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The following story is about the goings on of a ranch. Not any
ordinary ranch mind you, but one where the commodity is of human
female cattle. Many stories exist on human female ponies, cattle
is the next logical choice of venue. Perhaps I may be starting a
new genre. Some of the ideas contained in this story are inspired
by the S&M art of Dolcett. The subject matter is extremely
non-consensual. Reader beware!
Chapter 1 -- The abductions
Linda worked nights. Toughened by her efforts to survive New
York City's hostile atmosphere, she had few friends. No family to
speak of, no one who really cared for her. She was always on her
guard. You never know who or what may be stalking you. It was
just a few hours before dawn and she was making way on foot back to
her apartment. As Linda walked, her slender hips swayed back and
forth in the way that has enticed men through-out the ages. The
cool night air made the nipples of her full breasts erect. Being
that it was summer, Linda neglected to ware a bra. Linda's long,
almost jet black hair refused to stay in place in the pre-dawn wind
Have to get out of here some day, Linda thought. Warily she
made her way down the street. Some drunks yelled obscenities to
her. She just ignored them as if they weren't even there. However
just to be safe, Linda decided to take a detour down an alley
perpendicular to her line of travel. A connecting street would
take her where she wants to go just as well. Straight ahead she
looked, not noticing a van slowly pulling aside her. The rear
doors of the van already open, a pair of men jumped out and rushed
towards Linda. Turning her head around towards the van, Linda
screamed as the pair roughly grabbed her. One holding her by her
torso, and the other grabbing her legs, Linda was quickly shoved
into the van. It never even stopped. Showing great proficiency
for their work, before Linda could even comprehend what was
happening, the two men had her hog-tied and securely positioned in
the back of the van. Promptly increasing speed, the van headed for
the freight terminal of a nearby airport. Later a wandering
homeless person would find a lone shoe near the point of Linda's
abduction. Someone had a wild party the night before he would
Almost simultaneous to the activities in New York, in a tavern
on the south side of Milwaukee, Mary had just finished her last
drink of the night. Love to party and live to party, that was her
motto. Mary lived off her parents. Although frequently prodded to
get a job, she would have none of that. Something of a tease, Mary
often would goad her male companions into a suggestion of lechery.
Frequently the men were left short of the final goal. Mary used
her ample bosom to her advantage. Easily a 40 D cup, low cut
dresses were worn revealing them like trophies. Her hips were also
of ample size. Not that Mary was obese, no far from that
condition, she could succinctly be described as having a pleasing
Being that the bar was about to close, and Mary not let partied-
out, a new male acquaintance suggested that she accompany him to
another late night party. Being slightly intoxicated, Mary quickly
agreed to do so. A short walk from the bar led to the man's car.
Driving in a southerly direction, the man drove into a more
industrial portion of the city. Even as intoxicated as she was,
Mary began to wonder. "Where's the party? Are you sure that we're
at the right address?".
"Quite sure", replied her male driver. Parking the car behind
a dimly lit building, he quickly reached over and grabbed Mary's
left arm. "What the hell do you think you are doing!", demanded
Mary. No sooner had Mary said this than a pair of men came up to
the car, opened the passenger door and escorted Mary into a waiting
van. Once inside, like Linda, Mary was quickly hog-tied and
tightly secured. Leaving the vacant building, the van than
proceeded to the freight terminal of the Milwaukee airport. "Party
on", smirked Mary's former friend as he watched the van speed away.
Several hours later, both Linda and Mary came together somewhere
in Florida. Removed from their individual crates, they were
repackaged together into a single large overseas shipping
container. Several other women joined them as well. All were
stripped naked. Well drugged, each woman was wrapped in a blanket
and placed on overlapping selves within the container. Leather
straps held each of them in place. Enabling the container's
self-contained oxygen supply, the container was sealed airtight.
Nothing, not even the loudest sound could escape the container's
Onto a waiting ship was the container of human female cargo
loaded. Their destination was the OK Ranch. Located on a remote
Caribbean island, once there the women's' lives would be forever
Chapter 2 -- Transformations
Linda awoke naked and stretched vertically. Bound to a low
ceiling by her wrists and to the floor by her wide spread angles,
she was held taught. Regaining her vision Linda noticed several
other naked women bound like herself. About the bound women other
women gathered. What at first appeared to be extremely tight
garments, upon closer inspection revealed themselves as tattoos.
None of the attending women had any body hair below the neck. With
the exception of body piercings of their nipples, clitoris, and
labia, the women attending to those that were bound were also quite
naked. Universal in their appearance, the women in attendance had
their hair tightly bound in a single pony tail. They were also
deeply tanned.
One female attendant approached Linda with what Linda recognized
as a electrolysis kit. "What do you think you are doing? Who are
you people?", Linda shouted at the naked woman. No reply was
forthcoming. Without further ado, Linda had all of her body hair
from her neck down, permanently removed. The electric current from
the electrolysis needle caused Linda much pain. She was glad when
it was finally over. Upon the completion of this task, the
attendant rinsed Linda completely with lukewarm water.
All of the other bound females had been similarly attended to.
At this point a new pair entered the auditorium of bound women.
One of the pair, a woman, naked and heavily covered with tattoos,
carried a sharpened stick. Her companion, a man, was modestly
clothed in a skimpy loincloth and polo shirt. In his left hand he
balanced a clipboard. "What a fine collection we have this time",
remarked the man as he scanned across the assembly of bound women.
Proceeding from one bound woman to the next, he quickly made
notations on the clipboard. The naked woman with the stick
accompanied him without saying a thing. Occasionally they would
stop and more closely examine one of the bound captives. The woman
with the stick would use the stick as a pointer to bring to the
man's attention some detail of a particular bound woman's anatomy.
An extra large pair of breasts or ample hips brought extra special
attention. His decisions, as indicated by the markings on the
clipboard, determined which of two classes of slaves, workers or
cattle, the naked bound women would be placed. This decision
would profoundly affect what little future the bound women had
Pausing in front of Mary, the man reached over with his free
hand and caressed Mary's ample left breast. "A fine milker we have
here", he remarked. Moving his hand from her breast and down the
side of Mary's body to her wide hips he added, "This cow should
also have no problem calving". Mary just stared at him with
disbelief. How dare he call her a cow!, Mary thought. The man
then quickly poked a finger into her now hairless vagina. Mary
stiffened noticeably. "Probably have no difficulty conceiving
either", he added again. His female companion just nodded in
The inspection concluded, the new captives were taken down and
separated into two groups. Linda and two other women were escorted
into what appeared to be a modern version of a blacksmith shop.
