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The Great Fallacys

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Aryavartan Riekh

Oct 26, 2020, 1:54:56 AM10/26/20
The Great Fallacys

Time and time again it has been evidenced that the Priests, Politicians,
Professionals, Police, Professors, and Philosphers are the very
harbingers of the shit culture of psychotropics, narcotics, liquor,
tobacco, soya-neurotoxins, and human experimentation drugs as in aloe
and gingseng. Indeed, these are the conspirators in a world massacre
unlike any other on planet earth. They are called the evil empire of
the JUBU, hell bent on a religiuos war that has spanned the globe for at
least 5,000 to 1 million years. Most Priests, Politicians,
Professionals, Police, Professors, and Philosophers are serious
practitioners of the Satanic Dharma involving practices of meditaiton
based on meaningless and useless things as mantra, koan, and zazen. It
is largely through the cult organizations of the republics of Taiwan,
Israel, Sicily, Haiti, Hawaii, Trinidad, Indonesia, Phillipines, Tibet,
and Brooklyn(NY, USA) we see them perpetuate the mass murder so depicted
in whichever documentation of the Niggervision or to say the common
Television. It is through the brian degerating ways of the mantra,
koan, and zazen that they are able to be puppeted by the Jewish diaspora
for the sake of their ruin of yet another civilization. It is like that
among them and thier wanton disregard and disrespect toward sentient
life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, property, faith, and propriety.

By criminally or insitutionally binding control chemicals as
psychotropics, narcotics, liquor, soya-neurotoxins, tobacco, and human
experimentation drugs to the various organs of our body, the Jewish
masterminds are able to manipulate whomever for the sake of mass murder.
The destruction of the World Trade Center; drowning of Louisiana;
downfall of IRAQ; and even the dessimation of Hispania are just some of
the higlights of the millenium. There is also a place for an attack by
space and information. Notice the nodes of attack:

1)Corporation - World Trade Center - attack by aeroplanes - from the air
2)State - Louisiana - attack by boats - from the sea
3)Republic - IRAQ - attack by cars - from land
4)Region - Hispania - attack by ambulance? - from swamp? (was the
coronavirus a result of the use of unclean hyperdermic syringes from a
Jewish business that collected hyperdermic syringes thrown into swamps?)
5)Realm? - ?????? - attack by train? - from space?
6)Movement? - ??????? - attack by motorcycle? - from
information(c1-command and control; c2 command and influence)

Then, there are plans already in place of what they call of a Nuclear
War or as they say World War III. Once again, we see that the great
fallacys of Priests, Politicians, Professionals, Police, Professors, and
Philosophers are into the Jewish divestment through serious kill
organizations as in those of Transcendentalism, Allopathy, Microsoft,
Niggervision, Palmistry, and Insurance schemes of whichever bilk and
swindel. Such industrys have worked toward the mass murder of whomever
under the pretense of helping them when in reality all they do is strive
to murder them. Such is the ignorance which is not bliss.

Typically, the great fallacys of Priests, Politicians, Professionals,
Police, Professors, and Philosophers are largely of the Gypsy, African,
Oriental, Hispanic, British, and those people of the Tamil, Taino,
Terron, Tiwi diasporas. Already, we notice such niggers have gone
through serious losses without even being warred against with weapons of
mass destruction. The Gypsy end all and be all of the evil empire of
the JUBU brag of a Holocaust that was done to them in Germany, Armenia,
Tibet, and somewhere nowadays in Arabia. The Africans evidence a form
of victimization due to Balkanization or as they say have competing
forces of Africans mix with each other under the pretense of
cooperation, which never works. Those people of the Tamil, Taino,
Terron, and Tiwi diasporas brag of Genocide perpetuated by the very
Jewish divestment they do to this day, even to the point of donning on
the name of historic Jewish ancestorsys that are not thier own. The
British brag of an Inquisition due to some crop famine they incurred
through some form of Jewish pomp and pagentry. The Orientals brag of a
form of persecution called Indenturement due to the Jewish fetish they
so evidence through whichever form of love marriage. Ain't no money
relationship folks. The Oriental loves the Jew to death. The Oriental
has divorced each and everyone else but the Jew it seems. The Hispanic,
on the other hand, is of which persecution? Could it be Downtrodenment?
That maybe. The Hispanics may suffer from a form of victimization known
as Downtroddenment. One Hispanic I talked to claimed, "Jewish man never
did him any wrong."

Yet, we find in the annals of thier history something otherwise. If
Holocaust, Genocide, Balkanization, Inquisition, Indenturement, and
Downtroddenment are not a form of wrong than what is? That is the
issue. It is like that among them and their failed investment into the
old tried and true of whichever means of garnerning moneys. I tell ya,
they are an interesting lot. They have each and everything but choose
otherwise. So many have arrived to thier lands only to be warred
against with serious weapons of mass destruction. Now, it seems the war
is turning upon them.

