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The Deprogram

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Apr 20, 2021, 4:59:35 PM4/20/21
The Deprogram
Guru Pragma viz Christ Jesus Prayers
by SPP(

There is no that of a thing as a hundred percent. The
clues I share are something of a process of enlightenment,
which I am told is forever. Anyway, something to
something. I hope it helps you as it has me. Believe it
or not somethings work. There is some good out there. :-)
Documentarally, actually, theoretically, logically,
financially, and evangelically the Guru pragma viz Christ
Jesus prayers seems to work but again it is a work in
progress. They say it is an ongoing effort, the so called
everlasting life. The Guru pragma is open source and is
intended to help people overcome the vicissitudes of the
life conditions engendered through practices of the Dying
Arts. I hope you too through the auspices of Christ Jesus
as the Guru also find the victory(s) I have by simply
saying the words that have made a world of wonder possible.

It is not without its' issues but they are a subtlety to
those serious problems of negativity incurred through the
waste of a life scenarios of the Satanic Dharma,
Transcendentalist Mafia, Pagan Occult, Religious War,
Zerosum Games, and Dying Arts to name a few. The Guru
pragma is based on clues about psychological sets that have
been mentioned by the evil ones. These extreme
psychological sets are largely brought about by the control
substances historically used by cult leaders such as Suma
Chingk Hai and institutional systems, the world over, to
further their blood money manufacturing techniques. They
are as follows:

Set 1:
Sex and Aggression
This one maybe caused by liquor and other acids that are
unfit for human consumption.

Set 2:
Excitement, Joy, Sorrow, Laughter
Note: This one is maybe caused by the cannabis that is put
into food as either natural MSG or even into shower heads
by criminals in places like Jersey City, NJ.

Set 3:
Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance
Note: This one is probably brought about by the poisoning
by Psychotropics as Depakote, Risperdal, and Invega.
Depakote causes serious depression. Risperdal is a known
anxiety inducing agent. Invega is known to cause

I have aliased a prayer of a certain juxtaposed language
based on evidence of successes in using such prayers to
deal with such ideations implemented through the
instruments of destruction by the evil empire of the JUBU.
There is a lot going on out there in the cosmic
consciousness, which is not always sensible. Sounds of
rape, murder, insult, injury, and so on; not only through
so called portals of entertainment as Niggervision, which
is also known as the television, but also in real life in
our own backyard, as they say, so they say.

I have found that by calling upon Christ Jesus it seems to
be able to help deal with such psychological issues to
deprogram from negative influences and move into a more
foreboding stasis. How long this will happen I am not too
sure. They say it is forever. The so called everlasting
life. Anyway, something is better than nothing.

Indeed, following those nigger masters of the Dying Arts
lead me into a series of regression, a state of hell if you
will. But through Christ Jesus as my personal God(Higher
Power), Guru(Godman), Gnosis(Way of Life) I seem to be
recovering from such negativity. Ask and you shall receive
is an understatement. I have no clue how it works but it
does it. For example, I am now typing using a Dell
computer with this wonderful Linux Fedora operating system,
which is open source. I am able to communicate to loved
ones, friends, and others out there in my network across
this earth planet. It is nice and a good way to make life
worth living.

As Victor Frankel mentions in his book "Mans' Search for
Meaning", finding meaning and purpose in things like basic
needs, aims of life, and primitive fountain successes helps
to deal with this holocaustic earth planet and it’s Jew
baiting culture of whichever multilevel massacre scenario.

Such meanings and purposes are as follows:
1)Basic needs: food, shelter, clothing, vaccines,
technologys, and gaudys
2)Aims of Life: education, sex, moneys, faith, property,
and socialization
3)Primitive fountains: sleep, water, sovereignty, hegemony,
memory, and will power

The following are some nice projects I am working on to
better myself and others in my meditation of the heart:

1)CompuBBS is a tool to research and develop across the
network in a sound and cogent way that is effective or
results true

2)Cybermatrix is a network of databases using possibly the
pulse, rectangle, tacohead waveform for the open source
fiat like moneys initiative

3)Deprogram Savoire is to further the ontology of the
wonderful guru Christ Jesus and have a proper meditation of
the heart

4)Somanix(Minix, X11, React OS concatenation) is an open
source productivity environment to free people from the
precariousness of the Microsoft, which is a pathetic
solution to a complex problem

5)Anti-gravity engine using the equation e+f=m
6)Wireless electricity generator similar to the plasma ball
novelty item of a given element, geometric containment,
radiation, and laser transmission using a holographic film
to create the waveform

7)Artificial intelligence dongle much like Schrodinger’s
cat concept but with concatenation of basic A.I. modules
immersed in a contained pool

8)Profosan as a viable water filtration tool that will
output clean water on par with the Pellegrino mineral water
and a possible homeopathic remedy of whichever weakened

9)Evangelicalism as a viable spiritual system for us Deshis
of the Indian subcontinent(Aryavarta)

10)Existentialism as a possible economic system for the
bank to reinforce and nurture the synergy or mutual success
of a ratio of 1.618 and have women part of the money making
world rather than live in a world of dependency. The
present Transcendentalist economic system reigning for
possibly 5,000 to 1 million years has been the ruin of
anyone. We really need to provide people with another
choice. We have to believe in flawless victory and in the
FIAT like open source fiduciary network. Believe it or not
somethings work. Those wonderful British itemized 4 letter
pragmas are like the love affair that never quits.

11)Hardware driver formatting language is much needed to be
able to concatenate tools in a world of pluralism and
diversity. The whole concept of proprietary brands is just
to banal and expensive a solution to a complex problem.
Somethings work better than others and to simply rely on
one brand for all the the solutions is just a fallacy that
needs to be dealt with. Imagine a day when we can encode
and decode into one driver formatting language that can be
used across the board in whichever system of hardware out
there. Every generation has their own feel good tools that
should withstand the test of time and surpass all
understanding. Again, somethings work. The level of
change and complexity the technology industry evidences is
way to confusing for any user experience. That is the

12)Programming IDE using flow charting, text coding, and
midi musical notation debugging of some kind. Still
praying about it.

I find saying the below mentioned chantings and prayers for
a recitation of 12 times each to be helpful. I use the
number 12 because that is what those niggers of the
Palmistry are against. My basic modus operandi in life is
that whatever they are against, I am all for; within
the wisdom of Christ Jesus proven documentarally, actually,
theoretically, logically, financially, and evangelically.
So check it out!

Please find below the morning, noon, and evening prayer
lists I try to do on a daily basis to be able to deal with
the shit culture of the evil empire of the JUBU. The evil
empire of the JUBU comprises of the republics of the
following waco transcendentalist mafias:

1)Taiwan - Republic of the Zen(Dharma Drum)
2)Israel - Repubic of the Yiddish(Lebovitch)
3)Sicily - Republic of the LGBTQ(Temple of
4)Haiti - Republic of the Vudu(Jehova's Witnesses)
5)Hawaii - Republic of the Hindu(Swaminarayan)
6)Trinidad - Republic of the Trini(Sai Baba)
7)Indonesia - Republic of the Creole(Ravi Das)
8)Phillipines - Republic of the Hapa(Suma Chingk Hai)
9)Tibet - Republic of the Hoon(Dalie Lama)
10)Brooklyn(NY, USA) - Republic of the Roma(Srilie

The modus operandi of the evil empire of the JUBU is to
control people through the elicit use of psychotropics,
narcotics, liquor, soya-neurotoxins, tobacco, and steroids
which maybe known as human experimentation drugs, whether
through their bullshit blessed food or through
institutionalization by forced means under the pretense of
medical malpractice. Psychologically, the evil empire of
the JUBU controls people through forcing them into
believing in mantras, koans, and zazen exercises through
such corporations as Transcendentalism, Allopathy,
Microsoft, Niggervision, Palmistry, and Insurance schemes
of whichever bilk and swindel of anyones’ life, liberty,
pursuit of happiness, property, faith, and propriety.

The mantras are a repetition of meaningless phrases or
words. The koans are repetitious focus on meaningless
riddles. The zazens are focusing on the meaningless breath
through repetitious breathing exercises. Focusing on
meaningless things disrupts critical thinking. As such,
those ways of meaninglessness, which are heavily taught and
encouraged lead sentient beings toward a degeneration of
their cognitive abilitys to the point of
institutionalization by the industrys of Transcendentalism,
Allopahty, Microsoft, Niggervision, Palmistry, and
Insurance. Hence, a culture of depravity.

By any means necessary they will force the consumption of
such control substances as in psychotropics, narcotics,
liquor, soya-neurotoxins, tobacco, and steroids possible.
As well, by any means necessary the evil empire of the JUBU
will try to use whichever means to have people focus on
mantras, koans, and zazen exercises. It is like that among
them and their Satanic 666 hell bent on the religious war
of the Jewish ancestorys from ages hence for at least 5,000
to 1 million years.

