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{ASSM} Stuck and Stuck

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Jun 25, 2017, 8:08:14 PM6/25/17

Stuck and Stuck

Nudging the cellar door with my basket of laundry, as I slip around it
in the narrow hallway flick the switch for the light and move forward
burden blocking my view as I count down the steps, careful of my footing, my
fuzzy slippers more of a nuisance then secure footing.
Padding across the concrete floor to the corner laundry area and then
sorting the various items of clothing and linens into another collection of
baskets. Wondering whether having daughters instead of sons would be an
easier wash load. My teenage sons, twins are a chore to keep in clothing as
for laundering and for repairing tears and rips.
Humming softly Stairway to Heaven as I prepare to do a load of whites.
Better my humming then an outright attempt to sing. Looking out of the
narrow basement window to the driveway and the waning light. My suv in need
of the rain that is expected tonight and a cheap way to wash it as it
stands across from me on the driveway.
A load of whites into the washer and the clothes that setting in the
washer into the drier as I figure how many loads it is going to take to get
this weeks laundry finished. Reaching into the pocket of my light cotton
robe for my phone and texting my son's as to what their plans are tonight.
Text them both and maybe one will answer. Text one and guaranteed no
The boys out biking with friends and my hope is to have a simple meal
of delivered pizza tonight. Checking the shelves of dry good and mentally
making a note of what I am going to have to put on the grocery list.
Actually surprised at the response time as the Boys are Back in Town by
Tin Lizzy plays on my cell phone. I gave up having individual ring tones
for them. Where there is one, there is the other.
The boys saying that they will be home in about thirty minutes with
some friends and that pizza is fine; but make sure I get three. One with
pepperoni, one with anchovies and one with peppers and onions. And a couple
of liters of Coke. Thinking I will add some garlic sticks to the order as I
look at the time on the clock and figure to wait till they are home to
Padding back up the stairs and turning the doorknob of the basement
door. The knob turning but not opening.
"Fuck!" I must have hit the button on the lock when I nudged the
door. Pissed at myself as I climb back down the stairs and look around the
work shop area, trying to figure how to jimmy the lock without breaking
something in the door.
Flatip screwdrivers and putty knife not able to push the latching
mechanism back into the door jam. I hope I have the right names for the items.
Wondering if taking a hammer to the area would be a satisfying way to
vent my frustration. Not wanting to think of my alternatives as I climb
back down the stairs and look at the four windows in my basement. All narrow
and little used. Wondering if they even open as I rule out three of them
quickly as one leads to the crawlspace under my back porch, another is
surrounded by a work area loaded with unused tool and wood. A third blocked in
by storage boxes and barely visible.
The fourth is my only real option as I look at the window in my
laundry area. Wishing it was under my washing machine or dryer; but it is
directly under my old fashion square laundry sink. Not sure if the molded
plastic will support my weight as I reach over it to the window and push at the
locking mechanism with my fingers. Finally using a hammer to open the
rusty latch and then on tiptoes, straing to open it upwards and watching the
thin metal guides bending as I force it to stay up. Thankfully a chair gives
me the height to step into the tub and then stepping on the sides barely
able to force my way through the opening after undoing the screen. On tip
toes again as I wedge my waist on the frame and then am able to pull my hips
up and ease my way narrowly through. Hand walking myself on the grass
outside till I can pull my legs over the sill.
Breathing heavy and minus a layer or two of skin around my ass and
hips. Thankfully no big breasts to get in my way as I brush at my robe and
look down at my open robe and the dust bunnies or worse that are smeared on
the front of my sleep teeshirt. My nipples are indenting the thin cotton
shirt and my panties are wedged in a camel toe into my pussy.
Living in the country does have some advantages, as no one has seen me
make this most unladylike exit from my basement. Brushing at myself as I
climb the back steps and entering the enclosed porch. A tug on the
doorknob and a very unladylike, "fuck, fuck, fuck this house." The back door is
Frustrated as I open the cabinet on the porch, lift up the ball of
twine and find that the spare key is not in it usual hiding place. A canvas of
the whole cabinet and not a key to be found.