Here they were again vertically bound with their legs spread far
apart. Tightly secured, the three women waited impatiently for the
blacksmith. The remainder of the captives, which included Mary and
was the largest of the two subsets, were taken to a surgical ward.
Into a operating theater they were brought and as a group each of
them were bound onto their sides on hospital cots. On each bound
woman, female attendants disinfected a small area on the neck
immediately below the chin. These new captives were about to lose
part of their humanity.
Constrained by her bounds, Linda squirmed in a vain attempt at
freedom. "Keep still! You're lucky to be here.", yelled the
approaching blacksmith. Attired in only a loincloth and full-
length apron, the blacksmith grabbed one of Linda's nipples and
pulled it taught. Before Linda could yell at him, the blacksmith
extracted a sharp needle from his right hand and quickly pierced
Linda's left nipple near its base. Linda screamed. A second
needle then pierced the remaining nipple. Leaving the needles in
place for what seemed to Linda an extremely long time, the
blacksmith procured a pair of stainless steel rings of about two
inches in diameter. Pulling out each needle, he clamped a ring in
its place. Satisfied with the results on Linda's nipples, the
blacksmith then repeated the piercing process on Linda's clitoris
and labia lips. On her lower parts one inch diameter rings were
employed. Her piercings would never be removed. The other two
women then had their body parts pierced just as Linda had.
Naked, shaved, and now pierced, Linda and the two other women
were next brought to what resembled a small movie theater. Each of
them were bound into a chair facing the movie screen. Female
attendants then clipped electrodes to their nipples and clitoris.
Each hand was positioned over a button on the arms of the chair.
Drugs were administered to reduce inhibitions. Into the movie
theater entered a short oriental man.
"Greetings ladies", he said to them somewhat sarcastically.
"You're now going to watch a little movie. Beneath each of your
hands is a button. Red on the right and green on the left. The
movie will show examples of proper slave behavior. At certain
points the action will pause and an answer from you will be
expected. To simplify things, all that is required is a simple yes,
the green button, or a no, the red button. Wrong answers will be
replied with the nasty surprise of an electrical shock applied to
some sensitive part of your body. An increasing frequency of
incorrect answers will be responded to by ever increasing
electrical current levels. You get the idea." Finishing his
speech, the lights dimmed and the movie began.
At first Linda tried to counter the suggestions made by the
film. She was soon sweating profusely from the effects of the
electrical shocks. It soon became too much to bear. The drugs
given to her had some effect as well. After a point it was all
that she could do to please those controlling her. To submit and
obey was pleasurable. Resistance brought only pain and suffering.
The oriental man applied his skill in brainwashing extremely well.
Techniques that he had first learned long ago during what was known
in the United States as the Korean war, he applied with skill of a
master craftsman. Watching the progress of the three new worker
slaves, he smiled.
Mary felt no pain as a male attendant made an incision on her
neck just below the chin. Although fully awake, a local anesthetic
numbed the area of the cut. A gag precluded Mary from uttering any
profanities while the operation took place. Carefully avoiding
arteries, the vocal cords were adroitly removed. Mary would never
speak again. Who cares to hear the babble of a cow? Her vocal
cavity was carefully reshaped so nothing more than a moo sound
could be produced. This procedure was repeated to all the other
captives in the operating theater.
The operation completed, the captives next stop was the
blacksmith shop. Drugs temporarily deadened the pain of surgery.
One by one, they were bound across a stout post and branded on the
right ass cheek. As is proper in the identification of cattle, the
OK Ranch marked all of its cattle with an unique brand. An O with
a K shifted half way to the right served as the ranch's brand.
Anyone could tell from where they came by this permanent marking.
Further labeling these former women as cattle was a nose ring.
Dangling from the one half inch diameter ring was a miniature cow
bell. A high pitched ringing that could be heard from some distance
would defy their presence. Special curved needles aided the
installation of the nose rings.
Muted screams filled the blacksmith shop as the ass branding and
nose piercing proceeded. Without vocal cords not much of a sound,
beyond something vaguely resembling a cow's moo, could be heard.
Anesthesia is not part of the blacksmith's trade.
Grasping the red hot branding iron, the blacksmith quickly
forced the brand down on Mary's right ass cheek. Eyes wide, a loud
moo involuntarily escaped from Mary's lips. After a slow count to
ten, the branding iron was removed revealing Mary's OK brand. The
smell of burned flesh filled the room.
Pleased of his work on Mary's lovely buttocks, the blacksmith
couldn't help himself. He slowly ran his rough hands over her
ravaged flanks. Mary was bound such that her legs were spread wide
apart. Her hairless cunt, now opened as a result, made too
tempting a target. Releasing his hard penis from his meager
loincloth, the blacksmith quickly forced his way into Mary gapping
cunt. Mary shock back and forth as she was fucked. As with the
initial assault, all that Mary could utter was a definite cow like
moo. The blacksmith promptly came. After all, he had many more
new cows to brand.
The conversion of Mary and her companions into cattle by now was
almost complete. The last treatment is the administration of
various drugs. Synthetic female hormone combined with other
compounds will initiate the milk production of their breasts.
Pregnancy now not necessary to simulate milk production, will
however enhance the drug's affect. Other drugs serve to suppress
their cognitive abilities. The new cows would spend much of their
time on their hands and knees. Feeding, mating, milking, and the
release of their bodily wastes, are all to be performed on all
fours. Only when they are on their way to the slaughter house,
would they again walk on bipedally. They are to become docile
animals, evermore dependent on the care of their keepers.
Chapter 3 -- A Slave's Work is Never Done
Emerging from their conditioning session, Linda and her two
companions were greeted by Ann, the lead worker slave. Ann was
richly tattooed. Tattooed much more than any of the other worker
slaves, Ann's tattooing marked both her length of service and
position in the ranch's social order. There was almost no spot on
her body, from her toes up to her forehead, that was not marked.
Definitely the illustrated woman. Of course her nipples, labia, and
clitoris bore the same set of rings as did all the other w orker
"Well ready for the first day of the rest of your lives?", Ann
greeted them with just a hint of sarcasm. Ann escorted the three
new worker slaves to the bacheloret living quarters. Again
addressing the new worker slaves, "Here you will reside until
joining the harem of one of the male overseers. Hopefully your
stay here will be short. The production of the next generation of
female workers and male overseers is in your hands."