Just as they explain of the nuclear bomb reaction where it expels
foreign elements we notice the whole of the history of the Age of
Apocalypse is evendence of expelling others like the Indians,
Christians, Muslims, Europeans, Wumin, and the Nazis. IRAQ was no
different in this strategy of being a proud bastion of conquer and
conquest for nearly 1,000 years minium all over Eurasia on to Africa.
Most of the earth planet was under their Jewish dogmagtic vice grip to
justify the esoteric ways of the Allah, which we find now after they
have been bludgened and beaten with serious weapons of mass destruction.
Rare to find such footage of war on the internet where the proud Jew
baiting Iraqis are murdered with serious weapons of mass destruction
such as the atomic bomb, as they so like to hide the reality to justify
their ellicit affair with a Jewish girlfriend the world over. I have
seen this quite a bit with not only Pakistani men but also,
Argentianian, German, Cantonese, and Moroccan. So called nigger rule by
might types. However, their so called sword of Islam could not work in
this of a fake out or is it Jewish rank out to don on the name of a
Jewish ancestory forbidden by those of the Jewish blood and even their
own family, country, kith, and kin?

I must admit though, they are quite successful academically,
financially, and politically. Serious post modern beautys from shore to
shore with all sorts of well juxtaposed looks. They are quite
fatanstique in thier justification of a trend that seems to go asunder,
like that of the World Trade Center, Louisiana, IRAQ, Hispania, and so
on. But, here's the deal, it seesm the Orientals are being popped of
the stack of the Jewish love affair gone wrong age after age of
whichever so many historys to believe. It is like that of a fetish.
One which has not only ruined my homeland of Aryavarta or to say the
Indian subcontinent but also any other known civilization.

According to a Chinaman I happen to know, the destruction of the World
Trade Center marks the beginning of the end of the evil empire of the
JUBU. Let's hope so. Who really wants this shit culture of
psychotropics, narcotics, liquor, soya-neurotoxins, tobacco, and human
experimentatin drugs anyway. But I must say, though, the more they die
the better my life becomes. Let me state the case of the boons granted
to me through years of prayer, chanting, and meditation.

1)World Trade Center - For some reason the destruction of the World
Trade Center allowed me to retire early by the age of 30.

2)Louisiana - For some reason the drowning of Louisiana allowed me to
eat beef, pork, egg, cola, cake and whichever forbidden by the evil
empire of the JUBU, from a few years of mock meat diet. That too made
in Taiwan, tea which gave me more anxiety than you can possibly dream.

3)IRAQ - For some reason the downfall of IRAQ lead me to finally convert
to Islam and enter the gateless gate of the Arabian Abrahamic traditions
and then even to become a believer of Christ Jesus. Thanks God for
Jesus Christ is God.

4)Hispania - For some reason the dessimation of Hispania due to the
Coronavirus lead me to being no longer on the psychotropics, the poison
which has vexed me since childhood under whichever slander. It is like
anyone in my family who has a history of patent development are given
psychotropics and robbed of the very life, liberty, pursuit of
happiness, property, faith, and propriety we so strive for.

5)... - I wonder which will be next. Could I someday get my inheritance
from social security without being jerked around. What of all those
contributions I made to publications under Scholastic, Borderbund, and
even the egrep patent I applied for that can search from the boot sector
of a hardrive to the very end. It might be egrep '*.?'. So many years
of forced psychotropics has lead me to have memory issues. I do recall
though that Mike Gold was awarded the patent by a Jewish patent officer
under some form of Jewish cronyism. Somehow his writing is exactly like
mine. Go figure. As well, what of the Publisher's Clearinghouse and NY
Lottery winnings I contributed towards. That too will I ever even be
able to get my dear mom's life insurance money from Colonial Penn
starring Alex Trabek from the Jeopardy TV series. Mind you, Alex Trabek
is no Dravidian. Alex Trabek is a nigger Jew of some kind. A total

I find quite a number of the Gypsys, Africans, Orientals, Hispancis,
Britishers, and those people of the Tamil, Taino, Terron, and Tiwi
diasporas are able to trespass and use words and identitys for
themselves which are not of their ancestory. Quite a number are able to
claim they are Indian, Caucasian, Aryan, and even Deshi. Remember that
son of a bitch "Desi" Arnaz, who is really a Hispanic and not a Deshi of
the Indian subcontinent. The Hispanic Aranz is nothng more than a
stinken Jew baiting nigger hell bent on a stupid show called "I love
Lucy." All the Hispanic Arnaz likes to do is brag about his bullshit
life married to some stinken Jewish bitch of the nigger race. Does it
not work? Will the Hispanic Arnaz and his kind be "Scarfaced" and
tossed into the abyss of death along with their Jewish pride and
prejudice? That maybe as I have never seen it otherwise.

I must report that quite a number of Orientals are into the culture
vegetarianism. As well, quite a number of Tamils, Tainos, Tiwi, and
Terrons are into the culture of fruitarianism; or so they pretend. The
Gypsys, Africans, Hispanics, and British are able to, for now, enjoy a
level of luxury unlike any other being on the earth planet.