Walking around to the front and not even angry as the front storm door
is locked and even if it wasn't the double lock would be in the steel front
door as we never use it for access.
Padding back around to the back and another fruitless search of the
cabinet and porch in general. Not a fucking key in sight. Really pissed now
as one of the boys must have used it and has it with him or left it
Reaching to my robe pocket for my cell phone to let the "little
bastards" (my little bastards) know that I am royally pissed. The pocket
partially ripped from my escape from the basement and my cell phone somewhere
between here and there.
My search of the area outside of the basement and around the front and
back porch yielding nothing. Taking a deep breath as I peer into the
basement and look around for the damn phone. Nothing in sight as look down at
the washer spinning away and the dryer tumbling its load and then into the
sink. Not a phone in sight.
Already having lost some skin and a lot of dignity, as pull my arms and
shoulders into the opening have a better view and still no phone. A deep
sigh and then working my chest in till I am kneeling outside on the grass,
my flat waist resting on the sill as I finally spot the phone on the chair
that I used to climb up to step in the sink. My hands reaching to pull at
the light wooden chair by its back and tilt it towards me. The spindle
back keeping the phone in place as I strain with all my arm strength to lift
it off the floor and up to sink level.
The chair tilting as I lose control and the phone sliding to the side
and unto the floor. My head rising up as I jerk and slamming into the
window levered up to the ceiling. The window pushing down on my body as it
slides down the rail and the old metal bends and tilts to the side.
The window not overly heavy; but now jammed in the slides and holding
me bent at my waist on the sill. My upper body inside the basement and my
lower body kneeling on the grass outside. Struggling to pull myself
upright as the weight and the glide on the window keeping it from moving.
The washer and dryer pounding away and a flood of water sprays from
the hose leading from the washer to the sink as the load drains. The awkward
position of the window jammed on my back, preventing me from pulling back
up out of the window opening as the weight of my body is forced down with
no purchase to push myself back. hips jammed in the narrow window and my
knees and legs spread to brace and support myself as I kneel helpless to go
in or out of the window. The going in would be face first into the sink and
the nasty wetness from the washer.
If only I could have got my phone and texted my boys to help me. They
must be coming home soon if their twenty minutes was accurate. I really
need to get out of this before they get home as my robe is bunched up around
my back and my tee shirt is not quite covering my ass and panties. This
is so fucking embarrassing.
Wiggling isn't gain me any freedom; but more I am losing ground. Even
though it is moving towards twilight, my movement is not going to allow me
to be in darkness outside as my motion lights will stay on and spotlight my
suv and my lower half as I struggle to not only free myself; but also to
breathe as the edge of the sill is cutting into my tummy and each breath is
a struggle. My head is pounding with the flow of blood to my inverted
body. My blood pressure is high to begin with and now I hang helpless in
frustration. Using my hand to lift myself up a little bit and ease the
circulation. LIfting my head and breathing deeply as I wait, I know not what for
at this time.
Hearing voices muffled through the blockage in the window that happens
to be me and calling out. Moving my body as I shift on my knees, making
sure that the security light is triggered so my sons won't miss me in this
"Are you okay Ms Rust?" A voice sounding a ways off and then
repeating again as the person steps closer. Feeling someone alongside of me and
the voice again asking if I am okay. It is not one of my son's; but I am
sure it is one of their friends. I can hear another voice somewhere behind
Yelling as best I can, "have my sons go in the basement and try to push
the window up." Not sure what the boys are hearing; but feeling hands
reaching to my waist and tugging at my body. I know they will be
unsuccessful; but can't convey that information to them as they tug and pull.
Then feeling a hand snaking in alongside of my left hip and pushing at
the window jammed against my back. There is not enough room to work with
my hips filling most of the opening; but the arm and hand are determined
and push against the window and then feeling it touching my breast through
the material of my tee shirt.