Linda now recognized Ann. She was the male overseer's female
companion during the new captives initial inspection. Although
Linda secretly desired to speak up, Linda's conditioning kicked in
when in the presence of authority. Linda and her two companions
just stood there with their heads slightly bowed. Only when
addressed would Linda speak.
Leaving their new home, Ann gave the three new worker slaves a
guided tour of the ranch.
Their first stop was the worker nursery. Adjoining the
worker/overseer bunk houses, the worker nursery was essentially a
day and sometimes night care facility. Children, both females who
were naked, and males wearing the common brief loincloths, of all
ages from month old infants to adolescent teenagers were present.
At quite early ages the males were taught dominance over their
female siblings. From this stock would come forth the next
generation of slaves and masters.
"Expectant mothers are frequently assigned duties here", Ann
pointed out to the new workers. Indeed, most of the workers in
attendance were quite pregnant. Naked, their enlarged belies gave
away their condition. None of the pregnant workers seemed to mind.
They all went about their duties oblivious of each others nudity.
"Each of you will most likely be temporarily assigned to the
nursery from time to time." Linda's only response was a barely
noticeable grimace.
The small group then headed out across the island to the fields.
"An extreme variety of vegetables and fruits are in production.
Most of which is consumed locally.", Ann told the new slaves. Due
to the ranch's tropical location, there was no discernible
demarcation of the growing seasons. It happened to be planting
time. Naked female worker slaves labored to manually place seed
into the ground. Following immediately behind those planting seed,
other female workers spread fertilizer. Linda didn't tak e any
notice of the fertilizer. It consisted of white granules about the
size of roughly ground sand. Sweat dripped from their bodies.
Women bearing water bags labored incessantly to bring water to
those doing the planting. Overlooking this activity were a number
of male overseers. They walked around urging on the female
workers with cattle prods. Any slackness resulted in the painful
application of the end of a cattle prod to the naked buttocks of an
unlucky female worker. Linda noticed that most of the workers
were quick and efficient in the execution of their duties.
Continuing their walk, Ann pointed to an overseer busily
fornicating with one of his female charges. The woman was busily
accepting the male's member from behind while on her hands and
knees. To and fro they rocked, not noticing the world around
them. "Ah the joys of out door living", remarked Ann.
Leaving the open fields, they then approached the stockade where
the formerly human cattle were kept. Within the pen, several
hundred cows meandered about. Linda observed that the cows all
were female ranging in age from young children to no more than
thirty. They were all quite naked. Like the worker slaves, with
exception of their neatly bound head hair, they were also
completely hairless. Universally, the adults had enormous breasts.
For increased milk production the new workers were told. All were
on all fours.
Addressing her charges, Ann lectured, "Now you see the primary
reason for the ranch's existence. The products of these once human
cows, both their milk and meat, result in greater than ninety
percent of the ranch's income." Linda's eyes opened wide when she
heard the word meat. She was in the presence of cannibals! Linda
had a hard time accepting what she heard Ann say. Ann continued,
"Later on you will all participate in our annual festival. Many
wealthy customers will pay great amounts to partake in our orgies.
You worker slaves will serve them both sexually and with the
byproducts of some of the cows that you see here. We have many
connoisseurs of human female flesh who visit us each year."
Many female workers attended to the herd of cows. And as usual,
a few male overseers stood guard with cattle prods ready. The cows
required almost constant attention. As the new workers watched,
several naked workers herded together a small group of cows for
bathing. Armed with sharpened sticks, a quick poke to the buttocks
coupled with loud shouts, got the sub-herd together in the bathing
area. The cows had to be kept clean for otherwise parasites would
degrade the flesh. Moving through a line, more workers rinsed the
cows with a steady stream of cold soapy water. A final rinse
completed the bath.
Simultaneously, another sub-herd was being directed to milking
stations. The milking stations consisted of a line of pumps, each
pump fitted with a pair of suction cups. Located at a pump on
hands and knees, a cow would have the suction cups strapped to her
tits. With the cup firmly attached to the nipple, milking took
about a half hour.
Proceeding between the pens, Ann's group came across a much
smaller pen containing several also formerly human male bulls.
Linda starred at their huge sexual organs. "These few males have
been lobotomized. Their only function now is to procreate with the
cows. Observe their enlarged penises and testicles. By the
administration of male hormones and other drugs they are each
capable of impregnating up to a dozen cows in a single day."
Directly speaking to Linda, Ann added, "Oh by the way, make sure
that you don't get caught in there with them all by yourself. That
happened once. The poor girl almost didn't survive. Maybe it
would have been better if she hadn't. Nine months later she had
quintuplets. All cows. We usually don't roast worker slaves, but
with her we made an exception. She was the center piece of the
next festival." Linda made a mental note to stay clear of the bull
Not far from the cattle pens was the slaughter house. A vast
kitchen and dining complex adjoined it. From holding pens
configured not unlike those existing at a more conventional meat
packing plant, cows would enter, get prepared for cooking, and end
up being served to the ranch's guests in the dining area. "The
slaughter house only operates during the festival. We keep the
meat alive until the last moment to guarantee freshness.", Ann told
her group.
Entering via a side door, the interior of the slaughter house
appeared quite mechanical. Each step in the process of reducing an
exhuman cow to a tasty meal was demarcated by a sequence of
processing stations. Upon entering one end of the slaughter house
from a steep ramp, each cow was first cleaned, both inside and out.
As well as enduring an exterior scrubbing, both the cow's vaginal
and anal orifices were cleaned out. Next came an inspection. A
government employed inspector would place the governme nt's
official stamp of approval upon the cow's flesh. The stamp serves
to signify both the quality of the flesh and that the appropriate
taxes had been paid. Cannibalism having a long history on the
islands was legal here. Regulation and the consequential paying of
taxes brought this tradition into modern times. Next came the
impaling. The cow was placed into an impaling fixture. With legs
spread apart and head forced back, the cow was forced down upon a
sharpened staff by the force of gravity. The staff entered at the
vagina and exited from the mouth. Impaling happened quickly.
Frequently the impaled cows went to the ovens still alive.
Only a few steps from the impaling fixture was the kitchens.
Several open gas fired ovens lines one wall of the kitchen. Each
oven was essentially a brick lined pit with a rotisserie on top.
