she knew to relax the
sphincter, for he slipped readily into her alternate avenue.

"Oh, god!" cried Debbie in a curious mixture of wonder and acceptance,
looking up at Lola. "Oh, god!" she repeated.

"Like that, do you?"

"Oh, yes. Two at once is a first for me."

"I guarantee it won't be your last. Would you care to try for three?"

"Three? You mean ..."

A third Pridan had knelt before her to stroke his cock almost in her

"Ting, is this all right with you?"

"Yes, Debbie."

She had noticed Pridans sucking each other all around them. "When in
Rome ... or Woods World, as the case may be, do like the natives do,"
she said in mock resignation, opened her mouth and slurped it in.

Pridans sidled up to Lola and Sonny. Shortly a full-fledged orgy was in
progress before the Front Door Rock.

* * *

After supper and a second orgy the three women sat alone in the night
tree clearing. The huge single tree had already taken in all the local

Debbie asked, "Are we supposed to sleep under that tree too?"

"You'll love it," said Sonny. "It's very comfortable. And it'll clean
you up a lot better than that freezing cold brook."

"I hope so!" Debbie shivered in memory.

They sat in companionable silence until Debbie pointed upward. "When
are you going to explain all this?" She waved her arm about.

"I'll tell you what Harley told me," said Lola. "Whether you believe it
or not is up to you, but that arch up there is a pretty fair piece of

"I'm listening."

Lola talked for several minutes. Sonny, who might have heard it before,
listened as intently as Debbie. She was the first to comment. "Wow!
Five million years in the future!"

"And the earth destroyed!" said Debbie sarcastically.

"Just the crust," corrected Lola, "broken up and melted in a meteor
bombardment. Some kind of war several million years ago, not long
enough for the crust to reform."

"I can almost believe that part," said Debbie. "People are just evil,
especially the ones in power."

"A policewoman's perspective," noted Lola.

"Yeah, I've seen a lot of it," Debbie continued. "Are you sure those
juveniles are okay?"

"I'm certain. Nothing in this world today will harm them. Except

Sonny said, "He's been laying low."

"Yeah." Lola smiled. "I put the fear of women in him."

"How?" asked Debbie.

"With a little judo. My S.O. insisted I study it. That reminds me.
Debbie, you don't have the look of it, but do you have any kids?"

"Not yet, which is the reason the chief sent me instead of another cop."

"That and the fact that only females can come through a portal."

"How does that work?"

"As I said before, more of Harley's magic. Debbie, I'm very glad he
sent you."

"Are you?"

"Oh, yes. Now don't get me wrong. It's been lots of fun playing mother
hen to three middle school girls, but I really wanted another adult.
You're close, Sonny, so don't get your feelings hurt. You'd rather fuck
than talk to me. Harley is the thing here that comes closest but he's
just weird."

"What exactly _is_ Harley?" said Debbie.

"He claims he's an AI -- an Artificial Intelligence -- created by the
people who come after us -- after us humans are all gone. He runs the
robots that take care of this place. He's the boss."

"When will I meet him?"

"Tomorrow morning we'll go to the palace. Didn't I tell you? That
faint glow over there is where it's at -- I don't know -- maybe two or
three miles away."

Debbie craned her neck. "I was wondering about it. So they do have

Lola sniffed. "Not so's you could tell it. That place is lit all the
time but I've yet to see the first light bulb."

"Then how?"

"'Harley's magic' is all I can say."

Debbie rubbed her arms and smiled. "Well, I like his magic if that's
why here on a warm summer night we're not getting eat up by mosquitoes."

"No pests," explained Sonny. "I remember that part."

"The god that Harley used to report to," said Lola, "the one that built
Woods World, ruled against anything that bites. According to Harley, he
-- I mean _She_ -- didn't even allow microbes. No germs in Woods

"Aren't some of them beneficial?" Debbie wondered.

"He says the food includes whatever we need for that. It must be true.
You can tell, and you'll see more evidence tomorrow, we're all healthy
as clams."

"That's ... hard to believe, actually."

"Yeah, but it's true." Lola stood up. "Ladies, it's been a hard day's
fucking. Debbie, you ought to be exhausted."

"Maybe I am."

"Then come on. Let's go nighty-night."

"Yes, Mom," said Sonny with a giggle.

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