Jerking my body away as best I can from the hand and yelling for them
that is not the window. The hand weakly pushing at the window again and
then slipping to touch my breast and the tip of my nipple that is semi hard at
almost all times.
Wiggling and trying to reach up with one hand to push the hand away;
but feeling myself unbalanced and having to grip the edge of the sink again.
The fingers bolder as they actually rub against the soft mound and roll
the hard nub through the material of my tee shirt.
Thinking through the pressure in my head, that this kid is a fucking
pervert and taking advantage of me in this position. Wondering where the
fuck my son's are and what is keeping them.
As I try to brush the hand away, I feel another hand reach between my
legs and pull at my thigh as if trying to pull me from the window jam. The
fingers touching my breast now gone and then I feel another arm slipping
between my legs and pulling at my other leg. Then hand encircling my thighs
and needless to say that my center of gravity is right at the spot and
they can't move my body an inch.
The hands still tugging at my thigh; but are touching my pubic area
and fingers are pitty patting the soft flesh of my vulva through my panties
as they pretend to be tugging at my body.
I am well aware of the forearms pressing up against my fat lips as
they tug and pull and grope at my lower body. I can feel the coolness of the
evening on my ass cheeks and legs and the damp spitting of moisture as the
skies open with a sprinkling of light rain to add to this situation.
My voice becoming hoarse as I continue to yell to the boys behind me
to have my boy's go to the basement. Either my boys are not around or these
boy's, whoever they are can't hear or aren't paying attention to my
I think it is the last as they are touching my nether area in a very
familiar way and taking advantage of my helpless condition.
In spite of my hapless state, I can feel that the finger touches are
having some affect on me and my body as I feel my nipples swell to the
hardness of diamonds and my labia swelling to fat pads of flesh protecting the
entrance to me pussy.
Not thinking clearly as I still wiggle not only to escape the window;
but the hands and fingers touching things that a teenage boy should not be
touching on an older woman.
Fingers prying under the leg of my panties and then pulling them down
over my ass to my thighs. The fingers now finding the bare hot flesh of my
labia and sawing along my slit till they find the wetness of my tunnel
walls. Shifting to escape the fingers; but not able to move but for a wiggle
of my ass.
Quickly the fingers pushing deep into my wet warm hole and finger
fucking my pussy. Moaning as the fingers brush my smooth button and add to the
arousal of my body to the contact.
Another set of fingers are touching the outside of my pussy from the
front as the fingers continue to fuck into my cunt from behind. My wetness
proof to me that I am excited; but trying to fight off the feelings of
pleasure as the untrained fingers probe and push into my hole.
My breathing raspy as I try to control it. My pleas falling on deaf
ears and just muffled by my body plugging the narrow window. Not sure who
these boys are or how many as they continue to fondle and touch and pinch at
my lower parts.
They may be inexperienced; but their attention is getting my body wet
and receptive. Fingers pushing my robe up over my back and then my tee
shirt, forcing them under the sill of the window. My panties pulled from my
legs and I kneel naked from the waist down in the wet grass.
I can feel movement and hear sound behind me and then eyes going wide
as I feel a boy kneeling between my legs and then the warm head of a cock
slipping between my thighs from behind. A couple of attempts and the cock
slips into my wet hole. Moaning in humiliation and pleasure at the same
time as the boy leans into my ass and pushes his cock deeper into the grasp of
my steamy walls.
Feeling tears of helpless frustration in my eyes as the boy draws back
and slips free and then pushes into my body again. A few more withdrawdals
and the boy moving to take smaller strokes as he fucks into my pussy.
My pleas not heard from the other side as the boy takes his time and
works in and out of my puss. The lights going dark in the basement as I
hear footsteps on the stairs and see a vague silouette move towards me in the
almost darkness.
Hand reaching and finding my back and then slipping around to my front
and pinching and cupping my small breasts. Then the hands reaching and
pulling my robe and shirt down over my head and the arms at my wrists. My
upper body now naked, as the fingers return to touch my small breasts,
hanging pear shaped from my chest.