Space was set aside between the ovens to allow workers to
continuously bast rotating cow flesh with sauces. Along the
opposite kitchen wall were several horizontal three foot by seven
foot tables constructed from butcher block. It took Linda a moment
to realize what these were. They were human size cutting boards
Chapter 4 -- Milking and Breeding
Mary was having trouble adjusting to her new surroundings. Not
only was her constant nudity a bit much, but whenever she tried to
stand someone would either poke in the ass with a sharpened stick
or she would feel the pain induced by a cattle prod. What ever
they had given her had seriously clouded her judgment. Mary found
it difficult to respond with anything, but the most basic of
instinctual behaviors. She did however soon realize that by
emulating the habits of her fellow cows the pain was reduced.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Several of the keepers headed Mary's way. A male at the lead
carried a length of looped rope. Female worker slaves followed
him. Not yet used to maneuvering on hands and knees, Mary had
little hope of escape. The lead male quickly tossed the rope
around Mary's neck. With the loop end of the rope pulled tight,
Mary was then led to a separate section of the pen. Just like a
cow. The rope chafed at Mary's tender flesh. With her altered
vocal cavity, all that Mary could utter was, "moo, moo".
"You new girls need to see how it's done. The cow needs to be
firmly lashed to the breeding brace.", lectured the lead male.
Moving Mary in position over the breeding brace, essentially a
wooden sawhorse with attachment points for both the hands in front
and the feet in the back, the female worker slaves moved adroitly
to position Mary's arms and legs in the proper positions for
breeding. "Now tie both the hands and the feet", added the male.
Pulling hard down on Mary's arms, one pair of female slaves
tied Mary's wrists to the base of the breeding brace. Almost
simultaneously, another pair of female slaves pulled Mary's legs
into a wide Vee shape and likewise tied her feet to the opposite
side of the base of the breeding brace. Lashed as Mary was, she
was positioned face down perpendicularly across the breeding brace.
Mary tried in vane to move off the brace. She was bound so tightly
that all Mary could manage was some small back and forth movements
across the brace. Her cunt was open and indefensible.
"OK, now the amusement begins." Gesturing with his hands, the
lead male directed a pair of males armed with cattle prods to bring
a bull from the separate bull enclosure. The male handlers moved
the bull to a position directly behind Mary. Mary turning her head
to see what was approaching her, gasped in terror. The thought of
the man-animal's enormous penis penetrating her filled her mind
with dread. She renewed her struggle against the bounds
restricting her. There would be no escape. A pair of th
e female slaves placed the bull's hands high up on Mary's back.
The bull almost foamed at the mouth with anticipation. Looking
around, the lead male eyed a new worker slave. "Linda, you've got
to learn to do it eventually. Guide the bull's penis into the
cow's cunt.", ordered the lead overseer.
Remembering Ann's story, Linda cringed at the thought of having
anything to do with the bull. Particularly with its penis. The
bull stood ready with its prick stiff and erect. "Couldn't you
have one of the other girls do it?", meekly asked Linda.
"Do as you're told! I could have you transformed into a cow for
refusing an overseer's order.", yelled the lead male back at Linda.
The other female slaves looked aghast to Linda for saying what she
did. A worker does not talk back to an overseer. Feeling the peer
pressure, Linda stepped up to the bull. Reaching underneath the
bull's belly, she grasped the penis with both hands and jammed it
into the cow's vagina.
The bull immediately began to hump the helpless cow. With her
mouth agape, Mary gasped for breath. She felt the huge penis fill
her up completely. Rocking back and forth from the bull's
thrusting, an unexpected wave of pleasure began to develop. The
drugs previously administered to Mary were having some effect.
Soon Mary's fears evaporated leaving only a feeling of the
primordial urge to mate. Mary began to deliberately return the
bull's thrusts of passion.
This return of favors only served to reinforce the bull's need
for release. After a few more strokes, the bull ejaculated a thick
stream of semen into Mary's cunt. Seeing that the bull had
performed up to expectation, the male handlers present promptly
urged him off Mary with multiple applications of their cattle
prods. The bull screamed in pain as he was led back to his holding
pen. He would soon be ready for the next cow.
"We'll repeat this tomorrow if required. Usually it isn't.",
informed the lead male. Mary's mating completed for now, she was
released from the breeding brace and allowed to rejoin the herd.
Semen dripped from Mary's extremely sore cunt.
Just to make sure, Mary was once again strapped to the breeding
brace and mated the following day. Mary did not find the ordeal
any easier to take. As before, Mary soon succumbed to the pleasure
given to her by the bull's vigorous thrusts.
In the months that followed, Mary's periodic cycle of passing
vaginal blood ceased. She began to feel, both physically and
emotionally, quite different from any other time in her life.
Attended to by one the female worker slaves, the worker carefully
ran her hand across Mary's lower abdomen. Not letting her eyes
wander from Mary's belly, "She's with calf all right. I figure
that she has about six months to go." Mary dreaded the idea of
having a baby within the pen. She is being treated like a lowly
farm animal she thought. That of course is exactly what Mary has
During the same period of time from Mary's initial
transformation into a cow, Mary's breasts had become greatly
enlarged. Her nipples now protruded three quarters of an inch in
length. Milk began to seep from the extended nipples.
The internal buildup of milk within Mary's breasts was initially
extremely uncomfortable. With some of the other cows, Mary was
directed to the milking stations. It started just like all the
other times that they were attended to. Via a sequence of yells
and prods into their asses by sharp pointed sticks, a group of
naked female workers would force Mary and her fellow cows to a
desired location within the pen. Mary was positioned on hands and
knees directly over the milking machine. Any reluctance shown by
the cow was dealt with by tying both the hands and feet to the
milking platform. An attendant worker then strapped the harness of
the suction cups over Mary's enlarged tits. Pulling the straps of
each harness very tight about each of Mary's breasts, Mary was
firmly bound to the milking machine. Each suction cup was then
securely clamped to their respective nipples. The suction cups
themselves drew the milk from Mary's breasts via the action of a
tiny micro-motor. The micro-motor drove a cam like mechanism to
imitate natural sucking action.
At first Mary disliked being mechanically milked. It felt odd
having milk spurt forth in jets from her lengthened nipples.
Looking down to the back of the milking machine, Mary could see
glass jars getting filled with her human milk. However she soon
found that the milking relieved the pressure buildup within her
milk swollen tits. Mary began to look forward to her morning
milking. Soon just like the other cows, Mary would moo repeatedly
whenever the attendants were late.
While Mary and most of the other adult cows were being made to
endure both breeding and milking, there was another much smaller
group of cows who did not. In fact, as Mary observed, this
separate bunch of cows had absolutely no obligations placed upon
them at all. Other than feeding, getting bathed, and relieving
themselves, these cows did absolutely nothing. All day long they
would just sit around and enjoy the sunshine. Well Mary thought,
perhaps they had something special waiting for them. And indeed
they did.