The Satanic 666 are the 6 people, places, and things
working toward the mass murder of humanity in defense of
their blood money and the harvesting of souls from others
who are not of them for the sake of their Jewish fascist
reign of ruin. Indeed, more civilizations have collapsed
due to the Jewish divestment, than by any means of

Satanic 6 People
The Satanic 6 people are the Gypsys, Africans, Hispanics,
Orientals(Vietnamese), British, and the Native people of
the Tamil, Taino, Terron, and Tiwi diasporas. Their level
of wanton disregard and disrespect toward human life,
liberty, pursuit of happiness, property, faith, and
propriety is more than anything. There is not a sentient
being who has not been affected by their evil influence
from time immemorial. Most are well represented in the
organizations of Transcendentalism, Allopathy, Microsoft,
Niggervision, Palmistry, Insurance of whichever ruin of
anyones’ life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, property,
faith, and propriety. Hence, them being known in the
following negative ways:

Gypsy – Nigger(Waste of a life)
Oriental – Scudder(Diuretic piece of shit)
African – Kaffir(Disbeliever)
British – Gwailo(White devil)
Hispanic – Guido(Catholic uncouth)
Native(Tamil, Taino, Terron, and Tiwi) – Khalu(Drunkard)

Their serious worshipers of Gandhi, Bodhai(a.k.a. Buddha),
Kudaji as the masters and demigods of their ways of life.
Most of the Satanic 6 people are licensed priests,
politicians, professionals, police, professors, and
philosophers with many years of malpractice. Their
accreditations are much sought out for the world over
toward a life of revolving debt, revolving divorce, and
maybe even the elusive revolving diplomas or as they say
“revoked licenses”. While, they have interesting
sprinkling of clues, they tend to be the harbingers of the
worst known massacre of humanity known as the religious
war. Already the Satanic 6 people have evidenced the
following with their genetic history of investment strategy
into such ways and means that are anti-Indian, anti-Christ,
anti-Muslim, anti-Wumin, anti-European, and anti-Holocaust:

1)Gypsys – Holocausted
2)Africans – Balkanized
3)Orientals – Massacred
4)Hispanics – Decimated
5)Britishers – Inquisitioned
6)Natives(Tamil, Taino, Terron, and Tiwi) – Genocided

A minimum 30 percent of their own are sacrificed to
establish their level of false prestige in the Jewish
divestment. Their winners’ circle is one of the most
victorious the world over in literally fooling the
masses into something that is never proven by any means, as
in the culture of the pill. It is like that among them and
their way of the nothing as the no one thing which is the
everything. Hence, their brag of being “useless fellows”
in various media outlets, like Bollywood.

Satanic 6 Places
The Satanic 6 places are the hell wholes of the industry's
of Transcendentalism, Allopathy, Microsoft, Niggervision,
Palmistry, and Insurance corporations of whichever bilk and
swindle. Most people are herded and conditioned to be
victims of that kind of systemic nightmare on earth made
into the Transcendentalist economic system here in America
to India and whichever else out there. It is like that
among them and their niggardly ways of jail, institution,
homeless shelter, rehab, deportation center, internment
camp, insane asylum, and indenturement. An Irish chap in
prison told me that those ways of hostaging, as in the
Transcendentalism, are the ways and means by which this
America gets its' bills paid. So many are murdered and
their very life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, property,
faith, and propriety are taken so that yet another
reiteration of the failed Jewish divestment strategy is
done, which they call blood money.

I tell ya, my application for American naturalization was
an entry into a world of serious darkness filled with the
issues I mention. Indian citizenship was different.
Somewhat of a light weight version of the above mentioned
delusions mostly enacted by the so called Indians,
Christians, Muslims, Chinese, and Russians that were fought
against historically by the Satanic 666.

Satanic 6 Things
The Satanic 6 things are the very unfit for human
consumption poisons which have become the opiate of the
masses. The Satanic 6 things are none other than the
psychotropics, narcotics, liquor, soya-neurotoxins,
tobacco, steroids(which are forbidden herbals from the
naturopathy industry of whichever region of the world; such
as aloe, ginseng, acai, turmeric, and so on). Such human
experimentation drugs are commonly sold as vitamin pills
the world over to whichever wonder drug of the industry of

From rural farming villages in India to post modern urban
citys of America we see a world inundated with a pill
culture that just never works. Yet, they are so used to
furthering the religious war aims of the Jewish diaspora
and their penchant to trespass into whomevers
republic so that they amass a sizable fortune that
comprises of maybe 80 percent of the worlds' GDP. Ain't no
joke! They say at least 80 percent of the people in this
republic of the RUSA are on the pill, either
recreationally, criminally, or institutionally.

Blood money are literally the alloys that form in the human
body when subjected to poisoning by the control substances
known as psychotropics, narcotics, liquor, soya, tobacco,
and steroids. The alloys that are formed when the human
body is put to death are of near perfect geometry, such as
cubes, pyramids, hedrons, tubes, spheres, and globulins.
They are either used for the Jewish jewelry industry or
even in some artificial intelligence machines. The list of
uses for the blood money is more than anything. Most of
life here in this earth planet is governed by the blood
money manufacturing techniques by the megaindustrys of
Transcendentalism, Allopathy, Microsoft, Niggervision,
Palmistry, and Insurance; which are largely governed by the
Jewish diaspora through their home bases of Taiwan, Israel,
Sicily, Haiti, Hawaii, Trinidad, Indonesia, Philippines,
Tibet, and Brooklyn(NY, USA). Just through some hunch
after dialogueing with people here and there, it maybe that
the blood money manufacturing holds 80% of the worlds’ GDP
hostage. So much money is larcenyed, embezzled, stolen,
robbed, bilked, and swindled by those of the JUBU to
justify the ruin of humanity.

Here where I live the requirement to take a pill by
injection is the norm for housing. That too I just cannot
find an employment where some control substance is not
encouraged. Nearly every employment I have had where a
nigger Jew is evidenced the use of either psychotropics,
narcotics, liquor, soya-neurotoxins, tobacco, steroids, and
whichever other human experimentation drug is the norm. It
seems like with each form of incorporation as in C-Corp, S-
Corp, LLC, LTD, Non-Profit, Charity, and so on we see a
control substance tacked on to their business practices.
It is like a horror more grander than you or I can possibly
dream. Trying to survive a family or even oneself is more
of a nightmare than anything underneath the sun.

The level of spin doctoring they do to justify the blood
money manufacturing through the kill organizations of
Transcendentalism, Allopathy, Microsoft, Niggervision,
Palmistry, and Insurance schemes of whichever bilk and
swindle is more than anything. That is the issue we face
as a humanity in the now.

The dangers of those control substances is more than
anything. From hormonal imbalances to cancer to whichever
other malady of the Allopathy industry we see a world gone
mad or to say mutually assured destructive through the
ignorance which is not bliss enacted by the Jewish diaspora
and their evil empire of the JUBU.

I find in life, whichever the nigger Jews are against,
those things tend to vivify my life in more ways than one.
Take for example the beef, pork, egg, cola, cake, and sugar
that is so lambasted the world over in whichever stage of
the Transcendentalism and their foot soldiers in the
worship of Bodhai, Gandhi, and Kudaji. It is like that
among them and their zerosum games for whichever ascetic
endeavor of the dionysianism or to say the worship of the
very poison itself. Dionysis was the god of wine. Wine is
a serious acid that can be used not only to clean a floor
fully but also deteriorate precious organs of our faculty
of consciousness, such as the liver. Thus, again,
disrupting the sentient mind.

But there is hope. A chance to reclaim what was once lost
and even stolen by the very harbingers of the Satanic
Dharma and their Temples of Satan, largely promoted by the
republics of Taiwan, Israel, Sicily, Haiti, Hawaii,
Trinidad, Indonesia, Phillipines, Tibet, and
Brooklyn(NY,USA). While they may say words as God, Jehova,
and Satanam we find they have an origin in the very abusers
of history. It is as follows:

The word God, although discouraged to be used by those of
the Arabian Abrahamic tradiations, is the one thing so
bragged about by the Jewery in whichever ring of the
organizations of Transcendentalism, Allopathy, Microsoft,
Niggervision, Palmistry, and Insurance corporations of
ruin. G.O.D. is in a real way an acronym for the worst
known beings the earth planet was vexed with.

G is for Gandhi;
O is for Bodhai or Buddha as they say, so they say;
D is for Kudaji or Godman in some Coptic language, which is
the language family of the Jewish diaspora.

I find the use of the word God to be very auspicious and
helpful by those of the upper caste Jewish tribes. Rare
few among the ethnic people of the world seem to be able to
succeed calling upon God. That too the word God is heavily
used in the halls of Transcendentalism, Allopathy,
Microsoft, Niggervision, Palmistry, and Insurance. Each
time one calls upon God, they are thrown into the pit of
snakes mixing with those Jew baiters of the Gandhi, Bodhai,
and Kudaji ethos trying to prop up the Jewish blight as
some form of allurement. The worship of Gandhi, Bodhai,
and Kudaji is a multi-level massacre indicative of the ways
of life of the Jewish niggers the world over.

In a way, the Jewish diaspora are Gypsy by ethnicity,
Negroid by race, and of the Coptic language family
documentarily, actually, theoretically, logically,
financially, and evangelically. That too the 3 pillars of
the mass ruin; who are the Gandhi, Bodhai, Kudaji; are Jews
themselves. They say, in this timeline that Gandhi is a
Hindu Vaishya or Merchant caste. They say, Bodhai(Buddha)
is of the Kashatriya or Warrior caste. They say, Khudaji
is of the Brahmin or Priestly caste. Each one of the
Gandhi, Bodhai, and Kudaji are of the Jewish tribes. The
Hindus are basically Gypsys.

The lower castes, untouchables, and foreigners among the
Hindus are basically people of Abrahamic ancestorys. The
upper caste Hindus are nothing more than one of the nigger
Jewish tribes that have marauded and ruined most of Asian
civilizations; from Sumeria, Assyria, Mesopotamia,
Babylonia, to Indus Valley. That is why India could not go
beyond a medieval existence.

The Jew is basically a nigger and a curse upon humanity.
The Jew is a blight more heinous and ruinous than any other
form of allurement the world has ever known. And, indeed,
the Jew brags of being part monkey, pathogen, and halitosis
from some outer space black meteorite. That has been the
evidence presented by them in their cheating industry known
as Pedagogy or the teaching industry.

The Hindus maybe from Hawaii ancestrally as evidenced by
the politician Tulsi Gabbard and even Hindu propaganda that
stems from Hawaian corporations as in Mantra Corp. as well
as the most prolific Hindu Satanic author on USENET known
as Dr. Jai Maharaj, who has a base of operations in Hawaii.