"No, Nooooooo. Please, don't do this." My pleas in vain as the
fingers find the hard nipples and pinch and tug at the flesh, Rolling the thick
tips in the small fingers. My body shuddering as jolts of pleasure shoot
to my core from my ultra sensitive nipples. My body shaking as the touch
continues. My head brushing a shirt and chest as I try to look up from my
position. Panting and hissing as the fingers continue to play my breasts
like a musical instrument evoking mewls and moans and groans and whimpers as
my cunt responses to the contact and I give the cock inside of me a few
involuntary squeezes, causes the boy to cum with a hard jerk of his body.
His semen shooting into the darkness of my tunnel.
My pleas, of no, no, in vain as he jerks a couple more times and my
body gives an involuntary milking as he rests on my back and then pulls back,
his cock slipping free and I can feel the warmth of his cream as it slides
out of my cunt to form long white strings with the ground.
No sound other then loud breathing from the boy in the basement as my
entreaties fall on deaf ears. The boy rolling my nipples and pinching and
tugging gently at my breasts. The buildup a warm ball of sensation in my
core as my nubs send pleasure jolts through my body.
Tears rolling from my eyes to my forehead and hair as I hang upside
down. Helpless and needy are a bad combination. Frustration at being
trapped and frustration of the loss of control of the situation. My nipples raw
with sensation as the boy's fingers have taken away my ability to think
Begging for the boy to stop and free me. My lower body wriggling
outside the window as my flesh of my tummy is quivering under my skin.
Distracted, I didn't even feel the second boy shoving his prick into my cunt from
behind. His hands on my hips, as he pushes into my ass cheeks. My pleas
becoming moans as he strokes the velvety walls and they have clenched on his
cock a couple of times before I realize I am being raped again.
This is a different boy, this cock smaller then the first one. His
body bouncing up to stroke into my wet tunnel. Hoping that he will finish
quickly and giving him a little encouragement as I kegel on the prick and
milk it hard with my inner muscle.
My concentration lost on the boy as I hear a scrapping sound and the
boy then tugging my hair to lift up my head.
The scent wafting to my nostrils familiar; but not as strong as I am
use to. It is the musk of a male crotch. Feeling the warm flesh touching
my cheek as my eyes strain to see in the darkness. The scent strong as it
also carries the scent of pussy and I think this must be the first boy who
fucked me.
"Please, do not do this. Please you have to set me free." My words
lost as the boy takes the opportunity to push his erect cock against my lips
and into my mouth. He must be standing on a chair as his groin slaps
into my face. The cock buried in my mouth as I gurgle and mutter nonsensical
sounds. The hairless belly rubbing on my cheeks, the ball sack slapping on
my chin as the boy fucks my mouth.
My neck straining as he holds my head up, my hands still supporting me
on the edge of the basement sink. My eyes watering as the boy pumps his
cock from one cheek to the other and not quite making the entrance to my
Almost forgetting about the other half of my body, till I feel someone
kneeling behind me and a cock slipping into my wet and used pussy once
again. The boy's hands finding my clit and folds as he fucks steadily into my
body. The two of them pushing me back and forth as they spit my body with
their cocks.
My concentration on the boy using my face as I try to keep from losing
my grip on the sink and worry about him smashing my nose with each thrust
of his hips.
The boy in my mouth not lasting long after I decided that joining in
the act was the best way to end it. Pulling my cheeks to suckle the boy
cock and feeling the velvety head swell in my mouth just as he rams into me
hard and a glut of cream erupts from his cock. The first shot most of the
load as he is still mostly drained from earlier and he just milks a little
more into my mouth as I swallow the seed and suck the teat dry of its
precious load.
More scrapping as the boy pulls back and my head is released and I
lick my lips and taste the film of semen coating the inside of my mouth.
"Will you help me get free now?" Hoping that he is sated and tried of
the game of raping me.