Chapter 5 -- The Making of a Slut
Linda had received her first tattoo. A long lotus flower now
graced her back. The white petals of the flower accented Linda's
jet black hair. Earned as a consequence of satisfactory mastering
all of her duties about the cattle pens, she now felt considerably
less conspicuous. No longer was she so aware of her constant
nudity. There was comfort in conformity.
Still residing in the bacheloret quarters, Linda's day fell into
a familiar routine. Arising from sleep, Linda would gather with
her fellow worker slaves in a common mess area. The all too brief
time for breakfast was followed by standing in line to get sprayed
with sunscreen oil. The oil used to protect their flesh from the
sun consisted of a special blend of oils and lotions that allowed
tanning while preventing sunburn. One application seemed to last
an entire day. Linda would then walk to the catt
le pens. A regular schedule of bathing, providing feed,
milking, breeding, and the one part that Linda hated the most,
cleaning up the cow's wastes, was religiously adhered to. Not
until dusk would Linda's chores end. A quick communal shower
followed by dinner and the remainder of the evening was hers.
"Hey, lotus flower!" Linda sitting looking up at the night
stars after a day at the cattle pens, turned around to see who was
yelling at her. Approaching Linda was the overseer having overall
responsibility for the cattle pens. Linda had seen him often
wandering about the stockade. With his blond hair and broad
shoulders, he made an impressive sight about the pens. At least
Linda thought so.
Coming over to Linda, he sat down beside her and placed his
right hand about her well shaped buttocks. What would have been
considered sexual harassment anywhere else, was expected behavior
at the ranch. A portion of each overseer's annual bonus was based
upon the initialization of a quota of pregnancies among their
respective charges of female workers. Each year it was decided how
many births of workers there should be. Births fewer than or
greater than the quota reduced an overseer's bonus pay. This
overseer never lost any bonus pay.
Linda spread her legs slightly more apart. The presence of the
overseer's hand on her ass, particularly this overseer's hand, was
causing her vagina to become evermore lubricated.
"You did all right during the cow breeding.", the overseer told
Linda blushed at the mention of the breeding sessions. There
had been so many since the first one. It had all become somewhat
mechanical. First tie down the cow, then direct the bull to mount
the cow, and finally guide the bull's penis into the cow's cunt.
Linda had the routine down cold. She tried not to remember that
the cows had once been human. "Thanks, I try to do what I'm told",
Linda replied.
Quickly changing the subject, the overseer got to the point,
"How are conditions in the bacheloret quarters?", he asked, though
he all ready knew what the conditions were like.
"Rather spartan, but really not all that different from what I
experienced back in New York. At least here I don't have to worry
about getting mugged.", Linda answered him.
"Conditions are much better at my private quarters", the blond
overseer told her.
Linda smiled at him. "Am I being propositioned? I thought
overseers simply made demands and expected workers to obey. You
could simply order me to join your harem.", Linda told him back.
She figured that this was a safe time to speak.
"Call me old fashioned. I find it infinitely more pleasurable
for all concerned if the arrangements between overseer and worker
are performed willingly. To simply take is so vulgar." Finishing
his reply, he reached over with his left hand and began to stroke
Linda's firm breasts. Her nipples hardened with his touch. It was
a long time since Linda had a man. Her body betrayed her need.
Leaning his torso over to hers, their lips joined together. Linda
didn't need much convincing. Without saying a word, they both got
up and walked to his private quarters.
Entering the overseer's personal compound, a square building
separated from all the rest, Linda observed several other women
gathered about. Many were pregnant. All were young and quite
beautiful. The center of the house was completely open to the sky.
Filling the entire central courtyard was a well kept garden with a
swimmable pool at its center. There was even a personal exhuman
cow to provide milk. The layout reminded Linda of a roman villa of
ages past. She made a good choice Linda thought.
"Welcome to your new home", the overseer stated, more to the
attention of the other females present than to Linda. As they
walked into the house, those already there had been giving Linda a
visual once over. Gesturing with his hands, the overseer quickly
communicated to them that this was to stop. The others obediently
resumed their prior activities.
Linda and the overseer moved into the master bedroom. From a
large oaken closet, the overseer extracted an old fashioned corset.
Made of black fabric, the corset employed real whale bone stays.
"Here, put this on", commanded the overseer to Linda.
"I thought women on this island were always to remain in the
nude?", questioned Linda.
"With power comes privilege.", the overseer answered. "Nancy,
come here and help Linda with the corset", he yelled out the door.
Almost immediately, a slight girl, a few years younger than Linda,
entered the master bedroom. Nancy helped Linda to put on the
corset. Standing behind Linda, Nancy pulled on the corset's straps
as hard as she could. Linda squirmed with discomfort. Completing
the last strap, Linda examined herself in a nearby full length
"I'm quite a seductive tart aren't I", Linda thought out loud.
The corset came just up to and supported Linda's ample tits. The
nipples were plainly visible. With the straps tightened, Linda's
waist was constricted several inches below her normal size. Her
shape was quite impressive. Black hair flowing down to the black
fabric of the corset, Linda made quite a sight.
"A tasty tart at that", the blond overseer added. Excusing
Nancy from the bedroom, the blond overseer rushed over to Linda and
firmly grasped her wrists. With a deafness only gleamed by
practice, he quickly bound her wrists together. Attaching a lose
rope hanging from the ceiling, Linda being so in awe of the opulent
bedroom that she had failed to notice it, She was then pulled
upward such that her toes no longer touched the floor.
"What's this?", Linda asked with surprise. Her binding had
happened so quickly that it took a few moments for Linda to reflect
on what was going on. Obviously this guy had done this before.
She desperately attempted to pull her hands free of the bounds.
The knots were quite tight.
"Just a little tenderizing before the main course, my dear.
Besides, you were never punished for resisting me on that first day
in the pens." Picking up a whip, the overseer continued, "the
straps of this instrument are on the soft side. They'll leave no
long lasting marks on your lovely flesh. But the pain, oh the
pain! As you shall feel.", he emphasized. Lifting the whip he let
the first stroke strike her inner thigh. Linda screamed as the
sharp thongs cut her soft skin. A few more carefully aimed strokes
and he then moved to her rear. Continuously he lashed her till her
ass was streaked red. Linda was soon covered in sweat. Coupled
with the periodic pain, Linda began to feel an unexpected sensation
of pleasure between her legs. With each stroke of the whip,
Linda's cunt became progressively wetter.