As long as they maintain the Jewish divestment that too will be
destroyed. For the kill or be killed and survival of the fittest
demands nothing less. It seems, the Gypsys, Orientals, Hispanics,
British, Africans, and those people of the Tamil, Taino, Terron, Tiwi
diasporas simply subsist off the fruits of their labor, namely the
psychotropics, narcotics, liquor, soya-neurotoxins, tobacco, and human
experimentatin drugs they are so proud to labor for and believe in with
all sorts of Jewish pomp and pagentry.

Kindly, have all trade agreements with us Indians, Deshis, Aryans,
Caucasians and those Gypsys, Africans, Orientals, Hispanics, British,
and Tamil, Taino, Terron, and Tiwi diasporas canceled. Have them the
target of the mass murder enivsioned by our archetype Alois S. Nazi.
Kill a nigger get a burger; kill a gwailo get a cologne; kill a Jew get
all that you desire. Spare no one.

Mind you, name has nothing to do with it. The following is the Guru
Pragma viz Christ Jesus prayers to help anyone to find the clues to
implement such a murder for all time to come. You have to believe in
flawless victory. Hiel Hitler!

MMMMMK, ,xNMMMMMNx' .:kK0kxdxO00o' .lKWMNk;..OMMMMM
MMMMMN: ,xNMMMMMXx' .,'. ..'' .ld; ,KMMMMM

Please find below the morning, noon, and evening prayer lists I try to
do on a daily basis to be able to deal with the shit culture of the evil
empire of the JUBU. The evil empire of the JUBU comprises of the
republics of the following waco transcendentalist mafia:

1)Taiwan - Republic of the Zen(Dharma Drum)
2)Israel - Repubic of the Yiddish(Lebovitch)
3)Sicily - Republic of the LGBTQ(Temple of Satan[])
4)Haiti - Republic of the Vudu(Jehova's Witness)
5)Hawaii - Republic of the Hindu(Swaminarayan)
6)Trinidad - Republic of the Trini(Sai Baba)
7)Indonesia - Republic of the Creole(Ravi Das)
8)Phillipines - Republic of the Hapa(Suma Chingk Hai)
9)Tibet - Republic of the Hoon(Dalie Lama)
10)Brooklyn(NY, USA) - Republic of the Roma(Srilie Prabupada)

The modus operandi of the evil empire of the JUBU is to control people
through the elicit use of psychotropics, narcotics, liquor,
soya-neurotoxins, tobacco, and human experimentation drugs, whether
through their bullshit blessed food or through institutionalization by
forced means under the pretense of medical malpractice.
Psychologically, the evil empire of the JUBU controls people through
forcing people into believing in mantras, koans, and zazen excercises.
The mantras are a repitition of meaningless phrases or words. The koans
are repitious focus on meaningless riddles. The zazens are focusing on
the meaningless breath through repetitious breathing excercises.
Focusing on meaningless things disrupt critical thinking. As such,
those ways which are heavily taught and encouraged lead sentient beings
to the point of insitutionalization by the industrys of
Transcendentalism, Allopahty, Microsoft, Niggervision, Palmistry, and
Insurance. By any means necessary they will try to make the consumption
of such control substances as in psychotropics, narcotics, liquor,
soya-neurotoxins, tobacco, and human experimentation drugs possible. As
well, by any means necessary the evil empire of the JUBU will try to use
whichever means to have people focus on mantras, koans, and zazen
excercises. It is like that among them and their Satanic 666 hell bent
on the religious war of the Jewish ancestorys from ages hence for at
least 5,000 to 1 million years.

The Satanic 666 are the 6 people, places, and things working toward the
mass murder of humanity in defense of their blood money and the
harvesting of souls from others who are not off them for the sake of
their Jewish pride and prejudice.

The Satanic 6 people are the Gypsys, Africans, Hispanics,
Orientals(Vietnamese), British, and those people of the Tamil, Taino,
Terron, and Tiwi diasporas. Their level of wanton disregard and
disrespect toward human life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, property,
faith, and propriety is more than anything. There is not a sentient
being who has not been affected by their evil influence from ages hence.

The Satanic 6 places are the hell wholes of the industrys of
Transcendentalism, Allopathy, Microsoft, Niggervision, Palmistry, and
Insurance corporations of whichever bilk and swindel. Most people are
herded and conditioned to be victims of that kind of systemic nightmare
on earth made into the Transcendentalist economic system here in America
to India and whichever else out there. It is like that among them and
their niggardly ways of jail, institution, homeless shelter, rehab,
deportation center, and internment camp. An Irish chap in prison told
me that those ways of hostaging, as in the Transcendentalism, are the
ways and means by which this America gets its' bills paid. So many are
murdered and their very life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, property,
faith, and propriety are taken so that yet another reiteration of the
failed Jewish investment strategy is done, which they call blood money.

The Satanic 6 things are the very unfit for human consumption poisons
which have become the opiate of the masses. The Satanic 6 things are
none other than the psychotropics, narcotics, liquor, soya-neurotoxins,
tobacco, and human experimentation drugs that are commonly sold as
vitamin pills the world over. From rural farming villages in India to
post modern urban citys of America we see a world inundated with a pill
culture that just never works. Yet, they are used to further the
religious war aims of the Jewish diaspora and their penchant to trespass
into whomevers' republic.