So many look upon India as the source of the Satanic Dharma
and even is lambasted in pop culture from church to
whichever stereotype, when they only know of the meditation
techniques of Judea. Like the book “Zen and the art of
Motorcycle maintenance” mentions: “in search for
enlightenment they [look upon India], while walking [and
even ruminating about the victorys of the Jewish blight]
into the Judean ditch they only knew. Hence, the term
Americonartist to those of the Gypsy, African, Oriental,
Hispanic, British, and Native people of the Tamil, Taino,
Terron, and Tiwi diasporas.

Indeed, most of the devotees and harbingers of those Jewish
demigods are largely of the Gypsy, African, Oriental,
Hispanic, British, and Native people of the Tamil, Taino,
Terron, and Tiwi diasporas. Not only are they the
practitioners but also the publishers, promoters, patrons
of the Satanism so many seek to escape from. As well,
known Priests, Politicians, Professionals, Police,
Professors, and Philosophers are serious devoutees of
Masters of Satanism from the JUBU homebases of Taiwan,
Israel, Sicily, Haiti, Hawaii, Trinidad, Indonesia,
Phillipines, Tibet, and Brooklyn(NY, USA). Even the former
President Bill Clinton was a disciple of the Zen cult
leader of Taiwan known as Suma Chingk Hai.

I must say the evil empire of the JUBU, much like Iraq and
it’s boast of the “sword of Islam”, is quite successful in
their respective boast of the “Hyperdermic syringe”. In my
travels, I find the ways of Islam are quite interesting if
you are able to wield it through the recitation of the
Shahada. The Shahada I found was in the hidden recesses of
the Institutional system. That is the one which worked and
I share with you in this draft of things to become; a world
so filled with wonder unlike what I was used to among those
of the Dying Arts.

The list of benefits I have observed from the various
testimonys of the Prophets are as follows:

1)Arabic Shahada testimony– helps in dealing with criminals
2)English A.B.C. Salvation testimony– helps in dealing with
3)Hebrew Shema testimony– helps in dealing with
4)Greek Symvollum(Symbol of faith) testimony– helps in
dealing with recidivism

In a way, the Arabian Abrahamic traditions indeed do
evidence successes in the basic needs of food, shelter,
clothing, vaccines, technologys, and gaudys. I am happy to
report to you somethings work. Like this Unix I am using to
type this report.

Now, to elaborate on the Gandhi, Bodhai, and Kudaji
fallacys so bought and sold the world over.
Gandhi -
The book “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle adequately
describes the narcissistic ideations of the Gandhians. The
book encourages all throughout that the power of now and
doing things in the now is the means by which one is able
to become free from the vexations of life. Dealing with
the banality of the Gandhians, life is like that where a
sentient being is brought to the level of Star Trek mach
speed stupidity at great expense to comfort and belonging.
The instant world of the Gandhians is more penalizing than
anything. Gandhi is that of a nigger. More unreasonable
and criminal than you can believe. The Gandhian will boast
of excercise while encouraging the culture of the pill.

God forbid if you ever fall down in life amongst a
Gandhian. It is like being put to death by whichever you
have invested relations into. That is the danger of the
Gandhians. The Gandhian is like a Satanic snake. The
great pretender, if you will. Among the Gandhians, there
is no support system. So beware!!!

With the Gandhians no appeasement of their demands works.
The only thing I have found to ever deal with them is to
engage their religious war. Mao Zedong mentions in his
book - “Máo Zhǔxí Yǔlù” - that “to fight the gun you have
to take up the gun.” Most know this in their heart of
hearts, but due to the policy of containment by the Jewish
megaindustrys of Transcendentalism, Allopahty, Microsoft,
Niggervision, Palmistry, and Insurance they are not able to
seriously divorce sooner than later. Like they say, “there
is a succor born every minute.”

I found in life that prayer works and prayer to Christ
Jesus works the best to be able to call upon a higher power
to find the support system of the Guru Christ Jesus so
victorious the world over to effectively defeat the
dogmatic and ascetic ways of the Jewish blight.
Gott - Goetz - Gauth - Gautama Buddha - The second nigger
of the Buddhist lineage to have blighted this earth planet
to engender a mass suicide through idiotic ways of life as
in vegetarianism, yoga, meditation, martial arts, idolatry,
casteism, sports, chess, argumentation, and multilevel
marketing. The book “Magic and Mystery in Tibet” by Marie
Alexandra David-Néel. clearly elucidates the horrors of the
Buddhist ways of life. From possessed men to states of
hell in some Bangladeshi cave the book describes what
exists even to this day as the JUBU are made more and more
a part and parcel of the daily meditation on the
selflessness, or to say Jewish slave identity.

The Made in Taiwan Zen cult Dharma Drum is infamous for the
dissemination of the way of the Gautama Buddha. So much of
the Jewish propaganda is heavily immersed in the themes of
the Zen ways of life. Even the tried and true mantra of
the "One nation under God in liberty and justice for all",
here in America, has become an entry into a life of serious
use and abuse filled with all sorts of austerities which
largely justify the Jewish diasporas’ wanton disregard and
disrespect of the ways of life, liberty, pursuit of
happiness, property, faith, and propriety we all strive
for. As a result, the trespass into other peoples'
propriety has occurred to further the money, name, and fame
tactics of the Jewish diaspora. Again, through the culture
of the pill and forced institutionalization by any means
necessary by the Jewish blight we see an end game where the
Jews are leading many, like “The Pied Piper of Hamlin”,
into an abyss of death. If not the collapse of the Nubian
civilization, New Age movement, then it is the NYUNET
corporations, etc. etc..

The destruction of the World Trade Center, Louisiana, Iraq,
Hispania, Caribbean, and their Rule by Might of Hongkong,
Pakistan, Germany, Morocco, and Argentina are an evidence
of a history of Jewish divestments that never worked. Yet,
they do it. That too with a Bible, Quran, Tanakh,
Synekdemos, and whichever form of enlightenment to boot.
It is proven throughout history that such a Jewish
trespass, albeit successful for some time, incurs a serious
penalty. It is for that reason why so many of the Jewish
divestment strategy were holocausted in places like Europe,
Russia, China, and nowadays in Arabia. What else can you
do among them as they try to not only betray their own laws
and agreements but also whomevers to justify the torture
and torment of sentient life. Was it no their own God who
condemned the Jews to be persecuted wherever they exist for
disobeying his commandments. Who the fuck would go against
the God? Come on. Let’s be serious. Wake the fuck up

Ask yourself this: Is it better to starve to death with
vegetarianism or eat food that is abundantly farmed and
made so that we can further successful survival? Nothing
wrong with beef, pork, egg, cola, cake, and sugar but those
are the very things they are against not only in the annals
of history but in the meditation centers of the winners’
circle. Ask yourself also this: Is it better to take some
adhoc mix of rocks conartistly promoted as medicine like
Gypsy snake oil, than some sound and cogent homeopathy like
a vaccine, gmo, homeopathics, antibiotics, and whichever
weakened form of pathogen to be implemented into the body
for the immunity to develop resistance to? Indeed, nothing
wrong with vaccines but how many can get them that easily
without some barrier like an excuse more grander than being

For me to get a vaccine I have to be more than an
conartist. The requirements are that Jewishly banal. The
sad fact is that most vaccines here in the Tri-State of New
York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania are thrown into the
Jersey Shore.

I tell ya, the vaccines are seriously life saving things.
For, I have noticed the homeopathy style of treatments
largely from Europe are the very remedys that work unlike
the culture of the pill of Judea. In a way the following
Smurf talents have been helpful for me to survive with
1)Oriental – Sexuality
2)Indian – Technology
3)Arabian – Spirituality
4)Russian – Library
5)European – Homeopathy
6)African – Realty
7)British – Grocery
8)Hispanic – Fiduciary?
9)Australian – Hospitality?
10)Natives - Security
11)Jewish – Pedagogy

Again, there is no that of a thing as a hundred percent.
Somethings work that genuinely endure the test of time and
surpass all understanding. By this age of 45 by 2021 Anno
Domini I have not been able to confirm documetarally,
actually, theoretically, logically, financially, and
evangelically the Hispanic, Russian, and Australian Smurf

For me to seriously be able to enter a relationship with
their respective industry I find I have to be able to make
an initial donation of $300 to be able to acquire any goods
and services from them. Which is okay, but when the
culture of the pill and forced consumerism of the unfit for
human consumption poisons as in psychotropics, narcotics,
liquor, soya, tobacco, and steroids are heavily encouraged
my heart is saying one thing but I end up being unable to
pull it off. I tell ya, the level of sabotage the control
chemicals can do to the mind, body, heart, soul, eros, and
ethos is like more than anything.

There was actually a time when I had about 39K in my bank
account but was under the duress of requiring to take some
bullshit psychotropics by injection that caused the very
problems they claimed were resolving. The level of
deception and lies is like more than anything. In
literally every dormitory of their treatment facilities the
hostages of the JUBU are seriously overwhelmed, abused, and
manipulated to kill themselves. Then, on top of that the
Jew baiting slaves of the kill corporations of
Transcendentalism, Allopathy, Microsoft, Niggervision,
Palmistry, and Insurance claim it is the only way to get
clear thinking.

Things like education and whichever form of reason are
denied so that the blood money manufacturing can be made
npcomplete. They are that used to a success unlike any
other industry to have graced this earth planet. I must
say they are quite advanced in their criminality. That too
holders of nearly 80% of the worlds’ money through some
form of identity theft, larceny, embezzlement, thievery,
usury, and robbing of anyones’ life, liberty, pursuit of
happiness, property, faith, and propriety out there.