Taking a moment to observe his handiwork, he removed his
clothes, the usual loincloth and polo shirt that all of the
overseers wore. Linda noticed that like many of the female
workers, he had many tattoos. His prick was stiff and erect.
Coming over to Linda's bound body, he reached up from behind her
and fondled her nipple rings. Linda could feel his hard member
between her ass cheeks. The tip of his cock just touching her now
well lubricated vagina served to heighten her arousal. Linda's
nipples hardened in his presence. Looking down at Linda's pierced
nipples he remarked, "Every woman should their nipples pierced.
Just like having your ears pierced it should be. Labia as well for
that matter. Rings are so lovely on a woman. You should be able
to show them off at any time. Thank goodness we keep all of our
female worker slaves naked. That way your charms are always on
display." Finishing his lecture, he suddenly released Linda from
the ceiling. Scooping her up into his powerful arms, he carried
her to the large bed. Again Linda was bound. Lying face up, he
first tied Linda's attached Linda's still tied wrists to a hook in
the headboard. Then grasping each ankle in turn, he bent her legs
back against her torso and attached them to the corners of the
headboard. Thus bound with her legs bent backwards and spread wide
apart, Linda's cunt was open and available. Swiftly mounting
Linda's prone form, briefly paused before continuing. He delighted
in running his hands down the sides of Linda's body. Linda's
breasts pushed upwards by the corset, delighted his caressing
fingers. With just a little prompting from him, her nipples were
hard and her cunt was wet. To hell with foreplay he thought. In
one smooth motion he thrust his stiff member into her. Just one
more kid and he would have his bonus.
Linda gasped as he thrust into her. Her desire great, she
quickly responded by lifting up her hips to meet his downward
stabs. Bound as she was, that was about all the movement Linda
could muster. Fortunately it didn't take long for Linda to reach
orgasm. The blond overseer came soon afterwards. Linda at last
found a way, of ever so fleeting duration, to blot out her thoughts
about the fate of the cows. Sex was to become an addictive drug
with which Linda would be able to cope with the ranch.
Unfortunately for Linda, but good for the ranch, Linda would find
herself requiring ever stronger doses of this drug.
Linda woke alone. "Wake up you lazy slut, the festival begins
today. You're needed at the cattle pens.", When her eyes finally
focused, Linda saw Nancy, the worker who had assisted Linda with
the corset the night before, standing above her. Linda was no
longer bound to the bed.
Helping Linda out of the bed, Nancy again assisted Linda with
the corset. Strange as it sounded, Linda was happy to be naked
once again. She could only stand the corset for so long. The
blond overseer had worked Linda over well the night before. Moving
about was at first somewhat difficult. Linda's feeling of complete
satisfaction made up for any aches and pains. A brief time for
breakfast, and Linda quickly headed for the cattle pens. The day
that she had dreaded had come at last. Linda wasn't sure if she
could go through with it.
Chapter 6 -- Slaughtering Day
"Get those cows standing and bound together!", yelled an
overseer. An initial batch of seven exhuman cows were being
brought together in a line and bound about their necks with a
continuous length of rope. About each neck naked female workers
labored to place loops of rope. A slipknot pulled tight then held
each cow in line. Linda struggled to get the cow that she was
attending to upright. Some of these cows have never stood
bipedally in their entire lives. The drugs that they were given
didn't help either. Some how Linda managed to get the cow standing
and bound about the neck in the slaughter line. Other workers were
going through the same difficulty as she was. Pausing for a moment,
Linda could see a gathering of yachts in the island's harbor. Even
a helicopter was in the process of landing. Linda noticed many new
faces wandering about the grounds. Guests clothed in a multitude
of styles here to partake of the Ranch's special offerings.
Jarred back to reality by the overseer's barking of orders, the
slaughter line began to move out of its holding pen and up the ramp
to the slaughter house's entrance. Linda's cow was near the front
of the line. Linda wasn't sure who was more afraid, the cow or her
The cows must of known that something was up, for they all whined
and whimpered as they walked. Incapable of speech, the cows
whining consisted of low guttural noises. Linda tried not to pay
Looking up from her feed, Mary saw that something was happening
with the privileged group of cows. Now well into her pregnancy, a
female calf verified to be in her womb, Mary found herself to be
almost constantly hungry. She fed at every opportunity. Stopping
her feeding for just a moment, Mary saw a line of the cows being
drawn up into the adjacent large building. Finally they would be
made to perform some sort of service she thought. Mary was almost
"Come here Linda, I what you to participate in each step of the
process. Pamela, go take Linda's place at that cow.", yelled the
lead overseer at the slaughter house. Linda meekly left the cow
that she was attending to and joined the other workers at the
entrance of the slaughter house. The first cow to be processed had
short cropped blond hair. Sensing a soft heart, pleading eyes
turned to Linda. No plea could be accepted.
Before anything happened, Linda and another female worker
grabbed the cows wrists and attached them of an overhead conveyor
system. Not unlike those employed within an automobile assembly
plant, the overhead conveyor would guide the cow along what in this
case could be labeled a disassembly plant. One of the workers
pushed a button and an electric winch was activated lifting the cow
such that her toes were just a couple of inches above the floor.
The cow was then pulled to the cleaning station.
With one naked female worker in front of the cow and another
similarly attired female worker behind the cow, the workers thrust
tubes into the cow's vaginal opening and another tube into the
cow's anal opening. Hot fluids were promptly pumped into the cow's
internal cavities. The cow squirmed with discomfort. The fluids
were specifically designed to clean out all foreign material from
both the cow's vaginal and intestinal tracts. The cow's vaginal
and intestinal cavities filled to capacity, the tubes w ere then
removed. With Linda and the other workers quickly getting out of
the way, the cow was then allowed to empty both her vaginal and
anal contents. Strategically located drains collected the waste
material for disposal. The cow was then scrubbed from top to
bottom with soapy water. A final rinse completed the cow's last
Next came the inspection station. Linda watched as the meat
inspector from the island government carefully examined the cow's
flesh. First he took each breast in his hands and squeezed. "Nice
firm meat." Moving to her buttocks, he again fondled the cow's
flesh. "Very satisfactory", he added. Turning his attention away
from the cow , he quickly scanned a tally sheet indicating taxes
paid. The paper work being in order, he completed his task by
stamping the government's mark on the cow's right thigh. The
thigh stamp sealed this cow's fate.