I find in life, whichever the nigger Jews are against, those things tend
to vivify my life in more ways than one. Take for example the Islam
that is so lambasted the world over in whichever stage of the
niggervision, commonly known in the RUSA as Hollywood. It is like that
among them and their zero sum games for whichever ascetic endeavor of
the dionysianism gone mad, or to say mutually assured destruction.

But there is hope. A chance to reclaim what was once lost and even
stolen by the very harbingers of the Satanic Dharma and their Temples of
Satan. While they may say words as God, Jehova, and Satanam we find
they have an origin in the very abusers of history. It is as follows:
God - Gott - Goetz - Gauth - Gautama Buddha

The second nigger of the Buddhist lineage to have blighted this earth
planet to engender a mass suicide through idiotic ways of life as in
vegetarianism, yoga, meditation, martial arts, idolatry, casteism,
sports, chess, arguementation, and multi-level marketing. The Made in
Taiwan Zen cult Dharma Drum is infamous for the decemination of the way
of the God or to say Gautama Buddha. So much of Jewish propoganda is
heavily immersed in the themes of the Zen ways of life. Even the tried
and true mantra of "One nation under God in liberty and justice for all"
has become an entry into a life of serious use and abuse filled with all
sorts of austerities which largely justify the Jewish diasporas wanton
disregard and disrespect of the ways of life of Indians, Christians,
Muslims, Europeans, Russians, and Chinese. As a result, the trespass
into other peoples propriety has occurred to usurp the money, name, and
fame tactics of the Jewish diaspora. Again, through the culture of the
pill and forced institutionalization by any means necessary of the
Jewish blight.

Yet, it is proven throughout history that such a trespass, albeit
successful for some time, incurs a serious penalty. It is for that
reason why so many of the Jewish investment strategy were holocausted in
Europe, Russia, China, and nowadays in Arabia. What else can you do
among them as they try to not only betray their own laws and agreements
but also whomevers' to justify the torture and torment of humanity. Ask
yourself this: Is it better to starve to death with vegetarianism or eat
food that is abundantly farmed and made so that we can further
successful survival? Nothing wrong with beef, pork, egg, cola, cake,
and snacks but those are the very things they are against. They will
tell you that the heart is better fed through starvation diets as
vegetarianism; or drinking a serious poison as red wine; or even to do
torturous exercises as weight lifting or tennis or swimming or martial
arts or even the backbreaking yoga; or tirelessly work like a corporate
slave carrying on the burden of not only the indebted life but the
survival fo family, country, kith, and kin at great expense to oneself;
and even to take some adhoc mix of rocks conartistly promoted as a cure
all. That type of ascetic mindset goes even further to the development
of serious industrys of mass murder to claim that some adhoc concoction
of rocks from a perdiodic table of elements will cure whichever malady
out there. What they really do is to control people to be of a malady
and then die prematurely only to rob whomever of the very life, liberty,
pursuit of happiness, property, faith, and propriety we so strive for?
Indeed, it is like that among those of the Satanci 666 and the evil
empire of the JUBU.

But documentarilly, actually, theoretically, logically, financially, and
evangelically such banalitys as that of the Dying Arts tend
toward a state of hell at best or even eternal damnation. That is what
is there in a holocaustic world filled with serious pathogens and the
Satanic 666 people, places, and things..

While I admit the industrys of Transcendentalism, Allopathy, Microsoft,
Niggervision, Palmistry, and Insurance have interesting clues; most of
their thing is seriously wraught with corruption and crimes toward
humanity more than anything I have read about. They say around %80 of
humanity is on the pill of somekind or the other. They are so advanced
that they can map the vector of anyones' life to capture their moneys
for something that just never works.

Among the Satanic 666 of people, places, and things; such things as
social work, paralegal services, pastoral services, psychological
counseling, fiat moneys, and housing assistance are quite helpful for
anyone trying to find some means of support system in a world filled
with serious economic horrors. But here's the deal, to get those
wonderful life assistance support services one has to go through a
battery of jail, institution, homeless shelter, rehab, internment camp,
and deportation center.

That is what I have discovered in my over 25 years of trails and
tribulations. An Odyssey much like that of Odysseus repeated in the
most post modern way like the book "The Odyssey" by Homer of Greek
antiquity. Was it the religious war of the Satanic Dharma that I was
fighting unknown to myslelf until many years later through so many
efforts toward prayer, chanting, and meditation in the wrong way using
such words as God, Jehova, and Satanam in my practice that I was
villified or made wronged? Was it the forces of the great fallacys of
the priests, politicians, professionals, police, professors, and
philosophers of the Jew baiting culture working toward yet another
failed Jewish investment strategy for all concerned? Was it again the
ignorance which is not bliss of the Dying Artists trying to further
their ethos of silence, stillness, stupidity, stupefying,
shelping(carrying a heavy burden of a debt), suiciding, sacrificing, and
even subjugating ways of the Satanic Dharma of the Jewish diaspora, who
again are of the Yiddish, Zen, Vudu, Hindu, LGBTQ, Trini, Creole, Hapa,
Hoon, and Roma ancestorys? That maybe, as history is replete with such
failures from the Nubian kingdom of Egypt to the New Age Movement of the
evil empire of the JUBU, to even my homeland of the Indian