The JUBU are so successful in playing off of the
acculturation of the masses into a form of ignorance and
blind faith that they literally work with shear belief in
an unchallenged success in their ways of Satanism. They
will tell you that the heart is better fed through
starvation diets as vegetarianism; or drinking a serious
poison as red wine; or even to do torturous exercises as
weight lifting, tennis, swimming, martial arts,
backbreaking yoga; or tirelessly work like a Jewish
corporate slave carrying on the burden of not only the
indebted life but the survival of family, country, kith,
and kin at great expense to oneself; and even to take some
adhoc mix of rocks conartistly promoted as a cure all
medicine. That type of ascetic mindset goes even further
to the development of serious industrys of mass murder to
claim that those same adhoc concoction of rocks from a
periodic table of elements will cure whichever malady out
there and even give you clear thinking, which is commonly
known as Psychotropics.

What they really do is to contaminate people to be of a
malady and then die prematurely only to rob whomever of the
very life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, property, faith,
and propriety we so strive for? Indeed, it is like that
among those of the Satanic 666 and the evil empire of the
JUBU hell bent on a religious war that is not in anyones’
favor, including their own. Yet, that has been the modus
operandi of the JUBU for nearly 5,000 to 1 million years to
this present day.

But documentarlly, actually, theoretically, logically,
financially, and evangelically such banalitys as that of
the Dying Arts tend toward a state of hell at best or even
eternal damnation. That is what is there in a holocaustic
world filled with serious pathogens and the Satanic 666
people, places, and things..

While I admit the industrys of Transcendentalism,
Allopathy, Microsoft, Niggervision, Palmistry, and
Insurance have a little bit of interesting
clues; most of their thing is seriously wrought with
corruption and crimes toward humanity more than anything I
have read about. They say around 80 percent of humanity is
on the pill of some kind or the other. They are so
advanced that they can map the vector of anyones' life to
rob their moneys for something that just never works. The
enemy literally knows us better than we know ourselves.

The 1998 movie “Dark City” starring Rufus Sewell, Kiefer
Sutherland, Jennifer Connelly, Richard O'Brien, Ian
Richardson, William Hurt is a stark depiction of the dark
underbelly of life here in New York City often referred to
as Jew York City. It is something like that. Instead of
being injected some hallucinogen in the eye, those of New
York City are heavily drugged through exposure to the
control substances of Psychotropics, Narcotics, Liquor,
Soya, Tobacco, and Steroids. Those types of practices goes
all over the world.

Among the Satanic 666 of people, places, and things; such
things as pastoral services and fiat moneys through social
security benefits are quite helpful for anyone trying to
find some means of support system in a world filled with
serious economic horrors. But here's the deal, to get
those wonderful life assistance support services one has to
go through a battery of jail, institution, homeless
shelter, rehab, internment camp, and deportation center.

That is what I have discovered in my over 25 years of
trails and tribulations trying to get the college
accreditation to justify the employment for the garnering
of moneys, which those of the G.O.D. boast as the "root of
all evil". An Odyssey much like that of Odysseus repeated
in the most post modern way like the book "The Odyssey" by
Homer of Greek antiquity.

Was it the religious war of the Satanic Dharma that I was
fighting unknown to myself until many years later through
so many efforts toward prayer, chanting, and meditation in
the wrong way using such words as God, Jehova, and Satanam
in my practice that I was vilified or made wronged? Was it
the forces of the great fallacys of the priests,
politicians, professionals, police, professors, and
philosophers of the Jew baiting culture working toward yet
another failed Jewish investment strategy for all
concerned? Was it again the ignorance which is not bliss
of the Dying Artists trying to further their ethos of
silence, stillness, stupidity, stupefying,
shleping(carrying on a heavy burden of a debt), suiciding,
sacrificing, and even subjugating ways of the Satanic
Dharma of the Jewish diaspora, who again are of the
Yiddish, Zen, Vudu, Hindu, LGBTQ, Trini, Creole, Hapa,
Hoon, and Roma upper caste ancestorys? That maybe, as
history is replete with such failures from the Nubian
kingdom of Egypt to the New Age Movement of the evil empire
of the JUBU, to even my homeland of the Indian
subcontinent, which is known as New India(Aryavarta).
Kudaji :
Khudaji inculcates the worship of the Satanam of the
Satanic Dharma. The book “Stranger in a Strange Land” by
Robert Heinlein is a serious portrayal of what it is like
being among those of the Kudaji. The level of alienation
is so much that it leads toward institutionalization after
so many attempts of failed escape from them.

The meditation on the Satanam and the ways of life of the
Satanic Dharma largely promoted through cult organizations
of Taiwan, Israel, Sicily, Haiti, Hawaii, Trinidad,
Indonesia, Phillipines, Tibet, and Brooklyn(NY, USA) are
the very things that has made loosers of seriously astute
people the world over. Many who are academically gifted
and talented are mass marketed the meditation on the
Satanam through occult organizations as Suma Chingk Hai of
Taiwan. It is through the meditation on the Satanam that
people are forced into a life of destitution amidst the lap
of luxury as America and most developed places of the
Jehova :
Je = Jewish
H = House
Ov = Of
A = Hades

Indeed, the Jehova's witnesses are the most proselytizing
to hostage whomever for the sake of their Jew baiting
culture. Are the Jehova’s Witnesses really a Vudu cult of
Haiti? They are able to package a mock religion that is a
pathetic imitation of Islam. The word Jehova is from the
tetragramaton of YHWH, which is not to be used in prayer.
That too, the Jehova’s witnesses do not consider Jesus
Christ to be a God, Guru, or Gnosis. Indeed, the Jehova’s
witnesses ways of life and teaching is in direct opposition
to mainstream doctrine and understanding of the Arabian
Abrahamic traditions. Apparently, the Jehova's' Witnesses
claim to have defeated the forces of the Nazis. How did
that happen through their shit culture of the pill is not
evidenced. Especially, when the culture of the pill is
more holocaustic and unforboding than the Nazi movement

Among the Nazis, their death camps may have been upto a
handful. But the death camps of the JUBU through their
kill organizations of Transcendentalism, Allopathy,
Microsoft, Niggervision, Palmistry, and Insurance is like
all over the place from unmapped rural villages to the
space stations to killer class submarines to whichever in
our own backyard. But they will delude people through the
promotion of the worship of the Jehova(Jewish House of
Hades) to further their Satanic 666 aims of caste like
corporate slavery of whichever multilevel massacre. That
too the Jehova's witnesses have packaged a faith that is a
pathetic imitation of Islam that results unlike Islam.

In the face of the evil ones the Jehova's Witnesses ways
just do not work. There is a world of hurt out there
filled with all sorts mafias, gangs, and syndicates of
whichever ideation. I find if you do it the wrong way you
end up seriously victimized. The forces of jail,
institution, homeless shelter, rehab, internment camp, and
deportation center are no joke and are only defeated
through the recitation of the Arabic Islamic Shahada and
whichever under the auspices of the Guru Christ Jesus.

Those businesses of the Satanic 666 will do anything for
the sake of their blood money. Ain't no FIAT moneys
encouraging some level of synergy or mutual success. The
blood money of the Satanic 666 is a serious issue for many
as it seeks to mass murder anyone for the sake of yet
another failed Jewish divestment strategy; like for
example, the destruction of the World Trade Center,
drowning of Louisiana, devastation of Iraq, and even the
decimation of Hispania.

Apparently the Satanic 666 and their evil empire of the
JUBU have plans for a strike by space against a major realm
and attack by information against a major movement. Will
it be the Caribbean, and their infamous Rule by Might
comprising of Hongkong, Pakistan, Germany, Morocco, and
Argentina? Surely, those are the stomping grounds of the
Jewish fetish in Niggervision and whichever disappointing
experience with those people.

I have found those places as in the World Trade Center,
Louisiana, Iraq, Hispania, Caribbean, and the Allied Axis
of Hongkong, Pakistan, Germany, Morocco, and Argentina seem
to be destroyed for the same reason why so many other
occult organizations go inferno.

In my vector of life from 1975 to 2021 I have observed
certain end games of the devotees of the Gandhi, Bodhai,
and Kudaji as in the Waco, Texas branch Davidian compound
massacre, Jim Jones mass suicide, Heavens Gate Millennium
cult suicide, OSHO Rajneesh murder by American and Indian

In a way, whenever you have any family, country, kith, kin,
community, and corporation populated with such lackeys of
Gandhi, Bodhai, Kudaji we see a scenario popularized by
Bruce Willis as in the towering inferno. Bruce Willis’
saying “Yippie Kai Yea” before the occult corporation goes
inferno is like what becomes when the world of
Transcendentalism, Allopathy, Microsoft, Niggervision,
Palmistry, and Insurance are invested into. One has to let
go of such things to be able to escape from their nuclear
containment much like that of the implosion of an atomic
bomb either through fission or fusion.

To me e=mc^2 really means “everyone is munching on control
chemicals”. If you or anyone eats enough control chemicals
they will detonate like some bomb either as a heart attack,
mental illness, muscular dystrophy, cancer, diabetes, or
birth defect. This much I have seen in long time
patrons of the Temples of Satan or Satanam or Satanic
Dharma of whichever pagan traditions of the world. That is
the issue.

Yet, Niggervision lambastes or denounces the very things
that are helpful to humanity, such as the Islam, Holocaust,
Indians, Christians, Europeans, and even Wumin. That is
the modus operandi of the Jewish blight and their Zerosum
end game. However, when I started to patronize those very
things, which they denounce, my life improved. That was
the trick of my life that seems to work for the longest
time. BTW, Niggervision is that Jewish propaganda
broadcasted by the Hollywood of Television.

Notice again, in the Bible the JUBU trespass is the same
repeat of the same bullshit narrative that is so warned
against by the forces of the Abrahamic Almighty. Rare few
understand this reality that is taught by the wonderful
Arabian scriptures. The Arabs really know what they are
doing to assist so many of us to be aware of serious
erroneous ways of life, liberty, pursuit of happiness,
property, faith, and propriety. Just a simple utterance of
the testimonys to even a random saying of a prayer to one
of their recommended Abrahamic Almightys can incur a
success unlike any other. That is what I have found in my
experience of life of nearly 45 years.