Now grunting as the boy behind me slaps hard into the backs of my
thighs and his cock fucks into my cunt. Vocally and mentally unable to keep
from letting my feelings be exposed as I moan and groan and even whimper as
this boy takes my cunt and makes it his. Finishing with a series of hard
thrusts leading to the ejection of his seed into my pussy.
Breathing heavy and panting as I slam back to meet the boy for a last
couple of strokes. My pussy is so close to an orgasm. Wishing I could
tell the boy to rub my clit harder as I just need a boost to give his cock a
spasming orgasmic ride.
A groan of frustration as the boy pulls free and my hips are still
wiggling with more semen draining from my sloppy cunt.
Listening for more steps in the basement or a brush of movement behind
me to announce the next boy that will take advantage of my position.
Long minutes go by and the security light is spotlighting my bare ass
and slick thighs. Finally hearing sounds on the basement stairs and dimly
seeing the outlines of two figures as they move to the window. Feeling
them not touching my body; but working at the window.
Bidding them to not worry about the guide; but just to get me free.
Struggling to lift up the weight of the window as they push and pull and then
hearing a rusty grating as one of the hinges bends and then the window is
As they lift it into the locked position, I am able to push up with my
arms and shift my weight to slowly back myself out of the window frame.
Breathless and chest heaving as I gulp for air and sit bare assed on
the grass as I try to collect my wits.
A raw scrapped skin across my tummy from where my weight pushed into
the window frame. My arms sore from bracing myself on the sink. And my
labia hot and bruised from the fucking and fingering from behind.
Looking around but not seeing anyone out of the circle of the security
light as I pull my shorts back up to cover my fucked pussy. My top laying
on the floor of the basement.
Daubing between my legs with my fingers as I can still feel seepage
from my ravaged cunt lips. The inside of my thighs slick and crusty from the
Pushing myself off the ground and feeling a weakness in my legs as I
walk around to the back of my house. Climbing the stairs to the porch, not
caring if anyone can see my naked upper body.
The door open as I step inside and expect, well I don't know what to
expect as I don't see any boys or hear any sound either. Finding the
basement stairs and switching on the light and walking to the window, seeing the
old bent rusty metal and wrestling it closed and locked. A project to
straighten out another day.
Pulling my top back over my sore and aching breasts and weakly plodding
up the stairs to the first floor.
Hearing a sound from above and then climbing to the second floor.
Feeling my bruised labia rubbing as I stop in front of my sons' bedroom and
then turning the doorknob and stepping into the room.
Seeing four boys look up from the board game they are playing on the
floor. Guilt is in the eyes of all of them as they flush and make no sound.
Not sure what to say as I look from one to the other. I want to
threaten them with raping me. I know that I won't and can't do that. Three
different boys fucked my cunt and one my face; but still only three boys.
One did fuck me as best I can remember. Since there are four boys here and
two are my sons, at least one of my son's raped me if not both.
Another look around and then, "thanks for freeing me from the stuck
window. However, you could have done it quicker and not been distracted with
things that you shouldn't have been doing." Feeling a flush on my face
and as I take a deep breath, I can smell the musk of my aroused and well used
Shuffling down the corridor to the bathroom, making a side trip for a
robe and then taking a long hot shower to ease the pain and soreness and to
finally get myself off.
Wondering as I rub hard against my clit and deep in my cunt if I could
tell who fucked me if they did it while I could see them. Standing and
laying back against the wall of the shower, fingers still curled deep inside
of me. Eyes closed as I fuck my fingers in gasping moans.
Coming back to my senses and looking at one of my sons staring at me.
"When you are done and dried off, lay on the bed with your lights off.
You will be having some visitors."
Too shocked to response as he closes the door to the bathroom and I
slip from the stall and dry and powder myself. Then slipping on my robe and
walking over to my bedroom. Closing the door as I turn off the light and
slip my robe onto a chair.
Laying back on my pillows, my legs open and waiting for my night time
visitors. Wondering if all four will visit this time. Fingers idly toying
with my swollen folds and nipples as I await the opening of the

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