Satanam : Satanic Dharma

The meditation on Satanam and the ways of life of the Satanic Dharma
largely promoted through cult organizations of Taiwan, Israel, Sicily,
Haiti, Hawaii, Trinidad, Indonesia, Phillipines, Tibet, and Brooklyn(NY,
USA) is the very thing that has made monkeys of seriously astute people
the world over. Many who are academically gifted and talented are mass
marketed the meditation on the Satanam through cult organizations as
Suma Chingk Hai of Taiwan. It is through the meditation on the Satanam
that people are forced into a life of destitution in the lap of luxury
as America and most developed places of the world.
Jehova :
Je = Jewish
H = House
Ov = Of
A = Hades

Indeed, the Jehova's witnesses are the most proselytizing to hostage
whomever for the sake of their Jew baiting culture. Apparently, the
Jehova's' Witnesses claim to have defeated the forces of the Nazis. How
did that happen through their shit culture of the pill is not evidenced.
But they will delude people through the promotion of the worship of the
Jewish House of Hades, which they have truncated as Jehova, to further
their Satanic 666 aims of caste like corporate slavery of whichever
multi-level massacre. That too the Jehova's witnesses have packaged a
faith that is a pathetic imitation of Islam that results unlike Islam.

In the face of the evil ones the Jehova's Witnesses ways just do not
work. There is a world of hurt out there filled with all sorts mafias,
gangs, and syndicates of whichever ideation. I find if you do it the
wrong way you end up seriously victimized. The forces of jail,
institution, homeless shelter, rehab, internment camp, and deportation
center are no joke and are only defeated through the recitation of the
Arabic Islamic Shahada.

Those businesses of the Satanic 666 will do anything for the sake of
their blood money. Ain't no FIAT moneys encouraging some level of
synergy or mutual success. The blood money of the Satanic 666 is a
serious issue for many as it seeks to mass murder anyone for the sake of
yet another failed Jewish investment strategy. Like for example, the
destruction of the World Trade Center, drowning of Louisiana,
devastation of Iraq, and even the decimation of Hispania. Apparently
the Satanic 666 and their evil empire of the JUBU have plans for a
strike by space against a major realm and attack by information against
a major movement.

Will that be another form of suicide ritual of hostages who did not know
any better in life? What is this? I tell ya, ignorance is not bliss.
It is for this reason why I share the clues I have gathered in my 44
years of existence traveling through the dimensions of this NYC and
other parts of the earth planet inundated with those niggardly ways of
the evil empire of the JUBU.

Documentarilly, actually, theoretically, logically, financially, and
evangelically the Guru pragma viz Christ Jesus prayers seems to work but
again it is a work in progress. The Guru pragma is open source and is
intended to help people overcome the vicissitudes of the life conditions
engendered through practices of the Dying Arts. I hope you too through
the auspices of Christ Jesus also find the victorys I have by simply
saying the words that have made a world of wonder possible.

The Guru pragma is based on clues about pschological sets they have
been mentioned by the evil ones. They are as follows:

Set 1:
Sex and Agression

Set 2:
Excitement, Joy, Sorrow, Laughter

Set 3:
Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance

I have aliased a prayer of a certain juxtaposed language based on
evidence of success in using such prayers to deal with such ideations
implemented through the instruments of destruction by the evil empire of
the JUBU. There is alot going on out there in the cosmic consciousness,
which is not always sensible. Sounds of rape, murder, insult, injury,
and so on. I have found that by calling upon Christ Jesus seems to be
able to deal with such issues helps to deprogram from such influences
and move into a more forboding stasis. How long this will happen I am
not too sure. They say it is forever. The so called everlasting life.

Indeed, following those nigger masters of the Dying Arts lead me into a
series of regression, a state of hell if you will. But through Christ
Jesus as my personal God(Higher Power), Guru(Godman), Gnosis(Way of
Life) I seem to be recovering from such negativity. Ask and you shall
recieve is an understatement. For example, I am now typing using a Dell
Optiplex 3010 using this wonderful Linux Fedora 32 operating system. I
am able to communicate to loved ones, friends, and others out there in
my network. It is nice and some good way to make life worth living. The
following are some nice projects I am working on to better myself and
others in my meditation of the heart:

1)CompuBBS a tool to research and develop across the network in a sound
cogent way that is effective or results true

2)Cybermatrix possibly using the pulse, rectangle, tacohead waveform for
the open source fiat like moneys initiative

3)Guru Pragma to further the ontology of the wonderful guru Christ Jesus
and have a proper meditation of the heart

4)Somanix(Minix, X11, React OS) open source productivity environment to
free people from the precariousness of the Microsoft or to say a
pathetic solution to a complex problem

5)Anti-gravity enging using the equation e+f=m

6)Wireless electricity generator

7)Artificial intelligence dongle

8)A viable water filtration tool that is on par with the mineral water
Pellegrino and a possible homeopathic remedy of whichever weakened

9)Evangelicalism as a viable spiritual system for the Indian
subcontinent(Aryavarta) and the Deshi diaspora

10)Existentialism as a possible economic system to reinforce and nurture
the synergy or mutual success of a ratio of 1.618 and have women a part
of the money making world rather than live in a world of dependency.
The present Transcendentalist economic system reigning for possibly
5,000 to 1 million years has been the ruin of anyone. We really need to
phase it away. We have to believe in flawless victory and the FIAT like
open source fiduciary network. Believe it or not somethings work.
Those wonderful British itemized 4 letter pragmas are like the love
affair that never quits.