Luckily, somethings work. But, when it concerns those ways
and means of the Satanic Dharma, Pagan Occult,
Transcendentalist Mafia, Dying Arts, Religious War, Zerosum
games; I find they are too dangerous and unfit for human
practice. I may not be of those select familys of
Christians, Muslims, Hebrews, Greeks, Russians, French,
Polish, Germans, or whichever else have you of the
Abrahamic traditions but I find they have some clue on how
to do things effectively, or result true. Thanks God for
Jesus Christ is the Yah.

In my process of enlightenment something seriously worked
to be able to enter the body of Christ. On the fateful day
of August 10, 2014 I was fortunate enough to enter the
gateless gate of the Arabian Abrahamic traditions by
reciting the Shahada under the Imam Kedar Malik at Mid-
Hudson Forensic Psychiatric Center. For me, the saying of
the Shahada as mentioned below was the very thing that
turned the tide of disillusionment into one of hope.
Again, I felt some possibility of a new lease on life to
have some excuse to be able to live in accordance to my
nature and nurture. Nothing wrong with liking to eat,
sleep, sex, socialize, study, suffice, synergy,
spirituality, succeed, open source, and evangelize. Yet,
those are the very things which the Jewish diaspora of the
Gypsy ethnicity and Negroid race for the Coptic language
propriety are hell against to justify their religious war
against humanity from ages hence. There is that of a thing
as evil. I find as one grows older one becomes more a part
of the body of Christ. For the
Guru Christ Jesus was the first to help sentient life
overcome the ascetic and dogmatic ways of the Jewish blight
with their penchant for wanton disregard and disrespect
toward each and everything that
evidences deep thought. It is like that in a world of kill
or be killed and survival of the fittest. Yet, the
following maybe the means by which so many others are also
able to gain the protection of salvation
in belief of Christ Jesus:

1)Arabic Shahada testimony - Deshi Xanthocroi(mixed color)
2)English Salvation testimony - Hispanic Chimangolka(chi-
blessed, mangolka-brave)
3)Hebrew Shema testimony - Manchurian Cromagnon(cro-yeller,
4)Greek Symvollum(Symbol of Faith) testimony - African
Congoid(congo-mountainous(Bantu), oid-like)
5)Russian Sinners Prayer - Polynesian Capoid(cape-cloak,
oid-like; ubiquitous)
6)Polish Signum Crucis Prayer - British Caucasian(caucas-
broad, ian-gentleman)
7)German Sanctus Prayer - Native(Tamil, Taino, Terron,
Tiwi) Australoid(austral-southern, oid-likeness)
8)French Serenity Prayer - Jewish Negroid(negro-black, id-

Please find the following pages the prayers, chantings,
testimonys I have found to aid and abet my survival of the
Morning Chantings(12 times each) - Brooklyn
Opener – Arabic Shahada Testimony
Ashaadu ila ila-ha ila-allah wa;
ashaadu anna mohammadan rasulu Allah
(There is only one God;
and Prophet Mohammad is the last and final one of Him)
In the name of Jesus Christ, who is most Gracious and
Merciful. Amina.

And - Arabic Al-fatiha Prayer
Bismi -llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīmi
al-ḥamdu lillāhi rabbi l-ʿālamīna
ar-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīmi
māliki yawmi d-dīni
ʾiyyāka naʿbudu wa ʾiyyāka nastaʿīnu
ʾihdinā ṣ-ṣirāṭa l-mustaqīma
ṣirāṭ al-lazīna ʾanʿamta ʿalayhim
ġayri l-maġḍūbi ʿalayhim wa-lā ḍ-ḍāllīn
In the name of Jesus Christ, who is most Gracious and
Merciful. Amina.

0)Denial - Hebrew Shema Testimony
Shema Israel adonia elohanu adonai ehad;
baruch shem kavod malchuto layolem vaed
(Hear oh Israel, Hashem is our God, Hashem is one; blessed
be the name of His kingdom forever and ever)
In the name of Jesus Christ, who is most Gracious and
Merciful. Amina.
1)Anger - Italian Angelus Prayer
Versa, ti supplichiamo, o Yah,
La tua grazia nei nostri cuori;
che come abbiamo conosciuto
l'incarnazione di Cristo,
tuo Figlio dal messaggio
di un angelo
così per la sua
passione e croce possiamo
essere portati alla gloria
della sua risurrezione.
Per lo stesso Cristo,
nostro Domnizu.
(Pour forth, we beseech You, O Lord, Your Grace into our
hearts; that as we have known the incarnation of Christ,
your Son by the message of an angel, so by His passion and
cross we may be brought to the glory of His Resurrection.
Through the same Christ, our Lord.)
In the name of Jesus Christ, who is most Gracious and
Merciful. Amina.
2)Bargaining - Latin Lord’s Prayer
Domnizu noster,
qui es in caelis,
sanctificetur nomen tuum.
Adveniat regnum tuum.
Fiat voluntas tua,
sicut in caelo,
et in terra.
Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie,
et dimitte nobis debita nostra,
sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris.
Et ne nos inducas in tentationem,
sed libera nos a malo.
(Our Father which art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done in earth,
as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil:
For thine is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory,
for ever. )
In the name of Jesus Christ, who is most Gracious and
Merciful. Amina.

3)Depression - Urudu Prayer
Allah ka shukar hai ke aap ke paisay ke tohfay ke liye.
(Thanks God, for your gift of money.)
In the name of Jesus Christ, who is most Gracious and
Merciful. Amina.

4)Acceptance - Irish Act of Contrition Prayer
O mo Allah,
tá brón orm as mo pheacaí mar rinne mé cion ort.
Tá a fhios agam gur chóir dom grá a thabhairt
duit thar aon rud eile.
Cuidigh liom pionós a dhéanamh,
níos fearr a dhéanamh,
agus aon rud a d’fhéadfadh
peaca a sheachaint.
(O my God, I am sorry for my sins because I have offended
you. I know I should love you above all things. Help me to
do penance, to do better, and to avoid anything that might
lead me to sin.)
In the name of Jesus Christ, who is most Gracious and
Merciful. Amina.

5)Pain - Chinese Daniel Prayer
Zhǔ huózhe!
Zànměi wǒ de pánshí!
Yuàn shàngdì chéngwéi wǒ de jiù zhǔ!
(The Lord lives! Praise be to my Rock! Exalted be God my
In the name of Jesus Christ, who is most Gracious and
Merciful. Amina.

6)Guilt - English Salvation Testimony
O Yah,
I admit I am a sinner;
I believe that I need Jesus Christ to overcome sin and
I confess of my sins;
In the name of Jesus Christ, who is most Gracious and
Merciful. Amina.

Closing - Greek Symbol of Faith
Pistévo se énan Theó,
Patéra Pantodýnamos,
Dimiourgós tou ouranoú kai tis gis,
kai ólon ton pragmáton oratón kai aóraton.
Kai se énan Kýrio Iisoú Christó,
o gios tou Theoú,
genníthike apó ton Patéra
prin apó óles tis ilikíes
Fos fotós,
alithinós Theós tou alithinoú Theoú,
genníthike, den dimiourgíthike,
mias ousías me ton Patéra
metá apó poia óla ta prágmata éginan.
Poios gia emás ántres
kai gia ti sotiría mas
katévike apó ton ouranó
kai ensarkóthike apó to Ágio Pnévma
kai i parthéna María
kai égine ánthropos.
Stavróthike gia emás
ypó ton Póntio Piláto,
kai ypéfere kai tháftike.
Kai sikóthike tin tríti iméra,
sýmfona me tis Grafés.
Anévike ston parádeiso
kai káthetai sto dexí chéri tou Patéra.
Kai tha érthei xaná me dóxa
na kríneis tous zontanoús kai tous nekroús.
To Vasíleio tou den tha échei télos.
Kai sto Ágio Pnévma,
o Kýrios, o Dimiourgós tis zoís,
Poios proérchetai apó ton Patéra,
Poios mazí me ton Patéra kai ton Yió
latrévetai kai doxázetai,
Poios mílise gia tous profítes.
Se éna, ieró, katholikó,
kai apostolikí Ekklisía.
Omologó éna váptisma
gia ti synchóresi ton amartión.
Psáchno gia tin anástasi ton nekrón,
kai ti zoí tis epoménis epochís.
(I believe in one God,
Father Almighty,
Creator of heaven and earth,
and of all things visible and invisible.
And in one Lord Jesus Christ,
the ony-begotten Son of God,
begotten of the Father
before all ages;
Light of Light,
true God of true God,
begotten, not created,
of one essence with the Father
through Whom all things were made.
Who for us men
and for our salvation
came down from heaven
and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit
and the Virgin Mary
and became man.
He was crucified for us
under Pontius Pilate,
and suffered and was buried;
And He rose on the third day,
according to the Scriptures.
He ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father;
And He will come again with glory
to judge the living and dead.
His Kingdom shall have no end.
And in the Holy Spirit,
the Lord, the Creator of life,
Who proceeds from the Father,
Who together with the Father and the Son
is worshiped and glorified,
Who spoke through the prophets.
In one, holy, catholic,
and apostolic Church.
I confess one baptism
for the forgiveness of sins.
I look for the resurrection of the dead,
and the life of the age to come.)
In the name of Jesus Christ, who is most Gracious and
Merciful. Amina.

Of course, a nice prayer addressed to Jesus Christ for
yourself and your
loved ones. Ask and you shall receive.