From the inspection station one of a pair of paths towards
disassembly may be taken. Depending upon needs determined by the
chief cook, either the cow is impaled for the ovens, or the cow is
sent to be dispatched by an unique horizontal guillotine (patent
pending). Most of the meat cows get impaled at the impaling
fixture. It makes quite a spectacle as the whole fully cooked,
once human cow is taken on a tray carried by three naked worker
slaves into the dinning area. On the other hand, other recipes
call for cut up meat. For stews and the like, other cows get
completely butchered prior to cooking. To make the butchering task
as expedient as possible, a horizontal guillotine operated by
compressed air, quickly decapitates the cow. Still hanging from
the overhead conveyor, the cow is then gutted and cut up into
The first three cows were scheduled to be impaled. Linda
watched as the blond haired cow was lifted by the overhead conveyor
and positioned into the impaling fixture. Horrified eyes stared
down at the sharply pointed stainless steel pike that was soon to
be thrust through her body. Linda and some other workers than
carefully positioned the exterior clamps of the impaling fixture
about the cow's body. Using a rod positioned the length of the
impaling fixture and parallel to the pike, but horizontally of fset
from the pike's line of travel as a guide, Linda carefully pushed
the cow's head back and locked a chin clamp in place. The tip of
the impaling pike was then moved upward to poke deeply into the
cow's cunt.
Wanting to make sure that there would be no problems during the
impaling sessions, the male supervisor of the impaling station
moved closely to examine Linda's and her companions work. Sighting
up along the cow's body, he very unemotionally remarked, "Looks
good. I think were ready to stick it to her". With not another
word, the male overseer pulled a lever releasing the weighted
impaling fixture with its strapped in cow down onto the impaling
pike. The cow's muted scream was quickly cut short as the p athway
from her lungs to her throat was cutoff by the pike. The impaling
was perfect. The cow was neatly skewered with the pike entering at
her vagina and exiting through her mouth. Linda looked on with
horror. Deep inside Linda felt the desire to run away as fast as
she could. She was a party to this. Linda couldn't run. The
conditioning imposed upon her was much too strong. It was at times
like this that Linda's individuality got dampened out. The greater
the stress, the greater the effect of he r conditioning. Much like
how an automobile's shock absorbers dampen out the natural
vibrations of the car's suspension springs.
After the impaling the process of disassembly got a bit messy.
Blood dripping from both the entry and exit points of the pike made
the cow's handling difficult. Nevertheless, Linda and her cohorts
succeeded in removing the skewered cow from the impaling fixture.
The fixture was then raised to be ready for its next victim.
Released from the overhead conveyor, the cow's hands were bound
behind her back. The cow's ankles were tied to the pike. Linda
and another female worker then carried the cow the few short steps
to the kitchen.
Greeted by the chief cook as they entered the kitchen, it was
noticed that the cow was somehow still alive. This happened
occasionally. "Just put her on the first oven and wait", ordered
the chief cook. The chief cook was known for having a
sadomasochistic streak. The normal procedure would have been to
take the impaled cow to one of the cutting boards. Linda noticed
that the flames of the ovens had already been started. Feeling the
oven's heat, the cow squirmed about the pike. The cow's movements
d idn't last long. Eyes staring ahead with disbelief, blinked a
few times before finally closing.
Noticing that the cow had finally expired, the chief cook
ordered her removed to one of the cutting boards. Here she would
be dressed for dinner, so to speak. Linda and the other female
worker laid the impaled cow face up on a cutting table. Wielding
a large knife, the chief cook slit open the cow's belly from the
breasts down to the crotch. Opening up the cow's torso, the cow
was quickly gutted. Certain organs such as the liver and heart are
saved for separate cooking. The intestines make the casing s for
sausage. Linda watching the cow's butchering, struggled to keep
from being sick. The cow's chest cavity empty, assistants to the
chief cook filled the cow's chest with a specially prepared
stuffing. Filled completely, the cow's chest incision was tightly
sewed back together. Serving more as a decoration than anything
else, an apple was then thrust down the pointed end of the pike and
jammed into the cow's mouth. Turning the carcass of the cow over,
one the cook's assistants shoved a thermometer into the cow's ass.
The thermometer would pop up when the internal temperature reached
a certain level, just like those employed in a thanksgiving turkey.
Linda and the other female worker than replaced the skewered cow
on top of the oven. Locking the pike into the mechanism of the
rotisserie, the cow began to rotate above the flames. Using long
poles tipped with brushes, other naked female workers then began to
bath the cow's flesh with barbecue sauce. Soon the entire form of
the skewered cow glistening with sauce began to cook. Being that
it was now mid-morning, the cow should be done sometime by early
evening. Just in time for the first serving of di nner.
While the next two exhuman cows were heading to the ovens via
the impaling fixture, Linda got called back to the slaughter house.
Standing at the junction of the impaling fixture and the
guillotine, Linda heard the chief cook call out to overseer
supervising the slaughtering process, "I need meat for the stew!
Bring the next two cows this way." He pointed towards the
Upon passing the impaling fixture, the next cow most of thought
she was to be spared. A look of relief appeared on her face. This
expression was not to last very long. Turning a bend in the
overhead conveyor, the sharp blade of the guillotine suddenly came
into view. Guttural cries of anguish came from the cow's mouth.
Linda and another female worker positioned the cow's neck within
the frame of the guillotine. A ramp was positioned to catch the
cow's head. A minor exertion of the male supervisor's right thumb
to the guillotine's trigger button released the compressed air
which sent the blade flying towards the cow's neck. The sight of
the rapidly approaching blade was the last thing that the cow saw.
She didn't have time to make a sound. A quick snap, like the sound
made of a breaking tree branch, could be heard and the cow's head
rolled over and down the ramp.
The next disassembly station wasn't so automated. Moving the
headless carcass via the overhead conveyor to the end of the line,
male assistants to the cook began to cut apart the body. First the
belly was cut open and all of the internal organs removed. Then
the legs were cut from the torso right below the hips. Completing
the initial butchering, the torso itself was then cut from the
arms. A pair of lone arms were then left dangling from the
overhead conveyor. Linda and the other female workers then hauled
the pieces to the kitchen.
In the kitchen, the chief cook busied himself further carving up
the pieces of the cow. Into a large caldron, what to Linda looked
like a witches pot, the chief cook deposited the ingredients of the
stew. Amongst various vegetables, as soon as he had sliced the
cow's meat from the bones, into the pot it went Soon nothing was
left of the cow, but bare bones. Watching the cook make his stew,
Linda hoped that she wouldn't be forced to eat any of it.