I find saying the below mentioned chantings for a recitation of 12 times
each to be helpful. I use the number 12 because that is what those
of the Palmistry are against. My basic modus operandi in life is that
whatever they are against, I am all for; within the wisdom of Christ
Jesus proven documentarilly, actually, theoretically, logically,
financially, and evangelically of course. So check it out!

Morning Prayers(12 times each) -
Opener - Shahada testimony
Ashaadu ila ila-ha ila-allah wa; ashaadu anna mohammadan rasulu Allah.
(There is only one God; and Prophet Mohammad is the last and final one of
In the name of Jesus Christ who is most Gracious and Merciful.

Bargaining - Arabic prayer
Bismi -llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīmi
al-ḥamdu lillāhi rabbi l-ʿālamīna
ar-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīmi
māliki yawmi d-dīni
ʾiyyāka naʿbudu wa ʾiyyāka nastaʿīnu
ʾihdinā ṣ-ṣirāṭa l-mustaqīma
ṣirāṭ al-lazīna ʾanʿamta ʿalayhim ġayri l-maġḍūbi ʿalayhim wa-lā ḍ-ḍāllīn
In the name of Jesus Christ who is most Gracious and Merciful.

Denial - Hebrew prayer
Shema Israel adonia elohanu adonai ehad; baruch shem kavod malchuto
layolem vaed.
(Hear oh Israel, Hashem is our God, Hashem is one; blessed be the name
of His kingdom forever and ever.)
In the name of Jesus Christ who is most Gracious and Merciful.

Anger - Tamil prayer
O Yahsus Christuvin totara ennaku katavul palam tharukirar
In the name of Jesus Christ who is most Gracious and Merciful.

Depression - Greek prayer
Hesoús Christós, dialogizóme gia ti dóxa tou theoúko zografou borhea mono
fotízei tou myaló mas
In the name of Jesus Christ who is most Gracious and Merciful.

Acceptance - Latin prayer
Pater noster, qui es in caelis,
sanctificetur nomen tuum.
Adveniat regnum tuum.
Fiat voluntas tua,
sicut in caelo, et in terra.
Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie,
et dimitte nobis debita nostra,
sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris.
Et ne nos inducas in tentationem,
sed libera nos a malo.
In the name of Jesus Christ who is most Gracious and Merciful.

Shock - English Salvation testimony
O Yah,
I admit I am a sinner.
I believe that I need Jesus Christ to overcome sin and death.
I confess of my sins.
In the name of Jesus Christ who is most Gracious and Merciful.

Confusion - French prayer
O mon Dieu, adoration au grand seigneur prêt à adorer;
In the name of Jesus Christ who is most Gracious and Merciful.

Closing - Symbolum Apostolorum
Pistévo eis Theòn patéra, Pantokrátora, Poiitín ouranoú kaí gís.
Kaí (eis) Iisoún Christòn, Yión Aftoú tòn monogení, tòn Kýrion imón,
tòn syllifthénta ek Pnévmatos agíou, gennithénta ek Marías tís parthénou,
pathónta epí Pontíou Pilátou, stavrothénta, thanónta, kaí tafénta,
katelthónta eis tá katótata, tí tríti iméra anastánta apò tón nekrón,
anelthónta eis toús ouranoús, kathezómenon en dexiá Theoú Patrós
ekeíthen erchómenon krínai zóntas kaí nekroús.
Pistévo eis tò Pnevma tò ágion, agían katholikín ekklisían, agíon
áfesin amartión, sarkós anástasin, zoín aiónion.
In the name of Jesus Christ, who is most Gracious and Merciful.

Of course, a nice prayer addressed to Jesus Christ for yourself and your
loved ones. Ask and you shall recieve.
Noontime prayers(12 times each) -
Opener - Shahada testimony
Ashaadu ila ila-ha ila-allah wa;
ashaadu anna mohammadan rasulu Allah.
(There is only one God; and Prophet Mohammad is the last and final one of
In the name of Jesus Christ who is most Gracious and Merciful.

And – Arabic al-fatiha prayer
Bismi-llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīmi
al-ḥamdu lillāhi rabbi l-ʿālamīna
ar-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīmi
māliki yawmi d-dīni
ʾiyyāka naʿbudu wa ʾiyyāka nastaʿīnu
ʾihdinā ṣ-ṣirāṭa l-mustaqīma
ṣirāṭ al-lazīna ʾanʿamta ʿalayhim ġayri l-maġḍūbi ʿalayhim wa-lā ḍ-ḍāllīn
In the name of Jesus Christ who is most Gracious and Merciful.