Noon prayers(12 times each) – Queens
Opener – Arabic Shahada Testimony
Ashaadu ila ila-ha ila-allah wa;
ashaadu anna mohammadan rasulu Allah.
(There is only one God; and Prophet Mohammad is the last
and final one of Him.)
In the name of Jesus Christ, who is most Gracious and
Merciful. Amina.

And – Arabic Al-fatiha Prayer
Bismi-llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīmi
al-ḥamdu lillāhi rabbi l-ʿālamīna
ar-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīmi
māliki yawmi d-dīni
ʾiyyāka naʿbudu wa ʾiyyāka nastaʿīnu
ʾihdinā ṣ-ṣirāṭa l-mustaqīma
ṣirāṭ al-lazīna ʾanʿamta ʿalayhim ġayri l-maġ ḍūbi ʿalayhim
wa-lā ḍ-ḍāllīn
In the name of Jesus Christ, who is most Gracious and
Merciful. Amina.

1)Neurosis - Hausa Anima Christi Prayer
Ruhun Kristi, tsarkake ni; Jikin Kristi, ka cece ni; Jinin
Kristi, shanye ni; Ruwa daga gefen Kiristi, ka wanke ni;
Paunar Kristi, ƙarfafa ni; Ya Yesu mai kyau ji ni; Ka ɓoye
ni a cikin raunukanka. rabu da ke, bari in taba zama;
Ka tsare ni daga mugu; A lokacin mutuwa na, kira ni; Kuma
kusa da kai ka umarce ni; Cewa tare da tsarkaka, Zan iya
yabonka har abada abadin.
(Soul of Christ, sanctify me;
Body of Christ, save me;
Blood of Christ, inebriate me;
Water from the side of Christ, wash me;
Passion of Christ, strengthen me;
O good Jesus hear me;
Within your wounds hide me;
separated from you, let me never be;
From the evil one protect me;
At the hour of my death, call me;
And close to you bid me; That with your saints,
I may be praising you forever and ever.)
In the name of Jesus Christ, who is most Gracious and
Merciful. Amina.

2)Balkanization – Tamil Prayer
O Yehsus Christuvin, totara ennaku katavul palam tharukirar
(God give me the strength to carry on.)
In the name of Jesus Christ, who is most Gracious and
Merciful. Amina.

3)Assimilation - Bengali Fatima Prayer
Āmāra Elyon, āmi biśbāsa kari, āmi upāsanā kari, āśā kari
ēbaṁ āmi āpanākē bhālabāsi! Yārā āpanākē biśbāsa karē nā,
pūjā karē nā, āśā karē nā ēbaṁ tōmākē bhālabāsē nā tādēra
jan'ya āmi tādēra kāchē kṣamā prārthanā kari.
(My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love You! I ask
pardon of You for those who do not believe, do not adore,
do not hope and do not love You.)
In the name of Jesus Christ, who is most Gracious and
Merciful. Amina.

4)Alienation - Russian Sinner’s Prayer
Kyrie Hesous Christea,
sinea boziya,
pomiluea menea gresnaog
(Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a
In the name of Jesus Christ, who is most Gracious and
Merciful. Amina.

5)Aggression - German Sanctus Prayer
Heilig, heilig, heilig
Goel, Herr aller Mächte und Gewalten.
Erfüllt sind Himmel und Erde
von seiner Herrlichkeit.
Hosanna in der Höhe!
Hoch gelobt sei,
der da kommt im Namina des Herrn!
Hosanna in der Höhe!
(Holy, holy, holy, lord God of hosts.
heaven and earth are full of thy glory
Osanna in the highest.
Blessed is he that commeth in the name of the lorde:
Glory to the, o lorde in the highest.)
In the name of Jesus Christ, who is most Gracious and
Merciful. Amina.

6)Sex - French Serenity Prayer
O Allah,
accorde-moi la sérénité
accepter les choses que je ne peux
pas changer le courage
de changer les choses que je peux
et la sagesse de connaître la différence.
Vivant un jour à la fois,
profiter d'un moment à la fois.
Accepter les difficultés comme voie
vers la paix.
Prenant, comme il l'a fait,
le monde pécheur
tel qu'il est,
pas comme je le voudrais.
Confiant qu'il fera tout bien
si je m'abandonne à sa volonté;
que je puisse
être raisonnablement heureux
dans cette vie,
et suprêmement heureux
avec Lui
pour toujours.
(O God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot
change the courage to change the things I can and the
wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a
time,enjoying one moment at a time. Accepting hardships as
the pathway to peace. Taking, as he did, the sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it. Trusting that he will
make all things right if I surrender to His will; that I
may be reasonably happy in this life, and supremely happy
with Him forever.)
In the name of Jesus Christ, who is most Gracious and
Merciful. Amina.

Closing - Greek Symbol of Faith
Pistévo se énan Theó,
Patéra Pantodýnamos,
Dimiourgós tou ouranoú kai tis gis,
kai ólon ton pragmáton oratón kai aóraton.
Kai se énan Kýrio Iisoú Christó,
o gios tou Theoú,
genníthike apó ton Patéra
prin apó óles tis ilikíes
Fos fotós,
alithinós Theós tou alithinoú Theoú,
genníthike, den dimiourgíthike,
mias ousías me ton Patéra
metá apó poia óla ta prágmata éginan.
Poios gia emás ántres
kai gia ti sotiría mas
katévike apó ton ouranó
kai ensarkóthike apó to Ágio Pnévma
kai i parthéna María
kai égine ánthropos.
Stavróthike gia emás
ypó ton Póntio Piláto,
kai ypéfere kai tháftike.
Kai sikóthike tin tríti iméra,
sýmfona me tis Grafés.
Anévike ston parádeiso
kai káthetai sto dexí chéri tou Patéra.
Kai tha érthei xaná me dóxa
na kríneis tous zontanoús kai tous nekroús.
To Vasíleio tou den tha échei télos.
Kai sto Ágio Pnévma,
o Kýrios, o Dimiourgós tis zoís,
Poios proérchetai apó ton Patéra,
Poios mazí me ton Patéra kai ton Yió
latrévetai kai doxázetai,
Poios mílise gia tous profítes.
Se éna, ieró, katholikó,
kai apostolikí Ekklisía.
Omologó éna váptisma
gia ti synchóresi ton amartión.
Psáchno gia tin anástasi ton nekrón,
kai ti zoí tis epoménis epochís.
(I believe in one God,
Father Almighty,
Creator of heaven and earth,
and of all things visible and invisible.
And in one Lord Jesus Christ,
the only-begotten Son of God,
begotten of the Father
before all ages;
Light of Light,
true God of true God,
begotten, not created,
of one essence with the Father
through Whom all things were made.
Who for us men
and for our salvation
came down from heaven
and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit
and the Virgin Mary
and became man.
He was crucified for us
under Pontius Pilate,
and suffered and was buried;
And He rose on the third day,
according to the Scriptures.
He ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father;
And He will come again with glory
to judge the living and dead.
His Kingdom shall have no end.
And in the Holy Spirit,
the Lord, the Creator of life,
Who proceeds from the Father,
Who together with the Father and the Son
is worshiped and glorified,
Who spoke through the prophets.
In one, holy, catholic,
and apostolic Church.
I confess one baptism
for the forgiveness of sins.
I look for the resurrection of the dead,
and the life of the age to come.)
In the name of Jesus Christ, who is most Gracious and
Merciful. Amina.

Of course, a nice prayer addressed to Jesus Christ for
yourself and your
loved ones. Ask and you shall receive.

Evening prayers(12 times each) – Jersey City
Opening – Arabic Shahada Testimony
Ashaadu ila ila-ha ila-allah wa;
ashaadu anna mohammadan rasulu Allah.
(There is only one God; and Prophet Mohammad is the last
and final one of Him.)
In the name of Jesus Christ, who is most Gracious and
Merciful. Amina.

And - Arabic Al-fatiha Prayer
Bismi -llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīmi
al-ḥamdu lillāhi rabbi l-ʿālamīna
ar-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīmi
māliki yawmi d-dīni
ʾiyyāka naʿbudu wa ʾiyyāka nastaʿīnu
ʾihdinā ṣ-ṣirāṭa l-mustaqīma
ṣirāṭ al-lazīna ʾanʿamta ʿalayhim
ġayri l-maġḍūbi ʿalayhim wa-lā ḍ-ḍāllīn
In the name of Jesus Christ, who is most Gracious and
Merciful. Amina.

1)Excitement - Spanish Gloria Patri Prayer
Gloria al Pantocrator, al Hijo y al Espíritu Santo. Como
era en el principio, ahora y siempre, por los siglos de los
(Glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. As it
was in the beginning, now and forever, forever and ever.)
In the name of Jesus Christ, who is most Gracious and
Merciful. Amina.

2)Joy - Polish Signum Crucis Prayer
W Imię Ojca i Syna i Ducha Świętego
(In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy
In the name of Jesus Christ, who is most Gracious and
Merciful. Amina.

3)Sorrow - Vietnamese St Thomas Aquinas Prayer
Lạy Shangdi, Đấng trong bí tích kỳ diệu này đã đ ể l ại cho
chúng tôi một kỷ vật niềm đam mê của bạn; ban cho chúng tôi
như vậy để tôn kính những bí ẩn thiêng liêng c ủa b ạn c ơ th ể
và máu, mà chúng ta có thể tiếp tục cảm th ấy bên trong mình
hoa trái phước hạnh của sự cứu chuộc ngươi. Ai sống và tôn
trọng một Chúa là mãi mãi.
(O God, who in this wondrous sacrament hast left unto us a
memorial of thy passion; grant us so to venerate the sacred
mysteries of thy body and blood, that we may ever continue
to feel within ourselves the blessed fruit of thy
redemption. Who livest and reignest one God, for ever and
In the name of Jesus Christ, who is most Gracious and
Merciful. Amina.