Linda and the other female workers made several trips between
the slaughter house entrance and the kitchen that morning and
afternoon. Rotating slowly above the open pit ovens, soon five
cows were on there way to becoming tasty roasts. Each was attended
to by a pair of naked female worker slaves. Another two were
simmering nicely in the huge stew pot. An appetizing aroma of
cooking smells drifted from the kitchen.
It was hot work in the slaughter house and the adjoining
kitchen. In short order everyone involved was covered in sweat.
Actually for the female workers the conditions were some what more
bearable. Nudity sometimes gives an advantage.
Nothing of the cows was to be wasted. Bones were gathered up
and deposited into a crusher machine. Linda recognized the coarse
white powder that resulted as the fertilizer she had seen been
distributed in the fields.
As dusk approached the first banquet of the festival would
begin. The first cow's thermometer had already popped up. Linda
saw lead overseer approach the chief cook. "You don't need her
anymore do you?", he asked the cook.
Glancing back to Linda, the chief cook answered, "She could be
spared. I assume that you want her for the banquet tonight?",
Without waiting for an answer, the cook continued, "Go ahead and
take her."
Not bothering to thank the cook, the lead overseer went to Linda
and ordered her go bathe and perfume herself. Linda left the
kitchen and walked to an annex of the banquet hall where she could
prepare. There she joined many other female workers who like
herself would serve the ranch's guests. Not only would they serve
the meals, but their bodies as well.
Chapter 7 -- The Festival
Properly prepared, Linda returned to the kitchen. Besides
bathing and perfuming herself, a liberal amount of lubrication had
been applied to Linda's cunt and anal opening. As usual, Linda and
the other female workers selected to serve the guests were
completely naked. It was going to be a very long evening. Guests
of the ranch were already assembled in the vast dining hall.
The chief cook prided himself for his presentations. Half the
effort to make an appetizing meal was in designing the meal's
appearance. For this first cow of the evening he honestly thought
that he had out done even himself. The recognizably human female
cow was positioned on her knees facing forward on the serving tray.
By clamping the skewering pike to the serving tray, still piercing
the cow's body, at about a forty-five degree angle, the cow's torso
remained upright. With the firm breasts pointed forward and the
cow's blond hair draped across the cow's head, she made an imposing
sight. Topping off the presentation was a variety of fruit piled
in-between the cow's wide spread knees. Juices dripped from her
open cunt.
"OK, she's ready to go.", announced the chief cook. With that
pronouncement, Linda and two other female workers lifted the tray
containing the cooked cow to their shoulders. Very carefully they
made their way out of the kitchen and into the dining hall. Cheers
were exclaimed by the crowd. Several times Linda felt an exploring
hand on either her buttocks or on one of her tits. Each successive
fondling of Linda's body made her cunt that much more wet. Reaching
the center of the dining hall, the three attending workers gently
settled the tray down onto the central most table. They then stood
aside and waited.
The smell of the cooked flesh permeated the expanse of the
dining hall. This and the sight of steam still rising from the
cow's body served to wet the guests' appetite. The master of
ceremonies, the ranch's primary overseer, introduced the
festivities, "Dear friends of the OK Ranch. Welcome to our annual
festival. During the next month feel free to partake of all of the
ranch's most special offerings. No where else in the world will
you find such fine woman flesh for your dining pleasure. Neither
will you find women so cooperative in satisfying your sexual
desires. All of your needs are to satisfied here."
Finishing his speech, the master of ceremonies directed that the
cow have the meat carved from her body. Initiating the carving of
the cow, the primary overseer took a knife and made a three inch
cut up from the cow's vagina. Some the stuffing then spilled out
onto the tray. Large spoons were provided to scoop out the stuffing
from the cow's now extended vagina. Other overseers then attacked
the cow with large knives. The breasts and chunks of the buttocks
were the first to go. The breasts and buttocks being the most
sought for portions of the once-human cow, correspondingly carried
the highest price tag. One evidently very wealthy man got to dine
on an entire breast. This was then followed by meat from both the
arms and legs. The top of the skull was sawed off to reveal the
brain. Liberal amounts of brain were scooped into dishes. Soon
there would nothing left but raw bones.
While other naked female workers brought into the dining hall
more cooked ex-human cows either on trays, or in pots, Linda and
some other workers were diverted to attend to the guests' sexual
needs. Linda didn't have long to wait. Grabbed about the waist by
one male guest, Linda found herself seated on the man's lap.
Without needing to be asked, Linda reached down and caressed the
man's stiff hard-on. "Give me head!", the man ordered. Linda
quickly removed herself from his grip and slide down to her knees.
Opening the man's pants, Linda carefully took out the man's cock
and planted her lips to the glands. "Take it down your throat!",
the man commanded. Without hesitation, Linda opened her mouth just
a little bit wider and drew in the man's lengthy cock. The man's
cock being of considerable length, presented Linda with some
difficulty. The thought of being transformed into a cow as a
result of displeasing one of the ranch's guests, spurred Linda on.
Soon Linda managed to get the entire length down her throat. While
Linda was concentrating on the cock in front of her, another cock
found its way into her ass. Surprised by the sudden intrusion,
Linda momentarily stiffened her body. Her conditioning then kicked
in and Linda relaxed, allowing the intruder from behind to fully
penetrate her anal opening. Up and down Linda bobbed her head on
the cock in front of her, while simultaneously moving horizontally
to and fro as the man from behind thrust into her. Many other
naked female workers found themselves in similar positions that
It was a very long evening. All of the seven cows that were
prepared that day were promptly consumed. Their bones would be
crushed into fertilizer. Throughout the night's festivities naked
female worker slaves would serve the ranch's guests with the much
food, drink, and of course the delights of their bodies. This was
however only the first night of the festival. There was an entire
month minus one night of festivities to go. Linda would be one
well used slave before it was over.
Mary awoke from a comfortable position within one of the covered
sheds of the pen to observe more cows being led up the ramp to the
slaughter house. Funny she thought, it was becoming a common sight
to see cows go in, but they never came out. Oh well, that was much
to complicated a question for her simple mind to fathom. Her belly
hung low to the ground as she proceeded on hands and knees. Her
huge breasts were beginning to ache for lack of milking. Mary's
own personal needs were of far greater concern. Forgetting about
the fate of the cows on the slaughter house ramp, Mary headed
towards the feed bin for some breakfast.
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