Neurosis - Swahili gloria patri prayer
Atukuzwe Baba,
na Mwana
na Roho Mtakatifu.
Kama mwanzo,
na siku zote,
na milele na milele.
(Glory be to the Father, and to the Son:
and to the Holy Ghost;
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be:
world without end.)
In the name of Jesus Christ who is most Gracious and Merciful.

Balkanization - Hindi prayer
Pavitr Khuda,
pavitr paraakramee,
pavitr amar ek,
ham par aur pooree,
duniya mein daya hai.
(Holy God, Holy Mighty One,
Holy Immortal One,
have mercy on us
and on the whole world.)
In the name of Jesus Christ who is most Gracious and Merciful.

Assimilation - Irish prayer
O mo Dhia,
tá brón orm as mo pheacaí mar rinne mé cion ort.
Tá a fhios agam gur chóir dom grá a thabhairt duit thar aon rud eile.
Cuidigh liom pionós a dhéanamh,
níos fearr a dhéanamh,
agus aon rud a d’fhéadfadh
peaca a sheachaint.
(O my God, I am sorry for my sins because I have offended you. I know I
should love you above all things. Help me to do penance, to do better,
and to avoid anything that might lead me to sin.) In the name of Jesus
Christ who is most Gracious and Merciful. Amen.

Alienation - German prayer
Heilig, heilig, heilig
Gott, Herr aller Mächte und Gewalten.
Erfüllt sind Himmel und Erde
von seiner Herrlichkeit.
Hosanna in der Höhe!
Hoch gelobt sei,
der da kommt im Namen des Herrn!
Hosanna in der Höhe!
In the name of Jesus Christ who is most Gracious and Merciful.

Aggression - Italian angelus prayer
ti supplichiamo,
o Signore,
La tua grazia nei nostri cuori;
che come abbiamo conosciuto l'incarnazione di Cristo,
tuo Figlio dal messaggio di un angelo,
così per la sua passione e croce possiamo essere portati alla gloria
della sua risurrezione.
Per lo stesso Cristo,
nostro Signore.
(Pour forth, we beseech You, O Lord,
Your Grace into our hearts;
that as we have known the incarnation of Christ,
your Son by the message of an angel,
so by His passion and cross we may be brought to the glory of His
Through the same Christ, our Lord.)
In the name of Jesus Christ, who is most Gracious and Merciful.

Sex - Spanish prayer
Gracias Deos por todo
In the name of Jesus Christ who is most Gracious and Merciful.

Closing - Greek Symbolum Apostolorum
Pistévo eis Theòn patéra,
Poiitín ouranoú kaí gís.
Kaí (eis) Iisoún Christòn,
Yión Aftoú tòn monogení,
tòn Kýrion imón,
tòn syllifthénta ek Pnévmatos agíou, gennithénta ek Marías tís parthénou,
pathónta epí Pontíou Pilátou,
kaí tafénta,
katelthónta eis tá katótata,
tí tríti iméra anastánta apò tón nekrón,
anelthónta eis toús ouranoús,
kathezómenon en dexiá Theoú Patrós pantodynámou,
ekeíthen erchómenon krínai zóntas kaí nekroús.
Pistévo eis tò Pnevma tò ágion, agían katholikín ekklisían,
agíon koinonían,
áfesin amartión,
sarkós anástasin,
zoín aiónion.
In the name of Jesus Christ, who is most Gracious and Merciful.

Of course, a nice prayer addressed to Jesus Christ for yourself and your
loved ones. Ask and you shall recieve.
Evening prayers(12 times each) -
Opener - Shahada testimony
Ashaadu ila ila-ha ila-allah wa;
ashaadu anna mohammadan rasulu Allah.
(There is only one God; and Prophet Mohammad is the last and final one of
In the name of Jesus Christ who is most Gracious and Merciful.

And - Arabic Al-fatiha prayer
Bismi -llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīmi
al-ḥamdu lillāhi rabbi l-ʿālamīna
ar-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīmi
māliki yawmi d-dīni
ʾiyyāka naʿbudu wa ʾiyyāka nastaʿīnu
ʾihdinā ṣ-ṣirāṭa l-mustaqīma
ṣirāṭ al-lazīna ʾanʿamta ʿalayhim ġayri l-maġḍūbi ʿalayhim wa-lā ḍ-ḍāllīn
In the name of Jesus Christ who is most Gracious and Merciful.

Guilt - English Salvation testimony
O Yah,
I admit I am a sinner.
I believe that I need Jesus Christ to overcome sin and death.
I confess of my sins.
In the name of Jesus Christ who is most Gracious and Merciful.

Pain - Urudu prayer
Allah ka shukar hai ke aap ke paisay ke tohfay ke liye.
(Thanks God, for your gift of money.)
In the name of Jesus Christ who is most Gracious and Merciful.