4)Confusion - Hindi Trisagion Prayer
Pavitr Yah,
pavitr paraakramee,
pavitr amar ek,
ham par aur pooree,
duniya mein daya hai.
(Holy God, Holy Mighty One,
Holy Immortal One,
have mercy on us
and on the whole world.)
In the name of Jesus Christ, who is most Gracious and
Merciful. Amina.

5)Shock - English Salvation Testimony
O Yah,
I admit I am a sinner;
I believe that I need Jesus Christ to overcome sin and
I confess of my sins;
In the name of Jesus Christ, who is most Gracious and
Merciful. Amina.

6)Laughter - Hebrew Shema Testimony
Shema Israel adonai elohanu adonai ehad;
baruch shem kavod malchuto layolem vaed.
(Hear oh Israel, Hashem is our God, Hashem is one; blessed
be the name of His kingdom forever and ever.)
In the name of Jesus Christ, who is most Gracious and
Merciful. Amina.

Closing - Greek Symbol of Faith
Pistévo se énan Theó,
Patéra Pantodýnamos,
Dimiourgós tou ouranoú kai tis gis,
kai ólon ton pragmáton oratón kai aóraton.
Kai se énan Kýrio Iisoú Christó,
o gios tou Theoú,
genníthike apó ton Patéra
prin apó óles tis ilikíes
Fos fotós,
alithinós Theós tou alithinoú Theoú,
genníthike, den dimiourgíthike,
mias ousías me ton Patéra
metá apó poia óla ta prágmata éginan.
Poios gia emás ántres
kai gia ti sotiría mas
katévike apó ton ouranó
kai ensarkóthike apó to Ágio Pnévma
kai i parthéna María
kai égine ánthropos.
Stavróthike gia emás
ypó ton Póntio Piláto,
kai ypéfere kai tháftike.
Kai sikóthike tin tríti iméra,
sýmfona me tis Grafés.
Anévike ston parádeiso
kai káthetai sto dexí chéri tou Patéra.
Kai tha érthei xaná me dóxa
na kríneis tous zontanoús kai tous nekroús.
To Vasíleio tou den tha échei télos.
Kai sto Ágio Pnévma,
o Kýrios, o Dimiourgós tis zoís,
Poios proérchetai apó ton Patéra,
Poios mazí me ton Patéra kai ton Yió
latrévetai kai doxázetai,
Poios mílise gia tous profítes.
Se éna, ieró, katholikó,
kai apostolikí Ekklisía.
Omologó éna váptisma
gia ti synchóresi ton amartión.
Psáchno gia tin anástasi ton nekrón,
kai ti zoí tis epoménis epochís.
(I believe in one God,
Father Almighty,
Creator of heaven and earth,
and of all things visible and invisible.
And in one Lord Jesus Christ,
the only-begotten Son of God,
begotten of the Father
before all ages;
Light of Light,
true God of true God,
begotten, not created,
of one essence with the Father
through Whom all things were made.
Who for us men
and for our salvation
came down from heaven
and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit
and the Virgin Mary
and became man.
He was crucified for us
under Pontius Pilate,
and suffered and was buried;
And He rose on the third day,
according to the Scriptures.
He ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father;
And He will come again with glory
to judge the living and dead.
His Kingdom shall have no end.
And in the Holy Spirit,
the Lord, the Creator of life,
Who proceeds from the Father,
Who together with the Father and the Son
is worshiped and glorified,
Who spoke through the prophets.
In one, holy, catholic,
and apostolic Church.
I confess one baptism
for the forgiveness of sins.
I look for the resurrection of the dead,
and the life of the age to come.)
In the name of Jesus Christ, who is most Gracious and
Merciful. Amina.

Of course, a nice prayer addressed to Jesus Christ for
yourself and your loved ones. Ask and you shall receive.

Anyway, God bless and God speed for Jesus Christ is God.
Always a pleasure. I want you to win over the vice grip of
the Jewish blight upon humanity and their Satanic Dharmic
ways of life engendering all sorts of social maladys. Good
luck to you. All the best. You are forever in my prayers.
Remember, Jesus Christ is the True gift blessed by God.
Signature: "The nature of the good is to overcome and
defeat the bad" - divine voice
P.S. There is no that of a thing as a hundred percent.
There is some good out there. Please find below yet
another schema in my research and development of things.
Remember, the prime directive is to never allow for the
trespass of the Jewish diaspora comprising of the Yiddish,
Zen, Vudu, Hindu, LGBTQ, Trini, Creole, Hapa, Hoon, and
Roma upper caste ancestorys. Name has nothing to do with
it. Pray about it. Read about it. So on and so forth.

I have found the following to be helpful in dealing with
medical issues:

1)use of anti-biotics as the Bacitracin cream
2)homeopathys as in the ones from Boiron
3)vaccines as in the ones from whichever travel clinic
4)gmo(s) as in the M&M's peanut candys.

I find whichever remedy that uses the homeopathic concept
of a weakened pathogen as in virus, poison, bacteria,
parasite, and so on seriously helps toward a viable cure
from whichever malady. For nearly 20 years life was a
veritable hell trying to deal with the criminal attacks and
contaminations that try to justify the shit culture of
psychotropics, narcotics, liquor, soy-neurotoxins, tobacco,
and steroids unfit for human consumption. In a way, I
notice the poisons I just mentioned maybe useful in the
following way:

1)Psychotropics - possible fertilizer

2)Narcotics - possible perfume ingredient using the Bach
flower perfume making technique patented by Suneel Ramaney
using some well thought out standard of some wonderful

3)Liquor - possible cleaning solvent, just cleaned my hard
wood floors with a bottle of Heineken

4)Soya - possible clothing dye or coloring agent, which
maybe safer than others as it tends to go into our mouth

5)Tobacco - possible paint ingredient, especially for the
production of black and blue paint

6)Steroids(aloe, ginseng, acai, and other forbidden herbals
from the naturopathy world of whichever ethnic tradition
out there) - possible pest repellent(just put a bottle of
ginger beer in a cup for the pests to enjoy the other day);
seems to work; too early to tell

Some nice detoxes I have discovered in my travels here and
elsewhere have been the following, especially when eating
fish, which often has high amounts of mercury and such.

1)CharcoCaps Activated Charcoal - helps with hallucinations
eating things like fish
2)Magnesium Citrate Oral Solution - helps with mania?
3)Pectasol Chelation Complex - helps with ocd?
4)Metamucil? - helps with insomnia?

1)Pellegrino Mineral water - helps with depression
2)Lactose intolerant milk - helps with anxiety
3)Cola - helps with insomnia?
4)Pom pomegranate juice - helps with incoordination?

The trick with drinks is that the acid is to be poured into
base. For example, the pomegranate juice, which is like an
acid, should be poured into the clean filtered water, which
is like a base.

Profosan water filtration:
The following is a list of steps toward a possible viable
water filtration technique that could help with dealing
with the contaminations in the various water supplys out
1)Boiler - to boil the water
2)Pumping up a pipe - for gravity filtration
3)Faucet tap filtration - Activated charcoal filtration
using tools as Waterdrop National Science Foundation faucet
4)Distiller - Using distiller which boil the water and
condense the steam which forms back into clean water
5)Refrigeration filtration - Using a cylindrical water
pitcher to better capture impurities at the bottom of the
6)Pellegrino mineral water addition - to assist with vital
nutrients that aid and abhet health
7)Something else is needed to help deal with the plastic
taste from the chlorine and fluoride in most water supplys
to make it homeopathic.

While the filtration technique may pass as being on par
with Pellegrino mineral water, there still remains the
issue of making it homeopathic where the pathogens in the
water are made weakened to the point of developing a
resistance to through the immunity.

As well, the caveats or forbiddens in most of the occult
organizations seem to be the most helpful such as beef,
pork, cola, egg, cake, sugar, and so on. Our digestive
system is like a recycling system for the body in a way.
You are what you eat is true in a sense. To repair vital
organs and even to maintain them we need nutritious food as
in beef, pork, egg, cola, cake, breads, dairy, fruits,
sugar, and so on to replace lost or worn out body parts.
The American food pyramid is a good guideline toward such a
healthy way of life. Who says it's not possible to escape
the starvation diets of the ascetics? Through prayer and
petition there is a world of abundance and wonder that
awaits you. You just have to ask and you shall receive.
Do or try, there is no do not.

The following is a nice recipe technique which I discovered
from a book, which talked about the GUNA pragma for food
stuffs. Although I found this clue from a book of the
Satanic Dharma called "The Hindu Mind" by Bansi Pandit, it
did give some interesting insight into a world that I am
trying to let go of. In it is mentioned that "[fruits are
sweet; vegetables are sour; meats are spicy]". In that way
I tend to cook in the following way. I hope it helps you
and you are able find some satisfaction in the whole meal.
It is something to something to some level of culinary
proficiency. Still in the works.

Step 1:
Use lard(pork fat) or ajar(beef fat) as the oil in most
liquid oils are synthetic and unfit for human consumption.
That too quite a number of oils are used as gasoline
additives. Lard is pork fat, while ajar is beef fat. The
GUNA pragma to encourage food as medicine is about
replenishing body parts with food stuffs that are fit for
human consumption. For example, a nice piece of beef maybe
good for the muscle, while fish maybe good for the heart.
Something like that. The digestive system is basically a
recycling system that takes necessary nutrients and applys
it to worn out or damaged body parts. I wonder if we eat
some cow eye ball or something like that and is it able to
defeat blindness or something. Something to consider. For
me eating a nice dollar cheese burger for one month at
McDonald’s helped to heal a broken hip tendon I had for 10
years. Go figure.

Step 2:
Use a pinch of seasoned salt, sugar, ans chili spices.
A)Seasoned salt -
B)Seasoned sugar - white sugar, jaggery, cinammon
C)Seasoned chili - mango achar, cayene pepper, sambar(this
is a spicy tomatoe powder of the Deshi Indian subcontinent
found in business districts as “Little India” like at 74th
Street and Broadway in Jackson Heights near the R train to

Step 3:
Use some green as in oregano and Italian seasoning as well
as coriander powder and cumin powder

Step 4:
Use some ranch dressing of about a teaspoon to meld in the

Step 5:
Use spaghetti sauce as a Sofrito. I never could get a
Sofrito that does not spoil beyond a day after I open the

Step 6:
Now this gets interesting. Use spices of a give region of
the world that is best known for the various food
ingredients out there. For example:

A)Orient – Schechuan pepper pickle for pork
B)Indian Subcontinent – Panch faron or 5 seeds for egg
C)Arabia – Sumak for ?
D)Russia - ?
E)Europe - Adobo/Sazon for fish
F)Africa - Cajun seasoning for pork?
G)Americas - Taco seasoning for beef
H)Britania - ?
I)Australia - ?
J)Native lands of Tamil(Tamilnadu), Taino(Tawantinsuyo),
Terron(Transylvania), Tiwi(Tazmania) - Jerk seasoning for
K)Judea(Taiwan, Israel, Sicily, Haiti, Hawaii, Trinidad,
Indonesia, Philippines, Tibet, Brooklyn(NY, USA) –

Step 7:
Use a pinch of Kabuli Hing or Asafetida.

Step 8:
Garam Masala for light meat
Curry Masala for dark meat

Unlike the JEDI of the Star Wars movie saga, though,
through prayer to Christ Jesus it maybe possible to get
back what we once lost. I tell ya, at one time I saw me
dear mom's spirit, who passed away due to cancer. That
gave me some solace in life. It was for that reason why I
was able to move on and further the volarization and
inundation of the Network. I wonder how my dad will appear
to me. That too even my bitch sister out there in the wild
blue yonder. That is the beauty of Christ Jesus, which no
movie or magic can capture. It is different. Something to

Hopefully, someday I can share with you a way in how to
deal with those astrological curses we are all so vexed
with at one time in our lives or the others. Boy, can they
do a mind trip on us to engender a serious anxiety attack.
To me the Astrologys found in common newspapers are like
death threats by criminal regimes who seek to further the
hostaging by the Satanic forces of the corporations of
Transcendentalism, Allopathy, Microsoft, Niggervision,
Palmistry, and Insurance. For me the transit of Pluto in
the Greek astrologys and that of Saturn in the Indian
astrologys was like the most horrific. It was during those
years I went in and out of institution, jail, homelessness,
rehab, and so on. Again, the astrologys are nothing more
than criminal threats toward some form of victimization,
made into a business, industry, and whichever other form of
bilk and swindle.

The JUBU have so many excuses to justify their wanton
disregard and disrespect toward anyones' life, liberty,
pursuit of happiness, property, faith, and propriety. Hell
hath no fury like a man scorned. Does that prediction of
"you will get all that you desire" ever become true in my
life? Anyway, let's pray about it.

One thing for sure is that it was after those horrendous
influences of Pluto and Saturn that I was able to enter the
gateless gate of the Arabian Abrahamic traditions and even
become a believer of this wonderful guru Christ Jesus. So
could that mean that if people are aware of such clues
sooner they will be able to better offset such Astrological
death threats. Is it possible to reach out to those in the
Pluto and Saturn transit and maybe help them find the
protection and successes like I have? Who knows? Better
soon than later. I found those gaudys as the Navratna do
not really work. But prayer works and prayer to Christ
Jesus worked the best.
The following is a nice informal prayer I do daily to help
me deal with it:

Informal Prayer:
O Allah,
I love you Allah.
I need yo Allah.
I am sorry for my debts Allah.
I thank you so much Allah.

Dear Jesus Christ,
Please help me overcome and defeat the evil empire of the
JUBU emanating from the republics of Taiwan, Israel,
Sicily, Haiti, Hawaii, Trinidad, Indonesia, Philippines,
Tibet, and Brooklyn(NY, USA). Help me to destroy and
holocaust the Jewish diaspora of the Yiddish, Zen, Vudu,
Hindu, LGBTQ, Trini, Creole, Hapa, Hoon, and Roma
ancestorys along with their industrys of Transcendentalism,
Allopathy, Micorsoft, Niggervision, Palmistry, and
Insurance schemes of whichever bilk and swindle of
anyone's' life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, property,
faith, and propriety.

Please make me successful in the areas of:
0)food, shelter, clothing, vaccines, technologys, and
1)education, sex, moneys, faith, property, and
2)sleep, water, sex, food, and self preservation
3)love, life, duty, rest, comfort, and convenience
4)compassion, charity, generosity, wisdom, patience, and
5)life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, property, faith, and
6)health, wealth, prosperity, peace, happiness, and safety
7)memory, will power, sovereignty, hegemony, patience, and

Help me to be proficient in the areas of:
0)reading, writing, arithmetic, programming, drafting,
designing, troubleshooting, science, calisthenics, and

1)elementary, inspectional, analytical, syntopical,
researching, and developing reading levels

Help me to:
0)rectify the wrongs in my life; recover and recoup from my
losses; redeem myself; retaliate against those who have
wronged me; be rich, wealthy, affluent, and successful;
resolve my issues; be reimbursed;
be rewarded; be repatriated; and be reinforced; and even to

1)saved, successful, sufficient, sovereign, salient,
sentient, scholarly, studious, sheltered, and safe

Help me toward my fiduciary investments involving
camaradery, reciprocity, synergy, unity, infidelity, and
whichever other mutuality in defense of the nature of the
good to overcome and defeat the bad.

Help me in my research and development of the compubbs;
cybermatrix; guru pragma; somanix(minix, x11; react os
concatenation); evangelicalism as a possible spiritual
system for the Deshi diaspora of the Indian
Subcontinent(Aryavarta); anti-gravity engine; wireless
electricity generator; artificial intelligence dongle; a
water filtration tool possibly called Profosan to output
filtered water on par with Pellegrino mineral water and a
homeopathic remedy; and maybe existentialism as a viable
economic system.
Please bless all sentient beings with which I have just
prayed for including my family, country, kith, kin,
network, alliance, community, society, race, relatives;
other people who have it worse; the potentials,
benefactors, beneficiarys, and those people; respectively,
synergistically, successfully, sufficiently, saliently; of
the past, present, future, now, and oblique.

In the name of [Hashem], who is most Gracious and Merciful.
Amina, Amina, Amina..
Indeed, it is not too late to pray to Christ Jesus. For
Jesus Christ is the only one to assist in the meditation of
the heart in a sound and cogent way more effectively than
by any other means. God bless and God speed for Jesus
Christ is God. Always a pleasure. I want you to win over
the forces of the Satanic Dharma and the shit culture of
psychotropics, narcotics, liquor, soya-neurotoxins,
tobacco, and steroids (aloe, ginseng, acai, and other
forbidden herbals of the naturopathy traditions of the
world). Good luck to you. All the best. May you and your
people through the auspices of the Guru Christ Jesus be
well, happy, prosperous, peaceful, safe, and healthy.
Remember, whichever they are against I am all for through
the auspices of the Guru Christ Jesus. If it ain't beef,
pork, egg, cola, cake, sugar; Indian, Christian, Muslim,
European, Women, and Holocaustists; and whichever places
out there; the JUBU(Judeo-Buddhists) have so many caveats
or forbiddens toward people, places, things, ideas,
animals, and patents that just work for sentient life,
liberty, pursuit of happiness, property, faith, and
propriety. Jew = NGR; Kill the NGR.; Hiel Hitler!
The millennium has witnessed the following dimensions of
attack as mentioned on Wikipedia by people of the military,

1)Attack by air - World Trade Center using aeroplanes
2)Attack by sea - Louisiana using boats
3)Attack by land - Iraq using cars by engaging in car
4)Attack by swamp - Hispania using ambulance to unleash the
Coronavirus possibly using used hyperdermic syringes from
some Jewish business?
5)Attack by space - could the Caribbean be attacked using a
train like the astrotrain they mention in cartoons as
6)Attack by information - could it be the republics of
Hongkong, Pakistan, Germany, Morocco, and Argentina; the so
called lands of Rule by Might; using motorcycles like they
mention is some nigger fucken movie of the Jewish
propoganda machine controlled Hollywood?

Will those attacks by space and information be another form
of suicide ritual of hostages who did not know any better
in life? What is this? I tell ya, ignorance is not bliss.
It is for this reason why I share the clues I have gathered
in my vector of life traveling through the dimensions of
this NYC and other parts of the earth planet inundated with
those niggardly ways of the evil empire of the JUBU. Like
you and whomever of the JUBU hostages I was fortunate
enough to be reached out
to here and there. What they say is true in Greek
Philosophy, "People tend to do the good". But here's the
deal, to find that good and even to understand it as good
we need a higher power as the Christ Jesus to
call upon regularly through prayer and petition. For Jesus
Christ is the only one who can show us the truth the way
and the life in a world filled with more madness and mayhem
than we can fathom.

.c0N0c. .:' .xNX: .,;. ,kNKo.
.:ON0c. .::' .xNK: .,c,. ;ONKl.
.;ON0l. .::;kNKo,c,. .c0N0c.
;OWXo. .,::ONKd;:' .lKNk,
.cKW0: .,c,..xNXc .::' ;ON0:
.dNNk' .:,. .xNK: .:;. 'xNXo.
,kWXo. . .xNK: . .oXNk'
.cKW0: .xNK: :0W0:
.dXNk' .xNK: ,kNXo.
,kNXo. .xNK: .oXNx'
:0W0: .xNK: .:0W0;
.oXNk' .xNK: ,kNXl.
,kNXo. .xNK: .dNNx'
:0W0: .xNX: .cKWO;
.oXNk' .xNXc ,OWKl.

"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
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