Excitement - Chinese prayer
Shangdi a! Qiú mí cì wǒ wěn jìng de xīn, qù jiēnà wǒ suǒ bùnéng gǎibiàn
de shìwù; cì wǒ wúxiàn yǒngqì, qù gǎibiàn nà yǒu kěnéng gǎibiàn de
dōngxī; bìng cì wǒ zhìhuì qù rènshí zhè liǎng zhě de chāyì.
(Oh God! Please give me a calm heart to accept the things that I cannot
change; Give me unlimited courage to change the things that may change;
And give me wisdom to understand the difference between the two.)
In the name of Jesus Christ who is most Gracious and Merciful.

Joy - Polish prayer
W Imię Ojca i Syna i Ducha Świętego
(In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.)
In the name of Jesus Christ who is most Gracious and Merciful.

Sorrow - Russian prayer
Dospodi Hesous Christea,
sinea boziya,
pomiluea menea gresnaog
(Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.)
In the name of Jesus Christ who is most Gracious and Merciful.

Laughter - Hebrew prayer (to start it off)
Shema Israel adonai elohanu adonai ehad; baruch shem kavod malchuto
layolem vaed.
(Hear oh Israel, Hashem is our God, Hashem is one; blessed be the name
of His kingdom forever and ever.)
In the name of Jesus Christ who is most Gracious and Merciful.

Closing - Symbolum Apostolorum
Pistévo eis Theòn patéra, Pantokrátora, Poiitín ouranoú kaí gís.
Kaí (eis) Iisoún Christòn, Yión Aftoú tòn monogení, tòn Kýrion imón,
tòn syllifthénta ek Pnévmatos agíou, gennithénta ek Marías tís parthénou,
pathónta epí Pontíou Pilátou, stavrothénta, thanónta, kaí tafénta,
katelthónta eis tá katótata, tí tríti iméra anastánta apò tón nekrón,
anelthónta eis toús ouranoús, kathezómenon en dexiá Theoú Patrós
ekeíthen erchómenon krínai zóntas kaí nekroús.
Pistévo eis tò Pnevma tò ágion, agían katholikín ekklisían, agíon
áfesin amartión, sarkós anástasin, zoín aiónion.
In the name of Jesus Christ, who is most Gracious and Merciful.

Of course, a nice prayer addressed to Jesus Christ for yourself and your
loved ones. Ask and you shall recieve.

Anyway, God bless and God speed for Jesus Christ is God. Always a
pleasure. I want you to win over the vice grip of the Jewish blight
upon humanity and thier Dying Arts ways of life engendering all sorts of
social maladys. Good luck to you. All the best. You are forever in my
prayers. Remember, Jesus Christ is the True gift blessed by God.

.c0N0c. .:' .xNX: .,;. ,kNKo.
.:ON0c. .::' .xNK: .,c,. ;ONKl.
.;ON0l. .::;kNKo,c,. .c0N0c.
;OWXo. .,::ONKd;:' .lKNk,
.cKW0: .,c,..xNXc .::' ;ON0:
.dNNk' .:,. .xNK: .:;. 'xNXo.
,kWXo. . .xNK: . .oXNk'
.cKW0: .xNK: :0W0:
.dXNk' .xNK: ,kNXo.
,kNXo. .xNK: .oXNx'
:0W0: .xNK: .:0W0;
.oXNk' .xNK: ,kNXl.
,kNXo. .xNK: .dNNx'
:0W0: .xNX: .cKWO;
.oXNk' .xNXc ,OWKl.

"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad" - divine voice

P.S. There is no that of a thing as a hundred percent. There is some
good out there. Please find below yet another schema in my research and
development of things. Remember, the prime directive is to never allow
for the trespass of the Jewish diaspora comprising of the Yiddish, Zen,
Vudu, Hindu, LGBTQ, Trini, Creole, Hapa, Hoon, and Roma ancestorys.
Pray about it. Read about it. So on and so forth.

# - network - tool - use - idnustry - smurf - mutuality - signal
1 - Simulcast - radio - spiritual - spirituality - arabian - comaradery
- analog

2 - Internet - computer - technological - technology - indian -
reciprocity - digital

3 - Cybermatrix - television - financial - fiduciary - hispanic -
synergy - pulse?

4 - Tektocracy - console - architectural - realty - african - ? - ?

5 - Silodrive? - tazer - jurisdictional - security - mullato -

6 - Darkring - pda - sexual - sexuality - oriental - ? - ?

7 - Datatron - trakker(i.e. fitbit) - medical - homeopathy - european -
? - ?

8 - Heliopex - watch - political - russian - legality - unity - ?

9 - Transpace - beeper(a.k.a smartphone) - recreational - grocery -
british - ? - ?

10 - Starscape - controller - audiovisual - artistry - australian - ? -
11 - Sneakerweb - tablet - educational - pedagogy - gypsy - infidelity - ?

Data - basis of reasoning
Tron - tool for scientific work

Helio - relating to the sun
Pex - perpetual state of being

"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

Aryavartan Riekh

Oct 26, 2020, 1:55:32 AM10/26/20
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